What Do We Know about Good Teaching?

ATA Middle Years Council
Banff, Alberta April 11, 2014
Jim Parsons, University of Alberta
Three Key Questions:
1) Have you had a moment when you came to
understand teaching more clearly?
2) Who has had an important positive impact
on your life as a teacher?
3) If you were to look back at your “teaching
career,” what advice would you give
The Impact of Teachers
Maslow: every human meeting has an
Teachers have hundreds of daily
Children are watching.
Actions are remembered.
Do you remember me?
I was Sheri Stearman and went by the
nickname Pony in 7th grade at Moore High
School, room 241.
I think you were my teacher! the best
teacher I have ever had!!!
You made such a difference in my life.
 I often recall the funny things you did and
your teaching methods.
Do you remember me?
 Anyway, I'm a music and fashion
photographer living in the northeast of
England going by the name jazzy lemon!
 Mr. Parsons I hope this is you! I wrote a
lovely story once about the person who
most influenced my life and had it
published in the paper. It was you!
 I wish I still had the article.
Do you remember me?
 Anyway, no one has made as much of an
impression or a difference in my life, and I'm sure
the lives of everyone who was in that class.
 I was having a rough time of it at home, and
everything in my life was in such an upheaval,
you were the one rock I could count on.
 You made learning a blast! They should write
about you like To Sir With Love, cos he changed
those kids lives and meant so much to them, and
that's how much you mean to me!!
Do you remember me?
 Anyway, … the context?
 Point: Even when we believe we
are messing up, someone is there
The Good Teaching Key:
Lives are precious.
Where am I coming from?
 Sources for this talk:
 Teaching Experience (Finishing Year 44)
 Research Experience
 AISI Director – since 1999
 MES Director for five years
 Instructional Leadership (2009-2011)
 Parsons, J., & Beauchamp, L. (2012) From Knowledge to
Action: Shaping the Future of Curriculum Development in
Alberta. Edmonton: Government of Alberta.
 Teacher Professional Learning and Teacher Efficacy
Research Insight
Research Learning One: Improving Student
Achievement starts with your own engagement as
 The correct learning focus?
 Teacher Engagement = Student
Engagement = Student Learning = Student
 A focus on student achievement simply
doesn’t work.
 Priority One: Teacher engagement
Research Insight
Research Learning Two: Good teaching focuses more on
the process than the content of learning.
 My research suggests that effective teachers focus on
process and pedagogy - not exclusively on content.
 Content is crucial, but is best learned as students take
charge of learning. We must trust students to learn!
 Inquiry and project-based learning help students develop
engaged agency. Inquiry allows choice, challenge,
support, scaffolding, and relevant problems to
 I call these ways of learning “conversational pedagogies.”
What this Means So Far
 1) There are remarkable similarities in what works
for teachers and what works for students.
 2) Engagement is the key to learning.
 3) Although we (systemically) need to track learning
progress, to center on tracking is wrong-minded and
a roadblock to learning.
 4) Learning works best – for both teachers and
learners – when we “Trust Learning will Occur.”
 5) Learners (humans) are remarkably diverse. This
diversity is a huge benefit, and not a problem.
Research Insight
Research Learning Three: Good teaching is motivated by
three aspects: Community, Agency, and Service
[When you engage research data – it talks to you.]
 Build classroom cultures that support community,
agency, and service.
 Community means working together.
 Agency means believing you can make a difference.
 Service means doing “good things” for others.
Research Insight
Research Learning Three: Community,
Agency, and Service
All my research together suggests,
“Teaching is about relationships.”
Good teaching is relationship building.
Research Insight
Research Learning Four: Good teaching is
enhanced when teachers become Action
 Action research is a form of investigation used
by teachers to solve problems and improve
professional practices in their own schools.
Any problem – curriculum, pedagogy,
behavior – any problem!
Research Insight
Research Learning Four: Good teaching is
enhanced when teachers do Action Research
 Action research identifies challenges; makes
informed decisions; tries ideas and solutions;
gathers data; meets to discuss what you see;
talks about what works and what doesn’t, and
seeks positive change?
Action research is always collaborative.
Research Insight
Research Learning Five: Good teaching is enhanced
by teacher collaboration
 In my current research on teacher professional learning
and teacher efficacy, 80% of teachers named their best
professional learning “collaboration with colleagues.”
 In my previous research of highly effective elementary
schools, teachers worked together to explain ideas,
solve problems, plan new actions. Collaboration
promoted engagement, shared expertise, built capacity,
and worked together to solve problems.
Research Insight
Research Learning Five: Teacher collaboration:
 Creates safe places to talk;
 Takes active interest in other’s experiences;
 Brings teachers closer together;
 Erodes cynicism;
 Focuses on student learning; and,
 Holds us accountable.
Research Insight
Research Learning Six: Good teaching
engages teachers fully in the school.
Classrooms are too small and too lonely!
Good teaching shares leadership to solve
real, site-based issues and build agency.
Good school leadership shares ownership,
creates space, and builds community.
Teachers become “school” teachers in
addition to “classroom” teachers.
