Weekly Bulletin - Ascension Catholic Church

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January 25, 2015
2950 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935
Rev. Eamon Tobin ...................... Ext. 3070
Pastor, email: tobin2@live.com
Tel. 321-254-1595 Fax 321-255-3490
Rev. BK Tran ................................ 254-1595
Associate Pastor
Email: thadbkt0035@msn.com
Deacon Sergio A. Colon............. Ext. 3082
Bereavement Ministry, Hispanic Community
Deacon Tom Stauffacher
proftom369@cfl.rr.com, 321-242-4504
Deacon Bill Terneus
Sr. Joseph Barden ........................ Ext. 3003
Development Director
Sr. Immaculata............................. Ext. 3039
Pastoral Care
Doug Workman........................... Ext. 3001
School Principal
Betsy Glasenapp .......................... Ext. 3080
Religious Education Director
Mary Birmingham ....................... Ext. 3068
Music/Liturgy Director, Catechumenate
Mark Kniepmann......................... Ext. 3501
High School Youth Minister
Mary Blucker ............................... Ext. 3069
Middle School Youth Minister
Ashley Breaux .............................. Ext. 3077
Contemporary Music
Monica Sutton ............................. Ext. 3076
Volunteer Coordinator
Monday-Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Teresa Romano............................ Ext. 3050
Maria Sittig .................................. Ext. 3072
Mary Russo................................... Ext. 3078
Business Manager/Bookkeeper
Anne Dorros ................................. Ext. 3074
Assistant Bookkeeper
Brian Carley
Facilities Manager
Susan Esposito
Fingerprinting office ...................... Ext. 3079
U.S. Department of Education
School of Excellence
Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade
Religious Education (Pre-K - 6)
Tuesdays, 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.
Religious Education (Grades 1-8)
Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m.
Youth Ministry
Sundays after 5:30 p.m. Mass
Ascension Thrift Store: 259-7291
Ascension Social Concerns: 259-5685
Mondays & Thursdays
6:00 p.m., Parish Hall
Saturday Vigil Mass
4:30 p.m.
Sunday Masses
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (free childcare)
11:30 a.m. (free childcare)
5:30 p.m.
Weekday Masses
Monday-Friday: 7:25 a.m.
Sat. 9:00 a.m
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:15 - 4:25 p.m.
Wednesday: 6:00 p.m.
(or by appointment)
As a good steward of the Lord’s blessings, please remember to consider
your Parish Family or School Endowment in your Last Will and Testament.
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January 25, 2015
What we greatly appreciate about having our children at Ascension Catholic School is the safety measures put forth into keeping
my children safe daily, the kindheartedness and love the teachers
have for them, and the amazing Catholic rituals and studies they
instill in them.
Angelica & Anthony Lopez
What I like best about having my son at Ascension Catholic
School is that the faculty care for him as they would their own
Steve Audina
Step Up for Students Program
Why Parents Love Ascension School
Ascension’s Technology Program
Moving Le$ers from Two Catholic College Graduates
Seven Thank You’s
Please tell neighbors, friends and co-workers about the Step Up
for Students Program.
In 2001, the Florida Legislature created the Florida Tax Credit
Scholarship (income-based scholarship) to assure that low-income
children have learning options. Under the law, the scholarships are
based on financial need, not how well your child does in school.
Since then, hundreds of thousands of low-income families in Florida have been able to place their child in a private school.
In this current academic year, the tuition cost at Ascension School
for Category One families (Catholics who attend weekend Mass on
a regular basis) is $5,750 per child. For Category Two families
(non-Catholics and Catholics who do not come to church regularly), the tuition cost is $7,200 per child. The state pays up to $5,272
per child. We are hoping the scholarship amount for next year will
increase. The Parish Assistance for 74 students from July 2014
through December 2014 was $112,019.94.
Parents can get more information about this program by emailing
info@stepupforstudents.org or by calling 1-877-735-7837. Their
website is www.stepupforstudents.org. Parents need to know that
they will lose out on this offer if they do not apply on time.
What I like best about having my children at Ascension Catholic
School is that they are surrounded by people who love God and
are happy to share that love. I am convinced that the reason my
children’s faith is so strong is because God is part of their ENTIRE
day. Ascension Catholic School is more then just a school. It is a
faith community!!
I firmly believe that their foundation at Ascension will lead my
children to do God’s work. When children are loved, happy, and
feel secure—they can accomplish wonderful things!!
