Ethics & Research Integrity Dr. Matt Briggs Research & Development Office Dr. Rachel Cassidy School of Business What do we mean by ethics? • The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession (deontology) (right) • The actions which produce positive consequences or outcomes for those involved (teleology) (good) Why Research Ethics? • System of research governance: • To enhance the quality and integrity of research; • To protect the rights and welfare of participants and minimise the risk of physical and mental discomfort, harm and danger from research procedures; • To protect the welfare of researchers and their right to carry out legitimate investigations; Why Research Ethics? • To minimise the potential for claims of negligence made against the University, its researchers and any collaborating individual or organisation; • To ensure the reputation of the University for the research it conducts and sponsors. Basic Principles • • • • Beneficence - 'do positive good' Non-malfeasance - 'do no harm’ Protect participants’ interests and /or rights Ensure participant and researcher safety and reduce risk • Consider and protect against where necessary the impact of work on others • Ensure informed consent • Avoid deception (or to justify the need for deception if necessary) Basic Principles • Provide debriefing – i.e. the need to provide participants with additional information to support them after taking part in the research • Allow withdrawal from Investigation • Ensure confidentiality – i.e. the need to reassure participants that information they provide will not be disclosed without prior consent to others • Data security and archiving – i.e. to ensure that research data is held in a secure manner consonant with the requirements of the Data Protection Act How is ethics governed at the University? • Ethics Committee: • Research Ethics & Integrity Code of Practice AQH 2011/12 2.6.1 The Ethics Committee is responsible for determining the acceptability or otherwise on ethical grounds of proposals for University research projects or programmes carried out under the auspices of the University and for advising on ethical issues involved. What proposals should the committee consider? In general any programme of research which involves human or animal participants, their ‘products’ (e.g. body samples, written records, etc.), that has a direct impact on individuals, or uses contemporary material that may implicate living subjects or organisations, will need careful ethical consideration. This also covers use of the internet, work with substantial practice based or creative element and questions of copyright. Research Degrees • All prospective research projects, whether at MPhil or Doctoral levels, should be referred to the Ethics Committee for approval prior to the completion of the registration process. • Complete Research Ethics Approval Form • Retained in the Postgraduate Research Office. Particular concern: 1) Interviewing 2) Testing 3) Fieldwork 4) Data Risk Assessment • Researchers may also be required to submit a Risk Assessment Form in research projects which involve fieldwork. • • • • • Environmental Hazards (e.g. Height, Water) Lone, isolated or out of hours working Ill Health Equipment Chemical/Biological hazards Fieldwork & Risk - Race - Culture - Ethnicity - Belief - Religion, - Gender • Physical intimidation, or actual bodily harm; Psychological trauma • Emotional distress • Being put in compromising situations, such that they risk being accused of misconduct; • Arousal of suspicion and antagonism from authorities Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults • Staff undertaking research work which involves oneto-one or other unsupervised contact with children or vulnerable adults will be required to obtain a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check. • Applications