IR-release: Q4 and FY 2014 Operational Overview 29 January 2015 Disclaimer 2 The below applies to the presentation (the “Presentation”) following this important notice, and you are therefore advised to read this important notice carefully before reading, accessing or making any other use of this Presentation. This Presentation contains statements about future events and expectations that are forward-looking statements. Any statement herein (including, without limitation, a statement regarding our financial position, strategy, management plans and future objectives) that is not a statement of historical fact is a forward-looking statement that involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause ALROSA’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future results, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding the future performance. The information and opinions contained in this document are provided as at the date hereof (unless indicated otherwise) and are subject to change without notice. ALROSA assumes no obligation to update, supplement or revise the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in factors affecting these statements. The diamond resources and reserves estimates provided in this Presentation have been prepared and presented in accordance with the standards and classifications of the JORC Code (the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves as promulgated by the Australasian Joint Ore Reserves Committee), which differ in significant respects from the standards and classifications applicable to the disclosure of mineral resources and reserves under the laws and regulations of certain other jurisdictions, including the regulations of the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) with respect to registration statements and other documents filed with the SEC. Among other things, in accordance with the JORC Code, this Presentation provides certain mineral resources estimates classified as “inferred”, “indicated” or “measured”, which differ in significant respects from “probable” and “proven” mineral reserves estimates and are not disclosed in certain jurisdictions, including in SEC filings. There can be significant uncertainty as to whether mineral resources can ever be feasibly and commercially mined. For further explanation of the JORC Code, see the JORC website at This Presentation does not constitute or form part of and should not be construed as, an offer to sell or issue or the solicitation of an offer to buy or acquire any securities in any jurisdiction or an inducement to enter into any investment activity. The contents hereof should not be construed as investment, legal, tax, accounting or other advice, and investors and prospective investors in securities of any issuer mentioned herein are required to make their own independent investigation and appraisal of the business and financial condition of such issuer and the nature of the securities and consult their own advisers as to legal, financial, tax and other related matters. This Presentation has not been independently verified. No representation or warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy, completeness or fairness of the information or opinions contained in this Presentation. None of ALROSA nor any of its shareholders, directors, officers or employees, affiliates, advisors, representatives nor any other person accepts any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this Presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith. No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information contained in this Presentation or on its completeness, accuracy or fairness. This Presentation is not directed to, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity that is a citizen or resident or located in any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would require any registration or licensing within such jurisdiction. Persons in whose possession this Presentation and/or such information may come are required to inform themselves about and to observe such restrictions. Some numerical figures included in this Presentation have been subject to rounding adjustments. By reviewing and/or attending this Presentation you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the foregoing. I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Operational overview of ALROSA 3 Diamond production (2%) 2013 2014 36.9 mln cts 36.2 mln cts 36.0 mln t 1.02 cpt 35.9 mln t 1.01 cpt 9.6 Diamonds produced (mln cts) Ore and gravels processed (mln t) Grade (cpt) 9.9 +8% 9,9 7.5 7.9 8.0 9.7 10.6 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 5.4 9.9 14.3 6.4 5.4 10.3 13.0 7.3 1.37 0.97 0.69 1.55 1.47 0.78 0.75 1.45 Q4 and FY2014 Results Q4 2014 diamond production totalled 10.6 million carats, an increase of 8% q-o-q The production increase was driven by the completion of planned maintenance at processing plants, which process ore from the International, Aikhal and Mir underground