First Class Mail PREMIUM LIST St. Louis Area Sighthounds Will be hosting a Race Meet for the LARGE GAZEHOUND RACING ASSOCIATION Saturday & Sunday, February 14 & 15, 2015 Purina Farms: Gray Summit, Missouri Entry Fees: Terry Colbert, Race Secretary 2622 Brown St Alton, IL 62002 Pre-entries: $8.00 per hound Gate entries: $15.00 per hound Roll call: Saturday 9:00 AM and Sunday 9:00 AM PRE-ENTRIES CLOSE Wednesday, February 11, 2015 GATE ENTRIES CLOSE 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO ROLL CALL EACH DAY Please bring plenty of drinking water and shade for your hounds. SLASH OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS IMPORTANT NOTICE President: Alan Salm Vice President: Linda Beisswenger Secretary: Jay Kappmeier Treasurer: Terry Colbert Board of Directors: Liz Duncan-Burge, Chris Goodman, JJ Moore Please be aware that everyone who enters a hound will be expected to help out with the running of the race meet. That would include duties such as line judging, foul judging, walking hounds to the box, and helping to retrieve hounds at the finish. WHAT IS LGRA? LGRA is sprint racing for Gazehounds. The hounds run 200 yards straight after a lure consisting of a fur, bag and squawker. Up to four hounds race a total of three times, called programs. Depending on the order of finish, they may attain national points towards a GRC, Gazehound Race Champion, title. All breeds will be using a four hole starting box; no hand slipping will be permitted at this race meet. Each box stall measures thirty-eight inches in height, five feet in depth, and a width of eighteen inches. Hounds need to be one year of age or older to be entered. They will also need to be registered with LGRA. This can be done the morning of the race meet by bringing a photocopy of the hound’s registration along with a $2 fee. After registration, your hound will receive a LGRA number that will be used in entering future LGRA meets. To receive further information, please contact Karen Frederick, Race Secretary, at e-mail All hounds will run muzzled. A small supply of muzzles and racing jackets will be available but please bring your own supplies if possible. WHAT BREEDS ARE ELIGIBLE?? Eligible breeds include: Afghan Hounds, Azawakhs, Basenji, Borzoi, Chart Polski, Cirneco dell’Etnas, Greyhounds, Ibizan Hounds, Irish Wolfhounds, Italian Greyhounds, Magyar Agars, Pharaoh Hounds, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Salukis, Scottish Deerhounds, Sloughis , and Silken Windhounds (UKC registration papers required) ENTRY FEES The entry fee for each hound will be $8 if the entry is received at the Race Secretary’s home by the end of Wednesday, February 11, 2015. Entries will be accepted the morning of the meet, up until 30 minutes prior to roll call, at a gate entry fee of $15 per hound. IMPORTANT -- No exceptions will be made. RACE SECRETARY Terry Colbert.......................... 2622 Brown St, Alton, IL 62002 ROLL CALL and INSPECTION Saturday 9:00 AM and Sunday 9:00 AM - Hounds not present at roll call will be marked absent and are not eligible for refund of entry fee. AWARDS Ribbons will be awarded for 1st through 5th place. APPRECIATION SLASH wishes to thank Purina Farms for their support of sighthound activities. This kind of event requires much help from everyone involved, from releasing hounds to retrieving hounds at the finish. Please make yourselves available to help with the successful running of this race meet. Lunch Bring your own lunch From St. Louis or Springfield, MO Take I -44 to the Gray Summit exit (Highway 100). Go north and follow Hwy 100 until you spot Hwy MM and the Purina Farms sign (approx ½ mile). Turn left and continue until you see Purina Farms on the left. From Kansas City Take I -70 east to the Warrenton exit at Hwy 47. Go south on Hwy 47 for approximately 25 miles until you reach Hwy 100 in Washington. Turn left onto Hwy 100 and continue to I -44 (approx. 10 miles). Go east on I -44 and follow direction above from Springfield. Motels and Campgrounds EconoLodge - 1725 W. 5th St., Eureka, MO (636) 938-5348. Best Western Diamond Inn - I-44 & Hwy 100, Gray Summit, MO (636) 742-3501 or (800) 782-8487. Super 8 - 1733 W. 5th St., Eureka, MO 63025 (636) 938-4368. Holiday Inn at Six Flags - Allenton-Six F lags Road (636) 938-6661. Budget Lodging - 866 S. Outer Road, St. Clair, MO (636)629-1000 or (800) 9584354 Drury Inn - I-44 & Bowles Ave., Fenton, MO (636)343-7822 /(800) 378-7946. Pear Tree Inn - I-44 & Bowles Ave., Fenton, MO (636) 343-8820 /(800) 378-7946. KOA St. Louis West - 18475 Old Highway 66, Eureka, MO 63025 (314) 257-3018. PLEASE VERIFY CURRENT PET POLICIES WHEN MAKING RESERVATIONS. Left Blank Left Blank St. Louis Area Sighthounds St. Louis Area Sighthounds Large Gazehound Racing Association Large Gazehound Racing Association Saturday, February 14, 2015 Sunday, February 15, 2015 Please circle one or both days. Saturday, February 14, 2015 Sunday, February 15, 2015 Please circle one or both days. Entry fee: $8 per hound, per day, due by the end of Wed, Feb 11, 2015. Gate entry fee: $15 per hound closes 30 min prior to roll call each day. (Please include an extra $2 for LGRA registration if first time entered.) Make checks payable to SLASH and mail with completed entries to: Terry Colbert, meet secretary 2622 Brown St, Alton, IL 62002 Entry fee: $8 per hound, per day, due by the end of Wed, Feb 11, 2015. Gate entry fee: $15 per hound closes 30 min prior to roll call each day. (Please include an extra $2 for LGRA registration if first time entered.) Make checks payable to SLASH and mail with completed entries to: Terry Colbert, meet secretary 2622 Brown St, Alton, IL 62002 Breed______________________ Breed______________________ Call Name____________________________________ Call Name____________________________________ Registered Name________________________________________ Registered Name________________________________________ Date Whelped__________ Sex: Dog or Bitch Date Whelped__________ Sex: Dog or Bitch LGRA Number ______________ LGRA Number ______________ First Time Entered? __________ (Please send copy of registration) First Time Entered? __________ (Please send copy of registration) Name of Owner___________________________________________ Name of Owner___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_____________________________________________ City, State, Zip_____________________________________________ Telephone_______________________________________________ Telephone_______________________________________________ E-mail Address____________________________________________ I and my heirs, legal representatives and assigns, shall hold harmless and defend the St. Louis Area Sighthounds, it’s officers, directors, and agents, from a claim for personal injury, illness or property damage arising out of participation in this event. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Large Gazehound Racing Association and it’s code of conduct during this race meeting. Signature of owner________________________________________ E-mail Address____________________________________________ I and my heirs, legal representatives and assigns, shall hold harmless and defend the St. Louis Area Sighthounds, it’s officers, directors, and agents, from a claim for personal injury, illness or property damage arising out of participation in this event. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Large Gazehound Racing Association and it’s code of conduct during this race meeting. Signature of owner________________________________________
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