Living For Christ Bluffton United Methodist Church A “Stephen Ministry” Church Volume 11, Issue 2 FEBRUARY 2015 This past Sunday was United Methodist Women’s Day. “Brava” to the women! The service had a really sweet spirit to it. I appreciate those who volunteered to lead Worship. I also want to pass along that many wonderful comments were spoken to me about our guest preacher, Rev. Candice Sloan. I would also like to pass along a word to ALL of the women of the church. “Thank you” for everything y’all do. I have long said that God can do anything he wants to do, but humanly speaking, without the women of the church, we would have had to close the doors a long time ago. THANK YOU!!!! Your pastor, Joey BETTER THAN PLANNED Interruptions are nothing new. Rarely does a day go by as we’ve planned it. Life is filled with inconveniences. The list is long and constantly changing: illness, conflict, rudeness, laziness, incompetence. What we can’t see, however, is the other side of inconvenience. We think it doesn’t have any purpose other than to discourage us and make life more difficult for us. But inconvenience could be God’s way of protecting us from something dangerous, or it could be an opportunity for us to experience God’s grace or forgiveness in our lives. Or it could be a test to see how we respond to adversity. Whatever it is, even though we may not know God’s reason, we can be assured that his motive is to make us more like Jesus and to further his kingdom on earth. CHANGE IN TIME OF EARLY WORSHIP SERVICE – It was voted at the last Church Council meeting that the early worship service here at Bluffton United Methodist be th changed to begin at 8:30 AM beginning on February 15 . If you or someone you know is facing a difficult time, Stephen Ministers are available at BUMC to confidentially listen to and encourage you, and remind you of Jesus’ presence in your life. Please contact our Stephen leader: Sara Jenkins, 705-2172. CONFIRMATION CLASSES – Pastor Joey will conduct Confirmation Classes for all interested young people in the 4th through 6th grades who wish to join the church. Classes will last for an hour and begin at 3:00 p.m. on February 1, 8 and 15. Anyone interested is asked to contact the pastor. The Stephen Ministry hospital visitation schedule for February is noted below . If you know of someone in the hospital during this month, please call: INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 & 2 February & March Calendars (subject to change) 3 From the Pastor; Stephen Ministry 4 Missions 5 Music Ministry 6 UMW, BUMMS 7 Busy Bees, Apprentice for Jesus, Brunch Bunch, Prayer Team, Meetings 8 Children & Youth Happenings 9 Treasurers Report 10 Renovations as seen by the Church Mouse 10 Prayer Concerns, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Shut-ins, Deaths 3 Feb 1 - 7 John White, 705-3513 Feb 8 – 14 Dian Litster, 705-6221 Feb 15 – 21 Marcia Farmer, 706-0858 Feb 22 – 28 Natalie Giles, 705-3972 MISSIONS The Mission team has arranged to collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids for the Lion's Club. We can collect lenses, frames (broken frames are okay), reading glasses, and sunglasses, broken or working hearing aids. The Lion's Club uses pieces to make new ones which are given to children, elderly and those in need. This will be an ongoing project, and there will be a box in the Narthex to deposit these. The Mission Team will meet on February 19, 2015 at 7:00 PM. Our chairwoman is Jenny Brannen. She can be reached by email: or call 706-2289. The January Miracle Jars for Kairos Prison Ministry amounted to $445! As always, the Mission Team thanks you for your generous support. Without you, the congregation, we would be unable to reach out and support all of the wonderful organizations in our community. We will be selling the ever so delicious Butter Braid Pastries again and orders can be placed from February 1 until March 15. This will allow time for us to receive the orders for your pick up by Palm Sunday. For those of you who had samples and ordered last year, you know how easy they are to prepare and just how flaky and yummy they are. If you are new to the church, take our word for it, they will melt in your mouth. Look for the order blanks in the bulletin each Sunday. The proceeds will again go to Meals on Wheels. Last year we raised $700 which bought approximately 120 meals. Our Miracle Jars for