10 The Graphic-Advocate LEGALS CENTRAL SCHOOL REMEMBERS January, 1975 40 Years Ago Pop Tops, by Bob Claiborne – Americans must be getting stronger. Twenty years ago it took two people to carry ten dollars worth of groceries. Today, any little old lady can do it. There were an even dozen winners in the Lake City Chamber of Commerce Christmas drawing held December 24, but it was hard to tell who was the biggest winner. Betsy Miller of Lake City held the lucky ticket that made her the winner of the 1975 Plymouth Duster that was the drawing’s grand prize. Other winners included Ray Hildreth ($25 worth meat), Mrs. Raymond Finck ($50 worth meat), Dwight Morenz ($50 Scrip Money), Mello Knoblle (50 gallons gasoline), Emma Garnatz ($25 worth meat), Wayne McMeekin (3-speed bike), Charles Burley ($50 scrip money), Donald Van Ahn ($25.00 worth meat), Harry Clow (50 gallons gasoline), Al Keary ($25 worth meat) and Mrs. Lloyd Ellis ($50 worth meat). Pot Roast, Lb., 99c; Butternut Coffee, 3-Lb. Tin, $3.20; Lettuce, Head, 15c; Ice Cream, Half Gallon, 79c —Ryan’s Super Valu. Those attending the wedding of Cheryl Hanson and Wallace Carlson at Ringsted were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burley, Deb and Robbie, Mrs. O. E. Frank of Rockwell City, Mr. and Mrs. Estelle Blair and Shanda of Rockwell City, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Toms and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Remsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Warren McMeekin, Mike Remsburg of Davenport, Rhea Folkers of Iowa City, Claudia McMeekin of Logan, Mrs. Martha Freeman and Mrs. Pauline Friedel. Mrs. Hanson, the bride’s mother is the former Kathryn Burley. Letter to the Editor – On behalf of the patients at Stewart Memorial Hospital, I would like to thank our dedicated employees who worked during the recent storm. Many worked 16 hours before relief could get to the hospital so they could provide care to the patients. For some, it was their first snowmobile ride while others arrived in city snowplows. — Edward H. Maahs, Administrator. Iowa Governor Robert Ray, accompanied by Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Robert H. Lounsberry, U. S. Representative Berkley Bedel and Iowa Civil Defense Director Donald Hinman, arrived in Sac County last Friday morning by helicopter to make a personal tour of the hard hit area left by the killing blizzard. Luther Stock [ASCS Director] reported that as of Monday noon he had report of 1943 dead cattle; 1694 hogs from 60 to 200 lbs.; 49 sheep; 300 to 400 dead chickens and 3 horses. Nancy Walters was guest of honor at a bridal shower held for her at the Woodlawn Christian Church last Wednesday evening. There were about fifty persons in attendance. Mrs. Delbert Walters and Mrs. Bill Picht, mothers of the couple, were presented with corsages as well as Miss Walters. The program opened with a reading by Mrs. Herbert Doty. A skit was then presented by Mrs. Von Pierce, Mrs. Gerald Dial, Mrs. Ray Stromer and Mrs. Loren Clark which was patterned after the program “Queen for a Day.” Mrs. Ray Stromer poured Coffee and Mrs. Sam Finley dipped punch. Carol Walters, her sister, assisted with the gifts. January, 1925 90 Years Ago The Odd Fellows will hold their annual rabbit hunt on January 7th and a feed fit for a king will take place the following evening. Friday, December 24, the class of 1921 held a reunion banquet in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. About half the class including Miss Howell, their one-time sponsor, gathered around the table and related former escapades and happenstances. Letters and telegrams were read from many who could not be here. The class boasts a good many college students, several successful teachers, some expert salesmen, a number of young farmers, several efficient housewives, one trained nurse, one city taxi driver, one optometrist, one linotype operator and one skilled wood worker. Miss Ruth Yetter, senior class president acted as mistress of ceremonies, but everyone had something of interest to say. Among the pleasant recollections was the class party in the M. E. Church basement when red pepper served in place of confetti, the junior picnic at Lakeview, senior Celebrating 63 62 Years of Better Hearing Care BERRY HEARING AID & AUDIOLOGY CENTER " "! " FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 1WK6W)RUW'RGJH Lake City Service Center- 2nd Thursday each month *VYHS41\K Dr. Coral M. Jud Audiologist (\KPVSVNPZ[ Lake City Plaza Apartments Affordable Housing offering 2 bedroom apartments, refrigerator and stove, resident controlled heat, on site laundry, handicap units. Rental Assistance Available. Application Available call 712-580-5360 “This institution is an Equal Opportunity provider and employer.” rabbit hunt, the color fight of 192021 and the big inter-class track meet at Rainbow. The local telephone girls wish to express their appreciation of the many gifts received by them from the patrons of the Central Mutual. They were well remembered at this Christmas time and they extend their sincere thanks to all. Council Proceedings – Moved that pay for labor except ditching be limited to 40 cents per hour in future. Fire completely destroyed the farm home on the E. W. Townsend farm occupied by Lee Heath and family, five miles northwest of town at about 6:00 last Thursday evening. It was thought to have caught from a defective chimney, the fire starting in the attic, and when discovered had gained prominent headway. The fire company was summoned, but the chemical truck stalled at the foot of Benson hill and the boys were handicapped by the loss of their chief weapon of defense. Most of the contents of the house were saved. It is none too early for folks to begin thinking about smoking that glass through which they may gaze at the partial eclipse of the sun due on the morning of Saturday, January 24. A few people here distinctly remember the eclipse of August 7, 1869. One lady says she well remembers how the stars came out and chickens went to roost and the most skeptical people were sure the world was coming to an end and all sorts of catastrophes were upon them. The Cash and Carry Grocery, E. Reardon, Proprietor – Saturday Specials – Jergin’s toilet soap, 4 bars, 25c; Italian prunes, 40 percent syrup, 3 cans, 50c; Pride washing powder, large pkg., 11c; P.A. tobacco, 2 cans, 25c. Lake City Fire Company Presents Big Fun Show – “Follies of 1925” – 50 home people under the direction of Mrs. W. Plummer of Sioux City. At the Community Building, Lake City, Thursday and Friday, Feb. 5-6. Snappy chorus of the home town’s sweetest girls - elaborate costumes, dazzling scenic effects. Fun and fine features from start to finish. Tickets on sale at Chapman & Garrett’s, Curtain at 8:15 p.m., Admission 50c – Children under 12, 25c. Legals are your right to know! Send Us Your New Address Before You Move Please, So We Can Send You Your Subscription! JANUARY 28, 2015 COURTHOUSE NEWS Speeding: Scott Thomas Wetz, Sioux City; Terrones Israel San Juan, Webster City; Payton Lane Rice, Manson; Matthew John Finck, Durant; Luis Eduardo Morales Gonzales, Storm Lake; Brandon Keith Virgil, Ames; Danny Lynn Breyfogle, Panora; Richard John Monahan, Lohrville; Chris Lawrence Huegerich, Breda; Benjamin Milo Hovland, Philadelphia, PA; Sidney Kay Loxterkamp, Sac City. No Valid Driver’s License: Terrones Israel San Juan, Webster City. Violation of Financial Liability Coverage: Terrones Israel San Juan, Webster City. Fail to Carry Registration Card: James Orville Pritchard, Pocahontas. Operation Without Registration: Dirk Paul Cutrer, Pomeroy. Fail to Yield to Emergency Vehicle: Leroy Allen Harris, Fort Dodge. Failure to Comply With Safety Regulation Rules: Lloyd William Mandernach, Lake View; Robert Bruce Petrovich, Colville, WA; Mark A. Burchfield, Spring Green, WI. Civil Court Judgments: Amy Dawn Rodriguez vs Rogelio Rodriguez, Respondent must pay $100.00 per month child support beginning 02/01/15. Katie K. Sievers vs Justin L. Sievers, Respondent must pay $50.00 court costs. Marlene Armbrecht vs Roger & Neva Marie Stoos, $1791.97 judgment with interest at the rate of 2.21% from 01/20/15, & court costs. Magistrate/District Court Judgments: State of Iowa vs Oksana Emma Gregg Gesiriech, Urbandale, Speeding, $242.25; & No valid driver’s license, $465.00. State of Iowa vs Dustin Alan Pope, Assault while displaying a dangerous weapon, 2 years suspended prison sentence, 2 years probation to Department of Corrections, $625.00 suspended fine, suspended surcharge, $216.06 court costs, & no contact with victim for 5 years; & 3rd degree harassment, Dismissed, $75.50 court costs. State of Iowa vs William James Valentine, Operation without registration card or plate, Dismissed, $60.00 court costs. State of Iowa vs Jesse Kirk Vandenbasch, Assault, $297.24. State of Iowa vs Grant Thomas Wells, Fonda, Operation without registration, $161.25. Quit Claim Deed: Brad Kunecke to Ron Kunecke, Lts. 5 & 6, Blk. 5, Wilson Addn., Lake City. No Rev. Mortgage: Monte J. Leith & Heather A. Leith to Heartland Bank, Tr., NE1/4 Section 30-89-31 (Subject to Easement); & 1.98 Ac. Tr., SE1/4 NE1/4 Section 30-89-31. Kriss J. Lightner & Debra R. Lightner to Home State Bank, W1/2 SE1/4 Section 18-86-32. Modification of Mortgage: Randy W. Kruse & Lesley G. Kruse to United Bank of Iowa, S. 66’ SW1/4 Blk. 6, Sifford’s 1st Addn., Lake City. Mortgage Release: United Bank of Iowa to Joshua A. Daniel, N1/2 Lt. 2, Blk. 8, Fulkerson Addn., Lake City. (4) Affidavit: Elaine Keane to Vivian McCormick Life Estate, Elaine Keene & Elaine Keane, N1/2 NE1/4 Section 35-86-32; N1/4 S1/2 NE1/4 Section 35-86-32; S3/4 of S1/2 of NE1/4 Section 35-86-32; N1/2 N1/2 SE1/4 Section 3586-32. (Terminate Life Estate) Forfeiture of Contract: Mike Smith & Ruth Smith to Emily Pelz & Steven Pelz, Lt. 3, Blk. 5, Moody & Davy’s Addn., Pomeroy. IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF PROPERTY SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE FROM: KYLE A. LENZ COURT NO: SPCV501848 Seizing agency: Calhoun County Sheriff IN REM FORFEITURE COMPLAINT (809A.13) (809A.8(1)(a)(2) Owner(s) of Property: Kyle A. Lenz Person(s) in possession or control: Calhoun County Sheriff Person(s) with Security Interest: 1. The State seeks to forfeit the property described as follows: Marksman BB gun pistol .177 Serial #8502040 2. The Estimated value of the property: $150 3. Date property was seized: September 15, 1990 4. Location of seizure: Calhoun County 5. The conduct giving rise to forfeiture: Criminal activity that resulted in Robbery charges. 6. The property is subject to forfeiture under Iowa Code Chapter 809A as the result of conduct giving rise to forfeiture. WHEREFORE, the State requests that the property be forfeited pursuant to Chapter 809A. STATE OF IOWA COUNTY OF CALHOUN SS: I Tina Meth Farrington, being duly sworn, state that the information contained in this complaint is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Tina Meth Farrington Prosecuting Attorney Sworn and subscribed to before me on this 21st day of November, 2014 by the prosecutor whose signature appears above. Chris M. Fistler Notary Public/Clerk/Deputy Clerk NOTICE 809A.13 provides, in general, as follows: IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF PROPERTY SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE FROM: APRIL ANN SONDGEROTH COURT NO: SPCV501847 Seizing agency: Calhoun County Sheriff IN REM FORFEITURE COMPLAINT (809A.13) (809A.8(1)(a)(2) Owner(s) of Property: April Ann Sondgeroth, Rick Kraft Person(s) in possession or control: Calhoun County Sheriff Person(s) with Security Interest: 1. The State seeks to forfeit the property described as follows: Titan .25 Serial #D834361F and Helwan 9mm Serial #9836 with holster and clips 2. The Estimated value of the property: $500 3. Date property was seized: December, 28 1995 4. Location of seizure: Calhoun County 5. The conduct giving rise to forfeiture: Criminal activity. 6. The property is subject to forfeiture under Iowa Code Chapter 809A as the result of conduct giving rise to forfeiture. WHEREFORE, the State requests that the property be forfeited pursuant to Chapter 809A. STATE OF IOWA COUNTY OF CALHOUN SS: I Tina Meth Farrington, being duly sworn, state that the information contained in this complaint is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Tina Meth Farrington Prosecuting Attorney Sworn and subscribed to before me on this 21st day of November, 2014 by the prosecutor whose signature appears above. Chris M. Fistler Notary Public/Clerk/Deputy Clerk NOTICE 809A.13 provides, in general, as follows: 3. An owner of or an interest holder In the Iowa District Court For Calhoun County Juvenile Division In the Interest of A.M.N., Child Juvenile No. JVJV500610 Original Notice TO: TO THE LEGAL FATHER OF THE ABOVE NAMED CHILD: You are notified that a petition has been filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court naming you as Defendants in this action. A copy of the petition (and any documents filed with it) is attached to this notice. The attorney for the plaintiff is Tina Meth Farrington, Assistant Calhoun County Attorney, whose address is 412 Main Street, Rockwell City, Iowa 50579. The attorney’s telephone number is 712-2977829 You must serve a motion or answer within 20 days after service of this original notice upon you and, within a reasonable time thereafter, file your motion or answer with the Clerk of Court for Calhoun County, at the county courthouse in Rockwell City, Iowa. If you do not, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demand in the petition. If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in Court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at 515-421-0900. If you are hearing impaired, call Relay TTY at 1-800735-2942. IMPORTANT YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTRESTS. 