Open - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church

Christ the Redeemer
Catholic Church
Imitating Jesus’ merciful gaze, the Church must accompany her
most fragile sons and daughters, marked by wounded and lost love,
with attention and care restoring trust and hope to them .
Extraordinary Synod on the Family, October 13, 2014
January 25, 2015
SHOW YOU CARE by giving
the gift of life! It’s a gesture that’s
always appropriate. If you’re healthy,
17 or older (16 with parent/guardian
permission), and weigh 110 pounds
or more, you may be eligible to give
blood. Christ the Redeemer's next
blood drive will be Saturday February
7 from 7:30 am - 1:30 pm. If you’d
like to donate, sign up after Masses
this weekend, January 25, or visit Questions, please
contact Mary Bussone-Neam at or 248-3931847.
animal care network
The Animal Care Network is a
non-profit organization that services
the people in the city of Pontiac who
are struggling financially and are unable to feed and give adequate shelter
to their dogs and cats.
The weekend of January 31/
February 1 we will be collecting bags
of DRY dog and cat food. Any
brand of food is fine and medium
size bags of dog food is best. Gently
used dog collars, leashes, and bowls
will also be accepted. Please drop off
the food and other items in the labeled box provide in the vestibule.
Questions call Kathy King, 248981-5518.
Christ the Redeemer to Host HOPE Warming Center
Located at 249 Baldwin Road, Pontiac
Monday, January 26 thru Sunday, February 1, 2015
• Food Donations Needed
Stop in the vestibule this weekend, January 24/25
to pick up a food donation card.
• Additional Items Needed
Immediate urgent need: men’s and women’s underwear.
Additional items needed are: travel size toiletries, men’s razors, travel
shaving cream, deodorant, toothbrushes, and gently used men and
women’s costs, and men's size 10 ½-13 shoes and boots.
Drop off items in the white bin in the vestibule by Sunday, January 25.
For more information call Karen Swietlik or Lisa Pratt in the parish office.
Women’s Book Group!
Women of the parish are invited to join a women's book group that meets
in the evening about once a month. Our group currently numbers 15 - 18 women, and discussions are deep, lively and respectful. For the next few months we
will be reading and reflecting on Megan McKenna's book: This Will Be Remembered of Her. Our first meeting will be on Thursday, January 29 at 7:00 pm. For
more information or to purchase a copy of the book, contact Nancy Clancy or 248-705-9788.
Ctr Card Crafters
Tuesday, February 3, 10:00 am-12:00 Noon
Help create cards to be sent to our parish members for sympathy, welcome,
get well, baptism, confirmation and more. We’ll be asking for help with card
assembly along with other tasks. We may also need assistance with card design,
material organization, meeting set up or other things as the needs arise. Don’t
let lack of crafting experience stop you from joining us. We have all levels of
projects to complete. There might also be an opportunity to work at home with
our materials. Questions? Contact Caryl Alessi at or
248-625-5852. Mention cards in your title if emailing.
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Today we hear the center portion of the book of Jonah,
which continues the story after Jonah spent three days in the
belly of the whale. Richard Rohr offers this reflection on that
transforming experience.
“I think Jesus’ primary metaphor for the mystery of transformation is the
sign of Jonah (Matt. 16:4, 12:39, Luke 11:29). It’s taken on a great significance for
me. I was reading the Gospel passage in which Jesus says, “It is an evil and adulterous generation that wants a sign” (Luke 11:29). He said the only sign he will
give us is the sign of Jonah. That’s the only sign Jesus offers. Think of all the
other signs, apparitions, and miracles that religion looks for and seeks and even
tries to create. But Jesus says it is an evil and adulterous generation that looks for
these things. That’s a pretty hard saying. He says instead we must go inside the belly of
the whale for a while. Then and only then will we be spit upon a new shore and understand our call. That’s the only pattern Jesus promised us. Paul spoke of
“reproducing the pattern” of his death and thus understanding resurrection (Phil.
3:11). That teaching will never fail. The soul is always freed and formed in such
wisdom. Native religions speak of winter and summer; mystical authors speak of
darkness and light; Eastern religion speaks of yin and yang or the Tao. Seasons
transform the year; light and darkness transform the day. Christians call it the
paschal mystery, but we are all pointing to the necessity of both descent and ascent.
