January 2015 Volume 20 (5) Audubon News Mecklenburg Audubon Society | P.O. Box 221093, Charlotte, NC 28223 Confessions of a Bird Trip Leader What’s Inside Thursday, February 5th Confessions1 Field Trips 2 GBBC3 Which Chickadee? 4 Coffee, Dairy & Birds 5 Calling all Tweeters 6 Wood Thrush 7 Upcoming Events 2/5 Boyce Park 2/5 Monthly Meeting 2/7 West Branch NP 2/8 Woodcock Walk 2/13-16 GBBC 2/14 Beginner’s Birdwalk 2/21 McDowell Prairie 2/26 Four-mile Creek Grnwy. 2/28 Ribbonwalk NP Tyvola Senior Center Join us for the February meeting as regional ornithologist and world trekker Simon Thompson will share Confessions of a Bird Trip Leader. This you must hear and won’t want to miss! Simon Thompson owns and operates Ventures, Inc., a bird watching and natural history tour company based in Asheville, NC and leads small groups of naturalists and birders both within North America and to many locations throughout the world. Ventures also runs day trips throughout North and South Carolina and offers weekend and longer trips to many of the top birding sites throughout the US. He is the ornithologist at Chimney Rock Park, where he leads bird walks, and is active with both the Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society and the newly-formed Henderson County Bird Club. He and his partner Chris operate the Asheville Wild Birds Unlimited store, so the next time you’re in the high country, pop in and say Hi! So trek on over to the Tyvola Senior Center (2225 Tyvola Road.) at 7:15 PM. Refreshments and fellowship from 6:45 PM. 3/1 Beginner’s Bird Walk 3/5 Monthly Meeting Who’s New? Janet Link Lea Ogundiran Happy Hunting - ton Beach State Park - January 2015 Audubon News Page 1 Field Trips All Mecklenburg Audubon Field Trips are free and open to the public. Directions can be found on the Mecklenburg Audubon website - meckbirds.org/trips/trips.html. Please remember to contact the trip leaders several days before the trip. If you don’t, you may not receive information about last minute changes or cancellations. Also, if they don’t know you are coming, they might leave without you!! Thursday, February 5: James Boyce Park 1/2 Day • Easy • Contact:: Tom Ledford [tledford1207@gmail.com] This heavily wooded park backs up to McAlpine Creek Greenway which is not accessible at the moment due to construction. We’ll meet in the parking lot at 8:30 AM. Saturday February 7: West Branch Nature Preserve 1/2 Day • Moderate • Contact: Jeff Lemons [birdsalot@gmail.com] White-crowned Sparrow ©Jeff Lemons Meet at Parking area at intersection of June Washam Rd and south end of Shearer Rd at 7:45 AM (sunrise 7:17 AM). We will walk the greenway, hike the trail through woods around the marsh and check the field for sparrows. Wear boots. Early Birds will meet at 6:30 AM in same parking area. We will hike back to marsh and take sunrise at the marsh overlook. Sunday, February 8: Woodcock Walk Sherman Branch Evening • Easy • Contact: Taylor Piephoff [piephofft@aol.com] Sleep in this morning as this one starts at 5:00 P.M. The birds are almost guaranteed, sometimes landing as close as 30-40 feet. Bring a flashlight for the walk back to the cars. Meet at parking area off Rocky River Church Rd at 5:30 PM. Saturday, February 14 – Beginner Bird Walk - Latta Prairie American Woodcock 1/2 Day • Easy • Contact: Marica Howden [howden32@aol.com] This will be a two-mile walk on dirt and gravel roads. We’ll have power line right-of-way, woods and prairie/field. Good spot for yellow-breasted chat, indigo bunting, blue grosbeak and prairie warbler. We’ll start at 8:30 AM in the parking lot to the right just inside the gate of Latta Nature Preserve. Saturday, February 21 – McDowell Prairie & Copperhead Island 1/2 Day • Moderate • Contact: Ron Clark [waxwing@bellsouth.net] Ring-necked Duck ©Jeff Lemons Sunday March 1: Beginner Bird Walk – Four-mile Creek 1/2 Day • Easy Contact: Bill & Laura Blakesley [lclemons@mindspring.com] This walk is designed for new birders, but anyone can come. Binoculars will be provided, if needed. Meet at 8:30 AM in the Johnston Road Parking Lot. Audubon News The prairie is a 2-mile walk through fields and woods edges. Sturdy shoes are suggested. Then we’ll go to nearby Copperhead Island to scope Lake Wylie for waterfowl. We’ll meet at 8:30 AM in a new spot. Turn right on Shopton Road off Hwy 49. In 0.7 miles, turn left on Four Horse Road. Follow it about 3/4 mile to the green gate on the right. Thursday, February 26 – Four Mile Creek Greenway 1/2 Day • Easy • Contact: Ron Clark [waxwing@bellsouth.net] We’ll cover a two-mile stretch walking through a variety of habitats. Meet at 8:30 in the parking lot on Johnston Rd. Saturday, February 28: Ribbonwalk Nature Preserve 1/2 Day • Moderate • Contact: Ron Clark [waxwing@bellsouth.net] This area is mostly wooded, and includes three ponds and a large field. We’ll cover about 1 1/2 miles. Meet at 8:30 AM in the parking lot on Hoyt Hinson Rd. Page 2 Show Birds Some on Valentine’s Weekend: Join the Great Backyard Bird Count! Give Mother Nature a valentine this year and show how much you care about birds by counting them for the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). The 