mines The Company highlights the progress in key investment projects in Q4 2014: first 89 thousand tonnes of ore from the Udachny underground mine (commissioned earlier in 2014) were processed, diamond production totalled 114 thousand carats, first 516 thousand tonnes of ore from the Karpinskogo-1 pipe of the Lomonosov deposit (under development by Severalmaz) were processed, diamond production totalled 266 thousand carats 2014 diamond production totalled 36.2 million carats and exceeded Company’s initial plan by 210 thousand carats I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Diamond production 4 Q4 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 vs. Q3 2014 2014 2013 2014 vs. 2013 4,216 2,981 41% 12,565 12,088 4% Jubilee pipe 2,298 2,141 7% 9,122 8,976 2% Aikhal underground mine 1,910 743 2.6х 3,292 3,062 7% 8 97 (92%) 152 50 3.0х 2,438 621 3.9х 6,088 7,361 (17%) 1,534 173 8.9х 3,862 4,377 (12%) Mir underground mine 774 139 5.6х 1,463 2,151 (32%) Alluvial and technogenic deposits 130 309 (58%) 764 833 (8%) 1,229 293 4.2х 3,679 4,892 (25%) 1,053 269 3.9х 3,390 4,735 (28%) 114 - - 114 - - 63 24 2.6х 176 157 12% 2,184 2,264 (4%) 7,363 7,407 (1%) 2,144 1,734 24% 6,542 6,591 (1%) 39 531 (93%) 821 816 1% 488 524 (7%) 1,639 636 2.6х Arkhangelskaya pipe 222 524 (58%) 1,373 636 2.2х Karpinskogo-1 pipe 266 - - 266 - - OJSC Almazy Anabara (hereinafter Almazy Anabara) 0 1,820 - 3,059 2,521 21% OJSC Nizhne-Lenskoye (hereinafter Nizhne-Lenskoye) 0 1,234 - 1,818 2,010 (10%) 10,555 9,736 8% 36,212 36,914 (2%) ‘000 cts Aikhal Division Komsomolskaya pipe Mirny Division International underground mine Udachny Division Udachnaya pipe Udachnaya underground mine Zarnitsa pipe Nyurba Division Nyurbinskaya pipe Alluvial deposits Lomonosov Division (OJSC Severalmaz (hereinafter Severalmaz)) Total I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye ALROSA’s production footprint 5 Arkhangelsk Region (5%) Mining methods: Lomonosov Division (5%) Arkhangelskaya pipe (4%) Underground mining (24%) Open-pit mining (58%) Arkhangelsk Alluvial mining (18%) Karpinskogo-1 pipe (less then 1%) Russia Russia Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (95%) Almazy Anabara (8%) Nizhne-Lenskoye (5%) Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Udachnaya pipe (9%) Aikhal Division (35%) Jubilee pipe (25%) Aikhal pipe (9%) Udachny Division (10%) Zarnitsa pipe (less than 1%) Udachny Aikhal Komsomolskaya pipe (less then 1%) Yakutsk Nyurba Mirny Division (17%) Mirny Nyurba Division (20%) Mir pipe (4%) Nyurbinskaya pipe (18%) International pipe (11%) Botuobinskaya pipe ( – ) Alluvial deposits (2%) Note: Percentage in brackets indicates the share of region/division/pipe in 2014 ALROSA diamond production Alluvial deposits (2%) 6 AIKHAL DIVISION I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Aikhal Division overview Division structure 7 Location of operations Processing Plant No. 8 • Aikhal pipe • Komsomolskaya pipe Processing Plant No. 14 • Jubilee pipe Komsomolskaya pipe 8 km Processing Plant No. 14 Capacity: 10 mln t annually 18 km Jubilee pipe Share in 2014 ALROSA production: 35% Processing Plant No. 8 Capacity: 1.7 mln t annually 1 km Underground mining Aikhal pipe Open-pit mining 2014 Results Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) Ore processed (‘000 t) 2014 2014 vs. 2013 12,565 4% 9,478 (3%) Almazy Anabara Nizhne-Lenskoye Udachny Division Reserves (1) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 117,227 1.04 121,578 Resources inclusive of reserves Aikhal Division Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) 215,804 1.01 218,694 Note: (1) According to JORC Code (as of 01.07.2013) Udachny Aikhal Yakutsk Nyurba Division Nyurba (1) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) Mirny Division 0 200 400 km Mining methods: Mirny I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Operational overview of Aikhal Division 8 Diamond production +4% 2014 2013 12,565 ‘000 cts 12,088 ‘000 cts 9,478 ‘000 t 1.33 cpt 9,817 ‘000 t 1.23 cpt Ore processed (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) 3,000 2,456 1,984 4,216 3,978 3,669 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) +41% 2,368 2,981 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 2,605 2,644 2,040 2,528 2,436 2,244 2,168 2,630 0.76 1.39 1.20 1.57 1.23 1.06 1.38 1.60 Q4 2014 results 2014 results Q4 2014 diamond production was 4,216 thousand carats, which is up 41% q-o-q 2014 diamond production totalled 12,565 thousand carats, which is up 4% higher y-o-y Diamond production increase was driven by the planned increase in ore processing at the Aikhal underground mine Diamond production growth resulted from the planned increase in ore processing at the Aikhal underground mine and mining and processing of higher grade ore from the central lobe of the Jubilee pipe I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Jubilee pipe 9 Mining method: Open-pit mining current mining area 0m Commissioned: surface 1985 Current open pit