February go to support Family Promise. Their mission is to provide temporary shelter, family stability and permanent housing solutions for homeless families with children by mobilizing community resources. Family Promise has an 80% success rate graduating families into permanent housing and a 100% success rate at the end of one year. Our church is a host church for Family Promise and we will be housing the families the third week of March. I'm sure James Atkins would appreciate any help you can offer. Please contact him for further information. BUTTER BRAID ORDER FORM NAME______________________________ PHONE # ____________________________ E-MAIL _____________________________ Each pastry is $12, double chocolate $12.50 FLAVOR HOW MANY TOTAL APPLE ___________ _________ CINNAMON ___________ _________ CHERRY ___________ _________ CREAM CHEESE ________ _________ BAVARIAN CRM _________ _________ STRAWBERRY CRM_______ _________ RASPBERRY ___________ _________ DBL CHOCOLATE ________ _________ BLUEBERRY CRM ________ _________ TOTAL _____________ _________ Please make check payable to BUMC. Put “Butter Braids” on the memo line. Checks must accompany your order. All proceeds will go to Meals on Wheels. Last day to order: Sunday, Mar. 15th. Pastries can be picked up at the church On Sunday, Mar. 29th. The Mission Team has been busy "brain storming" and has come up with some new ideas for this year. Look for more info in the near future. Hopefully, it is an exciting year for us. Due to the construction, we will not be able to have the ever so famous chili cook off this year, but that will return in 2016. Prayer Shawl Ministry/Crochet Lessons Paula Kirkland will be available at the church in the conference room on Monday, February 16th and Monday, February 23rd from 3:00 to 7:00 PM. Anyone with “willing hands” is welcome to stop by at your leisure for individual crochet lessons. Beginners, those wishing to “refresh” their skills, and those wanting to learn a simple prayer shawl pattern are welcome. Materials will be provided. If you have questions, please call Paula at 706-3644 or email 4 Time MUSICAL GIFTS COME IN ALL SIZES or 2 Time For 2 emerged when sisters: Kearston, age 10, and Kendall, age 8, performed “Twinkle Little Star” before an audience of family and friends at the ages of 5 and 3. Since then, they have expanded their repertoire and perform as featured artists for public, private, philanthropic, academic and political events. As a duo, they have performed in South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Texas, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Hawaii and Lyon, France. Violinist, Kearston Gonzales, began her musical education at the age of 3. She is the first place winner of the 2013 Armstrong Atlantic Youth Orchestra (AAYO) Concerto Competition, and the second place winner (Elementary Div.) of the 2013 Music Academy of North Carolina (MANC) Strings Competition. In November of 2013 Kearston made her orchestral debut in Savannah, GA, and a few months later was invited to solo with the Georgia Philharmonic in Atlanta, GA after being awarded First Runner-up in the Samuel Fordis Concerto Competition. In 2011, a YouTube video of Kearston inspired children’s author Angela Winegar to write a bedtime story featuring Kearston as the main character. “My Magic Violin and Me” has since been published, and is now available for all children to enjoy, inspiring them to find their own instruments, practice and learn valuable life lessons along the way. Cellist, Kendall Gonzales, began her musical education exactly one month before her 3rd birthday. She is the First Place winner (Primary Div.) of the 2013 MANC Strings Competition and the Second runner-up of the AAYO Jr. Division Concerto Competition. Kendall will compete in March 2015 at the Music Academy of North Carolina. Like her sister, Kendall is the inspiration for a book entitled “The Music Man’s Little Cellist”. In their spare time, both girls enjoy reading, drawing, traveling, and learning French and piano. Many inspirational offerings will be included in our worship services during February. On Sunday, February 8 the Wesley Ringers will present musical selections during both worship services. The Wesley Ringers, under the direction of Karen Wyld, rehearses each Monday evening from 7 – 8:30 PM. The ensemble is open to teens and adults. Please take time to read the open