Office of Field Experience College of Education Candidate Orientation Director of Field Experience Dr. Heloise Aucoin Suite 201; office C BEFORE STUDENT TEACHING • Undergraduates must complete and document 180 hours of field experience (FX). • Alternate certification candidates must complete and document 85/120 hours of FX. • 15 hours of professional development must be completed and documented. • Introductory Level and Developing Level Portfolios must be completed and passed. ALL INFORMATION WILL BE DOCUMENTED IN PASS-PORT. Form more information, visit the PASS-PORT help page at t/index.html. Field Experience Undergraduate Teacher Candidates 50* 130* 180* Alternate Certification Candidates 45* 40* 85* FIELD EXPERIENCE ASSIGNMENTS The Office of Field Experience (OFE) creates and manages all field experience assignments. • Assignments, which are lists of FX sites, are based on the needs of the course. – Observation (must be at school sites) – Direct teaching (tutoring or group assistance can take place at schools or Beyond the Classroom sites) • Assignment lists include schools and sites in a variety of locations. PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEMS THAT PARTNER WITH THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ASCENSION PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOGALUSA CITY SCHOOLS CENTRAL COMMUNITY SCHOOL SYSTEM EAST BATON ROUGE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM JEFFERSON PARISH PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM LIVINGSTON PARISH SCHOOLS ST. BERNARD PARISH SCHOOLS ST. CHARLES PARISH SCHOOLS ST. JAMES PARISH SCHOOLS ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST SCHOOL DISTRICT ST. TAMMANY PARISH PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM TANGIPAHOA PARISH SCHOOL SYSTEM WASHINGTON PARISH SCHOOLS ZACHARY COMMUNITY SCHOOLS A variety of private and parochial schools also participate in FX and will be included on assignment lists. COOPERATING TEACHERS A. B. C. D. E. F. Approved by the principal Louisiana Teaching Certificate Three or more years of teaching experience Willing to participate Complete Form A annually (online) Complete Form B and make it available to candidates. Tutoring in a private residence is strictly prohibited. • A FX assignment list will be issued to each course and made available through Moodle. • These are the ONLY sites that TC may complete observation and direct teaching hours to meet the requirements for the course. • FX may only occur during the semester in which the TC is enrolled in the course. • Undergraduates MUST experience and document multiple and diverse settings/sites. • TC may not remain at the same site for multiple semesters. The OFE creates and distributes the lists of sites for FX; it does not define the requirements of the course. Example of Field Assignment List Ascension Parish Schools: Central Middle (6-8)-Gonzales Contact: Jeremy Muse-AP Duplessis Elementary IN, (PK-5) Nancy Ruiz-contact G.W. Carver Primary (4-5) Latatia Johnson-Principal St. Amant Primary (PK-5) Paisley Morgan-Contact Sorrento Primary (PK-5) Rhonda Gillard-AP Candidates will also receive a Beyond the Classroom list. These are sites which can be used for direct teaching and service learning. MAKING CONTACT OFE PROCEDURES FOR CONTACTING SITES 1. Complete Form E No blanks Multiple dates and times OFE PROCEDURES FOR CONTACTING SCHOOLS (CONT.) 1. Complete Form E 2. Attach Form E to an email addressed to the site contact listed. Create a personal email. Do not send a mass email. “My name is ______, and I am a teacher candidate at Southeastern. I am requesting field experience at your school site. Attached is my Form E with information on my class requirements. Thank you for considering my request. Sincerely, _____” Send the email two to three weeks before the requested dates. Allow approximately three to four days for a response DO NOT FAX, TEXT, CALL, OR JUST SHOW UP TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE. FIELD EXPERIENCE VISITS • • • • Southeastern I.D must be worn to all FX sites Arrive 30 minutes before scheduled FX Check-in at the office Bring a copy of Form C (Form D for service learning) – If anything changes (e.g., teacher, students), you will need to use an additional Form C. – Have the cooperating teacher sign Form C at the end of the FX. • Ask the cooperating teacher to see their Form B. You will need this information to complete Form C. ABSENCES AND “NO SHOWS” ABSENCES • Contact cooperating teacher and site PRIOR to the assigned visit. “NO SHOWS” • Not showing up without out attempting to contact the teacher is unacceptable. CONSEQUENCES FOR “NO SHOWS” 1. Not allowed to return to site 2. Discretion of the professor 3. Referral to the Head of the Teaching and Learning Department and to Teacher Development PROFESSIONLISM Dress Code and Code of Conduct DRESS CODE THE FOLLOWING ARE UNACCEPTABLE: • Words that advertise alcohol, gambling, cigarettes, or drugs • Patches, symbols, writings, etc. which are vulgar or offensive • Hats or caps inside • Shorts, except when teaching physical education • See-through or mesh garments • Skirts above the knee • Skirt slits higher than 4 inches above the knee • Low-cut, strapless, or sleeveless shirts • Jeans of any color, leggings, or capris • Slippers, flip-flops, beach shoes, or cleats • Sunglasses inside, unless prescribed • Body piercing jewelry (nose, tongue, eyebrow, cheek, etc.) • TATTOOS MUST BE COVERED. Violators will not be allowed to complete FX in the partner school. CODE OF CONDUCT • No cell phones, laptops, tablets, or iPads are to be used during FX. • Pay attention and look interested • Eating, drinking, and chewing gum is prohibited in classrooms. • Smoking is strictly prohibited on school campuses by law. • Vulgar or offensive language on or around school campus is prohibited. • Behavior that interrupts or disturbs the learning process is prohibited. • Do not use any electronic devices or computers that belong to the school. • “No shows” will result in a referral to Teacher Development. Violations will result in disciplinary action. Alternate Certification FX ALTERNATE CERTIFICATION CANDIDATES AND FX • Alternate certification candidates must complete the required field experience in each course. • Those who teach while working on certification: – May use their school as an observation site. – May use their classroom for direct teaching. – Professors may require additional cooperating teachers and/or FX sites. – Must have a mentor, assistant principal, or principal sign documentation (Form C). – Must be observed on a regular basis by a mentor, assistant principal, or principal for documentation. ALTERNATE CERTIFICATION CANDIDATES AND FX (CONT.) • A minimum of 85 hours must be documented in alternate certification education courses. • As many as 120 hours may be required depending on course requirements. • Alternate certification candidates must complete all required portfolios in PASS-PORT. Documenting FX Hours DOCUMENT FX HOURS IN PASSPORT EACH SEMESTER If the cooperating teacher or field site is not in PASSPORT, email the Office of Field Experience ( the following information: 1. Your first and last name 2. The course associated with the FX (ex. EDUC 203-96I) 3. The cooperating teacher’s first and last name 4. The site name Appendix F: How to Document FX All FX MUST be documented within the academic year in which it occurred. The system changes over on July 31. The system changes over on July 31. Cooperating teachers and field sites will NOT be added to PASS-PORT from previous years unless the candidate received FX hours in classes prior to enrollment in education classes. Pay Close Attention IMPORTANT REMINDERS • FX assignments can only be completed at the sites assigned to the course. • DO NOT REQUEST ADDITIONAL SITES. • Email Form E to the site contact to request FX. • Dress professionally. • Act appropriately. • Use Form C (or Form D for service learning) for documentation • Document FX each semester. RESOURCES • THE OFFICE OF FIELD EXPERIENCE WEBPAGE es/edu_hd/student_success/field_exp/index.html • PASS-PORT HELP PAGE es/edu_hd/student_success/passport/index.html QUESTIONS?
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