Standard of Generosity by Rev. Richard Barker My dear parishioners, Jesus did not say, Blessed are the poor in spirit who do thus and so. If “thus and so” were the case, then Jesus would have prostrated himself before the law instead of fulfilling it. To the contrary, Jesus himself set the standard of generosity that governs all members and clergy of the Church: THEREFORE I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. [Mt 12:31-32] Jesus taught that if one denies Holy Spirit, there is no saving him. From the dread consequence of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, there is no recovery. Note well that our merciful Lord never accused anyone, including his enemies, of actually crossing the boundary by word or deed. He said, You are warned. Yet the power of this gospel message cannot be denied: Our Lord's kindness and forgiveness are astounding and prodigal. Yes, only one sin is unforgivable. Mercifully, all other sins against God, other persons or one’s own self may be forgiven! The Lord's words nevertheless are a correc ve for this skep cal and disrespec ul genera on. Stand apart from the arrogance and anger of the present age. Do not harden your hearts. Do not become stubborn to the point that you deny God's good in this world, presuming that no frui ul possibility exists for God's authen c grace and redemp on. Or that love and Chris an service are irrelevant in view of the enormous popula on of poor and neglected human beings. Know that the Word of God strengthens you. Christ himself has given you a model of service and a posi ve, affirming benchmark of Chris an love. As Christ forgives your sins, forgive others! As Christ has given you wonderful gi s, especially the sacraments, give to others who are in need. … (con nued on page 5) Deacon’s Corner - “Drop Your Nets” by Deacon John Sarabia As a prophet, Jonah was given a half-way easy assignment to carry out. God told him to travel to Nineveh (present day Syria) and warn the people that their evil ways had angered the Lord and that he was going to destroy the city in 40 days. Fortunately for Jonah, God was not speaking about his own country and moreover Nineveh was made up of God-fearing people. The people repented, and the Lord did not carry out his threat. Jonah's words got through to the people. They realized that he was one of God's prophets and obeyed. What about today? Do you hear any of God's prophets preaching to you? Sure you do, Father Barker for one. But through our common bap sm, we are all priests, prophets and kings in Jesus Christ. Other “prophets” could be your wife, your kids or your good friends making appeals to you to change. But why should I change, you ask? I like the way I am. What is there to change anyway? … (con nued on page 5) St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church, Huffman, Texas January 25, 2015 “Ac vely striving to be a holy and loving Family of Faith, serving God and neighbor.” We welcome you to our parish. If you would like to become a member please fill out a registra on form located on the counter underneath the glass display case or visit our website: Mass Inten ons and Scripture Readings Monday, January 26 (St. Timothy and Titus) 8:30 am - Special inten ons of Deacon John Sarabia Readings: Titus 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday, January 27 (St. Angela Merici) 8:30 am - +Repose of the souls of Norbert and Ger e Luke+ Readings: Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday, January 28 (St. Thomas Aquinas) 8:30 am - Special inten ons of Windy McMichael Readings: Hebrews 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday, January 29 10:00 am - +Repose of the soul of Sylvester Leonards+ Readings: Hebrews 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 Friday, January 30 8:30 am - Special inten ons of Father Barker Readings: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday, January 31 (St. John Bosco) 8:30 am - +Repose of the soul of Ger e Luke+ Readings: Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday Masses Saturday, January 31 5:00 pm - +Repose of the soul of Ger e Luke+ Sunday, February 1 8:30 am - +Repose of the soul of Jim Landry+ 11:00 am - For the People of Our Parish Readings: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Corinthians 7:32-35; Mark 1:21-28 Altar Flowers Are Given In Loving Memory of Marcelle Sherrill From Her Friends and Family Collec ons Sunday Collec on (1/11) Children’s Collec on Needy Debt Re rement Thank you! $6,809.00 42.00 1,873.00 230.00 Dress Standard for All Masses/Adora on Men/Young Men/Boys (who have made 1st Communion): Shirts and pants. Women/Young Women/Girls (who have made their 1st Communion): Modest Dresses, Coordinated Ensembles, or Shirt/Blouses with Pants. Clothing not proper: flip-flops, shorts, cutoffs, t-shirts, body shirts, sloppy jeans, tank tops, & revealing clothing. Celebra ng Parish Life We welcome our newest parishioners: Frank and Blossom Medina Charles and Jamie Stephens We pray for God’s blessings in your life! Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) “Be Rich in Good Works...Ready to Share” Our 2015 DSF begins next weekend in every parish throughout the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Christ calls us to reach those who are sick or in need, to bless them and serve them. The thousands of people served by the ministries of the Archdiocese need your compassion and generosity. Your kind gi to DSF enables us to reach out to people in this parish and throughout the en re Archdiocese through more than 60 important programs. This week, all registered parishioners will receive a le er from our Archbishop, Cardinal DiNardo, along with personalized pledge card, invi ng you to hear Christ’s call of a generous heart to Be Rich in Good Works...Ready to Share through your par cipa on in this year’s DSF. Pray about your commitment, then complete the enclosed pledge cared and return it via mail or bring it to Mass next weekend. If you prefer, you may go online at to make your dona on. Your generosity will allow our Catholic community to con nue many vital programs and services. Our parish goal for this year is $34,100.00 Adult Formation Presentation “Mary, Our Spiritual Mother” The Adult Educa on and Forma on Council invites you to a end a special event en tled "Mary, Our Spiritual Mother" on Monday, February 2, 6:30 pm in the parish hall. Jan Williams, member of St. Philip's Disciples of Jesus and Mary ministry, will be presen ng this beau ful topic. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that, "while in the most Blessed Virgin the church has already reached that perfec on whereby she exists without spot or wrinkle, the faithful s ll strive to conquer sin and increase in holiness. And so they turn their eyes to Mary" (CCC 829). Mary is a sign of hope and comfort to all of us who are trying to be more like Christ. Let us come together and turn our eyes to Mary! Join us as we nurture our rela onship with Our Blessed Mother by deepening our understanding of her significance in our Catholic faith and in our lives. Refreshments will be served. Please do not bring bo led water, soda, food, candy or gum into the Sanctuary and Day Chapel of the Church. Please honor the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and wear modest clothing. Prayer Service for Peace Please join us for our monthly prayer service on Wednesday, January 28th. We begin with Holy Mass at 8:30 am followed by coffee and donuts in the hall, then our prayer service at -2- 9:30 am. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Cycle B; The Year of Consecrated Life When entering and depar ng the Church, please guard the silent prayer of others. Fr. Barker’s Monday Day Off and Vaca on Knights of Columbus Super Bowl Chili Sale Pints and quarts of the KC’s homemade chili, in mason jars, will again be available for purchase a er all Masses the weekend of the Super Bowl, Jan 31st and Feb 1st. Pints will sell for $6 and Quarts for $10. As always, all proceeds will benefit KC chari es and the parish community at St. Philip. Support the Knights and enjoy some more really good chili . Dear St. Philip parishioners, Beginning Mondays in February I’m going to start taking a genuine full “day off” each week away from the parish. I’m also going to start taking my full vaca on of four weeks each year star ng in 2015. Through the 22 years of my priesthood I’ve worked consistently seven days each week while taking only a fracon of my vaca on annually. This sort of schedule assuredly has a huge impact on any priest’s general wellbeing, happiness and health over me. And reluctantly I’ve had to accept this reality and make a change. The fact that St. Philip’s rectory is connected to the parish office and only a few feet away from the main doors of the Church means that a weekly quiet day off (or vacaon days) here at the campus simply is not possible. This requires a change in the weekday Mass schedule. Star ng February 09, I will be away from campus on Mondays and unable to offer a daily Mass. I know well how this will affect our daily Mass communicants, and I know that it will impact those especially who a end Mass every day. And I regret this. As I look through the sacred calendar for 2015, Mass will be offered however on these Mondays at St. Philip: Feb 02 (Presenta on of the Lord); Apr 06 (Easter Octave); and Nov 02 (All Souls). The Monday Mass mes of our area Churches are: St. Martha (Kingwood) 8:30 AM; St. Mary Magdalene (Humble) 8:30 AM; Sacred Heart (Crosby) 8:30 AM; and St. John the Divine (New Caney) 7 PM Spanish. I’m grateful for your understanding of my situa on, asking for your con nual prayers, and looking forward to a frui ul and exci ng priestly future. And with the blessing, at St. Philip the Apostle! Sincerely in Christ, Reverend Richard Barker. Women’s Guild Monthly Luncheon Our Women’s Guild monthly luncheon will be held at Tai Li’s Chinese restaurant, on Tuesday, January 27th, at 11:30 am. Bake Sale Our Women’s Guild is sponsoring their annual bake sale on February 7th and 8th a er the Saturday Vigil Mass and Sunday morning Masses. We ask all our Ladies Guild members and parishioners to help by dona ng their favorite homemade baked goods and bring them to the Sunday Mass they a end that weekend. This is the main fundraiser for the Women’s Guild and all proceeds will benefit the liturgical life of our parish. Morning of Reflec on The Women's Guild will be holding their annual Morning of Reflec on on Tuesday, February 10th beginning with 8:30 am Mass and ending with a noon me brunch. Re red Deacon Al O'Brien will give the retreat. Deacon Al was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate in February 1984. He has had varied assignments throughout the 27 years; 14 of them in the criminal jus ce ministry. He con nues in ministry at St. Martha's, Kingwood, on a reduced basis. Deacon Al will concelebrate Mass with Fr. Barker and deliver a short homily. We welcome Deacon Al and invite all the women of St. Philip to join with us on this special day. Bap sm Classes We will be offering bap smal instruc on for those parents wan ng to bap ze their children. The instruc on is for both parents and godparents and is open to families who have been registered in the parish for at least 6 months. Parents and godparents who have received bap smal instruc on in the last 3 years are exempt. The next classes will be offered on Sundays, March 1st and 8th. All persons must a end both classes. Please register through the parish office prior to the classes. Only those who are preregistered may a end. Beginning March 2015 New Date for Anoin ng of Sick -3- Beginning in March, the anoin ng of the sick will be moved to the first Tuesday of the month immediately following the 8:30 am Mass. First Communion Class Updates Confirma on Class Updates Dear Families, Our first sacrament classes have been joyfully busy learning more about our Catholic faith. Along with preparing for their First Reconcilia on, they have been learning about the Holy Days of Obliga ons, Advent, St. Nicholas (patron saint of children and the poor) with other feast days as they approach. The students par cipated in this year’s first St. Nicholas elementary student community service project to donate their extra chore income and/or spare change from their allowances for a SVdP family in need. They managed to bring in over $100 for the family, so they may have a good Christmas. The children’s generosity will be rewarded four mes. With God’s graces, children can really make great things happen for those in need through their li le and precious acts of kindness. Since November, First Sacraments children have been par cipa ng and engaging within their CCE class for the First Reconcilia on Prayer Service on January 24th. Knowing, loving and serving God is absolutely not limited to this one hour a week in CCE class. Our children are witnesses to how we parents know, love and serve Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the formal CCE religious learning environment is an extension of what they prac ce at home with their families. God sent his beloved Son Jesus to us; Jesus prayed and lovingly taught us to pray. Our Sacramental catechist team asks fellow parishioners to pray for our students and their families as they con nue to learn and embrace the Catholic teachings for years to come. Isabella Cisneros Abeni-Shai Medina Gianna Gu errez Kelsey Odom Stefania Gu errez Trinity Reese Jamie Jenkins Brennan Smith AJ Jozwiak Samantha Soto Alex Kubiak Noah Watson Abby Landry Dear St. Philip’s family, Our Confirma on students are encouraged to learn to pray and dedicate some me each day to pray. Prayer is powerful and comfor ng. Prayer can sustain us through difficult mes and can help us stay connected to our faith. “Cradle Catholics” learn to pray at a very young age. We learn our prayers by rote. This means that we learn to pray by repea ng the words un l memorized. Now