Newsletter - Mt. Pisgah UMC

January 28, 2014
Special points of
 UMW Dinner and
Meeting, Feb. 3
 Winter Jam, Feb. 14
 Chili Cook-Off &
Cake Auction,
Feb. 15
 UMM Dinner and
Meeting, Feb. 23
Inside this issue:
Worship Partners
Prayer List
OWL Kids
WHO News
Emergency Meals
Missive from Mt. Pisgah
I’m sure that events of the past week have
commanded your attention as they have mine. We see the
horrors of the massacre in Paris, and then again, what failed
to get nearly as much attention were the brutal attacks in
Nigeria where Boko Haram slaughtered almost 2,000 people.
Boko Haram, an extremist Islamist group operating in four
countries, has a history of massacre numbering in the
thousands. Both of these murderous rampages were born of
evil under the banner of Islam (the Parisian assailants said
they were part of al-Qaeda in Yemen).
For those of us living in the western world and being
predominantly Christian, we fail to possess an inkling of
understanding as to why people commit such atrocities. I am
certain that psychologists can offer dispassionate
explanations, which might explain such behavior, yet
understanding the genesis of mass murder and the perceived need to do it, falls short of
any reasoning. However, we need only look at the past century (when Nazi Germany and
the Japanese empire annihilated groups of innocent people) to see that group
extermination occurs in societies around the world. Unfortunately, such actions dot the
history of humanity from the earliest of times, and al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, ISIS, and
others follow in their evil footsteps currently.
We, as people of a loving and caring God, vainly try to comprehend the
non-comprehendible – evil. Do we really think that we can make sense out of these
actions? The nature of evil is such that it loves to have us try because it is futile and
wastes our time and resources. Jesus confronted evil often during His ministry, but He did
not dwell upon it as in trying to explain it – He just dealt with it. In His temptation by the
devil (Mt. 4:1-11), Jesus rebuffed Satan and did not try to console or give excuses for his
behavior. Again, in Mt. 12:33-37, Jesus recognizes the evil in the Pharisees, and does not
explain it away, He calls it as He sees it: 35 A good man brings good things out of the good
stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. (NIV)
In Luke 8:26-39, Jesus confronts a demon who is possessing a man. Jesus has
compassion for the man yet does not try to explain the demon. Jesus just exorcises the
demon, and the man is freed.
I believe we also need to confront evil and not waste time trying to explain it away.
Evil just exists, and we need to accept that (many don’t unfortunately). These folks who
perpetrate evil against innocents need to be confronted and stopped. What can we do?
First, we pray. We pray for the Holy Spirit to intervene in the lives of those possessed by
evil, and that He relieve them of their demons. We also need to pray that these folks and
all people everywhere get to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Second, we need to support
efforts of governments to protect the innocents and stop the slaughter. Third, we need to
Missive Cont.
ask our government to do what it can diplomatically to thwart the killing – contact your representatives.
Evil is rampant and pervasive as demonstrated in the extremist Islamic groups. I know that God
is crying over their actions, as are we. May the Lord use us as His laborers in this effort to save those in
the line of fire and to stop the evil now. It is a problem of the ages, yet this is our problem in our world.
Trust in the Lord to work in and through us and our government.
Grace and peace,
Worship Partners
Altar Guild: 8:30—Becky Ernest; 11:00—Kathy Sharp. Bereavement Team:
TBA. Prayer Chain: Call Pat Schaaf, 292-5088 or LuAnn Christy, 288-3321.
February 1
Greeters: 8:30—Betty Collins 11:00—Jim and Ronda Foster. Nursery: 8:30—
Molly King; 2 ½ - 4 Years: Sarah Reed. Ushers: 8:30—Spencer Ferguson, Pat
Manahan, Dennis Scheer, Bob Johnson and Jerry Wall; 11:00—Mac McNairy,
Mark Nolte, Ann Tanner, Gene Tanner.
February 8
Greeters: 8:30—Bill and JoAnn Cooper; 11:00—Jackie Wells. Nursery: 8:30—
Chris and Patti Ramseur; 2 ½ - 4 Years: Sina Pipkin. Ushers: 8:30—Spencer
Ferguson, Pat Manahan, Dennis Scheer, Bob Johnson and Jerry Wall; 11:00—Randy Auman, Rick
King, Charles Moon, Leo Schaaf.
February 15
Greeters: 8:30—Lee and Sue Booth; 11:00— Wallace and Betty Wilson. Nursery: 8:30—Joe and Julie
Godfrey; 2 ½ - 4 Years: Malissa Bishop. Ushers: 8:30—Spencer Ferguson, Pat Manahan, Dennis
Scheer, Bob Johnson and Jerry Wall; 11:00—Randy Lewis, Ned Jones, Bob Tursky, Stacy Webb.
