施昀佑 | Yunyu “Ayo” Shih http://www.shihyunyu.com shihyunyu@gmail.com EDUCATION School of the Art Institute of Chicago Master of Fine Art, Sculpture, 2014 The New Artist Society Scholarship Recipient National Taiwan University School of Humanity Bachelor of Art in History, Sociology 2007 RESIDENCY 2014 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Miane, USA 2015 4.18, Villavicencio, Colombia 2015 Arctic Circle Residency, Svalbard, Norway AWARDS AND HONORS 2014 The Ministry of Culture Grant, The Ministry of Culture, Taiwan. 2014 Edward L. Ryerson Fellowship, School of The Art Institute of Chicago 2013 The New Artist Society Scholarship, School of The Art Institute of Chicago Full scholarship for the MFA program study, one recipient per year. 2012 “The Day,” Special Selected Scene, Chicago International Children Film Festival, USA. 2010 “Prolonged Valediction,” 1_WALL selected, Tokyo Guardian Garden, Japan. Considered as “The Cradle of New Artist” in Japan since 80’s. Introduce many important artists such as Rinko Kawauchii, Ninagawa Mika, Noguchi Rika. 2002 “Lonely Island,” Grand Prize, Poetry Section, Taipei Literal Prize. National literal prize. One of the most influential in Taiwan. EXHIBITION • Solo Exhibition 2010.06 “Farewell to A Building, the DongDongGuan Project,” Gonguan, Taipei. 2009.03 “Prolonged Valediction,” Road Cafe', Taipei. 2007.04 “Light in The Darkness,” National Taiwan University Student Gallery, Taipei. • Selected Group Exhibition 2014.10 Zero Boundary, TW Economic and Cultural Center, New York 2014.09 Socrates/Skowhegan Performance Festival, Socrates Sculpture Park. 2014.05 MFA show, Sullivan Gallery, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago 2011.02 A Sickle and Its Manual, work with CHANG Yunhan, FangYuan, Taiwan. 2010.10 “Farewell to A Building II, Forget it,” Forum Biennial of Taiwan Contemporary Art, Taipei Contemporary Art Center, Taipei. Publication • Author 2012 Author, Farewell to A Building, the DongDongGuanProject, HideAndSeek. 2007 Author, Light in The Darkness, Taipei. • Article 2012 〈LOVE〉,《YOUNGVOICE》,Taiwan 2012 〈思考的居所〉,《Artist》,September, Taiwan 2011 〈On “Genious of Photography”〉,Voic of Photography, March, Taiwan • Translator 2014 Translator, Talk About Contemporary Photography, Elisabeth Couturier, YD Press 2013 Translator, The Photographer's Vision, Michael Freeman, Common Master Press 2011 Translator, The Genius of Photography, Gerry Badger, Common Master Press. • Editor 2012 Associate Editor, One Day, teenager’s art resource book 2011 Associate Editor, SOUND, teenager’s art resource book 2003 Editor/Designer, Adolescence, Rob Ló Yùchia, poetry anthology Lecture 2015 2014.10 Artist Talk, New Jersey City University 2013.12 Artist Talk, Art Institute of Chicago 2013.05 Artist Talk, School of the Art Institute of Chicago 2011,11 Public Lecture, TEDxYOUTH, Kaoshiung 2010,06 Artist Talk, Taipei Contemporary Art Center PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE • Studio Assistant 2014.JuneAug, Fresco Studio Assistant, Sean Glover, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture 2014.AprJune, Assistant, Stephen Reber • Teaching experience 2014 Instructor, Abrons Art Center, New York 2014 Instructor, Mold Making Workshop, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture 2014 Teaching Assistant, Moldmaking, School of the Art Institute of Chicago(SAIC) 2014 Teaching Assistant, Knowledge Lab, for Claire Pentecost, SAIC 2013 Teaching Assistant, Intro Photography, for Aimee Beaubien, SAIC 2013 Teaching Assistant, Color Photography, for Matt Ciber, SAIC 2012 Trainer, Authorizing equipment in Media Center, SAIC 