that is a fine way to learn poetry and school lessons. To truly pray we have to understand what we are saying. We have to mean the words. We have to feel the prayer in our hearts. There in lies the rub! How do we teach this? Learning to pray starts at home. It starts with the family. It starts with a basic understanding of our faith. Catechists have a limited amount of me to share our faith with the students. Parents, grandparents and siblings are the principle teachers of the Catholic faith. Children learn by example. The family that prays together stays together. Catchy saying, but true! This idea of praying as a family is not new. It is not unique. How many mes have you told someone that you “would keep him or her in your prayers”? Did you? Why not take the me to pray, as a family, for those you know who are in need of prayer? This can be a powerful lesson for young children. They don’t have to know the person. All they need to understand is that you gave your word to pray for someone. On Wednesday nights, a er our class me, we gather in the Sanctuary to pray the rosary in La n. We ask the students if they have any special inten ons to pray for. This serves a twofold purpose; that they understand why we pray and also to grasp the power of the prayers being said. They are honest and earnest in their requests for prayer. It is not always for those who are sick. They include friends in need of intercessory prayers and we always pray for our country. (Thank you Jake!) So, the next me you tell someone “I will keep you in my prayers” or “My thoughts and prayers are with you” or “I will pray for you”. Do it! Keep your word and teach a lesson in prayer that will last a life me. Please con nue to pray for the Confirmandi, teaching team and youth mentors as we journey to the Sacrament of Confirma on. Sincerely in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Lyne e Zaunbrecher, Confirma on Coordinator Peace be with you all, Lupe Cupples, First Sacraments Coordinator St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School Open House St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School, 530 Ferguson St., Humble, invites you to their open house on Sunday, January 25th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. The offer Pre K-3 through 8th grade educa on with before and a er school programs available. For more informa on please call 281-446-8535 or visit - 4- RCIA Standard of Generosity (con nued from front page) Are you looking for Jesus? He is looking for you! Remember when you were in elementary school learning your abc's and math tables? Didn't it seem that almost every day you were having li le epiphanies as the lights were going off and illumina ng your mind? Your teacher was instruc ng you and acquain ng you with the ways of the world. The world of Faith is no different. How can you understand the ma ers of Faith unless someone instructs you just like the eunuch was taught by St. Phillip in the book of Acts chapter 8? Let us help you with your spiritual walk back to our Lord. The RCIA program was created for people who are inquiring about spiritual ma ers of God and Faith, and think that the Catholic Church might have the answers to their ques ons. If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church with the possible intent of becoming Catholic, please contact the parish office or call John Sarabia at (281) 923-9659. The RCIA program will begin in the spring of 2015. You are personally invited to join us and learn more about our Lord and the Church He established. ...The Sacred Scriptures clearly iden fy the essen al values of God's Kingdom. The human person possesses infinite value before the most holy face of Christ. The circumstances or obstacles against which everyone contends ul mately will melt away when me is no more. And so it should be for you in this life. Jesus Christ has bequeathed to you a holy way of life. Extend your hands therefore in extravagant and loving service to your neighbor, especially those who in the world's eyes count for nothing. All poor and marginalized persons merit the Spirit's blessings by the very fact of their material impoverishment and poverty of spirit. You will share in their blessings by helping them. Human beings are deserving of blessing, for their broken humanity pleads to God on their behalf. The Church's maternal ministry in the Mys cal Body of Christ compels her to intervene spiritually and materially on behalf of all her helpless li le ones. In the name of Christ, the Church prays for every soul’s recovery from distress and prays for the bea tude of all her children young and old. We are saved by loving God, for