SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1, 2015•COMMUNION Prayer Chain: 348-1180 (Harold Higa) 8:00am GAP Prayer Meeting•Sanctuary 8:30am *Morning Worship with Pastor Bill Stonebraker•Sanctuary Scripture Reading: Psalm 150 “All Under Sin”•Romans 3:9•#1555 8:30am Women's Prayer Meeting•CL #208•Lani Aitaoto 10:15am GAP Prayer Meeting•Sanctuary 10:45am *Morning Worship with Pastor Bill Stonebraker•Sanctuary 10:45am RISE Jr. High Fellowship•Gym Multipurpose Rm•Po’okela McKeague 12:30pm Water Baptism (Feb 22) 1:00pm Women's Prayer & Potluck•CL #201 (1st Sun) 4:00pm Berean Hour•Various Classrooms•Various Teachers 5:30pm AWANA Club•(ages 3-12)•Gym•Zendo Heshiki 5:30pm GAP Prayer Meeting•Sanctuary 6:00pm RISE Sr. High Fellowship•Gym Multipurpose Rm•Po’okela McKeague 6:00pm *Evening Worship with Pastor Bill Stonebraker•Sanctuary Series: “Faith That Conquers Unbelief”•Romans 3•#15ROM-AD The Law is intended to restrain & reveal, not to make righteous MONDAY 7:00pm Na Kane Pono Men’s Fellowship•Café WEDNESDAY 6:30pm GAP Prayer Meeting•Sanctuary 7:00pm Youth Fellowship•Sanctuary Please Note: Youth will meet in Sanctuary this week 7:00pm *Mid-Week Worship•Sanctuary Guest: Dr. Richard Land•President of Southern Evangelical Seminary “Is Revival Still Possible in America?”•#RL-150402 Pastor Malcolm Wild Listen to “Sound Truth” Every Mon-Fri @ 8:02pm THURSDAY 12:00pm Noontime Bible Study•Courtyard•Errol Carey SATURDAY 7:30am Men’s Prayer Meeting•Courtyard 9:00am Disciples In Training•CL#205•Errol Carey 9:00am Trail Life Hawaii Troop•CL#203•Erick Wallman (1st & 2nd Sat each month) 9:00am Women’s Fellowship•Sanctuary (Feb 14) 9:30am Most Excellent Way•CL#204•Robert Salud * childcare provided In order to keep distractions in the Sanctuary to a minimum, we ask that children under 12 be taken to their classroom(s), according to their age or grade level. If you desire to sit with your child during the adult worship service, we ask that you please use the covered seating area provided for you in the Courtyard. Thank you. What’s Happening? • Berean Hour Study•Begins today from 4-5pm•Still time to register under the tent...Classes offered are: Calvary Distinctives; Evangelism; Israel: the person, the land, a nation; Jesus: Creator, Savior, Lord; Inductive Bible Study •Na Kane Pono Men’s Fellowship starts a 10-week series “The Measure of a Man” next Mon, Feb 2 @ 7pm•Sign-up & Workbook required •Guest Speaker: Dr Richard Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary on Wed, Feb 4 @7pm• revival even possible? • Calvary Chapel Men’s Conference is Feb 6-7 @ Camp Homelani•Register at the table under the tent • Steve & Nora Brasselton, missionaries to Malawi, Africa will be our guest on Sun, Feb 8th @ Evening Service • Women’s Fellowship is on Sat, Feb 14 @ 9am•We’ll have Worship, a Testimony by Kara O’Neill (Cambodia) & Fellowship! • Calvary Chapel Christian School News: Bake Sale on Sun, Feb 15•They’re selling/accepting donations of baked goods to raise funds for 2015 Cambodia Mission Trip To send a note of Encouragement to: Sound Truth 3500 North Courtenay Parkway Merritt Island, FL32953 Email: Web: Contact: 888.508.6779
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