The Silent Prayer and Call to Worship are from the Book of Common Worship. HEARING AIDS, LARGE PRINT BULLETINS & BIBLES AVAILABLE FROM USHERS. THOSE ASSISTING THIS MORNING - Preacher: William L. Hathaway; Liturgists: Heather G. Shortlidge, Avery Morrison (8:30), Charles Hargrove (11:00); Time with Children: Miss Good; Ushers: Elspeth Adam, Jane MacMurray (8:30), David & Lynn Clark, Dave & Sue Blackshear (11:00); Greeter: Tom Goodridge (8:30); Acolyte: Tyler Kempton (11:00); Godly Play: Britt Griswold (11:00); Presentation of Third Grade Bibles: Marion Schilder (11:00). First Presbyterian Church, Annapolis, Maryland February 1, 2015 – 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship Fourth Sunday after Epiphany LOOKING AHEAD IN WORSHIP Sunday, February 8 – Psalms of Disorientation: Cries for Help Part two of the series will turn to Psalm 13 and 90. Worship will include the Dedication of Memorial Gifts. Wednesday, February 11 – Taizé Worship A service of prayer, chant and Scripture at 7:30 pm in our sanctuary. Sunday, February 15 – Psalms of New Orientation: Promise of New Life Dr. Hathaway will conclude the three part series from Psalm 91 and 138, that call for restoration. Worship will also include the special prayers for healing and wholeness and the dedication of prayer shawls. WILLIAM L. HATHAWAY, PASTOR HEATHER G. SHORTLIDGE, ASSOCIATE PASTOR ROBERT W. MUCKENFUSS, DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MELISSA (MISS) GOOD, DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S & YOUTH MINISTRY JAMES G. KIRK AND MARYLA K. MEAGHER, PARISH ASSOCIATES THE NATIONAL NAVAL MEMORIAL OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) AN EARTH CARE CONGREGATION OF THE PC (USA) PARTNER WITH EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF THE CZECH BRETHREN, CZECH REPUBLIC 171 DUKE OF GLOUCESTER STREET, ANNAPOLIS MD 21401 OFFICE@ANNAPOLIS-PRESBYTERIAN.COM / WWW.ANNAPOLIS-PRESBYTERIAN.COM PHONE: 410-267-8705 / FAX: 410-268-9643 PREPARATION FOR THE WORD Those who are able, please stand; bold print in unison. PRELUDE (8:30) - Pastorale (11:00) - Allegro, Handbell Choir Rudolf Bibl Jason Krug SILENT PRAYER Eternal God, you are the power behind all things: behind the energy of the storm, behind the heat of a million suns. Eternal God, you are the power behind all minds: behind the ability to think and reason, behind all understanding of the truth. Eternal God, you are the power behind the cross of Christ: behind the weakness, the torture and the death, behind unconquerable love. Eternal God, we worship and adore you. Amen. NOTICES OF CONGREGATIONAL LIFE (Please sign the Greeter Pad and pass it along your pew and back again.) CHORAL INTROIT (11:00) - When Hands Reach Out O WALY WALY CALL TO WORSHIP (From Psalm 34:3, 95:1-2) O praise the Lord with me, let us exalt God’s name together. O come, let us sing to the Lord and shout with joy to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into God’s presence with thanksgiving, singing joyful songs of praise. HYMN 37 - Let All Things Now Living ASH GROVE PRAYER OF CONFESSION Gracious God, in you we live and breathe and have our being; in life and in death we belong to you. Yet, often we find ourselves far from you and doubting your relevance and even your presence. Forgive us when we forget our place within your mercy and wander from our true home within your mystery. We pray as well that you give us the strength to withstand the forces that push and pull us away from you and neighbor. In the name of Jesus, who guides our way back to you, we offer our prayers. Amen. (Silence) WORDS OF ASSURANCE RESPONSE OF PRAISE - Alleluia! Celtic Alleluia SECOND SCRIPTURE - Psalm 8 Iona Abbey Worship Book All Wonderful God, Creator, the whole earth declares your greatness. Pulpit side Your glory glows in the heavens. It is babbled by babies and sung by children. Lectern side You are safe from all your enemies: those who oppose you are silenced. Pulpit When I look at the sky which you have made, the moon and the stars that you set in place: Lectern Where do human beings fit in the pattern? What are we, that you care for us? Pulpit You have made us only a little lower than yourself; and crowned us with glory and honor. Lectern You share with us responsibility to care for sheep and cattle, wild things, birds and fish, everything that lives in the sea: to work with you, within creation. All Wonderful God, Creator, the whole earth declares your greatness. SERMON - Part I on the Psalms: “Grounded in Gratitude” (Part I - Orientation; Part II - Disorientation; Part III - New Orientation) PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD RESPONSE TO THE LORD TIME WITH CHILDREN (Pre-k