ST. JOACHIM CHURCH 401 West 5th Street, Madera, California 93637 559-673-3290 FAX: 559-673-6471 Web Site: e-mail: Fr. John Warburton, O.S.J., Pastor Fr. Gustavo Lopez, O.S.J., Assoc. Pastor Fr. Shaji Athipozhi, O.S.J., Assoc. Pastor Fr. James Catalano, O.S.J., Assoc. Pastor Deacon Steve Taylor ST. ANNE CHAPEL 36483 Road 606 - Raymond WWW.STANNESCHAPEL.ORG Saturday: Vigil of Sunday: Sunday: Holy Days: Weekdays: St. Anne Chapel MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 AM; 5 PM; 6:30 PM (Spanish) 6:30 AM, 8 AM (Spanish), 9:30 AM, 11 AM; 12:30 PM (Sp), 4 PM ( Sp), 5:30 PM, 7 PM (Sp) Vigil: 5:30 PM; 7 AM, 9 AM, 12:15 PM, 5:30 PM, 7PM (Spanish) St. Anne Chapel: Vigil 4 PM 7:00 and 8:00 AM; (Tuesday & Thursday in Spanish) Wednesdays 7:00 PM (Spanish) 9 AM (Confessions before Mass) Communion Service: Tuesday and Friday 9 AM Confessions: Baptisms: Saturdays: 9 - 11 AM; Wednesdays 6:00 PM Sunday 2 PM, (Registration: two weeks before Baptism) Weddings: Funerals: Arrangements six months in advance. Arrangements - 479-8231 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life. This celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2. This feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples. The celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life is transferred to the following Sunday in order to highlight the gift of consecrated persons for the whole Church. Volume 62 Number 05 MASS INTENTIONS February 2-8, 2015 Mon 7:00 Dave & Stella Tesei - Daughter, Patti 8:00 Anabel Delgado - Family Tue 7:00 Manuel Renteria - Family 8:00 Efrain Garcia Santana - Griselda Trujillo 7:00 (LaVina) Domingo Valdez - Loretta Castro & Michael Garcia Wed 7:00 Jacob Alanis - Mark & Suenell Tordini 8:00 Blanche Bertozzi - Dan Bertozzi, Jr. & Family 3:30 (Cedar Creek) Ruth Ferrarese - Ken & Betty Montanari 7:00 Mark Saenz - Family Thu 7:00 Marie Cappelluti - Maurice Cappelluti 8:00 Juan Ayala & Juan Garcia - Guadalupe Ayala Fri 7:00 Albert Prosperi - Fred & Diane Massetti 8:00 Rafael Trujillo Nunio - Griselda Trujillo Sat 8:00 Frank, Flora Lorenzetti & Leo Tordini - Mark & Suenell Tordini 12:00 Quinceanera 1:00 Wedding - Eligio Rodriguez & Nancy Ramirez 2:00 Berenice Ramirez Vargas ( 1st Anniv of Death) 5:00 Elena S. Aguirre - Family 6:30 Maria de la luz Falcon Gomez - Rodrigo Gomez Sun 6:30 Linda Gallegos - John Diaz Family 8:00 Encarnacion y Juan Hernandez - Patricia Vega 9:00 (Raymond ) Buckley Family -Bev & Dick Rekart 9:30 Cynthia Caballero - Cynthia’s Angel Tree 11:00 For the People of the Parish 12:30 Efrain Alvarez - Familia Alvarez 4:00 Carlos Esquivel, Sr. - Family 5:30 Tom Torres - Rudy Morin 7:00 Delia Lizbeth Ruelas - Delia Ruelas TODAY 2ND COLLECTION FOR OUR FAITH, OUR FAMILY, OUR FUTURE CAMPAIGN NEXT SUNDAY 2ND COLLECTION FOR THE BISHOPS ANNUAL APPEAL PASTOR’S CORNER “We teach the children to talk to Jesus. This is the most powerful thing we can do for anyone.” This is the solution offered by Fr. David O’Connell, a Pastor in L.A. where divorce, drugs, addiction and gang activity are having a devastating effect on families in his parish and school. Most priests and deacons, who preach Sunday after Sunday, and catechists, who teach week after week, tend to presume that those coming to Mass and classes already know how to “talk to Jesus.” Yet studies show that personal, honest, frequent conversations with Jesus are rare among Catholics. Most Catholics are settling for much less than Jesus is trying to offer them. Consider what Jesus offered to the ultra religious and arrogant Saul of Tarsus, which transformed him into the humble, zealous and loving St. Paul. It was the gift of Himself: his Mind, his Heart, his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity! St. Paul could say, “No longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. I