Diane Cassidy
It is imperative for students in today’s world to be able to use the
latest technology to become creative and critical thinkers who will
make a positive impact on the world. In support of this goal, our
school has a wide variety of tech tools available for students use.
• Projectors and Interactive SMART boards are in almost every
Free four-year old (VPK) program
Under the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program (VPK), a four-year
old child can attend our school free. Parents of these children pay
none of the extra fees new parents in our school do.
Why parents love having their children at Ascension School
When school parents were asked what they love about having
their children at Ascension School, the following are only a few of
the many positive e-mails Mr. Workman and I received.
We are truly blessed to be able to have our four daughters
attend Ascension Catholic School. It is comforting to know that our
children are in a loving and nurturing environment because of the
amazing teachers and staff who truly care and have the best interest in our children. Most importantly, in addition to getting an excellent education, they are immersed in our Catholic faith where
Christ is central and spoken about on a daily basis. We couldn’t be
Hector & Christina Babilonia
room, and selected rooms have document cameras (as needed).
This year we completed the addition of the audio enhancement
and silent security system which are now in place in all rooms
(Kindergarten through Grade 8). Research shows audio enhancement has a positive effect on reading and language
growth, especially in the lower grades.
Six new touchscreen laptops for Grades 3 through 5. This
allows for the laptops to be moved and shared among these
grades as needed for student work. Grades 2 and below have
a bank of computers in their classrooms.
Four mobile computer lab carts, each holding 30 touchscreen
devices running Windows 8.1. Two of the carts hold Tablets
and the other two hold Netbooks.
Students use Microsoft Office 365 for email and file storage.
They are allowed to download 5 full versions of Microsoft Office
and Avast Anti-virus software.
Computer instruction varies by grade level and include coding,
typing, ethical and fair use of technology and social media, as
well as basic computer use. Students also use the computers
in most subject areas.
Anita Brady, who oversees our technology program, will be a presenter at the National Conference for Catholic Education this April.
Sharing from two Catholic college graduates
In a letter to the editor of the magazine U.S. Catholic, Brendan
McGrath writes:
As a devout 23-year old Catholic who just graduated from
Georgetown University and who attended Catholic Elementary and
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Catholic High School, I am adverse to anything that could possibly
lead to anything but wholehearted devotion to the Catholic School
system. I believe that for education to be fully authentic, it must be
permeated by religion, which for Catholics means Catholicism.
True education cares for the whole person, and since our spiritual/
religious dimension permeates our whole existence, body and
soul, an education that is not religious is inherently incomplete.
This doesn’t mean that public schools aren’t of value, certainly
God’s grace is at work in their students, and their teachers are
doing God’s work in building the kingdom as well. However, public
schools operate on a reduced and qualitatively different level compared to Catholic schools, like a circle compared to a sphere. This
would remain true even if all public schools were better academically than Catholic ones.
A few years ago, Terri Piatt wrote the following letter to the editors
of the Notre Dame Magazine.
The meaning of education
Thank you for printing Peter Wicks’ essay (“A Defense of My
Life’s Vocation”), which I read shortly after reading a Newsweek
cover story entitled “Why College Should Take Only 3 Years.” The
contrast between the two viewpoints was startling. One side advocates eliminating “nonessential” courses and attending school
year-round while the other reflects what higher education is ideally
about, namely, learning how to think critically and having time to
reflect and grow. Philosophy and the humanities are an important
part of the well-rounded liberal arts education that every Notre
Dame graduate receives, and this is part of what makes a degree
from a top university like Notre Dame valuable.
I was an EE major and, like many engineering students, I felt
that all of my required, nontechnical classes were a waste of time.
Then I took Moral Problems, a philosophy class that changed my
world view. It remains the best class I have ever taken. Since
graduating I have learned time and again that while my engineering and math skills are strong, what really sets me apart from my
fellow graduate students and co-workers is all those “useless”
theology, philosophy and humanities classes I was required to
take. I have nothing but admiration for the scholars who devote
themselves to these often undervalued areas.
I wonder, when it comes to the education of their children
(elementary and high school), how many parents see the religious
dimension as a “non-essential.” If the writer of the above is to be
believed, the religious dimension of education is what produces
the most lasting effect, the part that impacts a person’s whole
worldview. I am so grateful that we at Ascension can say to more
and more parents that their children can have a Catholic education even if they cannot afford our tuition costs.
