Overseas 2015-2016 call for applications

Overseas 2015-2016 Call for Applications
By management order Rep. N.3357/2014 Prot. N. 60532 dated 06/10/2014
The Overseas programme promotes student mobility outside the European Union, providing opportunities for
study periods of a year or a semester at universities with which Bologna University has entered a collaboration
During their stay abroad students will figure as enrolled at Bologna University and may only gain their
qualification (degree, master’s degree) once the foreign mobility period has ended.
Every student may apply for a maximum of three foreign universities. An information table has been compiled
for each partner university or university consortium; this states the number of places, the language
requirement, the degree programmes available and any restrictions on exchange students being admitted to
departments or degree programmes. In many North American and Australian universities one may only attend
undergraduate courses; in general the exchange is also open to master’s degree students, though for
attendance of undergraduate course units.
Please note that all information contained in partner university information tables is updated to the date of
publication of the Overseas 2015/2016 Call. By the time Bologna University has announced the winners, the
programme catalogue and admission requirements at partner universities may have changed. Such changes are
within the host organization’s discretion and cannot be contested by Bologna University.
Please remember, too, that the status of winner relates purely to the present Call selection. The final decision
about exchange admission lies with the host university. A partner university might decide to reject a student
selected by Bologna University, at any stage, even when all enrolment documents have been sent off.
The Overseas programme gives access to various kinds of educational activity:
 Attendance of courses
 Research preparatory to a dissertation
 Japanese and oriental language and culture programmes
 A Chinese language and culture programme
 The post of Italian language assistant
Attending courses and passing exams
The main purpose of the programme is to take part of one’s degree programme at a partner university,
replacing some of the educational activities in one’s study plan by host university education when compatible
in teaching content and training purpose. One is thus required to choose course units that are compatible with
one’s study plan, attend the lessons and sit the exams. In some countries like Australia, the United States,
Canada, Colombia and New Zealand, in order to retain one’s student visa one needs to gain a minimum number
of credits per semester or quarter.
Preparing a dissertation
Only at the Bologna University overseas campus of Buenos Aires and the Vassar College may students enrolled
in a master’s degree programme or the last two years of a single-cycle Master’s programme concentrate
exclusively on preparing their dissertation.
Students interested exclusively in preparing a dissertation at an Overseas university are invited not to make an
application, but to apply to their School and use a contribution for dissertations abroad.
Japanese and oriental language and culture programme
Exchange places with the Japanese universities Kansai Gaidai, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies and Waseda
University are mainly intended for study of Japanese and oriental language and culture.
Chinese language and culture programme
Students who apply to the East China University of Science and Technology may attend courses of Chinese
Language and Culture at the College of International Education.
Italian language assistants
Students selected will act as language assistants and liaise with the Italian Department in its teaching
programme at the College of the Holy Cross, Dickinson College, Wellesley College, Wesleyan University. The
scope for attending courses is limited.
Before leaving, students are to draw up a study project consistent, and as far as possible corresponding, with
their own study plan. Then They will have to submit a Learning Agreement to own Degree Programme Board.
When they return, the Degree Programme Board will vet their learning activities at the partner university and
approve them according to the University Teaching Regulations (art. 12).
In order to apply one needs to:
1. Be enrolled at Bologna University for a.y. 2014/2015, at least in the second year of a first cycle degree
programme or single-cycle Master’s degree programme or the first year of a Master’s Degree. Enrolment
must be completed by the deadline scheduled for individual degree programmes and in any case not later than
30 December 2014 in cases where late-paying enrolment is foreseen.
Students intending to graduate by March 2015 who have enrolled for a.y. 2013/14 form an exception to this:
they may apply in response to the Call and, if they win, may keep their exchange place, but only if they enrol
in the first year of a Master’s Degree Programme in 2015/16.
Please note, too, that certain exchange places may only be filled by students enrolled in a Master’s Degree
Programme or in the last two years of a single-cycle Master’s Degree Programme. Check the details on the
information table of the university in question.
