The DKV invoice The DKV invoice. With a h ost o intelligen f t function s Practical. Functional. Customer-friendly. The big advantages of the DKV invoice »Clear invoice sorting » Lots of detailed information »Highest security from the latest copy protection » Quick, need-actuated invoice dispatch » Great customer benefit from Fleet Report »Practical invoice linking to DKV Maps 0060.0416 / 10.14 / EN Functions, components and services The DKV invoice*: Designed for convenience PDF linking*: For interactive checks » Practical design » Complies with tax legislation » More detailed information »Intelligent analysis and checking » Linking to DKV Maps The copy invoice*: Optional for your filing system The Fleet Report*: Fully individualized cost apportionment » Copy invoice with prepunched holes » Complies with tax legislation » Dispatched by post » » » Invoice on demand*: Invoice sent to up to 5 recipients Paperless billing »Need-actuated invoice dispatch » Split on request » Up to 5 e-mail addresses » Quicker, more environmentally friendly dispatch » Standard format across Europe » Highest data security Have a good journey. Anywhere in Europe. Your DKV Euro Service! DKV EURO SERVICE GmbH + Co. KG, Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3, D-40882 Ratingen, *additional option on request Sorting according to requirements Cost apportionment by vehicle, country and service Convenient grouping into sections Everything at a glance – with detailed country costs 1. The invoice statement Understandable at a glance, accurate to the cent: The invoice statement shows you clearly which costs were incurred in which service country. This provides a quick overview of the cost structure. Tax refunds are also clearly assigned to each country. 1 Customer address: Max Mustermann AG Musterstraße 34a 40882 Musterhausen Invoice components by country »Conversion of the service coun- DKV EURO SERVICE GmbH + Co.KG Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3, D-40882 Ratingen Internet: Customer number: Customer VAT No.: Document number: Document date: Your DKV contact: Jan Muster Tel.: 02102-5518-0 Fax: 02102-5518-330 Email: try amount into the payment currency at the current rates. Saves time and ensures comparability between expenditures in different service countries 000812345 DE123456789 01/123456789/000 15.01.2015 2 summary Tax refunds for each country in payment currency »Clear and comprehensible Not valid for tax purposes – no input tax deduction possible (VAT) 1 Page: 1/1 Service country Local currency Total in local currency inc. VAT 2 1 Total in currency to pay inc. VAT Refund in currency to pay Germany Invoice 01/123456789/001 EUR 16.402,12 16.402,12 EUR Belgium Invoice 01/123456789/002 EUR 56,00 56,00 EUR Invoice 01/123456789/005 EUR 2.706,32 2.706,32 Reverse Charge 01/123456789/006 EUR 32,00 32,00 Luxembourg Invoice 01/123456789/007 EUR 11.701,40 11.701,40 Luxembourg Statement of Account 01/123456789/008 EUR 72,00 72,00 Practical page linking France France Romania Invoice 01/123456789/009 RON 6.114,90 1.422,23 Switzerland Invoice 01/123456789/010 CHF 317,65 263,11 Czech Republic Invoice 01/123456789/011 CZK 186.506,98 7.547,82 Czech Republic Statement of Account 01/123456789/012 CZK 6.525,19 264,11 » 3 Invoice number Total: – 380,29 Summary GB 01.2015 EUR EUR – 1.720,59 EUR – 218,45 EUR EUR – 1.660,70 EUR EUR 40.467,11* EUR Type period DKV Netinvoicing direct Refund – 3.980,04 EUR DKV Netinvoicing direct Refund Third Party – 4.437,03 EUR – 13.161,73 EUR Tax refunds by product »Clear and comprehensible listing of tax refunds for each product type Total DKV normal Refund Refund » Total payable: 18.888,31* » Payment is due: 14 days after document date. Payable by: Thursday, 29.01.2015 Please quote your customer number and the invoice number whenever you make a payment. Bank: Bic: Cont: 3 EUR DKV VAT no.: DE119375450 4 listing of tax refunds for each country Commerzbank AG Wuppertal 33040310 827038100 DKV Euro Service GmbH + Co. KG | Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3 | D-40882 Ratingen | Tel. + 49 (0)2102 5518-0 | Fax + 49 (0)2102 5518-192 | Sitz Ratingen | Amtsgericht Düsseldorf HRA 4053 | General Partner Verwaltungsgesellschaft EGRIMA mbH | Domicile Ratingen | Register Court of Düsseldorf HRB 1703 | Management Board: Dr. Werner Grünewald | Dr. Alexander Hufnagl DKV EURO SERVICE GmbH + Co. KG, Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3, D-40882 Ratingen, EUR 4 Target currency and payment date »The payment period and the actual date are shown. Your financial accounting department can see the date the payment falls due directly Optimized down to the smallest detail 2. The country invoice / Part 1 Layout, look and functionality are designed for simple, efficient and modern bookkeeping. All the items are clearly and rationally set out. And, on request, you can analyze important items directly using interactive functions: Linking from the country invoice to DKV Maps! Interactiv e: Linking to DKV Map s E-Invoice For services and deliveries in Germany 1 VAT (%): 19,00 Currency: EUR Date of delivery Name 2 Service Station Location Number 3 Transaction number 4 Time 5 Mileage Product 6 PC Unit Quantity Customer data: Max Mustermann AG Musterstr. 34a 40882 Musterhausen Germany Price/Unit inc. VAT 7 Value ex. VAT ex. VAT Customer number: Customer VAT reg. no.: Invoice number: Invoice date: 000812345 DE123456789 01/123456789/001 15.01.2015 Page: 1/5 Discount ex. VAT 8 Service Fee ex. VAT Total ex. VAT VAT 9 Total inc. VAT 10 Vehicle: D-KV 745; Card No: 704310.123456.9123 07.01.2015 DKV Ratingen 0000001 6403 06.32 53.458 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr 100,07 1,3990 1,1757 117,65 – 1,30 0,98 117,33 22,29 139,62 10.01.2015 DKV Ratingen 0000001 8353 05.01 52.847 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr 200,28 1,3790 1,1588 232,09 – 5,85 1,93 228,17 43,35 271,52 349,74 – 7,15 2,91 345,50 65,64 411,14 » Total: 300,35 Vehicle: D-KV 123; Card No: 704310.123456.7890 04.01.2015 Total Wolfsburg 0003210 8533 06.32 45,123 Diesel 0009 Ltr 150,01 1,4290 1,2008 180,13 – 1,95 1,50 179,68 34,14 213,82 08.01.2015 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 3358 17,28 46.563 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr 200,05 1,4390 1,2092 241,91 – 5,84 2,02 238,09 45,23 283,32 10.01.2015 Total Bruchsal 0004016 8353 05.01 52.847 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr 200,28 1,3790 1,1588 232,09 – 5,85 1,93 228,17 43,35 271,52 12.01.2015 Aral 06.32 100,07 1,3990 1,1757 14.01.2015 Hamm 0070163 6403 Hamm 0003210 2586 » 53.458 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr Parking service 0088 Total: 117,65 – 1,30 0,98 0,34 7,90 1,50 9,40 – 14,94 6,77 771,17 146,51 917,68 7,56 650,41 779,34 117,33 22,29 139,62 Vehicle: D-KV 234; Card No: 704310.123456.8912 02.01.2015 1 0028 Ltr 200,05 1,4390 1,2092 241,91 – 5,84 2,02 238,09 46,47 284,56 05.01.2015 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 9856 17,28 45.563 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr 200,28 1,3790 1,1588 232,09 – 5,85 1,93 228,17 44,72 272,89 08.01.2015 Esso Total Osnabrück Wolfsburg 0004585 0003210 7854 6589 17,28 06.32 45,563 Ad Blue (bulk) 0016 Ltr 38,50 0,5290 0,4447 17,12 0,14 17,26 3,28 20,54 12.01.2015 Total Wolfsburg 0003210 2586 Lubricants 0096 33,61 0,84 34,45 6,55 41,00 517,97 101,02 618,99 2 » 45,123 Truck Diesel 3 Total: 483,38 524,73 – 11,69 4 4,93 Vehicle: D-KV 963; Card No: 704310.123456.8964 05.01.2015 Total Wolfsburg 0003210 VAT rate / currency »Value added tax rate and 8521 10.01.2015 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 1258 12.01.2013 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 8523 » E-Invoice / GB 01.2015 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 45,123 Diesel 0009 Ltr 17,28 45.563 Diesel 0009 Ltr 17,28 45,563 Ad Blue (bulk) 0016 Ltr Total: currency of345;the Vehicle: D-KV Card service No: 704310.123456.9123 09.01.2015 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 3966 countries (invoice sorting by 13.01.2015 06.32 Customer details »Full customer details and 5966 12,00 » value added tax rates) 686,70 1,4560 826,31 – 96,14 1,1950 845,37 – 99,04 56,61 0,5299 0,4453 25,21 1.450,71 invoice numbers at a glance 06,33 1,2033 770,40 1,4460 Delivery date »Date of performance of service. 105.023 Diesel 0009 Ltr 106.203 Diesel 0009 Ltr Total: 1.747,30 – 195,18 This date is also the date of the 744,33 1,4460 1,1950 889,50 – 104,21 currency conversion 745,38 1,4460 1.489,71 1,950 10,00 740,17 145,07 885,24 10,23 756,56 148,29 904,85 0,21 25,42 4,83 30,25 21,70 1.573,82 308,01 1.881,83 Service station »Service station number, brand name and location provide 156,03 952,08 effective796,05 options for checking 10,76 890,76 – 104,35 10,78 797,19 156,25 953,44 2.671,16 – 208,56 43,81 2.506,41 485,78 2.992,19 Transfer: 7.424,46 DKV Euro Service GmbH + Co. KG | Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3 | D-40882 Ratingen | Tel. + 49 (0)2102 5518-0 | Fax + 49 (0)2102 5518-192 | Sitz Ratingen | Amtsgericht Düsseldorf HRA 4053 | General Partner Verwaltungsgesellschaft EGRIMA mbH | Domicile Ratingen | Register Court of Düsseldorf HRB 1703 | Management Board: Dr. Werner Grünewald | Dr. Alexander Hufnagl 5 Transaction number »A s a rule, the delivery note or the supplier‘s receipt number. More transparency because the invoice can be compared with the fuel receipt 9 Discounts / service fees »Any discounts and fees for services in the relevant national currency 6 Time of day and kilometer reading »For accurate checking of any ambiguities 7 Product description / product code »Description of the service used at the indicated service station. For an exact assignment of cost objects and preparation of the required fleet analyses. 