still live my human life, but it is a life of faith in the Son of God who loves me and who gave his life for me” (Gal. 2:20). Jesus offers the Gift of Himself to every disciple. But, we must freely respond, often, for the relationship, the friendship, to grow. If you are not already doing so, I exhort you to add this discipline to your lifestyle. At the beginning of each day, soon after you wake up, make the sign of the cross, pray the “Our Father” slowly from your heart. Add a “Hail Mary.” Then, enter into at least five minutes of personal conversation with Jesus. I suggest this method. First, tell Jesus how you feel in the present moment. Confide in Him your difficulties and struggles, your need for mercy and help. Listen to Him. Second, add a moment of praise and thanksgiving for the blessings you see in your life. Listen to Jesus. Third, exercise the power of compassion and charity, which God pours into your heart, as you pray for those you care about, for the Church and for the world. Listen to Jesus. Then enter into your day together with Jesus, who chooses to remain with you as Lord, Redeemer, Friend, Shepherd and Bridegroom, of your heart and of your life. If you do this, the glory of God and the joy of the Gospel will shine on your face. Some people may even ask you to explain the reason for the hope they see in you (cf. 1Peter 3:15). Congratulations. You are now an evangelist. Teach others to talk to Jesus. This is the most powerful thing we can do for anyone. Blessings, Fr. John PRAY FOR THOSE WHO RECENTLY DIED May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace: Aurora Martinez, Luis Barreto, Reyes Manuel Yrigollen, Jr. DISCIPLES IGNITED 2014 CONTRIBUTION REPORTS Contribution reports are available to parishioners who use the offering envelopes. You can request one by putting a note on the front of your collection envelope today or call the office, 673-3290, and we will mail it to you. Join us for Disciples Ignited. Ages 18 and older. Our topic: “Pure and Authentic Love”. February 6, 7:30 pm in the church. For more information call 871-3628 or 394-8047 MARK YOUR CALENDARS Catholic Women’s Conference, “ Do not be Afraid”, March 21, Holy Spouses Hall. Guest speaker: Gary E Zimak, Author of Listen to your Blessed Mother, From Fear to Faith and the Worrier’s Guide to the Bible. $30 per person; $200 Table of 8. For information call Sally, 673-3290 or MaryAnn, 662-0682. Tickets will be available soon. Stress in Your Marriage? - Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For information or to register for the next program in Fresno, March 13-15. Call Dave & Sylvia Langton, 324-7149 or email: CATHOLIC BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL CLUB Friday February 13th 7:20 - 8:30am (Doors open at 7:00 ) Pardini's Banquet Room - Van Ness & Shaw Avenue $20.00 non-members $15.00 members & guests of members RSVP By: Noon, Wednesday, February 11. Guest speaker: Kevin Reilly PRAYER & LIFE WORKSHOP You are invited to attend a life changing Prayer and Life Workshop! The vision and inspiration of the workshop comes from Father Ignacio Larrañaga, a Franciscan Capuchin priest. This fifteen session workshop leads you into a deep, intimate and loving experience with God. Several methods of prayer will be taught. Learn how to let go of painful memories, distress from anxiety and fear. An introductory session will be held, Wednesday February 11, 6pm, St. Paul Newman Center (Cardinal Newman Hall) 1572 E. Barstow, Fresno and Tuesday, February 17, 6:30 pm, Sister Disciples of the Divine Master Convent, 3700 N Cornelia Ave, Fresno; (across from Central High School, East) The 1st session to begin 2/18/15 at 6 pm at St. Paul Newman Center and at 6:30pm 2/24/15 at Sisters of the Divine Master Convent. For more information