Catholic Parish of Our Lady of the Southern Cross Enmore Archdiocese of Sydney Serving the suburbs of Enmore, St. Peters, Sydenham & Tempe 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday 25 January 2015, Year B Fr Martin Monaghan Parish Priest NSW Police Chaplain (Central Metropolitan Region) Mr Frank Riotto Parish Office Administrator Mrs Lauretta Rains Accounts Manager Parish Office Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: 9am to 12pm & 1pm to 3:30pm Parish Office 209A Edgeware Road Enmore NSW 2042 T: 9557 1815 F: 9557 1673 Postal Address PO Box 3266 Marrickville Metro, NSW 2204 E: W: Churches St. Pius V: 256 Edgeware Road Enmore Ss. Peter & Paul: 545 Princes Highway Tempe St Pius’ Catholic Primary School MASSES Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil 5pm - Enmore Sunday 8:15am - Tempe & 9:30am - Enmore SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:30pm at Enmore or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: By arrangement with at least one months notice. Parents will be required to attend a preparation session. 209 Edgeware Road Enmore NSW 2042 Mrs Susan Bates Principal T: 9557 4027 E: W: Sacrament of Marriage: By arrangement with at least six months notice to allow for adequate preparation of the couple. Sacrament of the Sick: By appointment. ‘We must always remember that God does everything well, although we may not see the reason of what He does.’ St. Philip Neri YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR: RECENTLY DECEASED: Fr Paul Hanbridge OFM Cap (Former Parish Priest of St. Fiacre’s, Leichhardt) and all the recently deceased members of our parish community. DECEASED: All the deceased members of our parish community. ANNIVERSARIES: All the members of our parish community who's anniversaries occur at this time. SICK: Siu Hung Liu, Kapeliele Mafi, Sarah Walke, Kay Douglas, Jeanette Apostolos, Rosaria Salvo, Joyce Skillings, Milka Kalic, Fred Borg, Celie Doyle and Jack Monaghan. WEEKDAY MASS TIMES FOR THIS COMING WEEK Monday 26 January: No Mass Tuesday 27 January: No Mass Wednesday 28 January: No Mass Thursday 29 January: No Mass Friday 30 January: No Mass UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS Parish evening Cuppa Break Saturday 7 February: St Pius Church - After Saturday Vigil Mass Parish Morning Tea Sunday 8 February: St Pius Church - After 9:30am Mass INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Whether you are baptised in another Christian denomination or unbaptised, you are welcome to inquire into the Catholic faith. Parishioners are asked to invite friends, neighbours and family members to consider journeying towards full entry into the Catholic Church. Pope Francis writes “Our Church doors should always be open, so if someone, moved by the Spirit, comes there looking for God, he or she will not find a closed door. In the Church there is a place for everyone”. Please contact the parish office for further information - 9557 1815. THANK YOU A big thank you to Akenese & Paletasala Pale and Arsena Canadi for all their work in setting up the church for weekend masses and for keeping our church tidy. SACRAMENTS - 2015 The sacramental program booklets for 2015 are on the bulletin table. These booklets have all the relevant dates for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist (Communion) & Confirmation. If you have children receiving a sacrament this year please take one home and place the dates in your calendars (those parishioners who have children at St. Pius Catholic Primary School would have already received these booklets through the school). WELCOME BACK This coming week we will welcome back the students and staff of St. Pius Catholic Primary School. We hope that you all enjoyed the break and are ready for the new year ahead. AUSTRALIA DAY PRAYER O God, powerful and gentle, you love this southern land and all its peoples, old and new. As the Cross shines in our heavens so may Christ bring light to our nation. As the waves encircle our shores so may your mercy enfold us all. O God, the wonders of our vast and rugged land reflect your beauty, ever ancient, ever new. May your blessings flow upon us as a stream in the desert, and may your spirit prompt us to use your gifts for the good of all. May God who formed our southern land be for us a rock of strength. May God who rules our southern seas keep us safe in every storm. May God who made our southern skies turn our darkness into light. OPENING SCHOOL MASS The opening school mass will be held on Thursday 5 February at 9am at St. Pius V Church Enmore. Everyone is welcome to attend. CHICKEN HOUSES Fr Martin has two chicken houses which he no longer requires. If anyone would like them please contact the parish office on 9557 1815 (during office hours). MARRIAGE Are you planning to celebrate your Marriage in 2015? For many couples often the first task is to confirm the date and the venue for the reception. If you are hoping to celebrate your marriage in a church, it is also important to confirm your date with the church and the priest before committing yourself to a reception or any other booking. BE A COMPEER VOLUNTEER. CHANGE A LIFE! Compeer is the St Vincent de Paul Society’s friendship program which trains volunteers to be matched with someone who is lonely and experiencing mental illness in their local community. Compeer volunteers provide friendship to their new friend by catching up regularly for simple social activities, such as having a cuppa, going for a walk or attending a community event. We currently need male and female volunteers aged 30 – 70 across Sydney. Training and ongoing support is provided, as well as the opportunity to connect with like-minded people at social events. An hour a week of your friendship can have a big impact on your new friend’s quality of life. To find out more call 9568 0295, email or visit SYNOD FAMILY SURVEY The 2015 Synod family survey is open to all parishioners. This survey comprises 30 questions for the consideration and response of the faithful. This can be done electronically at or by hard copy to the Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Level 11, 133 Liverpool Street, Sydney 2000. All responses need to be received by COB 2 February 2015 so that they can be consolidated and sent to the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference before they are sent on to the Synod Secretariat in Rome. C-MAIL TO YOU, SUBSCRIBE NOW C-Mail is a dynamic, online weekly Catholic newsletter highlighting top stories from the Archdiocese with national and overseas