Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church Holy Week March 29, 2015 Camera 5 pm Dan Cjeka 9 am Ben Schuerin 11 am Anthony Mandalari palm Sunday good Friday March 28/29 April 3 12:00 Noon Stations of the Cross 1:05 pm Proclamation of Psalm 22, Jim Goebel 1:15 pm Solemn Celebration of the Passion of the Lord The Passion of Our Lord; Veneration of the Cross; Communion. Palm Sunday Cast Narrator Matt Dargay Rene Bryce Louis Carcamo Alyssa Cardillo Joseph Gearig John Paul “JP” Gurgel Matt Kilburn Rafa Mendez Connor O’Dea Jack Slayton Rehearsal Coaches: Owen Woityra and Mark Magni Breakfast for Cast Prepared by: Beth Donetti and Denise Swanson private penance Monday, March 30 beginning at 6:30 pm the sacred pascal triduum MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Easter vigil in the holy night Saturday, April 4, 8:00 pm At dusk-lighting of the Easter fire and candle; Blessing of Baptismal water; Water Rite; celebration of Baptisms and Confirmation Reception into full Communion; Blessing of Easter food. Reception will follow the Mass in celebration of those who journeyed through the RCIA and Family Catechumenate Programs. Thursday, April 2, 8:00 pm Liturgy of the Word; washing of feet; collection for the poor; solemn Eucharistic Prayer; procession to Gethsemane Chapel; prayer and adoration until 11:30 pm Easter Sunday of the resurrection of the lord April 5, 8:00, 9:30 & 11:15 am Fr. Tim Shepard will preside at the 8:00 and 9:30 Masses, Fr. Joe will preside at the 11:15 Mass. Blessing of Easter Baskets at all Masses. 11:30 pm to midnight taize prayer Childcare provided at all Masses. NO coffee and donuts. Page 2 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Only Mark’s Passion Narrative begins with the account of a woman who performs an extravagant act: “While he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at the table, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very costly ointment of nard, and she broke open the jar and poured the ointment on his head.” This gesture - wasting something as expensive as an entire jar of perfume - is scoffed by the bystanders, who complain that, at the very least, the nard could have been sold and the money given to the poor. But Jesus is having none of it: “Let her alone; why do you trouble her? She has performed a good service for me.” Fr. Robert Barron asks, “Why does Mark use this tale to preface his telling of the passion? Why does he allow the odor of this woman’s perfume to waft, as it were, over the whole of the story?” “It is because, I believe, this extravagant gesture shows the meaning of what Jesus is about to do: the absolutely radical giving away of self. There is nothing calculating, careful, or conservative about the woman’s action; she offers everything, breaking open the jar as a symbol of the breaking open of her heart in love. Giving voice to the austere rationalism of the Enlightenment, Immanuel Kant spoke of “religion within the limits of reason alone”; but as Paul Tillich commented, authentic religion, ultimate concern, can never be hemmed in by reason alone. Flowing from the deepest place in the heart, religion resists the strictures set for it by a fussily moralizing reason (on full display in those who complain about the woman’s extravagance). At the climax of his life, Jesus will give himself away totally, lavishly, unreasonably — and this is why the woman’s beautiful gesture is a sort of overture to the opera that will follow.” (Robert Barron, Letting the Life OUT.”) According to Mark, Jesus prayed the beginning of Psalm 22 at the ninth hour (that is, about three in the afternoon) in a loud voice: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Some of the bystanders misunderstood this prayer as a call for Elijah. It was probably already the case at that time that Elijah was seen as an aid at the hour of death. Because Jesus cried out the beginning of Psalm 22 in Aramaic ("Eloi, eloi") there must have been some kind of twisting of his cry; the mockery of Jesus continues. save the date Michigan Blood Drive at Christ the Redeemer, Saturday, May 16 7:30 am-1:30 pm in the Bethany Room Watch the bulletin for details. grief support workshop April 23, 30, May 7, 14 & 21 7:00-9:00 pm Registration: $15 before April 16, after $20. Grieving