It is very clear from the above two testimonies that a good education involves much more than academics. If we are interested in
the soul and spirit of our children—the part of us that is
immortal—then we will seek to do everything possible to
nurture that dimension in our children’s lives. A Catholic
school environment is a great place to do that. As stated above, in
a Catholic school, faith permeates every subject and every part of
a child’s day.
January 25, 2015
Let’s be convinced…
No school is perfect and that includes Catholic schools. No school
has perfect principals, teachers or parents. Parents and students
can have bad experiences in any school, including Catholic
schools. Having said that, let us not falter in our conviction as
regards the value of a Catholic school education. This weekend,
you heard our students proclaim the Word of God at Mass and
you listened to school parents share why it is important for them
to have their children receive a Catholic education.
All of us make decisions on how we want to spend our money. I
hope that all of you interested in the future of Catholicism are
convinced that supporting families seeking to send their children
to a Catholic school is one of the best ways we can spend your
Seven thank you’s
I thank all the parents in our parish who have made the good
choice of giving their children a Christ-centered education.
I thank grandparents who are helping their grandchildren have a
Catholic education.
I thank all of you who contribute to the special school envelope
found in your monthly package. This past calendar year of 2014,
donations totaled $69,178. The average monthly collection is
$5,800. If you are in a position to participate in this form of support to our school, I invite you to consider doing so. Investment in
Catholic school education is an investment in the future of Catholicism. Please make your check to Ascension Catholic School to
avoid a diocesan assessment. More on this next week.
I thank Hank Laneuville and all our bingo workers for their dedication to our parish. Thursday night bingo revenue goes to the
school. This year, bingo will contribute $182,100 to the operation
of the school.
I thank Sr. Joseph, our school Development Director, and all the
dedicated school parents who work with her. Each year, their
main fundraiser has been our annual Gala Event which last year
netted $58,000. This year’s Gala Event is Saturday, March 28,
2015 in our school. Last year’s Casino Night turned out to be
great fun and netted $20,000. I thank all those individuals who
make special donations to our school to help with miscellaneous
special projects.
I thank Tom Knutson and his Thrift Store volunteers for their
wonderful work in raising funds to serve the needy in our area.
This year they are contributing $48,000 to our Tuition Aid program.
If you know parents with pre-school, elementary or high school
age children in our area, please share this column with them .
Have a blessed week,
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Next Sunday’s Readings - February 1, 2015 B
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deuteronomy 18:15-20, Psalm 95:1-2, 6-9
1Corinthians 7:32-35, Mark 1:21-28
Name an ac<on you can take this week to
give God greater influence in your life.
January 25, 2015
Catholic Schools Week
January 25 through January 30
Ascension School will be
open to our parishioners
and other guests on
Sunday, January 25,
after all the
Sunday morning Masses.
Action Nights after the 5:30pm Mass
Bible Study: Monday evenings, youth room,
7:00-8:30pm. All high school teens are welcome to come, socialize with friends, learn and
talk about our faith.
For info regarding Youth Ministry, contact Mark Kniepmann at
Middle School
For all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders,
no matter where you attend school
Jan. 28: Wednesday after School
Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 7, 2015
The Steubenville Middle School Day Rally is a great event. Over 500 Catholic
youth, grades 6-8, will be attending. If
you’ve heard about Steubenville from older
youth—this rally is a close cousin, just jampacked into one day. We leave church at
6:30am and get back around 11:30pm. The
cost is $69, includes lunch and dinner and
all rally programming. Rally t-shirt is $15.
Transportation cost by MCC school bus is
covered by our parish. Please do not let
cost hold you back—we can help, just
let us know. RSVP and register no later than Feb. 13.
Learn more at:
Need Confirmation service? Call Mary.
For more info, check website www.ascensioncatholic.net
or contact Mary Blucker at 254-1595 ext. 3069 or
SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 3:00 - 5:15 pm
Donuts and coffee will be
served in our School
Cafetorium this weekend,
not in the parish hall.
Please join us in visiting our school’s
facilities after your coffee and donuts.
There are many exciting exhibits to view.
Teachers and students will be at the
school to greet you and take you on a
tour of our wonderful school.
