thr ve - Friendswood United Methodist Church

Vol. 6 / No. 26 / January 21, 2015
Summer in Alaska
informational meeting January 25
One of our Mission Teams is headed back to
Alaska again this summer. The team will be
going to Fairbanks and working on a Habitat
for Humanity project near there, arriving in
Fairbanks Saturday June 13 and leaving early
on June 23. They are planning on going to
Denali National Park on June 20 and return
to Fairbanks on June 22.
There will be an informational meeting led
by our team leaders George Arnold and
Gene Hafele to provide specifics on the trip.
Join us on January 25 at 12:15 in room F104.
thr ve
cultivating a good life God’s way
This Sunday, Jan 25
Thrive in your Family / Rev. Jim Bass
Prayer Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Coming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Personal Care Kits
Ash Wednesday Services
Lenten Devotionals
Children’s Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Upward Soccer
Bible CLUBs
Student Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Ace of Cakes
Other News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2015 Sanctuary Flowers
Dinner & Show
Women’s Retreat
Blood Drive
United Methodism 101
United Methodist Women
Scout Sunday
Job Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Prayer is the foundation of
Friendswood UMC.
Please join us in praying
for one another.
Develop a new habit to pray for our
church family by praying over the
Prayer Concerns list. Below is a list
of recent concerns. A complete list
of Prayer Concerns can be found on
Sunday mornings at the Ministry
Center, during the week in the foyer
of the Administration Building, and
always on the church website at
Lisa Hebert & baby Charles - Clear Lake
Buddy Bucsanyi - Clear Lake
Marty Abbe - Kindred Hospital (Blossom)
Berta Berglund - Kindred Rehab
Sherry Bell - Friendship Haven
Donald “Gus” Gossett - The Pointe
Kitty Dobbs, Lee Ann Love’s mother Nacogdoches
Charles Taylor Hebert born January 20,
2015. Parents: Lisa & Aaron Hebert
Lola Lewis born January 12, 2015. Parents:
Robert & Ally Lewis, Grandparents:
Gale & Shelley Towns
Amzie Jane Paterson born January 11,
2015. Parents: Cody & Hannah (Erb)
Paterson; Great grandparents: Bryan
& Dona Erb
Wayne Kitchel - January 19, 2015
Dottie Towns, sister-in-law of Gale Towns January 19, 2015
Martha Yates, mother of Marilyn Larsen January 12, 2015
Shirley Rabke, mother of Sandra Miller January 11, 2015
Jennifer Johnson, daughter-in-law of Keith
& Carolyn Johnson - January 8, 2015
John Johnson, brother-in-law of Pam
Livesay - January 1, 2015
George Wren Brown Walton, mother of
Gage Martin - December 21, 2014
week ending 1/23/2015
Those who have lost their jobs
Joy Talbert - health
Omar Baumann, Sr. family - bereavement
Family of Lucy Byrd - bereavement
Marilyn Abbe - health
Keely Bowie - health
June Smith - peace, comfort
Lynette & Earl Wilbur
Mark & Stephanie - peace, comfort
Sage Caroline - praise for healthy birth
Ruth Bradley - health, peace, comfort
Deshotel family - bereavement
Haskell & Jean Tayllor - health
Larry & Cristin -guidance
David Krause - health
Family of Johnnie Chuoke - bereavement
Jack Sedtal - health
Nathan Moore - health
Margaret Marshall - comfort
Family of Sherry Munden - bereavement
week ending 1/16/2015
Belinda Hale - health
Karson Akin, Candy Howard’s grandson health
Mardra Hobbs - health
Hays Johnson - health
Mitzi Hiers - health
Family of Larry Graham - bereavement
Nigel Lamont - health
Joe Mannon - health
Charles Ott
Elizabeth Ott
Julie Sowa
Carambat family
Gosia Lapatowski
Vittorio Vozzo
Jennifer Porter & family - bereavement
Chris - health, peace
Clarence Yates - health
Joe Iacocca - health
Joyce Blumenthal, Susan Currie’s mother
- health
Family of Bryce Luty, father of Roger Luty bereavement
Family of Bob Jackson, father of Barbara
Ford - bereavement
