LICENSURE TRAINING 2014 – 2015 Jamie Watts Education Services Coordinator Updated 9/11/2014 Click on ELIS/Educator Credentials Click here Sign up now Enter the requested information Then click continue Alternately you can just log in If you already have an account (created after 9/3/2013) This is the top of your home screen TOP 1 3 2 This is the bottom of your home screen BOTTOM Edit Educator EDIT EDUCATOR Name Gender and Birth date cannot be changed without contacting your ROE and providing legal documentation ISBE FORM 73-71 is required and can be found on the ISBE website under “forms” Edit Educator EDIT EDUCATOR Address Changes can be updated Edit Educator EDIT EDUCATOR Telephone and Email can be changed Employment Status • Active - Employed in an IL public school for 50 percent or more of fulltime equivalency in a school year and must complete professional development activities. • Inactive - NOT Employed in an IL public school, is “exempt” and does not have to complete professional development activities. • Part-Time - Employed in an IL public school for less than 50% percent of full-time equivalency in a school year are "exempt" and do not have to complete professional development activities. • Retired - Retired and qualify for benefits from a State retirement system. • Military - Unavailable for employment due to military service, including service in any reserve capacity. License is on hold during period of unavailability due to military service. Update Your PD/Employment Status MY CREDENTIALS Educator Tab THIS IS THE CREDENTIAL SCREEN Educator Tab Focus on Professional Development Focus on Professional Development Add Professional Development PROPOSED: Professional development activities completed on or before June 30, 2014, must be entered no later than December 31, 2014, to be counted. (MAYBE) PROPOSED: Professional development activities completed after July 1, 2014 must be entered within 60 days of completion! Add Professional Development After your activity is entered, you will see it here! You will also have an option here to submit your professional development, after April 1 of the year you are due to renew. HELP MENU! MORE INFORMATION Lapsing • All Professional Educator Licenses not renewed – shall lapse on September 1 of the year they are due. (This means PD) • Non-Renewed Lapsed licenses – require all Professional Development to be completed AND a penalty of $500 or 9 semester hours of college credit Lapsing • All Professional Educator Licenses not registered – shall lapse 6 months after the expiration date of the year they are due. (this means fees paid) • Non-Registered Lapsed licenses – require 9 semester hours of college credit OR a $500.00 penalty. • Exception – ELS Paraprofessionals pay a $150.00 penalty Educator Professional Development • New requirements July 1, 2014 – All educators will be required to complete 120 CPDUs in a five year cycle • With a few exceptions… – For those who are mid-cycle • IE: due for renewal in 2015, 2016, 2017 or 2018 – And thereafter – those who are in a full cycle • First full five year cycle after 7/1/2014 (due 2019) For those in mid-cycle UNIQUE QUALIFYING OPTIONS • Examples: Advanced Degree NBPTS program completion New IL endorsement Became Highly Qualified in another area ASHA or IDFPR certification • May be used in the current cycle IF: Completed before August 31, 2014 Any degree must be granted before 12/31/2014 For those in mid-cycle Masters’ Degree and Above • A licensee with an advanced degree will only need 80 CPDU’s for the current cycle • A licensee with two advanced degrees will only need 40 CPDU’s for the current cycle • A licensee with an NBPTS Master Teacher designation will only need 40 CPDU’s for the current cycle First full five year cycle after 7/1/2014 Exemptions • NBPTS holders must complete 60 hours of PD per 5 years • Those working 50% or less or in a position not requiring Licensure are not required to complete PD • Retirees will not be required to complete PD or pay registration fees (years not worked) • School Service personnel who are IDFPR licensed are not required to complete PD First full five year cycle after 7/1/2014 Administrators • From July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, in order satisfy the requirements for licensure renewal, active administrators must complete one Illinois Administrators' Academy course per fiscal year. • After July 1, 2014, active administrators will be required to complete an academy per year and 100 PD hours per 5 years. • Beginning with the first full 5 year cycle, those with an administrative endorsement who are teaching must complete 1 academy every 5 years and can use the hours earned toward the 120 hour requirement Effective July 1, 2014 NEW APPROVED PROVIDERS BE CAREFUL CHOOSING! Only the following will be accepted – The State Board of Education – Regional offices of education and intermediate service centers – Regionally accredited institutions of higher education that offer Illinois-approved educator preparation programs. – Illinois public school districts and charter schools authorized under Article 27A of this Code and joint educational programs authorized under Article 10 of this Code for providing career and technical education or special education services. NEW APPROVED PROVIDERS Also – Illinois professional associations representing the following groups that are approved by the State Superintendent of Education* • • • • • • • • School administrators Principals School business officials Teachers, including special education teachers School boards School districts Parents School service personnel • *NONE OF THESE HAVE BEEN APPROVED TO DATE APPROVED PROVIDERS • Current approved providers may continue to offer PD through December 31, 2014, provided that the professional development aligns to the requirements of Section 21B-45 of the School Code. • New approved providers under the License Renewal System will be identified before January 1, 2015. • Check the State Board's website for an updated list of providers after January 1, 2015. • Should be using the new forms APPROVED PROVIDERS • Current approved providers may continue to offer PD through December 31, 2014, – Must align to Section 21B-45 of the School Code • Increase the knowledge and skills of school and district leaders who guide continuous professional development • Improve the learning of students • organize adults into learning communities whose • goals are aligned with those of the school and district • deepen educator's content knowledge • provide educators with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards • prepare educators to appropriately use various types of classroom assessments • use learning strategies appropriate to the intended goals • provide educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate • prepare educators to apply research to decision-making GIFTED ENDORSMENT FACTS • AFTER February 1, 2015 this endorsement will require completion of an IL approved program • To meet the grandfathering provisions, educators must have completed the following: – Have four years of teaching experience in a public or recognized nonpublic school AND – Completion (and documentation of) a gifted education seminar offered by the State Board of Education in conjunction with the Illinois Association for Gifted Children by January 31, 2015; or receive recognition as a State Board-approved gifted education seminar trainer by January 31, 2015 AND – Make application for the Gifted Education Teacher endorsement by February 1, 2015 AND – Pass the NES Gifted Education Test** (Registration for this test is now open) Educator Licensure Link References • PA 97-0607; PA98-0610; • Proposed Rules: – • ISBE website: • Boone Winnebago ROE website: • Contact us with questions: – 815-636-3060 8:00-4:30 – or
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