February 22
Greeters: 8:30—-Spencer and Robbin Ferguson; 11:00—Laura Kernels. Nursery: 8:30—Tripp and
Amy Miller; 2 ½ - 4 Years: Michelle Andrews. Ushers: 8:30—Spencer Ferguson, Pat Manahan,
Dennis Scheer, Bob Johnson and Jerry Wall; 11:00—Bill Apple, Gaye Clifton, Ken Clifton, Wallace
If you would like to greet at the 8:30am service, please contact Robbin Smith Ferguson at 855-9856 or If you would like to greet at the 11:00am service, please contact Rebecca Hansley at
545-7519 or
In memory of Bob Vaughn and Roger Comer: Ann Schwabeland.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
In honor of Libby Hundley: Nicole, Todd, Zach and Caroline.
United Methodist Men
In honor of Charlie Hundley: Nicole, Todd, Zach and Caroline.
Capital Improvement Fund
In memory of Bob Vaughn: Herb Martin, Pat Glover, Sherry Harris, Patsy and Elton Smith, Mt. Pisgah UMC,
Vance and Mary Smothers, The Saturday Breakfast Crew, Gentry Air.
In memory of Jennie Smith, John Cranford, Joe Hetherington and Mary Belle Pearman: Mt. Pisgah UMC.
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In honor of Margaret Garner: Pamela and Paul Gosnell.
In memory of Bob and Margaret Jessup: Rachel Jessup Rogers.
In memory of Mary Belle Pearman: Vivian Glass.
In memory of Jennie Smith: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stout, Larry and Mary Ann Willoughby, Tom and
Melinda Smith, Mike and Donna Smith, Larry Pelt, Julian C. Scruggs & Co.
Mt. Pisgah UMC/Ernestine L. Penry Scholarship Fund
In honor of Jerry and Jo Ann Snyder: Ann Allnutt.
In memory of Elton and Carleen Hunsucker, Joe Hetherington: Jerry and Jo Ann Snyder.
In memory of Mary Belle Pearman: Lillian Paylor.
Cemetery Fund
In memory of Bob Vaughn: Jerry and Cynthia Wall.
In memory of Don Hilburn: Linda Hilburn.
In memory of Roger Comer, Bob Vaughn, Norma Nall, Jennie Smith, Elton Hunsucker,
Henry Maiden, Peggy Harper, Don Hilburn: Ned and Ann Jones.
In memory of Jennie Smith, John Cranford, Mary Belle Pearman, Joe Hetherington: Jerry and
Cynthia Wall.
In memory of Bob Vaughn: Mt. Pisgah UMM.
In memory of Mary Belle Pearman: Circle 5.
Camp GuilRock
In memory of Ilma Stone: Seekers Class.
Ministers Discretionary Fund
In memory of Bob Vaughn: Seekers Class.
Announcements and Publications
Missives from Mt. Pisgah
Ted is now sending messages weekly (at least) over email. These messages (missives) deal with practical and theological
matters which are of interest to our community. If you are not receiving the missives, please email LuAnn Christy
( and she will put you on the list.
Announcements by Email or Phone Tree
Are you receiving the announcements from the church office concerning deaths, births and special events? If not, contact
LuAnn Christy at or 288-3321. Be sure to give your name, email address and phone number
(home, cell or work).
Newsletter by Email
You may be signed up to receive the announcements by email from the church office (which happens frequently) but the
newsletter is mailed out separately once a month. If you would like to receive the newsletter by email, go to the church’s
Recycle Your Flower Containers
If you have placed flowers on the altar, please recycle the green containers when you are finished with your flower
arrangements. Also, glass bud vases are needed when we recycle flower arrangements for our shut-ins. Drop them off at the
church office.
Newsletter and Bulletin Deadlines
The deadline for our February newsletter is Wednesday, February 11 at 10am. The newsletter will be sent out around
February 25. Do not submit articles for events occurring before February 25. Don’t forget to include clip art and pictures to go
along with your articles.
The deadline for our weekly bulletin is Monday mornings at 10:00am.
You may email your articles for the bulletin, newsletter, website or Sunday morning screen announcements to LuAnn Christy
at (Please submit all articles in Arial, 11 pitch.)
Page 3
Prayer List
To update the prayer list, email LuAnn Christy at or call 288-3321. Please remember in prayer:
Polly Smith (cousin of Dee Earl), Dorothy Brame, Louise Friddle, Dee Earl,
Brenda Rose, Lyle Cunningham, Sue Yates, Chris Boland, Greg Hathcock, Gloria
Vartanian, Dave Robertson, Elizabeth Price, Sarah Aull.