call Orfie at 645-0682, Regina at 974-5578. Pre-registration not required. BLOOD DRIVE RESULTS On behalf of the Central California Blood Center, we would like to thank everyone who registered at the blood drive. We had a great turn out! Thank you for your continued support! We had 37 people register with 4 deferrals, so we were able to collect 33 pints! TACO SALE The Loaves & Fishes Ministry is having a taco sale, Friday, February 6, at St. Joachim School, from 11 am to 2 pm. Proceeds to benefit the school’s scholarships and its sister school in Haiti. Order slips are available at the school office. ST. MARELLO BOOKSTORE Come and see one of our newest books: “The Trilogy of the Life of Blessed Juniper Serra and the 21 California Missions”. Through chapters and beautiful pictures, discover the details of his life and mission as “The Apostle of California” and learn how he and his fellow Franciscans dedicated their lives to develop the culture and heritage of all the California Missions. We will be open next Sunday, February 8, from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm and 4:30 to 8:30 pm. The All Saints Children’s Club will meet at 2:30 at the bookstore for the Children’s Rosary and a presentation on how the children can prepare for Lent. Remember Ash Wednesday is February 18 so this Sunday would be a perfect time to get a Lenten devotion book for the season. Remember the bookstore is open 24/7 at SJS PARENTS CLUB PRESENTS Stetsons and Stilettos Dinner Dance, Auction and Poker Tournament Friday February 13 $50 Per Person 6pm Social Hour - 7pm Dinner by Pardini’s 8:30 pm Poker Tournament - Additional entry fee of $50 required. Contact Aurora Pecarovich for more information 474-3242 VERDADES CATÓLICAS Te invitan al Triduo Cuaresmal “Vengan a Mi de Todo Corazón” el 24, 25 y 26 de Febrero en la Iglesia St. Joachim’s a las 6pm con el Padre Francisco González. Ejercicios de Cuaresma con Misa. Misa de Sanación. Via Crucis y confesiones el miércoles 25 y el jueves 26. ¡No Falte con toda su Familia. Para más información comuniquese al 479-5395. El Ministerio de Panes y Peces va a tener una venta de tacos el viernes, 6 de febrero, en la escuela St. Joachim. Abriremos de 11am-2 pm. ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Te invita a celebrar el día de los enamorados con una gran Cena- Baile, este 14 de Febrero, en el salón de Los Santos Esposos, de 5:30pm a 12am. Costo por pareja de $45. Habrá música en vivo!! Para más información llámanos: Juan Carlos & Antonia Rodríguez al (559) 474-1837 y (559)975-5922. Tensión en su matrimonio?- Retrouvaille en un programa para parejas casadas que se sienten aburridos, desilusionados, frustrados, o enojados en su matrimonio. Algunos experimentan frialdad. Otros experimentan conflictos en su relación. Para información confidencial acerca del programa o registrarse para el siguiente Fin De Semana, por favor llame al (559) 935-1424 o por email: El siguiente Fin De Semana en Español, es en Fresno, CA, Marzo 13-15, 2015. GRUPO FE Y ESPERANZA Todos son bienvenidos a este gran concierto familiar con el hermano Ramón Ochoa el soldado de Cristo este lunes 2 de febrero a las 7pm en el Griffin Hall. Donación $5 de 12 años en adelante, la entrada es gratis para los niños. Para más información comuniquese al 536-8580. LOS LUNES: 7pm Salón 31 & 32- Encuentro Matrimonial LOS MIÉRCOLES: 6-7 p.m. Rosario a María y José 7-8 p.m. Santa Misa 8-9 p.m. Hora Santa de Reparación RINCÓN DEL PÁRROCO “Enseñamos a los niños ha hablar con Jesus. Esto es lo mejor que podemos hacer por alguien.” Esta es la solución que el Padre David O’Connell, un Pastor en L.A. en donde el divorco, las drogas, adicciones y las actividades de las pandillas están teniendo un efecto devastador en las familias de su parroquia y escuela. La