invitation below. On Sunday, February 22 the Gonzales sisters will present musical selections during both worship services. Kearston studies violin with Dorothy Mauney and Kendall studies cello with Susan Hines. Both girls also study duets with Dorothy Mauney. Kearston and Kendall Gonzales are the daughters of Tanika & Glenn Gonzales and reside on Hilton Head Island. This will be their first visit to our church, so please read the article below and welcome them to our church. The purpose of the BUMC Wesley Ringers Handbell Choir is to praise God through music, provide musical support to other music ministry ensembles, provide Christian fellowship, and support one another in a small group setting. The Wesley Ringers is a small group opportunity especially suited to those who enjoy praise and expression through music. We believe the ensemble is one of Christian fellowship, supporting each other spiritually, emotionally, and physically. As a part of the body of Christ, we are committed to faithfully serving others whenever we are called. We extend an open invitation to teens and adults to join in the fun of “ringing the bells” unto the Lord. The ensemble participates monthly during worship services and rehearses Monday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. We welcome all who will commit to rehearse weekly, be eager to learn, and willing to share their talents as we glorify God in worship and at special events. For more information contact Karen Wyld, director, by email at (843) 707-7454. For God’s glory only, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in various forms...If anyone, serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 4:10-11 Ella W. Davis, Director of Music 5 As a 5 Star Unit, the Bluffton United Methodist church provides a reading program to all UMW members as well as all members of our church. This program has been in effect sent 2010 and a small library exists in the Conference room of the church. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Our new year started with Officers Training at New Life UMC in Walterboro. Walda Letson, Sarah Sweers, Elizabeth Duncan, Paula Kremers, and Linda Waugh were able to attend. While we were there, Sarah and I chose some books for our reading program this year. Sarah will be giving us information about these books all during the year. Come by the conference room and pick out a book, just sign your name to the card in the back of the book and put it in the card box. You do not have to be a UMW member to read the books. Just let Sarah Sweers,, know you are interested and she will get you started! Our officers met to plan the UMW Day service. It was a wonderful celebration of our women and all their work in missions. Thanks to Candice Sloan for leaving Spartanburg at 4:00 AM to be with us and deliver the message. I want to thank all the women that took part in the service and those who attended the service. We make a great team! If you are not a member and would like to be a part of our great mission team, just let me know. ( I will help you pick the circle that best fits your needs. Our theme this year is “Welcomed by God Welcoming All”. We also discussed Super Bowl Sunday. It’s time consuming and hard work but leads to great fellowship for our church members and all donations go to charities to help the hungry. Check out the bulletin in the back of the fellowship hall. We have a new spotlight this month. It is Betty Snyder. Also read the latest newsletter and thank you notes from our missions. Put these dates on your calendar for February: Feb. 1 Super Bowl Sunday after 11:00 service Feb.10 Executive Board in the conference room, 1 PM Feb. 11 Ruth Circle in the conference room at 1 PM Feb. 17 Legislative Day in Columbia at Epworth Children’s Home at 9:30 AM Feb. 23 Hannah Ulmer Circle in the conference room at 7 PM Feb. 24 Esther Circle at the home of Walda Letson at 9:45 AM —Elizabeth Duncan UMW President Each month I will be highlighting one of the books in the Library so that you will have a better understanding of what is available. 