21,28,4C STATE of IOWA JUDICIARY Case No. JVJV500610 County: Calhoun Case Title IN THE INTREST OF A.M.N. THIS CASE HAS BEEN FILED 3. An owner of or an interest holder in the property who wishes to contest this forfeiture must file an Answer to this action. (See In re Property Seized from Young, 780 N.W. 2d726 (Iowa 4/9/10).) An owner of or interest holder in property who has filed an Answer shall be referred to as a claimant. 4. The answer shall be signed by the owner or interest holder under penalty of perjury and shall be in accordance with I.R.Civ.P.1.405 and shall set forth all of the following: a. The caption of the proceedings and identifying number, if any, as set forth on the notice of pending forfeiture or complaint and the name of the claimant. b. The address where the claimant will accept mail. c. The nature and extent of claimant’s interest in the property. d. The date, the identity of the transferor, and the circumstances of the claimant’s acquisition of the interest in the property. e. The specific provision of this chapter of this chapter relied on in asserting that it is not subject to forfeiture. f. All essential facts supporting each assertion. g. The specific relief sought 5. The answer shall be filed within twenty (20) days after service on the claimant of this in rem forfeiture complaint. (809.13(5)) 6. The rules of civil procedure shall apply to discovery by the state and any claimant who has timely answered the complaint. 7. The forfeiture hearing shall be held without a jury and within sixty days after service of the complaint unless continued for good cause. The prosecuting attorney shall have the initial burden of proving the property is subject to forfeiture by a preponderance of the evidence. If the state so proves the property is subject to forfeiture, the claimant has the burden of proving that the claimant has an interest in the property which is exempt from forfeiture under this chapter by a preponderance of the evidence. in the property who wishes to contest this forfeiture must file an Answer to this action. (See In re Property Seized from Young, 780 N.W. 2d726 (Iowa 4/9/10).) An owner of or interest holder in property who has filed an Answer shall be referred to as a claimant. 4. The answer shall be signed by the owner or interest holder under penalty of perjury and shall be in accordance with I.R.Civ.P.1.405 and shall set forth all of the following: a. The caption of the proceedings and identifying number, if any, as set forth on the notice of pending forfeiture or complaint and the name of the claimant. b. The address where the claimant will accept mail. c. The nature and extent of claimant’s interest in the property. d. The date, the identity of the transferor, and the circumstances of the claimant’s acquisition of the interest in the property. e. The specific provision of this chapter of this chapter relied on in asserting that it is not subject to forfeiture. f. All essential facts supporting each assertion. g. The specific relief sought 5. The answer shall be filed within twenty (20) days after service on the claimant of this in rem forfeiture complaint. (809.13(5)) 6. The rules of civil procedure shall apply to discovery by the state and any claimant who has timely answered the complaint. 7. The forfeiture hearing shall be held without a jury and within sixty days after service of the complaint unless continued for good cause. The prosecuting attorney shall have the initial burden of proving the property is subject to forfeiture by a preponderance of the evidence. If the state so proves the property is subject to forfeiture, the claimant has the burden of proving that the claimant has an interest in the property which is exempt from forfeiture under this chapter by a preponderance of the evidence. 8. The court shall order the interest in the property returned or conveyed to the claimant if the prosecuting attorney fails to meet the state’s burden or the claimant establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that the claimant has an interest that is exempt from forfeiture. The court shall order all other property forfeited to the state and conduct further proceedings pursuant to sections 809A.16 and 809A.17 FAILURE TO RESPOND OR ACT ACCORDINGLY MAY RESULT IN A DEFAULT JUDGMENT BEING ENTERED AGAINST YOU IN A COUNTY THAT USES ELECTRONIC FILING. Therefore, unless the attached Petition and Original Notice contains a hearing date for your appearance, or unless you obtain an exemption from court, you must file your Appearance and Answer electronically. You must register through the Iowa Judicial Branch at http://www.iowacourts.state.ia.us/ Efile and obtain a log in and password for the purpose of filing and viewing documents on your case and of receiving service and notices from the court. FOR GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION ON ELETRONIC FILING, REFER TO THE IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16 PERAINING TO THE USE OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSYTEM: http://www.iowacourts.state.ia.us/ Efile. FOR COURT RULES ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL PRIVACY IN COURT FILINGS, REFER TO DIVISION VI OF IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16: http//www.iowacourts. stste.ia.us/Efile If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at (641) 421-0990. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800735-2942) Date Issued: 1/12/2015 11:46:21 PM Madonna Miller, District Clerk of Calhoun County Rockwell City, Iowa 50579 21,28,4C IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR COUNTY (Juvenile Division) In the Interest of A.M.N., No. JVJV500610 PETITION FOR TEMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS COMES NOW, the States of Iowa, through Tina Meth Farrington, Calhoun County Attorney and on oath or affirmation, state that I having standing to submit this Petition and that 8. The court shall order the interest in the property returned or conveyed to the claimant if the prosecuting attorney fails to meet the state’s burden or the claimant establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that the claimant has an interest that is exempt from forfeiture. The court shall order all other property forfeited to the state and conduct further proceedings pursuant to sections 809A.16 and 809A.17 FAILURE TO RESPOND OR ACT ACCORDINGLY MAY RESULT IN A DEFAULT JUDGMENT BEING ENTERED AGAINST YOU IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF PROPERTY SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE FROM: KYLE LENZ, Court No: SPCV501848 Seizing Agency: Calhoun County Sheriff AFFIDAVIT FOR FORFEITURE I, William Davis, being duly sworn, state that pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 809A, the property described in the Application for Forfeiture Order is subject to forfeiture based on the following: On or about the 15th day of Sept. 1990, in Calhoun County, Iowa the person(s) named above and: The property was used in or intended to