10 Total including VAT »Quick overview of the individual invoice amounts. If the service country currency is different to your payment currency, the Total including VAT is always converted into the payment currency at the latest daily rate DKV EURO SERVICE GmbH + Co. KG, Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3, D-40882 Ratingen, 8 Price per unit and value of goods/services »A s a rule this relates to the service partner‘s price, which is also shown on the receipt Optimized down to the smallest detail 2. The country invoice / Part 2 E-Invoice For services and deliveries in TheGermany VAT statistics on the DKV country invoice are particularly clearly arranged for the convenience of your accounting department. The listing of the tax rates and the relevant payment currency can be read at a glance and are traceable. Customer data: VAT (%): 19,00 Currency: EUR Date of delivery Name Max Mustermann AG Musterstr. 34a 40882 Musterhausen Germany Service Station Location Number Transaction number Time Mileage Product PC Unit Quantity Price/Unit inc. VAT Value ex. VAT ex. VAT Customer number: Customer VAT reg. no.: Invoice number: Invoice date: 000812345 DE123456789 01/123456789/001 15.01.2015 Page: 1/5 Discount ex. VAT Service Fee ex. VAT Total ex. VAT VAT Total inc. VAT Vehicle: D-KV 745; Card No: 704310.123456.9123 07.01.2015 DKV Ratingen 0000001 6403 06.32 10.01.2015 DKV Ratingen 0000001 8353 05.01 » 53.458 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr 52.847 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr Total: 100,07 1,3990 1,1757 200,28 1,3790 1,1588 117,65 300,35 – 1,30 0,98 117,33 22,29 139,62 232,09 – 5,85 1,93 228,17 43,35 271,52 349,74 – 7,15 2,91 345,50 65,64 411,14 Vehicle: D-KV 123; Card No: 704310.123456.7890 04.01.2015 Total Wolfsburg 0003210 8533 06.32 45,123 Diesel 0009 Ltr 150,01 1,4290 1,2008 180,13 – 1,95 1,50 179,68 34,14 213,82 08.01.2015 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 3358 17,28 46.563 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr 200,05 1,4390 1,2092 241,91 – 5,84 2,02 238,09 45,23 283,32 10.01.2015 Total 12.01.2015 Aral 14.01.2015 11 8353 05.01 52.847 Hamm 0070163 6403 06.32 53.458 Hamm Bruchsal 0003210 0004016 2586 » 0028 Ltr 200,28 1,3790 1,1588 232,09 – 5,85 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr 100,07 1,3990 1,1757 117,65 – 1,30 Parking service Truck Diesel 0088 7,56 Total: 650,41 779,34 0028 Ltr 200,05 1,4390 1,2092 241,91 – 5,84 05.01.2015 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 9856 17,28 45.563 Truck Diesel 0028 Ltr 200,28 1,3790 1,1588 232,09 – 5,85 08.01.2015 Esso Total Osnabrück Wolfsburg 0004585 7854 17,28 45,563 Ad Blue (bulk) 0016 Ltr 38,50 0,5290 0,4447 17,12 12.01.2015 Total Wolfsburg 0003210 6589 0003210 2586 Lubricants 0096 E-Invoice » 06.32 45,123 33,61 Total: For services and deliveries in Germany Truck Diesel 483,38 524,73 43,35 271,52 22,29 139,62 7,90 1,50 9,40 6,77 771,17 146,51 917,68 05.01.2015 Total Wolfsburg 0003210 8521 06.32 45,123 Diesel 0009 Ltr 686,70 1,4560 1,2033 10.01.2015 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 1258 17,28 45.563 Diesel 0009 Ltr 770,40 1,4460 1,1950 12.01.2013 Esso Osnabrück VAT: 0004585 8523 0% 17,28 45,563 Ad Blue (bulk) 0016 Ltr 56,61 0,5299 0,4453 » Currency: – 11,69 2,02 238,09 46,47 284,56 1,93 228,17 44,72 272,89 0,14 17,26 3,28 20,54 0,84 34,45 6,55 41,00 4,93 517,97 101,02 618,99 Customer data: Vehicle: D-KV 963; Card No: 704310.123456.8964 E-Invoice / GB 01.2015 228,17 117,33 Vehicle: D-KV 234; Card No: 704310.123456.8912 02.01.2015 12 – 14,94 1,93 0,98 0,34 Total: 826,31 – 96,14 Max Mustermann AG 10,00 845,37 – 99,04 10,23 Musterstr. 34a 40882 Musterhausen 25,21 0,21 Germany 1.747,30 – 195,18 21,70 1.450,71 740,17 145,07 885,24 Customer number: 756,56 148,29 Customer VAT reg. no.: 904,85 Invoice number: 25,42 4,83 30,25 Invoice date: 1.573,82 308,01 1.881,83 Page: EUR Vehicle: D-KV 345; Card No: 704310.123456.9123 TransactionDiesel Time 09.01.2015 Esso OsnabrückDate of 0004585 3966Service Station 06,33 105.023 delivery Name Location Number number 13.01.2015 Esso Osnabrück 0004585 5966 12,00 106.203 Diesel » Mileage0009 Product Ltr 0009 Ltr Total: PC Unit 744,33 1,4460 745,38 1,4460 Quantity 1,1950 1,950 Price/Unit 889,50 inc. VAT 890,76 1.489,71 2.671,16 Value ex. VAT – 104,21 10,76 ex. VAT – 104,35 10,78 – 208,56 43,81 Discount 796,05 ex. VAT 797,19 2.506,41 Vehicle: D-KV 123; Card No: 704310.123456.7890 13.01.2015 Scandline 8521 | Fax + 49 (0)2102 5518-192 | Sitz Ratingen Ferry Service Düsseldorf HRA 0820 DKV Euro Service GmbH + Co. KG | Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3 | D-40882 Ratingen | Tel. + 0084003 49 (0)2102 5518-0 | Amtsgericht 4053 | General Partner Verwaltungsgesellschaft Board: Dr. Werner Grünewald | Dr. Alexander Hufnagl » EGRIMA mbH | Domicile Ratingen | Register Court of Düsseldorf HRB 1703 | Management Total: 76,00 76,00 13 Service 156,03Fee ex. VAT 156,25 485,78 Transfer: Total952,08 ex. VAT 953,44 000812345 DE123456789 01/123456789/001 15.01.2015 5/5 VAT Total inc. VAT 2.992,19 7.424,46 76,00 76,000 76,00 76,00 Vehicle: D-KV 234; Card No: 704310.123456.8912 08.01.2015 14 Groeningen 0083729 » 8521 731,58 731,58 731,58 Total: Rental Service 9401 731,58 731,58 731,58 731,58 731,58 731,58 731,58 731,58 Total: 807,58 807,58 807,58 Total sum list of service types with 0 % VAT Ferry Service 0820 Rent Service 9401 » 76,00 76,00 76,00 VAT shown in the total sum list is not valid for tax purposes – no input tax deduction possible. 15 VAT statistics: 19 % 13.778,87 2.497,39 7% 117,64 8,22 125,86 0% 807,58 14.704,09 2.505,61 17.209,70 » 11 E-Invoice / GB 01.2015 16 Total: 16.276,26 807,58 DKV VAT Reg. No: DE119375450 12 13 14 DKV Euro Service GmbH + Co. KG | Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3 | D-40882 Ratingen | Tel. + 49 (0)2102 5518-0 | Fax + 49 (0)2102 5518-192 | Sitz Ratingen | Amtsgericht Düsseldorf HRA 4053 | General Partner Verwaltungsgesellschaft EGRIMA mbH | Domicile Ratingen | Register Court of Düsseldorf HRB 1703 | Management Board: Dr. Werner Grünewald | Dr. Alexander Hufnagl Registration number / card number / cost center »The DKV invoices can be Sum carried forward »Sum total carried over to the next country invoice page Total cost apportion ment by goods type »Cost breakdown by product sorted as you require to suit your settlement processes 15 16 VAT statistics »Listing of net amount, value Invoice sender »Address and contact details added tax and gross amount by value added tax rate. If the payment currency is different, the gross amount is shown for each value added tax rate in the payment currency DKV Euro Service DKV EURO SERVICE GmbH + Co. KG, Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3, D-40882 Ratingen, DKV information »Detailed display of all relevant DKV tax numbers /representatives by service country Considerable administration savings 3. The reverse charge invoice The reverse charge statement clearly lists all services that you have purchased in EU states, which are then taken into account net in the reverse charge process. The applicable value added tax is charged by the country of domicile. For customers domiciled in Germany, the invoicing of services from the EU states is subject to German value added tax (Art. 3a para. 2 UStG (German sales tax legislation)). Sales according to the reverse charge procedure for services in United Kingdom Currency: 2 Customer data: Max Mustermann AG Musterstr. 34a 40882 Musterhausen United Kingdom 1 GBP Customer Number: Cust.VAT-ID/Nat.Tax-ID: Invoice number: Invoice date: 000812345 GB123456789 01/123456789/00 15.01.2015 Page: 1/1 Date of service Name Service-Station Location Number Transaction number Country 8533 Belgium 3 4 Product PC Currency 0090 EUR 5 Quantity Prices per unit ex VAT Value ex VAT Discount ex VAT Service Fee Total ex VAT ex VAT 6 Total in currency to pay 7 8 Vehicle: D-KV 890; Card No: 704310.123456.8523 10.01.2015 Saint Piere 1412082 » Repair Service Total: 177,50 170,50 158,96 177,50 170,50 158,96 Vehicle: D-KV 859; Card No: 704310.123456.8589 04.01.2015 DKV Germany 1412082 FR00279/008C Germany Emergency Breakdown – Intervention costs 008B EUR 59,00 12.01.2015 DKV Le Perreux 1412082 130202015 France Emergency Breakdown 008C EUR 600,29 » 9 Total: 177,50 59,00 53,47 615,30 557,55 177,50 158,96 177,50 158,96 Summary of total costs Repair Service 0090 EUR Emergency Breakdown – intervention costs 008B EUR 59,00 Emergency Breakdown 008C EUR 600,29 » 10 Reverse Charge / GB 01.2015 15,01 177,50 59,00 15,01 615,30 Total: 53,47 557,55 769,98 Reverse charge to recipient in accordance with Art. 196 and Art. 44 of directive 2006/112/EC. You are liable for tax. (Steuerschuldnerschaft des Leistungsempfängers). DKV VAT REG NO: DE119375450 DKV Euro Service GmbH + Co. KG | Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3 | D-40882 Ratingen | Tel. + 49 (0)2102 5518-0 | Fax + 49 (0)2102 5518-192 | Sitz Ratingen | Amtsgericht Düsseldorf HRA 4053 | General Partner Verwaltungsgesellschaft EGRIMA mbH | Domicile Ratingen | Register Court of Düsseldorf HRB 1703 | Management Board: Dr. Werner Grünewald | Dr. Alexander Hufnagl 1 Currency »Currency of the country of domicile 5 Product description / product code »Description of the service used at the indicated service station. For an exact assignment of cost objects and preparation of the required fleet analyses 2 Customer details »Full customer details and invoice numbers at a glance 6 Currency »National currency of the relevant EU state 3 Service date »Referred to the date of the service was performed. This date is also the date of the currency conversion 7 Discounts / service fees »List of any discounts and fees for services in the relevant national currency 9 Total cost apportionment by goods type »Cost breakdown by product DKV EURO SERVICE GmbH + Co. KG, Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3, D-40882 Ratingen, 4 Country »EU state in which the service was performed 8 Total including VAT »Quick overview of the individual invoice amounts 10 DKV information »Detailed list of all relevant DKV tax numbers / representatives by service country Fully individualized cost apportionments 4. The Fleet Report One company, many possibilities. A clearly set out report for providing a more accurate cost overview for all vehicles in your fleet is available on request. A wide range of sorting options gives you the incurred costs per vehicle, DKV service and country. 1 Customer details »Full customer details and Report Fleet 1 Max Mustermann AG Musterstr. 34a 40882 Musterhausen Germany Not valid for tax purposes – no input tax deduction possible (VAT) 3 Date of delivery 2 Customer data: Customer number: Customer VAT no.: Invoice date: 000812345 DE123456789 15.01.2015 Page: 1/3 4 Country Product Unit Quantity Total ex. VAT 5 VAT Total inc. VAT invoice date a glance 2 Cost overview by vehicle »Individual cost breakdown by Total inc. VAT in payment currency EUR Vehicle: D-KV 560; Card No: 704310.123456.8080 01.01.–15.01.2015 Belgium Diesel Red Diesel » Ltr 2.105,35 86,75 Total: Germany Truck Diesel Eurovignet Premid Toll Service fee » Ltr 969,15 1,00 1,00 Total: Luxembourg Diesel Eurovignet » Ltr 1.464,17 1,00 Total: Romania Truck Diesel » Ltr 369,57 Total: Czech Republic Diesel Premid Toll » Total: » Total: Ltr 514,94 1,00 2.332,68 72,27 489,26 15,18 2.822,54 87,45 2.822,54 87,45 2.404,94 505,04 2.909,99 2.909,99 1.156,58 24,00 1,16 219,75 0,22 1.376,33 24,00 1,38 1.376,33 24,00 1,38 1.181,74 219,97 1.401,71 1.401,71 1.648,26 8,00 247,24 1.895,50 8,00 1.895,50 8,00 1.656,26 247,24 1.903,50 1.903,50 1.849,49 443,88 2.293,37 527,21 1.849,49 443,88 2.293,37 527,21 14.811,49 1.166,36 2.962,29 17.773,78 1.166,36 719,28 47,20 15.977,85 2.962,29 18.940,14 766,48 vehicle as desired. For more transparency and better comparability of fleet costs 3 Cost breakdown by country 7.508,89 Vehicle: D-KV 815; Card No: 704310.123456.5050 01.01.–15.01.2015 Belgium Diesel Eurovignet » Ltr 2.105,35 86,75 2.332,68 72,27 489,26 15,18 2.822,54 87,45 2.822,54 87,45 2.404,94 505,04 2.909,99 2.909,99 1.156,58 24,00 1,16 219,75 0,22 1.376,33 24,00 1,38 1.376,33 24,00 1,38 1.181,74 219,97 Customer data: 1.401,71 1.401,71 1.648,26 8,00 247,24 1.656,26 247,24 1.895,50 Max Mustermann AG 8,00 Musterstr. 34a 408821.903,50 Musterhausen Germany 1.895,50 Customer number: 8,00 Customer VAT no.: 1.903,50 Invoice date: 7.508,89 Page: 3.470,98 16,00 728,89 4.199,87 16,00 4.199,87 16,00 3.489,98 Unit 728,89 Quantity VAT 4.215,87 384,02 2,00 1,00 486,32 32,00 0,31 92,40 Total4.215,87 ex. VAT578,72 0,06 32,00 0,37 578,72 32,00 0,37 Total: Vehicle: D-KV 560; Card No: 704310.123456.8080 Diesel Ltr 1.575,32 01.01.–15.01.2015 Belgium Diesel Eurovignet 1,00 Eurovignet Total: » Total: Diesel Ltr 919,25 Germany Truck Diesel Premid Toll 2,00 Premid Toll Total: Service fee Total: » Total: 518,63 92,46 611,09 611,09 Total: Report Germany Fleet » Truck Diesel Eurovignet Premid Toll Service fee Ltr 969,15 1,00 1,00 Total: Luxembourg Diesel Eurovignet » Total: » Total: Ltr 1.464,17 1,00 4 000812345 DE123456789 15.01.2015 3/3 5 Vehicle: D-KV 361; Card No: 704310.123456.0010 01.01.–15.01.2015 Belgium Diesel Eurovignet » Date of Total: delivery Germany Ltr Country Truck Diesel Eurovignet Premid Toll Service fee » Luxembourg » Czech Republic » » Product Ltr France Report Fleet GB 01.2015 3.132,72 2,00 » Diesel Eurovignet 1.772,90 Ltr 8,00 1.780,90 26.402,15 Ltr 308,13 26.710,28 265,94 609,11 2,00 265,94 Luxembourg Diesel Eurovignet 890,70 8.168,49 160,23 1.059,93 12,39 18.320,98 75,59 8,00 75,59 8,00 71,20 12,39 83,59 83,59 Ltr 629,00 1,00 6 » Total: » Total: Ltr 1.012,33 2,00 816,60 16,000 816,60 16,00 832,60 832,60 1.059,11 0,82 1.059,11 0,82 1.059,93 699,23 8,00 104,89 804,12 8,00 804,12 8,00 707,23 104,89 812,12 812,12 532,47 2.751,01 2.751,01 632,42 5.893,96 35.363,78 667,44 1.431,15 27,01 30.137,26 5.893,96 36.031,22 1.458,16 EUR EUR EUR EUR 23.505,85 26.489,44 4.903,04 31.392,46 31.392,46 4.921,26 5.918,28 1.152,91 7.071,19 7.071,19 Red Diesel 86,75 72,27 15,18 87,45 87,45 Premid Toll 11,00 264,11 264,11 264,11 6,00 6,51 Eurovignet 27,00 248,00 Lubricants 2,00 19,95 4,79 24,74 24,74 Repair service 1,00 2.152,50 421,89 2.574,39 2.574,39 Toll service RO 5,00 48,30 11,59 59,89 59,89 Toll CH 1,00 263,11 263,11 263,11 41.993,09 41.993,09 Truck Diesel Premid Toll Service fee » Total: 30.137,26 1,24 6.510,64 7,75 7,75 248,00 248,00 Transaction details see service country invoice resp. electronical invoice data, which are part of the invoice. Service country VAT Currency DKV VAT No. Belgium: 21,00 % EUR BE0413427658 Germany: 19,00 % EUR DE119375450 France: 19,60 % EUR FR75422544825 Luxembourg: 15,00 % EUR LU10785778 Romania: 24,00 % RON RO21892778 Switzerland: 08,00 % CHF CHE-113.869.137 MWST Czech Republic: 21,00 % CZK CZ680446277 DKV VAT Reg. no. ServiceKG, GmbH +Balcke-Dürr-Allee Co. KG | Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3 | D-408823, Ratingen | Tel. + 49 (0)2102 5518-0 | Fax + 49 (0)2102 5518-192 | Sitz Ratingen | Amtsgericht Düsseldorf HRA 4053 | DKV EURO SERVICE GmbHDKV +EuroCo. D-40882 Ratingen, General Partner Verwaltungsgesellschaft EGRIMA mbH | Domicile Ratingen | Register Court of Düsseldorf HRB 1703 | Management Board: Dr. Werner Grünewald | Dr. Alexander Hufnagl Total including VAT »Provides a quick overview of the individual invoice amounts. If the service country currency is different to the payment currency, the Total including VAT is converted into the payment currency 632,42 532,47 29.469,82 667,44 4.878,82 Diesel Report Fleet GB 01.2015 2.046,84 141,72 1.282,18 169,10 12,51 0,13 1.294,69 Total sum list of services Product 7 2.038,84 141,72 8,00 35.243,80 63,20 Transfer8,00 2.218,54 DKV Euro Service GmbH + Co. KG | Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3 | D-40882 RatingenRomania | Tel. + 49 (0)2102 5518-0 Diesel | Fax + 49 (0)2102 5518-192 | SitzLtr Ratingen | Amtsgericht436,25 Düsseldorf HRA 4053 | General Partner Verwaltungsgesellschaft EGRIMA HRB 1703 | Management Board: Dr. Werner Grünewald | Dr. Alexander Hufnagl » mbH | Domicile Ratingen | Register Court of Düsseldorf Total: 2.218,54 Diesel Premid Toll Transfer 50,00 1,00 Total: Czech Republic Total inc. VAT in payment currency 5.280,42 731,82 1,00 5.280,42 Total: » Total inc. VAT 2.038,84 674,88 8,00 16,00 2.046,84 690,88 31.682,57 890,01 308,13 0,69 31.990,70 Ltr Cost breakdown by service performed 6 Total cost apportion ment by goods type »Conversion to cost breakdown by product 7 Detailed information / service country driven through »Statutory tax rate, country currency and DKV VAT No./Tax numbers
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