PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER GATHERING LIGHTING OF THE CHRIST CANDLE BLESSING May God’s Sheltering Wings WELCOME Happy Birthday to you. Happy Anniversary to you. May God bless and keep you another year through. READING Jonah 2:1-10 One: The Word of God All: Thanks be to God QUIET MOMENT FOR REFLECTION Ave Maris Stella REFLECTION READING Grieg Jonah 1:1-3 One: The Word of God All: Thanks be to God MOMENT FOR OUTREACH #278 (VU) Dave Park OFFERING *HYMN Great is Thy Faithfulness #288 (VU) OPENING PRAYER (in unison) God of steadfast love and surprises, We praise You for Your faithfulness, We thank You for creating all things in love, We are grateful to be called and shaped by You. Bless this time as we worship. We also wish to confess a few things… Times we have run away from what You call us to, Moments we forget how faithful You are, Areas in our life in need of Your healing touch. Call us back, that Your love may swallow us whole… (Silent Prayer) WORDS OF HOPE AND HEALING OFFERTORY MUSIC Andante Religoso Jonah 1:4-17 One: The Word of God All: Thanks be to God Thome *OFFERTORY RESPONSE # 541 (VU) Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise God, all creatures high and low Give thanks to God in love made known: Creator, Word and Spirit, One. OFFERTORY PRAYER With thanks for this opportunity, we offer this to You, God. With thanks for the blessing and surprise of life, we offer this to You, God. With thanks for the inspiration to live abundantly in faith, we offer this to You, God. Use it for Your ministry here and in Your world. Amen. *HYMN Now Thank We All our God #236 (VU) *SENDING FORTH and BLESSING *CHORAL BENEDICTION (Amen sung three times) POSTLUDE Grand Processional Brahms REFLECTION *indicates to please stand if you are comfortable doing so THEME TIME HYMN In the Quiet Curve of Evening Don’t be Afraid #90 (MV) WELCOME If you are new to our community or church, we welcome you to our service this morning. We invite your suggestions for making our service and church life more meaningful for you and your family. Thanks for coming! Please sign our guest book on the table inside the front door. THANK YOU to our greeter and ushers, Shelagh Tague, Tim & Nancy Andersen, & Marlene Ische, Ridley Gillmore for presenting the announcements and Ruth White as our layreader. RESPONDING *HYMN REFLECTION READING #214 (MV) PASTORAL CHARGE ANNOUNCEMENTS A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO GLORIA WEALE for filling in for Doug Squire while he is on holidays. TODAY AND THROUGHOUT THIS WEEK we are called to pray for the members of Grace United Church in Roseville. As we pray for each other and for the mission of Churches in the world including our partner church in Cali, Colombia, we remember our local churches by praying this week for Underwood/Wesley United Church. THE PRAYER CHAIN is open to receive names of any person whom you feel would be upheld by prayer - we do not limit our list just to members of the congregation. Speak to Keith. Please know that all requests are held in confidence. DID YOU KNOW? The funds donated each Sunday for the Birthday Box help support our local Food Bank. Also donations of food may be left in the hamper outside the church office anytime and they will be delivered to the Food Bank. Thank you for your generous giving. SUPPORTING THE TOONIE CHALLENGE is a way of reducing the shortfall in the General Fund that covers the operating expenses of the church. We encourage as many families as possible to participate in this challenge by contributing an extra Toonie each week in the small bowl on the offering plate (the cost of a coffee or a newspaper). Thank you for your generosity! ANNUAL REPORT TIME – Team leaders and Committee Chairs, please note that reports for the Annual Report should be emailed or submitted in writing to Brenda Sharpe ( by Friday, February 6th. Thank you for your cooperation! TAX RECEIPTS FOR 2014 CONTRIBUTIONS – if you did not receive your receipt by email this week, you may pick up a printed receipt from Brenda after the service today. Thank you for your generous donations! NAME TAGS We encourage our members to wear their name tags to help meet new people and remind some of us who have ‘senior’ moments. If there is not a tag for you in the box at the back of the church, please let Brenda know in the church office. OBSERVER SUBSCRIPTIONS – If you currently have a subscription or would like to be added to our group subscription, please submit $20.00 by February 1. You may include payment (cheques should be payable to Southampton United Church) in one of the pew envelopes but clearly mark your name and indicate for “OBSERVER”. YEAR END FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As of December 31, 2014 offerings to the General Fund reached 97% of our budget for the year. Total Expenses were somewhat less than predicted, so the final shortfall was $4,465. The M&S Fund exceeded our goal by $3,590. Thank you for your very generous offerings and fundraising efforts in 2014! ARE YOU AVAILABLE TO USHER IN FEBRUARY, MARCH OR APRIL? Please speak to Shirley Masterson or add your name to the schedule on the church bulletin board. COMMUNITY SUPPER FEBRUARY 4th, 5 - 6:60 p.m. at St. Paul’s Anglican Church. All are welcome! Admission by donation. SOUTHAMPTON UNITED CHURCH WORSHIP SERVICE February 1, 2015 MEN”S BREAKFAST FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th at 8:30 a.m at Mum’s. All men are welcome to join us for a time of conversation and fellowship. AFTER THE SERVICE please join us for a beverage and goodies in the social hall & enjoy a chance to visit and meet others. WHY DOES OUR CHURCH EXIST? As Southampton United Church, we walk life’s journey together with Faith and Friendship Mount Hope - My community of faith exists because of Hope and Love within our generations. GENERAL FUND INCOME AND EXPENSES Offerings 2014 Dec 31 $127,731 2014 Budget $130,900 Total Income Total Expense Net Loss 142,056 146,521 ($4,465) 145,490 150,115 ($4,525) MISSION AND SERVICE FUND 2014 Dec 31 $20, 590 2014 Budget $17,000 KEITH WILL BE AWAY FEB 2 to 16th - one week on holidays and one week on study leave. He will return to the office on February 17th. In the interim, Rev Gerry Hofstetter will be available for pastoral needs (519) 422-1863 or (519) 797-3493. Minister: Rev. Keith Reynolds Home: 519 797-1683 Email: Music: Gloria Weale Office Administrator: Brenda Sharpe Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Treasurer: Sandy Ribey Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. Email: Church Office: 519-797-3803 E-mail: Website:
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