be used to facilitate the commission of a crime. The property was used or was intended to be used to avoid detection or apprehension of a person committing a crime. Other: Armed robbery of Casey’s in Lohrville. William Davis Officer’s Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of November, 2014 Chris M. Fistler NOTARY PUBLIC/CLERK/DEPUTY 14,21,28 IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF PROPERTY SEIZED FOR FORFEITURE FROM: APRIL ANN SONDGEROTH Court No: SPCV501847 Seizing Agency: Calhoun County Sheriff AFFIDAVIT FOR FORFEITURE I, William Davis, being duly sworn, state that pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 809A, the property described in the Application for Forfeiture Order is subject to forfeiture based on the following: On or about the 28th day of Dec. 1995, in Calhoun County, Iowa the person(s) named above and: The property was used in or intended to be used to facilitate the commission of a crime. The property was used or was intended to be used to avoid detection or apprehension of a person committing a crime. The property was found in close proximity to and/or was commingled with contraband or an instrumentality connected to the forfeitable conduct as described above. Other: Possession of Drug case. William Davis Officer’s Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of November, 2014 Chris M. Fistler NOTARY PUBLIC/CLERK/DEPUTY 14,21,28 the allegations made in this Petition are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. The legal name of the child is A.M.N., Date of Birth-April 14, 2005. The children’s domicile is as follows; relative care, Lohrville, IA 2. The names, residences and domiciles of the designated parties are as follows: a. Living parents of the child: mother-Julie Niedowicz, rights terminated, unknown putative father: b. Guardian of the child: Jason Carlstrom, Attorney at Law c. Custodian of the child: Department of Human Services. d. Petitioner: Tina Meth Farrington, Calhoun County Attorney e. Person standing in place of the parents of the child: Cheryl Schmitz, DHS Social Worker II. 3. The parent-child relationship now existing between the child and the unknown putative father should be terminated pursuant to Iowa Code Section 232.116(b) as follows: 232.116(1)(b) There is clear and convincing evidence the children have been abandoned or deserted. 4. There is no father’s name on the child birth certificate and the putative father is unknown. 5. The Department of Human Services has provided family foster care services, FSRP services and individual therapy for the child. WHEREFORE, the State of Iowa request that the Court enter an Order Terminating the parent-child relationship between A.M.N., the child and the unknown putative father, and providing such other relief as the Court may seem just. Tina Meth Farrington AT0002352 Calhoun County Attorney 412 Main St. Rockwell City, IA 50579 tmfarrin@iowatelecom.net 21,28,4C LEGALS JANUARY 28, 2015 South Central Calhoun CSD South Central Calhoun CSD List of Bills – January 19, 2015 Vendor, description ............................... amount GENERAL FUND Am Ex, instr supp/postage..................... 246.52 American Time, clock ............................ 130.20 Apple Computer, instr supp ................... 100.00 Bartels, Earl, license reimb ...................... 20.00 Bauer Plbg & Htg, repairs ........................ 56.50 Berner, Marsha, physical reimb ............. 150.00 Capstone Publ, instr supp ..................... 397.76 Carlson Auto, repair parts ...................... 107.99 Carroll CSD, tuition ........................... 12,242.00 Carroll Refuse, garbage ........................ 725.00 Cent IA Dis, custodial supp................. 2,768.43 Cent IA Water, custodial supp ............... 295.00 City of LC, utilities .................................. 456.97 City of RC, utilities .............................. 1,488.45 Continuum Energy, utilities ................. 1,281.64 DeLage Landen, copier lease................ 507.69 DM Register, subscr ................................ 42.50 DMACC, tuition ................................... 2,850.00 Don’s Pest Control, pest control .............. 66.00 Feld Equip, inspections/monitoring........ 510.00 Franck & Sextro, legal serv ..................... 25.00 Freestyle Photo Supp, instr supp ............ 17.97 Glidden-Ralston CSD, tuition............ 13,772.25 Haley Imp, repair parts .......................... 376.39 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, instr supp ...... 16.50 IA Auto & Machine, repair parts ............... 19.80 IA Office Supp, copier maint .................. 486.73 IA Prison Ind, signs .................................. 36.50 IA Schools Bldg & Grounds, dues ......... 100.00 IASB, background checks ....................... 41.00 ICCC, bus driver inservice ..................... 900.00 ICN, internet .......................................... 459.20 Janitor’s Closet, cust supp ................. 1,160.56 Joe’s Tire & Auto, repair .......................... 37.00 JRG Vet Supp, softener salt .................. 190.00 Kabel Business Serv, HRA pymts.......... 410.00 Kasperbauer Cleaners, rags/mops ........ 263.58 King Contr, demo services................ 59,954.14 Kruse, Jeff, mileage ............................ 2,083.24 Lange, Elaine, license reimb ................... 32.00 LC Food Center, supp ........................... 522.45 LC Hardware, supp................................ 114.12 Lytton Town Crier, legals/ads ................... 79.00 Macke Motors, repairs ............................. 95.32 Manson NW Webster CS, tuition ...... 24,484.00 Marco Inc, copier maint ...................... 1,739.83 Martin Bros Dist, supp ........................... 155.24 Matheson Tri-Gas, instr supp ................ 210.32 Mid-Amer Publ, legals/ads..................... 400.93 MidAmerican Energy, utilities ........... 17,089.43 Midstate Plbg & Htg, repairs .................. 278.00 Morrow’s Standard, fuel/snow ............ 4,301.46 NAPA, repair parts ................................. 319.22 Newell-Fonda CSD, tuition ................. 9,181.50 O’Halloran, repair parts ......................... 404.28 Paton-Churdan CSD, tuition ............. 27,544.50 Peterson, Karla, physical reimb ............. 150.00 Pocahontas Area CSD, tuition .......... 12,242.00 Poen, Lynn, mileage .................................. 9.24 Prairie Lakes AEA, internet.................... 800.00 Really Good Stuff, instr supp ................. 249.03 Rieman Music, supp/resale/repairs ....... 142.32 Roto-Rooter, repairs .............................. 120.00 Saliger, Boyd, physical reimb ................ 150.00 SCC Nutr Fund, supp .............................. 62.70 Scholastic, instr supp.......................... 2,137.44 School Health, supp ................................ 89.45 School Specialty, instr supp................... 883.00 Schumacher Elevator, maint.................. 137.32 SE Webster Grand CSD, tuition ......... 