he himself has loved us from the beginning as “li le children”. We are invited to an encounter with God who commissions the Church’s members to render mely and effec ve pastoral assistance. God gives his Spirit to rule over the Law, for the Spirit himself is a Spirit of love. God wills the salva on and care of souls to be paramount in the ministry of his Church. You will save yourself when you assist in the salva on of someone else. Authen c love of God and neighbor is all that is fundamentally required for us to administer authen c and frui ul pastoral service to others. If clergy or lay persons make mistakes from me to me in doing God’s work, may such things happen in the course of loving service and not as a consequence of laziness or arrogance. Sincerely in the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Your pastor, Reverend Richard Barker. Deacon’s Corner (con nued from front page) ...What is there to change anyway? Indeed, what is there to change? St Paul tells us "Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect." (Rom12:2) God created us to be special as only we can be special in his eyes! Stop and think for a second. Am I the person the Lord wants me to be? Can I be a be er husband /father or wife /mother? As Sco Hahn o en says, "God loves us as we are, but he loves us too much to leave us that way." What's keeping me from being that person? What am I holding on to? Peter and Andrew were not looking to change, but they heard the words of Jesus, dropped their nets and followed him. "Oh, that today you would hear his voice." (Heb 3:7) St. Angela Merici, Pray for Us! Feast Day: January 27th Patron Saint of Sickness, Handicapped - 5- Receiving Holy Communion DJM Corner When you receive Communion during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ that you are receiving. Holy Communion, in the Catholic Church, is reserved for those who have received the sacrament of First Holy Communion, have been catechized (taught) in our Catholic faith and have made a profession of faith. One should abstain from Holy Communion if they are in mortal sin and have not received the sacrament of reconcilia on. If you are not Roman Catholic or are in need of the Sacrament of Reconcilia on, we ask that you refrain from receiving Holy Communion in the Mass. However, you may go up to one of the ministers for a blessing when Holy Communion is being offered. By crossing your hands over your heart, the Priest or Eucharis c minister will know to give you the blessing. Also, if you choose to receive only the Blessed Sacrament and not from the Chalice, it is fi ng nevertheless to pause for a moment to honor Christ’s presence in the Precious Blood—with an appropriate sign of devo on. We would not think to pass a friend on the street without some acknowledgement. Our Lord Jesus Christ deserves no less, and most assuredly, a great deal more. Fr. Santan Pinto SOLT Disciples of Jesus and Mary Founder He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” – Mt 18:2-3 Steps in Li leness “There are 50 simple steps in li leness. Try them one step at a me. Look at your struggles and tempta ons. You will find one step that will suit you the most at that stage in your life. Do not hurry – remember you’re li le!” Step 11 IN SPEAKING OR EXPRESSING TO THE LORD, KNOW HE NEEDS NO EXPLANATION – HE UNDERSTANDS. God understands us because He loves us and nothing is hidden from Him. “Come to me all you who labor and are weary, and I will give you rest.” God knows us much be er than we know ourselves. We get frustrated expressing ourselves to others because our words fail to describe deeper reali es. God goes beyond our limita ons and our weaknesses. He understands the hidden meanings behind our words. “May the li le child Jesus bless you and accompany you on your journey” -Fr. Santan Pinto SOLT (2011+) Please pray for our fellow parishioners and loved ones as they face illness and recupera on: Ryan Johnson, Windy McMichael, Ann Allison, Frank Zycha, Beverly Bielamowicz, George Baker, Millie Lochridge, Rachel Honza, Charlene Stephenson, Pat Gizinski, Jackie Clark, Daniel Yarbrough, Robert Murray, David Walts, Rita Long, Thelma Carrier, Mary Zycha, Noma Sughrue, Pam Thang, Jeane e Malburg, Roberta Heath, Maria Crowley, Charles Jenny, Barbara Glenn, Jake Guerrero, Sue Pantalion, Lera Cordova, Joe Lumbreraz, Fritz Kemper, Dcn Bob Keller, Juanita Acosta, Darren Hilton, Juan Alvarez, Steve McMichael, Dominic Kasper, Shirley Sims, Preston Fann, Rosie Colle e For more informa on about DJM Spiritual Forma on contact Jan Williams: or visit our website: www.discipleso A PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Please