Family of Jackie Stephens - bereavement
Family of Dr. Thomas Parnassos, father of
Barbara Hilton - bereavement
Family of Don Crockett, brother of Doug
Crockett - bereavement
Family of Carol Chapman, mother of
Sharon Dixon - bereavement
Family of Kristopher Clauson, son
of Norman and Kay Clauson bereavement
week ending 1/9/2015
Sarah Love - health
Ross Broome - health
Walter Wills - health
Zach Del Bello - health
Avery Phillips - health
Job Seekers
Margaret Marshall - comfort
Hosler family - bereavement
Colton Childers - health
Dick & Judy Woolsey - health
Joyce Matuszewski - health
Lois Roberts - health
Loveta Love - health
Juanita Parisette - health
Family of Dan Caine - bereavement
Chris McClaugherty - health, comfort
Jazmin Lopez
visit our website for a complete and up to date list of prayer concerns,
coming events
Personal Care Kits
Our Food Pantry helps dozens of families
each month with basic food essentials. But
families often need more than just food.
To extend our assistance, we also make
available personal care items.
On Sunday, January 25, we will be handing
out empty Ziploc bag to be filled with
five basic items: shampoo, toothbrush,
toothpaste, bar of soap, antiperspirant
(unisex) and disposable razors. Then bring
the filled bag back to the church by February
8 and we will provide them to people
that request them when receiving food
assistance. This is another program where
the people of Friendswood UMC are reaching
beyond our walls to show the love of Christ.
Special Instructions
»» We ask that each kit contain one (1) of
each item from those listed
Ash Wednesday
February 18 at Noon & 7:00 pm;
Ash Wednesday is a day when Christians
confront mortality and confess our
sins before God. As a symbol of our
identification with Jesus Christ, a cross is
made in ashes, a symbol of repentance
and mourning to the wearer. Friendswood
UMC will be offering two services this Ash
Wednesday. Please come and worship with
us at either Noon or at 7:00 pm as we begin
this Holy Season.
Lenten Devotional
Books Available
A daily Lenten devotional book, Living the
Gospel Life: daily devotions for Christians
on a mission, will be available beginning
Sunday, February 8. We are Christians on
a mission, even in the season of Lent. The
daily devotions in this booklet highlight
the concepts of being sent, demonstrating
faith in action, and being mission-minded
each day of Lent. Suggested activities are
associated with preparing our hearts, souls
and minds to reflect on the suffering, death
and resurrection of Christ and his mission
for us. Pick up a copy of this booklet for your
family from the Ministry Centers at the front
and back of the Worship Center or from the
Prayer Chapel located in the Administration
»» Please do not add items that are not
on the list.
»» Please use regular-size items.
»» Please place all contents in the bag
provided; do not substitute with other
For more information about missions,
contact Gale Towns at 281.482.7535 x105.
If you are looking for a faith home, please accept our
invitation to join the community of believers called
Friendswood United Methodist Church. Our Connect
Class, geared especially for newcomers, can help you on
your journey and will meet Jan 25 at 11:00 am in S-103
(the Parlor, located across from the Sanctuary). For more
information about Connect, contact Rev. Gale Towns at or 281.482.7535 x105.
coming events
God is calling us to take our faith in the power
of prayer out into our community via Lenten
Prayer Boxes. Imagine the impact one prayer box
can make in one business, not only as a way for
prayers to be made, but also as a visual reminder
that God is present everywhere—not just in our
house of worship, but at the coffee shop, dance,
gymnastics, or martial arts, the cleaners, the
doctor's office, the office workroom.
We need you to serve as a
PrayerWorks Shepherd.