After eight years of dedicated service to
Ascension School, Doug Workman has
decided to move to Pennsylvania where he
can be closer to his family. We thank Doug
for his service to our school and wish him
well as he moves on to the next phase of his
I am happy to announce that upon the
recommendation of the Diocesan School
Superintendent and our Search Committee,
Anita Brady, currently our Director of
Technology, will be our new Principal. Anita
grew up in our parish and has worked in our
school for over 30 years. It is always a
blessing when one of our own students
rises to the top leadership position in our
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Happy New Year! What better way to begin the new
year than to join a diverse group of women on
their journey toward understanding and embracing God's presence and love in their lives more
We invite you to join us as we explore celebrated biblical author, Jeanne Kun, and her work
Mighty In Power: The Miracles Of Jesus.
This seven-week course begins on Tuesday, Jan.
27, 8:45-10:30am, in Buescher Center, Room 410.
To reserve your book, contact Colleen Amgott
at 259-8576 or colleen.amgott730@gmail.com.
The Vocation Cup for January will go out at the 9:30
am Mass. Courtney Gordon will take the cup home on
January 25, 2015.
The Vocation Cup is the Chalice used at Mass which the
selected family takes home for the week. The purpose of the
Vocation Cup ministry is to seek parishioner prayers for vocations to the Priesthood, the Deaconate, and the Religious life.
If you’d like to sign up, please call Marc Worchel at 757-3451 or
email mworchel@cfl.rr.com.
Following the Call
of Christ
What makes for a successful life? Power? Money?
Popularity? The world says being a success is based
on having something, but the Christian perspective is
that it is better to be something. This bible study,
Conversion - Following the Call of Christ, can help us
understand the power of an encounter with Jesus and
recognize when He is calling us personally.
Join Dan & Teresa Romano as we journey, with
Father Robert Barron as our guide, to growing in
relationship with Christ. This Word on Fire DVD
study series explores the stories of six ordinary
biblical figures who changed in response to God’s
call, and uses their examples to help us grow even
closer to Christ.
Our seven-week course will start on Thursday,
February 12, in Buescher Center, Room 410, from
7:00 to 8:30 pm. Space is limited to 30 people, so
please contact Teresa at the office to reserve your
book and your spot. Call 254-1595 ext. 1 or email
January 25, 2015
Ascension Council of
Catholic Women invites
all Women of Ascension to join in
sharing the Love of Christ
General Meeting—Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Rosary at 6:30pm; Meeting to follow in small Parish Hall
ACCW is hosting a getaway to St.
Augustine on Saturday, Feb. 21.
Please join us as we visit the
Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche
and the Great Cross. Enjoy an
escorted tour of the city on the
trolley and stroll through historic downtown. Cost for
this bus trip is $59 per person (lunch is on your own).
Bus will leave Ascension at 9am and return at 6pm.
Reserve your seat by directly contacting Global
Tours & Travel at 676-6040. Deadline is February 14.
Wednesday, February 4, at 7:00 pm
Ascension Catholic Church Small Hall
Donna Stowe will be giving another
wonderful presentation!
You won’t want to miss this get-together!
All young-at-heart seniors are welcome.
Please bring a snack to share. Bring your own
beverage (wine, beer, soda, iced-tea, etc).
Coffee will be served.
Enjoy a great presentation, good food,
and meet new friends!
For more information about the senior social ministry, please email Claire at clairevmary@aol.com
2015 Sweetheart’s Ball
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
featuring music from Timmy Vee Productions
February 14, 2015
6:30 - 10:00 pm, Parish Hall
$15 per person
Dinner, raffles, entertainment. All are welcome.
For tickets, contact Doug Blair at 412-2191 or
Jim Voltaire at 610-3538.
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Show Your Gratitude for Our Beloved Sisters
and Religious Order Priests and Brothers
Bishop John Noonan invites you to a celebration of faith
to honor and celebrate the women and men who have
chosen God above all things and given their entire lives in
service of Christ and his Body, the Church.
Participate in World Day for Consecrated Life on January
31, 2015 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen
of the Universe, 8300 Vineland Ave., Orlando. Mass will be
celebrated by Bishop John Noonan at 11:00am and a
reception will follow.
All of Christ’s faithful are encouraged to join in this
blessed celebration—families, young adults, students,
apostolic movements, parish, school, diocesan staff, individuals of all ages and ethnicities—the entire Body of Christ!
For more information, visit
There was an awesome response to Sister Immaculata’s
invitation to jump on the bus Jan. 31 to attend the Bishop’s
Mass. A BIG thank you to all who signed up to go and to the
Knights of Columbus for their help in underwriting the event.