1,530.25 Share Corp, supp .................................. 344.47 Shell Fleet, fuel ...................................... 114.30 Southside Grocery, supp ........................... 7.76 Stamp, Leslie, mileage reimb ................ 142.19 Star Energy, fuel ................................. 3,387.78 Swanson Hardware, supp ..................... 317.96 UnityPoint, driver drug testing ................. 93.00 US Cell, cell serv ..................................... 88.34 Van Meter Inc, supp............................... 416.30 Walmart, instr supp ................................ 285.56 Weiss Plbg & Htg, repairs...................... 217.24 Willis, David, legal serv.......................... 150.00 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: .............. 216,011.76 SILO FUND Andrews Roofing, repairs ................... 4,848.56 Capital City Boilers, boiler repairs ...... 2,565.48 Carroll Control Sys, boiler repairs....... 4,349.80 Carroll Glass, doors ............................ 4,365.00 Ken’s Phone Store, speaker install........ 612.95 M & M Const, steel ........................... 12,975.00 SILO FUND TOTAL: ......................... 29,716.79 NUTRITION FUND A & P Food Equip, repairs ..................... 516.88 AE Dairy, grocery................................ 4,054.53 Earthgrains, grocery ........................... 1,051.20 IA Dept of Ed, overpymt reimb.......... 10,003.42 Keck Inc, grocery ................................ 1,883.34 Korkow, Jamie, lunch reimb..................... 84.25 LC Food Center, grocery ........................... 6.58 Martin Bros Dist, grocery .................. 16,652.47 SCC Athl Boosters, grocery ..................... 97.80 Swanson Hardware, supp ....................... 24.47 Walker, Lani, reimb ................................ 197.50 NUTRITION FUND TOTAL: .............. 34,572.44 ACTIVITY FUND ACE fundraising, FB clinic ..................... 571.20 Agile Sports, BB software ...................... 400.00 Alta CSD, speech entry ........................... 50.00 Barringer, Dale, official .......................... 200.00 Bice, Jim, official .................................... 100.00 Bohnenkamp, Thomas, official .............. 100.00 Branderhorst, Marlo, official................... 100.00 Calhoun Co Variety, WR cheer supp ....... 38.01 Carlson, Mike, official ............................ 200.00 Carstensen, Rick, official ....................... 100.00 Decker Equipment, WR uniforms ....... 2,029.00 Fjerstad, Clayton, official ....................... 230.00 Gotto, Charlie, official ............................ 100.00 Graphic Edge, SB bags/resale ........... 2,600.24 GTM Sportswear, cheer uniforms .......... 158.00 Harriman, Wade, official ........................ 200.00 Hinrichs, Mitch, official ........................... 200.00 IFCA, membership................................... 35.00 IHSSA, speech entries .......................... 328.00 LC Flowers, class supp ......................... 116.35 Lohrmeier, Randy, official ...................... 100.00 Meyer, Brian, official ................................ 50.00 NCIBA, honor band entry ........................ 12.00 Pepsi Beverages, vending supp ............ 726.42 Pioneer Drama, drama supp ................. 278.00 Prairie Lakes AEA, BB posters .............. 109.81 RC Rotary, dance raffle ......................... 330.00 Rial, Mike, official................................... 345.00 Riley, Colton, official .............................. 170.00 SCC FB Parents, meal allowance ......... 459.00 SCC CSD, FB host fee .......................... 700.00 Something Unique, BB resale ............ 3,072.50 Spier, Ray, official .................................. 175.00 Storm Lake CSD, WR entry..................... 60.00 Sun Mountain, golf rainsuits .................. 365.49 Thompson, Tommy, official .................... 345.00 Trophies Plus, awards ............................. 68.97 Walmart, FFA suppl ............................... 110.38 Wiebers, Rollie, official .......................... 100.00 Woodward, Jeri, art supp......................... 15.37 Zahnly, Doug, official ............................. 100.00 ACTIVITY FUND TOTAL: ................. 15,548.74 TOTAL ALL FUNDS: ....................... 295,849.73 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HARRY HAMLIN GIDEL, Deceased. PROBATE NO. ESPR501894 To all persons interested in the Estate of Harry Hamlin Gidel, Deceased, who died on or about January 11, 2015: You are hereby notified that on the 15th day of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Harry Hamlin Gidel, deceased, bearing date of January 8, 2015 was admitted to probate in the above-named court and that Kellie Christensen was appointed Executor of the Estate. Any action to set aside the Will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the Estate shall file them with the Clerk of the abovenamed District Court, as provided by Law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this Notice or one month from the date of mailing of this Notice NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DUANE Q. FREDRICKSON, Deceased. PROBATE NO. ESPR501893 To all persons interested in the Estate of Duane Q. Fredrickson, Deceased, who died on or about December 21, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 15th day of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Duane Q. Fredrickson, deceased, bearing date of the 2nd day of March, 1976 was admitted to probate in the above-named court and that John D. Fredrickson was appointed Executor of the Estate. Any action to set aside the Will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the Estate shall file them with the Clerk of the abovenamed District Court, as provided by Law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this Notice or one month from the date of mailing of this Notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 15th day of January, NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT S. MARTIN, Deceased. PROBATE NO. ESPR501892 To all persons interested in the Estate of Robert S. Martin, Deceased, who died on or about November 30, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Robert S. Martin, deceased, bearing date of the 13th day of September, 1989 was admitted to probate in the abovenamed court and that Caryl Fuoss, f/k/a Caryl Martin was appointed Executor of the Estate. Any action to set aside the Will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the Estate shall file them with the Clerk of the abovenamed District Court, as provided by Law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this Notice or one month from the date of mailing of this Notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 8th day of January, 2015. (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 16th day of January, 2015. Kellie Christensen P.O. Box 184 Lohrville, IA 51453 Executor of the Estate David L. Willis Attorney for the Executor 107 West Main P.O. Box 117 Lake