The paschal mystery is the pattern of transformation. We are transformed
through death and rising, probably many times. There seems to be no other cauldron of growth and transformation.
We seldom go freely into the belly of the beast. Unless we face a major disaster like the death of a friend or spouse or loss of a marriage or job, we usually
will not go there. As a culture, we have to be taught the language of descent.
That is the great language of religion. It teaches us to enter willingly, trustingly
into the dark periods of life. These dark periods are good teachers. Religious energy is in the dark questions, seldom in the answers. Answers are the way out.
Answers are not what we are here for. When we look for answers, we’re looking
to change the pattern. When we look at the questions, we look for the opening to
transformation. The good energy is all in the questions, seldom in the answers.
Fixing something doesn’t usually transform us. We try to change events in order
to avoid changing ourselves. Instead we must learn to stay with the pain of life,
without answers, without conclusions, and some days without meaning. That is
the path, the perilous dark path of true prayer.
Simone Weil said, “It is grace that forms the void inside of us and it is grace
alone that can fill the void.” Grace leads us to the state of emptiness, to that momentary sense of meaningless in which we ask, “What is it all for? I don’t want to
wake up tomorrow.” A woman called me yesterday whose husband had just died.
She could not imagine why she would want to live and couldn’t imagine how it
would ever be different again. All I could do was just tell her, “Believe me, believe me.” She said, “I’ll trust you.” I told her, “Some day this immense
bottomless pit of pain will go away.”
It should be the work of Christians who believe in the paschal mystery to
help people when they are being led into the darkness and the void. The believer
has to tell those in pain that this is not forever; there is a light and you will see it.
This isn’t all there is. Trust it. Don’t try to rush through it. We can’t leap over our
grief work. Nor can we skip over our despair work. We have to feel it. That
means that in our life we have some blue days or dark days. Historic cultures saw
it as the time of incubation, transformation, and necessary hibernation. It becomes sacred space, and yet this is the very space we avoid. When we avoid darkness, we avoid tension, spiritual creativity, and finally transformation. We avoid
God who works in the darkness—where we are not in control! Maybe that is the
secret.” (Richard Rohr)
Fr. Joe
crop walk
Our parish has participated in the
crop walk for many years. The walk
raises money to fight hunger. All donations go to Church World Service
who distributes the money. A percentage of the money raised is awarded
each year to area agencies that help
the hungry including Love INC of
North Oakland County and Oxford/
Orion FISH. We are looking for a
person to chair our efforts for the
crop walk. This would entail attending
a planning meeting in mid March to
receive info and packets, writing bulletin articles, signing up interested
walkers/donors and delivering the
donations to the organizer. Please
contact Karen S. in the parish office if
you are interested or with questions.
Thank you to John Jarvis and
Terry Sundt who, after many years of
dedicated service, have decided to
step down as chairs.
a weekly
Email blast
On a weekly
basis we email a
parish update to
those interested. If
you would like to receive weekly updates, via email, fill out the information on the main page of the website, or scan the QR
MOMS: Ministry of Moms
Moms with children of all ages
are welcome to meet with one or
both of our MOMS groups that gather on Wednesday, 10:00-11:30 am
OR Thursday mornings 10:30 am 12:00 noon for fellowship, book discussions, life lessons and faith building. For more information contact
Patty Weise 248-239-1118 (Weds) or
Dayna Hollis 248-802-3804
(Thurs). Childcare is provided.
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
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Office of Family Ministry News!
Crazy Catholic Question #21
Why is “community building” stressed so much in our faith? I think our spiritual life is a very intimate, private thing between me and God.
One morning a few years back on
my way to work, I was on the service
drive of I-75 because there was a mess
of construction and traffic on the expressway. I was passing through a very
over developed area; there wasn’t a park
or even a significant bunch of trees
around within miles – it was all strip
malls and asphalt.
While painfully creeping in traffic I
noticed out of my passenger window,
standing elegantly, not even 20 feet from
the street, next to an over-filled dumpster in the parking lot of a convenience
store was this beautiful deer, breathing
in the fumes from all the traffic and eating the little tuffs of dusty grass that
were struggling to break through the
cracks in the concrete.