The bus is now filled, so we have started a wait list—in
case there are cancellations and we’re organizing car pools
for all those who would like to go. Please contact Laura at
321-254-7896 if you would like to be on the wait list or travel
by car pool.
All cars and the bus will board at 8:30am in the Ascension
parking lot and will return by 4:00pm.
Social Concerns & Food Pantry
Reminder: Next Week is our Monthly Food Drive
We appreciate your donations. Last year Social Concerns has
helped 6,377 families from our community with food. Your generosity makes the difference through these food drives. You have
a major impact and we are grateful. We are also grateful for the
donations we receive from Publix, Pepperidge Farms and Panera
for bread and baked goods. Thank you for your continued support!
Pantry food items needed: Tuna Helper, canned
meats (ham, chicken, Pork & Beans, peanut butter, jelly, canned fruit, tuna, soup, mixed vegetables, tomato sauce & spaghetti sauce.
Dry Goods: beans, rice, cereal, pasta/macaroni,
mac & cheese. Baby items: diapers, baby wipes. Toiletries:
deodorant, sample size shampoo, soap and toothpaste.
Knights of Columbus Council #14573
We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month In Ministry Center Room 312. We pray the Rosary in Our Lady's Chapel
at 6:30pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month. For more information,
call Grand Knight Doug Blair at 412-2191 or Membership Director
Jim Voltaire at 610-3538.
January 25, 2015
Military Ministry
Thank you! Thank you! We thank you so much
for your donations to sponsor a companion
escort for a veteran to take part in an Honor Flight. We
raised the funds needed for 1 escort. We continue to work
toward more. If you are a WWII or Korean War veteran, or if
you know someone who is, and are interested in more information about the Honor Flights, please contact us.
Call Peggie at 751-0408 or peggiek@cfl.rr.com.
“When Our Lord sees pure souls coming eagerly to visit him in the
Blessed Sacrament, he smiles on them.” -St. John Vianney
Vacations, illness, absent snowbirds and just life take a toll on
the availability of adorers. If you can find an hour to commit to
Jesus, consider the Adoration Chapel. Jesus wants you there
and through the Holy Spirit is calling you!
For information, please contact Sam Rodríquez at 321-795-9813
or adoration.ascension@gmail.com.
1am, 2am, 3am, 5am, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, 10pm,
1am, 3am, 4am, 12pm, 10pm
1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 1pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm,
1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5pm, 6pm
12am,1am, 3am, 10am, 1pm, 2pm, 11pm
1am, 2am, 3am, 10am, 1pm, 2pm
1am, 3am, 5am, 12pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm,
Rosary Ministry meets on Sundays, 1:00-3:00 pm
in Buescher Center, Room 413.
Next Meeting: January 25 2015
If interested in joining, call Michi Davis at 242-8092.
About 250 homeless and needy folks eat each day at Daily Bread,
Melbourne’s free downtown soup kitchen. Be a friend to them and
serve at the kitchen located at 815 Fee Avenue, just a block off
U.S.1. Let us know if you would like to help on any of the following
days from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
Sign up early to reserve your place on a serving team:
Tuesday, Jan. 27:
Friday, Jan. 30:
Contact Betsy or Bill Hampton
at 254-0418
Contact Rachel at 813-735-0352 or
Page 7
“I did not know what to expect from CRHP, all
I knew was that it could not be a bad thing. I
took so much away from the experience that I
will be forever changed. I learned that it is
never too late to start the journey and that we
may sometimes stumble along the way, but
God will always forgive you if you ask Him because He wants
you by His side.”
Women’s Retreat—March 7-8, 2015
Men’s Retreat—March 21-22, 2015
Southern Deanery Ministers to the Sick
Morning of Reflection - February 7, 2015
All MTS: You don’t want to miss the upcoming Southern
Deanery MTS Morning of Reflection on Saturday, Feb. 7, at
Immaculate Conception Parish Hall, 3780 S. Highway A-1-A,
Melbourne Beach. Registration begins at 8:30am; workshop
ends at 12:00 noon. Theme is “Communicating with Compassion.” This interactive program will illustrate valuable visitation techniques and empathetic responses. Please RSVP to
Pat Apfelthaler at 254-2865 or Fran Kammerdener at 2716514 no later than Feb. 2.
