Saint Elizabeth Parish 350 Reedsdale Road, Milton, MA 02186 Pastoral Staff Fr. Aidan J. Walsh, Pastor Rev. Robert M. Blaney—In Residence Mary Shea DiCenzo Beth Peterson Laura Phelan Denise Johnson- Ilacqua Barbara Lydon Dr. George Ashur Anita Ashur Wakim Colleen Martin Virginia Connolly Business Manager Faith Formation Director Parish Administrative Assistant lphelan Faith Formation Administrative Assistant Receptionist Director of Music Assistant Director of Music/ Soloist Director of Youth Choir Cantor/ Soloist Parish Mission Statement The mission of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth is to give witness to the Kingdom of God on earth, to support one another, and to strive for a deeper relationship with God. As a community of faith, we welcome all to participate in living out the Gospel message of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to serve better the Lord and one another. Schedule of Masses Saturday: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, and 11:30 am Daily Mass: Monday—Friday, 9:00 am Daily Rosary: Monday—Friday, 8:35 am Telephone Numbers Rectory Religious Education Fax (617) 696-6688 (617) 698-5763 (617) 698-4864 Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Sacraments Baptisms: Second Saturday at 1:00 pm and Fourth Sunday at 12:30 pm Parental instruction required for first time parents. Call Patti Reilly at 617-696-1354 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:00—3:45 pm Anytime by appointment Eucharist Ministry to the Sick: Please call the Parish Office to receive the Eucharist at home R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Please call the Parish Office at 617-696-6688 Marriage: Please call the rectory at least 6 months before the wedding date The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — February 1, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS Prayers are requested for the people of our parish, for those who are hospitalized, for our deceased relatives and friends, and for the following intentions: Saturday, January 31 4:00 pm Patrick Gill—Anniversary Mass Sunday, February 1 8:00 am Noel Henry—20th Anniversary Mass 9:30 am Michael Crosse—Memorial Mass 11:30 am Marie P. Barrett 2nd Anniversary Mass (Fr. Aidan’s Farewell Mass) Monday, February 2 9:00 am Sr. Mary K. Walsh, CSJ Birthday Memorial Mass Tuesday, February 3 9:00 am Rev. Arthur Brown—Memorial Mass Wednesday, February 4 9:00 am Joseph Henderson—Memorial Mass Thursday, February 5 9:00am Lily Margaret Phelan Birthday Mass Friday, February 6 9:00 am Joan Ward—Memorial Mass Saturday, February 7 4:00 pm Assunta & Pasquale Berarducci Anniversary Mass Sunday, February 8 8:00 am Kathryn Mooney 9th Anniversary Mass 9:30 am Daniel J. Madden 6th Anniversary Mass 11:30 am Frances & James Shannon Anniversary Mass Please pray for our recently deceased: David O’Malley, Gertrude Crowley, & Jean Bono The Sanctuary Light is given this month in honor of Fr. Aidan J. Walsh Altar Breads & Wine are given this weekend in Loving memory of Sr. Mary K. Walsh, CSJ From the Pastor Dear Parishioners, Last week, Fr. Clark and I celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation to over 35 second grade students. It is always a joy to meet these youngsters. When a priest celebrates the sacrament of Penance, he is fulfilling the ministry of the Good Shepherd who seeks the lost sheep, of the Good Samaritan who binds up wounds, of the Father who awaits the prodigal son and welcomes him on his return, and of the just and impartial judge whose judgment is both just and merciful. The priest is the sign and the instrument of God's merciful love for the sinner. Only God forgives sins. By virtue of His divine authority He gives this power to priests to exercise in his name. Thank you to Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Ilacqua, our faith-filled catechists, and parents for preparing these children for their sacrament of Reconciliation. I would like to thank Fr. Clark for his presence here at St. Elizabeth. He arrived here at Thanksgiving and is departing this week. Fr. Clark has been a wonderful help to me and to the parish. I know you will all miss him as he heads back to California. The Blizzard of 2015 has come and gone and hopefully all our parishioners made it through safely. As you know, if there is no school in Milton, then there is no daily Mass. It is better for you to be safe at home than to try to drive when the roads may not be clear. Prayers and best wishes, Fr. Aidan We Need Your Help! Please help St. Elizabeth Parish and get involved in one of our ministries! We are looking for parishioners to help out with many of our ministries: Eucharistic Ministers (to bring Communion to the hospital as well as those at home), Lectors, Altar Servers, Catechists, Youth & Adult Choir, Hospitality Committee, Parishioners to assist with Funerals. Please call the Parish Office if you would like to participate in any of these wonderful ministries. It will bring you joy! and will enrich your faith. The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — February 1, 2015 Parish Stewardship Offertory for January 25— $5,872 Church in Latin America—$1,320 As always we thank you for your generosity. The offertory is our primary means of meeting parish weekly operational expenses. If you are interested in the Electronic Giving Program, please take a form at the entrance of the church or go onto our website, click About/Electronic Giving. Readings for the Week of February 1, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 Next Sunday Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39 Youth Choir practices are on Tuesdays, from 4:305:30 in Fr. Curley Hall. The Youth Choir sings twice a month at Family Mass on the first and third Sunday, of each month at the 9:30 am Mass. Please contact the Youth Choir Director, Ms. Martin, for more information email Next Family Mass is February 15th. Hope to see you there! Please join us for Coffee and Refreshments after the 9:30 am Family Mass. Come for Support, Empathy and Understanding When life ends, those living are left to grieve their loss. This is often a