The vision of this deer arrested
me. I did a little double-take because it
was so out of place. I thought to myself,
‘I bet that deer doesn’t have long to live
before she runs into traffic or simply
gets sick from the limited, dirty food and
stress she is enduring due to living in
such an urban area.’ The deer was surviving, but not living the life for which
she was created. She was not living the
optimal life of a deer. Not living as God
So it is I think sometimes with
us. We are not living optimally as human beings. We are surviving but not
living as we were designed to live. And,
Our RCIA (The Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults) is designed to welcome anyone interested in learning more
about Catholicism and/or officially being initiated through the sacraments of
Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist
into our Catholic Community. We meet
(almost) every Sunday from 9:00-10:45
am from now until just after Easter in
the Library. For more info contact Lisa
Brown, or 248-391
like that deer, we are relatively unaware of how deprived we really
are; we don’t really see how our
choices and culture sometimes rob us
of the rich life that God has intended
for each of us.
In the book Bowling Alone,
author Robert Putnam states that
social bonds are by far the most powerful predictor of life satisfaction and
a surprising predictor of personal
health. If you both smoke and belong to no groups, it’s a close call as
to which is the riskier behavior! He
goes on to note the fact that there are
more bowlers today, but fewer bowling leagues, because everybody is
bowling alone.
Putnam asserts that we are paying a heavy price for the loss of what
he calls “social capital” which is the
life-giving product of communal activity and sharing. Clinically measured depression has increased tenfold in our country over the past 50
years, and although the origins of this
epidemic are not yet clear, the prime
candidate is social isolation. The loss
of social capital is reflected in higher
crime rates, a weakened democracy,
lower educational performance, more
teen pregnancies and incidents of
We live so alone today. We have
taken individualism to such an extreme, we hardly know how to define ourselves as parts of something
larger any more. So, perhaps Jesus
understood our nature better than
we do, knew our tendency to isolate
in the face of (inevitable) conflict
and therefore established as our central ritual gathering in his name each
week for a meal…for reconciliation…for mutual support. Maybe he
knew that the greatest remedy for
our suffering is togetherness; in other words, gathering to “BE church.”
We Catholics define “sin” as
anything that distances us from
God’s love and mercy and separates
us from one another. In a word, sin
is alienation. God does not indiscriminately declare ‘this and that’ as
a sin in an effort to limit our freedom, to exercise control over us or
test our fidelity. Rather sin is simply what is bad for US. Like any
good parent, God wishes for us to
have life to the full. But, maybe our
fierce individualism, even in our
spiritual lives, is simply not good for
us. It is not the life for which we
were designed. A possibility to consider…
Send your Crazy Catholic questions to
Lisa Brown
Fermenting Faith – Wine, Cheese, and Discussion
Every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm.
No prep needed, need not attend in sequence. Drop-in
when you can. Sparkling juice available. Childcare provided.
February 5, Doctrine of the Incarnation
No sooner had one theological controversy been resolved did another
theological controversy plague the church in antiquity. It was a controversy involving the bedrock of Christianity itself: Jesus Christ. Everyone accepted the divinity of Jesus but what about his humanity? Was he human?
Just how human was he? Christians now had to reconcile the Jesus in
Scripture with their understanding of God in light of the Doctrine of the
Trinity. Sounds easy right?
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
mark 1:14-20
As I read the Gospel for this week, one line stands
out to me. “Come follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” (Mk 1:17) Jesus didn’t say, “Let me see your resume. Now, what marketable skills do you have?” He
invited them to follow him just as they were, with nothing extra. That’s how Jesus uses us. He takes the gifts
and talents that we have and works with our willing
hearts. We don’t need to be special or extraordinary.
God will take us as we are and do special and extraordinary things through us. All we need to do is come to
him with open and willing hearts and he will take care of
the rest. How freeing it is to know I don’t have to be
perfect, have all the answers, or even know the plan. I
just need to trust in Jesus to use me as He needs me. He
will provide what is needed to follow His plan.
Are you willing to be vulnerable for Jesus? How can
you remain open to hear his voice?