with Great HOPE is a five week grief support series that offers a prayerful, practical and personal approach for anyone who is mourning the loss of a loved one. If you have lost a spouse, a child (including pregnancy loss), a grandchild, parent, another family member or a friend, you are encouraged to attend. Presenters will be Fr. Joe Dailey, Fr. Mike Verschaeve as well as John and Sandy O’Shaughnessy from Good Mourning Ministry, a local Catholic bereavement organization. This is a joint effort with our parish, St. Joseph Parish and with assistance from Modetz Funeral Home. This year, the sessions will be held here at CTR. See flyer in the vestibule for registration details. Mark's gospel records these as Jesus's only words, but in all probability Jesus did not merely pray the beginning of Psalm 22. Reciting the first words would have indicated the same thing as a Christian today starting to pray, "Our Father ... " “He must have spoken parts of the whole psalm as his dying prayer, as far as his fading strength allowed, or stuttered it out in bits. At any rate, the opinion of some authors that the cry, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" represents ultimate and final despair is contradictory to the practice of Old Testament prayer. It is not only that Psalm 22 is shot through with cries of trust ("since my mother bore me you have been my God," v. 10), not merely that the end of the psalm speaks of the banquet of the nations in the reign of God (vv. 27-29); the beginning of the psalm is itself not a cry of despair, but a lament, and in the Psalms that is something completely different from despair. Psalm 22 contains both: that God is silent and yet replies, the horrible hiddenness of God and the showing of God's face (v. 24), the ultimate loneliness of the one praying and the new gift of community.” (Gerhard Lohfink Jesus of Nazareth, p.283-84) Fr. Joe committee members needed Our parish gives away 10% of the Sunday collection to the poor. The Tithing Committee allocates these funds monthly to local and global agencies. Guidelines are provided. We are looking for a few members to join the committee for a 3 year term making a total of 9 members on the committee. Members are asked to attend meetings that are held the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm. If you are interested, please call Karen/Lisa in the parish office. Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Fermenting Faith? Join us on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month beginning again on April 16 at 7:00 pm for a little wine, cheese and casual yet deep theological discussion! All are welcome. Free childcare happily provided upon request. NO RSVP necessary! Our next topic: The Doctrine of Grace, a concept that Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants agree is of great importance. It is also a concept that is the source of tremendous disagreement between Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants. Its theological development has led to the creation of certain famous aspects of Christianity such as original sin and predestination. Learn about the theological concept of grace and it is a vital component in the Christian understanding of salvation. ELEMENTARY SUMMER FAITH FORMATION DATES ARE ANOUNCED! Did you know we offer a GREAT 8-day Summer Program for grades 1st – 5th that meets the Archdiocesan requirements for a FULL YEAR of Faith Formation? The kids love it. They have full reign of the building for two weeks (Mon – Thurs) and they leave feeling like they really ‘own the joint!’ Our church takes on a richer feeling of “home” and the time spent feels like “camp” with all the bonding and fun, but our curriculum is quite substantial, challenging and engaging. Participating in our summer program can allow for more family time during the busy school year. Do consider registering at one of our upcoming orientations: April 28 and May 13, 7:00 pm. Summer Faith Formation (SFF) dates for children entering Grades 1-5; July 13-16 & 20-23 (Monday Thursday) from 9am – 12 noon OR August 3-6 & 10-13 (Monday Thursday) from 9am – 12 noon Page 3 Crazy Catholic Question #29 Self-sacrifice? ! I remember once quoting Sesame Street to my threeyear old saying “It’s fun to share!” and her quite confidently