2012 Instructor, Film Making Intro, Fubon Cultural and Educational Foundation 2011 Instructor, TED Youth talk trainer, TEDxYOUTHxTaiwan • Museum/Volunteer Sep,2014 General Staff, Noguchi Museum Oct, 2014 Open House New York Volunteer, Open House New York Foundation. • Project Manager, Fubon Cultural and Educational Foundation 2010.Sep 2012.Aug Conceptualized and construct workshop and courses for the Youngvoice Program, which aims to empower Taiwanese teenagers to develop and document youthcentered narratives through media education on media literacy and access. This program also focucing on artist recognize identity as their subject matter and show their works. Cooperation with National Taiwan Prehistory Museum, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art and ATT Gallery in Taipei. ❖ Course planer, invite visual artist introducing the concept of work to teenager audience. ❖ CoFounder and editor of “Youngvoice.tw,” the largest circulation of teenagers magazine in Taiwan. ❖ Cocurator of “Youngvoice Super Festival,” exhibition of teenager’s visual art work. ❖ Assosiate curators and international artist/film directors, coordinating museums and gallery for shows. ❖ • Cocurator and assist speech trainer of 2012 TEDxYouth in Taiwan. • Associate Editor/translator 2008.Nov 2012.Aug Assosiate with publication house focusing on art. I tranlate art book and curate artist books for Common Master Press, Hide and Seek, Youngvoice.tw and YD Press. 施昀佑 | Yunyu “Ayo” Shih http://www.shihyunyu.com shihyunyu@gmail.com 學歷 2014 芝加哥藝術學院,MFA 新藝術家獎學金得主(The New Artist Society Scholarship Recipient) 2007 國立台灣大學, 歷史學系學士 駐村經歷 2014 史勾西根繪畫雕塑學校 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture 2015 418, Villavicencio, Colombia 2015 北極計畫,Arctic Circle Residency, Svalbard, Norway 展覽 ● 個展 2010.06 向建築告別——洞洞館計畫,公館,台北。 2007.05 後台,台灣大學活動中心B1學生藝廊 ● 聯展 2014.12 Zero Boundary, 台北駐紐約經濟文化辦事處 2014.09 Socrates/Skowhegan Performance, Socrates Scultpure park 2014.07 Soccer Field, Skowhegan School of P&S , 緬因州, 美國 2014.05 Office project, MFA Show, Sullivan Gallery, 芝加哥, 美國 2011.03 一把鐮刀與其使用說明,與張允涵合作,芳苑,台灣。 2010.10 向建築告別二——忘記就算了,台北論壇雙年展,台北。 獲獎 2014 103 年「文化部選送國內文化相關人才出國駐村及交流計畫」獎金 2014 SAIC felloship, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture 2014 Edward L. Ryerson Fellowship 2012 芝加哥藝術學院,新藝術家獎暨獎學金得主 The New Artist Society 全額獎學金,每一年贈與一位學生 2012 一天,芝加哥國際兒童影展評審獎 2010 漫長的告別,一坪攝影新人獎入圍,日本守護者花園,東京。 出版/文章 2012 〈LOVE〉,YOUNGVOICE,秋季刊 2012 〈思考的居所〉,藝術家雜誌,九月號 2012 《向建築告別——洞洞館計畫》,害喜出版 2011 〈《攝影的精神》書評〉,攝影之聲,三月號 2007 《後台》,獨立出版 專業工作經驗 ● 藝術家工作室助理 2014.JuneAug, Fresco Studio Assistant, Sean Glover, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture 2014.AprJune, Assistant, Stephen Reber ● 教學 2014 講師, Abrons Art Center, New York 2014 講師, Mold Making Workshop, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture 2014 助教, Moldmaking, School of the Art Institute of Chicago(SAIC) 2014 助教, Knowledge Lab, for Claire Pentecost, SAIC 2013 助教, Intro Photography, for Aimee Beaubien, SAIC 2013 助教, Color Photography, for Matt Ciber, SAIC 2012 講師, Authorizing equipment in Media Center, SAIC ● 專案企劃,青少年發聲小組,富邦文教基金會 2010.0ct2012.Aug 協助小組負責人將「青少年發聲」此一理念概念化並於工作坊、課程與雜誌中執行,此一計 畫理念在於召喚青少年內在表達自我想法之意念,並協助其以不同類型的媒體工具書寫並傳 達意見。 課程規劃,邀請視覺藝術工作者針對青少年分享其創作理念 〈發聲誌〉創辦與助理編輯,台灣最大以青少年為目標讀者之免費刊物。 『不簡單生活節』共同策展人,集結台灣青少年的視覺創作與新媒體相關作品展出。 TEDxYouth講者演講訓練之助理陪訊員。 ● 編輯/翻譯 2003 2013 譯者,《攝影師之眼》,The Photographer's Vision, Michael Freeman, 大家出版 社。 2012 責任編輯,昨天發生一件事,青少年藝術書刊,富邦文教基金會發行 2011 譯者,《攝影的精神》,The Genius of Photography, Gerry Badger, 大家出版社。 2011 責任編輯,聲音,青少年藝術書刊,富邦文教基金會發行 2003 編輯、設計,青春期,羅毓嘉詩集,獨立出版
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