Vital Signs a p r i l 2 0 1 2 A Newsletter for Employees & Friends of Arkansas Children’s Hospital ACH Centennial Celebration: President Clinton on Hand for Birthday Wishes March 2012 was a month full of excitement as ACH marked its 100th birthday! Several events took place to engage communities across the state, as well as ACH employees, in this once-in-a-lifetime celebration. The Centennial was kicked off with a news conference held Monday, March 5, hosted by Tom and Trudy Baxter, co-chairs of the 2012 committee who spoke at the event, in Children’s Hall on the ACH campus. The room was packed as ACH supporters, including legislators and other special guests, gathered to commemorate the hospital’s Centennial. Sharon Bale, Foundation board member and long-time supporter of ACH and wife of John Bale, Jr. of the ACH Board of Directors, gave an inspiring message to all who attended. ACH President and CEO Dr. Jonathan Bates spoke of the hospital’s numerous accomplishments and lauded our rich history. The After-School DrumBallet of Hope, Arkansas provided entertainment during the event, and children from the ACH Child Enrichment Center presented the total raised during the current capital campaign: $100 million! It also was announced that ACH would launch a new capital campaign, titled “A Century of Possibility”, with a goal of securing $160 million to support the hospital and its service for the next 100 years. President Bill Clinton also offered high praise for ACH and its employees, past and present, saying “One hundred years from now, a bunch of other people will be here celebrating another centennial. They won’t even know our names, but they will stand on your shoulders and for that I am very grateful.” Governor Mike Beebe spoke of his personal experiences with ACH and of the care, love and hope he has seen firsthand. “All the great statistics about this hospital pale in significance compared to the look on a parent’s face or the look on a grandparent’s face where there was fear and now there is some comfort. Where there was despair and now there is hope,” he said. On March 4 and 5, yummy petit fours and Centennial-labeled bottled waters were delivered across campus to employees and to the UAMS/ACH Centers for Children in Lowell. A 30-minute documentary titled “Arkansas Children’s Hospital: A Birthday of Birthdays” hosted by Anne Jansen premiered on KATV, Channel 7, the evening of March 6. The ACH PR team hosted a live Twitter chat during the initial broadcast to engage our many social media fans and friends. Thank you, Team ACH, for providing care, love and hope for 100 years! More Centennial celebration photos on page 3. TEDMED 2012 Simulcast Scheduled April 10-13 The TEDMED 2012 simulcast is coming April 10-13 to Chairman’s Hall at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. TEDMED is about much more than a series of exciting talks. TEDMED organizers describe it as “an event that will change your thinking,” and “where the world’s most creative minds meet healthcare’s most innovative science.” Participants include global leaders from science, research, technology, academia, business, government, and the arts. Plan to drop by Chairman’s Hall for any of the sessions listed below. For a complete list of speakers, visit http://www. or for more information contact ACH Media Services at X41012. Champions for Children Radiothon Raises $302,000 for ACH To end the Centennial celebration week, the eighth annual Champions for Children Radiothon was held in the hospital lobby. This two-day fundraising event was broadcast live on B98.5 and Alice 107.7 and raised more than $302,000 for ACH. Patients, parents, caregivers and supporters of the hospital were interviewed during the Radiothon. Special thanks to Cumulus Broadcasting, who makes the Radiothon a success each year, and the Champions for Children sponsors, including presenting sponsor Wendy’s, as well as Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas, Superior Automotive of Conway and Cricket. The Radiothon was underwritten by Forester’s. (Above) David Berry joins in the final reveal of funds raised with some of the ACH kids who shared their stories on air. Session Schedule Session 1 – 4:00 p.m., Tues. April 10 (Below) Alice 107.7’s Heather Brown and DC McGhee also were on hand to participate in the Radiothon. Session 2 – 7:45 a.m., Wed. April 11 Session 3 – 10:15 a.m., Wed.y April 11 Session 4 – 1:15 p.m., Wed. April 11 Session 5 – 4:00 p.m., Wed. April 11 Session 6 – 7:45 a.m., Thurs. April 12 Session 7 – 10:15 a.m., Thurs. April 12 Session 8 – 1:15 p.m., Thurs. April 12 Session 9 – 4:00 p.m., Thurs. April 12 Session 10 – 7:45 a.m., Fri. April 13 Session 11 – 