CONTINUING EDUCATION Resource Guide TEL: 888-84ABOHN 630-789-5799 FAX: 630-789-8901 EMAIL: WEBSITE: JANUARY ~ JUNE CONTINUING EDUCAT TION R E LATED TO T OCCU UPATION NAL HEA ALTH MISSION STATEEMENT: T promote a standard of excellencce To in occupaational health nursing throu ugh credenttialing. This listing of educationa e al program ms was prep pared by the American A B Board for Occcupationall Health Nu urses, Inc. (ABO OHN), the national ceertification n board for the speciialty of occcupational health h nurssing. The sp ponsors of th he offeringss provide in nformation included in n this resou urce guide.. ABO OHN does not n recomm mend nor reffer individu uals to any one course. c Incclusion of th he courses on this listt does not conv vey approv val by ABOHN. ABOHN N 201 Easst Ogden, Suite S 114 Hinsdalee, Illinois 60521-3652 6 2 on is provid ded as a seervice to alll This informatio indiv viduals who o are pursu uing certificcation and have h appliied for the examinatio on. CERTIFICATION RESOURCES CERTIFICATION RESOURCES Your 1st Choice for Certification Review ANNETTE B. HAAG & ASSOCIATES Occupational Health and Safety Principles and Nursing Certification Review Offering Career Enhancement and Accredited Certification Review Resources in Occupational Health. We are committed to providing “state of the art” information on key trends in Occupational Health to assist professionals in advancing their careers and obtaining their COHN or COHN-S certification. CURRENT SCHEDULED CLASSES Details on our website Los Angeles, CA; UCLA: June 16-18, 2015 San Francisco, CA; AOHP: September 12-14, 2015 (date subject to change) Los Angeles, CA; UCLA: November 3-5, 2015 SELF-STUDY RESOURCE FOR COHN/COHN-S EXAMS Course Manuals, 2 volumes; order on our website Annette Haag MA, RN, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN President, Annette B. Haag & Associates Past president of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses and Trustee for the American Society of Safety Engineers Foundation. With over 40 years of experience, she is nationally and internationally recognized in the field of health and safety. TEL: 805-527-8988 FAX: 805-526-9413 EMAIL: Special Courses COURSES CAN BE ARRANGED FOR COMPANIES, AAOHN CHAPTERS, ORGANIZATIONS AND SPECIAL GROUPS. CALL FOR DETAILS. CERTIFICATTION RESSOURCESS A Advanc ce You ur Care eer . . . EARN AN A ADVANCEED DEGREE OR R CERTIFICATEE IN ENVIRON NMENTAL AND D OCCUPATIO ONAL HEALTH H FROM THE O Occupat tional an nd Enviro onmental Health Nursin ng Progrram Johns Hopkins H Blo oomberg Scchool of Pu ublic Health h ml EXCELLENTT FIT FOR: Occcupational Health Nursess, Nurse Practitioners in occupational o health settin ngs, public health h/communityy health nurrses. PROGRAM MS: 1. OCCUPPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PRROGRAMS: Full‐time and part‐time p MPH; joint MSSN/MPH; PhD or o DrPH. Man ny courses are a available e online. Funding is available fro om the Natiional Institute for Occup pational Saffety and Heaalth APPLICCATION DEADLINES FOR ACADDEMIC YEAR 20 015‐2016: Full time MPH: 12/15/15 (foor July 2016 start) Paart time MPH: 12/15/15 5 (for June 2016 start) Partt time MPH: 7/1/15 (for January J 2016 6 start) Doctoral prog grams: 12/15 5/15 (for Seppt. 2016 start)) 2. ADDITIONAL OPPORTTUNITIES: Sum mmer and Wiinter Instituttes; Certificaate in Enviro onmental and d Occup pational Heaalth. http://www.jhsp demics/certificate‐progrrams/certificcates‐for‐hopkins‐and‐non‐degree‐ studen nts/environm mental‐and‐o occupationaal‐health.htm ml N, PhD, Johnss Hopkins Bloomberg Scchool of Public Health CONTAACT: Sheila Fitzgerald, RN TEL: 410‐‐955‐4082 E‐MAIL: John ns Hopkins Education n and Rese earch Centter for Occupational Safety and d Health Continuiing Educattion Course es www w.JHSPH.ed du/erc/ce Ovverview of Occupational O l Health Nurrsing Re espirator Fit‐‐Testing Workshop Physical Assessment A for Nurses Em mergency Preparedness Free on‐line CE modu ules Naational Centeer for Healthyy Housing (N NCHH) Academic Partner Occcupational Hearing Con nservation Certification and a Refresher Course NIOSH‐Approvved Occupattional Spirom metry Coursee and Refressher Course CONTTACT: Marry Doyle, MPH H, RN, COHN‐SS/CM Keith Choi, BA B Direcctor Program Coorrdinator E‐MAIL: MDoyle6 TEL: (410) 955‐0423 E‐MAIL: u TEL: (410) 95 55‐4088
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