The time commitment is small, but the results can
be enormous. Here’s what you would need to do:
• Prayerfully consider Prayer Box locations.
• Pick up a Prayer Box beginning Sunday,
February 8, at the ministry centers in the
foyer and back entrance.
• Pray over the Prayer Box that it will get
the attention of the lost, hurting, and
unchurched people.
• Obtain permission to place the Prayer Box at
desired location. If a Prayer Box has already
been placed at desired location, thank the
business and select a different location to
place your box.
• Tend to your Prayer Box weekly: collecting
prayer requests, and replenishing cards and
prayer request forms.
• Deliver the completed prayer requests, along
with a prayer box status, to the church each
week—in the Admin building during the
week or at the Ministry Centers on Sundays.
• Pick up all Prayer Boxes the week of April 14
and return to the church before Easter Sunday.
For more information, contact Elaine
Upward Soccer
Upward Soccer is co-ed and open to four-year-olds
through sixth graders. For more information about the
Upward Soccer program at Friendswood UMC, contact
Lee Ann Love at
Online registration is open through February 22 at Cost through February 15 is
$100 per student. After February 15, price increases to $110
per child. Registration costs include uniform shirt/shorts/
socks. Players must provide their own shin guards and
Evaluations are February 22. Practices are from 6-7pm with
games on Saturday mornings for grades 1-6. Additional
practice times from 7-8pm may be added to accommodate
teams as needed. Pre-k and Kindergartners combine
practice with games on Friday evenings from 6-7pm.
Bible C.L.U.B.s
Christ Loves Us Big-time!
Our Bible CLUBs are designed to intentionally teach third,
fourth, and fifth graders the importance of the Bible, as
the Word of God, by allowing them to:
Experience activities which result in a working
knowledge of the parts of the Bible and the ability to
look up a Bible reference easily and quickly.
Hear Bible stories and realize the Bible heroes and
heroines are the characters whose stories appear on the
pages of their Bible.
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Stay-N-Play is a playgroup open to moms, dads,
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grandparents, caregivers, and their children (ages
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McClaugherty Memorial Playground for free play,
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conversation, and a light lunch.
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For more information, contact Hillary Stout at
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Learn to relate the stories of the Bible to their daily life.
Bible CLUBs meet on Wednesdays during the school-year
from 3:45-5:00pm, beginning with snacks at 3:454:00pm.
Bible CLUBs resumed on January 14 for grades 3–5 but
its’s not to late to join the fun. Please contact Lee Ann at for more information.
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Ace of Cakes
Sunday, February 1
Creative cakes, handmade by students and judged
Creative cakes, handmade by students,
by the congregation-at-large, will be auctioned off
off Bowl
just Party.
in time
for your
for your Super
the Bowl
go towards
silent auction will go towards student
of February 1 in the gym.
ministry event scholarships. Cakes will
be on display
the morning
February 1
For contest
rules, of
8:00 am in the gym.
For more information about this event, visit our website at
For contest rules, see
other news
2015 Sanctuary
If you would like to put flowers in the
sanctuary on a Sunday in 2015, email anita@ with the date you
wish to have the flowers and the dedication
you want printed in the bulletin. Flowers are
to be paid in advance any time before the
dedication and are $45 per arrangement.
Dinner & Show
6:30 pm February 6,
2015 | Wesley Hall
We are pleased to announce Brad Blunt will
perform at our dinner & show for adults 50
& over on February 6 in Wesley Hall. Brad
is a former Chancel Choir member and has
performed in various theater productions
in Aspen and Houston as well as with the
Houston Grand Opera.
Bring your friends, Sunday school class, or
small group for an evening of great music,
food, and fellowship.
Tickets ($15) include dinner catered by
Savannah Café and are on sale now in the
church office, at the rear door of the Worship
Center on Sundays, and in the Music Dept.
Contact Pat Keeler for information at
281.482.7535 x124.
Women's Retreat
registration ends
February 1
How is God answering your questions?