pray for the repose of the souls of: +Dus n Mercer, Doris Comeaux, Sylvester Leonards, David Banmiller, Maria Nicolas Palacios, John Pilgreen, Helen Meyer, Dubelsa Vasquez, Donald Hammes, Lilly Paris, Delia McMahon, W. E. Nelson, Brenda Carr, James Kirby, Pete Pantalion, Maureen Mellon, Felix Zaunbrecher, Bobby Pantalion, Melba Pantalion, Margaret Dennis, Daniel Bielamowicz, Sr., Anita Huval, Jackie Drewe , Frances Jaramillo, Amalia Singler+ Disciples of Jesus and Mary (DJM) God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support voca ons of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever. Amen. -6- LITURGICAL/OFFICE SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm; Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am First Friday: Chaplet of Divine Mercy First Saturday: Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary Daily Masses: Monday - Saturday: 8:30 am Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm; Friday: 9:30 am - noon; Lunch 12:00-1:00 pm SACRAMENTS SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION EUCHARISTIC ADORATION (40 Hours) Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.; (A er 8:30 am Mass by appt.) SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY If you have been par cipa ng ac vely at least six months a er registra on in the parish, you may ask for an appointment with the pastor to begin marriage prepara on. Marriage prepara on requires six months. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM If you have been par cipa ng ac vely at least six months a er registra on in the parish, you may call the parish office to begin bap smal prepara on. Children age 6 or younger; documents are required before bap sm date may be scheduled: parish & bap smal registra ons, birth cer ficate, and bap sm class cer fica ons. Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament takes place following the Thursday morning 8:30 a.m. Mass in the main Church. Eucharis c Adora on begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Adora on Chapel. Adora on concludes with benedic on on Friday at 4:45 p.m. FUNERAL SERVICES To ensure that parish ministers can assist you, please call the parish office before se ng dates and mes for funeral services. Regarding personal spoken remembrances at funeral liturgies, St. Philip parish adheres to the policies of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Holy Anoin ng is offered on the first Monday a er the 8:30 am daily Mass for the healing and spiritual strengthening of those who are seriously ill, impaired by advancing age or in danger of death. MINISTRIES AT ST. PHILIP Pastor - Rev. Richard E. Barker Deacon - John Sarabia (281) 923-9659 Ins tuted Acolyte - John Comeaux (281) 324-2044 Ins tuted Acolyte - Troy Hill (713) 336-3321 Secretary - Windy McMichael Maintenance - Roy Ayala Parish Mailing Address: PO Box 2363, Huffman, TX 77336 Parish Physical Address: 2308 3rd St, Huffman Parish Phone - (281) 324-1478 Parish Fax - (281) 324-2775 Parish E-Mail - Parish Website - Liturgical Altar Servers Father Barker (281) 324-1478 Eucharis c Ministers Kathy O’Donnell (832) 276-3830 Home Bound Kathy O’Donnell (832) 276-3830 Head Sacristan Lyne e Zaunbrecher (281) 386-9783 Sacristan Assistant Lilia Lee (832) 527-8006 Lectors Debbie Pantalion (806) 584-4952 Adornment of the Sanctuary Jan Williams (281) 852-4389 Music Ministry Geralyn Moulds (281) 540-4682 Valerie Sivil (281) 324-6625 Windy McMichael (281) 324-1478 Usher Ministry Michael Reding (713) 385-4985 Social Outreach / Concern Prime Timers (50+) Claudia Herron (281) 324-1101 Rosemont Assisted Living Judy Abdelnoor (281) 360-9728 Prison Ministry Josie Angell (281) 324-1747 Transi ons (Caring and Compassion) Ministry Lane Coco (281) 324-2163 Con nuing Chris an Educa on (CCE) CCE Office (281) 324-1934 Elementary Coordinator Marie Hohmann (281) 360-9032 First Sacrament Coordinator Lupe Cupples (281) 414-3705 Middle School Coordinator Becky Pursell (713) 516-7376 Confirma on/High School Coordinator Lyne e Zaunbrecher (281) 386-9783 Chairperson and Youth Ac vity Coordinator Becky Pursell (713) 516-7376 Parish Nursery Becky Pursell (713) 516-7376 Spiritual Development Disciples of Jesus and Mary - Laity Spiritual Forma on Jan Williams (281) 852-4389 Order of Carmelite Discalced Seculars (OCDS) James and Be y Vincent (281) 324-2421 Knights of Columbus Bill Steed (832) 316-8191 Women’s Guild Maureen Rode (281) 852-4692 Familia for Families Celina Sconochini (281) 797-3959 Eucharis c Adora on/Holy Face Prayer Group Janet Hays (281) 852-3444 Prayer Chain Parish Office (281) 324-1478
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