2. Possess the degree of language skill stated in the relevant information table.
3. Possess the requisites specified by the partner university and stated in its information table.
4. Present a study project stating the course units to be attended at the university in question and tie-ups with
course units in one’s own study plan or the course structure diagram of the Degree Programme one is enrolled
in at the time of the exchange.
Those enrolled in old-system degree programmes (prior to DM 509/99) are not eligible to apply.
Applications must be submitted on line, connecting to AlmaRM.
One may apply for three different exchange programmes.
Applications must be presented from 8 October till 11 a.m. on 10 November.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. After first access, one may save the draft of the application and
be free to alter and integrate it at various times. The application will not be considered as presented to the
office until the ENTER button is pressed. Once it has been sent, the application may no longer be integrated,
altered or cancelled.
Incomplete and/or wrongly completed applications will automatically be annulled.
By way of completing their applications, students must attach the following documents in PDF format:
1) project in which the candidate outlines:
a) the academic reasons why he/she is applying to the Overseas programme and the specific reasons
for choosing particular host universities;
b) the learning activities he/she intends to pursue at the respective partner universities with a list of
relevant course units and tie-ups with Bologna University course units. The list of course units must be
detailed, differentiating between the various universities the candidate is applying to attend. It is up
to the student to check that the university chosen has a programme catalogue corresponding to
his/her own degree programme. Students applying for posts as Teaching Assistants or Research
Fellows (thesis preparation) must in any case draw up a project. Please carefully read and adhere to
the instructions for project format contained in annexe 5;
3) any language certificates (except for TOEFL/IELTS);
4) self-certification of learning activities passed, together with grades and credits in the case of students
who have done their degree at another university or have transferred from another university.
Mendacious declarations or use of false documents will incur the criminal penalties outlined in art. 76 of
D.P.R. 28.12.2000 n. 445.
To attend a partner university, one needs to possess the language requirements stated in the information
tables. Information concerning language certification (DELE, DALF, PLE, TOEFL, IELTS, HKS, JPL) may be
obtained from the web pages of the International Relations channel under “studying abroad” international
language certificates.
All universities in North America and Oceania require evidence of knowledge of English via TOEFL certification.
Universities in Oceania and some of the North American universities accept IELTS as an alternative to TOEFL. At
the moment of submitting their application students must already have taken the TOEFL or IELTS exam and
know their score. If they do not yet have a certificate in hard copy, they may apply nonetheless, declaring
their score on their own responsibility. Both certificate types last two years. Applicants must attach a still valid
TOEFL or IELTS certificate. Winners are reminded that they will have to produce a TOEFL/IELTS certificate that
is still valid when they send off their application to the partner university. Hence, those who have a TOEFL
expiring in the months following allocation of an exchange place by Bologna University will have to resit the
exam before sending off their application documents. Expired TOEFL certificates are not to be sent to partner
All applicants to Chinese universities must show they have acquired a vocabulary of 500 words and the
rudiments enabling them to handle simple daily situations in spoken and written Chinese.
Evidence of such knowledge must take one of the following forms:
 having passed the language test devised for the Overseas programme by the Bologna University campus
Language Centre. The calendar of exam sessions will be published on the website
 having passed the Overseas programme language test in academic years 2012/13 or 2013/14;
 presenting a copy of an HSK certificate level 2 or higher.
All applicants to partner universities in Japan must show evidence of sufficient knowledge of Japanese in one
of the following forms:
 having passed the language test at the University Language Centre. The calendar of exam sessions will
be published on the website www.unibo.it/overseas
 having passed the Overseas programme language test in academic years 2012/13 or 2013/14;
 a copy of a Japanese Language Proficiency Test, at the appropriate level for the host universities being
applied to.
To pass the language test students must have mastered the rudiments of grammar and have approximately 100
kanji and 800 words; they must also be able to conduct a simple conversation about subjects from daily life
and to read and write short texts in Japanese.