MLK Service Day
On Saturday, January 17, more than 400 teens from
all over the Archdiocese of Detroit gathered to serve
together at more than 37 locations as part of this year’s
Dreams for Detroit event. Our group from Christ the
Redeemer worked at St. Vincent de Paul in Lincoln Park
organizing clothing and assisting customers. We served
and prayed together and shared our dreams for the city
of Detroit. By and large, the dreams that were at the top
of the list were for all families to have safe housing, good
schools and clean parks.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live
in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin
but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thank you to all who joined us for this remarkable
day and to those that worked tirelessly to put the event
together. You certainly showed Christ’s love in word
and in deed.
World Vision 30 Hour Famine –
“Make It Your Fight”
This year’s Famine event is scheduled for Friday,
February 27-Saturday, February 28. We encourage all
students in grades 8-12 to join us for this eye opening
experience. For our Famine event, participants raise
funds and awareness to help alleviate poverty for families
around the world. On Friday evening participates take
part in hunger awareness games that teach us who is going hungry and why in our world today. Saturday finds
us volunteering at various soup kitchens and pantries
where we serve the hungry in our communities. Later in
the day participants collect non-perishable food items for
our local FISH food pantry. Finally,
we share Mass together and then break
our fast with a wonderful dinner here
at CTR. During the event, we encourage all to fast in order to experience
what hunger feels like for a short time.
Students may also participate in a modified fast as health issues allow. If you
are interested in more information or
would like to register for the event,
please contact the High School Youth Ministry office at or call Lisa Andridge at
(248) 391-4074 ext 33. Registration packets will also be
available online. Deadline for registration is Thursday,
February 19.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, Feb 7-8 – CYO Rainbow 33 Youth
Friday, Feb 27-Saturday, Feb 28 – 30 Hour Famine
coming to St. Joe’s
awaken ministry,
7:00-8:30 pm
Senior Stretch & Stay
Strong Exercise Class
February 8: Archbishop Allen
Join hundreds of other Catholics
for a night of praise and worship,
dynamic speaking and Eucharistic
Check it out:
This class is held at Christ the
Redeemer and features meditation,
gentle stretching, and chair exercise.
Every Thursday, from 10:00 11:30 am in the Matt 2/3 room.
Instructor: Virginia Stagner Certified by The Arthritis Foundation
TGIP Ski and snowboard club
Meet at Pine Know Ski and
Snowboard Resort on Friday, evenings at 4:00 pm. Patch Program
offers $18.00 discounted rates on lift
tickets and rentals for kids seven and
up. Adult family members also receive $18.00 discounted rates on Fridays! Questions call Rob Cook, 248505-8974.
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Looking AHEAD
Mass Intentions
January 24 & 25
5:00 pm For Dr. Robert Wylin req.
by Dorothy Wylin.
9:00 am For Manuel Paramo req.
by John Zuniga and family.
11:00 am For Dee VanderHeyden
req. by Claire Rourke
For the people of the parish.
January 31/February 1
5:00 pm For Mark Wylin req. by
Dorothy Wylin.
9:00 am For the people of the
11:00 am For Zane Shehab req. by
the DeVries family.
For Dee VanderHeyden req. by
Claire Rourke.
Gospel of life
“I am your Creator. You were in my
care even before you were born.” (Isaiah
The sixth annual Dinner for
Life will be held Friday, February 6,
at Sacred Heart Major Seminary.
Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron will
celebrate Mass at 6:00 pm in the
Seminary Chapel prior to the dinner.
The cost for the dinner is $25 per
person. Each year the seminarians
plan and run the event which draws
people from all over the Detroit area
to raise money and awareness for a
local pro-life organization. This year,
proceeds will be supporting Project
Hope: a prolife initiative of Catholic
Charities of Southeast Michigan. The
keynote speaker will be Kimberly
Hahn, Catholic author and apologist.
A homeschooling mother of six children, convert to Catholicism and
wife of author Scott Hahn, Mrs.