Contemplative Prayer
7:00pm, Ministry Bldg, Rm 304
Info: Pam Lackie 259-2431
Tickets now Available. This Day is Open to Everyone!
To purchase tickets, please contact Mary Jo Strah at 242-7254.
SCC Facilitators: Please note that this is the annual Day of
Reflection sponsored by the Space Coast Alliance of Small Christian Communities. Don’t Miss this Special Day!!!
January 25, 2015
Upcoming Healing Workshops by
Fr. Matt Linn, S.J.
During the last week of January, Fr. Matt Linn, S.J., will
present two workshops at two churches. Below are the
topics, dates and venues:
Workshop #1: Healing Familial and Spiritual Roots of
Addiction. Advent Lutheran Church, 1905 Oak St.,
Melbourne Beach (Grace Campus) on Tuesday, Jan. 27,
at 7:00pm.
Workshop #2: The Dynamics of Healing Guilt and
Shame. St. Sebastian’s Episcopal Church, J an. 29, at
7:00pm. For directions to St. Francis Center (in St. Sebastian’s Church) and biography of Fr. Matt, see their
website: stfranciscentermelbourne.org or call 321-7288222.
Ascension Manor would like to invite all interested
seniors to join us as we learn to recognize the signs of
depression in seniors and the devastating affects it can
have on our lives. Come learn how to keep a positive
attitude as we age.
Monday, January 26, at 2:00pm
Ascension Manor Community Room
“How Your Emotions Affect Your Health”
By Pat DeAngelis from HealthFirst Aging Institute
Page 8
January 25, 2015
Wedding Anniversaries
Victor & Pat Belmont
Ed & Eileen Mikulas
Peter & Maureen Krausch
Jose & Eva Torres
Avelino & Remedios Vinoya
Michael & Georgianne Buchanan
57 years
54 years
53 years
53 years
51 years
30 years
Week beginning Monday, January 26, 2014
and ending Sunday, February 1, 2015
Mon. 7:30 am
Tues. 7:30 am
Wed. 7:30 am
Michael Stitzel, David Humes, Ava Sophia,
CVS, LK Barone, Natalie Carle, Flo McCaffrey,
Daniel Walsh, Greg Grasso, Gerald Cardile, Harry Wright, Fred Barlow, Betty Elko, Aurora Arguiarro, Chuck Hegland, Madeline Maiello, Magda & Claire Grasso, Lydia Vazquez, Ed & Peggy
Aubrey, Mia Moore, Grace Carlin, John & Nancy Walsh, Brian
Robinson, Catherine Reid, Darlene Liptak, Larry Kawa, Kenneth
Pearsall, Walker Alldredge, Cathi Hurd, Karen Kessler, Judith
Dourney, Christopher Linder, John Doyle, Caridad Mederos,
Bettina Mondo, Margaret Donah, Karen Kessler, Claire Crotty,
Theresa Bryant, Angela Barber, Mary Robinson, Danilee Chin,
Angela Thompson, Kathy Jagadmann, Maybelle McGee, Leo
Schumaker, Flo Downey, Adam Keehnie, Rose Blankenship,
Peggy McKelvey, Patricia Schemp, Anne McKelvey, Ragan
Krupp, Donald Clifford, Mary Carney, Frank Maiello, Gary Tam,
Roberto Marzano, Barbara Smith, Joann Monai, Donald Elko,
Trent Elko, Phyllis Owens, John Aranda, Michael Elko, Carol
Randolph, Ruth Cardello, Gene Parsons, Dale Haidet, Shirley
Bridge, Fred Barlow, Mike Bobitka, Mary Laird, Flo Wright,
Terry Sills, Rosemary Kean, Bill Sears, William Dupont
8:30 am
Thurs. 7:30 am
7:30 am
9:00 am
4:30 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
5:30 pm
Please pray for those in the nursing homes.
