ww 5 Korea’s Automotive Testing, Evaluation and Quality Engineering Trade Fair! w. O R te N EG st LI IS ing NE TE FR -e NO R EE to xpo W! ko at re t a en d! .c om March 17, 18, 19, 2015 Korea International Exhibition Center (KINTEX) Seoul, Korea www.testing-expokorea.com AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO KOREA 2015 Abinger House, Church Street, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1DF, UK Tel: +44 1306 743744 Fax: +44 1306 877411 email: expo@ukipme.com TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP PROGRAM FR t EE o t at en d! 5 HIGHLY FOCUSED TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP PROGRAM TUEsday March 17, 2015 10.00 – 10.45 tbc 11.00 – 11.45 ETAS LABCAR: Open and modular architecture HiL Testing System Taekhyun Kim, ETAS 1. LABCAR features and benefits 2. LABCAR system architecture 3. LABCAR use case: 3.1 Powertrain HiL 3.2 Chassis & ADAS HiL 3.3 HEV/EV HiL 3.4 Full vehicle simulator HiL 4. Function in the loop: front loading for HiL testing 12.00 – 12.45 Time-synchronous acquisition of strain measurement data at high bandwidth Christian Paul, sales director Asia, CSM Measurement data rates up to 10kHz are becoming increasingly important for mobile road tests, especially with regard to durability. In this field, CAN-based measurement technology is quickly reaching its limits. Therefore, an easy-to-handle technology allowing the time-synchronous acquisition of strain measurement data is needed. The EtherCAT protocol with its integrated time synchronization mechanisms provides optimal conditions for this purpose. CSM EtherCAT MiniModules can be operated either directly with an EtherCAT master or via XCP-Gateway using XCP-compatible standard software, commonly applied in mobile road tests. Robust and compact housing allow decentralized installation, making the modules ideal for mobile use. Introduction to software verification automation tools. Introduction to best practices in verification and validation service in the automotive industry. Main Content Introduction for software automation verification tools Static analysis tools 1. Checks violence of coding rules (MISRA – C, C++, AC, etc.) 2. Introduction to RTE (run-time error) tool Dynamic test tool 1. Introduction to unit test and integration test verification tool Introduction to best practices in verification and validation service Trends in verification and validation service List of verification and validation service Best practice for verification and validation service Case for providing automotive software solution (through requirement from OEM) 16.00 – 16.45 HIL test solution for e-mobility SCC (Smart Charge Communication) Lee, Kun-Woo, business development manager, Vector E-mobility activities were motivated by environment protection and efficient energy consumption. The EV (electric vehicle) is a representative product of e-mobility, and an infrastructure of publicly accessible charging stations to recharge EVs has been created. SCC (Smart Charge Communication) defines a communication protocol that is used for charging EVs and is connected between EV and EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supplying Equipment). The EV has an OBC (on-board charger) unit that charges the EV battery and communicates with the EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment). Vector supplies EV manufacturers and EVSE providers with SCC test systems. It not only supports test cases defined in ISO 15118 but also works as a HIL test system with fault injection useful for EV or EVSE development. It generates and receives CP (control pilot) signal via the physical layer of SCC realized in the test system and supports GREEN PHY PLC according to ISO standard. 14.00 – 14.45 tbc 15.00 – 15.45 Status of automotive software validation Yu, Kwangkeun (Kevin Yu), executive director, Suresofttech Introduction to recent trends in automotive software validation. Register online FREE! www.testing-expokorea.com WEDNEsday March 18, 2015 10.00 – 10.45 Real driving emissions – a game changer for the industry? Mastering on-road emissions targets with integrated vehicle testing solution AVL M.O.V.E Ernst-Georg Lorinser, application engineer, AVL Heavy-duty trucks, passenger cars and off-road machinery are still certified on emission test cycles. Recent benchmark studies clearly show that the real driving emissions of vehicles may massively exceed the regulatory emission limits that are used for certification on the test cycles. It has been found that this gap has increased even further over the past decade for cars. To tackle this issue, the EPA in the USA introduced portable emission measurement systems (PEMS) testing on the road for heavy-duty trucks in 2007, followed by Europe in 2013. Now the European Commission is introducing a similar approach for passenger cars with real driving emission regulation (RDE) from EU6b (September 2014) onward. RDE is imposing new challenges and complexity on today’s approach for the development of vehicles and engines. There is certainly no silver bullet to battle the ever-increasing complexity but AVL’s complete solution portfolio makes the difference. AVL can support any development project for RDE at all levels. 11.00 – 11.45 X-ray tomography for dense sprays Jongmook Lim, VP product development, En’urga En’Urga Inc has developed a computed tomography system with a commercial soft x-ray source and detectors for quantitative mass density measurement in dense sprays. The x-ray tomography system consists of simultaneous multiple view measurements with high spatial (0.1mm) and temporal (1.1kHz) resolution. The soft x-ray tomography system has the potential to be used for the quality audit of largescale industrial nozzles with high flow rates as well as short-duration automotive injectors where the high levels of obscuration render conventional optical techniques ineffective. 12.00 – 12.45 Synchronizing the asynchronous; a data acquisition technology and its practical advantages Raimund Trummer, Dewetron How can today’s busy automotive test engineers ensure fast testing and robust results? The sheer number of vastly different signal sources like analog, digital, CAN, GPS, Flexray, XCP, video, etc. seem to be no longer manageable. New technologies are needed to enable comprehensive testing without significantly more effort and expenditure of time. The ever-growing number of sensors and systems in new vehicles makes all kinds of testing, like durability, vehicle dynamics, ADAS or electrical power analysis, more complex. This session will show how a smart data acquisition technology can help counter the increasing complexity. 