depth: 345 m -345 m current open pit depth eastern lobe central lobe western lobe -720 m target open pit depth; boundary of indicated resources Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 129,017 Indicated 0.84 Inferred 108,166 0.62 40,594 65,977 0.76 boundary of inferred resources -1,300 m boundary of exploration Indicated resources Total 194,994 -1,100 m Inferred resources Resources not classified in accordance with JORC Code (1) 148,760 Note: (1) Potential resources according to the Russian State Commission for Mineral Reserves classification I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Jubilee pipe: production overview 10 25% Share in 2014 ALROSA production Q4 2014 diamond production increased by 7% vs Q3 2014 due to planned maintenance works at Processing Plant No.14 in September 2014 Diamond production growth in 2014 by 2% vs 2013 was driven by mining of higher grade ore from the pipe’s central lobe +2% 2014 2013 9,122 ‘000 cts 8,976 ‘000 cts 8,506 ‘000 t 1.07 cpt 9,041 ‘000 t 0.99 cpt 1,940 2,232 +7% 2,456 2,347 2,325 2,357 2,141 2,298 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) Ore processed (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 2,405 2,375 2,040 2,221 2,225 2,215 1,783 2,630 0.81 0.94 1.20 1.06 1.04 1.06 1.20 1.01 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Aikhal pipe 11 Period of open-pit mining: current mining area 1961-1996 0m Open pit depth: surface 305 м Mining method: Underground mine -305 m open pit depth Start of underground mining operations: 2005 -500 m boundary of indicated resources south-western ore body north-eastern ore body -700 m Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) 7,729 8,269 Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) Indicated 4.68 Inferred 36,159 3.87 31,967 4.26 western lobe eastern lobe -900 m Indicated resources Total 15,998 boundary of inferred resources of southwestern ore body Inferred resources Resources not classified in accordance with JORC Code (1) 68,126 Note: (1) Potential resources according to the Russian State Commission for Mineral Reserves classification boundary of exploration I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Aikhal pipe: production overview 9% 12 Share in 2014 ALROSA production Q4 2014 diamond production increased 2.6 times vs Q3 2014 due to processing of ore produced during the planned maintenance works at Processing Plant No.8 in Q2 2014 Diamond production growth in 2014 by 7% vs 2013 ensued from higher volumes of ore processed +7% 2014 2013 3,292 ‘000 cts 3,062 ‘000 cts 589 ‘000 t 560 ‘000 t 5.47 cpt 1,910 1,627 1,435 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 2.6x 5.59 cpt 743 639 0 Ore processed (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) 0 0 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 0 263 0 297 116 0 147 326 0.00 5.46 0.00 5.48 5.51 0.00 5.05 5.86 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Komsomolskaya pipe 13 Mining method: Open-pit mining Commissioned: 2000 0m surface Current open pit depth: 337 m -337 m current open pit depth Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 4,812 Indicated 0.38 Total 1,808 4,812 0.38 1,808 -460 m target open pit depth; boundary of indicated resources Indicated resources I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Komsomolskaya pipe: production overview 14 less than 1% Share in 2014 ALROSA production Diamond production decreased in Q4 2014 by 92% vs Q3 2014 as Processing Plant No.8 was mainly loaded with ore from the Aikhal underground mine in Q4 2014 Diamond production went up 3.0 times in 2014 y-o-y as Processing Plant No.8 was loaded with ore from a stockpile 3.0х 2014 152 ‘000 cts 2013 383 ‘000 t 0.40 cpt 50 ‘000 cts (92%) 97 216 ‘000 t 0.23 cpt Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 44 36 11 8 2 0 4 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Ore processed (‘000 t) 200 6 0 10 95 29 238 21 Grade (cpt) 0.22 0.33 0.00 0.40 0.38 0.38 0.41 0.37 15 MIRNY DIVISION I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Mirny Division overview Division structure 16 Location of operations Vodorazdelnye Galechniki placer Processing Plant No. 3 • Mir pipe • International pipe • Vodorazdelnye Galechniki placer • Tailings of Processing Plant No. 5 Dredges No. 201, 202, 203 • Irelyakhskaya placer 10 km Processing Plant No. 3 Capacity: 2 mln t annually Share in 2014 ALROSA production: 4 km 17% Dredges No. 201, 202, 203 Capacity: 4 mln t annually 16 km Mining methods: Mir pipe Irelyakhskaya placer International pipe 2014 Results 2014 2014 vs. 2013 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 6,088 (17%) Ore and gravels processed (‘000 t), incl.: 4,903 (3%) Processing Plant No.3 1,930 (3%) Dredges №201, 202, 203 2,973 (4%) Almazy Anabara Nizhne-Lenskoye Udachny Division Reserves (1) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 34,141 3.92 133,815 Resources inclusive of reserves Aikhal Division Udachny Aikhal Yakutsk Nyurba Division Nyurba (1) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 45,874 4.07 186,765 Note: (1) According to JORC Code (as of 01.07.2013) Mirny Division 0 200 400 km Mirny Underground mining Alluvial mining I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Operational overview of Mirny Division 17 Diamond production (17%) 2013 7,361 ‘000 cts 2014 5,080 ‘000 t 1.45 cpt 3.9х 6,088 ‘000 cts 4,903 ‘000 t 1.24 cpt 2,438 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 1,792 1,778 1,885 1,906 1,477 1,552 621 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Ore processed (‘000 t) 516 1,120 2,135 1,309 469 1,329 1,474 1,630 Grade (cpt) 3.47 1.59 0.88 1.46 3.15 1.17 0.42 1.50 Q4 2014 results 2014 results Q4 2014 diamond production totalled 2,438 thousand carats, a 3.9 times growth q-o-q In 2014, diamond production totalled 6,008 thousand carats, which is 17% lower compared to 2013 Diamond production increase resulted from planned annual maintenance at Processing Plant No.3 in August-September 2014 Diamond production decrease was driven by difficult miningand-geological conditions at the Mir underground mine in early 2014, planned annual maintenance at Processing Plant No. 3 in August-September 2014 and the replacement of a number of the underground mine’s skip shaft components in May-July 2014 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye International pipe 18 0m Period of open-pit mining: surface 1971-1981 Period of open pit development: 2005-2011 -315 m Open pit depth: open pit depth 315 m Mining method: current mining area Underground mining Start of underground mining operations: 1999 Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) 4,208 Indicated 8.73 Inferred 1,542 7.98 8.53 boundary of indicated resources Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) -1,215 m boundary of inferred resources 36,739 Indicated resources 12,304 Inferred resources Resources not classified in accordance with JORC Code (1) Total 5,750 -1,085 m 49,043 Note: (1) Potential resources according to the Russian State Commission for Mineral Reserves classification -1,475 m boundary of exploration I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye International pipe: production overview 19 11% Share in 2014 ALROSA production In Q4 2014, diamond production rose 8.9 times q-o-q due to planned annual maintenance at Processing Plant No.3 in August-September 2014 Diamond production decrease in 2014 by 12% vs 2013 was driven by planned annual maintenance at Processing Plant No. 3 in AugustSeptember 2014 and the replacement of a number of the underground mine’s skip shaft components in May-July 2014 (12%) 2013 2014 4,377 ‘000 cts 3,862 ‘000 cts 489 ‘000 t Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 1,082 8.9x 445 ‘000 t 8.68 cpt 8.95 cpt 1,047 1,099 1,149 1,534 1,312 842 173 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Ore processed (‘000 t) 130 118 113 128 151 97 21 176 Grade (cpt) 8.32 8.87 9.73 8.98 8.69 8.68 8.24 8.71 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Mir pipe 20 Period of open-pit mining: 1959-2001 current mining area Open pit depth: 525 m 0m surface Mining method: Underground mining Start of underground mining operations: 2009 -525 m open pit depth -545 m upper boundary of indicated resources dry shutdown Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 29,211 Indicated 3.55 Inferred 103,782 10,913 3.11 33,940 3.43 boundary of indicated resources -1,235 m Total 40,124 -950 m boundary of exploration Indicated resources 137,722 Inferred resources I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Mir pipe: production overview 4% 21 Share in 2014 ALROSA production In Q4 2014, diamond production grew 5.6 times q-o-q due to planned annual maintenance at Processing Plant No. 3 in August-September 2014 Diamond production decline in 2014 by 32% y-o-y was caused by adverse mining-and-geological conditions in early 2014 (32%) 2013 2,151 ‘000 cts 2014 638 ‘000 t 1,463 ‘000 cts 3.37 cpt 597 471 5.6x 774 481 ‘000 t 518 565 3.04 cpt 498 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 139 52 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Ore processed (‘000 t) 144 184 154 156 20 141 64 256 Grade (cpt) 3.27 3.24 3.36 3.62 2.60 3.53 2.17 3.03 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Alluvial and technogenic deposits 2% 22 Share in 2014 ALROSA production Deposits Vodorazdelnye Galechniki placer Irelyakhskaya placer Tailings of Processing Plant No. 5 In Q4 2014, diamond production decreased by 58% q-o-q due to the end of the production period in November 2014 Diamond production shrank in 2014 by 8% y-o-y due to completion of processing of gravels with higher grade from tailings of Processing Plant No.5 (8%) 2013 833 ‘000 cts 2014 3,953 ‘000 t 764 ‘000 cts 0.21 cpt 3,978 ‘000 t 0.19 cpt 268 239 192 134 Diamonds produced (mln cts) 2014 Results Gravels processed (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 3,978 0.19 764 Resources and reserves of Mirny Division alluvial placers were not included