to second grades may leave for Godly Play offered at both services.) At 11:00 am, the following third graders will receive a Bible: Anna Balcer, Cade Bell, Billy Bodor, Aidan DeCourcy, Oliver Durland, Sophie Hudiburg, Caroline Kempton, Noah Jones, Ben Lander, and William Price. CHORAL CALL TO PRAYER (11:00) - What Shall I Render to the Lord MARTYRDOM PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (Concluding with the Lord’s Prayer using “debts” and “debtors,” Hymnal, page 35.) OFFERINGS OF THE PEOPLE OFFERTORY (8:30) - Allegro (11:00) - Nocturne, Handbell Choir FIRST SCRIPTURE - Psalm 1 ANTHEM (11:00) - The Majesty and Glory of Your Name HYMN 382 - Heaven Is Singing for Joy ALEGRIA (Please read the historical notes at the bottom of the page. The hymn also reflects today’s theme of being grounded in the love of God.) Tom Fettke When I gaze into the night skies and see the work of Your fingers: the moon and stars suspended in space. Oh, what is man, that You are mindful of him? You have given man a crown of glory and honor, and have made him a little lower than the angels. You have put him in charge of all creation; the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea. O Lord, our God, the majesty and glory of Your name transcends the earth and fills the heavens. O Lord, our God, little children praise You perfectly and so would we. Alleluia. The majesty and glory of Your name, Alleluia. HYMN 24 - God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens Antonio Vivaldi Cynthia Dobrinski HOLY MANNA CHARGE & BENEDICTION BENEDICTION RESPONSE (11:00) - Go With Us Lord POSTLUDE - Praise the Lord, the Heavens Adore TALLIS’ CANON Anne Laura Page CALENDAR OF EVENTS Date Sun, 2/1 8:30 9:30 9:30 10:30 11:00 12:15 12:15 4:00-6:00 6:00-9:00 Mon, 2/2 Church Community Winter Relief (FH) Worship (Sanctuary) Education Hour CLAMS (Music) Coffee Hour (FH) Worship (Sanctuary) - Presentation of Third Grade Bibles Children’s Sandwich-Making (ZW) Deacon Training & Meeting (KC4a) Youth Fellowship - Super Bowl Prep (St. Anne’s kitchen) Confirmation Class - Super Bowl Party (Music Room) 8:00 Winter Relief Break-down 4:00 Psalm Bible Study (KC4a) 12:00 7:15 7:30 Noon AA (FH) GA (FH) ACOA (Music) Mission (KC4a) 12:00 7:00 Noon AA (FH) AA Board (KC1a) Church Staff Meeting (KC1a) Worship Committee (KC4a) 12:00 Noon AA (FH) Backpack Buddies (Anna. Elem.) Handbell Rehearsal (Music) Choir Rehearsal (Music) 12:00 7:00 Noon AA (FH) Young Annapolis Clergy (ZW House) Noon AA (FH) Tues, 2/3 7:00 Wed, 2/4 Thurs, 2/5 12:00 7:00 2:00 6:15 7:30 SMALL GROUP LENTEN COVENANT CIRCLES 7:00-8:15 pm on Wednesdays: February 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25 Fri, 2/6 6:00-9:00 Officers’ Workshop (FH) 12:00 Sat, 2/7 8:30-12:30 Officers’ Workshop (FH) 3:00 8:30 Sun, 2/8 8:30 9:30 9:30 10:30 11:00 3:00 5:00 Worship (Sanctuary) Education Hour Confirmation Class (FH) Coffee Hour (FH) Worship (Sanctuary) New Member Class (FH) Youth Fellowship (Kinhart Center) Private Use (FH) Evening AA (FH) Sign up for a group that sparks your interest and journey with this community of people throughout the season of Lent. Circles are first-come, first-serve. CHILDCARE PROVIDED (with pre-registration TODAY). Register online: CELTIC TREASURES IN THE CHAPEL. Join pastor Bill Hathaway for prayer and study, exploring the depths of contemporary Celtic influences on the Christian faith. Each Wednesday will include prayer, music and a discussion of John Philip Newell’s book The Rebirthing of God: Christianity’s Struggle for New Beginnings. FAITH & FILM. Join Associate Pastor, Heather Shortlidge, at Red Red Wine Bar for theological reflection and a glass of wine. Each week, we will discuss a recent documentary, including After Tiller (February 25), Rich Hill (March 4), Citizenfour (March 11), Overnighters (March 18) and Virunga (March 25). Participants are asked to view these films through Netflix, Amazon, or iTunes prior to our discussion together. Limited to ten people with priority given to those who can attend all five sessions, and did not participate in last year’s group. YIN YOGA. Join Donna Wiggins, 500RYT instructor at Evolutions Body Clinic, for a Wednesday night Yin practice held in our sanctuary. Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with poses that are held for longer periods of time. These poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. There is a $35 CHARGE for this circle payable at MASTERMINDS AND WINGMEN. If you have a boy in your life, this circle is for you. Join other parents, grandparents, educators and coaches in reading Rosalind Wiseman’s latest book, Masterminds and Wingmen: Helping Our Boys Cope with School Yard Power, Locker Room Tests, Girlfriends, and the New Rules of Boy World. Led by Alison Whitacre, a parent of three boys, this circle will meet in the Zimmerman-Wilson House over dessert and coffee. SACRED CHORAL MASTERWORKS. Join our Director of Music, and Peabody professor, Bob Muckenfuss, in an exploration of the greatest sacred choral oratorios from the past few centuries. This circle will listen and compare the great masterpieces from Bach to Britten and discover the history, significance, and theological influences in the life of the composers that inspired them. (continued) MAKING TIME FOR GOD. (For children 2nd-5th grades.) Join Miss Good, Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries, in a circle designed to give kids some breathing space. Participants will design and create a banner to be hung in the sanctuary on Palm Sunday while exploring various forms of centering and meditation practices. LENTEN COVENANT CIRCLE DINNERS 6:00-7:00 pm on Wednesdays Changing lives one meal at a time, B.E.S.T. Catering employs alumni from the Light House Shelter Culinary Job Training Program. Sign up for all or as many meals as you can attend, however, WE DO NEED A MINIMUM OF 30 ADULTS PER MEAL IN ORDER TO HAVE IT. Thanks to a generous subsidy from the Mission Committee, we are able to offer these reduced rates: Adults $10 & Children $6. Reservations accepted until FEBRUARY 18. Pay online: February 25. Tomato Caprese Salad; Fresh Baked Dinner Rolls; Oven Baked Meatloaf with Barbeque Glazed, Skillet Sautéed Mushroom Jus; Sour Cream Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes with Mild Horseradish and Fresh Italian Parsley; Roasted Vegetable Medley March 4. Baby Spinach Salad; Fried Shallots, Caramelized Pecans, Hard Cooked Eggs, Applewood Smoked Bacon, and Mustard Vinaigrette; Fresh Baked Corn Muffins; Skillet Seared Breast of Chicken; Braised Garlic Spinach and Artichoke Cream; Warm Orzo Pasta Salad, Basil and Red Onion; Seasoned Green Beans, Slivered Almonds and Blanched Butternut Squash March 11. Crisp Romaine and Hearts of Palm Salad; Chimchurri Crusted Flank Steak, Rosemary Garlic Aioli, and Butter Roasted Idaho Potatoes; Roasted Vegetable Brochettes; Basil Pesto and Cherry Balsamic Drizzle; Skillet Baked Corn Bread March 18. Tossed Garden Salad; Freshly Baked Garlic Bread, Italian Parsley and Mozzerella Cheese; Ribbon Pasta with Olive Oil; Herb Roasted Breast of Chicken; Basil Pomodoro Sauce and Shaved Parmesan Cheese; Sautéed Squash March 25. Tuscan Style Minestrone Soup; Slow Simmered with Fresh Spinach, Smoked Virginia Ham, and Herbed Ciabatta Croutons; Fresh Baked Artisan Olive and Rosemary Bread; Seared Breast of Chicken, Chesapeake Sherry Cream and Bell Pepper Confetti; Cajun Dusted Atlantic Salmon, Sautéed Squash, Zucchini, & Tender Carrots ANNOUNCEMENTS WINTER RELIEF - Our week of hosting the men of Winter Relief concludes tomorrow. Thank you to all who volunteered! OFFICE REMINDERS MEMBER DIRECTORY and ANNUAL REPORT - available at rear of sanctuary today and in the Volunteer Office every day. Email for PDF versions. To receive the pastors’ weekly Congregational Emails, complete the short form at: PSALM STUDY PART II: “PSALMS OF DISORIENTATION” - Tomorrow’s psalm study from 4:005:00 pm in Room 4a of the Kinhart Center, will focus on Psalms 13 and 90. INTERESTED IN JOINING OUR CHURCH? The Winter New Member Class will be held next Sunday, February 8 from 3:00-6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. For information, contact the church office or Helen Krone, Membership Chair, at CHILDCARE PROVIDED. CIRCLE 3 - will meet at 1:00 pm, February 9 at the home of Jane Garbacz, 11 South Street, Annapolis, MD 21401. Phone 410-263-1228. YOUTH AUCTION Save the Date: February 22 - Come one, come all to support the youth of our church! A yummy chili lunch will be provided. Check out our silent auction items and then participate in a live auction, compliments of Lisa Rath! A week at Chincoteague Beach and tickets to the Maryland basketball games are just a few of our awesome donations! Proceeds support summer mission and conference trips. Youth have also voted to donate money to Teen Suicide Prevention and the Boys Orphanage in Africa. Can’t make it? No problem -- vote by proxy! CHILDCARE PROVIDED. Auction Items Needed - To make this event successful, please donate items to the auction. Please contact Becky Hagee about your donation items: Thank you. TRIBUTE TO BOB MUCKENFUSS AND CHOIRS - Last Sunday a seven-minute video of some of the highlights of the 2014 music ministry was shown at the annual meeting as a way to thank Bob and Choirs. The video is available from our website:
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