Leading people to fullness of life in Christ 1st February 2015 “A covenant made with God should be regarded not as restrictive but as protective” Russell M. Nelson. 32 - 50 Mt Warren Blvd Mount Warren Park Supply Ministry Team: Rev Bernie Jarius 3200 6042 or 0428 787 161 Keith Schloss 3441 9031 or 0433 429 031 Blue Care: Merja Wilhelmsson Director of Nursing Phone: 3287 2041 Bethania Haven: Vicki Cain Residential Service Manager Phone: 3805 6600 Welcome to our services today. If you are a first time worshiper please feel at home. We are glad to have you worshiping with us. There is morning tea served after each service. We invite you to join us. Today's Service Time 8.00 am Service Bernie Jarius & Keith Schloss 10.00 am Service Bernie Jarius & Keith Schloss Office Staff : Lea Turner - Mon,Thur & Fri Ruth Stewart - Tue & Wed Office Hours: 9.00 am - 12 noon Monday to Friday. Phone: 3807 5969 Postal address: PO Box 1002. Beenleigh 4207 Fax: 3807 9163 Email: bruc2@bruc.net.au Alive in Christ; Making Disciples; Reaching out in Love. Pastoral Care Travellers Club Will meet in church hall this Tuesday 3rd February @ 9.30am The next trip will be to Tin Can Bay from April 18-25. Anyone interested, please contact Laurie Mossom on 3287 2369. Been Dancing Been Dancing will recommence on Wednesday, 4th February, 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm in the BRUC Hall. Come and make new friends, enjoy fun and fellowship and get fit. All welcome. For more information phone Jennifer 3807 3187 or Ray and Margaret 3287 2238. Security Ettiquette If any group or person decides to use an area of the church for a meeting at the last minute, PLEASE let the caretaker on that week know, as them not knowing about last minute meetings has caused problems in the past for them. Thank You Cuppa and Chat Wednesday 11th February at 10am. CG’s café Shop 5B, 78 Station Road Bethania. Opposite Bethania Railway Station CG’s offers gluten free options. Please let us know numbers so we can notify café how many to expect. Either Diane Franks ph 3200 7663 or Deirdre Jarius 3200 6042 by Sunday 8th February 2015 YOUR ATTENDANCE IS INVITED Sharyn Robinson will commence work in February in a part time capacity as Uniting World’s liaison officer in Queensland. She will be inducted into this role as a Pastor at The Synod Chapel, 60 Bayliss St Auchenflower , at 4.30pm on Wednesday 11th February. She will also continue in her work as Blue Care Chaplain locally. Mel's Induction For those who are wanting to get along and support Mel as she steps into a new Ministry role, Col and Val Pickworth have arranged a bus that has 10 spare seats. Please speak to Col ASAP to book your seat. Induction Service is to be at 7pm on Friday 13th of February. @ Moggill Uniting Church. Journey Out Now The February issue of Journey is out now, so please collect a copy from the information table. Clothes for the Solomon Islands We are asking for donations of GOOD second -hand Summer clothing that can be boxed up and sent over to the Guadalcanal circuit, which they can sell to help fund the building of their circuit centre. The clothes can be handed into the office or given to Wayne & Ruth Stewart. Are You Going Away? If you are on any of the rosters, and are going to be away during March, April or May and haven’t yet let Ruth know, please do so as soon as possible - especially for March . Thank you Birthdays Congratulations Ken and Dorothy Dart celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on the 30th January. Megan Pattinasarany Lyn Stewart, Lesley-Anne Finter Jarod Haase, Marianne Singer Sheree Radke, Adean Stumer Gemma Stewart Coming week Diary Dates E - Waste Please do not leave any E-waste at the church as last year’s clearance was a one off operation. Monday 2nd 7.00pm Indoor Bowls 7.30pm Worship COM Tuesday 3rd Cleaning Roster We have 2 people at least who cannot continue on our cleaning roster, so there is a great opportunity for others to serve in this way. If we have enough folk, you only get a turn every 6 weeks or so. Please see Lesley-Anne. Re-commencement Dates Fun Club: Friday 13th February Been Teens: Sunday 15th February Wednesday 4th 6.30pm 10am Music practice 7.30pm Dancing Thursday 5th 2.00pm 8am Music Practice 6.30pm Youth band practice 7.00pm A la Card Friday 6th Diary Dates to Note Sunday 8th February: Combined 9am service which will include a closure service for Rev Mel Wheeley Faith Life Groups Monday 9th February: Resourcing COM Tuesday 3rd February 7.30pm Women @ Fiona’s - Mt Warren - 3287 1947 Wednesday 4th February 10.00am @ Schloss’s - Mt Warren - 3441 9031 7.30pm @ Stewart’s - Beenleigh - 3807 3324 Thursday 5th February 3.45pm @ Dart Snr - Belivah - 3804 0824 7.30pm @ Finter’s - Beenleigh - 3298 2659 Security Wayne Stewart 3807 1440 Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd February: Church leadership Retreat Saturday 28th February: Men’s breakfast Beenleigh Prayer Chain: If there is someone or something you would like the members of the prayer chain to pray for, please contact Helen Porter Phone 3133 0132 or Church Office on 3807 5969 (between 9.00 am –12 ) Please ensure you have the permission of the person for whom prayer is requested. Weekly Bible Readings PRAYER POINTS 1st February 2015 • Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 • • Daily Bible Readings` Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Psalm 111 Job 7:1-7 Isaiah 40:21-31 Mark 1:29-39 1 Cor 9:1-15 1 Cor 9:16-23 1 Timothy 6:3-11 Scripture Reading for Today Deut 18:15-20 Page 138 Mark 1:21-28 Page 707 Psalm 111 Page 434 Pray for the people of Ireland, Wales, Scotland, England & Northern Ireland. Pray for those whose life situations put them in need of emergency relief. Pray for struggling families. Prayer Shawl Ministry Not sure what to say in times of sadness or ill health? Maybe our Prayer Shawl ministry can help with a scarf or shawl to warm and comfort. Contact Val Darwin: 3200 2875 Meal Ministry The Meal Ministry is available to support anyone going through difficult circumstances, on a short term basis. If you are aware of anyone needing this ministry, please contact Alison Dart Ph. 3804 1226 Leadership Contacts Congregation: Clive Finter 3287 2659 Church Council: Dale Ham 3405 1509 Elders COM: Lesley-Anne Finter 32872659 Resourcing COM: Bruce Binnie 3804 0285 Study Guides are available in the foyer Worship COM: Keith Schloss 3441 9031 Worship Co-ordinators 8am: Dale Ham 3405 1509 Valerie Holst 3299 7927 10am: Marianne Singer 0408 025 515 Located at 32-50 Mt Warren Boulevard Mt Warren Park QLD 4207 T: 07 38075969 F: 07 3807 9163 In partnership with Welcome to church today. Could you please sign the attendance sheet on the clipboard that is on each pew. If you are visiting or here for the first time, a very special welcome. Could you also fill out the green card provided on the clip boards. Prayer requests are prayed for each week.
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