replying “No it’s not Momma” and looking at me like, “What world are YOU living in?” Self-sacrifice is not our natural state. The desire to be “on top” comes with the territory of being alive. St. Thomas Aquinas said that everything living wants to survive and expand in being. In plants and animals this drive stays on the biological level. But in humans it becomes more complex. Not only do we want to physically survive, we want to be important and esteemed, and sometimes we will hit some rather disgraceful lows in our pursuit of recognition and success in the world’s eyes. None of us are strangers to self-interest. But, it doesn’t satisfy in the end, as this anonymous little piece says: "How To Be Miserable." "Think about yourself. Talk about yourself. Use "I" as often as possible. Listen greedily to what people say about you. Expect to be appreciated. Be suspicious. Be jealous and envious. Be sensitive to slights. Never forgive a criticism. Trust nobody but yourself. Insist on consideration and respect. Demand agreement with your own views on everything. Do as little as possible for others." Sure we have our good days, but no matter how old and wise we get, we still have our bad days too when we succumb to our “bottom-of-the-barrel” selves…. I love the quote from Anne Lamott who said: “I’ve thought such evil, awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.” And yet, at the same time, we immediately recognize goodness. We are moved by stories of great sacrifice and selflessness. When an individual makes a choice to give of themselves for the greater good, we hear in that story God calling us to something deeper and truer…. something is awakened in us…. For example, the story of the young boy who had the perfect blood-match to save his older sister from a fatal form of leukemia. So the doctors and his parents came to him and asked “Will you give your sister your blood?” And the boy thought about it for a few minutes and then said “Yes, I will… for my sister.” So when the day came they put the needle in the child’s arm and started the transfusion, and as he watched his blood go out of him and into his sister he asked the doctor “So, when do I die?” Self-preservation may be our default setting, but something wonderful in us recognizes the beauty in stories such as this in which people set aside their drive for self-interest to carry out amazing acts of love. This is the humanity that we witness in Jesus this Palm Sunday. Jesus is always calling us to this higher self…our best self. Jesus is God’s way of communicating to us what being human can look like…is designed to look like. St. Thomas Aquinas says “the mission of Jesus from the Father is NOT the mission to be crucified; what the Father wished is that Jesus should be human.” Jesus’ life was so tragic because of what being a loving, compassionate human person in our world sometimes costs. All our little sacrifices, our little deaths to our self-centered selves are not a loss but a key part of our growth and transition into abundant life: our own death and resurrection. Henri Nouwen said “Our humanity comes to its fullest bloom in giving. We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a handshake, a kiss, an embrace, a word of love, a present, a part of our life...all of our life.” Send your "Crazy Catholic Questions" to or read past columns at: Page 4 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Spring Break Mission 2015 Mark 14.1-15:47 Are you a student in grades 9-12 looking for something new to do on Spring Break? Join us as we journey to the Old Redford district in Detroit and work with the Motor City Blight Busters Wednesday April 8-Friday, April 10. We begin each morning at CTR with a light breakfast and prayer before we carpool down to Lahser and Grand River. We never know exactly what our tasks will be when we arrive, but it’s always interesting. We may be doing anything from clearing up parks of illegal dumping, cleaning empty lots, or taking down burned and abandoned homes. We leave CTR at about 8:30 am and return each evening by 5:30 pm. If you like to meet new and interesting people, swing a sledge hammer and help others, then this is the experience for you. We have scheduled an informational/training meeting for Thursday, March 26 from 7-8 pm in