should be submitted for approval as early as possible. All projects must be signed off from an ethics perspective before that part of the work for which approval is being sought begins. Process for submitting a proposal • Candidate (student) completes Ethics Request form. • The candidate, supervisor and Head of School sign the form. • The form should be submitted to the Postgraduate Research Office who prepare the papers for the committee. • Committee meets at least twice a semester • Papers need to be sent to the PGRO one week before the meeting Outcome of Committee • Following the committee, the minutes are considered by the Chair. • Once approved, the PGRO will follow the recommended actions in relation to each proposal. • In all cases, the supervisor, student or project manager is informed of the outcome. Continued Review • All postgraduate research conducted for research degrees shall be reviewed for on-going and unforeseen ethical issues during the various points of a research degree candidature: • • • • Progress reviews with the supervisory team Submission of full proposal Upgrade from MPhil / PhD Annual review Completing the Form Moeseg Ethics A fydd eich ymchwil yn golygu casglu, dadansoddi neu arsylwi ar ddata dynol neu ddeunydd dynol? Will your research involve the collection, analysis or observation of human data or human material? YDW/YES NA/NO A fydd eich ymchwil yn golygu casglu, dadansoddi neu arsylwi o ddeunydd anifeiliaid? Will your research involve the collection, analysis or observation of animal material? YDW/YES NA/NO A fydd eich ymchwil yn cynnwys cyfweliadau, holiaduron, arsylwi, ffilmio, recordio neu unrhyw fath arall o ryngweithio gyda phynciau dynol Will your research involve interviews, questionnaires, observation, filming, recording or any other form of interaction with human subjects? YDW/YES NA/NO A fydd eich ymchwil yn eich rhoi mewn unrhyw sefyllfa a fyddai'n bosibl 'eich rhoi mewn perygl', yn gorfforol, yn gymdeithasol neu'n emosiynol? Will your research put you in any situation that would potentially ‘put you at risk’; physically, socially or emotionally? YDW/YES NA/NO A fydd eich ymchwil yn cynnwys cyfnodau sylweddol o ryngweithio neu arsylwi o grwpiau cymunedol eraill, naill ai yn eich gwlad gartref neu dramor? Will your research involve substantial periods of interaction or observation of other community groups, either in your home country or abroad? YDW/YES NA/NO A fydd eich ymchwil yn cynnwys, mewn unrhyw ffordd, plant, oedolion ifanc neu oedolion sy'n agored i niwed? Will your research involve, in any way, children, young or vulnerable adults? YDW/YES NA/NO Adran 2 – Manylion y Prosiect / Ymchwil / Cynhyrchiad Section 2 – Project / Research / Production Details Braslun o’r prosiect / Project outline Hyd y Prosiect / Duration of Project O / From …………………………………………………hyd / to Disgrifiad Rhowch fraslun cryno o’r prosiect, heb unrhyw jargon, ac yn cynnwys beth bydd angen i’r cyfranogwyr ei wneud. Esboniwch unrhyw dermau technegol neu derminoleg sy'n benodol i'r ddisgyblaeth (hyd at 300 o eiriau.) Cysylltwch ddalennau ychwanegol yn ôl yr angen, neu defnyddiwch dudalennau ôl y cais ……………………….………………… Description Provide a brief outline, free from jargon, of the project including what participants will be required to do. Explain any technical terms or discipline specific terminology (up to 300 words.) Please attached additional pages as necessary or use the reverse sides of this application Amcanion a Chyfiawnhad i’r Prosiect: Nodwch amcanion Aims and Justification for the Project: State the aims of the project y prosiect a rhowch resymoliad i egluro pam y dylid ei and rationalise why it should take place, clearly indicating the gynnal, gan nodi’n eglur yr effeithiau posibl. (hyd at 500 potential impacts. (up to 500 words). o