Please note that some Japanese universities require not only Japanese but knowledge of English documented
by a TOEFL or IELTS certificate. Consult the information tables of each university for details of language
Applicants to the Université de Montréal must possess a B2 language level by the Council of Europe
classification, in order to compete for an exchange place. For Brazilian universities one requires at least A2.
For the Bologna University Buenos Aires campus the knowledge of Spanish required is at least A2. For all other
Spanish-speaking universities, consult the individual university information table as to the level required. For
Russian universities one likewise needs to check the information table, university by university.
Evidence of language skill, for all the above languages, will take one of the following forms:
having passed a language test at the University Language Centre designed for the present Call. A
calendar of test sessions will be published on www.unibo.it/overseas;
having passed a language test at the University Language Centre for participation in mobility
programmes in the academic years 2012/13 or 2013/14;
possessing a certificate of attendance with profit at a language course at the University Language
Centre (valid for two years). Certificates dating from before 1 October 2012 will not be accepted;
equivalent certificates as shown in the table at www.unibo.it/overseas.
In order to obtain recognition of curricular language requirement, students applying to the Université de
Montréal and Spanish-speaking universities must:
 sit and pass the French or Spanish language tests designed for the Overseas Call 2015/16 at one of the
University language Centres;
 achieve the level of skill set as suitable by the course structure diagram of their degree programme.
Language requirement will be recognised even if the learning activity in question is scheduled for years
subsequent to the one in which the test is taken.
Exchange place selection is based on two criteria: the candidate’s career record, and a teachers’ committee
assessment of the study project.
The assessment is graded out of 100. The study project is awarded a maximum of 40 points, and the career
record a maximum of 60.
Assessment of the study project.
An Overseas committee has been appointed to assess study projects; it in turn divides into sub-committees
formed of teachers with expertise in specific geographical areas and the universities falling within them. The
geographical area sub-committees will assess projects presented for universities in their own field. In assessing
a project, sub-committees will be looking for:
 compatibility between the student’s profile and study project and the programme catalogue, specific
features or limitations indicated by the partner university;
 consistency of the project and chosen partner universities with the teaching objectives of the degree
 added value that the candidate’s study experience at the university proposed may impart to his/her
Please note that the committee has the right to declare a candidate unsuitable for the exchange programme
he/she has applied to join; in this case the project will be graded zero.
Applicants are reminded to follow the instructions contained in annex 5.
Assessment of career
The two points considered in arriving at a career assessment score are:
 regularity of studies (max. 30 points)
 profit (max. 30 points)
Various career-related factors will be borne in mind, depending on whether the applicant is a degree student
or a Master’s degree student. In any case, the factors concern regularity of studies and profit.
For students on first-cycle, single-cycle Master’s and second-cycle Master’s degree programmes enrolled in
years other than the first:
regularity of studies is calculated according to the number of credits acquired in relation to the year of
profit is calculated according to the average, normalised according to the average grade for the School
For students enrolled in the first year of a Master’s degree, account will be taken of the previous career, that
is, the qualification that gave them access to the Master’s degree programme1:
regularity of studies is shown by the date of degree session and the number of years taken to achieve the firstcycle degree;
profit is calculated according to the graduation grade, normalised according to the average grade for the
School concerned.
Note that the Overseas committee will directly assess the career of students who gained a foreign qualification
giving access to a Master’s degree programme.
For the posts of Teaching Assistant offered by the College of the Holy Cross, Dickinson College, Wellesley
College, Wesleyan University and that of Research Fellow offered by Vassar College, there will also be a
candidate assessment by those universities’ representatives in Italy with whom the candidate will also have a
compulsory oral interview. Dates of interviews will be posted on: www.unibo.it/overseas.
When selection ends, a ranking list will be drawn up, university by university; where there is a tie on merit,
priority will go to the younger student.