Research Insight
Research Learning Seven: Good teaching celebrates
Good teaching engages differences.
Collaborative efficacy. People have different
skills. Encourage others (teachers and
students) to be “at home” with their own
abilities. Provide opportunities to use
diverse skills in classrooms. [differentiated
instruction and assignments].
Research Insight
Research Learning Eight: Good teaching
builds culture.
Good teaching considers the cultures
teachers could build in schools and
how these cultures should be built.
School change is cultural change.
How will we live together?
Summarizing So Far
 1) When teachers work together, really really good
things happen. Teacher collaboration will positively
impact the culture of a school.
 2) Teachers’ work should expand past their
individual classrooms to schools.
 3) Engaging in collaborative change increases agency
(the belief one can make a difference) and dispels
cynicism and ennui (boredom, world-weariness,
tedium, dissatisfaction).
Nine Key Questions
1) In what ways can my teaching become more engaged?
2) How can I become a more “conversational” teacher?
3) How can I trust more? What would trust look like?
4) What treasures of diversity exist within my teaching?
5) What good work is right in front of me?
6) How might I better build community?
7) How might I better build relationships?
8) What positive changes should we make together at our
school? How can we, as teachers, better work together?
9) What do we want our school culture to become?
My Personal Learning
Rules to Myself:
I have learned in 44 years of teaching.
These are “My reminders to me, and have
been learned in my storied-living with
Question: What would your own “Rules to
Self” be?
Rules to Self
Rule One: My vocational call is to build a vision of
success in a student’s head that is so strong nothing
can erode it.
 There are only two ways to motivate students:
encouragement and punishment. I will encourage.
 I will demand that students work hard, learn, and
succeed. [I now know that success changes selfperceptions and starts an upward spiral of hard work
and greater achievement.]
Rules to Self
Rule Two: I will accept who I am, and
build from there.
 All my great teachers have been different.
 Who was your best teacher? [Good teachers
are as diverse as good students.]
 Aside: Contact that teacher and say Thanks!
Rules to Self
Rule Three: If I have the greater insight, I have the
greater responsibility.
 Teachers work in situations where they have greater
insight than most of those they work with. We are
usually the oldest person in the room and, often, the
most mature.
 I won’t trade the year for the minute. I will make big
picture decisions and remember my job is not selfprotection but student-protection.
Rules to Self
Rule Four: Good teaching has fun. When I have a choice
between having fun and not having fun, I choose fun.
 Teachers can be so earnest. “Don’t smile until
Christmas!” is horrific, wrong, and crippling.
 Not all choices are frosted with eternal
consequences – or, maybe they are.
 Human relationships are the cornerstone of my
teaching. I will enjoy the gift of people.
Rule to Self
Rule Five: I will always have a lesson plan
completely ready, because something
better might not happen.
The best days of my teaching are
I will be diligent about preparation, but
aware of the possibilities of something
better happening. Then I will fly.
Rule to Self
Rule Six: I will practice good time management:
wherever I am, I will be there 100%.
I will have hundreds of conversations with
students – often just when I want them least.
In a second, what we talk about will be
forgotten, but how I engage the student will
not be.
Rule to Self
 Rule Seven: I will seek perfection, but accept
mistakes. If I hang my head, I will hunt for money.
 Mistakes are not horrible. (Paul Tough’s How Children
Succeed – focuses on Carol Dweck’s work.) But
wallowing in mistakes is a waste. If I keep my eyes
open and find a $20, I will pick it up.
 My funks will never be permanent, and I will never
take them out on my students.
 I will never consider a grudge. Sullen teachers don’t
last, but good relationships allow forgiveness.
Rule to Self
Rule Eight: “It don't take a
whole day to recognize
from the Hip Hop album Like Water For
Chocolate ["The Light" was the Grammynominated second single off Common's
2000 album Like Water for Chocolate.]
If I see sunshine, I will soak it up!
“The Light” by
Common, (2000)
Final Rule to Self
I will remember that teaching is about others. I have
chosen to be second. Living that choice daily can be
difficult, but it is the ultimate nobility of teaching.
1) My life as a teacher will be full of people.
2) People mystify and amaze me. People hurt and heal
3) I am a teacher because I have the gift of loving other
people’s children, and I want to help!
Jim Parsons [jim.parsons@ualberta.ca]
Child psychologist Erik Erikson
 Erik Erikson notes three stages of life that are relevant to teachers: (1) the crisis of
young adulthood, (2) the crisis of adult, and (3) the crisis of senescence.
 The first choice is between intimacy and isolation. Those who choose intimacy
live longer.
 The second choice is between generativity and self-absorption. Those who
choose generativity discover psychological wholeness.
 Last is the choice between integrity and despair. Those who choose integrity
reach the end of life satisfied and happy.
 Humans choose to become relational and interactive or closed and self-protective.
Isolation brings loneliness. Teachers are prone to loneliness.
 Giving one’s life to helping children helps teachers discover their own lives.
 Those who travel through these stages reach the end of life satisfied that they have
lived in a meaningful way. A selfish life produces despair – realizing you did not
nurture relationships and focused on yourself.