eiriau). Dulliau Arfaethedig: Rhowch fraslun o'r dulliau casglu data neu o natur yr amser mewn ymarferiadau. Dylech gynnwys technegau / dulliau penodol, tasgau y gofynnir i’r cyfranogwyr eu gwneud, amser ac ymrwymiad y cyfranogwyr a dadansoddiad o’r data. Os ydy’r prosiectau’n cynnwys gweithdrefnau / gweithgareddau nad ydynt yn dilyn arfer derbyniol a sefydlwyd eisoes, esboniwch a rhowch gyfiawnhad (hyd at 700 o eiriau). Proposed Methods: Outline how the data will be collected or the nature of rehearsal time. Include specific techniques / methods, tasks participants will be asked to do, time and commitment of participants and analysis of the data. If the projects includes procedures / activities different from already established acceptable practice then please explain and justify (up to 700 words). Cymwysterau / Profiad Ymchwilwyr: Rhestrwch gymwysterau academaidd a rhowch fraslun o unrhyw brofiad neu sgiliau sy'n berthnasol i gwblhau'r prosiect. Nodwch unrhyw gymwysterau gorfodol mae’u hangen ar gyfer casglu data neu'r cynhyrchiad. Investigators Qualifications / Experience: List academic qualifications and outline any experience or skills relevant to completing the project. Indicate any mandatory qualifications required for the collection of data or for the production. Lledaenu Gwybodaeth / Cynulleidfa: Nodwch i bwy y Dissemination of Information / Audience: Outline to whom a rhoddir neu y dangosir copi o’r canlyniadau neu copy of the results or final report / presentation will be given or adroddiad / cyflwyniad terfynol. shown. Lleoliad y Prosiect: Nodwch bob lleoliad lle y cesglir data Location of Project: Identify all locations where data will be neu y cynhelir ymarferiadau / cynhyrchiad. collected or rehearsals/ production will take place. Cymeradwyaeth Arall: Oes angen cael cymeradwyaeth Other Approvals: Is there a requirement for approval from any unrhyw sefydliad arall cyn cychwyn neu gwblhau’r other organisation / institution prior to starting or completing the prosiect? Os felly, gan bwy ac a ydy wedi'i sicrhau project? If so, by whom and has it been obtained? eisoes? Adran 3 – Manylion Cyfranogwyr / Cynulleidfa Section 3 - Participant / Audience details Pwy yw’r cyfranogwyr arfaethedig? Who are the intended participants? Ie / Yes Myfyrwyr / staff Y Drindod Dewi Sant Oedolion (dros oed 16 ac yn gymwys i gydsynio) Students / staff of Trinity Saint David Plant a phobl ifanc dan oed Cleifion neu gleientiaid gweithwyr proffesiynol Children / legal minors Rhywun sy’n cael ei gadw yn y ddalfa neu y mae’r llys wedi cymryd cyfrifoldeb amdano Anyone in custodial care or for whom the court has assumed responsibility Aelod o unrhyw sefydliad lle mae’n bosibl bod angen i unigolyn arall hefyd gydsynio. A member of any organisation where another individual may also need to give consent. Na / No Adults (over the age of 16 and competent to give consent) Patients or clients of professionals Eraill: Nodwch: / Others: please identify: Nifer, Oed a Ffynhonnell y Cyfranogwyr / y Participant / Audience Number, Age and Source: Provide Gynulleidfa: Nodwch fanylion demograffeg y details of the demographics of the participants / audience. cyfranogwyr / y gynulleidfa. Nodwch hefyd Include methods of recruitment and any exclusion criteria. ddulliau recriwtio ac unrhyw feini prawf eithrio. Nifer o Gyfranogwyr / yn y Gynulleidfa Participant/ Audience number Grŵp oedran y Cyfranogwyr/y Gynulleidfa Participant/ Audience age group Ffynhonnell y Cyfranogwyr/y Gynulleidfa Participant/ Audience source Adran 4 – Rheoli Risg Section 4 – Risk Management Ydy’r prosiect yn cynnwys: Does the project include: Defnyddio holiadur (neu offeryn ymchwil tebyg (cysylltwch gopi)) Defnyddio prawf ysgrifenedig neu gyfrifiadurol Use of questionnaire (or similar research instrument (attach copy) Use of written or computerised test