Students allotted an exchange place on a mobility for study programme (Erasmus+, Overseas, Erasmus Mundus
Action 2 and other EU- or University-funded projects) may not enjoy other exchange places with the same goal
(study) during the same academic year. They may, however, take up exchange places for other purposes
(internship and research for dissertations). An exception to this applies in the case of those on Degree
Programmes for which a period of mobility is compulsory.
Please note that students allotted an exchange place may apply for other mobility Calls with the same
objective. If they win a second exchange place, they will be compelled, upon signing one of the mobility
contracts, to waive the other exchange assignment.
Students who have already enjoyed an Overseas exchange may not re-apply to the same partner university in
the course of their academic career.
During their stay with the partner university, students must be regularly enrolled at Bologna University; they
cannot graduate before the exchange period elapses, nor can they graduate with the partner university.
Applicant students who are in the third year of a first-cycle degree or are out-of-schedule, and expect to
graduate within the a.y. 2014/15, must result as enrolled for a Master’s degree programme in a.y. 2015/16. We
invite winners who intend to enrol for a restricted-access Master’s degree programme entailing an entrance
test to check the partner university’s academic calendar carefully and make sure they will actually be free to
leave in the first semester. Note that all winners who choose the option “academic year” or “first semester”
are expected to leave at some time between July and the end of August, whereas second-cycle entrance tests
tend to be held in September.
On 15 December 2014 separate ranking lists for each partner university will be posted on AlmaRM. That is the
only legal form of publishing the selection results. Candidates can access the lists with their university
credentials. No written communication will be received.
From 15 to 18 December 2014, the WINNING candidates may accept their exchange place on line.
Winners of more than one exchange place will have to opt for one and be cancelled from other ranking
lists. Acceptance must be completed on line by 1 p.m. on 18 December at the latest. Winners who have not
accepted their place by that deadline will be automatically and irrevocably struck off the ranking list without
further notification.
From 19 to 23 December 2014, suitable candidates who now figure in the updated ranking list as winners of
an exchange place must complete their on-line acceptance by 1 p.m. on 23 December at the latest. Winners
who have not accepted their place by that deadline will be automatically and irrevocably struck off the ranking
list without further notification.
Allocation of exchange places
If there are places vacant at the end of the allocation procedure (deadline 23 December 2014) and no
candidates on the ranking list, the places may be offered to suitable candidates on other ranking lists, provided
they have the language requisites. In that case such a student will be contacted by the Overseas Office by e1
Should a candidate possess two first-cycle qualifications, the last to be achieved is the one considered.
mail (exclusively) to his/her Unibo e-mail address and, if interested, will have to prepare a study project for
the new partner university. The exchange place will not be allocated until the selection committee has given
its approval.
Insertion of suitable candidates
After 23 December it may still be possible for some suitable candidates to be allotted exchange places. This
happens when a winner who has already accepted a place decides to give it up. In that case the next student
on the list is contacted by the Overseas Office (exclusively by e-mail to his/her institutional mailbox). That
student must then accept or refuse the exchange place by the deadline stated in the notifying e-mail. If the
student fails to reply by the deadline in the notifying e-mail, it will automatically be taken as a refusal and the
next on the list will be consulted. Host universities have their own deadlines for enrolment, of course: so if the
late insertion happens a long time after publication of the first ranking list, it may only be possible to allocate
a place for the second semester. Some universities do not accept late enrolments at all, so there is a risk that
those contacted late may not be able to leave anyway.
Remember that in any case the final decision on candidate admission lies with the host university, as
stated in the agreement.
During their study period abroad, exchange winners must be enrolled at Bologna University and are hence
bound to pay their fees normally. Exceptions to this are students in the last year of a degree programme in
2014/15 who intend to graduate at the extraordinary March 2016 session. Such students may apply for the first
semester alone and need not present a new study plan for the a.y. 2015/16. All winners are exempted from
paying a registration fee at the host university. They are expected to bear all expenses for visas, travel, board,
lodging and medical insurance.