14.00 – 14.45 tbc 15.00 – 15.45 Innovative electric vehicle components validation & performance evaluation technique (OBC, battery, inverter, motor, converter) Jongwoo Kim, automotive electronics strategy marketing, National Instruments Korea Korea automotive real-time testing cutting-edge trend. High-speed model-based HIL system using FPGA technology. Japanese automotive HIL system application trend with Subaru case study. Innovative electric vehicle components validation & performance evaluation technique (OBC, battery, inverter, motor, converter). 16.00 – 16.45 tbc THURSDAY March 19, 2015 10.00 – 10.45 Accelerating vehicle development with next-generation driving simulation technology Professor Mark Gillan, PhD, director of MTS Motorsports Technology Group, MTS Among the greatest threats to efficient vehicle development is the need to perform expensive, late-stage rework on prototypes during track validation. This presentation profiles an advanced driving simulator that minimizes such rework by enabling engineers to address handling issues and the impacts of design changes efficiently, while vehicles are still in early development. Created to accelerate Formula 1 vehicle development, the next-generation Vehicle Dynamics Simulator (VDS) seamlessly integrates state-of-theart dynamic motion simulation and sensory cueing with virtual vehicle and terrain models, and physical test hardware. Compact and energy efficient, the VDS is well-suited for office, lab or track deployment, providing a common point of reference for designers and engineers across the development continuum. 11.00 – 11.45 An effective verification and validation strategy by software building and testing automation Joon Pang, team manager, MDS Technology This presentation will introduce the Software Accelerating Delivery processes in order to conduct efficient development and suggest an effective verification and validation strategy. 12.00 – 12.45 Automotive ECU testing with power supply & E-Load from Kikusui Dong-Hoon Lee, manager/support team leader, Can Systems The automotive electrical power source has many unstable elements like engine ignition, electric contact, electrical noise. So all electrical equipment in vehicles needs sufficient testing. You can test it with the power supply from Kikusui through the simulation of unstable electrical power source. The presentation will introduce the application. *This program may be subject to change Register online FREE! www.testing-expokorea.com FR 2056 FLOOR PLAN Hall 10 3065 3068 5077 6052 7084 7082 1056 3062 5074 1053 5071 6049 7075 6046 7073 7080 2050 1050 3056 5062 2040 Technology Workshop 3050 6039 7071 5068 6043 5065 6041 7069 7067 6036 6037 7042 7036 2039 nSales Booth nOrganizer’s Office nTechnology Workshop 3051 5054 3048 5057 6033 7063 7030 7027 2030 3039 3036 5042 6021 7039 5048 6030 1045 3030 2024 1042 1047 1041 1038 1037 1039 1036 2021 3029 2018 2012 3028 5033 3027 5021 5030 7021 6012 5024 7018 3021 5020 3015 5015 5018 5012 7015 6005 7012 6003 7007 7009 5009 1027 2006 1021 2003 3009 3012 5006 7006 3006 1018 7003 3003 5003 1012 1006 7024 6013 2009 1024 1009 6018 6015 6009 2015 3018 1030 5036 3025 1033 1015 7033 6027 7051 1048 2000 3000 3001 6000 7000 5000 Organisers Office ENTRANCE REGISTRATION CONTACT DETAILS: AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO KOREA 2015 Dominic Cundy | UKIP Media & Events Ltd | Abinger House | Church Street | Dorking | Surrey | RH4 1DF | UK Tel: +44 1306 743744 | Fax: +44 1306 877411 Email: dominic.cundy@ukipme.com Web: www.testing-expo.com EXHIBITION OPENING TIMES March 17 09.30hrs – 17.00hrs March 1809.30hrs – 17.00hrs March 19 09.30hrs – 15.00hrs Register online NOW to receive your FREE visitor pass/badge and avoid delays at registration! Exhibitor List (As of 12.02.2014) 2G M&T Co Ltd........................................................................6041 Accurate Technologies Inc.......................................................5042 ACT System Co Ltd..................................................................3029 Advanced Digital Technology Co Ltd........................................1036 AICON Asia LLC.......................................................................5024 Amber Precision Instruments...................................................6033 Ansys Korea............................................................................3009 Ascott Analytical Equipment Limited........................................5015 ATICS Engineering...................................................................7033 Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI).....................3056 AVL List GmbH.........................................................................1018 Berndorf Band GmbH...............................................................7009 BGF Corporation......................................................................2006 Blum-Novotest Ltd...................................................................7075 Brüel & Kjaer Korea.................................................................2003 BTS Technologies INC..............................................................3062 CAMA (Luoyang) Electromechanic Co Ltd................................7006 Cambustion Ltd.......................................................................1012 CANsystem Co Ltd...................................................................5009 Cincinnati Sub-Zero Products..................................................6027 CLIMATS..................................................................................5048 CM Envirosystems Pvt Ltd.......................................................7036 CSM GmbH..............................................................................6009 CYLOS Co Ltd..........................................................................1038 D2T Korea Co Ltd....................................................................3050 Dasan RND..............................................................................5020 Dewetron Korea.......................................................................3006 Dongling Technologies.............................................................7030 Dynatec Co Ltd........................................................................7000 Dynatronic Corporation Ltd......................................................1027 Dytran