Stacked switch evolution and development (part 2) M.J. Barnes TE-ABT - Beam Transfer R&D meeting #6, September 18th, 2014 1 Content Part 2 of “Stacked Power Switches” by T. Kramer & L. Ducimetière (28/09/2014) • Inductive Adder versus Stacked MOSFETs; • Experience and challenges of high voltage, fastswitching and/or high-repetition rate, stacked Power MOSFETs; • • • • • Introduction; Summary of some existing systems; Parasitic capacitance; Triggering (magnetic versus fibre optic); Very short pulses. 2 Why Series Connect Power MOSFETs? • MOSFETs for fast switching typically have a maximum voltage rating of 1kV (used @ ~700V); • Series stacking is required to achieve high voltage switches; • Parallel connection may be required to achieve high currents. “Standard” package Low-Inductance (Fast Switching) package (e.g. APT18M100B: 1 kV, 68 A pulsed, ~20 ns current rise, ~0.7 Ω on-state, 625 W, Qgs=26 nC, Qgd=70 nC [@500 V]). (e.g. DE375-102N12A: 1 kV, 72 A pulsed , ~3 ns current rise, ~1 Ω on-state, 425 W, Qgs=16 nC, Qgd=42 nC [@500 V]). Notes: treat specified power dissipation with healthy scepticism! beware specified avalanche ratings! 3 Series MOSFETs versus Inductive Adder Capacitor bank Trigger circuit Trigger circuit Trigger circuit Trigger circuit Trigger circuit Trigger circuit Series MOSFET Swtches Transformer core For trigger circuit Pulse width ~350ns to DC Pulse shaping No Trigger Circuit Floating at pulsed high voltage *: see talk by Janne Holma Inductive adder* For high voltage output Max. limited by magnetic core Yes Referenced to ground 4 A Single Stacked MOSFET Switch • DC storage capacitor is charged up Trigger circuit Trigger circuit ≈ Trigger circuit Trigger circuit to the required high voltage ( Vpk); • The number of series modules, including redundancy, is chosen based on the MOSFET voltage rating and required high voltage output; • The trigger circuit is at MOSFET source potential, i.e. floating with respect to ground; • The MOSFETs are turned on to initiate the pulse (negative output pulse in this example), connecting the storage capacitor to the load; • Here the load (RL) is resistive and thus the load voltage naturally falls to zero when the MOSFTs are turned off. Simplified Schematic of a stacked MOSFET switch. 5 Push-Pull Stacked MOSFET Switch PULL PUSH Trigger circuit 3u 3d Trigger circuit 2u 2d Trigger circuit Nu Trigger circuit Trigger circuit Trigger circuit Cload Nd Trigger circuit Module 1u Module 1d Trigger circuit Simplified Schematic of a stacked MOSFET switch. • As per previous slide, but load is capacitive and hence both a “push” and “pull” MOSFET stacks are used, to obtain fast rise AND fall times; • Current flows only during the edges of the pulse; • The PUSH MOSFETs are turned on to initiate the leading edge of the output pulse (negative output in this example) [PULL MOSFETs are OFF]; • PUSH MOSFETs are turned OFF: subsequently the PULL MOSFETs are turned on to initiate the trailing edge of the pulse, connecting the load to ground; • The relative timing of turning-off a stack of MOSFETs before the other stack is turned-on is important. 6 Series Stacking of MOSFET Switches Trigger circuit Parallel resistor for static (off-state) voltage sharing: the same value is used throughout the stack. • • Parallel “fast-grading” capacitor for dynamic voltage sharing: not necessarily the same value throughout the stack (see later slides). Ensure static and dynamic voltage sharing. Design of trigger circuit (gate driver) is important and is dependent upon several factors, including output pulse requirements (e.g. maximum width and/or rise time). 7 Summary of MOSFET Based Kickers Date Built Output Pulse Voltage Rise & fall time (10%-90%) Pulse Flattop Width Frequency Range Load (capacitive/resistive) and comment 1994 5 kV 30 ns 250 ns to 1 s 1 Hz to 20 kHz Cap / TRIUMF 1995 10 kV 40 ns 180 ns Fixed: 1 MHz Variable: up to 0.5 MHz Cap / Prototype 2000 ±10 kV 100 μs 20 ms to DC DC to 10 Hz Cap / TRIUMF 2001 −3.5 kV 63 ns 350 ns to DC DC to 52 kHz Cap / TRIUMF 2003 ±12.5 kV 40 ns 160 ns to DC DC to 77 kHz Cap / PSI (MuLan experiment) 3 MHz 2.2 MHz Cap / TRIUMF (RFQ) 1 kHz Res / ILC prototype (droop < 0.001%) 2004 0.5 kV 0.6 kV 125 ns 125 ns 50% duty 50% duty 2005/6 4.6 kV 6 ns 2008/9 2.8 kV 2.5 ns >140 ns fixed Up to 50 Hz Cap / Behlke switch – CLIC tail-clipper 2011/12 12kV Rise=100ns Fall=~60 μs Fixed: ~2 μs Up to 1 kHz Cap / CLIC RF breakdown research* *Now collaborating with Luis Redondo (U. of Lisbon) to develop a MOSFET based Marx modulator with faster fall time and adjustable pulse flattop. Note: Luc used 4 series MOSFETs in trigger amplifiers 3.5 kV pulses. 