into JORC Code valuation (58%) 309 212 130 113 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Gravels processed (mln t) 242 818 1,868 1,025 298 1,091 1,390 1,199 Grade (cpt) 0.99 0.16 0.14 0.19 0.38 0.19 0.22 0.11 23 UDACHNY DIVISION I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Udacnhy Division overview 24 Location of operations Division structure Processing Plant No. 12 • Udachnaya pipe • Zarnitsa pipe Zarnitsa pipe Udachnaya pipe 21 km 2 km Share in 2014 ALROSA production: Mining methods: 10% Underground mining Processing Plant No. 12 Capacity: 12 mln t annually 2014 Results 2014 2014 vs. 2013 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 3,679 (25%) Ore processed (‘000 t) 4,814 (17%) Almazy Anabara Nizhne-Lenskoye Udachny Division Reserves (1) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 150,642 0.88 132,358 Resources inclusive of reserves Aikhal Division Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) 223,976 1.07 239,771 Note: (1) According to JORC Code (as of 01.07.2013) Yakutsk Nyurba Division Nyurba (1) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) Udachny Aikhal Mirny Division 0 200 400 km Mirny Open-pit mining I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Operational overview of Udachny Division 25 Diamond production (25%) 2013 4,892 ‘000 cts 2014 5,825 ‘000 t 0.84 cpt 1,598 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 3,679 ‘000 cts 4.2х 4,814 ‘000 t 0.76 cpt 1,430 1,383 1,117 1,229 1,039 480 293 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Ore processed (‘000 t) 1,650 1,858 597 1,720 1,570 1,226 455 1,563 Grade (cpt) 0.97 0.74 0.80 0.83 0.71 0.85 0.64 0.79 Q4 2014 results 2014 results Q4 2014 diamond production amounted to 1,229 thousand carats, a 4.2 times growth q-o-q In 2014, diamond production totalled 3,679 thousand carats, which is down 25% y-o-y Diamond production increase resulted from planned annual maintenance at Processing Plant No. 12 in July-August 2014 and the start of production at the Udanchny underground mine Diamond production drop was driven by the reduction in ore processing at the Udachnaya pipe in line with the Company's plan for the transition to underground mining at the deposit I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Udachnaya pipe 26 Mining method: Open-pit and underground mining current mining area Ore stockpile (measured resources) Commissioned: 1971 0m surface Current open pit depth: 640 m Start of underground mining operations: 2014 -640 m current open pit depth -890 m boundary of indicated resources Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code western lobe eastern lobe Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) Measured 4,820 1.52 7,329 82,297 Indicated 1.49 Inferred 122,278 78,305 1.25 98,157 -1,390 m Measured resources Indicated resources Total 165,422 1.38 boundary of inferred resources 227,764 Inferred resources I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Udachnaya pipe: production overview 9% 27 Share in 2014 ALROSA production Q4 2014 diamond production rose 3.9 times q-o-q as a result of planned annual maintenance at Processing Plant No.12 in July-August 2014 Diamond production decline in 2014 by 28% y-o-y was driven by the reduction in ore processing in line with the Company's plan for the transition to underground mining at the deposit. (28%) 2013 4,735 ‘000 cts 2014 4,825 ‘000 t 0.98 cpt 1,557 3,390 ‘000 cts 1,382 1,330 3.9x 3,710 ‘000 t 0.91 cpt 1,055 1,053 1,012 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 466 269 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Ore processed (‘000 t) 1,400 1,563 447 1,415 1,180 1,055 305 1,170 Grade (cpt) 1.11 0.85 1.04 0.98 0.89 0.96 0.88 0.90 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Udachny underground mine: production overview 28 less than 1% Share in 2014 ALROSA production On June 27, 2014, ALROSA commissioned the Udachny underground mine In Q4 2014, first ore from the underground mine was processed at Processing Plant No.12 The Udachny underground mine development is in line with the Company’s plan 2014 114 ‘000 cts 89 ‘000 t 1.28 cpt 114 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) Ore processed (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.28 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Zarnitsa pipe 29 Mining method: Open-pit mining current mining area Commissioned: 1999 0m surface Current open pit depth: -90 m current open pit depth 90 m -200 m boundary of indicated resources; target open pit depth Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 58,554 Indicated 0.21 Total 12,007 0.21 12,007 58,554 -700 m boundary of exploration Indicated resources Resources not classified in accordance with JORC Code (1) Note: (1) Potential resources according to the Russian State Commission for Mineral Reserves classification I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Zarnitsa pipe: production overview 30 less than 1% Share in 2014 ALROSA production In Q4 2014, diamond