Hahn gives talks about Catholicism
and feminism both nationally and
internationally. For reservations or
questions, call (313) 883-3116 or
Page 5
Sunday, January 25
9:00 am Mass
9:00 am RCIA
11:00 AM Mass
2:00 pm Faith Formation 1-5
Sunday, February 1
9:00 am Mass, Fr. Bernie
11:00 am Mass, Fr. Bernie
Monday, January 26
6:00 pm FROG
7:00 pm 8th Grade
7:00 pm Confirmation Prep
7:00 pm Sunday Scripture
7:00 pm Young Widows
Monday, February 2
10:00 am LaLeche League
7:00 pm 7th Grade
7:00 pm Sunday Scripture
Tuesday, January 27
5:45 pm Yoga
7:00 pm Coffee House
Wednesday, January 28
9:30 am Scripture Study
10:00 am MOMS
4:30pm Youth/Teen Ensemble
6:00 pm FROG
6:50 pm Adult Choir
7:00 pm 6th Grade
7:45 pm AA & Alanon
Thursday, January 29
55+ Exercise Class
10:30 am MOMS
7:00 pm Women’s Book Club
Friday, January 30
NO Mass
Saturday, January 31
9:00 am Yoga
10:15 am Yoga
5:00 pm Vigil Mass,
Fr. Bernie Presider
Tuesday, February 3
10:00 am Card Crafters
5:45 pm Yoga
7:00 pm Coffee House
7:00 pm Mass
Wednesday, February 4
9:30 am Scripture Study
10:00 am MOMS
4:30 pm Youth/Teen
6:50 pm Adult Choir
7:45 pm AA & Alanon
Thursday, February 5
9:30 am Warm Up America
10:00 am 55+ Exercise Class
10:30 am MOMS
7:00 pm Fermenting Faith
Friday, February 6
9:00 am Mass
7:00 pm Prayer Service
for Healing
Saturday, February 7
7:00 am Blood Drive
9:00 am Yoga
9:30 am What is Reconciliation
10:15 am Yoga
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
scripture study opportunities
Monday Night
Join us at 7:00 pm in the main
office conference room for an indepth discussion and study of the
lectionary readings for our weekend
liturgies. All are welcome. Questions, contact Jan Lumetta at
Wednesday morning
from 9:30-11:00 am
No prep necessary. Drop-ins
welcome. Childcare provided by request.
Contact David Nesbitt
at: for
more information.
Page 6
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
LENT, 2015
Mark your calendars for Thursday Evenings
during Lent!
Thursday, February 19 at 7:00 pm we are hosting a theatrical presentation of the Gospel of Mark sponsored by our Pontiac Area Vicariate,
entitled "Afraid."
What is AFRAID? Afraid! is a one-man play, staged with dramatic lighting and
entertaining audience interaction. Its text is the Gospel of Mark, translated into
contemporary American speech. As characters and settings and lights constantly
shift, the Gospel engages the audience's imaginations, surprises them with flashes of humor, and drives relentlessly forward with all the dramatic suspense you
would expect from great theater.
Who is Frank Runyeon? Frank Runyeon has gained national acclaim in recent
years as a translator and performer of Biblical texts. He has performed the Gospel for hundreds of thousands of people in almost every state in America. He is
probably still best known, however, from his many years on TV. He starred opposite Meg Ryan on As the World Turns, as Michael Donnelly on Santa Barbara, and as Simon Romero on General Hospital. He guest starred recurrently on
Falcon Crest, Another World, Melrose Place and LA Law. He also starred in the
feature film Sudden Death. Mr. Runyeon received his B.A. in Religion from
Princeton University, and studied at Yale Divinity School before receiving his
Masters, with honors, from General Theological Seminary in New York City.
Other upcoming events during Lent
Thursday, February 26 join Fr. Joe for an in-depth study and discussion of
the Gospel of Mark at 7:00 pm
• Every Thursday in March join us for a soup supper at 6:00 pm
• First three Thursdays in March following the soup supper join us for
presentations on Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation
"The Joy of the Gospel" given by Fr. Vic Clore beginning at 7:00 pm.
Childcare provided for all of the above. For more information or to volunteer
to help out with greeting, hospitality and/or set-up, please contact Lisa Brown
God in the Midst of Change:
Wisdom for Confusing Times
Evolution is moving us forward at an increasingly rapid pace, awakening
excitement and hope for some, and a great deal of confusion for others. The
skill to discern wisely is urgently needed at this time.
