AU ROADMAP ON SHARED RESPONSIBILITY AND GLOBAL SOLIDARITY FOR AIDS, TB AND MALARIA ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA Parliamentary Roundtable 25-26 March 2014 THE STRUCTURE OF AIDS WATCH AFRICA (AWA) Heads of State and Government (Africa-wide) AWA Chairperson -Mauritania AWA Vice Chairperson Mozambique AWA Consultative Experts Committee (MS) AWA Secretariat AWA Champions Central Africa Gabon East Africa Tanzania North Africa Tunisia Southern Africa Malawi West Africa Cote d’lvoire Brief Background: AU Roadmap on Shared Responsibility and Global Solidarity 2012 -2015 The Roadmap presents a set of practical African-sourced solutions for enhancing Shared Responsibility and Global Solidarity for AIDS, TB, and Malaria responses in Africa. The overarching goal of the AU Roadmap is to support African countries to exercise leadership to meet AIDS, TB, malaria targets by 2015 and source African solutions to ensure universal access to health-related services for all those in need on a sustainable basis. The AU Roadmap builds on a number of AU initiatives (e.g. Abuja Declaration) This practical guide has been developed with indicators to assist the, the African Member States, RECs and other relevant stakeholders to implement the AU Roadmap. The AU Roadmap suggested solutions are organised around three strategic pillars: AU Roadmap Three Pillars 1 More diversified, balanced and sustainable financing models 2 Access to medicines – local production and regulatory harmonisation 3 Leadership, governance and oversight for sustainability The Roadmap: three action pillars 1 More diversified, balanced and sustainable financing models 2 Access to medicines – local production and regulatory harmonisation 3 Leadership, governance and oversight for sustainability Priority actions Develop financial sustainability plans with clear targets Ensure development partners meet commitments and align with Africa’s priorities Maximise opportunities to diversify funding sources and increase domestic resource allocation 5 Invest in leading medicines manufacturers – focusing on AIDS, TB and malaria Use strategic investment approaches for scale-up of basic programmes Lay foundations for a single African regulatory agency Support communities to claim their rights and participate in governance of the responses Acquire essential skills through technology transfers and southsouth cooperation Incorporate TRIPS flexibilities and avoid "TRIPS-plus" measures in trade agreements Ensure investments contribute to health system strengthening Mobilise leadership at all levels to implement the Roadmap AU ROADMAP PRACTICAL GUIDE: PILLAR NO. 1 Level Action National • Analyzing the costs of the three diseases • Building a picture of ‘returns on investment’ • Identify innovative sources of domestic funding Building a picture of ‘returns on investment’ • Identify innovative sources of domestic funding (see examples in Guide) • Work with development partners to ensure they meet their funding commitments Regional Facilitate sharing of ideas and lessons learned on diversifying and innovating funding AU ROADMAP PRACTICAL GUIDE: PILLAR NO. 2 Level Action National • Promote and facilitate investing in leading medicines (e.g ARVs, ACTs, TB.) and health commodities (e.g. ITNs, insecticides) manufacturers in country. • Create an enabling regulatory environment within country in order to reduce import tariffs and harmonize regulatory requirements with other countries in the region • Create a legislative environment that incorporates the full use of TRIPS flexibilities Regional • Undertake functions as defined in African Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation (AMRH) initiative and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa (PMPA) business plan in the region AU ROADMAP PRACTICAL GUIDE: PILLAR NO. 3 Level Action National • • • • Regional • Understand the scale of the three diseases Use existing reviews of disease programme governance and management arrangements to determine where capacity exists to drive forward achieving AU Roadmap objectives Develop strategy for engaging people living with HIV, civil society, key populations, national human rights entities and parliamentarians as partners in implementation and oversight of the Roadmap Determine responsibility and accountability for oversight and reporting on Roadmap progress Facilitate regional multi-stakeholder (including civil society) peer review of Roadmap implementation, including review of national strategies, investment cases, governance arrangements, adherence AU Roadmap on Shared Responsibility and Global Solidarity for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria (2012-2015) Period Milestones July 2012 AU Roadmap, adopted by AU Assembly July 2012 AU Roadmap Practical Guide was developed with Indicators July 2012 High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on Value for Money, Sustainability and Accountability in the Health sector calls for reducing aid dependence July 2012 African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) Summit on malaria calls for increased domestic financing and innovative financing Sept 2012 United Nations General Assembly African Union High-Level Side Event on Shared Responsibility and Global Solidarity for AIDS March 2013 Pan-African Parliament commits to monitoring the implementation of the AU AU Roadmap on Shared Responsibility and Global Solidarity for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria (2012-2015) cont… Period Milestones Nov 2013 First Year - AU Roadmap was produced July 2012 Abuja Special Summit called for acceleration of the implementation of the AU Roadmap on Shared Responsibility and Global Solidarity for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria Response in Africa and strengthen the accountability platform; July 2012 Ministerial Meeting on Domestic Health Financing AWA Champions - strategic platform to implement AU Roadmap The AWA meeting in May 2013, appointed Mozambique President Armando Guebuza as the Vice-Chairperson of AWA. The AWA “champions” are as follows: President Alassane Ouattara of Côte d’Ivoire - West Africa; President Ali Bongo Ondimba of Gabon - Central Africa; President Jakaya Kikwete of the United Republic of Tanzania - East Africa; President Joyce Banda of Malawi - Southern Africa; President Moncef Marzouki, of the Democratic Republic of Tunisia - North Africa. Example: Leadership of AWA Champion in Implementation of AU Roadmap The President of Malawi, SADC Chairperson and SADC AWA Champion Special Breakfast Summit of SADC Heads of States and Government, margins of 33rd SADC Summit Aim to discuss progress and challenges that the region is facing in the areas of HIV and AIDS, TB and Malaria SADC AWA Summit directed SADC Ministers of Health and Ministers responsible for HIV and AIDS to deliberate on the above issues and present their recommendations at the next Summit in 2014.
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