10:15 a.m., Fri. April 13 (Above from left to right) B98.5 radio personalities Jeff Matthews, Lisa Fischer and Becky Rogers show their excitement when the final total is revealed. (Left) Emma Cornwell, former ACH patient, helped by holding the “quiet” sign in the ACH lobby during the broadcast. voLunteer Corner Spring Brings Wishes and Needs Are you looking for a spring project for your group or organization? You can become an ACH helper by providing a few new items for our patients! Our Spring Wish List items are listed below to assist you in your shopping: • Baby booties/socks (0-3 months) • Disposable cameras • Handheld electronic games • X Box 360 wireless controllers • Wii games (rated “E”) • Batteries (C and D sizes only) • Fingernail polish & remover • MP3 players • Mr./Mrs. Potato Heads (mini size) • Jewelry beads (glass, ceramic) • Sports/insulated mugs & water bottles • Teen gift items • Rubik’s cubes • Earbuds • Farkle canister games (or similar) • Adult white undershirts – all sizes • Gift cards (Toys R Us, Walmart, Target) If you would like to donate these items, please contact Volunteer Services at or 364-1825. You may also visit our website,, and click on “Other Ways to Help” for more ideas! ACH Runs in the Marathon Take ACH Out to the Ballgame! ACH Family Night with the Travelers As part of ACH Employee Appreciation Month, come out to cheer for the Arkansas Travelers baseball team on ACH night, Thursday, May 31* at Dickey-Stephens Park in North Little Rock. The Travs will be playing the Corpus Christi Hooks. Show your ACH ID at the ACH booth to receive free admission and seating for you and your immediate family until 8 p.m. After 8 p.m. you will be charged regular park admission at the gate. A complimentary hot dog and soft drink coupon is provided for ACH employees and each family member. Gates open at 6:05 p.m. and the game begins at 7:10 p.m. ACH’s own Delya Russell will be singing the National Anthem. Come and find out who is on hand to pitch out the first ball for ACH! *Rain date: June 1st. There is a parking charge for parking in the lot adjacent to the park. Parking on surrounding streets is free. ACH Tlme CapsuLe...Do you know? March ACH Employee Centennial Trivia Winner: Ines Velasquez-McBryde Congratulations to Ines Velasquez-McBryde, a Medical Interpreter in Interpreter Services, for winning the second round of ACH employee Centennial trivia! Ines correctly answered that Orlando P. Christian’s first board-approved salary was $150 a month. She has won a Centennial-themed item from the Playway Gift Shop! For your chance to win, submit your answer to the trivia question below to Ginny Wiedower in the Public Relations department at! Question: Neonatal Transport allows Arkansas Children’s Hospital to reach children across Arkansas and surrounding states. How many miles did the newly established Neonatal Transport system at ACH log in its first six months of existence? Hop in the time machine found at to find the answer! ACH Fitness News Several ACH team members participated in the Little Rock Marathon held on March 4. The employees pictured here took part in the 5K, 10 K, half-marathon or the full marathon. Your Organized Spring Before the spring cleaning begins at home or the office, clear out and organize the essential stuff. Key Concepts for Home and Office 1. Keep it small. Plan to organize one drawer, shelf or cabinet at a time so you avoid becoming overwhelmed. Once complete, start on another mini-area as you are inspired and motivated by your success. 2012 Fight for Air Climb, May 5 Join or Support Team ACH! More than a walk, more than a run...go vertical for a unique challenge! The 2012 Fight for Air Climb will take place May 5 at the Metropolitan Tower located on Broadway in Little Rock. The Fight for Air Climb is a unique event in which individuals and teams race, run or walk up the 48 floors to the top of the Metropolitan Tower. Create a team of friends, family or co-workers and compete together. Whether your goal is just to reach the top or to be the first to cross the finish line—you will walk away with new respect for your lungs. Check Vital Signs Daily for a link to the website to register for or donate to Team ACH. Just click ‘Join Team’ above our team name or ‘Make a Gift’ to the right of our team roster and follow a few easy steps. The password to register for the team is ‘CLH’. 2. Focus on access. Designating a place where you can quickly find and replace items used frequently takes some thought and planning, but it’s the key to staying organized. 