Bethany. Contact Lisa Andridge for more information. This week we celebrate Palm Sunday, the final Sunday of Lent before Holy Week begins. It is the remembrance of Jesus’ “triumphal entry” into Jerusalem. About 450-500 years before Jesus crucifixion, the Prophet Zechariah prophesied Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and people placed palm fronds in his path and praised him saying, “Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!” Close your eyes for a moment and try really hard to envision this scene. Jesus is entering Jerusalem a hero. The people worship him and praise his name. Just imagine the crowds bustling and yelling. Feel the heat of the sun on your face as the all try to get a glimpse of the King. Then, try to imagine, just a few days later as Jesus is tried, crucified and sentenced to death. It must be the quickest change of atmosphere in all of history. The same crowds that were crying out “Hosanna!” were soon crying out, “Crucify Him!” This year as you watch the Passion Drama unfold, try to put yourself into the story. Imagine the role you would play and then let yourself feel the drama. It is both a beautiful and tragic story. In another week we will celebrate the Resurrection of our LORD. Don’t let yourself forget all that Jesus did to save us from our sins. We need to remember the tragedy in order to appreciate the love and the life he gave to us. Upcoming Events Tuesday, April 7 – Spring Break/No Coffee House gathering Wednesday, April 8 – Friday, April 10 – Spring Break Mission Saturday, May 16 – Project Peace by Piece Saturday, May 30 – Graduation Mass and Dinner Monday, July 6 – Friday, July 10 – Summer Mission Lent in Youth Ministry I would love to invite all teens in grades 9-12 to join us Tuesdays from 7-9 pm during Lent for a special series called, “Chase”. We will be taking a closer look at some of the “things” we’re chasing in our busy lives. It’s so easy to become distracted and derailed from our faith journey by events and objects that seem to be value added but that actually take us away from our relationship with Christ. David was a man who chased after the heart of God. Join us as we look at his life and how, despite his short comings, God was able to use him in remarkable ways. Our final session in this Lenten journey will be Tuesday, March 31. What are you chasing? Warm Up America love and marriage Wedding Coordinators NEEDED Weddings are an exciting time for the bride and groom. A Wedding Coordinators shares in that special day. Coordinators facilitate the wedding rehearsal and provide support on the wedding day. Volunteers are trained and scheduled. Be a part of this ministry. Questions call Sue in the parish office, 248-391-1621. Warm Up America knits and crochets blankets, hats, mittens, etc. for those in need. Spring/summer meeting dates are April 2, 16 & 30, May 14 & 28, and June 11. All are welcome. Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Mass Intentions March 28 & 29 5:00 pm For Dr. Robert Wylin req. by Dorothy Wylin. For the Deceased members of the Zale and Kowalski families req. by family. 9:00 am For the people of the parish. 11:00 am For Jim Sulinski req. by family. April 4 & 5 5:00 pm For Mark Wylin req. by Dorothy Wylin. For Manuel Paramo req. by the John Zuniga family. 9:00 am For Paula Sulinski req. by family. 11:00 am For the people of the parish. Earth Day Program April 17 Earth Day is April 22. Join the Peace and Justice Committee as we welcome former parishioner Kate Madigan for an early Earth Day presentation on "Oil and Water Don't Mix" at 7 p.m., Friday, April 17, in the Bethany Room. A member of the Michigan Environmental Council, Kate will present information on the Enbridge Line 5 oil pipeline that runs under the Straits of Mackinac. This 62-year-old pipeline poses a risk to the Great Lakes. Kate will discuss actions Michigan can take to reduce that risk and what we can do as concerned citizens. She will also update us on other recent activities of the Michigan Environmental Council. A Michigan wine and cheese reception will follow the presentation. Page 5 Looking AHEAD Palm Sunday, March 29 9:00 am Mass 11:00 am Mass 12:00 pm RCIA Monday, March 30 6:00 pm FROG 6:30 pm Private Penance 7:00 pm 8th Grade 7:00 pm Sunday Scripture Tuesday, March 31 