City, IA 51449 Date of second publication 28th day of January, 2015 2015. John D. Fredrickson 1078 350th Street Gowrie, IA 50543 Executor of the Estate Nicholas K. Cochrane, ICIS PIN No: AT0010233 Attorney for the Executor Johnson, Kramer, Mulholland, Cochrane, Driscoll & Cochrane, P.L.C. 809 Central Avenue, Suite 600 Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Date of second publication 4th day of February, 2015 Caryl Fuoss, f/k/a Caryl Martin 2502 20th Avenue, Whittemore, Iowa 50598 Executor of the Estate Steven W. Hendricks, ICIS PIN No: AT0003411 Attorney for the Executor Kersten Brownlee Hendricks LLP 805 Central Avenue, Suite 700, Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Date of second publication 4th day of February, 2015 Board of Supervisors Board of Supervisors Calhoun County Courthouse Rockwell City, Iowa Tuesday, January 20, 2015 The Board of Supervisors of Calhoun County met with the following members present: Nicholson, Jacobs, and Hoag, Sr., via telephone. Agenda additions: none It was moved by Hoag, Sr. and seconded by Jacobs to approve the agenda. Ayes all. Motion carried. The minutes of the last meeting were read. It was moved by Hoag, Sr. and seconded by Jacobs to approve the minutes. Ayes all. Motion carried. The Board reviewed the Board of Supervisor’s budget for fiscal year 2015/2016. Ron Haden, Engineer, and B.J. Musselman, Maintenance Supervisor, met with the Board to update them on Secondary Road projects. Dean Hoag, Sr., left the meeting. The Calhoun County Emergency Management Commission budget hearing was held at 10:00a.m. in the Board Room. Stephen O’Connor, Emergency Management Coordinator reviewed the budget and agenda items. The Calhoun County E-9-1-1 budget hearing was held at 10:30a.m. in the Board Room. Kerrie Hull, E-9-1-1 Coordinator reviewed the budget and agenda items. Dean Hoag, Sr. joined the meeting. Kerrie Hull, Emergency Management Services reviewed her budget. William A. Davis, Sheriff, presented his budget to the Board. It was moved by Hoag, Sr. and seconded by Jacobs to authorize the Chairman to sign the Short Form of Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services between Calhoun County, Iowa (Owner) and I & S Group, Inc. (Engineer) for downtown reconstruction, Calhoun County Courthouse Sidewalk Improvements. Ayes all. Motion carried. It was moved by Hoag, Sr. and seconded by Jacobs to adjourn until Thursday, January 22 at 9:00a.m. to review budgets and their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 27 at 9:00a.m. Ayes all. Motion carried. Gary Nicholson, Chairman J u d y Howrey, Auditor Scott Jacobs, Vice-Chairman Dean Hoag, Sr. Board of Supervisors Calhoun County Courthouse Rockwell City, Iowa Thursday, January 15, 2015 The Board of Supervisors of Calhoun County met with the following members present: Nicholson, and Jacobs. Absent: Hoag, Sr. Agenda additions: none It was moved by Jacobs and seconded by Nicholson to approve the agenda. Ayes all. Motion carried. The minutes of the last meeting were read. It was moved by Jacobs and seconded by Nicholson to approve the minutes. Ayes all. Motion carried. The Board reviewed the following budgets: Medical Examiner – Kerrie Hull County Care Facility District Court Historical Society – Marlene Johnson, Bonnie DeBolt, Dale Gentry, & Sonia Kerns Correctional Services Calhoun County Exposition – Kelly Meyer, President and Hillaree Meyer, Treasurer Twin Lakes Christian Center – Scott Larsen, Director Safety – Sue Hammen, Mike Moeller, CoSafety Officers It was moved by Jacobs and seconded by Nicholson to approve the following health insurance rates for Fiscal Year 15/16: Single Plan-County - $675 Family Plan - $1674 Employee - $75 Employee - $186 Total - $750 $1860 Ayes all. Motion carried. It was moved by Jacobs and seconded by Nicholson to adjourn until Tuesday, January 20 at 9:00a.m., for their regular meeting. Ayes all. Motion carried. Gary Nicholson, Chairman J u d y Howrey, Auditor Scott Jacobs, Vice-Chairman CITY OF LAKE CITY CITY OF LAKE CITY FUND, RECEIVED ...................... DISBURSED 001 GENERAL, 31,456.96 ............... 56,393.58 110 ROAD USE TAX, 12,970.88 ...... 12,384.54 112 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, 10,108.54 .......... 5,236.86 119 EMERGENCY FUND, 619.50 ............... .00 121 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX, 10,074.38 .. .00 169 ROY JOHNSON COMMUNITY BLD, 75.00 101.05 200 DEBT SERVICE, 16,238.88 ...... 18,397.50 301 CAPITAL IMPROVE-POOL, 1,025,776.03 202,207.00 600 WATER, 20,327.88 .................... 26,797.91 610 SEWER, 12,331.52 ................... 16,970.38 670 SOLID WASTE, 10,356.92 ........ 11,122.16 740 STORM SEWER, 828.07 ..................... .00 Report Total, 1,151,164.56 ................. 349,610. The Graphic-Advocate 11 SOUTH CENTRAL CALHOUN BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING SOUTH CENTRAL CALHOUN BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 2015 The South Central Calhoun Board of Directors met in a Regular Meeting on Mon, Jan 19, 2015, at the SCC HS Media Center. President Jim Brown called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Director members present included Vice-President Ron Maulsby, Brad Assman, and Roscoe Simpson. Supt Jeff Kruse, Board Secretary Carol Collins, Roger McKinney, and a few guests were also present. Simpson motioned, Assman seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0. COMMUNICATIONS Oath of Office Secretary Collins administered the Oath of Office to Roger McKinney as Director. The board welcomed McKinney. Public Input on Non-Agenda Items There were no requests to speak. Correspondence Secretary Collins shared a note of thanks from the family of Cheryl Bruns who had served the district for 19 years as an associate. Bruns passed away on Jan 5. Assessment Data MS Teachers Peggy Neubaum, Sara Pibal, and Sheila Welander reviewed assessments taken at the MS and ways that staff review and use the data to place students in appropriate classes to improve skills in reading and math. The teachers shared how they talk with students and parents about assessments results. The board thanked the teachers for their presentation. Transportation Department Transportation Director Doug Riley updated the board on the future needs for fleet vehicles and relayed information about the bus troubles caused by the extremely cold weather. Procedures for delaying or cancelling school were reviewed. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Supt Kruse reported that the FOB security entry system is operating for each building. Principal DeMoss shared MAPS testing data and talked about the 1st semester reward trip for 7th-8th graders which is based on grades and discipline. Principal Martin presented ideas for the HS weight room access and security. First semester grades for each grade were shown, with nearly 50% of all high schoolers attaining A/B grades. Principal McChesney reported on professional development activities and committee reports. DISCUSSION ITEMS Affordable Care Act Update Supt Kruse reviewed the implementation activities for the Affordable Care Act provisions for the district. Additional information will be shared with the board after gathering information from the staff. ACTION ITEMS Consent Agenda Maulsby motioned, Simpson seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, including minutes, bills, and board policy updates. Motion carried 5-0. HS Curriculum Handbook Simpson motioned, Assman seconded, to approve the HS curriculum handbook as presented with additional information to be gathered about an Ag Ed course. Motion carried 5-0. Financial Audits Supt Kruse presented the final Rockwell City-Lytton and Southern Cal financial audits for Fiscal Year 2014. Following discussion, Assman motioned, Simpson seconded, to accept the Fiscal Year 2014 audits for RCL and SC as presented. Motion carried 5-0. Demolition Completion Payment Simpson motioned, Assman seconded, to approve the final payment and payment of retainage to King Contracting as presented. Motion carried 5-0. ICN Internet Contract Assman motioned, Maulsby seconded, to approve the internet services contract with the IA Communications Network as presented. Motion carried 5-0. PERSONNEL Resignations Maulsby motioned, Assman seconded, to approve the following resignations as presented: Minde Strief, leave of absence for remainder of 2014-15; Denise Brobst, assistant VB coach; Krystal Lynch, JH VB coach pending suitable replacement; and Becky Junkman, cook at end of school year. Motion carried 5-0. Hirings Simpson motioned, Assman seconded, to approve the hirings as presented: Bailey Landgraf, associate; Bailey Schroeder, associate; Megan Van Horn, associate; and Sarah Treinen, associate and teacher upon completion of requirements. Motion carried 5-0. Assman exited the meeting at 8:26 p.m. With no further business to discuss, Simpson motioned, Maulsby seconded, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0 with Assman absent. The meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm. Submitted by Carol A Collins, Board Secretary Lake City Council Proceedings Lake City Council Proceedings January 19, 2015 The City Council of Lake City, Iowa met in regular session on Monday, January 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers. Mayor Gary Fahan presided with the following members present: Bellinghausen, Chris Blair, Filmer, and Green. Absent: BJ Blair (arrived at 6:25). Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Bellinghausen, second by Chris Blair, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the agenda, minutes from the January 5, 2015 council meeting, claims list, and December 2014 Treasurer’s Report. MCU. Motion-Green, second-Filmer to approve Lynn Boyd as Lake City Fire Department Chief. MCU. Motion-Green, second-Bellinghausen to approve the Class C Liquor License for the Wagon Wheel and Class B Native Wine Permit for Lake City Flowers. MCU. Motion-Bellinghausen, second-Chris Blair to approve the temporary license transfer for Carnegie Café on Feb. 7th. MCU with Green abstaining due to conflict of interest. Council held discussion on delinquent utility accounts policy and the recommendation from city staff. Council gave direction to move forward with the policy as discussed, increase the utility deposit to $100, the shut off fee at $30 and the re-connect fee at $30. Staff will present policy and ordinance for approval at a future council meeting. CA made recommendation to move the discussion of the agenda item for the exterior light for the pool project to the budget workshop. First Reading of Ordinance No. 371 – Franchise agreement with MidAmerican Energy for Electricity. Motion-Green, second Bellinghausen to approve the first reading of Ordinance #371 with the attorney’s recommended correction of changing the source in section 14 from natural gas to electric. Roll Call Vote: Ayes-Bellinghausen, Chris Blair, Filmer, Green. Nays-none. Not voting (absent) BJ Blair. Motion carried. First Reading of Ordinance No. 372 – Franchise agreement with MidAmerican Energy for Natural Gas. Motion-Green, second Bellinghausen to approve the first reading of Ordinance #372. Roll Call Vote: Aye-Bellinghausen, Chris Blair, Filmer, Green. Nays-none. Not voting (absent) BJ Blair. Motion carried. Motion-Filmer, second-Bellinghausen to approve Relay Iowa’s request for the use of City Square from 8 pm on Friday June 5th through 2 am Sat. June 6th. MCU. Motion-Bellinghausen, second-Chris Blair to table Wheels For Wishes request for a website link until a policy can be developed for any request. MCU. Council gave direction to staff to research current policies in place by other cities to develop a policy for Lake City. Motion-Filmer, second-Bellinghausen to approve the burning exemption permit for Stauter with the provision that he coordinate the burning with the Fire Chief. MCU. Motion-Green, second-Filmer to table the approval of the building permit for 1701 N. Woodlawn due to the delay in the city receiving the permit for review. MCU. Council held discussion on the Two Mile 28E Agreement and the requirement of adding two additional board members to Planning and Zoning and the Board of Adjustments. Direction was given to staff to proceed with the development of the agreement. Motion-Green, second-Bellinghausen to approve the appointment of Chris Heim to the Community Building Board. MCU. Council member Bellinghausen advised council that he had recently attended the meeting of the Calhoun County Economic Development Committee and that they would like the surrounding cities to work with the county on a comprehensive plan and will be making a presentation to the council at a future meeting. There being no further business, a motion was made by Bellinghausen, and seconded by Chris Blair to adjourn the council meeting and move into the budget workshop at 6:40 p.m. MCU. Council held discussion, reviewed equipment purchase requests, and made recommendations to city staff regarding the budget for fiscal year 2016. Council adjourned from budget workshop at 7:45 pm. Gary Fahan, Mayor Lee A. Vogt, City Administrator/Clerk CLAIMS REPORT VENDOR, REFERENCE ...................AMOUNT ACCO UNLIMITED CORP, CHLORINE 361.70 AL’S CORNER, FUEL ............................... 8.81 AUB DES MOINES MC LOCKBOX, RUGS ..... 216.77 CAL. CO. VARIETY STORE, SUPPLIES 13.90 CERTIFIED TESTING SERVICES, TESTING . 75.00 CINDY FORD, DEPOSIT REFUND ........ 45.00 COMPUTER CONCEPTS, COMPUTER CABLE ..................................................... 12.52 DAISY HAULING, DEC HAULING ........ 165.00 JIM DICK, DEPOSIT REFUND ............... 19.42 DON’S PEST CONTROL, SPRAY CB..... 44.00 EFTPS, FED/FICA TAX ...................... 3,697.71 FELD FIRE, PART CITY PUMPER .... 1,357.70 GRAPHIC-ADVOCATE, RENEWAL ........ 36.00 KENDALL & TAMI HOLM, YARD WASTE ........ 516.00 JIM JANSSEN, REIMBURSEMENT.......... 