H e a l t h C a r e C o n f e r e n c e A r u b a J u n e 1 s t – 4 t h , 2 0 1 5 b etter together ! table of contents 01 02 03 Welcome by the Minister of Public Health, Elderly Care and Sports 3-5 About the conference 6 - 14 Accreditation 15 - 16 04 05 06 Registration 17 - 18 Travel information 19 - 21 Contact 22 - 23 welcome overview of the section A welcome from the Minister of Public Health, Elderly Care and Sports of Aruba. welcome The first Health Care Conference Aruba Although we are all part of the Dutch Kingdom, there are marked differences between the partners. The islands are well aware of the limitations of being small communities1. The Health Care Management in our small communities is characterized by relatively short and direct relational communication lines (the ‘pro et contra’ of micro- management), but also by limited resources. These limitations are in part related to our section 01 1 insufficient diversity (making them more vulnerable to economic changes), relatively small markets (for labor and consumption) and our isolated geographical and often vulnerable positions (in a broad sense.) Another important aspect is the fact that we tend to have ‘worldly’ dreams and we tend to focus on the achievements of countries with better resources than ours, leading to a discrepancy between wishes and possibilities. The parliament members of the different Islands come together with their colleagues from The Netherlands in the so-called IPKO2 meetings, which are held on a regular basis. During these meetings different topics are discussed, such as topics related to Education, Energy, Health Care, Safety, Economy, and Finance. The delegations agreed to do a survey in each of the islands to establish the areas of collaboration that are needed or wanted, to achieve high qualitative care with www.sidsnet.org 2 IPKO stands for ‘Interparlementair Overleg Koninkrijksrelaties’: a meeting between the Dutch Kingdom parliament members of The Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten. 4 welcome the lowest possible costs. The delegation of Aruba took the lead and after this collective summary, the delegations proposed to hold a Health Care Congress to emphasize the importance of this topic, but also to try to agree on common goals: goals that are important and relevant to all the partners, goals that are difficult to achieve by a small community, goals that are achievable through collaboration. As a result, on June 1 to 4, 2015, the first ‘Health Care Conference Aruba’ will be held. This conference aims to achieve and reinforce collaboration between the different Dutch Kingdom partners leading to the solution of common Health Care problems and/or difficulties. We truly hope to welcome you in June to Aruba Sincerely, Dr. Alex C. Schwengle Minister of Public Health, Elderly Care and Sports By offering accreditation for participation in the sessions on June 1, 2 and 3, this conference is very attractive to health care professionals. section 01 5 about the conference overview of the section A brief description of the first Health Care Conference Aruba and a program overview. about the conference Introduction The importance of health care has become a universal need and goal, and achieving universal health coverage (UHC) is one of the key factors for becoming a sustainable and competitive country3. This conference offers an opportunity to hold a broader discussion about health care, to put all questions and challenges in a broader perspective. It is also a good opportunity to bring together health care professionals, policy makers and politicians in the hope to find each other and help each other achieve the best solutions. The Health Care Conference Aruba (HCCA) will be held from June 1 – 4, 2015 at the Renaissance Convention Center in Aruba. Main goal: to achieve and/or reinforce collaboration between the different Dutch Kingdom partners leading to the solution of common health care problems and/or difficulties section 02 3 “The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015”, World Economic Forum. 7 introduction about the conference Program Program May 31, 2015 7:45 June 1, 2015 June 2, 2015 June 3, 2015 Registration Registration Introduction Topic 1: Health Care System in Small Communities Topic 3: From Compartmentalized to Integrated Care (Holistic Care) Topic 4: Continued (Topics a – e) 8:30 12:00 Lunch Break2 14:30 15:00 Registration End Plenary Sessions Lunch Break2 Registration Intro Discussion Sessions Introduction Topic 2: From Production Driven to Quality Driven Health Care Topic 4: Collaboration Within and Between the Dutch Kingdom Partners (Topics a – e) Topic 4: Continued (Topics a – e) June 4, 2015 Extra Time Lunch & MOU Signings3 18:00 19:00 22:00 Welcome Gala1 section section02 02 2 Lunch is not included. 