18th annual count is taking place February 13 through 16. Anyone in the world can count birds at any location for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count and enter their sightings at www.BirdCount. org. The information gathered by tens of thousands of volunteers helps track changes in bird populations on a massive scale. The GBBC is a joint project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society with partner Bird Studies Canada. Bird watchers fell in love with the magnificent Snowy Owl during the last count when the birds were reported in unprecedented numbers across southeastern Canada, the Great Lakes states, the Northeast, and down the Atlantic Coast. Expect Snowy Owls to show up in higher numbers during this year’s GBBC, too. “It’s called an ‘echo flight,’” explains Marshall Iliff, eBird Project Leader at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. “After a huge irruption like we had last winter, the following year often yields higher-than-usual numbers as well. The abundance of lemmings that produced last year’s Snowy Owl irruption likely continued or emerged in new areas of eastern Canada, more owls may have stayed east after last year’s irrupAudubon News tion, and some of last year’s birds that came south are returning.” “This may also be a big year for finches,” notes Audubon Chief Scientist Gary Langham. “GBBC participants in North America should be on the lookout for larger numbers of Pine Siskins and redpolls. These birds also push farther south when pine cone seed crops fail in the far north of Canada.” Bird watchers from 135 countries participated in the 2014 count, documenting nearly 4,300 species on more than 144,000 bird checklists–that’s about 43% of all the bird species in the world! In addition to the U.S. and Canada, India, Australia, and Mexico led the way with the greatest number of checklists submitted. “We especially want to encourage people to share their love of birds and bird watching with someone new this year,” says Dick Cannings at Bird Studies Canada. “Take your sweetheart, a child, a neighbor, or a coworker with you while you count birds for the GBBC. Share your passion and you may fledge a brand new bird watcher!” The Great Backyard Bird Count is a great way for people of all ages and backgrounds to connect with nature and show some love for the birds this Valentine”s Day. Participation is free and easy. To learn more about how to join the count, download instruc- tions, a slide show, web buttons, and other materials, visit www. birdcount.org. Counting is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Register for the count or use your existing login name and password. If you have never participated in the Great Backyard Bird Count or any other Cornell Lab citizen-science project, you’ll need to create a new account. If you already created an account for last year’s GBBC, or if you’re already registered with eBird or another Cornell Lab citizen-science project, you can use your existing login information. 2. Count birds for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the GBBC. You can count for longer than that if you wish! Count birds in as many places and on as many days as you like—one day, two days, or all four days. Submit a separate checklist for each new day, for each new location, or for the same location if you counted at a different time of day. Estimate the number of individuals of each species you saw during your count period. 3. Enter your results on the GBBC website by clicking “Submit Observations” on the home page. If you already participate in the eBird citizen-science project, please use eBird to submit your sightings during the GBBC. Your checklists will count toward the GBBC. Page 3 The Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) and the Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) can be confusing species for eastern bird watchers to identify. The ranges of these species do not overlap much, so for many people a quick look at a range map will show which species are most likely to occur at their feeders. But for those who live in the narrow strip across the eastcentral United States in the zone of overlap, the chickadees pose a serious identification challenge. To complicate the identification problem the species have been known to hybridize in the overlap zone. Black-capped Chickadee Is it a Black-capped or Carolina Chickadee? Black-capped Carolina Songs and Calls A small (avg. 5.25” long), acrobatic bird with longer tail and (to some observers) a proportionately larger head. The lower edge of the black bib is less defined and appears uneven. Mostly white on nape of neck The smallest (avg. 4.75” long) North American chickadee with a proportionately smaller head and shorter tail. Near the zone of overlap, birds have been known to learn each other’s vocalizations, and hybrids tend to deliver odd-sounding variations. A bird located near the zone of overlap that sings both songs, or sings “odd-sounding” songs, cannot be positively identified in the field In fresh plumage (usually in the autumn) the greater wing coverts and secondaries are broadly edged in white. The white