In this one-day workshop we'll explore the challenges involved, specifically
in the area of contemporary spirituality, and the new insights into living Christian faith today with:
Fr. Diarmuid O’Murchu, a member of the Sacred Heart Missionary Order,
is a social psychologist who has worked predominantly in social ministry. He
has worked as a couple's counselor, in bereavement work, AIDS-HIV counseling, and, in more recent times, with homeless people and refugees. As a workshop leader and group facilitator he has ministered in Europe, USA, Canada,
Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, India, Peru and in several African countries,
facilitating programs on adult faith development.
March 26 - 29 at St. John Fisher Chapel University Parish, Auburn
who do we tithe to?
Bakhita Charities
Bakhita Charities for Southern
Africa is a Michigan registered, nonprofit organization founded in January 2002. It is operated by the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
The objective of Bakhita Charities is
to provide support to girls who have
been orphaned or made vulnerable
due the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Support for the girls includes basic emergency needs such as food, clothing,
and shelter as well as school fees,
school supplies and transportation to
school. Christ the Redeemer parishioners Maggie and John, former volunteers at Bakhita Village will be returning this February to once again
help out.
The month of December, Christ
the Redeemer Church donated
$10,267.64 to the following appeals:
Catholic Relief Services
All God’s Children
COAR Peace Mission, Inc.
Cross Catholic Outreach
Baldwin Center
HOPE, Hospitality Warming
Center, Inc.
Catholic Charities –
Hispanic Outreach
Catholic Charities of Southeast
CTR Middle School Project
Covenant House Michigan
Hospice of Michigan
Food Bank of Eastern Michigan
Capuchin Soup Kitchen
Monthly Mission
Families in Crisis
Love INC
Financial Stewardship
December 2014
Sunday Contributions:
(Over) Budget
$ 1,094
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
agape and catholic
campus ministry winter
Calling all young adults 18-35.
Join us for “Embracing the Heart of
Jesus” a time to get close to the heart
of our Lord. Retreat will include Adoration, Reconciliation, and Mass. As
well as amazing fellowship. Bring
your Hawaiian shirt for our Saturday
Night Hawaiian Hymnapoloza.
Friday, February 6, 7:00 pm to
Sunday, February 8, 1:00 pm
at the beautiful Subaiaco Retreat
House, Oxford.
Cost, $125 for young adults,
$40 for OU students
Scholarships are available. Contact Kim Boismier @ or Deacon Paul Lippart at
Registration form is available at:
world marriage day
Sunday, February 8
San Marino Club, Troy
Marriage enrichment speakers,
dinner, dancing. Emceed by Deacon
Dominic and
Teresa Tomeo Pastore.
Cost: $55 per couple before
January 30.
Register online at:
Questions email
Lansing updates
U.S. Supreme Court to
Consider Marriage Cases
from Michigan and
Three Other States
The U.S. Supreme Court announced on Friday that it would
hear cases this year from the Court
of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit addressing state policies that define
marriage as between one man and
one woman, including the 2004 voter-approved Michigan Marriage
Amendment. The other cases originated in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Michigan. Briefs will be due
in February and April, which will
then be followed by oral arguments.
More information will be provided
as the four cases move forward.
Legislation Signed
into Law
A bill allowing non-public
schools to provide professional development opportunities that count
for state teacher re-certification requirements was signed into law this
week as Public Act 484 of 2014.
Prior to this law, teachers could
count public school professional
development hours towards recertification, but could not count
non-public school professional development hours, even if the content was the same. Michigan Catholic Conference was pleased to support the measure, sponsored by
Representative Rob VerHeulen (RWalker), which levels the playing
field for Michigan schools.
Page 7
sports night at
academy of the sacred
Local students in Grades 3-6 are
invited to attend a Sports Night on
Friday, January 30 from 6:00-8:30
pm. The event, hosted by Sacred
Heart parents, promises to be a fun
evening of flag football, floor hockey,
dodgeball and basketball. There is a
$10 entrance fee per student, which
also includes pizza dinner Space for
this event is limited, and a signed release form is required. Parents may
register their child online at
The Academy is located at 1250
Kensington Road, Bloomfield Hills.