Extensions of stay are not admitted in the case of Overseas exchange places. Neither those applying for
short stays nor those seeking a year-long place may apply to prolong their stay once the exchange place has
been accepted.
Contributions will not be awarded to all winners indiscriminately. Candidates must apply for one explicitly,
according to the procedure and terms stated in the next chapter of this Call, “Application procedure for a
financial contribution”. At the moment it is impossible to estimate how many contributions will be awarded
since the funding of Overseas mobility is decided when the financial budget 2015 is approved. At all events, a
special ranking list will be drawn up for the assigning of contributions according to criteria of income and
The amount of the mobility contribution foreseen for the academic year 2015/16 is €4,000 gross for exchanges
lasting one academic year, and €2,500 for exchanges lasting from 3 to 6 months.
They are paid in two instalments: the first at the start of the study period (once the partner university has
confirmed that the student has arrived), provided the student has a validated Learning Agreement; the second
on the student’s return once he/she has presented an application for recognition, produced the documentation
relating to the learning activities and a certificate confirming the fact that he/she attended the host
Overseas contributions are subject to taxation under Italian law and constitute an income.
To be entitled to an Overseas contribution, winning students will have to stay at the host university for not less
than three months, if they have opted for the “short period”, or for not less than eight months, if they have
opted for an “academic year”. Students choosing the “academic year” option in the southern hemisphere may
not time their stay to include the months forming a break between the two semesters.
In order to keep their contribution, students must also get at least one learning activity recognised per
semester or quarter, otherwise they will have to pay back the contribution advanced.
N.B. Students who have enjoyed Overseas programme funding may enter for an exchange place, but may not
apply for a financial contribution.
A- Students whose family nucleus enjoys income and/or assets in Italy (annexes 1 and 2 to the Call)
In order to apply, you need to possess ISEE certification referring to your economic situation in the year
2013. ISEE is calculated according to the composition of the family nucleus, its incomes and its assets. Annexe
2 to the present Call illustrates the way of calculating your ISEE and ISPE. The ISEE calculation is performed
free of charge at all INPS offices, Town Halls or CAF accounting centres throughout the country.
Once you possess an ISEE calculation, your application for a contribution must be presented exclusively on the
Internet, connecting to the on-line AlmaRM service by 10 November 2014. The first part of the form regards
participation in the Bologna University Overseas call; the second is an application for funding.
The contribution application form must be properly filled out and confirmed on line by 11 a.m. on 10
November 2014; it must also be printed out, signed and mailed by Recorded Delivery by 13 November 2014 to
via Schiavonia,5
40121 Bologna
Write on the envelope “Richiesta contributo finanziario Overseas” (= application for Overseas funding)
Students who have applied to Er-Go for benefits relating to the a.y. 2014/2015 need not fill in the selfcertification of their economic position: they need only confirm the economic position already self-certified
(hence they connect to the on-line application form and click the CONFERMA button). To qualify for a
contribution it is an essential condition that the online application form is confirmed by 11 a.m. on 10
November 2014, and that it is printed out, signed and sent via postal Recorded Delivery by 13 November
2014 to ER.GO.
B- Students whose family nucleus has income and/or assets abroad
1. Foreign students from the EU or from countries that do not belong to the European Union must present the
documentation of their economic position and assets as issued by the authorities in the place where the income
was produced and the assets possessed (annexe 1 to the present Call).
The documents must be translated into Italian and legalized by the Italian diplomatic authorities in the region
or, where this is foreseen, have a rider appended according to current regulations.
In countries where it is particularly difficult to obtain certificates vetted by the local Italian embassy, the
documents may be substituted by a certificate in Italian issued by the Embassy or Consulate of the home
country in Italy, legalized by the local branch of the Home Office (Prefettura) (as stated in Annexe 1 to the
present Call).
2. Foreign students from non-European Union countries which are classified as “especially poor”, (Table A),
must exhibit a certificate from the Italian Representative in their home country stating that the student does
not belong to a family known to have high income or high social status.