Spend a weekend learning how God
specifically talks to you. Join us at Camp
Tejas in the Four Seasons Conference
Center with our Speaker Teri Usiak,
February 20–22.
Cost is $290 for food and lodging. A $100
non-refundable deposit is required to
reserved your spot. Registration must be
submitted online at
retreat-registration. Space is limited so
register online soon! For more information
contact Janis Finch, janis@friendswoodumc.
com or 281-482-7535 x121.
Give the Gift of Life
In just an hour, you can save someone’s life.
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center will have a
mobile unit on our campus on Sunday, Feb.
8. Sign up at
Scout Sunday
Scout Sunday is
February 8. All
scouts and
scout leaders
are encouraged
to wear their
that day.
United Methodism
101 Class available
Have you ever wished you knew more about
United Methodists? The Good News Sunday
School class is hosting the three week
study United Methodism 101, presented
by Rev. Gale Towns. UM101 is designed for
anyone wanting to know more about the
denomination. The class will look at: how
we began, how we are organized, and our
theology. Everybody is welcome, so make
plans to be a part of this class beginning
February 8 in room E-201, at 9:45.
UMW Meets
United Methodist Women will meet in
E-201 on Tuesday, January 27, at 10:00 a.m.
This will be a 2015 planning meeting so all
women are invited to bring their ideas for
programs and/or projects. UMW is open to
any ideas involving women and children.
job opportunities
Communication Associate / Graphic
This full-time ministry position works with the Communication Director in the design
and production of churchwide communications across a variety of media. The successful
candidate is a self-motivated team player who enjoys delivering high-quality work in a fastpaced environment. This is a full time position (M–Th, 8:30a–5:00p; Friday 8:30a–1:00p).
• Assists with the creation, design, and layout of communication materials including all
church promotional materials, worship bulletins, mass emails, website, ministry specific
publication, and various additional items as needed and requested.
• Writes, edits, and proofs articles for church publication.
• Actively participates in communications planning sessions with various ministry teams.
• Maintains a production schedule of all communications related publicity and project
• Manages the printing and distribution of large paper or electronic mailings.
The successful candidate...
• Demonstrates an active Christian faith and lifestyle
• Has a Bachelor’s Degree (required); Communication or Graphic Design major preferred
• Has a minimum of two years experience in a Communication or Graphic Design position for
a business or nonprofit organization; non-profit preferred
• Is proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, particularly In-Design, Illustrator, and Photoshop
• Is proficient in CMS web design and maintenance
• Is comfortable using all Microsoft Office Suite products
• Can multi-task and produce deliverable in a professional and efficient manner; must be able
to meet deadlines
• Demonstrates strong organizational and time management skills and attention to detail
• Is proficient in written English language
Candidates interested in applying for this position may send resumes to: Friendswood United
Methodist Church c/o Diane Taylor, 110 N. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas 77546 or
via email to:
Facilities Manager
This part-time ministry position works
closely with the Executive Pastor and
our Board of Trustees in managing and
maintenance of our facilities. This 30 hour
position includes, but is not limited to:
• Managing set-up crew
• Performing minor maintenance and repair
• Assisting the Executive Pastor in
management of contracts and contracted
repair and maintenance
• Provide proactive guidance for
maintenance issues
• Provide set-up and other facilities
assistance as needed
This position requires...
• Physical ability to lift 50 pounds
• Common to intermediate skill in
household repair
• Flexibility in working hours (day/evening
and weekends may be necessary at times)
• Basic computer skills (email, word
processing, etc.)
Experience in managing employees and
facilities management experience are
preferred, but not required. Candidates
should demonstrate an active Christian faith
and lifestyle.
Candidates interested in applying for this
position may send resumes to: Friendswood
United Methodist Church, c/o Rev.
Howard Huhn, 110 N. Friendswood Drive,
Friendswood, Texas 77546 or via email to: