
January 2015
Vol. XVI, Number 1
2720 S. University Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76109
400945 3605
Top Ten Reasons to Love the Boar’s Head and Yule Log Festival
into the days of Christ’s birth. From
the jovial Jester to the stern Beefeaters,
glorious Angels and simple Shepherds–
each company and costume was created
to take you back in time.
10. The Boar’s Head Guild–A group of
dedicated individuals who share their
time, talents and creative energy to
organize and facilitate the BHYL Festival
each year. This team of volunteers and
church staff work year round to ensure
the performances go smoothly.
9. Stage Build–A group of thirty-forty
volunteers transform our beautiful
Sanctuary into a performance hall. It
requires strong backs, lots of energy, a
multitude of leaders and a little luck to
install the stage. It’s all worth it when the
Triptych doors open and we see baby Jesus.
8. Volunteer Dedication–It takes over
200 volunteers including cast members,
our Chancel Choir, hand bell choirs,
stage builders, room assistants, ushers,
marshals and back stage coordinators
to put on each performance. They are
wonderful ambassadors for UCC!
7. Props–Our props help create a feel of
medieval days as different companies
bring in trenchers filled with mince
meat pie, plum pudding and the slain
Boar’s Head. Sprites spring into action
with their lanterns, Kings bring their
precious gifts and the Christ candle
skips out into the world in the hand of
our Senior Minister.
6. Costumes–Our beautiful handmade
and one-of-a-kind creations take us back
to the days of Old England and then
5. Community–The BHYL tradition
at UCC is an event that all generations
can participate in or watch. Our prefestival group prayer and down-time
between performances all help strengthen
relationships between festival participants.
It is also a gift to our community as clergy
from many denominations join us and
people come from far away to be moved
by the performances.
4. Tradition–In our thirty-ninth year,
the BHYL provides us many traditions
that are uniquely ours. Families span
three generations of participation (four
if you include the four-legged family
members), the Sprites meet baby Jesus,
mince meat pies and plum puddings
are lovingly baked and we all applaud
as the Senior Minister skips. These
traditions strengthen the experience.
3. Music–The music leads us through
the story and fills us with emotion as the
orchestra, organ, bells, choir and Herald
perform together in glorious ensemble.
The music arrangement is uniquely ours
and ranges from the light hearted Wassail
Carol to the reverent Let All Mortal Flesh
Keep Silence (which still gives me goose
bumps every time I hear it.)
2. Message–There is not a spoken script,
but the two processions of the companies
(secular Medieval and religious Biblical)
take us to two different time periods.
We learn the message of Good over Evil
(knowledge over ignorance and reason
over brute force) and the message of
Christ’s light shared unto the world.
1. It’s Who We Are–In the end, the
number one reason I love the BHYL
Festival is because it is uniquely ours, and
it weaves itself into each participant’s
life. All the time, energy and passion
that go into the performance is worth
it when you witness the smiles on the
faces of those leaving the Sanctuary
after seeing the Festival for the first or
thirty-ninth time.
Performance Dates
January 3 and 4, at 3 and 5 p.m. each
day. We hope you will bring a friend
and experience the Boar’s Head and
Yule Log Festival with us!
Ticket Sales
The festival is free but reserved seating
may be purchased for $15. Proceeds go
to sustain the festival in future years.
Visit to order
online, call 817.926.6631 ext. 141 or
Stay Connected!
Sundays, 9 & 11 a.m.
Live broadcast of 11 a.m. service
on KTCU FM 88.7
or on our website
The Vision of University Christian Church
Living the Good News of Jesus Christ with open minds and loving hearts
Ringing in the New Year
by Rev. Larry Thomas, Senior Minister
There are some exciting has been determined. In the meantime,
things approaching as I hope many of you will plan to join us
the New Year opens. for the celebration.
The Brite Divinity
School, with which I am also pleased to announce that we
we have had a long, are moving forward with the hiring of
meaningful and mutually beneficial a part-time Minister of Pastoral Care.
relationship, has elected to name the Several months back the Personnel
second floor commons of the Harrison Committee and the Board supported
building “The University Christian my decision to bring someone on board
move to assist with the growing list of pastoral
recognizes the shared commitment care needs in our congregation. Because
we as a congregation have with the the position would be part-time, we
faculty, staff and students of Brite elected not to engage in an expensive
Divinity School to promote excellence and exhaustive search process. Making
in theological education and recognizes this a much more comfortable decision
the special effort we have made to assist was the fact that there was, within
Brite to this end. It is a tremendous the Metroplex, an ordained Disciple’s
honor–one that I know we are all proud minister and Brite Divinity School
of and will gladly celebrate.
graduate with chaplaincy certification
and Clinical Pastoral Education who
Dr. Williams is planning a dedication was looking for a position much like
ceremony on the Sunday afternoon prior the one we were developing. Her name
to the beginning of Minister’s Week. is Reverend Christi McDowell. She was
His timing could not be more perfect as born and raised as an active member
Brite will be celebrating one hundred at Capilla del Sol Christian Church in
years of excellence in theological Tucson, Arizona. She graduated from
education while looking forward to the Brite Divinity School in 2006 and has
next one hundred years of partnership had a variety of experience as a chaplain
with University Christian Church. We in both hospital and hospice settings.
will advise you as to the specific time She most recently served as a staff
of the dedication and reception when it chaplain at John Peter Smith Hospital
in Fort Worth. She currently lives in
Colleyville with her husband, Michael,
and their four year old son, Nathan.
I know from having visited with so
many of you that you have recognized
a need for someone like Christi on our
staff. The rest of the staff will continue
to provide pastoral care, as you would
expect, we are nevertheless very excited
to have Christi join our team. I know
you will join me in welcoming her to the
UCC staff.
On a bit of a sad note, I want to let you
know that The Reverend Doctor Daniel
Terry stepped away from his part-time
position as Associate Minister for Men’s
Ministry at UCC on December 31.
Daniel recently received a promotion
at TCU and the added responsibilities
of that position have necessitated his
We are grateful for Daniel’s service to our
church. He will be missed. I am glad to
report, however, that he, Rebecca, Isabel
and Sophia will remain active members
at UCC. Please take an opportunity over
the next few weeks to personally thank
Daniel for his many years of ministry to
this faith community.
Boar’s Head “Behind the Scenes”
Sunday, January 4, you are once again invited to a special combined Sunday
School class. This year’s presentation will focus on the music and scenery of the
production, with the composer/arranger of the Boar’s Head music, Randol A.
Bass, as our featured panelist, along with UCC members who work tirelessly on
the construction (and deconstruction) of the set.
Join us in Walker Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m. on January 4, as we take a deeper look
at this magnificent festival!
UCC Mission Statement
University Christian Church is dedicated to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ
through deeply spiritual worship, study, and service.
Founded on the campus of Texas Christian University and shaped by our academic heritage,
University Christian Church encourages a spirit of openness and freedom of thought.
We are called to create a loving and caring community for all people, and work together for justice and peace in our world.
Recognizing that our spiritual journeys are all different,
we strive to be respectful and inclusive concerning each individual’s relationship with God.
New Members
Life of the Church
Keegan Hyman, November 28
Parents–Carolyn & Ryan Hyman
Gentry David Addis, November 19
Parents–Devin & Dilyn Addis
Grandparents–Kim & Andy Kuehler
We welcome Dr. Glen and Nita Walker!
Nita is a retired high school Spanish
teacher and Glen is a retired engineering
technology professor at Dallas County
Community college. UCC’s Alice Phillips
is their daughter and their son, Brian,
lives in Murphy. Glen and Nita have five
grandchildren. They both love to travel and
Nita enjoys playing bridge. They feel God
has sent them to worship at UCC.
Fred and Teresa Banda are back home in Fort
Worth where they met while Teresa was a
student at TCU and Fred at Brite. In their
almost forty-four years of marriage, Fred and
Teresa have lived as far south as Laredo, TX,
and as far north as Vinton, IA, while Fred was
a minister and Teresa an elementary school
teacher. They have three grown children and
one grandson. They both enjoy music and
have been singing in the UCC Chancel Choir
and volunteering at Room in the Inn.
Norman Hoover, November 15
husband of Cindy Hoover
brother of Lela Ashworth
C. L. Turner, November 14
father of Genie Knox
Holt Hickman, November 15
husband of Jo Hickman
Toni Newton, November 22
Baby Dedications
Rosemary Alland, November 24
wife of Larry Alland
mother of Mary Serafin,
Mark Alland and Kirk Alland
Carolann Krause, November 27
wife of Grant Krause
Terry Dunn, December 4
brother-in-law of Karen & Chuck Rigby
Maureen Paul, December 4
aunt of Jan Moore
Mabel Ruth Colby Corning, daughter of
Scott & Halie Corning. Grandparent is
Cheril Stevenson Hardy. Big brothers are
Silas and Wyatt.
Marshall Reed Smith, son of Brian Smith
& Nicole Duvall. Grandparents are Ed &
Cathy Duvall and Kent & Charlene Smith.
Great-grandparents are Richard & Chantel
Duvall, Mary Morris, and Shirley Duvall.
Everly Katherine Edmondson, daughter of
Kevin & Candice Edmondson. Grandparents
are Randy & Beth Sanders, Kay Edmondson,
Dave Edmondson. Great-grandparents:
Harvey & Paulanna Milligan, and Jean
Cohen Bass, November 27
father of Katherine Johnston
Lela Standifer, December 6
Rachel Owen & Justin Rubicheau
December 13
Stacey Vitale & Woody Hatch
December 13
Rachel Lewis & Christopher Biggs
December 20
Would You Like to Schedule a Baby Dedication?
Virtual Dementia Tour®
They say to understand what
someone is going through you
must ”walk in their shoes.”
The opportunity to “walk in the
shoes” and to gain understanding
of those with dementia is coming
to UCC on Sunday, January 25.
The Virtual Dementia Tour®
will take place from 9 a.m.–noon
in the Room In the Inn space.
P. K. Beville, a specialist in geriatrics,
created The Virtual Dementia
Tour® as a tool for family and
professional caregivers to move
from sympathy to empathy and
to gain better understanding of the
behaviors and needs of their loved
ones and patients. The tour simulates
symptoms of dementia and the
obstacles that must be overcome to
perform even the simplest tasks of
daily life.
The tour takes approximately
twenty minutes and advance
registration takes place on
Sundays, January 11 and 18, in
The Arches. Following the tour
you will have an opportunity to
light a candle for a family member
or friend who is suffering or has
suffered from dementia.
We hope that those taking the
tour will come away with an
understanding of what people
living with dementia are going
through, and fostering
understanding and empathy.
Dedications take place during 11 a.m.
worship. Upcoming dates are: January
25, February 22 and March 15. The baby
dedication is a blessing of the child and
a promise from parents to their child to
raise them in a Christian home. But, it
is also the public acknowledgement of a
covenant with the people of UCC that we
as a community of faith will surround
the child with the spirit of Christ as they
grow in our midst. In order to affirm
these provisions, parents will participate
in a Baby Dedication class to learn about
some of the intricacies of a child’s faith
journey and about how UCC can help
foster their family and child in the
process of understanding Christ’s love.
The next class offered is February 8 at 10
a.m. Email Susan at
for details.
Chapman University Singers Return
spring Sholund Scholarship Concert
and a yearly appearance in Chapman’s
Holiday Wassail Concert.
Friday, January 16, at 7 p.m. in the
UCC Sanctuary, hear the Chapman
University Singers, under the direction
of Stephen Coker, as they present
a wide variety of choral repertoire
ranging from the Renaissance era to
modern day composition. This group
amazed and delighted our audience
last January, and we are pleased to
sponsor them again. This highly-select
thirty-four voice mixed choir will also
perform international folk songs as well
as opera selections. Founded in 1963 by
William D. Hall, the University Singers
have been acclaimed throughout the
world, performing at venues from the
Vatican to the Hollywood Bowl. The allundergraduate ensemble is comprised
largely of vocal performance and music
education majors from the university’s
heralded Hall-Musco Conservatory
of Music. Traditions of the University
Singers include annual national tours,
participation in the choral-orchestral
presentations of the Conservatory’s
Founded as Hesperian College in
1861 in Woodland, CA, by members
of the Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ), Chapman University is one of
California’s oldest and most respected
private universities as well as the second
largest Disciples of Christ school. It
offers undergraduate and graduate
degrees in the context of a liberal arts
and sciences university. Endowed by
the Valencia orange magnate Charles
Clarke Chapman, the institution
changed its name to Chapman College
in 1934, and in 1954 moved to Orange,
California. Chapman has grown into a
highly regarded university attracting
high-achieving students from all over
the United States and around the world.
Stephen Coker, Director, assumed the
post of Director of Choral Activities at
Chapman University in the fall of 2009.
Coker received his Bachelor and Master
of Music Degrees from Oklahoma City
University and the Doctor of Musical
Arts degree in Choral Music from the
University of Southern California.
Hye-Young Kim, Accompanist to
the University Singers, is active as a
collaborative pianist in a wide variety of
repertoire and ensembles. Dr. Kim is an
adjunct faculty member of the Chapman
University Conservatory of Music.
We hope the congregation will join us for
this very special concert! Free admission.
A reception will follow in the Gallery.
UCC Women
Latte with the Ladies,
beginning at 9 a.m. at Brewed
(801 W. Magnolia-76104).
Women of Valor will meet Sunday,
January 18, for fellowship at 5 p.m. in
Room 204 and continue the study on
Women of the Bible: Seeking Justice from
Just Women, an international Disciples
Women’s Ministries publication.
Women’s Ministries engages women
in meaningful enrichment, spiritual
growth, study and worship while
advocating for and reaching out to
women in our community and around
the world. Contact Cyndy Twedell,
Associate Minister, for details.
WILD Women Book Club
Meets on Monday, January
19, at 6 p.m. at Cat City
Grill and Tuesday, January
20. at 11:30 p.m. in the UCC
Library. We will discuss the
book The Tower, The Zoo, and the Tortoise
by Julia Stuart (both will discuss the
same book).
Regift Game Night, Friday, January
23, at 6 p.m. Bring a $10ish gift to regift
and a snack to share to Carol Stewarts’s
house and enjoy an evening of games
and regifting fun. For more information
or directions to Carol’s house, contact
the Women’s Ministries Office.
I Don’t Have Time...
Exactly how many hours does it take
to care for a congregation as large as
UCC? How can one person do it? No
one person can do it. All of us together
can do it—maybe by keeping notecards
nearby so that you can write, “Thinking
of you!” to someone who doesn’t get to
church anymore; maybe by taking two
nights a month to call a member you
haven’t seen in a while or someone who
is not able to drive now.
What if every one of us pledged fifteen
minutes a month in 2015 for pastoral
The Church Friends Committee is all
about keeping those connections. It’s
also about sharing those beautiful flower
arrangements from the Sanctuary each
Sunday afternoon or Monday; and it’s
calling on each other in the hospital in a
town with a bazillion hospitals.
If you’ve ever been part of the Church
Friends Committee, or if you’re willing
to eat lunch with others to brainstorm
and revitalize the group, please r.s.v.p.
to Sandra Soria at sandra.pontouf., or call 817.980.9654.
We’ll gather on Wednesday, January 28,
1:15 p.m. in the private room at Cat City
Grill, 1208 West Magnolia Avenue.
(Pictured left to right: Sandra Soria, Ann
Love, Tom Chancellor, Nancy DeWees and
Tom’s mother, Jean Chancellor, in front.)
Men’s Ministry Events
Fat Tuesday
Join the men of the church as they
prepare pancakes, sausage, fruit and all
the fixin’s for the Annual Fat Tuesday
Pancake Supper on February 17. Every
year, Men’s Ministry leads this event for
our church family. Bring the whole gang
and join us in Walker Fellowship Hall
for food, fellowship and music around
festive tables. We begin serving at 6 p.m.
and wrap up at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $5 per
person ($3 for children under twelve).
Men’s Day Retreat
Home on the Range–A morning of sport
shooting at Alpine Range and lunch.
Saturday, February 28. Sign up at The
Arches Information Desk.
UCC Journal
Carol Ann Fewell, Editor • Michelle Groom, Circulation
The UCC Journal (USPS 019-016) is published monthly for $15 per year by University Christian Church, 2720 South University Drive,
Fort Worth, Texas 76109-1197. Periodicals Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX, and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to UCC Journal, 2720 S. University Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76109.
The $15 annual subscription to the UCC Journal is paid through members annual tithes and individually paid subscribers.
Visit us on the web at for more information.
Faces of Impressionism: Portraits from the Musée d’Orsay
The Musée d’Orsay,
which houses the
greatest Impressionist
world, is sharing some
with the Kimbell Art
Museum. More than
a thousand visitors a
day have been appearing in the galleries
to see this amazing exhibition.
This exhibition is not a survey of
Impressionist Art. Rather, it offers a rare
opportunity to see masterpieces displayed
in such a way that invites us to absorb
the narratives of portraiture, to explore
the development of portraiture in all its
variations, and to spark our imaginations.
Who are the so-called “revolutionaries”
of the art world? What social mores do
they challenge? Which colors jump out
at you? How does the artist direct your
attention? What elements on the canvas
tell us about nineteenth century society?
How does the painting move beyond
natural appearance? Whether you are a
history buff, art lover, or social scientist,
there is something to consider.
If you would enjoy a Friday evening
of light intellectual engagement, Larry
and Orlew Lauger, docents at the
Kimbell, invite you to join them for a
tour, scheduled for Friday, January 9, at
5 p.m. You may use your membership
ticket or purchase a half-price ticket of
$9 on site at 5 p.m. Meet in the lobby of
the Piano Pavilion to begin the tour at
5:05 p.m. Wine and supper to follow!
Call Orlew Lauger at 817.715.1192 or
email to reserve
your spot.
Paris in the Springtime?
Make it happen this year! If you’ve been dreaming of a trip to France, we have just two spots still open
for UCC’s unique A French Feast for the Senses tour,May 8-17, 2015. Don’t miss out! Sign up this week!
Call Marsha Hodges for details, 817.926.6631 ext. 152 or email
Growing Healthy Children
15, 5:30-7 p.m., join
us for an evening of
(free) education and
entertainment with Dr.
David Welsh.
Raising emotionally healthy children in
an increasingly toxic world is no easy
task. Yet for parents as well as educators,
surely it is the most important task we
will ever encounter. In this entertaining
and informative presentation, Dr. Welsh
discusses basic “gardening” tips for
growing happy, healthy children.
Dr. David Welsh maintains a private
psychology practice in Fort Worth, Texas
where he provides clinical services for
children, adolescents, and adults. He
also consults with schools, hospitals,
community agencies and private
businesses throughout the Dallas-Fort
Worth Metroplex. A popular speaker
and trainer, Dr. Welsh is in demand from
coast to coast for his dynamic keynotes
and breakout sessions. For more than
eight years he produced and hosted his
own weekly television talk show (Issues
of the Mind), and he has appeared before
millions of national television viewers
on the live call-in counseling show
COPE. He is the author of The Boy Who
Burned Too Brightly.
5:30 p.m. - Dinner ($5 for fajitas)
6 p.m. - David Welsh
5:30-7 p.m. - free childcare
(cribs through K)
For details and registration, visit us
online at or sign
up in the WDS Office with Ingrid Keller.
R.S.V.P. Deadline: Monday, January 12
Sponsored by the WDS Advisory Board
Calling All UCC Artists!
Church and the Arts announces the 2015 UCC Art Exhibit, to be held on March 22.
This year’s theme is Fine Art, which includes:
Painting, drawing, printmaking, photography and sculpture.
Entry Deadline is March 14
Entry forms will be available at The Arches Information Desk and the Front Reception Desk
For details contact: Camille Kerr • phone 817.428.6644 or email
The Children’s Closet
September to thirty schools, the Closet
distributed forty uniforms to each of
forty other schools in September.
In 2014 the Children’s Closet provided
6,500 uniforms to 83 elementary
schools in the Fort Worth ISD, as well
as nine Middle Schools, Safehaven
and the Women’s Center. The school
counselors place orders on behalf of
the children and can choose from shirts
(navy or white), pants (girls or boys,
khakis or jeans), socks and underwear.
In addition, a generous donor family
shopped and purchased many coats
which were very much appreciated by
the school counselors during the cold
weather in November and December.
We have the Outreach Committee to
thank as well as many donors who
provided the funding of over $80,000 this
past year, but also the many volunteers
who helped with the distributions.
opportunity for our whole congregation
to participate. This year I would also
specifically thank Maurine Wood and
Ethel Robinson who have served as day
chairs in the Closet on either Monday or
Thursday and Karen Boring who finds
time to volunteer on both Monday and
Thursday. All three have been active in
the Closet for over ten years.”
Gerry Houk says, “Heidi Reeder and
many young volunteers have been
doing a wonderful job in organizing
Bag-It-Night which provides an
The Children’s Closet and the Christmas
Angels were the first of many projects
UCC includes in its Outreach Ministry
to children in need in Tarrant County.
Many other churches and organizations
have adopted individual schools—
the Children’s Closet has adopted the
entire district.
In addition to Bag-It-Night that
distributes over 2,000 uniforms each
Maurine Wood
Ethel Robinson
Karen Boring
Room in the Inn
the smell of bacon cooking...
stories told by hosts and guests alike…
a quiet night…
a guest who plays concert-worthy
classics on the Fellowship Hall piano…
a delicious meal prepared by many…
happy conversations…
listening attentively to a guest who
needs affirmation and acceptance…
a prayer before the meal or in response
to a request…
fellowship while making beds, setting
the tables, preparing food…
making new friends and renewing
the satisfaction of rooms that are clean
and welcoming...
”thank you” many times over…
smiles and more smiles....
All these are experienced by the
volunteers and guests at Room in the Inn.
It takes many people to make RITI
happen, and the members of UCC are
generous in their gifts of time, food and
supplies. Please sign up online to take
part in this meaningful ministry.
If you aren’t receiving weekly emails
from Dean Pauley with a link to our
sign-up roster, notify Carol Stewart at or look
for the weekly sign-up display in the
Gallery on Sundays.
MLK Day of Service
Make it a Day On—Not a Day Off!
The fifth annual Tarrant Churches Together MLK Day of Service is Monday, January 19,
8 a.m. -2 p.m. We’ll meet at Baker Chapel A.M.E. Church for sign-in and a brief worship service and
then head out to work at one of more that forty community agencies. The work day will conclude
with lunch and fellowship around tables at Broadway Baptist church. Please contact Lynn Cross at
817.926.6631 ext. 139 if you plan to participate in MLK Day of Service.
12th Annual Reel Religion Film Festival
at University Christian Church
featuring films of religious, cultural & philosophical significance
January 30-31, 2015
Make reservations online at, call 817.257.7232, email to
opens November 18 at
or in The Arches at UCC on Sundays January 11, 18 or 25.
Movies are free and open to the public. Followed by a facilitated discussion.
Throughout all the film showings, free popcorn, coffee and bottled water will be available in The Arches at UCC.
box lunch
Lunch, catered by
Potbelly Sandwich
Shop, available
is available onwith
31, starting
at noon. Cost is $9 per person
and includes a sandwich, choice of chips, cookie and drink (vegetarian available). Paid reservations due by January 28.
Sponsored by University Christian Church,
Broadway Baptist
Extended Education.
Nicky’s Family (2011), Discussion Leader–Ellen Lewis, UCC, Not Rated
In 1939, Sir Nicholas Winton personally and by his own initiative saved the lives of 669 children from Nazi-occupied
Czechoslovakia and brought them across Hitler’s Germany to Britain. For nearly 50 years, he kept secret how he rescued
these children; not even his wife knew anything about it. The story only emerged in 1988 when the BBC broadcast a
thrilling show about the first meeting of approximately one hundred of the rescued children with their secret rescuer,
about whom they had known nothing for 50 years. Today he is often called Britain’s Schindler. Unlike Schindler and
Wallenberg, Winton is today still alive and well at 102, and still diffident about why he kept his secret for so long.
He also is an immensely compelling symbol of how the caring of one man can truly make a difference.
Philomena (2013), Discussion Leader–Jorene Swift, BBC, Rating: PG-13
A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman’s search for her son, who was taken away
from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent. Nominated for four Oscars.
Labor Day (2013), Discussion Leader–Michael Yandell, UCC, Rating: PG-13
Depressed single mom Adele and her son Henry offer a wounded, fearsome man a ride.
As police search town for the escaped convict, the mother and son gradually learn his true
story as their options become increasingly limited. Nominated for a Golden Globe.
Nebraska (2013), Discussion Leader–Gail Ryan, UCC, Rated R
Nebraska is a father and son road trip that gets waylaid at a small town in central Nebraska,
where the father grew up and has scores to settle. Told with deadpan humor and a unique visual style, it’s
ultimately the story of a son trying to get through to a father he doesn’t understand. Nominated for six Oscars.
Dead Poets’ Society (1989), Discussion Leader–Larry Thomas, UCC, Rating: PG
Painfully shy Todd Anderson has been sent to the school where his popular older brother was valedictorian.
His room-mate, Neil, although exceedingly bright and popular, is very much under the thumb of his overbearing father.
The two, along with their other friends, meet English Professor John Keating, who inspires his students to a love
of poetry and to seize the day. One Oscar win, plus three other nominations.
12 Years a Slave (2013), Discussion Leader–Max Krochmal, TCU, Rating: R
Based on an incredible true story of one man’s fight for survival and freedom. In the pre-Civil War
United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery.
Facing cruelty, as well as unexpected kindnesses, Solomon struggles not only to stay alive, but to retain
his dignity. In the twelfth year of his unforgettable odyssey, Solomon’s chance meeting with a Canadian
abolitionist will forever alter his life. Three Oscar wins, plus six other nominations.
Saturday Morning Film Schedule
Oscar Nominated Short Films: Henry; The Confession; The Shore, Discussion Leader–Larry Ivy, UCC, Not Rated (1, 2 & 3)
(1) Henry, a great concert pianist, has his life thrown in turmoil the day the love of this life, Maria, disappears mysteriously. He’ll then discover
the inevitable verdict of life. Oscar nominee. (2) Quiet and sincere 9-year-old Sam is worried about making
his first confession. His conscience is clear, therefore he cannot hope for any relief from the experience. He
and his friend Jacob decide to remedy that situation, but their initially innocent prank turns unexpectedly
tragic. Oscar nominee. (3) The story of Jim and Paddy, whose childhood friendship is shattered by the
troubles in Northern Ireland. Twenty five years later they are reunited. Won Oscar.
Rising from Ashes (2012), Discussion Leader–William Shelton, UCC, Rating: Not Rated
Rising from Ashes is a feature length documentary about the first Rwandan national cycling team in their bid to make
history and represent their country at the 2012 Olympics. Competing in a white man’s sport, reserved for the privileged,
a rag tag group of cyclists coached by the first American to ride in the Tour de France, are transformed into a
powerful symbol of hope for a country recovering from one of the world’s most devastating genocides.
Fill the Void (2012), Discussion Leader–Ariel Feldman, TCU, Rating: PG
A devout 18-year-old Israeli is pressured to marry the husband of her late sister. Declaring her independence
is not an option in Tel Aviv’s ultra-Orthodox Hasidic community, where religious law, tradition and the
rabbi’s word are absolute. Won in seven categories from the Israeli Film Academy.
The Story of Luke (2012), Discussion Leader–Naomi Ekas, TCU, Rating: Not Rated
Sheltered by his grandparents, Luke, a young man with autism, is thrust into a world that doesn’t expect
anything from him. But Luke is on a quest for a job and true love. And he isn’t taking no for an answer.
The Chorus (les Choristes) (2004), Discussion Leader–Jane Andrews, BBC, Rating: PG-13
The new teacher at a severely administered boys’ boarding school works to positively effect
the students’ lives through music. Nominated for two Oscars.
Oh, God! (1977), Discussion Leader–Drew Herring, BBC, Rating: PG
A supermarket assistant manager and a good, yet non-religious person, suddenly finds a note in the mail one day that grants him
an “interveiw” with God. Thinking it to be a hoax he tosses it away, but when it keeps reappearing he finally gives in. Skeptical
at first, he ends up carrying His personal message-that the world can work with what God has given us. Oscar nominated.
Saturday Afternoon Film Schedule
Joyeux Noel (2005), Discussion Leader–David Grebel, TCU, Rating: PG-13
In 1914, World War I was well under way. However on Christmas Eve, numerous sections of the Western Front called an
informal and unauthorized truce where the various front-line soldiers of the conflict peacefully met each other in No Man’s
Land to share a precious pause in the carnage with a fleeting brotherhood. This film dramatizes one such section as the
French, Scottish and German sides partake in the unique event, even though they are aware that their superiors will not
tolerate its occurrence. Nominated for an Oscar.
The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012), Discussion Leader–Andrew Fort, TCU, Rating: R
A young Pakistani man is chasing corporate success on Wall Street. He finds himself embroiled in a
conflict between his American Dream, a hostage crisis and the enduring call of his family’s homeland.
The Book Thief (2013), Discussion Leader–Cyndy Twedell, UCC, Rating: PG-13
While subjected to the horrors of World War II Germany, young Liesel finds solace by stealing books and sharing them with
others. In the basement of her home, a Jewish refugee is being sheltered by her adoptive parents. Nominated for an Oscar.
The Butler (2013), Discussion Leader–Brent Beasley, BBC, Rating: PG-13
As Cecil Gaines serves eight presidents during his tenure as a butler at the White House, the civil
rights movement, Vietnam and other major events affect this man’s life, family and American society.
Nominated for two British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) Film Awards.
Eat Pray Love (2010), Discussion Leader–Scott Green, BBC Rating: PG-13
A married woman realizes how unhappy her marriage really is, and that her life needs to go in
a different direction. After a painful divorce, she takes off on a round-the-world journey to “find herself.”
Advise and Consent (1962), Discussion Leader–Jim Riddlesperger, TCU, Rating: Approved
A Senate investigation into the President’s newly nominated Secretary of State gives light to a secret
from the past, which may not only ruin the candidate, but the President’s character as well.
Nominated for a British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) Film Award.
The Joy of Giving!
The holidays at UCC were filled with generous giving!
Thank you to all who brought joy to our community through Thanksgiving Baskets, Gifts of Hope and Christmas Angels.
People of all ages gathered to fill bags with new coats, jeans, sweat shirts, shoes, socks, underwear, toys, books and a Bible that were
delivered to fourteen Fort Worth schools, bringing joy to almost 500 children and their families.
Many hands of all ages took part in
preparing Thanksgiving baskets!
Learning to Use My Bible
A Special Class
for Third Graders
Families of third
graders will receive
details about the special class, Learning
to Use My Bible, that begins January
11. The six week class will conclude
on Sunday, February 15, with a special
moment in the 11 a.m. worship service
when each child will receive a Bible as a
gift from UCC.
Please be sure your third grader is with
us each Sunday at 10 a.m., in Room
218, to participate in engaging lessons
and activities that will give them the
skills they need to be able to use their
new Bibles, now and for a lifetime. If
you have questions, please contact Kera
Watts in Children’s Ministries.
What an Epiphany! Month in CCF/JYF
Children’s Christian Fellowship (first
through third grades) and Junior Youth
Fellowship (fouth and fifth grades) will
kick off 2015 on January 11 at 5 p.m.
with a month full of epiphanies. We will
talk about the season of Epiphany in the
church, but we will also be discovering
some knock-your-socks-off facts and
stories each and every week. It will truly
be a month of WOW!
Join us from 5-6:15 p.m. in Room 211 for
fun, fellowship, learning, service and
worship on Sunday nights in January—
and bring a friend!
Who: Third, Fourth and Fifth Graders
Where: Disciples Crossing, Athens, TX
When: January 23-25
Cost: $45
course, the weekend will also be full
of time around the camp fire, songs,
games and lots of free time to explore
the beauty of Disciples Crossing.
What is it? JYF Mid-Winter Retreat is
a chance for our third through fifth
graders to experience Disciples Crossing
in Athens, TX, develop and strengthen
relationships with friends from UCC,
develop new friendships with kids
from the Tri-Area and to grow in faith.
All worship and learning opportunities
will be created by kids and for kids. Of
Children’s Ministries will email
registration information and details
to families. All registrations will be
completed online through Disciples
Crossing. Scholarships are available.
Email Kera Watts at
with any questions.
After CCF/JYF each week, we are invited
to join the Youth on the third floor for an
optional $3 Snack Supper until 7 p.m.
JYF Mid-Winter Retreat
Important Summer Dates for Children’s Ministries
Vacation Bible School, June 23-26, 2015
Mark your calendars to be a part of
UCC VBS (ages two to third graders) or
Mission VBS (fourth and fifth graders).
Family Camp at Disciples Crossing
I: May 22-24 or II: August 7-9
(families with at least one child under 18
and an adult over 21)
VBS online registration for UCC
members at will begin
March 1 and continue through April 1.