8 Stacking of Discrete Elements 1st stage Advantages: • Modular - easy to change a PCB if required: increases lifetime of stacked switch, (c.f. Behlke switch which cannot be repaired); 2nd stage • MOSFETs can be chosen for particular properties (e.g. low capacitance); • Design can be optimized for specifications, e.g. high repetition rate (low capacitance) Final stage and suitable heat-sinks on each power semiconductor; • Experience: very low failure rate for an appropriate design. Disadvantages: • Design needs careful thought – not “off the shelf”; • Modularity increases size; • Magnetic triggering generally limits minimum pulse-width (~350 ns). Optical triggering is very challenging. Backplane with fast grading capacitors 9 Fast and/or High-Repetition Rate Systems PUSH Trigger circuit Cload+ Cconnections Nd Linearized MOSFET DS capacitance, for simplicity (includes fast grading [Cfg]) PULL Cm(N) Nu Trigger circuit 3u Trigger circuit 2u Trigger circuit Cgnd Trigger circuit 3d Cm(3) Cgnd Trigger circuit Trigger circuit 2d Module 1d Cm(2) Cgnd Cm(1) Module 1u Trigger circuit • When the push stack turns-on, it must charge its own (parasitic) capacitances, as well as Cload, Cconnections, to Vchg. The effective capacitance (Cm(N) and Ck) of the off-state (PULL) stack must also be charged. Thus minimize: • Cconnections (e.g. coax cable length); • Cm(N) (choose suitable MOSFET(s) and minimize Cfg); • Ck (low permittivity dielectrics [e.g. air], optimize clearance to ground, optimize distance between layers [but allow for heat-sink and HV!]). • Transient voltage distribution (Vm(N)) is dependent upon k k Cgnd Cm ( N ) . For k < 0.05, equation can be expressed simply: N 1 Vm ( N ) Vm (1) 1 ik i 1 • Cfg is minimized by having different N 1 values for each level: Simplified Schematic of a stacked MOSFET switch. C fg ( N ) i * Cgnd (i ) i 1 Note: beware during HV distribution measurements and interpreting results! 10 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Ceffective Cincremental Effective Capacitance (pF) Capacitance [pF] Example of Effective Capacitance 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 Cgnd=0.7pF Cgnd=1.7pF Cgnd=2.7pF 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Number of Levels 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Drain-Source Voltage (V) Measured voltage-dependent incremental capacitance (Cincremental) and effective capacitance (Ceffective) of a DE375-102N12A MOSFET. Effective Capacitance to ground of an offstate pull up stack of DE375-102N12A MOSFETs (12.5 kV per stack) with minimum values of fast-grading capacitors. Note: 42pF 2*250 W for 12.5 kV @ 75 kHz. Conclusion: minimize Cgnd (air insulated) and, for unavoidably high Cgnd (because of heat-sinks etc.), minimize the number of levels (use high voltage MOSFETs and sensible redundancy). Note: for Behlke switches we have no control over the (internal) fast grading values or ability to use individual heat-sinks….. 11 Magnetic Triggering (1994) Ferrite core Primary winding(s) Diagnostic (no feedback to controls) Charge latch HV Outputs D1N4448 D1N4448 IN1- IN2IRFD110 MOSFET D1N4448 D1N4448 OUT + Sec ondary Prim ary 2 Prim ary 1 Rs1 LED Zs Zs Zs Zs Zs Zs Rled Rfg D IN1+ IN2+ G Rdc g APT 1004RBN Zgs Ferrite Core S Zs Zs Zs Zs Zs Rdc g Zs Zgs Cgs Cfg Cgs Rdc g IRFD110 Cfg Rgs Rfg D1N4448 Rs2 Current path for turning-on MOSFET D1N4448 D1N4448 D1N4448 OUT - Charge latch • Initial rise of MOSFET gate-source voltage is well synchronized, in time, for all series MOSFETs – good!; • But triggering directly through a ferrite transformer core can result in “slow” switching of the MOSFET, due to both source impedance (~3A) and Miller capacitance of the MOSFET; • Beware: voltage swing of the MOSFET sources, during switching, modifies the primary current and thus the MOSFET gate current and collapse of voltage across each MOSFET!; • Appropriate triggering can keep MOSFET in the on-state indefinitely. 