production increased 2.6 times q-o-q due to planned annual maintenance at Processing Plant No.12 in July-August 2014 Diamond production growth in 2014 by 12% y-o-y was driven by increased volumes and higher grades of ore processed +12% 2014 176 ‘000 cts 2013 1,015 ‘000 t 0.17 cpt 157 ‘000 cts 1,000 ‘000 t 0.16 cpt Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 2.6x 63 62 53 48 42 27 24 14 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Ore processed (‘000 t) 250 295 150 305 390 171 150 304 Grade (cpt) 0.17 0.18 0.09 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.21 м 31 NYURBA DIVISION I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Nyurba Division overview 32 Location of operations Division structure Processing Plant No. 15 • Nyurbinskaya placer • Botuobinskaya placer (1) Processing Plant No. 16 • Nyurbinskaya pipe • Botuobinskaya pipe (1) • Nyurbinskaya placer Processing Plant No. 15 Capacity: 0.5 mln t annually Processing Plant No. 16 Capacity: 1.4 mln t annually Note: (1) Pre-construction activities and waste stripping are in progress 5 km 2 km Share in 2014 ALROSA production: Nyurbinskaya pipe Botuobinskaya placer 20% Mining methods: Open-pit mining Nyurbinskaya placer Botuobinskaya pipe Alluvial mining 2014 Results 2014 2014 vs. 2013 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 7,363 (1%) Ore and gravels processed (‘000 t) 2,000 (2%) Almazy Anabara Nizhne-Lenskoye Udachny Division Reserves (2) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 30,087 4.09 123,178 Resources inclusive of reserves Aikhal Division Udachny Aikhal Yakutsk Nyurba Division Nyurba (2) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 47,329 3.72 175,945 Note: (2) According to JORC Code (as of 01.07.2013) Mirny Division 0 200 400 km Mirny I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Operational overview of Nyurba Division 33 Diamond production (1%) 2013 2014 7,407 ‘000 cts 2,040 ‘000 t 7,363 ‘000 cts 3.63 cpt 2,000 ‘000 t (4%) 3.68 cpt Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 2,022 1,978 2,331 2,067 1,076 2,264 2,184 848 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Ore processed (‘000 t) 400 375 805 460 410 375 763 452 Grade (cpt) 4.95 2.87 2.51 5.07 5.04 2.26 2.97 4.83 Q4 and FY2014 results Q4 2014 diamond production amounted to 2,184 thousand carats, which is down 4% q-o-q In 2014, diamond production totalled 7,363 thousand carats, which is a 1% decline y-o-y Diamond production decrease results from planned decrease in volumes of ore processed at Processing Plant No.16 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Nyurbinskaya pipe 34 Mining method: Open-pit mining current mining area Commissioned: 2001 0m surface Current open pit depth: 290 m -290 m current open pit depth -450 m target open pit depth -570 m boundary of indicated resources Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 12,264 Indicated 4.13 Inferred 50,661 5.42 6,465 1,192 4.25 boundary of exploration; boundary of inferred resources Indicated resources Total 13,456 -750 m Inferred resources Resources not classified in accordance with JORC Code (1) 57,126 Note: (1) Potential resources according to the Russian State Commission for Mineral Reserves classification I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Nyurbinskaya pipe: production overview 18% 35 Share in 2014 ALROSA production Q4 2014 diamond production increase by 24% q-o-q was driven by higher ore processing volumes at Processing Plant No.16 because of the end of placer’s production season 2014 diamond production was almost flat y-o-y (1%) 2013 2014 6,591 ‘000 cts 6,542 ‘000 cts 1,247 ‘000 t 5.29 cpt +24% 1,255 ‘000 t 5.21 cpt 2,303 1,978 2,144 2,067 1,734 1,509 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 801 597 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Ore processed (‘000 t) 400 124 285 438 410 113 305 427 Grade (cpt) 4.95 6.46 5.29 5.26 5.04 5.28 5.69 5.02 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Botuobinskaya pipe 36 Current open pit depth: 83 m 0m Commencement of waste stripping: surface December 2012 -83 m current open pit depth overburden -580 m target open pit depth; boundary of indicated resources Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code -780 m Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 13,679 Indicated 5.19 Inferred 71,044 5.14 13,790 2,685 -980 m 5.18 boundary of exploration Indicated resources Total 16,364 boundary of inferred resources Inferred resources Resources not classified in accordance with JORC Code (1) 84,834 Note: (1) Potential resources according to the Russian State Commission for Mineral Reserves classification I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Alluvial deposits 37 2% Deposits Share in 2014 ALROSA production Q4 2014 diamond production decline by 93% q-o-q was triggered by the termination of gravels processing at the seasonal Processing Plant No.15 in October 2014 Nyurbinskaya placer Botuobinskaya placer 2014 diamond production was