We extend our love and sympathy to Allan Leach and family upon the death
of his sister, Beverly Kelley, on December 12 in Vienna, WV; and to Tom Smith
and family upon the death of his mother, Jennie Smith, on December 22 in
Greensboro; to Eleanor Cranford and family upon the death of her husband, John
Cranford, on December 28 in Greensboro; to Chris Reed and family upon the
death of his grandmother, Charlotte Schisler on January 1 in Northampton, PA;
to Pat Hetherington and family upon the death of her husband, Joe Hetherington,
on January 1 in Greensboro; to Gail Breschears and family upon the death of her
mother, Mary Belle Pearman, on January 2 in Greensboro; to the family of Rev.
Marion Workman, former minister at Mt. Pisgah, on January 8 in Pleasant Garden, NC; to Jim Scifres
and family upon the death of his cousin, Grover Ray Vicks, on January 12 in Star City, AR; to Cathy
Barnette and family upon the death of her stepmother, Mary Hoyle on January 8 in Union Mills, NC; to
Andrew McEachern and family upon the death of his mother, Betty McEachern, on January 23 in
Hickory; to the family of Bobbie Lomax upon her death on January 25 in Greensboro; to Shirleyann
Cruse and family upon the death of her daughter, Betsi Rackoff, on January 26 in Greensboro; to the
family of Anita Spainhour upon her death in Wilmington, NC; and to the family of Nancy Latham upon
her death on January 27 in Greensboro.
OWL Kids
Upcoming Events for Children:
“Souper” Bowl- Sunday, February 1- The children will help with a special offering for GUM during the
children’s time in the worship services. The congregation is asked to bring extra cash, change or
checks made out to “Greensboro Urban Ministry”. Thank you for supporting the children in this mission
to help feed the hungry in our community.
Junior Whobody and Whobody Snow Tubing- Saturday, February 7 at Jonas Ridge. Cost is $20
for tubing per person, plus an additional $15 is needed for lunch and dinner. Transportation will be by
rental vans. We will meet at the church at 8:30am and estimated time of return is 6pm. Visit to learn more.
Chili Cook-off and Cake Auction- Sunday, 2/15 beginning at noon. All Jr. Whos and UMKids, along
with their families, are invited to stay after church for lunch and support this fundraiser for youth
missions. Please see Matt Toney if you would like to donate a pot of chili or dessert.
Children’s Choir will sing on Sunday, 2/22 in the Mount service.
Important 2015 dates:
Page 4
Easter Egg Hunt/Covered Dish Lunch- March 29
Vacation Bible School- June 23-26
GuilRock Day Camp (rising 1st-4th grade)- July 13-16
Who News
Page 5
Opportunities This Month
United Methodist Men
The UMM meeting will be held
on Monday, February 23 at
6: 30 PM in the Fellowship
Hall. The UMM will have a Fat
Tuesday breakfast/prayer
meeting on February 17 from
6:45-7:30am. Everyone is
be advertised during the
Consider sponsoring as well
as participating in our regatta
this year.
Please spread the word of our
registration and sponsorship!
Thank you for everything you
do for the camp year after
United Methodist Women
year. We truly cannot do what
The UMW General Meeting
we do without you! You can
will be held Tuesday, February check out updates or like our
3, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the
page on Facebook. Search
Fellowship Hall.
"Camp GuilRock".
Megan Christy, Camp
Night Shelter
The CUC Class is in charge of
the Night Shelter on Friday,
Mt. Pisgah Women’s Spring
February 13.
Retreat (UPDATE)
Registration forms are now
Camp GuilRock Cardboard
available for the MP Women’s
Boat Regatta
Retreat at the Beach Cove
Camp GuilRock is doing it
Resort in Myrtle Beach,
again - our second annual
SC. You’ll find them in the
cardboard boat regatta. This
Volunteer’s Office, the Narthex
year it will be on the first
of the Sanctuary, and the
Saturday in May - May 2,
Mount. Each person needs to
2015. Last year we had many complete a registration form
groups from your church/
and leave it in the designated
organization participate and
box in the Volunteer’s Office.
would love to have you
The dates are April 24-26,
participate again this year!
2015. All rooms are doubles Registration is now open. We two beds. You and your
would love to have both old
roommate will enjoy a spiritand new competitors.
filled weekend with our Lord
Forms should be filled out and Jesus, plus time for relaxing
sent to my email, machrisand retail therapy. (This hotel by March is near Barefoot Land15. More than one group is
ing). The cost for two nights
allowed to participate from
lodging (Friday & Saturday),
your church, with a discounted two breakfasts (Saturday and
fee for the second group (if
Sunday), and dinner Saturday
you're feeling competitive this night is $160.00 per person.
