NEW CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS 7 February 2014 Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | HISTORIC OVERVIEW 1941 1983 1993 2003 2014 – Factories Building & Works Act – MOS Act – OHS Act – Construction Regulations – New Construction Regulations Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | OHS Act CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS What was new then? (2003) What is new now? (2014) Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS “Agent” Person who acts as a representative of the client Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS “Client” Person for whom the construction work is performed. Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS “Contractor” Employer who performs construction work for the client and includes a principle contractor. Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS “Competent Person” Person having the knowledge, training, experience and qualifications specific to the work. Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS “Designer” Persons who prepare a design, checks and approves a design, an architect or engineer contribute to or responsible for a design, surveyor specifying specs, interior designer, shop-fitter or landscape architect. Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS “Health and Safety Specification” (Client) Documented specification of all OHS requirements pertaining to the associated construction work to ensure the health and safety of all persons. Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS “Health and Safety Plan” (Contractor) Documented plan which addresses hazards identified and include safe work procedures to mitigate reduce or control the hazards identified. Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal | WHAT’S IS NEW NOW? “Construction Manager” • • Principal Contractor to appoint Competent person – one per site “Construction Work Permit” • • • Client to apply – 30 days before 180 days, 1800 person days CIDB 6 – R13M “Fall Risk” • Any potential to fall from or into “Temporary Works” • Falsework, formwork, supportwork, scaffold, shoring Scope of Application “These regulations, shall apply to any persons involved in construction work.” Application for Permit Client to apply for permit 30 days before intended construction Annexure 1 Site specific number Must be displayed at entrance of site Application for Permit (cont.) Permit will only be issued if: Baseline risk assessment for project Site specific Health & Safety Specification Client Duties Baseline Risk Assessment Project Specific OHS Specification Provide designer with OHS Specification Ensure designer take spec into consideration Specification to be included in tender PC made adequate provision for OHS PC necessary competencies & resources Client Duties (Cont.) PC is registered with compensation PC is registered with UIF Appoint PC in writing Approve PC OHS Plan (before construction) Copy of PC OHS Plan available PC Plan implemented and maintained Regular Audits (at least 30) Client Duties (Cont.) Provided PC copy of audit within 7 days Stop PC if not in accordance with OHS Plan Notify PC of any changes & provide recourses Report to DoL any incident resulted in a fatality or permanent disability Full report on Incident Measures for improvement to be implemented within 30 days. AGENT Client must appoint OHS Agent 5(5) Client may appoint OHS Agent 5(6) Agent registered with SACPCMP as Pr. CHSA Agent act on behalf of the Client Management and Supervision PC must appoint Construction Manager PC may appoint assistant Const. Manager Const. Manager must appoint Supervisor Contractor may appoint assistant Supervisor Contractor must appoint part time or full time Safety Officer (registered with SACPCMP) Fall Protection Fall Risk Position (fall from or into) Plan must include the process for the evaluation of the employees medical fitness necessary to work at a fall risk position Rescue Plan No Physiological Evaluation required! Cranes Risk assessment and method statement for Tower Cranes developed and applied. Wind forces, Wind speed detection devices, Audible warning, Bearing capacity of ground Medical Certificate of Fitness Contractor must ensure all employees have a medical certificate of fitness specific to the work performed. Issued by OHMP in the form of Annexure 3 Thank You
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