JYF Camp I, June 29-July 3
(completed fourth or fifth grade)
Camps for Children and Families
at Disciples Crossing in Summer 2015
Ignore the cold…families are already
making plans for summer! Please put
these important dates on your calendars
Grand Camp
I: May 29-May 31 or II: July 31-August 2
(children ages 4-10 and a grandparent)
Discovery Camp, June 5-7
(completed second or third grade and a parent)
JYF Camp II, August 10-14
(completed fourth or fifth grade)
Summer Fun
(for children two months
to entering K)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m.–noon
Session I–June 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17
Session II–July 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22
Details coming in the months ahead.
Just Say Know
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
University Christian
Church is pleased
to offer the Just
Say Know sexuality
education program
for children and
youth in grades four
through eight.
Details on topics covered in the
curriculum can be found on the CLER
Ministries website at
Schedule for 2015 workshops:
Middle school workshops
(grades 6-8 with a parent)
Sundays, February 15 & 22
12:15-3:15 p.m.
Cost: $20 per youth participant
Elementary school workshops
(grades 4-5 with a parent)
Sunday, February 8
12:15-3:15 p.m.
Separate workshops for boys and girls
Cost: $20 per child participant
Registration cost includes lunch, course
materials, and a copy of Kate Ott’s book
Sex+Faith: Talking with Your Child from
Birth to Adolescence. $10 discount for each
additional child registered per family or
if you attended a course last year (since
each family only needs one book).
Scholarships for all courses will be
available upon request. Register online
today at, and
spread the word to friends and neighbors
who would like to take advantage of this
important program!
Mission Pilgrimage Opportunities
Rippling Hope to renovate and repair
homes as we meet the people who live
in the United States along the Texas
border and learn about the chronic
poverty there.
Any who have questions or are
interested in participating in the Spring
Break Mission are encouraged to attend
the informational meeting, Sunday,
January 11, in Room 211. The cost is $300
per person, $175 for youth twelve and
under. Orientation meeting is scheduled
for noon on Sunday, February 8.
Spring Break Mission Pilgrimage
El Paso, March 8–14
Informational Meeting
Sunday, January 11, at 12:15 p.m.
Families, youth, students and adults
will return to El Paso for UCC’s Spring
Break Mission Pilgrimage. Again this
year we will work in partnership with
Nicaragua Mission Pilgrimage
July 26–August 1
UCC will travel again to Nicaragua to
work with La Mision Cristiana and
Project Chacocente. Mark you calendars
if you want to be part of this lifechanging mission.
Contact Cyndy Twedell for details on
these mission opportunities!
Frozen Finals Feast Fun!
Each Monday evening of TCU’s finals week, UCC’s hosts its Bi-Annual
Finals Feast. This year’s theme was Frozen and the students dined on
homemade soups, sandwiches, cookies and ice cream as they took a
break from studying.
Many of our students brought friends and roommates to this event,
and they were so appreciative of the love and support from this
congregation. A special thank you to the College Ministry committee
and the many volunteers who helped cook, greet, decorate, clean-up
and plan for this event!
Weekday School Enrollment 2015-16 Deadline
The Marriage Well
Friday, January 9
Room 207, 6-7 p.m.
Childcare reservations necessary
Deadline for childcare is
Monday, January 5, 12 p.m.
The 1’s
Friday, January 9
Room 203, 6-8 p.m.
This month’s topic: The Enneagram
email for details!
The UCC Weekday School
Advisory Board is making
plans for the 48th year
of the school’s program,
which will begin in the fall
of 2015. The school follows
the High Scope Approach
to preschool education, an experiential,
developmentally appropriate curriculum
as well as the criteria outlined by the
NAEYC (National Association for
the Education of Young Children).
The Weekday School offers morning
classes from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. for cribs
(eight weeks) through Kindergarten.
Optional Early Bird and Discovery Time
enrichment programs are also available.
Enrollment forms and fees for the 201516 school year will be accepted Monday,
January 26, through Wednesday,
February 11. If you are a church member
not currently enrolled in the school and
are interested in requesting a space
for your child(ren), packets will be
available in the Weekday School Office,
Room 101, beginning Monday, January
26, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Accommodating church members is
a priority, but please be aware of the
demand for our program and that the
number of church members turning in
packets may be greater than the number
of classroom spaces available in any
given age level. Requesting a space does not
guarantee a place for your child. Note that the
church member must be a parent or legal
guardian in order to pick up a packet.
WDS Priority Placement Guidelines:
Crib Room:
1. Church members’ children–Please note
that the church member must be a parent or
legal guardian. (If all things are equal,
Blood Drive
Sunday, January 11
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Walker Fellowship Hall
For details contact:
Carole Widmann, RN, 817.964.1659
number of years of church membership
will be taken into consideration.)
2. Siblings of current students
3. Children on waiting lists
One year olds-four year olds:
1. Students currently enrolled in the
program (Priority will be given to
those families with the most years in
2. Number of years family has been
enrolled in program
3. Siblings of current students
4. Church members’ children who are
not currently enrolled-Please note that
the church member must be a parent or legal
guardian. (If all things are equal, number
of years of church membership will be
taken into consideration.)
5. Children who have been placed on
the waiting lists throughout the year
Placement of the Kindergarten Class
will be determined using the same
guidelines listed above. However,
acceptance will also take into account
girl/boy ratio and age balance within
this class. Director discretion will be
used in final placement. Additional
information about the Kindergarten
program is available in the Weekday
School Office.
The Advisory Board invites all interested
church members to come by the
Weekday School office to learn about
our outstanding program. Additionally,
if you have any questions concerning
Enrollment, please contact Alison Coffey,
WDS Enrollment Chair, at alisongcoffey@ or Claire Graham, Director of
the UCC Weekday School, at 817.926.3960
Newcomers Class in February
All are welcome
to be a part of the
Newcomers Class!