patch on the wing is more exaggerated. The outer tail feathers are more broadly edged with white on the Black-capped Chickadee. Sexes are similar. The bib is smaller and well defined (there is a neat line of separation between the bib and belly). Mostly grayish on nape of neck. The greater wing coverts are more uniformly gray and show less white. The cinnamon-buff coloring under the wings is less developed on the Carolina Chickadee (but fresh adults in the northeast part of its range show brighter cinnamon and can be confused with Blackcapped Chickadee) Sexes are similar. The Black-capped Chickadee’s call is a lower and slower chicka-dee-dee-dee. It functions as a contact call, one that serves to keep the winter flock together when birds cannot see one another. Its song is a clear fee-bee. A loud version is given during territory skirmishes, a soft version is given during mate feeding. The Carolina Chickadee’s call is a higher and faster chick-a-deedee-dee. It also has a four note song, fee-bee-fee-bay. Carolina Chickadee Audubon News Page 4 As most of you know, Mecklenburg Audubon has been serving Birds & Beans Coffee at all MAS meetings and has been selling this coffee to both members and at external events. Simply put, we feel that Birds & Beans Coffee is the most bird-friendly coffee on the market. The following is an excerpted version of a press release from Birds & Beans that discusses how organic dairy products further help migratory songbirds such as MAS’ adopted species, the Wood Thrush. Drinking Bird Friendly® Coffee with Organic Dairy Products Helps Protect Migratory Songbirds in Peril A new survey confirms that the growth in acreage of organic dairy farms in the U.S. and Bird Friendly® coffee farms in Latin America is protecting habitat for migratory birds. Coffee from Bird Friendly® farms with a drop of U.S. organic milk or cream is the easiest thing to do to help stop population declines of migratory songbirds and degradation of the environment we share with them. Neotropical migratory songbirds face habitat loss on both ends of their migratory range. In the northern breeding zones landscapes have lost forests to clearing and hedgerows and wood lots to industrial agriculture. In the tropics, large-scale deforestation has destroyed rainforest for farming and for modernized coffee plantations that grow their plants in full sun with massive doses of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Sun-grown coffee brands include Starbucks, Folgers, and Maxwell House. The North American Bird Conservation Initiative’s 2014 State of the Birds Report names Neotropical migratory songbirds and grassland breeding birds as two groups of species facing the steepest population declines. However there is hope, these birds are gaining both breeding and wintering habitat thanks to USDA Organic Audubon News dairy farms and Bird Friendly® coffee farms. The official Bird Friendly® certification from the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center combines USDA Organic standards with requirements for forest shade cover, multilayered canopy, and the presence of epiphytes. There are now more than 20,000 acres of Bird Friendly® coffee farms in Latin America. Birds & Beans Coffee, which only sells Bird Friendly® certified coffee, has grown sales by over 50% annually over the past five years. Significant growth in organic dairy acreage is also a hopeful sign of the future for these species. As overall organic farm acreage in the United States has doubled since 2003, a significant portion of that growth has been driven by the popularity of dairy products, such as those sold by the firm, Organic Valley. Birds & Beans sponsored surveys in 2014 of Bird Friendly coffee farms in Nicaragua and USDA organic dairy farms in Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio and Vermont. Trained field biologists from a variety of organizations went to the farms to ‘certify the certifications’ and to see just how much of a difference truly sustainable family farming can make for bird conservation. The surveys conducted on farms in Nicaragua that supply Birds & Beans Coffee found more than 130 species of birds, including vireos, thrushes, flycatchers, tanagers, and orioles. The survey team also found several warblers, including high numbers of Tennessee, Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green and Wilson’s warblers, as well as Golden-winged Warblers— a candidate species for Endangered listing in the U.S. Many of these same species also showed up in the bird surveys on Organic Valley dairy farms in the Midwest and East that found more than 50 at-risk breeding bird species. Specific species found in the Organic Valley surveys included Indigo Buntings, American Redstarts, Baltimore Orioles, Wood Thrush, and Black-and-White, Blackburnian, Chestnut-sided, and Black-throated Green warblers. These farms are also all virContinued on page 6 Page 5 Calling all Tweeters Sue Heritage is a state and federally licensed wildlife rehabilitator and a member of Wildlife Rehabilitators of North Carolina. She has been rehabbing birds, mammals and reptiles for about 18 years. Although not a birder she has