stories. Generated by Catholic Communications of the Archdiocese of Sydney, C-Mail will draw on our own resources for news and features as well as Vatican resources, the news agency Rome Reports for video news and H20News as well as other Catholic news sources. You will be connected directly to all full stories on the Archdiocese website. If you would like to subscribe to C-Mail visit SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR 2015 Each week the Parish Bulletin gives the references for the Sunday readings. This year is Year B of the three-year cycle of Sunday readings. On the Ordinary Sundays we will read from Mark’s Gospel. We will follow what is called a semicontinuous reading, that is, one Sunday usually begins where the previous Sunday’s Gospel concluded. Mark’s Gospel Most scholars accept that Mark’s Gospel was the first of the four Gospels to be written and it is dated between the years 65 and 75. It is also accepted that Mark was not an eyewitness to the ministry of Jesus. He represents the second generation of disciples who had received various oral and written accounts about Jesus from those who were eyewitnesses. All the New Testament books were written in Greek. From his writing style we believe that Mark was a native Greek speaker and was probably a member of the early Christian community in Rome. His Gospel was written for a community that had undergone persecution and in many ways was struggling to hold on to the message of Jesus. The Lectionary The Lectionary is the book containing the Scripture readings selected to be read at Mass. On Ordinary Sundays the first reading is taken from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and is chosen to reflect on the Gospel reading of that particular Sunday. The Responsorial Psalm has been chosen to respond to the message of the first reading. The second reading is not connected with the first reading or the Gospel. It is an opportunity for us to read from the other books of the New Testament, particularly the Letters of St Paul. For the next five Sundays (until Lent begins) we will read from the First Letter of St Paul to the Corinthians. St Paul was writing from Ephesus in late 56 or very early in 57. Therefore his letter to the Corinthians was written about ten years before Mark wrote his Gospel. © Paul Crowley, Parish Priest - St. Mary’s Concord TODAY’S LITURGY First Reading Jon 3:1-5. 10 A reading from the prophet Jonah The word of the Lord was addressed to Jonah: ‘Up!’ he said ‘Go to Nineveh, the great city, and preach to them as I told you to.’ Jonah set out and went to Nineveh in obedience to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was a city great beyond compare: it took three days to cross it. Jonah went on into the city, making a day’s journey. He preached in these words, ‘Only forty days more and Nineveh is going to be destroyed.’ And the people of Nineveh believed in God; they proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least. God saw their efforts to renounce their evil behaviour. And God relented: he did not inflict on them the disaster which he had threatened. The Word of the Lord has come’ he said ‘and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the Good News.’ As he was walking along by the Sea of Galilee he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net in the lake - for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you into fishers of men.’ And at once they left their nets and followed him. Going on a little further, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John; they too were in their boat, mending their nets. He called them at once and, leaving their father Zebedee in the boat with the men he employed, they went after him. The Gospel of the Lord Reflection By Dianne Bergant CSS Responsorial Psalm Ps 24:4-9. R. v.4 Today we reflect on the first and most important responsibility of discipleship, namely, evangelisation, the goal of which (R.) Teach me your ways, O Lord. is the proclamation of the reign of God. God seems to choose the most unlikely people to preach to others. It does 1. Lord, make me know your ways. Lord, teach me your not matter who brings the good news, but who receives it. paths. Make me walk in your truth, and teach me: for you are God my saviour. (R.) Jonah the prophet was sent to outsiders, even enemies. The disciples were fishermen who spoke to the people of 2. Remember your mercy, Lord, and the love you have their own country. God's salvation is intended for all, and it shown from of old. In your love remember me, be seems to make little difference who brings this good news. cause of your goodness, O Lord. (R.) Today’s readings call for repentance. The grace of God requires a new way of living, a life of faith and commitment. 3. The Lord is good and upright. He shows the path to The gospel invites us into the age of fulfilment, a salvific those who stray, he guides the humble in the right reign of truth, compassion and kindness. It is a way of life path; he teaches his way to the poor. (R.) that leads to justice. Second Reading 1 Cor 7:29-31 A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians Brothers, our time is growing short. Those who have wives should live as though they had none, and those who mourn should live as though they had nothing to mourn for; those who are enjoying life should live as though there were nothing to laugh about; those whose life is buying things should live as though they had nothing of their own; and those who have to deal with the world should not become engrossed in it. I say this because the world as we know it is passing away. The Word of the Lord Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! The kingdom of God is near: believe the Good News! Alleluia! Gospel Mk 1:14-20 A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark After John had been arrested, Jesus went into Galilee. There he proclaimed the Good News from God. ‘The time There is an urgency in these readings. This world in its present form is passing away, and God's call demands a total response. Like the disciples, we must leave the familiarity of our former ways and follow the call that we have heard in the depths of our hearts. We are called first to enter the reign of God and then to spread it. As ambassadors of God, we bring the good news of salvation wherever we are and in whatever we do. Called by God, we now begin to live in a totally different way, guided by the values of the reign of God rather than those of the world that is passing away.
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