Pray for our Armed Forces Personnel overseas
Dan Murray, Steve Cabsky, Joseph Marci, Amanda Outly, Joshua Outly, Bryan Outly, Jesse Outly, Jason Brown, Andrew Grazing, Heather Schmitt, Paul Wells, Anthony Torres, Craig Static,
Jason Melbourne, Sherwin Separa, Jesse Catellier, Joseph
McDuffie, Samuel Luke, Michael Walsh, Robert Crowl, Bryan
Calenda, David Barlow, Dylan Traver, Brian Fleming, Wesley
Henry, Marty Martinez, Jonathan Martinez, Bryan Satterwhite,
Capt. Kyle McDermott, John Kinsora, Jason Baker, Nicholas
Owens, Nick Dorros, Josh Grier, Robert Grover, Rory O’Connor,
Shane O’Connor, Alex Ritner, Kyle Mimbs
Newcomers Welcome Breakfast
Welcome to Ascension Catholic Church
Sunday, February 8, following 9:30am Mass
Welcome to all New Parishioners who have joined the
Ascension Church family in recent months and those who
are visitors and would like to learn
more about our church family.
This time of fellowship and
information will be held in Buescher
Center, Room 411.
Please RSVP to Monica Sutton at 254-1595 x 3076
or Cathy Katz 757-8966.
† Lucio & Lucia Arda
† Maria Croake
† Darryl Prebble
† Roy Prebble
† Dan Chandler
† Vincent Armenti
† Rick Madden
† Rita Zdrodowski
† Ray Kniepmann
† Donald Boren
† Conchita Dulay
† Frank Werner
† Michael Walsh
Special Intention– Charles Funk
† Bella Pellegrini
† Lucille Laneri
People of the Parish
† Loreda Zeppieri
† Sante Zeppieri
† Carmelo & Filomena Pirolo
† Lawrence Vasile
† Ruth & Vic Querubin
† Jessie Cruz—John Valendo
Flowers on the altar last week were
in memory of Tammy Farias-Werneth
SERVERS’ SCHEDULE – January 31/February 1, 2015
Sat 4:30 pm:
Sun 7:30 am:
Sun 9:30 am:
Sun 11:30 am:
Sun 5:30 pm:
Dominik & Emilio Quiroz, Owen Wells
Alex Kieu, Evan Bolin
Luke Dickinson
Abigail, Heather & Rachel McDougall
Amanda Olson, Emily Sturgeon
Samantha Tankersley
Hogan Cardile, Emma Cassidy
Benjamin Castillo
Thank You
Thank you for your continued heartfelt prayers
and support on behalf of
Fred Barlow and family.
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January 25, 2015
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January 25, 2015
Ascension Catholic School Hosts Open House
January 26 - 30, 2015
Join us and learn how your child will excel at Ascension Catholic School.
YOU’RE INVITED to Ascension Catholic School’s Open House, January 26–30, 9:00am to 2:00pm,
and January 29, 6:00 to 7:30pm. During our Open House, you will have the opportunity to tour our
beautiful campus and technology-equipped classrooms and labs, and meet administrators and
teaching staff. Admissions and financial assistance information will be available.
Ascension Catholic School students thrive in a caring and academically challenging environment
that fosters compassion for others, patience, perseverance, and self discipline. In addition to a
rigorous curriculum that integrates a blended model of standards that are enhanced by the values
and vision of a Catholic tradition of excellence, our students’ academic experience includes Spanish
language, computer technology, fine arts, resource, gifted programs, STEM electives, and more.
Classrooms feature SMART interactive technology, and computer, Netbook and Latitude labs for a
dynamic, hands-on learning experience.
A diverse range of extracurricular programs that enrich the lives of our students include comprehensive athletics through the Catholic Coastal League, Odyssey of the Mind, Honor Societies,
Student Service Council, science and art competitions, Yearbook, chess, drama, and chorus, to
name a few.
Students receive faith formation through daily prayer, religious studies, and weekly Mass. Our
highly skilled and experienced teachers strive to develop every child to his/her full potential—
intellectually, spiritually, physically, and socially. Ascension Catholic School serves students in
Pre-K3, and VPK4 through Grade 8. Our teaching staff is Florida-certified and holds a minimum
four-year bachelor’s degree.
Ascension student graduates are well prepared with the leadership and academic skills needed for
success in high school. In our 8th grade curriculum, students have the opportunity to earn high
school credits in Algebra 1 and Spanish 1. For 8th grade students who qualify, we offer Geometry
through Florida Virtual School.
Join us during our Open House on January 26–30, 9:00am to 2:00pm, and on January 29, 6:00 to
7:30pm. No RSVP needed. Come learn how an education at Ascension Catholic School will prepare
your child with a superior academic foundation and moral decision skills for life. For more information, call (321) 254-1595 or visit www.ascensioncatholicsch.org. Ascension Catholic School is a
nationally recognized U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.