recently become involved with Mecklenburg Audubon. There are only two songbird rehabilitation sites in the Charlotte area, One is Carolina Waterfowl Rescue and the other is Sue. Carolina Waterfowl Rescue typically refers songbirds to her because they deal with hundreds of waterfowl each season. Sue needs help fielding the hundreds of bird calls during breeding season. With no interns nor volunteers and feeding and caring for baby birds becomes quite overwhelming! All too often she has to turn bird calls away. Working with these tiny, vulnerable creatures is challenging but rewarding. Sue is looking for volunteers who would be able to give a few hours a week caring for these birds. It is not glamourous. Much of the time is spent cleaning cages and preparing food. Baby birds, depending on their age, must be fed every 15-30 min. That involves preparing food, cleaning cages and feeding repeatedly. The time passes quickly and it’s a great opportunity to get to know these birds up close and personal. If you are interested in being covered in baby bird formula, working with mealworms and dealing with bird poop, then this is the job for you!! Contact Sue if are interested in volunteering a few hours of your time for a noble cause. Here’s her contact information: Sue Heritage heritage_sue@yahoo.com Home phone is 704 568-6767 Cell phone is 704 577-8889 MAS Executive Board President: Jill Palmer [jpalmer53@earthlink.net] Vice President: Leslie Wieser [lesliewieser@yahoo.com] Treasurer: Dave Hooten [dehooten60@gmail.com] Secretary: Ken Kneidel [kenkneidel@gmail.com] Continued from page 5 Organic Diary Field Trips: Jim Guyton [guytonj@att.net] tual sanctuaries for grassland birds of great conservation concern, including grasshopper sparrows and bobolinks. Communications: Christy Hill [chill2k5@hotmail.com] The coffee and dairy farms surveyed and those with similar certifications provide extremely valuable habitat for Neotropical migratory songbirds at both ends of their range. Some of our most vibrant and beautiful birds are getting a conservation boost at a critical time when they most need it. Sustainable farming is good for birds, farmers, workers and the environment we all share. Call Audubon News Education: Lauren Schexnider [lauren.schexnider@gmail. com] Membership: Jan Fowler [janmfowler@gmail.com] Hospitality: Chris Hanna [chrltthanna@aol.com] Conservation: Bill Duston [bduston@carolina.rr.com] it ‘Coffee Cup Conservation’ drinking, great-tasting coffee from Bird Friendly® farms with some Organic Valley dairy products is an easy step to take to help conservation and the migratory songbirds we love. Members at Large: Jim Pugh [jimfayepugh@gmail.com] Bill Rowse [birderpa@att.net] Newsletter/Web: Judy Walker [birdwalker@me.com] Audubon News is published monthly from September through May by the Mecklenburg Audubon Society, a chapter of National Audubon. Local members receive the newsletter via postal mail and/or electronic mail. It is also posted on the Mecklenburg Audubon website - meckbirds.org. For further information, visit www.birdsandbeans.com Page 6 Meet the MAS’s Adopted Species The Wood Thrush ries and small fruits are eaten at all seasons. Young are fed mostly insects but also some berries. Feeding Behavior Forages mostly on ground, usually in forest undergrowth but occasionally on open lawns. Will use its bill to flip leaf-litter aside as it seeks insects. Feeds on berries up in shrubs and trees. Nesting Seemingly not as shy as the other brown thrushes, not as bold as the Robin, the Wood Thrush seems intermediate between those two related groups. It sometimes nests in suburbs and city parks, and it is still common in many eastern woodlands, where its flutelike songs add music to summer mornings. However, numbers of Wood Thrushes have declined seriously in recent decades, focusing the attention of conservationists on the problems facing our migratory birds. Habitat Mainly deciduous woodlands. Breeds in the understory of woodlands, mostly deciduous but sometimes mixed, in areas with tall trees. More numerous in damp forest and near streams than in drier woods; will nest in suburban areas where there are enough large trees. In migration, found in various kinds of woodland. Winters in understory of lowland tropical forest. Male arrives first on breeding grounds, establishes territory, and defends it by singing. Often reacts aggressively to other thrushes in territory, such as Robin or Veery. In courtship, male may chase female in fast circular flights among the trees. Nest: Placed in vertical fork of tree (usually deciduous) or saddled on horizontal branch, usually about 10-15’ above the ground, sometimes lower, rarely as high as 50’. Nest (built by female) is rather like Robin’s nest, an open cup of grass, leaves, moss, weeds, bark strips, mixed with mud; has lining of soft material such as rootlets. Often adds pieces of white paper or other trash to nest. Eggs: Usually 3-4. Pale greenish blue, unmarked. Incubation is by female only, 13-14 days. Young: Both parents feed nestlings. Young leave the nest about 12 days af- ter hatching. 