3. Store like things together. Gather all your tools, pens, black pants, etc. and store them together. This makes it easier to find when you need something and gives a better sense of how much you really own. 4. Go up! Use vertical space if you have cramped quarters. A six-shelf book case takes up the same footprint as the four-shelf, but you get 50% more room for storage. 5. Go up on your desk, too. Use vertical file sorters (I like the stadium style best since you can see everything at a glance) rather than horizontal in-boxes for your active files. This makes it easier to find the important stuff and takes less valuable desktop space. 6. Label it. Use a label maker or just a Sharpie on tape. Naming an area helps in two ways: First, the writing is a memory jogger for your brain and makes finding less used stuff easier. The second is an “insider tip”: 85% of people will NOT put the wrong thing into an area that is clearly labeled. Good to know when you are sharing space! 7. Color and Consistency – the 2 C’s of filing. Use different colors as a shortcut for the brain when choosing your folders or labels. Set aside a time each week to file – staying ahead is so much easier than catching up. It’s not magic, but it works! 8. Step back and admire your organizing efforts, then congratulate yourself on a job well done! 2 Tips provided by Becca Clark of Creative Convenience ( ACH Family Field Day Saturday, May 5 • 10 a.m. – Noon ACH East Campus Fitness Center All ACH families are invited to join us for the ACH Employee Family Field Day! Each child (ages 12 and under) will receive a passport to be stamped for participation at each recreation station. Recreation stations will include: • Jump Zone • Chex Mix Mania • Obstacle Course • Home Run Derby • 3-Legged Race • Dodgeball • Bobbleheads • Much more! Once each child’s passport is stamped at each station, they will receive a goodie bag and be entered into a drawing for door prizes. Call X41088 if you have any questions about this fun family event. 2012 Fit4Kids Camp The ACH Fitness Center is hosting a summer fitness camp for employees’ children ages 8-12. Camp dates are Monday, July 16 – Friday, July 20 from 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sign-up begins May 7. The price of summer camp is $100 and there is a $25 non-refundable deposit the day of sign-up. The camp limit is 40 kids so be sure to register early to guarantee a spot for your child. The camp provides breakfast and two snacks; kids will need to bring a packed lunch. For questions, please call the Fitness Center at X41088. ACH CeLebrates a Birthday In celebration of the ACH Centennial, the office building has been “wrapped” with a new design. (Above) Several speakers and guests were present at Chairman’s Hall during the celebration. (Left to right) 2012 committee member Sharon Bale, Governor Mike Beebe, 2012 committee co-chairs Tom and Trudy Baxter, ACH President and CEO Dr. Jonathan Bates and former President Bill Clinton. A rare photo op occured at the Centennial celebration on March 5 – four Arkansas governors together in one place. (Left to right) Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe (2007present), former Governor and President Bill Clinton (1979-81 and 1983-92), Dale Bumpers (1971-75) and David Pryor (1975-79). (Left) Hollywood celebrity and founder of the Children’s Miracle Network, John Schneider, visits with ACH patient Haven McCormack at the Century of Possibility luncheon. Haven was the 2011 Children’s Miracle Network Hospital Champion Child for Arkansas. Birthday Wishes from the Capitol Staff Development Calendar Staff Development is coordinating the following training opportunities in April. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Charell Young at X43507. Sign up for courses through the ACH Training System and check Vital Signs Daily on the new Team ACH for more information. On February 29, Senator Joyce Elliott presented several ACH staff representatives a senate citation honoring ACH’s 100th anniversary on the floor of the Arkansas state senate. (Left to right) Susan Bauson, RN; Senator Linda Chesterfield; Bertha Chavarria, STAT team; Brad Collins, Pharmacy; Dr. Jonathan Bates, ACH President and CEO; Meg Green, Clinical Nutrition; Senator Joyce Elliott; Mary Aitken, MD, and Judy Weathers, Environmental Services. 4/9 Traditions 4/10 Traditions (Day 2) 4/11 Diversity Café: “Digging a Little Deeper” 4/12 Coaching for Improvement 4/16 Horizons 4/17 Building and Environment of Trust 4/18 Juggling Elephants 4/23 Traditions 4/24 Traditions (Day 2) 4/25 Basics of Human Resource Management 4/26 “Can You Hear Me Now?” Communication 3 20 celebrating years April Anniversaries 5 years Lorna Potaka-Osborne, RN III, Patient Care Manager, Recovery Room Maria Apuya Christy Avalle Jackie Barton Shannon Brewington Mikhael Campbell Angela Dean Nicole Guenther Rosa Hardnett Leighsan Harrod Inna Hemphill 1. What is it about ACH that has motivated you to work here for so long? I enjoy the people I work with and the children I care for. 2. What are your special interests outside of work? Travel, animal rescue, Broadway shows and concerts, and equestrian events. 