Central-African-Rep Kenya
Sao-Tome & Principe
South Sudan
Once income and foreign assets have been documented (see points 1 and 2 above in this article) the student’s
application for a contribution must be presented exclusively on the Internet, connecting to the on-line AlmaRM
service by 10 November 2014
The contribution application form, properly filled out and confirmed on line by 10 November, must be
printed out, signed and sent by Recorded Delivery to ER.GO by 13 November 2014. Together with the
signed form students need to send documentation of their foreign incomes and assets (see annexe 1 of this
Call) - on penalty of scoring zero in the ranking list - to:
via Schiavonia,5
40121 Bologna
Write on the envelope “Richiesta contributo finanziario Overseas” (=application for Overseas funding)
3. Students whose family nucleus enjoys incomes and assets abroad, who have applied to ER.GO for benefits in
the academic year 2014/2015: once they have entered the online application, all they need to do is to confirm
the economic position they previously declared, by 11 a.m. on 10 November 2014 at the latest (hence connect
to the on-line application form and click the CONFERMA button). To qualify for a contribution it is an essential
condition that the online application form is confirmed by 11 a.m. on 10 November 2014, and that it is printed
out, signed and sent via postal Recorded Delivery by 13 November 2014 to ER.GO.
These students must also:
- send ER.GO their foreign income and assets documentation by 13 November 2014, but only if they
have not already sent it to ER.GO in applying for benefits, or if the documentation they sent to ER.GO
was incomplete. Failure to do so will mean they score zero in the ranking list.
- mail the signed print-out of their application by Recorded Delivery to ER.GO by 13 November 2014 at
the latest.
Students whose family nucleus has foreign incomes and/or assets shall likewise calculate their ISEE and ISPE
according to the criteria outlined in the annexes where these are compatible, on the basis of a documented
economic position.
The merit-related data needed to establish if a contribution is to be allotted are forwarded to ER.GO by the
University. They thus do not need to be self-certified on the application form. Such merit-related requisites
must be possessed as of 10 November 2014. By that date credits must have been gained, minuted and
For help with completing the application form for a financial contribution, students may contact ER.GO: tel.
051 – 6436788 e-mail emarzocchi@er-go.it
Contribution assignment takes account of all candidates on the exchange place ranking list who applied for
benefits according to the procedure and terms laid down.
The ranking list will be drawn up by ER.GO in liaison with the Offices and on the following criteria:
merit: normalised average (30%) and regularity of studies, which is to say, credits gained (20%) by the
deadline for application. For those enrolled in the first year of a second-cycle degree programme the
requirements are: regularity of studies, i.e. the session at which the student graduated, and the
normalised average over the previous degree programme (see annexe 3).
income: calculated according to ISEE (35%) and ISPE (15%) (see annexe 4).
The ranking list of those qualifying for a contribution will be published on 20 January 2015 via the AlmaRM
service. Candidates can access the lists with their university credentials. No written communication will be
The list is scheduled to be updated and published again at the end of May. Students who come onto the
ranking list after 20 January and are assigned an exchange place, or who fill vacancies in the list, will only
know if they have qualified for a contribution after that second publication.
The Overseas programme does not admit of dual funding. Students who are allotted an Overseas contribution
may not enjoy other financial contributions over the same period. In particular, Overseas contributions are not
compatible with the following grants:
 funding for foreign stays paid from Bologna University funds including contributions for dissertations
 study grants offered by other Italian or foreign institutions, if obtained via Bologna University;
 Research Fellowships offered by Vassar College (E.C.CO Programme);
 “language assistant” grants offered by the College of the Holy Cross, Dickinson College, Wellesley
College and Wesleyan University;
 Jasso study grants paid by the Japanese government.