5:45 pm Yoga 6:00 pm Stephen Min. Training 7:00 pm Coffee House 7:15 pm Women’s Book Club Wednesday, April 1 7:45 pm AA & Alanon Holy Thursday, April 2 9:30 am Warm Up America 10:00 am 55+ Exercise Class 8:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday, April 3 12:00 pm Stations of the Cross 1:05 pm Proclamation of Psalm 22, Jim Goebel 1:15 pm Solemn Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Saturday, April 4 9:00 am Yoga 10:00 am Adult Choir 10:15 am Yoga 11:00 am RCIA, Godparents, Sponsors-Rehearsal 2:30 pm Genesis Reading Rehearsal 8:00 pm Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Easter Sunday, April 5 8:00 am Mass, Fr. Tim Shepard Presider 9:30 am Mass, Fr. Tim Shepard Presider 11:15 am Mass, Fr. Joe Dailey Presider Monday, April 6 Parish Office Closed Tuesday, April 7 5:45 pm Yoga 7:00 pm Mass Wednesday, April 8 Spring Break Mission 7:00 pm Peace & Justice Committee 7:45 pm AA & Alanon Thursday, April 9 Spring Break Mission 10:00 am 55+ Exercise Class 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry Friday, April 10 Spring Break Mission 9:00 am Mass 10:00 am Nursing Home Mass Saturday, April 11 9:00 am Yoga 10:15 am Yoga 5:00 pm Baptisms at Vigil Mass Our generous parishioners adopted 9 families and supplied 200 baskets and $500 gift cards to people in need this Easter season. Those we assisted are most gracious, thank you. Page 6 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Classifieds: WANTED The Office of Family Ministry is looking to fill the following positions: EDUCATION MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM COORDINATOR(S) Do you have a heart for tweens? Now accepting resumes for a Middle School program coordinator. This is a paid position on our CTR Staff that runs from late August until the end of April. Position begins July 1st. Traditionally a 30 -hour position, but willing to split into two 15-hour positions for the right candidates. THEOLOGIANS NEEDED: Seeking 8-10 adult members of our community with some theological training or experience in spiritual director to be a part of a new adult faith endeavor for our parish. Commitment entails approximately 4 hours monthly beginning in late August. SERVICE SERVICE TRIP COORDINATORS Looking for one or two (or more) members of our community to coordinate 3 service projects (of your choice!) next year for our Confirmation program. Projects need to be scheduled sometime between Oct-April. SMALL GROUP LEADERS Looking for 8-10 small group leaders to assist at FIVE Confirmation meetings next year. Commitment is a total of 10 hours for the entire year. RCIA SUPPORT Sponsors and assistants needed for our RCIA program beginning in midSeptember through the Easter Vigil 2016. This is a substantial weekly commitment to journey with those seeking to become Catholic, but extremely edifying. HOSPITALITY HOST WITH THE MOST Looking for someone with a heart for our 20-somethings to work with the our Agape Young Adult minister, Kim Boismer, to coordinate a small, simple reception (crackers, cheese, wine, cookies, etc.) on the third Tuesday of each month following Taize prayer. INQUIRES: DRE@CTREDEEMER.ORG Keep informed on parish events via a weekly email. To receive a weekly updates, fill out the information on the main page of the website, good Friday SUPPORT CHRISTIANS IN THE HOLY LAND The annual Good Friday Collection offers a direct link for parishioners to be witnesses of peace and to help protect the Holy Places. When you donate on Good Friday, you are supporting Christians in the Holy Land. To donate, pick up a book mark found in the vestibule or go to ROME SWEET ROME Volunteer Appreciation Friday, May 1, 6:30 pm All Christ the Redeemer volunteers be sure to mark you calendars. Senior Stretch & Stay Strong Exercise Class 55+ This class is held at Christ the Redeemer and features meditation, gentle stretching, and chair exercise. Every Thursday, from 10:00 11:30 am in the Matt 2/3 room. Instructor: Virginia Stagner Certified by The Arthritis Foundation CURIOUS ABOUT CATHOLICISM? Our RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is designed to welcome anyone interested in learning more about Catholicism and/or officially being initiated through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist into our Catholic