3. What are three words that best describe you? LORNA POTAKA OSBORNE. 4. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play you in the lead role? I am really quite unique but if I had to choose someone it would have to be Joanne Frost, the Super Nanny. 5. If you could have one super power, what would it be? To be able to fly. 6. What is one fun fact about you that few people know? I guided an eight-man raft, full of men, down a grade five river in West Virginia, after our guide fell and dislocated his shoulder. 7. If you could trade places with any other person for a week – famous or not, living or dead – with whom would it be? My dogs because they live in the lap of luxury. 8. If you were a raindrop, where is the one place that you’d want to land? New Zealand, my homeland. 9. What is the best advice you ever received? Don’t sweat the small stuff. Casey Hughes Cristy Hutto Danyell Lindsey James McGlaughn Paula Oliver Mirjana Slaughter Richard Tatum Stephen Walter Aaron Wheat Corinna Williams 10 years Tiffany Brown Kristen Chalmers Georgia Franklin Michelle Gober Traci Hackler Patsy Lewis Tamica Merriweather Anita McDorman Ben Sims Jennifer Wible Stewart Whaley Aprile Wicker Elizabeth Woolfolk 20 years Thomas Harrison Donna Mathews Lorna Potaka-Osborne Tracy Underwood Congratulations 25 years Tamara Arick 30 years Jamie Bond Sheila Winston The Arkansas Center for Birth Defects Research and Prevention, along with UAMS and ACHRI (shown above), recently received the Birth Defects Education and Prevention Award for 2011 from the National Birth Defects Prevention Network. The award honors the outstanding activities of an agency to promote public awareness of birth defects through innovative and collaborative education and prevention efforts. Stacie Jones, MD, Chief of Allergy and Immunology at ACH, has been elected to the 2012 Editorial Board of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, a publication of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Congratulations, Dr. Jones, on this prestigious election! Two ACH GPC nurses, Lisa Spikes, RN IV, and Karalyn Kerby, RN III, have had a poster accepted for the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN) convention in Orlando this May. The title of their poster is “NICU graduates, monthly injections, third party reimbursement; How do we manage during RSV season?” The role of the Synagis coordinator in the Outpatient Clinic.” Editor’s Note: Each month, employees and staff who are celebrating milestone anniversaries at ACH are invited to share their experiences with Vital Signs. Those who agree to be interviewed are featured on this page on a first-come, first-served basis. Oops! We’re Sorry! Cynthia Ratliff’s last name was printed incorrectly in last month’s anniversary listings. ACH Awarded Environmental Accomplishment Shred-it of Arkansas recently presented ACH with a certificate of Environmental Accomplishment for the hospital’s paper recycling efforts. Recycling of confidential paper documents saved 791 trees in 2011! Congratulations team ACH! Accepting the award are (left to right) Wardell Brown, Jr., Aaron Lindbergh and Joe Knight. New Arrivals Sarah Downard, a patient care technician in 4E/4H CVICU, and her husband Chad welcomed a baby girl, Emma Kate, on March 9. She weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz. and measured 19 inches. Congratulations Sarah and Chad on your beautiful baby girl! Kim Gates, RN II in 4E/4H CVICU, and her husband Jason welcomed baby boy Cannon Jacob Gates March 12. He weighed in at 9 lbs., 5 oz. and 20.5 inches. Congratulations Kim and Jason on your new bundle of joy! Vital Signs Vital Signs is published monthly for the employees, staff and volunteers of Arkansas Children’s Hospital, 1 Children’s Way,Little Rock, Arkansas, 72202-3591; (501) 364-1100. Visit the all new President/Chief Executive Officer: Jonathan Bates, MD • Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer: David Berry Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs & Chief Medical Officer: W. Robert Morrow, MD • Senior Vice President & Chief Business Development Officer: Carole Zylman Director of Communications: Dan McFadden, APR • Manager of Publications: Michael Spigner • Editor: Ginny Wiedower • Photographer: Kelley Cooper 4
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