3 Lunch will 1 Welcome 2 Lunch 3 Lunch 1 Gala provided by the organization. be provided by the organization (12:00 14:00. Red Cross Benefit Gala provided by the organization. is not included. will–be provided by the organization (12:00 – 14:00) 88 about the conference Topics of the conference The program of the Health Care Conference Aruba will consist of four major topics. 1. Health care system in small communities (in the Caribbean region) We will open the congress with this topic because we need to realize that achieving accessible health care and universal health coverage for our communities is highly dependent on our socio- economic state and development. The Dutch Caribbean islands are each small communities and as such we do have ‘small-communitylimitations’. Many of these limitations are difficult or impossible to overcome, if acting alone. We do believe that through collaboration, without losing integrity, we can make a difference and achieve otherwise unreachable goals. So it is possible to state that collaboration is not merely an option but a necessity. 2. From production driven to quality driven health care For decades the health care systems were driven and regulated by production driven systems. A production driven system will finance (and restrict) through a linear correlation: the more you produce the more money you will make. The disadvantage of such a system is that it will put production ahead of quality and in time even at the expense of quality. Observing this effect many governments tried to avoid this through the use of section 02 9 about the conference ‘budget-caps’. Experience from the past (evidence) shows that limiting the budgets did not have the effect we wanted to achieve: maintaining the right correlation between production and quality. Instead we saw staggering waiting lists, which have a negative impact on the (perceived) quality of the healthcare system. The experts will show us why it is important to focus on a quality driven healthcare system, where it is imperative to achieve the right balance between quality and production. 3. From compartmentalized to integrated care (holistic care) Through language we describe (and define) ‘reality’ and by doing so we make ‘reality’ tangible. Without this process it would be impossible to have analysis, conversation, discussion and a like about the ‘reality’. At the same time we do realize that defining ‘reality’ (whichever way you do this) will also set the limitations of ‘reality’. This concept is also true for the way we define healthcare. Most experts nowadays would agree that compartmentalization of the healthcare makes it more workable, but that the more classical models are too rigid and do not ‘fit’ the ‘reality’ reliably enough and/or that they make further ‘needed’ progress difficult or impossible to achieve. In this session we will discuss the different definitions of healthcare and point out the differences (‘pro et contra’). We will also illustrate why the more integrated approach (holistic care) is gaining ground on the more compartmentalized approach. section 02 10 about the conference 4. Collaboration within and between the Dutch Kingdom partners This part of the congress is not a topic, but the ultimate goal of the congress: It is our intent to create and to facilitate an ongoing effort for collaboration, and therefore, all other topics (and more) will have their opportunity in due time. “to achieve and/ or reinforce collaboration between the different Dutch Kingdom partners leading to solution of common healthcare problems and/or difficulties.” From the extensive list of topics, remarks and questions of IPKO – all valid and important - we have grouped them into five major subheadings, making it more realistic to reach consensus on certain topics (short and long term). Being too eager and too ambitious, in the face of building common ground for collaboration, would work counterproductively. section 02 11 about the conference Topics & sub-topics I. a. b. c. d. II. a. b. c. Health care system in small communities (in the Caribbean region): Wishes versus resources Open market versus ‘in control’ Differences versus commonalities Collaboration: choice or necessity? From production driven to quality driven health care: III. From compartmentalized to integrated care (holistic care): a. Health care systems / classifications: ‘pro et contra’: i. Primary care and specialized care ii. Ambulatory care and institutionalized care iii. Care and cure b. Integrated care (Holistic care) c. Who should lead? Production driven health care Quality driven health care Collaboration is key section 02 12 about the conference IV. Collaboration within and between the Dutch Kingdom partners: a. Expertise, service and legislation: i. Collaboration in health care legislation (see below: d) ii. Collaboration on specific medical areas: 1. Cardiovascular medicine 2. Oncology 3. Eye care 4. Neonatology 