almost flat y-o-y +1% 2014 2013 (93%) 821 ‘000 cts 816 ‘000 cts 793 ‘000 t 1.03 cpt 745 ‘000 t 1.10 cpt 513 275 531 251 Diamonds produced (mln cts) 0 Gravels processed (mln t) Grade (cpt) Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 13,668 1.68 22,989 28 0 39 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 0 251 520 22 0 262 458 25 0.00 1.10 0.99 1.27 0.00 0.96 1.16 1.57 СЕВЕРАЛМАЗ LOMONOSOV DIVISION (SEVERALMAZ) 38 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Lomonosov Division (Severalmaz) overview 39 Location of operations Division structure Processing Plant No. 1 • Arkhangelskaya pipe • Karpinskogo-1 pipe Karpinskogo-1 pipe 2 km Processing Plant No. 1 Module No. 2 Capacity: 3 mln t annually Share in 2014 ALROSA production: Module No. 1 Capacity: 1 mln t annually 3 km 5% Mining method: Arkhangelskaya pipe 2014 Results 2014 2014 vs. 2013 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 1,639 2,6x Ore processed (‘000 t) 3,309 2,8x Arkhangelsk Reserves Lomonosov Division (2) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 75,525 0.85 64,107 Resources inclusive of reserves (3) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 125,790 0.92 115,501 Note: (2) According to JORC Code (as of 01.07.2013) 0 200 400 km Open-pit mining I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Operational overview of Lomonosov Division 40 Diamond production 2.6х 2014 1,639 ‘000 cts (7%) 3,309 ‘000 t 0.50 cpt 2013 636 ‘000 cts 1,193 ‘000 t 0.53 cpt 524 488 394 Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) 213 233 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 279 281 361 481 808 1,022 998 0.51 0.55 0.59 0.48 0.49 0.51 0.49 126 142 155 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Ore processed (‘000 t) 272 Grade (cpt) 0.46 Q4 2014 results 2014 results In Q4 2014, diamond production was 488 thousand carats, a 7% drop q-o-q In 2014, diamond production totalled 1,639 thousand carats, which is up 2.6 times y-o-y Diamond production went down owing to the completion of the annual ore processing plan and overperformance of the annual diamond production plan Diamond production growth was driven by higher volumes of ore processed following the launch of the second module of the site’s processing plant I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Arkhangelskaya pipe 41 Mining method: Open-pit mining current mining area Commissioned: 2005 0m surface Current open pit depth: 128 m -128 m current open pit depth -324 m target open pit depth -460 m boundary of indicated resources Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 56,226 Indicated 0.77 Inferred 43,406 0.98 38,623 39,408 Total 95,634 0.86 -940 m boundary of inferred resources Indicated resources 82,029 Inferred resources I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Arkhangelskaya pipe: production overview 4% 42 Share in 2014 ALROSA production Q4 2014 diamond production decreased by 58% vs Q3 2014, as ore processing from the Karpinskogo-1 pipe started at Processing Plant No.1 In 2014, diamond production growth 2.2 times y-o-y resulted from higher volumes of ore processed following the launch of the second module of the site’s processing plant 2.2х 2014 1 373 тыс. карат 2013 636 ‘000 cts 524 394 1,193 ‘000 t 0.53 cpt Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) (58%) 2 793 тыс. тонн 0,49 карат/тонна 213 233 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 279 281 361 481 808 1,022 482 0.51 0.55 0.59 0.48 0.49 0.51 0.46 126 142 155 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Ore processed (‘000 t) 272 Grade (cpt) 0.46 222 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Karpinskogo-1 pipe Current open pit depth: 86 m 43 current mining area 0m Commencement of waste stripping: surface -86 m 2009 current open pit depth overburden -262 m target open pit depth -462 m boundary of indicated resources Resources inclusive of reserves (as of 01.07.2013) according to JORC Code Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 24,988 Indicated 1.08 Inferred 26,960 1.26 6,512 5,168 1.11 boundary of inferred resources Indicated resources Total 30,156 -662 m boundary of exploration Inferred resources Resources not classified in accordance with JORC Code 33,472 -942 m (1) Note: (1) Potential resources according to the Russian State Commission for Mineral Reserves classification I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Karpinskogo-1 pipe: production overview 44 less than 1% Share in 2014 ALROSA production On October 6, 2014 Karpinskogo-1 pipe Severalmaz launched production at the In Q4 2014, first ore from the Karpinskogo-1 pipe was processed 2014 266 ‘000 cts 266 516 ‘000 t 0.52 cpt Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) Ore processed (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 516 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 ALMAZY ANABARA I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Almazy Anabara 46 8% Deposits Share in 2014 ALROSA production In Q4 