9.00 L.C. FIRE DEPARTMENT, REIMB CITY PUMPER ............................................... 248.00 LC FLOWERS, HENKENIUS .................. 34.50 L.C. HARDWARE, SUPPLIES .............. 138.40 L.C. LUMBER, REPAIRS ........................ 30.45 MACKE MOTORS, POSTAGE/SERVICE ........ 130.59 MID AMERICAN ENERGY, GAS/ELECTRIC ... 5,694.01 MID AMERICA PUBLISHING, ADS/LEGALS ... 134.12 MORROW’S STANDARD, FUEL............. 53.75 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY, FREIGHT ............. 39.90 SANDE CONSTRUCTION, PAY #4 161,975.00 SHELL FLEET, FUEL ......................... 1,018.66 TOP RAIL SADDLECLUB, CCCF GRANT ....... 5,000.00 TS ELECTRIC, PARTS ........................... 59.56 WILKINS NAPA PARTS, PARTS/SUPPLIES ... 141.73 WILLIS LAW OFFICE, FRANCHISE ..... 150.00 WINDSTREAM IA COMMUNICATI, TELEPHONE/INTERNET ...................... 429.90 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ....... 181,857.10 PAYROLL CHECKS.......................... 11,494.35 PAID TOTAL ................................... 193,351.45 City of Rockwell City City of Rockwell City January 20, 2015 Mayor Heinlen called the meeting to order with the following members present: Lange, Hepp, Dawson and Hendricks. Absent Walters. Motion by Lange, second by Hendricks, approving the agenda; unanimous. Motion by Hendricks, second by Hepp, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the January 5 meeting minutes and a five-day Liquor License for Calhoun County Exposition, unanimous. Tami Mohr, Department of Public Health, discussed with the Council, policies pertaining to considering tobacco/nicotine free parks. She stated that shelter buildings, by law, are already tobacco/nicotine free, but, each City determines if there are additional areas that should be tobacco/nicotine free and how to enforce the policies. David Doxtad, with I & S Group, updated the Council on all current City projects. Motion by Hepp, second by Dawson, to approve an underwriting engagement letter with D.A. Davidson to assist the City with obtaining financing for the Downtown Reconstruction project, unanimous. Motion by Hendricks, second by Dawson to approve the 2015 Fire Department Chief and officers, unanimous. Motion by Dawson, second by Hepp approving Steven Hendricks for City Attorney, Kelly Smidt for Zoning Officer, John Hepp, Mayor Pro-Tem. Randy Nees will replace Terry Kindred on the Board of Adjustment and Mike Roller will replace Ron Hendricks on the TRANSPORTATION REGIONAL PUBLIC MEETING TRANSPORTATION REGIONAL PUBLIC MEETING Region V MAP-21 Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) will hold a regional meeting on February 5, 2015 at 4:00 PM to discuss the Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Transportation Alternative (TA) application process and to receive views and concerns from the public about transportation issues in the Region V area which includes the counties of Calhoun, Hamilton, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Webster and Wright. The meeting will be held at MIDAS Council of Governments in the Conference Room, 602 1st Avenue South, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Applications for the Region V MAP-21 STP and TA funding will be available after February 5, 2015 on the MIDAS website www.midascog.net or by contacting Shirley Helgevold at the number below. Applications must be received by 12:00 p.m. on March 27, 2015. If you have any special needs pertaining to this meeting, please contact Shirley Helgevold, MIDAS Council of Governments, (515) 576-7183 ext. 212. Planning and Zoning Commission. Brent Keiser, Lisa Wozniak, and Marilyn Nicholson, will stay on the Tree Board and Parks and Recreation Boards for another term, unanimous. The Mayor extended his gratitude to Terry Kindred and Ron Hendricks for their years of service, to the City, on the boards. Lowell Stoolman, Public Works Supervisor, told the Council he would be attending a water/ wastewater class in February. The Council discussed the proposed budget for FY16 that the Finance Committee submitted. All submissions by department heads were considered. The council will further discuss the budget at the next meeting. The Council received a request from an insurance provider, requesting an opportunity to bid the City insurance coverage. The Council told Clerk Smidt to submit requested information to the company for a bid. Mayor Heinlen called for further business and, with none, motion by Dawson, second by Hendricks to adjourn the meeting at 8:20PM; unanimous. Next meeting, Monday, February 3, 2015 at 7:00PM. Warrants 57133-57177. Attest: Phil R. Heinlen, Mayor Kelly Smidt, City Clerk ACCO, TUBING....................................... 22.45 AFFINITYCARE, INC, HEALTH SERVICES .... 42.00 AG SOURCE LABORATORIES, LAB ANALYSIS ............................................. 978.78 ATLANTIC TACTICAL, CLOTHING ALLOWANCE .......................................... 64.94 CALHOUN COUNTY REMINDER, ADS 108.00 DAVID AHLRICHS, CUSTODIAL CONTRACT 320.00 DAVID KING, REIM 2014 HEALTH INS DED .. 750.00 DREES HEATING & PLUMBING, BOILER REPAIRS ............................................ 1,660.14 EFTPS, FED/FICA TAX ...................... 4,591.14 IA OFFICE SUPPLY, INC, COPIER CONTRACT............................................. 55.50 IOWA ONE CALL, FAX LOCATES .......... 16.20 IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES, SIGNS .. 113.52 IOWA RURAL WATER ASSN, ANNUAL CONFERENCE ..................................... 130.00 JOE’S TIRE & AUTO, KEROSINE .......... 23.75 MID-AMERICAN PUBLISHING CORP, ADS/ PUBLICATIONS .................................... 141.29 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY, GAS/ELECTRIC .... 9,090.93 N C IOWA SOLID WASTE AGENCY, QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT............. 1,922.63 NORTH CENTRAL CORRECTIONAL, INMATE LABOR ...................................................... 5.00 ROCKWELL CITY FIRE DEPT, CALLS/ DRILLS ............................................... 1,700.00 ROSALEZ LOCK AND KEY, REPAIRS . 120.00 SOUTHSIDE GROCERY, SUPPLIES ..... 26.04 STAR ENERGY, FUEL ....................... 3,145.97 STATE HYGIENIC LABORATORY U I, LAB ANALYSIS ............................................. 450.00 STEWART MEMORIAL COMM HOSPITAL, RANDOM DRUG TEST ........................... 31.00 SWANSON HARDWARE, SUPPLIES..... 82.77 UNITY POINT CLINIC, RANDOM DRUG TEST ....................................................... 37.00 WELLMARK BLUECROSS & BLUESHIELD, HEALTH INSURANCE ..................... 18,245.22 WEX BANK, FUEL .................................. 20.49 TOTAL .............................................. 43,894.76 Pilgram Lutheran Sunday School and Youth Group Sub Sandwiches Sale 3.50 per 6’ Sandwich $ Saturday, -DQuary st Pick up 9:30 to 11:30 Made fresh for pick-up with 3 meats & 2 cheeses at Pilgram Lutheran Church. Please order ahead by calling 464-1107 or 465-5056 or contact a Youth Group Member!
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