Cyfweliad (cysylltwch gwestiynau posibl) Interview (attach provisional questions) Dyddiaduron Diaries Arsylwi ar gyfranogwyr a hwythau'n ymwybodol o hynny Participant observation with their knowledge Participant observation without their knowledge Video or audio-taping Arsylwi ar gyfranogwyr a hwythau ddim yn ymwybodol o hynny Recordio fideo neu sain Mynediad i wybodaeth bersonol neu gyfrinachol heb gydsyniad penodol y cyfranogwyr Access to personal or confidential information without the participants specific consent Defnyddio unrhyw gwestiynau, ysgogiadau prawf, cyflwyniad y gallai rhai cyfranogwyr eu profi fel rhywbeth sy'n achosi niwed / tramgwydd corfforol, meddyliol neu emosiynol Administration of any questions, test stimuli, presentation that may be experienced as physically, mentally or emotionally harmful / offensive Cyflawni unrhyw weithredoedd allai achosi embaras neu effeithio ar hunan-barch Performance of any acts which may cause embarrassment or affect self-esteem Ymchwilio i gyfranogwyr sy’n ymwneud â gweithgareddau anghyfreithlon Gweithdrefnau lle defnyddir twyll Investigation of participants involved in illegal activities Procedures that involve deception Ydy / Yes Nac ydy/No Gweini unrhyw sylwedd, cyfrwng neu blasebo Administration of any substance, agent or placebo Dull arall o gasglu data neu fformat cyflwyno (esboniwch) Other method of data collection or presentation format (please explain) Os ydych wedi ateb Ydy i unrhyw un o’r uchod, rhowch wybodaeth ychwanegol a chyfiawnhad ar gyfer hynny . If you have indicated yes to any of the above, please provide additional information and justification of actions. Buddion y Prosiect: Disgrifiwch sut mae buddion y Benefits of Project: Describe how the benefits of the project outweigh prosiect yn gorbwyso unrhyw risgiau (hyd at 200 o any risks (up to 200 words). eiriau). Risg bosibl i'r Cyfranogwyr / y Gynulleidfa: Nodwch, Potential Risk to Participants / Audience: Identify, as far as possible i’r graddau y mae hynny'n bosibl, unrhyw risgiau any potential risks to participants (physical, psychological, legal, social posibl i gyfranogwyr (corfforol, seicolegol, cyfreithiol, or economic) associated with the project. Include an analysis of the cymdeithasol neu economaidd) sy’n gysylltiedig â’r likelihood and potential severity of any risk. prosiect. Dylech gynnwys dadansoddiad o debygolrwydd a difrifoldeb posibl unrhyw risg. Risgiau Posibl i’r Ymchwilydd: Nodwch unrhyw risgiau Potential Risks to Researcher: Outline any potential risks to the posibl i'r ymchwilydd sy'n fwy na fyddai'n debyg o godi o researcher greater than might be encountered on a daily basis. ddydd i ddydd. Rheoli Risg: Nodwch sut y bydd unrhyw risgiau a Management of Risk: Outline how any risks identified will be managed. nodwyd yn cael eu rheoli. Canlyniadau Niweidiol: Nodwch unrhyw fesurau rydych Adverse Outcomes: Outline any measures you have put in place to wedi'u sefydlu er mwyn lliniaru unrhyw effeithiau neu mediate any adverse affects or outcomes of the project. Include any ganlyniadau niweidiol yn sgil y prosiect. Dylech emergency protocols. gynnwys unrhyw brotocolau mewn argyfwng. Adran 5 – Monitro, Adborth a Chyfrinachedd Section 5 - Monitoring, Feedback and Confidentiality Monitro: Nodwch unrhyw strategaeth a ddefnyddir i fonitro ymddygiad cyfranogwyr a / neu ymchwilwyr ar hyd y prosiect er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn cydymffurfio â Chod Ymarfer y Brifysgol ac unrhyw ganllawiau a gyhoeddir gan y gymdeithas broffesiynol briodol. Monitoring: Outline any strategy included to monitor the conduct of participants and or investigators throughout the project to ensure they conform to the University’s Code of Practice and any guidelines published by the appropriate professional association. Adrodd yn ôl a Chefnogaeth: Pa gefnogaeth