painful process and is hard to bear. Evidence shows coming to be with a group can facilitate the process of healing. Please join us on February 10 & 24, and March 10 & 24.This group is sponsored by Beacon Hospice 579 Main St, 101 Charlestown. For more information call 617-242-8370. Come to the Waters of Healing “A one day retreat for hope & healing after abortion.” This one day retreat is designed to help women hurting from past abortions and experience the personal love of Christ and find hope for healing. It will offer a loving and confidential environment. Retreat dates are Saturday, February 21st, March 28th, April 25th from 9:00 am—5:00 pm, sponsored by the Project Rachel Ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston. The location is confidential and a donation of $10 is asked to cover the lunch cost. For more information please call 1-508-651-3100 or email Pre registration is required . Cancer Support /Healing Hope and Faith Professor Wayne L. Westcott, PhD Author and Professor of Exercise Science at Quincy College will speak at St. Agatha Parish in the Gathering Space on Thursday, February 12th from 6:00—8:00 pm on the benefits of Resistance Exercise. “Healing Hope and Faith” is open to anyone who lives with a chronic illness of any kind whether it be cancer, fibromyalgia, arthritis, or whatever condition. The group is also open to families and friends and caregivers so please join us. Refreshments will be served Training for New and Present Altar Servers If your child is in second grade or above and would like to become an Altar Server, please contact the office at 617-696-6688. We are having training sessions in the church on Mondays, February 2nd, 9th, & 23rd and Tuesday, February 3rd after Faith Formation at 4:30 pm. We recommend each child should attend two out of the three sessions. If you are already an Altar Server we suggest a refresher course would help especially with our new Sanctuary. Mr. Feldmann from St. Mary’s Parish will be conducting the training. If we have a snow storm and Milton Public Schools are cancelled, please be aware there will be no 9:00 am daily Mass. Fr. Aidan does not want anyone traveling in dangerous weather. The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — February 1, 2015 Please keep our servicemen and women who are away from their families, in our thoughts and prayers. Robert Foley, Marine Lance Corporal Luke McLellan, Corporal Justin Hinds, US Army, USM Sgt Gregory Donohoe, USM Sgt. Sean Donohoe, Airman Joseph Lynch USAF, Us Army, Michael Grant, US Navy, Sgt Michael Casserly Unites States Marine, Kyle Pina USMC, Lance Corporal Nicholas Levasseur, USMC Corporal Michael Foley, USMC, Ryan Feeney US Navy, Sean Peterson, USMC in your prayers. If you have a loved one in the Military and would like to have him or her remembered in our prayers, please forward their name to the Parish Office or drop a note in the offertory or email us @ The William T. and Lenore Fidler School of Faith Formation Beth Peterson, Director Denise Johnson-Ilacqua, Administrative Assistant 617-698-5763 Congratulations to our students who celebrated their Sacrament of First Reconciliation this past Friday evening. We are blessed to have a wonderful group of children! This Sacrament brings joy to those who ask forgiveness from the Lord. Many thanks to their parents and Catechists who prepared them for this day! A special thank you to the many volunteers who helped make the evening so special! Feb. 1st Meeting Christ In Prayer can bring people to a new level of discipleship and a renewed sense of Christian mission. “Meeting Christ In Prayer” is an 8 week guided prayer experience based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It calls for a commitment of eight weeks of daily prayer and eight weekly meetings of faith sharing. The Office of Spiritual Life is offering this program at the Pastoral Center, 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree, on Wednesday evenings from 7:00—8:15 pm starting February 25—April 15, 2015. For more information and to register call Sr. Anne D’Arcy at 617-779-3648. Scout Sunday at the Seminary! Come and meet the Seminarians on Sunday, February 8th, at St. John’s Seminary, 127 Lake St. Brighton. Please join us from 2—3:30 pm for prayer, snack & chat with the Seminarians. To reserve space for your scout contact Kathy Stebbins at 617– 7465811 or email kstebbins@rcab.oeg. Are you getting married or know someone who is? The Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation Program, Transformed in Love, is being offered at St. Joseph Parish in Kingston on two Thursday evenings March, 5th & 12th and two Saturday mornings, March 7th & 14th. Attendance is required at all sessions. Space is limited and preregistration is req u i r e d . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , vi s i t Feb. 2nd Feb. 7th Feb. 15th Feb. 16th Feb. 17th Feb. 23rd Feb. 24th Feb. 28th Important Dates Fr. Aidan’s Farewell Retirement Mass 11:30am followed by a Buffet Luncheon Reception in Fr. Curley Hall. All in vited! Joe & Friends G7&8 Confirmation Retreat Year 2– Fr. Curley Hall 9:30 –2:30pm 9:30 am Family Mass Faith Formation Students & Youth Choir Participate No classes February Recess No classes February Recess Classes Resume - Lent Reconciliation Confirmation Students Classes Resume—Lent Reconciliation Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6 St. Elizabeth Confirmation Students Volunteer Day at the Milton Food Pantry 8:30am—12:00pm Christian Service Milton Community Food Pantry- Students please bring a favorite nonperishable food donation to class. Children’s Rosary Group– All children and adults are welcome to pray the Rosary on Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 4:30 –5:00pm starting January 26 & 27. Children’s Rosary Group Saint Elizabeth Parish in forming a Children’s Rosary Group. All are welcome to come and pray the Rosary with the Children on Monday & Tuesday afternoons from 4:30—5:00 pm in Fr. Curley Hall beginning January 26th & 27th. If your child would like to participate please email us at
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