mayoría de los sacerdotes y diaconos que predican Domingo tras Domingo, y las catequistas, que enseñanan semana tras semana, tienden a suponer que los que vienen a Misa y clases ya saben cómo “hablar con Jesus.” Sin embargo estudios demuestran que conversaciones personales, frecuentes y honestas con Jesus son raras entre los católicos. La mayoría de los Católicos se conforman con mucho menos de lo que Jesus trata de ofrecerles. Considere lo que Jesus ofreció al ultra religioso y arrogante Saul de Tarsus, que lo transformó en un San Pablo humilde, celoso y amoroso. ¡Fué el regalo de Sí Mismo: su Mente, su Corazón, su Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma y Divinidad! San Pablo pudo decir, “Ya no soy yo quien vive, sino Cristo vive en mi. Yo todavía vivo mi vida humana, pero es una vida de fe en el Hijo de Dios quien me ama y dió su vida por mí” (Gal. 2:20). Jesus ofrece el don de sí mismo a cada discípulo. Pero, a menudo, debemos responder libremente, por la relación, la amistad, para crecer. Si aún no lo están haciendo, les exhorto a añadir esta disciplina a su vida. Al empezar el día, poco después de despertarse, haga la señal de la cruz, ore el “Padre Nuestro” lentamente desde su corazón. Agregue un “Ave María.” Luego, tenga una conversación personal con Jesus durante al menos cinco minutos. Les sugiero este método. Primero, dígale a Jesus como se siente en ese momento. Confíe en El sus dificultades y luchas, su necesidad de misericordia y ayuda. Escúchelo. Segundo, agregue un momento de alabanza y de acción de gracias por las bendiciones que ve en su vida. Escuche a Jesus. Tercero, ejerza el poder de compasión y caridad, que Dios derrama en su corazón, ya que ora por las personas queridas, por la Iglesia y por el mundo. Escuche a Jesus. Entonces empiece su día junto a Jesus, quien decide permanecer con usted como Señor, Redentor, Amigo, Pastor y Novio, de su corazón y de su vida. Si hace esto, la Gloria de Dios y la alegría del Evangelio brillará en su cara. Incluso algunas personas pueden pedirle que explique la razón de la esperanza que ven en usted (cf. 1Pedro 3:15). Felicidades. Eres un Evangelista. Enseña a otros ha hablar con Jesus. Esto es lo major que podemos hacer por alguien. ¡ Bendiciones P. John LOS VIERNES: 7 pm Salón 2,3,4, & 7 - Noche de Alabanza para toda la familia. 7pm Salón 62 - Encuentro Matrimonial LOS SÁBADOS: 7:30 pm Salón 2 - Jóvenes Unidos en Cristo 7:30 pm Salón 31—Familias Unidas en Cristo, para nuevos matrimonios. Hay cuidado de niños 2 DE FEBRERO Parish Office 673-3290 Hours Monday:1 to 6 pm Tuesday thru Friday: 9 am to 12 pm & 1 to 6 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday CCD Office - 674-5871 Hours Monday thru Friday: 10 am to 1 pm & 2 to 6 pm Youth Ministry - 674-9069 Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10 am to 2 pm Thursday 3 to 7 pm Closed Monday St. Marello Bookstore - 662-0682 Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:30 to 7:30 pm Thursday: 10 am to 7:30 pm; Saturday: 10 am to 8 pm 2nd Sunday of month:7:30 am to 2 pm; 4:30 to 8:30 pm. St. Joachim School - 674-7628 St. Joachim PreSchool - 662-0372 Holy Spouses & Griffin Hall Rental - 674-9489 WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help -Monday after 8 am Mass. Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph - Wednesday after 7 & 8 am Mass. DAILY ADORATION IN CHAPEL Monday & Tuesday, 8:40 am to 9 pm Wednesday, 8:40 am to 6:50 pm, 9 pm to Thursday, 6:50 am Thursday, 8:40 am to Friday, 6:50 am Friday, 8:40 am to 6:00 pm BIBLE STUDY Wednesday: 7 - 8:30 pm in Room 71 St. Anne - Tuesday 9:30 am Doors of Hope Pregnancy Center - 662-8629 Rachel’s Vineyard - 1-877-629-6626 CATHOLIC MEN OF FAITH 2nd Monday of Month 7pm Room 71
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