neu adborth a roddir i’r cyfranogwyr, os rhoddir, a phryd? Cydsyniad Gwybodus: Nodwch eich dull o gofnodi’r cydsyniad i gyfranogi yn y prosiect (dylech gynnwys copi o’r ffurflen gydsynio os byddwch yn defnyddio un). Debriefing and Support: When and what support or feedback will be given to participant, if any? Informed Consent: Outline the method by which you are documenting the consent to participate in the project (include a copy of the consent form if you are using one). Cyfyngiadau Cyfreithiol ar Gyfrinachedd: Nodwch y gwrthdaro posibl a allai godi rhwng cyfrinachedd a’r angen cyfreithiol i gael mynediad i wybodaeth, megis subpoena, rhyddid gwybodaeth ac adrodd gorfodol gan rai proffesiynau. A gynghorir y cyfranogwyr am y gwrthdaro posibl hwn? Legal Limitations to Confidentiality: Identify potential conflicts that may arise between confidentiality and the legal need to access the information, such subpoena, freedom of information and mandatory reporting by some professions. Is the participant being advised of these potential conflicts? Adran 6 – Storio, Diogelwch a Mynediad i Ddata Section 6 - Data Access, Storage and Security Cyfrifoldeb am Ddata a Gesglir: Nodwch pwy sy’n gyfrifol Responsibility for Data Collected: Indicate how and who is am storio a diogelwch yr holl wybodaeth a gesglir a sut. responsible for the storage and security of all information collected. Mynediad i Ddata: Nodwch pwy fydd â mynediad i’r data ac a Data Access: Indicate who will have access to the data and oes unrhyw amodau ynghlwm â mynediad. whether there are any conditions to access. Cyfrinachedd / Anhysbysrwydd: Nodwch y dulliau a Confidentiality / Anonymity: Outline the methods used to ensure ddefnyddir i sicrhau cadw gwybodaeth yn gyfrinachol a confidentiality of information and the anonymity of participants. chyfranogwyr yn anhysbys. Adran 7 - Cyllid Section 7 - Funding Ydy / yes Ydy’r prosiect yn derbyn cyllid? Is the project being funded? A oes angen i’r prosiect gael ei gymeradwyo cyn cael ei ystyried gan asiantaeth gyllido? Does the project require approval before consideration by the funding agency? Ffynhonnell y Cyllid: Source of Funding: Nac ydy/ No Ethics Committee Cefnogwyd Supported Mae’r Pwyllgor Moeseg yn hyderus yr ymdriniwyd ag unrhyw a phob mater moesegol, a bod yr ymchwilwyr yn meddu ar y sgiliau a chymhwysedd angenrheidiol i gynnal yr ymchwil y ceir brasamcan ohono ar y daflen gysylltiedig. The Ethics Committee is confident that any and all ethical issues have been addressed and that the investigators possess the necessary skills and competence to conduct the research outlined on the attached sheet. Cefnogwyd yn amodol ar newidiadau Supported subject to amendments Nid yw’r Pwyllgor Moeseg yn sicr yr ymdriniwyd â phob mater moesegol, nac ychwaith fod yr ymchwilwyr yn meddu ar y sgiliau a chymhwysedd sy’n angenrheidiol i gynnal yr ymchwil y ceir brasamcan ohono ar y daflen gysylltiedig. Mae angen manylion pellach cyn y gellir rhoi cymeradwyaeth. The Ethics Committee is unsure that all ethical issues have been addressed or that the investigators possess the necessary skills and competence to conduct the research outlined on the attached sheet. Further details are required before approval is given. Nis cefnogwyd Not supported Nid yw’r Pwyllgor Moeseg yn hyderus yr ymdriniwyd â phob mater moesegol, a bod yr ymchwilwyr yn meddu ar y sgiliau a chymhwysedd angenrheidiol i gynnal yr ymchwil y ceir brasamcan ohono ar y daflen gysylltiedig. The Ethics Committee is not confident that all ethical issues have been addressed and that the investigators possess the necessary skills and competence to conduct the research outlined on the attached sheet. Sylwadau neu argymhellion: Comments or recommendations: Unrhyw Gwestiynau? Any Questions?
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