Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Choosing Food Wisely Objectives Summarize three main reasons why you eat. Analyze the information contained on food labels. Slide 1 of 15 Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Why You Eat • You eat • to meet your nutritional needs • to satisfy your appetite • to supply your body with energy • Hunger is a feeling of physical discomfort that is caused by your body’s need for nutrients. • Appetite is a desire for food that is based on emotional and other factors rather than nutritional need. Slide 2 of 15 Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely The Foods You Choose • Personal Preferences: Whatever your personal preferences are, they have a huge impact on your food choices every day. • Cultural Background: Cultural background, or heritage, may influence your eating habits. • Time and Convenience: A busy schedule might lead you to choose foods that can be prepared quickly or that can be easily carried. • Friends: Friends might influence you to try new foods or to change your eating habits. • The Media: Advertising messages can influence your decisions about what foods to eat or to avoid. Slide 3 of 15 Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Evaluating Food Choices • When choosing foods, it is important to read and evaluate the information on the food label. • The information includes • nutrition facts • nutrient and health claims • Daily Values • freshness dates Slide 4 of 15 Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely General Guide to Calories* 40 Calories is low 100 Calories is moderate 400 Calories is high *Based on a 2,000-calorie diet. Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Limit These Nutrients The goal is to stay BELOW 100% of the DV for each of these nutrients per day. Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Get Enough of These Nutrients Try to get 100% of the DV for each of these nutrients each day. Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely The Footnote Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Examples of DVs versus %DVs* Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely What’s High? What’s Low? Do You Have to Calculate to Know? Footnote Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely The % DV Does the Math for You Look here for highs and lows! Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Quick Guide to % DV 5% DV or less is Low Limit these Nutrients Get Enough of these Nutrients 20% DV or more is High Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely No % Daily Value Trans Fat Sugars Protein Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Read the Nutrition Facts Label For Total Sugars Plain Yogurt Fruit Yogurt Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Look at the Ingredient List for Added Sugars Plain Yogurt INGREDIENTS: CULTURED PASTEURIZED GRADE A NONFAT MILK, WHEY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE, PECTIN, CARRAGEENAN. Fruit Yogurt INGREDIENTS: CULTURED GRADE A REDUCED FAT MILK, APPLES, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, CINNAMON, NUTMEG, NATURAL FLAVORS, AND PECTIN. CONTAINS ACTIVE YOGURT AND L. ACIDOPHILUS CULTURES Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Calcium In Your Daily Diet Calcium Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Calcium Calculation 100% DV = 1,000mg calcium 30% DV = 300mg calcium = one cup of milk 130% DV = 1,300mg calcium = daily goal for teens Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Slide 21 of 15 Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Daily Values • Daily Values are recommendations that specify the amounts of certain nutrients that the average person should obtain each day. • Daily Values are only a general guide because they are calculated for the average person who consumes a total of 2,000 calories a day. Slide 22 of 15 Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Open Dates • The labels on prepared foods also include open dates. • The “sell-by” date tells you the last date the product can be sold. • The “best-if-used-by” date tells you how long the product will be at peak quality. • The “do-not-use-after” date is the expiration date. Slide 23 of 15 Section 9.1 Choosing Food Wisely Slide 24 of 15
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