1-2 broods per year. Eggs Usually 3-4. Pale greenish blue, unmarked. Incubation is by female only, 13-14 days. Young: Both parents feed nestlings. Young leave the nest about 12 days after hatching. 1-2 broods per year. Young Both parents feed nestlings. Young leave the nest about 12 days after hatching. 1-2 broods per year. Conservation Numbers have declined seriously in recent decades. Cowbirds lay many eggs in their nests, so the thrushes often raise mainly cowbirds, with few young of their own. As forests are cut into smaller fragments, it apparently becomes easier for cowbirds to penetrate these small woodlots and find more of the thrush nests. The Wood Thrush is probably also losing wintering habitat in the tropics. Range Migrates mostly at night. Many migrate across Gulf of Mexico in spring and fall. Feeding Diet Mostly insects and berries. Feeds on many insects, especially in breeding season, including beetles, caterpillars, ants, crickets, moths, and many others; also spiders, earthworms, and snails. BerAudubon News Page 7 Avian Courtship Understanding courtship behavior of birds can help birders recognize how birds act in their backyard, and with practice it is possible to identify birds based on their mating behavior. Furthermore, if a birder recognizes the courtship rituals of a bird, they can learn to look nearby for the other bird that the displaying bird is hoping to impress. Why Use Courtship Behavior The ultimate purpose of courtship is to attract a receptive mate, but there are actually several other purposes behind the courtship behavior of different bird species. The intricate moves of a courtship dance and the recognizable bird sounds and songs used to attract mates can help distinguish species so birds are sure to choose compatible mates. Different courtship behaviors also serve to reduce territorial aggression between birds, letting them relax together to form a pair bond. Depending on the type of behavior, how the birds react in courtship can also display strength, health and mating desirability, allowing different birds to choose the best partners and ensure viable offspring. Types of Courtship Behavior There are several different types of courtship rituals that bird species can use for finding a mate. Most species will use several methods, but they can vary greatly between different birds. Singing: Singing is one of the most common ways birds attract a mate. The intricacy of the song, or the variety of different songs one bird can produce, help to advertise its maturity and intelligence – desirable characteristics for a healthy mate. Singing can also advertise the boundaries of one bird’s territory, warning off competition. For some species, only one gender (usually the male) will sing, while other species may create a duet as part of the bonding ritual. Displays: Flamboyant plumage colors and elaborate displays of prominent feathers, skin sacs or body shape can show off how strong and healthy a bird is, advertising its suitability as a mate. Peafowl are one of the best known bird species for their stunning display with the males’ extensive fan, though other birds may use subtle changes in posture to show off their plumage to the best effect. Dancing: Physical movements, from daring dives to intricate sequences including wing flaps, head dips, or different steps can be part of a courtship ritual. In many species, the male alone will dance for his female while she observes his actions, while in other species both partners will interact with one another. Dance mistakes show inexperience or hesitancy and would likely not lead to a successful mating. Western Grebe Courtship Dance © marlin harms Audubon News Preening: Close contact between male and female birds can be part of the courtship rituals to help diffuse their normal spatial Prothonotary Warbler ©Jeff Lemons boundaries and aggression. The birds may lightly preen one another, sit with their bodies touching or otherwise lean on one another to show that they are not intending to harm their partner. Feeding: Offering food is another common courtship behavior for many species. Typically a male may bring a morsel to the female, demonstrating he is able not only to find food, but he can share it and is able to provide for her while she incubates eggs or tends the brood. For some species the male may just bring food and transfer it to the female for her to feed, while in other species will place a seed or insect directly in her mouth just as he might be expected to do when helping feed hungry nestlings. Building: Some birds seek to attract a mate by showing off their architectural skills. Constructing nests before the female arrives is a way for males to claim territory and show the suitable nesting areas they can defend. They may also decorate the nest with pebbles, moss, flowers or even litter to make it more eye-catching. The female may then choose the nest she prefers, or she may still build her own after mating with her chosen male. There are many ways that birds seek to attract a mate, and understanding bird courtship behavior can help birders better appreciate the complexity of the bird relationships forming in their backyard. Page 8
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