2014, gravels were not processed due to seasonality of gravel mining Diamond production increase in 2014 by 21% y-o-y was driven by the commissioning of higher grade Ebelyakh and Gusinaya placers Morgogor placer Istok placer Holomolokh placer Ebelyakh placer Gusinaya placer Ruchey 41 placer Kurung-Yuryakh placer +21% 2014 2013 3,059 ‘000 cts 2,521 ‘000 cts Diamonds produced (mln cts) 5,604 ‘000 t 0.55 cpt 1,554 6,750 ‘000 t 0.37 cpt 1,820 1,239 967 0 0 0 0 2014 Results Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) Gravels processed (‘000 t) 2014 2014 vs. 2013 3,059 21% 5,604 (17%) Gravels processed (mln t) Grade (cpt) Reserves(1) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 36,319 0.74 26,749 Resources inclusive of reserves(1) Tonnage (‘000 t) Grade (cpt) Contained diamonds (‘000 cts) 36,816 0.80 29,597 Note: (1) According to JORC Code (as of 01.07.2013) Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 0 1,874 4,876 0 0 2,200 3,404 0 0.00 0.52 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.53 0.00 НИЖНЕ-ЛЕНСКОЕ NIZHNE-LENSKOYE 47 I. Operational overview II. Aikhal Division III. Mirny Division IV. Udachny Division V. Nyurba Division VI. Lomonosov Division VII. Alamazy Anabara VIII. Nizhne-Lenskoye Nizhne-Lenskoye 48 5% Deposits Share in 2014 ALROSA production In Q4 2014, gravels were not processed due to seasonality of gravel mining Diamond production decline in 2014 by 10% y-o-y was triggered by processing of lower grade gravels; larger volumes of gravel processing was driven by the commissioning of the Shlikhovoy placer Molodo placer Billyakh placer Ruchey Shlihovoy placer (10%) 2013 2014 2,010 ‘000 cts 1,398 5,338 ‘000 t 1,818 ‘000 cts 612 Diamonds produced (mln cts) 584 0 Gravels processed (mln t) Grade (cpt) 2014 Results Diamonds produced (‘000 cts) Gravels processed (‘000 t) 2014 2014 vs. 2013 1,818 (10%) 5,814 9% 1,234 5,814 ‘000 t 0.31 cpt 0.38 cpt 0 0 0 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 0 1,786 3,552 0 0 2,080 3,734 0 0.00 0.34 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.33 0.00 49 Appendix Diamond production 50 2013 2014 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 12,088 12,565 1,984 3,669 2,456 3,978 3,000 2,368 2,981 4,216 Jubilee pipe 8,976 9,122 1,940 2,232 2,456 2,347 2,325 2,357 2,141 2,298 Aikhal underground mine 3,062 3,292 0 1,435 0 1,627 639 0 743 1,910 50 152 44 2 0 4 36 11 97 8 7,361 6,088 1,792 1,778 1,885 1,906 1,477 1,552 621 2,438 International underground mine 4,377 3,862 1,082 1,047 1,099 1,149 1,312 842 173 1,534 Mir underground mine 2,151 1,463 471 597 518 565 52 498 139 774 833 764 239 134 268 192 113 212 309 130 4,892 3,679 1,598 1,383 480 1,430 1,117 1,039 293 1,229 4,735 3,390 1,557 1,330 466 1,382 1,055 1,012 269 1,053 - 114 - - - - - - - 114 157 176 42 53 14 48 62 27 24 63 7,407 7,363 1,978 1,076 2,022 2,331 2,067 848 2,264 2,184 6,591 6,542 1,978 801 1,509 2,303 2,067 597 1,734 2,144 816 821 0 275 513 28 0 251 531 39 636 1,639 126 142 155 213 233 394 524 488 636 1,373 126 142 155 213 233 394 524 222 - 266 - - - - - - - 266 Almazy Anabara 2,521 3,059 0 967 1,554 0 0 1,239 1,820 0 Nizhne-Lenskoye 2,010 1,818 0 612 1,398 0 0 584 1,234 0 36,914 36,212 7,478 9,627 9,949 9,860 7,894 8,027 9,736 10,555 ‘000 cts Aikhal Division Komsomolskaya pipe Mirny Division Alluvial and technogenic deposits Udachny Division Udachnaya pipe Udachnaya underground mine Zarnitsa pipe Nyurba Division Nyurbinskaya pipe Alluvial deposits Severalmaz Arkhangelskaya pipe Karpinskogo-1 pipe Total Ore and sands processing 51 2013 2014 Q1 2013 Q2 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 9,817 9,478 2,605 2,644 2,040 2,528 2,436 2,244 2,168 2,630 9,041 8,506 2,405 2,375 2,040 2,221 2,225 2,215 1,783 2,283 Aikhal underground mine 560 589 0 263 0 297 116 0 147 326 Komsomolskaya pipe 216 383 200 6 0 10 95 29 238 21 5,080 4,903 516 1,120 2,135 1,309 469 1,329 1,474 1,630 International underground mine 489 445 130 118 113 128 151 97 21 176 Mir underground mine 638 481 144 184 154 156 20 141 64 256 3,953 3,978 242 818 1,868 1,025 298 1,091 1,390 1,199 5,825 4,814 1,650 1,858 597 1,720 1,570 1,226 455 1,563 4,825 3,710 1,400 1,563 447 1,415 1,180 1,055 305 1,170 - 89 - - - - - - - 89 1,000 1,015 250 295 150 305 390 171 150 304 2,040 2,000 400 375 805 460 410 375 763 452 1,247 1,255 400 124 285 438 410 113 305 427 793 745 0 251 520 22 0 262 458 25 1,193 3,309 272 279 281 361 481 808 1,022 998 1,193 2,793 272 279 281 361 481 808 1,022 482 - 516 - - - - - - - 516 Almazy Anabara 6,750 5,604 0 1,874 4,876 0 0 2,200 3,404 0 Nizhne-Lenskoye 5,338 5,814 0 1,786 3,552 0 0 2,080 3,734 0 36,043 35,922 5,443 9,936 14,286 6,378 5,366 10,262 13,020 7,274 ‘000 t Aikhal Division Jubilee pipe Mirny Division Alluvial and technogenic deposits Udachny Division Udachnaya pipe Udachnaya underground mine Zarnitsa pipe Nyurba Division Nyurbinskaya pipe Alluvial deposits Severalmaz Arkhangelskaya pipe Karpinskogo-1 pipe Total Thank you! 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