12 Optical Triggering (first system supplied to MuLan experiment at PSI ~2003) Ferrite: magnetic coupling to supply energy for trigger system Shield: FO receiver is sensitive to electric field Primary winding for magnetic coupling Issues with fibre-optics (FO) for very fast switching: • FO receiver MOSFET driver (up to 20A) • MOSFET Shield: FO receiver is sensitive to electric field • Fibre optic transmitter board for both stacks: • • DC coupled FO receiver (not AC FO, as typically used in telecommunications) is needed to minimize susceptibility to erratic switching due to noise; Propagation delay differs from FO receiver to receiver and must be compensated for; Pulse width distortion of FO receiver output (HFBR-2528 used here): contains an IC, but significant PWD still occurs; Any dust in FO system increases rise-time of optical pulse at receiver, changing delay and PWD!; FO cables are delicate and, e.g. due to bending, the delay of the cable can inadvertently change. 13 Concept for Very Short Pulses, e.g. ILC Charging Resistor Fast Switch L C (V) D S L L C D C ([N-1]V/N) S D S MOSFETs cannot typically be turned-on and off fast enough for very short pulses. Output to stripline & matched terminating resistor L C C (V/N) PFN X X HVDC HVDC Fast switch Z Transmission line Z Copt Stripline plates Z Termination resistor Z Beam From second pulse generator Z Z Stacked MOSFET switch is its own PFL (delay line of limited length): L Z & N N L Z • For a given minimum inductance, the delay of a 100 Ω line is less than that of a 50 Ω line; • A “delay-line” switch was configured as ~100 Ω, terminated resistively in 100 Ω; Note: pulse rise-time and width increase with DC supply voltage (due to Miller charge). Measured pulses for 3kV, 6kV, 9kV & 12.5kV DC supply (100 Ω PFL). 14 Summary re Series MOSFETs Switches • Significant experience with stacked MOSFETs (since 1994) for fast, high repetition-rate, switching, generally with capacitive loads. Higher current versions can be built, e.g. with parallel MOSFETs, but with increased capacitance ( higher switching losses); • Modular design results in significant reliability advantages w.r.t. a Behlke switch. In addition, for a system designed in house, fast-grading and trigger circuits can be optimized; • In general, for fast or high rep-rate, design for a realistic minimum parasitic capacitance (e.g. air dielectric) to minimize losses and switching times; • R&D of the latest generation MOSFETs, for pulsed power applications, is required. • Triggering circuit can be challenging – fibre optics have significant associated problems (e.g. range of propagation delays through receivers and pulse width distortion): this needs further R&D to identify improved solutions; • Do not switch MOSFET faster than necessary (limit gate current) to minimize problems with differences in switching times and EM noise generation; • Heat removal from MOSFETs can be a significant issue, especially where a low capacitance system is required (suggests small heat-sinks): this could benefit from further R&D; • R&D required for improved diagnostics (feedback to controls); • R&D recently commenced: MOSFET based Marx Generator “collaboration” with Luis Redondo (U. of Lisbon). • R&D: application of Marx Generator technology to insulation testing for CLIC Klystron Modulators. 15 Switch technology overview and CERN kicker applications 100 GTO ring gate LHC-MKD Peak current (kA) Thyratron 10 PSB-TK SPS-MKDV GTO SPS-MKDH LHC-MKB AD-Horn PSB-EK LHC-MKI SPS-MKPi SPS-MKP PS-FAK SPS-MKE PS-TIK 1 FID PSB-BI-DIS IGBT CLIC-DR MOS 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 Rise time (us) 10 100 L. Ducimetière 16 Present CLIC HRR System Supply Section d.c. spark system . PFL: Td=2000ns Charging Resistor Z0=50W 4k7 W Pulse Generator Section CT: Bergoz: Fast Switch: CT-D0.5-B Coax Cable: Behlke: Z0=50W HTS-181-25-B 12kV Matching Resistor 50W Diode Filter capacitor 4.7nF Matching resistor 50W Sample voltage without BD (right) and measured