10 new books were bought for the 2015 season. One of those books is called “A Girl called Problem”. This story is about a girl named Shilda which in Swahili means “problem”. From a young age she has wanted to be a healer and is working with a nurse that visits their village occasionally. The village is very small and poor. The elders are invited by a larger village to become part of their village. This idea isn’t popular with all of the village members, including Shilda’s mother who many believe is a “witch”. The move was made to the new village and the story tells of the struggles, the deception of its own members and how Shilda’s life improved by the move. This is an excellent book and is considered an older youth book but adults will also enjoy it. To check this book out, or any book in our library, take the index card out of the front of the book. Fill in the requested information and place the index card in the Green index card box located on the Shelf. When you return the book take the card out of the index card box and place it back in the front of the book. Please take advantage of this book program and enjoy! —Sarah Sweers Come join us for a hot breakfast on February 7th at 8:00. Now doesn’t that sound good on a cold winter morning. The breakfast is great (eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, biscuits, and gravy) and the meetings are short. All men are invited. See you there! 6 We are ready for your requests and your help! Just contact any or all of us (listed below) and let us know your concern and we’ll let the team know right away. If you’re interested in joining the team, contact one of us and we’ll get you included. Pastor Joey – call or text – 803.671.1691 Mickaylla – call or text – 803.515.4227 Becky –; call 843.422.6027 THE BUSY BEES –The “Busy Bees” back at work! They meet on Thursday mornings at 8 AM starting with a breakfast at the Squat-N-Gobble then arrive at the church to do maintenance. If you are able to join them on Thursdays, please contact John White at 705-3513 or email If Thursday is not convenient for you, but you have an interest in doing maintenance items, please contact John White. APPRENTICE FOR JESUS – Apprentice for Jesus is a group that will help those persons needing assistance with light maintenance tasks around their house. This service is provided as we are instructed by Christ in assisting our Brothers' and Sisters'. If you are led to give a donation for these services you may make the donation to the Bluffton United Methodist Men (BUMM). These payments will go to charities that the BUMMs support. If you need assistance contact Russ Rymer at 298-6566 or FEBRUARY MEETINGS, ETC. Sundays – Bible Study, 4 – 5:00 PM Sundays – LAB Youth Group, 5:30-7:30 PM Mondays – Brownie Troup, 4:30 – 6:00 PM Mondays – Handbell rehearsals, 7 PM Tues & Thurs – AA/Alanon in FH & Educational Wing, 7 PM Wednesdays – Stardust Orchestra practices in FH, 10 AM - Noon Wednesdays – The Chancel Choir rehearses, 7 PM Sun. Feb 1 – Souperbowl Luncheon in FH, 12:15 PM Mon. Feb 2 – Handbell meeting with Bob Ivey, Malmark, 6 PM Tues, Feb. 3 – Stephen Ministry, 3 PM Sat, Feb. 7 – BUMMs Breakfast meeting, 8 AM Mon. Feb. 9 – Education Committee, 6 PM Tues. Feb. 10 – UMW Executive Board meeting, 1 PM Wed, Feb. 11 – Ruth Circle, 1 PM Sun. Feb. 15 – Brunch Bunch @ British Open Pub, 12:30 PM Mon. Feb 16 & 23 – Learn how to crochet a Prayer Shawl, 3 – 7 PM Wed, Feb 18 – ASH Wednesday Service, Lowcountry Presby, 12 PM Thurs, Feb. 19 – BackPack Buddie food preparation 9:30 – 12 Noon Thurs, Feb. 19 – Mission Team meeting, 7 PM Sat, Feb. 21 – Parent’s Night Out, 6 – 9 PM Sun, Feb 23 – Hannah Ulmer Circle meeting, 7 PM Tues, Feb. 24 – Esther Circle, 9:45 AM Fri, Feb. 27 – New Ebenezer Handbell workshop, Rincon GA 5:00 – 8:00 PM Sat, Feb. 28 – New Ebenezer Handbell workshop, Rincon GA 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM BRUNCH BUNCH – The next Brunch Bunch get together will be on the 3rd Sunday in February. (Feb. 15th). Location is the British Open Pub in Sheridan Park. As usual, the time is 12:30. This is always well attended so please make reservations with Mary or Bob Powell 843-757-0164 or email GIVING STATEMENTS ARE IN THE NARTHEX – The statements are filed alphabetically. Please take your copy! If, for some reason, your statement is not there, please call the church office, 757-3351 to request a copy. APPLY FOR ADVOCATE SCHOLARSHIP The Advocate invites applications for a $1,000 scholarship for United Methodist students planning to enroll or are already enrolled at one of the four UMC colleges in SC; (Claflin University, Columbia College, Spartanburg Methodist College or Wofford College). Apply by March 16th. To learn more