Community. Contact Lisa Brown, 248-391-4074 or for more information. Gospel of life “As the Holy Spirit says, “Today if you should hear his voice, harden not your hearts as when they provoked me, as in the day of trial in the wilderness.” (Hebrews 3:7 -8) March 25, 2015 marked the 20th Anniversary of the publication of Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) by St. John Paul II in 1995. In his encyclical, St. John Paul II took the principle of the sanctity of life and focused on each human person as an individual, unique expression of God. Unfortunately, many Catholics have never accepted this Pope’s message or have tuned it out. In 2013, newly elected Pope Francis published his first encyclical: The Joy of the Gospel. Pope Francis presented his plans for “a new phase of evangelization” for service to the poor. Overlooked by many were Pope Francis’ statements from Section 213 that “Among the vulnerable for whom the Church wishes to care with particular love and concern are unborn children, the most defenseless and innocent among us.” He continued: “Defense of unborn life is closely linked to the defense of each and every other right. It involves the conviction that a human being is always sacred and inviolable, in any situation and at every stage of development.” Let us hope that twenty years from now that Pope Francis’s message isn’t forgotten. Lansing update "Choose Life" License Plates Continue to House Committee After Senate Approval After passage this week from the State Senate, a bill creating Michigan "Choose Life" fundraising license plates will now be sent over to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for further consideration. Money collected during the sale of the plates would be deposited into a "Choose Life" Fund, which then could be distributed to organizations that promote alternatives to abortion. Senate Bill 84 passed in the Senate by a 26 -11 vote. Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion Buddy’s pizza “Slice for Life” Fundraiser Proceeds from this fundraiser, on Monday, April 13 from 11 am-10 pm, go to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. Feed your family while supporting the Capuchin Soup Kitchen! All the 2-topping pizza and salad you can eat at all Metro Detroit Buddy’s Pizza locations (dine-in only). Carry-out available. Tickets: $15 adults; $7 children under 10. Tickets available in advance by calling 313-579-2100 ext. 170 or purchase at the door on April 13. Card crafter workshop Christ the Redeemer Card Crafters will gather on Tuesday, April 14 and Tuesday, May 12 from 10:00am12:00 noon. Card crafters continue to create cards to send to members of our community. Don't let your lack of crafting experience stop you from joining the fun! We have all levels of projects to complete. There may also be an opportunity to work at home with our materials. Questions, contact Caryl at or 248-625-5852. Mention cards in your title. rice bowls Hungering for Seeds of Home We follow Jesus this week on our Lenten journey as he enters into Jerusalem, a community he knew well. CRS Rice Bowl asks us, too, to prayerfully enter into our own communities, to find those who are hungry and thirsty, who need our help. How does our Lenten journey motivate us to serve those we encounter in our daily lives? Rice bowls are due back beginning Holy Thursday, April 2. Financial Stewardship February 2015 Sunday Contributions: Received $59,140 Budgeted 63,462 (Under) Budget ($ 4,322) Page 7 crop walk, may 3 Christ the Redeemer, together with 14 other churches in our community, have “made a difference within our local community and the world in which we live”. Last year the Orion Oxford CROP Walk raised $19,000 to help respond to disasters, develop sustainable incomes, or provide basic needs such as clean water. The funds are distributed domestically and globally. 