current following BD at 12 kV (left) The measured voltage rise-time is less than 55 ns (10% - 90%) and the voltage reduces below 1% of the applied voltage within 100 µs . The measured current has a 2 µs "flat top" of ~120A and a rise time of 14 ns (10% - 90%). The estimated inductance, based on the 14 ns rise-time, is approximately 320 nH. Bleed resistor 80kW tip Sample Reliability issues: occasional failure of Behlke switch. Probably due to turning off high current following a BD [trigger to switch-on is increased in duration for 3 µs from the instant of a BD – but a turn-off command can have been sent ≤200 ns before the BD …..]. Limitations – no active pull down at present (23 µs fall time-constant 250 ns to 99%: 0.9930=0.74); system could be modified to include active pull-down, but same reliability issues – so better to explore other possibilities (e.g. Marx Generator) 17 17 Principle of Marx Generator (1) A Marx generator is an electrical circuit first described by Erwin Otto Marx in 1924. Its purpose is to generate a high-voltage pulse from a low-voltage DC supply. The circuit generates a high-voltage pulse by charging a number of capacitors in parallel, then subsequently connecting them in series. This is illustrated below for a 5 stage Marx. 1a) All the odd numbered MOSFETs/IGBTs (i.e. M1, M3, M5, …) are off. 1b) The capacitors (C1, C2 , … C5) are charged in parallel, from Vdc, by turning on all the even numbered MOSFETs/IGBTs (i.e. M2, M4, M6, …) [Vmarx ≈ 0 V]: + D1 Out D2 D3 M1 + Vdc - D4 M3 D5 M5 M7 M9 gate1 C1 C2 M2 C3 M4 C4 M6 VMarx C5 M8 M10 gate2 Stored energy: 1 nCnVdc2 2 18 Principle of Marx Generator (2) The circuit generates a high-voltage pulse by charging a number of capacitors in parallel, then subsequently connecting them in series. This is illustrated below for a 5 stage Marx. 2a) Capacitors C1, C2 , … C5 have been charged to Vdc in step (1b). All the even numbered MOSFETs/IGBTs (i.e. M2, M4, M6, …) are then turned off. 2b) All the odd numbered MOSFETs/IGBTs (i.e. M1, M3, M5, …) are then turned on, to connect the capacitors in series. VMARX ≈ 5Vdc Out+ D1 D2 D3 M1 + Vdc - D4 M3 D5 M5 M7 M9 gate1 C1 C2 M2 C3 M4 C4 M6 VMarx C5 M8 M10 gate2 Load voltage: VMarx nVdc 19 Example of each Marx Stage MC7805CDTG ON Semiconductor The following circuit has been implemented, by Luis Redondo, using MOSFETs (in each charge stage [M2] and pulse stage [M1] two parallel MOSFETs are used). +15 V 1 7805 IN OUT +5 V 3 GND 2 330nF 330nF GND2 In+ 0.1uF AVAGO Technologies + 4 DATA Optic fibre 2 +5V 3 2 HFBR-2521Z GND 1 DATA + GND2 1 VDD VDD 2 IN OUT TC1410 OUT 3 NC 4 GND GND 8 7 6 5 VCC IN GND IXRFD630 2 VCC GND gate1 OUT Gate GND A D1 M1 + Microchip K GND DE475102N21A Out+ Drain GND GND GND GND K + + + D GND2 Gate GND2 DE475102N21A GND A Drain GND GND2 GND2 10uF + R10 + K A D Vcc=+15 V 4:20 +18 V High frequency inverter 50 kHz Dr Dr Dr Dr + 10uF 1 IN R220 7815 OUT GND2 MC7805CDTG ON Semiconductor MC7815CDTG ON Semiconductor 3 1 IN 7805 GND GND 2 2 OUT 3 +5 V 220nF 330nF Out- GND1 GND1 0.1uF AVAGO Technologies DATA Optic fibre 1 +5V HFBR-2521Z GND DATA 220nF 220nF GND1 330nF Z15 V 940C12P22K-F CDE Cornell Dubilier 10uF 4 3 2 1 + + M2 + Microchip 1 VDD VDD 2 IN OUT TC1410 OUT 3 NC 4 GND GND 8 7 6 5 VCC IN VCC GND IXRFD630 1 OUT gate2 GND GND Gate GND DE475102N21A Drain GND GND GND GND K + GND1 + + D GND1 Gate GND DE475102N21A A Drain GND GND1 Note: modular design so that, in case of failure of a component, a card can be replaced. In- Vcc bank capacitor of IXRFD630: - 2 tantalum capacitors of 4.7uF, MULTICOMP, CB1H475M2DCB; - 2 ceramic capacitors of 0.47uF, KEMET, C322C474M5U5TA; - 2 ceramic capacitors of 0.1uF, AVX, AR205F104K4R*; - 2 ceramic capacitors of 0.01uF, AVX, AR205F103K4R*; - 2 ceramic capacitors of 0.001uF, AVX, AR205F102K4R*. Other capacitors in circuit: - 10uF tantalum capacitors , AVX, TAP106M035CCS; - 100pF ceramic capacitors , AVX, AR211A101K4R; - 470pF ceramic capacitors , AVX,12067A471JAT2A. All capacitors with the same capacitance have a same reference. D - Power diodes of STMicroelectronics – STTH1512G-TR Dr - ultra-fast diodes of Vishay – BYG22D-E3/TR 20 20 1MΩ
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