N.B. students who are suitable for and/or allotted ER.GO grants for the right to study may apply for a
supplementary mobility grant arranged by the same institution (see the website www.ergo.it/index.php?id=411). Since Overseas contributions are not cumulative with ER.GO mobility contributions,
ER.GO will decide the amount of its mobility grant according to how much the student is receiving from the
University via an Overseas contribution.
8 October -10 November 11:00 a.m.: Presentation of applications for exchange places
8 October -10 November 11:00 a.m.: Presentation of applications for contribution (ER.GO)
13 November: Deadline for mailing signed and completed contribution application form to ER.GO
15 December: Publication of ranking lists
15 December - 18 December 1:00 p.m.: Winning candidates must accept their exchange place
19 December - 23 December 1:00 p.m.: Suitable candidates now inserted among winners must accept their
exchange place
20 January 2014 - Publication of ranking list for Overseas contribution assignees
This English version of the call is made only for publicity purposes. For enforcing the call, resolving any dispute
and for all legal purposes only the Italian version is valid .
As per art. 4 of law 241 dated 7 August 1990 (New norms governing administrative procedure and right of access to
administrative documents) the person in charge of the operation is the manager of the Overseas Office, Dr Franca Maria
Mura – 051 2098044 – francamaria.mura2@unibo.it
Candidates may exercise their right of access to competition proceedings, as foreseen under existing law. Claims should be
addressed to the Overseas Office, Via Filippo Re -4, Bologna, filling in the form which the Office will provide.
Statement of policy as per art. 13 of d.lg. 30.06.03 n. 196 "Code governing personal data".
1. Purpose of processing.
Bologna University will process any data it receives exclusively for institutional purposes and in compliance with the law protecting
personal data. The personal data requested in this instance are designed to draw up ranking lists for allocation of exchange places and an
economic contribution.
2. Processing method and persons involved
Personal data are processed by Bologna University and ER.GO, using both electronic systems and hard copy registration, in full compliance
with the laws governing protection of personal data (d.lgs. 196/03). Such data may be imparted to outside persons for the procedure of
candidate assessment for an economic contribution or for further contributions supporting mobility.
3. The processing entity:
Processing of data serving to draw up ranking lists for allocation of exchange places and economic contributions is under the responsibility
of Bologna University, via Zamboni, 33 – 40126 – Bologna, to whom claims may be addressed by those exercising rights under art. 7 of
D.Lgs. 196/003. The person responsible for data processing is the Manager of the International Relations Area, Dr Giovanna Filippini. The
entity responsible for the data used in drawing up the economic contribution ranking list is ER.GO, Regional Authority for the Right to
Higher Education, based in Via Santa Maria Maggiore 4, 40121 Bologna.
4. Rights under art. 7 of d.lg. 196/2003:
(Right of access to personal data and other rights)
1. An interested party has the right to obtain confirmation that personal data regarding him/herself exist, even if not yet recorded, and
that they have been communicated in intelligible form.
2. An interested party has the right to be told:
a) where the personal data were obtained;
b) why and how they are being processed;
c) for what reasons they are being processed electronically;
d) details of the processing entity, the persons responsible and the representative delegated as per article 5, section 2;
e) the entities and categories of entity/person to whom the personal data may be divulged or who may come to know them as being a
designated representative within the State confines, a person responsible or an appointee.
3. An interested party has the right to ensure that:
a) the data be updated, rectified or, when an interest arises, integrated;
b) any data illegally processed be cancelled, rendered anonymous or blocked, including any details that need not be kept for the purpose
for which they were originally collected and processed;
c) operations under letters a) and b) and the content thereof, are certified as having been made known to those to whom the data were in
fact divulged, except where this proves impossible or would entail use of mechanisms manifestly disproportionate to the right safeguarded.
4. An interested party has the right to object, in toto or in part:
a) on legitimate grounds, to personal data regarding him/herself being processed, even when still relevant to the purpose for which they
were collected;
b) to private data regarding him/herself being processed in order to be sent as advertising material, or sold, or used for market research or
commercial communications.