5. Rehabilitation 6. Organ donation 7. Other iii. Collaboration in expertise exchange b. Finance and organization: i. Universal health coverage through collaboration ii. Better cost control through collaboration (see below: c) iii. Expertise exchange c. Acquisition of medications, laboratory and medical equipment: i. Joint purchasing / acquisition of medications ii. Joint purchasing / acquisition of laboratory materials iii. Joint purchasing / acquisition of medical equipment iv. Joint (reference) public health lab section 02 13 about the conference d. Definition, assessment and surveillance of quality: i. Health care quality definition ii. Health care quality legislation iii. Health care inspection iv. Health care registration / accreditation v. Education of health care professionals vi. Joint quality / accreditation institute e. Partnership within and outside the Dutch Kingdom: i. Joint purchasing / acquisition of foreign care ii. Health care purchasing / acquisition from each other iii. See: a through d section 02 14 accreditation overview of the section In this section we will elaborate on the accreditation process of the conference. accreditation Accreditation for the conference? The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) has approved accreditation for the conference. Each day consisting of a morning session and an afternoon session will result in 6 accreditation points, with a total of 18 accreditation points for the entire conference (three days). Health care professionals who do not have a ‘BIG number’ will receive a certificate of attendance for the conference. In order to qualify for these accreditation points, eligible health care professionals (e.g. physicians, specialists, etc.) will need to attend each session and sign off an attendance list. Eligible health care professionals are those with a ‘BIG number’. section 03 16 registration overview of the section How can you register for the conference? registration Registration fee and information Registration Welcome Gala Registration for the conference will be available to health care professionals, policy makers and politicians. Registration can be completed through the Heath Care On May 31st, 2015, we invite you to our Welcome Red Cross Benefit Gala. This Gala will be provided by the organization but part of the proceeds of the organization will be donated to the Red Cross Aruba. The evening will start with an elegant plated dinner and finish with an exclusive concert by the Youth Symphonic Orchestra Simon Bolivar from Venezuela accompanied by local artists. Conference Aruba website: www.hcca.aw Registration fee is USD 999 Tradeshow Industry partners who wish to showcase their products, services, and/or equipment can do so in the Tradeshow area. Booths 8 x 8 ft. USD 4,000 can be booked through exhibitors@hcca.aw The dress code for this evening is formal or black tie optional (floor-length gown for the ladies, dark suit with tie or tuxedo for the men). section 04 18 travel information overview of the section In this section we will provide information on the venue and accommodations for the conference. travel information Venue At Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino, the natural beauty of Aruba combines with incredible activities, amenities and accommodations to create an idyllic meeting location. The legendary hospitality of this island in the southern Caribbean adds an extraordinary touch to this conference. The Renaissance Convention Center is conveniently located in the heart of Oranjestad at just a few minutes from the airport. The area also offers a wealth of restaurants and shops. section 05 20 travel information Accommodations The Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino offers two newly renovated distinct accommodations. The adult-exclusive Renaissance Marina Hotel is the perfect blend of chic style and island culture for both singles and couples alike. The Renaissance Ocean Suites is a place where families can have it all including resort-style pools and a beach area with a private lagoon. Room accommodations can be booked at the special group rate through the tab ‘travel information’ on the conference website: www.hcca.aw Please note that the group rate is available until April 30th, 2015, so be sure to book your accommodations before. section 05 21 contact overview of the section Contact us for more information or specific inquiries. contact Contact information You can contact us through the following phone numbers and email addresses for any questions or inquiries: Phone: (297) 588-7075 Emails: General inquiries Registration inquiries Sponsoring inquiries Marketing inquiries Speaker inquiries Tradeshow inquiries info@hcca.aw registration@hcca.aw sponsor@hcca.aw marketing@hcca.aw speakers@hcca.aw exhibitors@hcca.aw section 06 23
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