25% of our funds will go to FISH and Love INC here in our community. The walk takes place on Sunday, May 3 at 2:00 pm. Our goal is to have 50 walkers and runners from Christ the Redeemer to join in a 6 mile trek around Orion Oaks or taking a shorter 2 mile walk. Everyone can help. Please pledge a walker or join our CTR Crop Walk team. We will be available after Masses on April 11/12, 18/19, 25/26 or you can visit the The website offers the opportunity to pledge or join the walk. We are very proud of our CTR generosity and commitment to this effort. If you would consider helping to organize or host this event, we would like to have you contact us. For more information, please call Randy Gower, 248-391-9060 or Don Danko, 248-931-1330. Do you have a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or relative who has been struggling with the loss of a loved one, loneliness, cancer, a layoff, relocation, divorce, a spiritual crisis, recuperation, single parenthood, or any of countless other life challenges? Our Stephen Ministers can provide them with the focused care, encouragement, and support they need to make it through the crisis. If you know of someone who is hurting, talk with our Stephen Leader who will instruct you on how we can connect the person with a Stephen Minister It’s a great way for you to show how much you care? For more information call Roger Buches, 248-444-5750 or email Mike Hayes at MOMS: Ministry of Moms Sharing Moms with children of all ages are welcome to meet with one or both of our MOMS groups that gather on Wednesday, 10:00-11:30 am OR Thursday mornings 10:30 am 12:00 noon for fellowship, book discussions, life lessons and faith building. For more information contact Patty Weise 248-239-1118 (Weds) or Dayna Hollis 248-802-3804 (Thurs). Childcare is provided. Scripture Study Opportunities Monday Night Join us at 7:00 pm in the parish office conference room for an indepth discussion and study of the lectionary readings for our weekend liturgies. All are welcome. Questions, contact Jan Lumetta at Wednesday morning from 9:30-11:00 am No prep necessary. Drop-ins welcome. Childcare provided by request. Contact David Nesbitt at: for more information. Page 8 Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion The following is the entire prayer list of Christ the Redeemer Church. If you would like someone added to the prayers please call the parish office. For Our Parishioners Jack Walters Marie Degg Paul Brimo Jodi Dempsey Martin Laurie O’Meara Robert Kurzyniec Tony Gibbs Jane Beckwith Fred Lennox Stan Kowalski Carey Chappell Karen Rawski Ellen Higgins For the Military …..our country’s military personnel especially those connected to our parish. For the Deceased …..please remember in your prayers the family of Fran Pinto whose mother Arleen Pinto died; the family of Eileen Goodard, a resident of Bortz Nursing Home,. For Loved Ones Who Are Ill John Bechtell father of Jim Bechtell Frank Grepke and Richard Lamb brother-in-laws of Carol Lamb Tyler Krueger friend of Brandon Woelmer Agnes Rowe sister of Mary Munoz John Lee Hopper friend of Mary Munoz Dave Berube father of Elizabeth Delano Don Kern uncle of JoAnn Yops Cameron Ruby John Kielich brother of Theresa Bieser Hannah Campbell toddler friend of Jessica Hallmark Shari Morgan friend of Therese Wisnewski Stephanie Shim friend of Therese Wisnewski Hilton Muntz father of Carol Daprai Janice Klink niece of Bev Gall Sister Bea Keller the sister of Mike Eyl Kris Leith friend of Martha and John Cooper Lauren Hughes John Bigger Evelyn Winterfield sister of Mary Elizabeth Murray Patty Bianchi daughter of Stella Slimko Cameron Collins nephew of Susan Arends CHRIST THE REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH 2700 Waldon Rd, Lake Orion, MI 48360 Fr. Joe Dailey, Pastor e-mail: PARISH OFFICE 248.391.1621, (Fax) 248.391.3412 Administrative: Sue Enjaian, ext. 10 e-mail: Administrative: Dawn Cejka, ext. 11 Finance: Christi Spencer, ext. 12 Christian Service: Karen Swietlik, ext. 17 and Lisa Pratt, ext. 17 Stephen Ministry: Roger Buches, 248.444.5750 Music Ministry: Mari Reyes, 248-674-4493 Hours: 9 am to 4 pm, Monday thru Thursday 9 am to 12:00 Noon, Friday Website Address: Pontiac Vicariate Website: OFFICE OF FAMILY MINISTRY 248.391.4074 Lisa Brown, Director, ext. 20 Karen Jbara and Michele Pinelli, Pre-K, Elementary Coordinators, ext. 19 Maryalice Tomei, Administrative, ext. 14 Deb Kiefer, Mid School, ext. 18 Lisa Andridge, Youth Minister, ext. 33 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am & 11:00 am Daily - Check weekly bulletin SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION BY APPOINTMENT COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS Parish Council (Meets 4th Tuesday) Chair: Joanne Evola, 248.391.