Join us Sundays,
February 1, 8 and 15, at 10 a.m. in Room
201.The Newcomers class is a great
introduction to UCC. Invite a friend
to come to the class and experience the
welcome of UCC.
The Newcomers Class offers an
opportunity to get to know others, meet
Rev. Thomas, learn about UCC and the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Questions are always welcome.
For details, please contact Michelle
Groom, Ministry Assistant to Rev. Cyndy
Twedell, at 817.926.6631 ext. 138, or email
her at
Join UCC Members at Our FitQuest
FitQuest participants Walt Hatter, Amy
Yandell, Jessica Vacketta, Drew Ruiz, Scotty
Jones, and Michael Yandell
Chancel Choir Leadership
In November, the church regrettably
accepted the resignation of our
Choirmaster, Dr. Jerry McCoy, due to
health reasons. His tenure here was
short but very memorable as he taught
the choir advanced singing skills and
Coming from years of experience with
stereotypical boot camp workouts, the
founders of Our FitQuest were looking
for something more to help them
achieve their overall health goals. The
founders believe that the group exercise
format is hard to beat. Accountability is
arguably the most important factor in
sustaining any fitness program. Fellow
workout members encourage each other
and friendships are formed.
A typical class includes interval
training, speed and agility drills,
led the congregation in glorious Easter
and All Saint’s Day worship services.
We appreciate all he did to increase the
excellence of our music program. For the
foreseeable future the Chancel Choir will
be led by two Assistant Choirmasters,
circuit-type stations, plyometrics, strength
conditioning using dumbbells and body
weight, cardio exercises and stretching.
Try out FQ for free before joining.
While there are multiple locations, we
hope you’ll join the UCC FitQuest crew
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
from 5:30-6:30 a.m. in the University Dr.
parking lot.
Learn more about the program at or email Scotty
Jones at
Jackson Yandell and Eric Mullins. The
combined music staff will make certain
that the music in worship at UCC
continues to teach and inspire each of us
to a closer connection with our Creator.
College Lunch Bunch Says Thanks a Bunch!
A big thank you to these folks who
provided food and/or money for Lunch
Bunch, a weekly gathering of TCU
students on Wednesdays at noon. If you
are interested in providing or financing a
lunch, email for details.
Genesis SS Class • Seekers SS Class
PEW Team • Roundtable SS Class
Bridges SS Class • Logos SS Class (twice!)
Vickie & Larry Thomas
Koinonia SS Class • Avis Herndon
Tom & Jennifer Lanter
Jim & Susan Smith/Fitfully Fit Forever
Geoff Hummelke/God Talk SS Class
UCC Quick Financial Summary - Unified Budget November 2014
2013 YTD
$1,845,759 Non Pledge Contributions
$169,795 Offering
$30,753 Misc. Unrestricted Income
$119,682 WDS Income (Net)
Endowment Income
$93,362 $203,954 2014 YTD
Budget YTD
Budget Annual
$1,867,317 $214,642 $28,553 $112,660 $1,837,889 $221,853 $32,045 $119,330 $2,047,567 $276,300 $38,700 $161,605 $29,428
$67,852 $218,149 $93,855 $218,878 $86,595 $291,010 ($26,003)
$348,197 $2,872,046 $403,994 $3,305,771 ($16,772)
$1,628,065 $963,862 $377,739 $2,969,666 $1,760,791 $1,050,984 $488,315 $3,300,090 $30,830
Income & Reserve Use
$511,125 $331,425 Total Income
$2,974,428 $2,840,598 Total Personnel Expense
$1,628,295 $1,597,236 $976,794 $869,744 Total Program/Admin. Expense
Total Mission/Outreach Expense
$486,234 $406,385 Total Expenses
$3,091,324 $2,873,365 Net Operating Income (Loss)
($97,620) $5,681 $64,854
This is a summary report of our Unified Budget. The full report is available for download from the UCC website or copies can be picked up or requested from the Business
Office. Please note: End of year giving for tax purposes needs to be received by or post marked by December 31. Tax Statements will be mailed by January 31, 2015.
If you have questions regarding this report please contact Michelle Ingram, Director of Accounting, at 817.926.6631 or by email to
Periodicals Postage Paid
University Christian Church
2720 S. University Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76109-1150
Happy Anniversary Prayer Shawl Ministry
Personnel Committee
Tuesday, January 6, 5:30 p.m., Rm 202
Communications Committee
Wednesday, January 7, 5:30 p.m., Rm 202
Building & Grounds
Sunday, January 11, 12:15 p.m., Rm 202
Finance Committee
Tuesday, January 13, 5:30 p.m., Rm 203
Board of Stewards
Tuesday, January 20, 6:30 p.m., Rm 207
Assembly Meeting
Tuesday, January 27, 6:30 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
All members of the congregation may attend
congregational meetings with the exception of any
portion of a meeting held in Executive Session.
Every January we give thanks for UCC’s Prayer Shawl Ministry and the lives
touched by the warmth and care of these shawls. Prayer Shawls are given in
gratitude; to those undertaking a new journey in life; and to those facing surgery,
treatment or loss. Baby blankets, crocheted and prayed over, have also been given
to families at the occasion of the Blessing and Dedication of their children.
UCC’s Prayer Shawl Ministry celebrates its tenth anniversary in worship
on Sunday, January 11. Over 1,800 prayer shawls have been knit or
crocheted since this ministry began at UCC in January 2005.
Each prayer shawl
is lovingly knit or
crocheted, held by
the group as they
pray for its recipient
and then presented
to someone who
needs to be wrapped
in God’s loving
Open to the
working of God’s
Spirit, this ministry welcomes all who wish to participate. Join us on
Wednesdays at 11 a.m. or Sundays at 5 p.m. in Room 206.