Attendees are encouraged to enter
the Field House entrance off Squirrel
solanus casey center
11th annual wine, dinner and auction event
Saturday, March 14, 6:00 pm
Give your spouse an early Valentine’s gift that gives back by purchasing two tickets to the Solanus Casey
Center Wine, Dinner and Auction
Event held at the Met Hotel, 5500
Crooks Road, Troy. The event will
feature a cocktail hour with appetizers, a sit down dinner complete with
fine wine plus silent and live auctions.
Tickets are $75 per person and can be
purchased by calling 313-579-2100
ext. 153 or online You do not
need to be present to win any of the
raffles. The Grand Prize is $2,500.
St. Joseph Mercy Home Care & Hospice to offer
Grief & Spirituality Program.
You can now manage your
annual financial gift online.
St. Joseph Mercy Home Care & Mercy Hospice is pleased to offer a
special program, "Saying Goodbye to Say Hello." Participants will learn
about and discuss the ways that spirituality influences one's grief experience. We will share stories about the impact of our faith along the journey of
grief as expressed through Worden's 4 Tasks of Mourning.
This special 2-session program will be held on Wednesdays, February 10
and 17 from 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon at St. Joseph Mercy Home Care Home &
Hospice. Please join us at 1111 W. Long Lake Road, Suite 102 in Troy. For
more information and to register, please call 1-800-832-1155.
Page 8
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
The following is the entire prayer list of Christ the
Redeemer Church. If you would like someone added to
the prayers please call the parish office.
For Our Parishioners
Juanita Sanchez
Jodi Dempsey Martin
Laurie O’Meara
Robert Kurzyniec
Tony Gibbs
Jane Beckwith
Fred Lennox
Stan Kowalski
Carey Chappell
Karen Rawski
Ellen Higgins
For the Military
…..our country’s military personnel especially those connected
to our parish.
For the Deceased
For Loved Ones
Who Are Ill
Sister Bea Keller the sister of
Mike Eyl
Father Frank Pollie
Margaret Jahnke mother of
Kathy Porter
Janice Pinelli sister of
Dave Pinelli
Kris Leith friend of
Martha and John Cooper
Muriel friend of
Martha and John Cooper
Enio Maraccio father of
Amy Keyzer
Frank Grepke and Ernie Pearson
brother in laws of Carol Lamb
Richard Welch father of
Theresa Myer
Lauren Hughes
Virginia Paul
Rick Ellico friend of
Betty Mlinar
Carol and Charles Richie parents of
both Karen Jbara and Craig Richie
Jackson Miles great nephew of
Trish Sinacola
Jerry Taylor nephew of
Barb & Steve Burr
John Bigger
Evelyn Winterfield sister of
Mary Elizabeth Murray
Patty Bianchi daughter of
Stella Slimko
Cameron Collins nephew of
Susan Arends
Christine Feurig friend of
Sue Watson
Administrave: Sue Enjaian, ext. 10
Administrave: Dawn Cejka, ext. 11
Finance: Chris Spencer, ext. 12
Chrisan Service: Karen Swietlik, ext. 17 ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞΛĐƚƌĞĚĞĞŵĞƌ͘ŽƌŐĂŶĚ
Lisa Pra4, ext. 17 ^ƚĞƉŚĞŶDŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ͗ZŽŐĞƌƵĐŚĞƐ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϰϰϰ͘ϱϳϱϬ
Ponac Vicariate Website:
Maryalice Tomei, Administrave, ext. 14
ĂŝůLJͲCheck weekly bullen
Educaon ŚĂŝƌ͗ĂǀŝĚĂŶĚĞ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϴϵϭ͘ϲϵϱϬ
We are a welcoming Chrisan community sharing in the mission of Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom of God. tĞƐƚƌŝǀĞƚŽΗŵĂŬĞĂĚŝīĞƌĞŶĐĞΗǁŝƚŚŝŶŽƵƌůŽĐĂůĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJĂŶĚƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚŝŶǁŚŝĐŚǁĞůŝǀĞ͘
Recognizing the importance of each individual member, we call forth the variees of gi!s, talents and