Wednesday, 7th of May 2014 Founded in 1998 30 National Chapters 7 World Championships 1500 Members Worldwide 5,000 Certified Baristas 12,000 CDS Certificates Issued 380 Authorised Trainers 100 Coffee Diplomas Awarded Photo Courtesy of Janejira Luvv Kamonsawedkun Annual World of Coffee Event Paul Stack Drewry Pearson Ed. Cmte Chair President 2nd Vice President Cosimo Libardo Membership Cmte Chair 1st Vice President Marc Kaeppeli David Veal Exec Director Past President Ludovic Maillard Luigi Morello Rimini Event Cmte Chair Nice Event Cmte Chair Heinz Trachsel Lina Chiodo Membership Cmte Vice Chair WCE Rep. Gwilym Davies Grant Rattray Int Development Cmte Membership Cmte Johan Damgaard Marketing Cmte Nils Erichsen Int Development Cmte Treasurer Jens Norgaard Research Cmte Cosimo Libardo Chair David Veal Heinz Trachsel Vice Chair Exec Director Jayne Richards Membership Manager Andrew Tolley Tomasz Obracaj John Gordon Gwilym Davies Exec Director – David Veal Membership – Jayne Richards , Gina Baigent and Stephanie Russell Events – Garret Buckley and Kellie Barrett Education – Annemarie Tiemes, May Juan, Julie Barwick & Aidan Jones Accounts – Debbie Baigent, Ellen Rogers Merchandise – Jonathan Cassidy /Social Media Operations – Tony Seaman VISION We are the authority on delivering coffee excellence. MISSION To create and inspire excellence in the coffee community through innovation, research, education and communication. VALUES Excellence, knowledge, leadership, integrity, communication, competence, education and community. Barista Guild Merchandise Website Roast, Barista, Global Coffee Review and Café Europa Magazine Field Trips Research Fee € pa Category 30 Coffee Lover 75 Barista 150 Professional Individual 175 Small Business > 1 Million 350 Medium Company 1-3 Million 750 Large Company 3– 0 Million 1000 Corporate > 10 Million Benefits U N I V E R S A L Communication Consumer B E N E F I T S Barista Retailer * * Roaster * Trainer * Supplier Manufacturer Trader Institution Membership Coordinator Communication Coordinator National Coordinator Events Coordinator Education Coordinator New clear guidelines Visit to HQ for NC More support for judges workshops Better communication Linked websites Shared social media Chapter coordinator Financial compensation National Coordinator Chair committee Liaise with HQ Ensure committee complies with SCAE principles and practices Report to ED monthly via Chapter Coordinator/Membership Manager Oversee finance Ensure financial stability and transparency Formulate chapter budget and share it advance (October of each year) with HQ for approval Provide annual accounts in English Contribute to develop SCAE’s image through new activities and ideas Monitor and implement application of SCAE’s strategy Guarantee continuity of action between different committees Organise local support if hosting any SCAE event Visit HQ on appointment and annually, cost covered by SCAE Attend annual NC meeting, cost covered by NC or chapter Membership Coordinator Promote membership at all times Liaise with members on a regular basis Ensure that all members renew (to an agreed target) Assist HQ to retain members at renewal by email, telephone and face to face Welcome new members by email and telephone within one month of them joining Follow up with new members at least once more during their first year Recruit new members to an agreed target Organise membership meetings and provide membership feedback on various membership aspects Organize annual membership survey in July Create local community in cooperation with other board members Promote membership to consumers Attend annual NC meeting, cost covered by NC or chapter Education Coordinator Must have thorough understanding and experience of education system Recruit new ASTs Organise/promote CDS certifications to an agreed target Organise at least two CDS workshops with two different companies per annum Organise at least one chapter workshop event Identify and suggest coffee schools / educational programmes for partnership Assist with audit system to ensure integrity of system Conduct market research and report results Promote education to consumers Events Coordinator Must have thorough understanding of competitions Organise all seven competitions including heats where appropriate and finals Organise judges and competitor workshops before competitions Ensure that all judges and competitors are members Raise sponsorship to cover all competitions including costs of winners attending world finals Provide sufficient volunteers to support all events Liaise with WCE via Chapter Coordinator Promote World of Coffee event Organise at least one Barista Guild event Organise at least two other events targeting consumers and local community Communication Coordinator Must have broad experience of communications Communicate speedily and efficiently with members, Chapter Coordinator, HQ and others Communicate dates of events and competitions three months in advance and results of competitions within 12 hours Develop, maintain and manage chapter website Be active on social media Produce monthly newsletter Provide news for every edition of Café Europa Provide information, news, reports and images for SCAE website Work with local press/media to promote SCAE Provide translations Provide database information Communicate and create a network in cooperation with local community Establish communication channel to consumers
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