Bologna, 6 October 2014
Dr Giovanna Filippini
To find out about the Overseas programme one must carefully read the Call for applications and the individual
university information tables. It is also important to attend the plenary informatory meeting to be held in
Bologna and the weekly informatory sessions:
14 October 2.30 p.m.: Informatory meeting at Aula C in Via Ranzani 14/b Bologna
from 16 to 30 October: Informatory meetings at Aula V, in Via Zamboni 33, Bologna. Each meeting will be
devoted to a specific geographical area:
October: Australia, New Zealand, North America (from 2.30 to 5.00 p.m.)
October: China, Japan, Russia (from 2.00 to 3.30 p.m.)
October: Latin America (from 4.00 to 6.00 p.m.)
October: California (from 2.30 to 5.00 p.m.)
International Relations Area –Overseas Office, via Filippo Re, 4 – 40126 Bologna
tel. 051.2088480 - fax 051.2086174 – e-mail: overseas@unibo.it
Opening hours to the public:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.00 to 11.15 a.m.
Tuesday and Thursday from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m.
Contacts with candidates or exchange place winners will be made exclusively by institutional e-mail, i.e.
South African Republic
Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, exchange places: 3
Beijing University, Beijing exchange places: 4
China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing exchange places: 3
East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai exchange places: 3
Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqin, exchange places: 1
University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, exchange places: 2
Sogang University, Seoul exchange places: 1
Doshisha University Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Kyoto exchange places: 2
Gakushuin University, Tokyo exchange places: 2
Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka exchange places: 2
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto exchange places: 2
Nagoya Univeristy, Nagoya exchange places: 2
Waseda University, Tokyo exchange places:1
University of Adelaide, Adelaide exchange places: 5
Australian National University, Canberra exchange places: 3
Macquarie University, Sydney exchange places: 2
Monash University, Melbourne exchange places: 2
University of Melbourne, Melbourne exchange places: 3
University of New South Wales, Sydney exchange places: 2
University of Sydney, Sydney exchange places: 2
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney exchange places: 6
Utrecht Network-Australian European Network exchange places: 2
University of Wollongong, Wollongong exchange places: 4
University of Auckland, Auckland exchange places: 4
Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina, exchange places: 15
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina exchange places: 4
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fé, Argentina exchange places: 2
Università di Bologna – Sede di Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina exchange places: 12
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil exchange places: 5
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil exchange places: 8
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil exchange places: 2
Universidade de São Paulo, San Paolo, Brazil exchange places: 2
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil exchange places: 10
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil exchange places: 5
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil exchange places: 6
Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile exchange places: 8
Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile exchange places: 1
Universidad del Rosario, Bogotà, Colombia exchange places: 5
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotà, Colombia, exchange places: 4
Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Bogotà, Colombia, exchange places: 4
de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia, exchange places: 3
de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, exchange places: 3
de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, exchange places: 1
Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Messico exchange places: 7
Université de Montréal, Montréal exchange places: 10
Concordia University, Montréal exchange places: 2
University of British Columbia, Vancouver exchange places: 1
York University, Toronto, exchange places: 1
United States
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, exchange places: 1
Dickinson College, Carlisle exchange places: 7 (Corsi) + 1 (Assistente di lingua)
Eastern College Consortium (E.C.CO) exchange places in all: 3
 Vassar College, Poughkeepsie; Wellesley College, Wellesley; Wesleyan University, Middletown
Indiana University - B.C.S.P. exchange places in all: 18
 University of Chicago, Chicago - University of Illinois, Champaign, Urbana - Indiana University, Bloomington
- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, - University of Wisconsin, Madison.
University of California exchange places in all: 30
 Campus di Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego.
University of Denver, Denver, exchange places: 2
University of Oklahoma, Norman, exchange places: 3
Portland University, Portland, exchange places: 1
Utrecht Network - MAUI Network exchange places: 2
National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow exchange places: 6
M.V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow exchange places: 8