-0113 (Commissions meet 2nd Tuesday) Education Chair: David Zande, 248.891.6950 Parish Finance Council Chair: Jason Drake, 248.236.8102 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: We are a welcoming Christian community sharing in the mission of Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom of God. We strive to "make a difference" within our local community and the world in which we live. Through our gatherings for prayer, sacraments and sharing the Word of God, we are forming a growing community. Recognizing the importance of each individual member, we call forth the varieties of gifts, talents and ministries of all. We seek to join with others who share in this mission. (7/23/03) Service Chair: Kate Schueren, 248.393.2014 Stewardship Chair: Bob Emick, 248.393.1901 Worship Chair: Dominic Drohan, 248.693.4590 Kate “Z” (Zacharevich) FREE Music Lesson! PHYSICAL THERAPY AND MEDICAL FITNESS Specializing in Orthopedic & Sports Injuries (248) 933-3473 Call Today For More Info! 3009 Baldwin Road Oxford School of Music PHIL KRAUSE, P.T. OCS DANIEL CADY, MPT, OCS MONDAY-FRIDAY 6AM-8PM SATURDAY 8AM-NOON CTR Parish Finance Council Member Presidents Council of Excellence •Violin •Cello • Ukulele •Flute •Guitar •Piano • Vocal • Drums • Bass 248-393-7707 (Waldon Pond Shopping Center) REALTOR®, SFR, ABR Limited Time Offer 248-572-4881 125 S. Washington St. (M-24) just south of town • Oxford 31 S. Main • Clarkston Full Service • Local • Dedicated to Your Real Estate Needs Ask me about a CTR Discount or Donation Shops on Waldon Pond 3031 Baldwin Rd. Orion, MI 48359 248-391-9790 Full Service Quality Dry Cleaner & Shirt Service Smoke Restoration • Wedding Gowns • Alterations • Valet Service Pickup & Delivery Hotline: 248-393-1203 MENTION AD WHEN BRINGING IN AN ORDER FOR 15% DISCOUNT Independent Living • Assisted Living Alzheimer’s Care • Short Term Rehab Long Term Care Waterford, Michigan )*+.0-1./-)2 METROPOLITAN TREE INC. KRISTINE LAMBRECHT ABR, SFR, Parish Member 31 S. Main Clarkston 48346 Oxford Overhead Door Sales Co. Discount Tree & Stump Removal Free Estimates • 49 YRS. EXP. Top Producer Since 2009 President’s Council of Excellence Buy * Sell * Lease - 24/7! 248•709•6633 Ask about CTR donation or credit 248-627-6316 800-753-1633 Garage Doors • Sales • Service Residential & Commercial Serving our customers for over 45 years 10% Senior & Angie’s List Discount A+ Rating with BBB • A on Angie’s List 248-628-4555 2118 Metamora, Oxford Connie Garner For Advertising Information call Terry Sweeney today! INSTITUTE The Most Trusted Care In Sight CARL F. CLAVENNA, M.D. GREGORY B. FITZGERALD, M.D. 248.207.1949 BUY - SELL - LEASE 1.800.477.4574 ext. 6323 CLAVENNA Parishioner Christ The Redeemer discounts or donations Know Someone Buying or Selling? !""#$$%#&&&%'()*+, 600 S. Adams, Birmingham 248-646-3733 Coldwell Banker Professionals 248-814-6714 Pine View Manor 2888 Baldwin Rd. Orion Manor 1814 S. Lapeer Rd. Silverbell Manor 1241 E. Silverbell Rd. 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(M24) 248-814-9292 TIMOTHY ENGLISH - OWNER We Do More Than Just Exhaust 4-D-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Butler CPA & Associates, PLLC American Institute of CPA’s Rob Butler, CPA/MBA Cell: (248) 496-8231 • !"#$%&'()*+,'-*)./-*- 4568 Walton Blvd. Suite C Waterford, Michigan 48329 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0237/i LT H DE AL HEA NT FO R YO )*++*,-.++*/0,123,442 I LY C U R FA M GENTLE DENTAL CARE FOR ALL AGES (248) 693-8366 Evening & Weekend Appointments Available 792 S Lapeer Road (Just North of Clarkston Road) ROCHESTER LAWN EQUIPMENT 94 W. Auburn Rd. • Rochester Hills ,WDOLD*DUGHQV Restaurant • Catering • Private Banquet Area Mention Christ the Redeemer and get 10% off your food bill. Sundays only (248) 852-4961 1076 Lapeer Rd. • 248-628-4112 • PARTS, SALES & SERVICE Thomas G. Griffin Gregory T. 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Licensed and Insured Builder Quality and Excellence Since 1997 To see some of our work and learn more about our company, visit our website: Robin W. Davis (248) 391-6644 Office (248) 935-9969 Mobile ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0237/o
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