go to: Will be held at the Lowcountry Presbyterian Church on Simmonsville Rd and Hwy 278, Feb. 18th. The service will begin at Noon followed by a light lunch to follow in their Social Hall. 7 Youth & Children’s Happenings Be sure to join us at either service on February 22nd for the presentation on Asbury Hills given by an ambassador of the camp. This is an amazing Methodist Summer camp in Cleveland, SC that is open to grades 2-12. Parent’s Night Out Feb. 21st 6-9pm Bring your child(ren) to the church with a blanket & pjs and enjoy a night out. They will be fed dinner and then enjoy a movie and fellowship with friends. This is a volunteer activity. If you wish to bring your child, you must sign up for a month of your own to provide dinner and a movie. Please rsvp and sign up to Melissa at The Lab Youth Group meets on Sundays @ 5:30 PM Contact James Atkins: 843-290-6700 or A+++ Children’s Busy Bags are in the Narthex. Blue ribbons are ages 3-5. Plain for ages 6-9. Enjoy and be sure to leave them to be refilled. Thank you! Introducing our A+++ area! Accolades, achievements, awards, honor roll, Dean’s List, etc. will be recognized each week. Parents, please send me an email of any and all of the amazing things your kids do. I will put them right here on our page for our whole church to see and be proud of. Benjamin Atkins won the Regional Spelling Bee and will be going to the State Championship later this month. Annabelle Reichert, Kensley Kaney, and Mason Feaster won RESPECT awards at Red Cedar Elementary. The letters stand for: Responsible, Empathetic, Self-disciplined, Positive, Effort, Cooperative, Trustworthy. 8 Treasurer's Report thru January 30, 2015 Budget Target is 4 of 52 weeks or ~8% GENEROSITY FUND From 2013 From 2014 2015 (incl Faunce, Fryman and Guerry memorials ) TOTAL GENEROSITY INCOME Income $ 124,917.00 586,728.77 11,688.00 723,333.77 GENEROSITY FUND EXPENSES Total from 2014 Direct payments to Cogun TOTAL GENEROSITY EXPENSES Expense $ 244,002.31 98,865.00 342,867.31 GENEROSITY FUND BALANCE 380,466.46 Pledged $ 1,086,458.47 % 66.58% GENERAL INCOME 2015 Actual $ Budgeted $ Total Plate Offering Building Use Interest Income TOTAL GENERAL INCOME 40,418.06 75.00 410,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 417,000.00 9.86% 1.25% 0.00% 9.71% Budgeted $ 28,800.00 2,000.00 69,800.00 2,400.00 14,900.00 18,200.00 5,500.00 9,800.00 8,800.00 8,500.00 178,400.00 1,700.00 19,400.00 34,800.00 2,600.00 405,600.00 % 8.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.17% 1.59% 0.00% 12.10% 6.44% 22.86% 8.10% 0.00% 1.34% 13.85% -7.69% 6.38% 40,493.06 BUDGET EXPENSE Graves Property Mortgage Annual Conference Expense Apportionments Communications Family Ministry & Education Insurance Missions Music Office Pastor's Reimbursable Expense Payroll Stephen Ministry + Evangelism Trustees Utilities Worship (Credit balance ) TOTAL BUDGET EXPENSE NET GENERAL INCOME Actual $ 2,400.00 174.99 289.25 1,185.91 567.11 1,943.22 14,447.29 260.00 4,820.11 (200.00) 25,887.88 $ % 14,605.18 GRAVES PROPERTY MORTGAGE UPDATE As of January 28, 2015, payoff of the Graves Property Loan is $170,900. Your additional principal contributions have significantly accelerated the balance decline. Thank you all for your blessings and support. Allyn Perdue Treasurer 9 Are you asking “What’s new?” Well, as you can see…I have my “bag” packed and I’m moving out!! This place is a BIG mess!! There’s so much dust and…so much noise…hammering, banging, shouting. It’s almost as if the “walls were coming down”! If you don’t believe me…take a look at these photos!! To the left is the hallway from the sanctuary to the Fellowship Hall. And…this is the “stage” in the Fellowship Hall. These guys are looking at the mess they made!! Impossible to walk from the sanctuary to the Fellowship Hall now!! These guys are getting ready to dig so they can pour the concrete footings for the new walls. Everyone needs to wear a “hard hat”. And even with all the rain those couple of days…they were able to pour the footings! So…a lot of progress is being made!! Hard to see the “digger”, but it’s there with 3 men. This is the new office. It’s on Calhoun St. & Waters. I hear there will be a lunch served on Feb 1st in the room to the left…It’s called “Souperbowl”. Maybe I’ll stay here until I can get some of the crumbs that are dropped… need to eat before taking my In case you want to know where I’ve