Instruments..................................................................1038 ECON Technologies Co Ltd.......................................................6030 EnUrga Inc...............................................................................7012 ETAS Korea Co Ltd...................................................................2024 ETS Solutions Asia Pte Ltd.......................................................1030 Fabreeka GmbH.......................................................................1033 Famtech..................................................................................6015 FTR Korea................................................................................7063 HanilProTech Inc......................................................................6000 HANTEST.................................................................................7042 HBM Korea..............................................................................5065 Honeywell Sensing and Control...............................................1009 HORIBA Automotive Test Systems Ltd......................................1006 IDR Corporation.......................................................................3018 IK Corporation..........................................................................1033 Instron Structural Testing Systems GmbH................................1021 InterTech Development Company............................................2021 Intertek - Transportation Technologies.....................................3039 Intrepid Control Systems Inc....................................................3025 IREA system industry Co Ltd....................................................7051 JASTEC Co LTD........................................................................3021 JAT Co Ltd...............................................................................5036 EE to at t JFM ........................................................................................1030 JFM ........................................................................................1039 JINN Co Ltd.............................................................................2015 JKS Co Ltd...............................................................................1037 KCEI Co Ltd.............................................................................3028 Kistler Korea Co Ltd.................................................................6003 KMI (Korea Measuring Instrument) System..............................3048 Korea Agilent Technologies Co Ltd...........................................2039 Korvis Corp..............................................................................5030 KOSTECH Inc...........................................................................1042 KTM Engineering Inc................................................................1024 LTG Akteingesellschaft ............................................................3051 Magus Technology Coporation.................................................3000 MAHA AIP GmbH & Co KG........................................................2018 MDS Technology......................................................................3001 Mechanical Simulation Corporation.........................................2009 Meggitt Sensing Systems........................................................5036 Meidensha Corporation............................................................6012 MESSRING Systembau MSG GmbH..........................................6005 MS Elemec Co Ltd...................................................................3015 MTM Corporation.....................................................................3030 MTS Systems Corporation.......................................................3003 NAC Image Technology Inc / ARRI............................................5033 Nanjing JIUDING Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Equipment Co Ltd......................................................................................7007 National Instruments Korea.....................................................2050 Nubicom Inc............................................................................5074 NV Solutions Ltd......................................................................6013 Ocube Co Ltd...........................................................................7067 PCO AG....................................................................................7027 Polytec Gmbh..........................................................................5012 Psylogic Inc.............................................................................5018 Reich Korea Co Ltd..................................................................7003 Rohde & Schwarz Korea Limited..............................................3027 Samjin Corporation..................................................................5068 SE Systems Inc........................................................................6000 Seoul Industry Engineering Co Ltd...........................................5003 Shinho Systems Co Ltd............................................................2009 Siemens Industry Software Ltd................................................3012 SM Instruments Inc.................................................................2056 Sung An Tech Co Ltd................................................................2040 Suresoft Technologies Inc...............................7039 + 7021 + 7015 Suzhou Dongling Vibration Test Instrument Co Ltd...................6015 Taylor Dynamometer...............................................................1015 Tekscan Inc.............................................................................6021 Teledyne LeCroy Korea Ltd......................................................5000 TNE Tech. Co Ltd.....................................................................6036 Vector Korea IT Inc...................................................................5006 Visol Inc...................................................................................6018 Vivus Co Ltd............................................................................7018 Woojin Technology...................................................................6037 Yokogawa Electric Korea Co Ltd...............................................2030 Register online FREE! www.testing-expokorea.com en d!
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