been sleeping! trip! – Bye for now!!! 10 PRAYER CONCERNS Daniel Alba Paul Allen Mike Aycox Frank Battaglia Bruce Barstow Vicki Belk Betty Bergman John Bliley Dot Briggs Charisse Carter Cody Carter Anthony Cimino Louise Cimino Ashiya Clark Phillip Colletti Joan Cook Terry Coon Greg Court Mary Court Kim Craig John Davis Jane Dean Bradford Eastman Haley Ellars Bruno Etchart Judith Faunce Donna Fiero Karl Fiero Edward Fitzgerald Bryan Flinn Robert Fondry Luke Freida Sophie Friday Diane Gettes Lois Gilot Bobby Glass Elouise Goodman Tricia Graybill Josh Harper Debbie Harrell Cora Henny Rebecca Clingerman Hill Amanda Hogshead Fred Hogshead, Sr Betty Ann Jenkins William “Red” Jenkins Hiram Jones Baby Kade Bette Kalmbach Dr. Richard Kamm Rachel Kavilie Audrey Knowlton Laura Kollaros Dan Layne John-Michael Lloyd Matt Lyle Jim MacKie Tommy Marcello Bill Markle Joy Michael Edward Mieczkowski Mac Myers Bill Naert FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Sam Nance Cecil Owen Charlotte Parrott Spencer Peth Megan Phelphs Betty Powderley Larry Powell Noah Ratliff Porter Grant Richardson Mike Robertson Brittany Robinson Henry Rosado Priscilla Roy Essie Sanders John Semken Dr. Marc Siegel Delbert Simpson Don Snow Hugh Parker Snow Bea Story Tom Story Carol Sylvester Sandra Taylor Al Theiss Lori Thompson Julie Urbanski Wanda Webb Nana Whalen Marianne Wright Amber Young Darold Young Kim Young Mike & Milton Zapata Ministry of Encouragement List – Please remember these folks with your prayers, cards, etc… Dot Briggs, Bloom at Bluffton, 800 Fording Island Rd, Rm 102, Bluffton 29910; Tel: 815-2555. Lois Gilot, 163 Landing Lane, Bluffton 29909; Tel: 705-6276 Elouise Goodman, NHC,3039 Okatie Hwy, Rm 335, Bluffton 29910 Cora Henny, Bloom of Hilton Head, 35 Beach City Rd, Rm 104, HHI 29926 Betty McKelvey, 19 Raymond Rd., Bluffton 29909, Tel: 705-5486 Julia Rhoad, Riverside at Belfair, 60 Oak Forest Rd., Bluffton 29910; Tel: 815-2338 FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES 01 – Liz & Cliff Charnes 01 – Mary & Ben Swanson 08 – Emily & Peyton McLamb 12 – Cheryl & Hubbs Grimm 22 – Kelly & Clarence Young 28 – Elizabeth & Chad Rose Doug Mayer, civilian – Thanks for all of your prayers for the last year and a half. Doug is now back in the U.S. and flying for American Airlines. (Roni & Rick Novicki’s son) Christian sympathy and prayers of the pastor and congregation are extended to Althea Hicks & family on the death of her aunt, Nancy McCready. Please continue to pray for our brave women & men who serve to protect our freedom in this country & around the world. Petty Officer 2nd class Jared F. Fouke is attached to the crew of the USS John Warner submarine in Norfolk. He goes out on Temporary Duty assignments on various submarines when the opportunities arise. He was awarded Junior Sailor of the Quarter and of the Year for 2013. Please continue him on the prayer list. 04 – Bella Davis (child) 05 – Bob Trainor 07 – Russ Cooper 07 – Shirley Mingledorff 08 – Bea Story 08 – Linda Waugh 09 – Tiffany Wilson 10 – Kerstin Bennett 12 – Andrea Hoffman 12 – Leslie Hunter 13 – Amanda Eayrs 13 – Beth Simpson 14 – Nancy McKinlay 15 – Casey Buck (child) 16 – Capers Bliley (child) 16 – Ella Davis 16 – Bob Sexson 17 – Robin Davis 18 – Ashley Davis 18 – Dee Sargent 20 – Harter Banks 21 – Joyce Hall 23 – Paul Allen 24 – Roy Austin, II 24 – Bud Mingledorff 25 – Nancy Phillips 26 – Lana Armstrong 26 – Ava van Zuylen (child) 27 – Chris McCorkendale 28 – Matt Chapman 28 – Mike Dunigan 28 – Joey McDonald 28 – Dick Smith Evelyn Reddish & family on the death of her brother, H.B. Guerry, Jan. 7, 2015. Judith Faunce & family on the death of her husband, Bob Faunce, Jan. 8, 2015. If you are interested in sending condolences to Judith Faunce, she is currently at: 129 West Locust Street, Oxford PA 19363 11 BLUFFTON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P. O. BOX 368 Bluffton, SC 29910 FEBRUARY 2015 OUR NEWSLETTERS ARE ONLINE AT: PLEASE CALL: 843.757.3351 OR EMAIL THE CHURCH AT: TO BE ADDED TO OUR EMAIL LIST. Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Church 757-3351, Pastor Joey’s cell phone – 803-671-1691; Pastor Joey’s e-mail – Church Office e-mail –, Web Site –; Office hours: Mon. – Thurs. 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Mailing address: Bluffton UMC, PO Box 368, Bluffton, SC 29910
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