(Scholarships will be
available). We will have a
We are hoping to order t-shirts transportation coordinator for
this year as well with a list of
those driving and those
sponsors on the back. If you
wanting to ride. Please
would also like to sponsor the contact Hetty Savage if you
Regatta or know of any local
have any questions, 644-0909.
businesses who would be
interested in sponsoring our
The Northern Piedmont
regatta, please have the
District Spring 2015 Lay
sponsorship form filled out and Servant Training opportunity
sent to my email as well by
will take place on the following
March 15. You may submit a
logo of your business that will
Page 6
Saturday, February 28, 9:00
am to 12:30 pm
Sunday, March 1, 2:00 to 5:00
Saturday, March 7, 9:00 am to
12:30 pm
Sunday, March 8, 2:00 to 6:00
Register online at https://
096f001/876b24a8-8344-443fab1c-655e1ef55474.pdf. And,
register early...classes fill up
Persons wishing to participate
in the training should plan to
attend all four sessions. The
training will take place at
Guilford College United
Methodist Church in
“YOU+ME=WE” Marriage
Enrichment Seminar
Saturday, February 14, from
10am to 2pm Albert Einstein
once said, “Women marry men
hoping they will change. Men
marry women hoping they will
not.” Change is inevitable,
growth is optional. This
informative and entertaining
marriage enrichment event
includes a candid presentation
by Bob and Diane Nations, a
happily married couple who
enjoys sharing their
experiences on how to build
and maintain a healthy
This most enjoyable event will
provide time for group
interaction and questions,
some experiential exercises on
relationship fundamentals and
dedicated time for couple
interactions. Spiritual,
emotional, and relational
topics will be addressed.
Couples will have an
opportunity to learn more
about themselves, their
partners, and how to build a
healthy marriage.
Opportunities This Month
Looking for a way to honor and
cherish your marriage? Don’t
delay, purchase your tickets
online or in the Christ UMC
office. Friends are very
welcome! Cost is $20 per
couple, and includes a special
Valentine’s lunch, plus lunch
and childcare for any children.
This could be a great early
Valentine’s Day gift for your
spouse, or your adult children!
and appreciate Mount Pisgah
for giving them the opportunity
to participate in Disciple Bible
Study and they appreciate
your love and support. I also
thank you for taking time to
support this wonderful prison
Jerry Sumner Riffey
The family of Robert W.
Vaughn would like to thank
everyone at Mt. Pisgah UMC
for all the cards, thoughts,
Snow and Ice Policy
prayers, and support we
In case of bad weather this
year, our policy is to have the received upon Dad's passing.
We saw God's grace in all the
11am worship service only
caring people at Mt. Pisgah
unless noted otherwise over
and cannot thank everyone
the media. To confirm, check
our website,, God Bless
WFMY (on the TV or website, The Robert W. Vaughn Family
we are listed as Mt. Pisgah on
Dearest ELP Foundation and
Battleground) or call the
Mt. Pisgah Family,
church office, extension 260.
I felt so loved and warmly
embraced at ELP Sunday, and
New Members
On January 18 at our 11:00am appreciated the opportunity to
worship service, we welcomed fellowship with you all.
Iris Sharpe into our church
I accepted an appointment in
family. Iris came to us from
the North Carolina Conference
New Lebanon Christian
at Glendale Heights UMC in
Church of Reidsville, NC.
Durham. I feel at home and
Welcome to the Mt. Pisgah
that God has placed me in the
right place at the right time. My
husband Kevin and I have
The inmates taking Disciple at moved to the parsonage and
Salisbury Correctional want to my husband is now the
commuter to his job in
thank each person that sent
them Christmas Cards. There Greensboro. My MDiv program
will now be 4 years total, and I
is no way to express how
much this means to them. One relish a little more time to
absorb my coursework and put
inmate when he received his
it into practice into ministry. It
first card looked at it and
has been an extremely busy
began to cry and could not
control the tears. He has been and rewarding semester – and
in prison many years and this I could not have done it
without your prayers and
was the first piece of mail of
any kind he had ever received. support. You all have been
You can only imagine how he often upon my mind and heart
and in my prayers of
felt as he began receiving
other cards.
All of the guys have told me
over and over to express their
thanks to all of you. They love
seminarians – especially me!
Stacey Lundy
Brought to you by The
Mount Pisgah Fund
We accept endowment gifts.
The income will be used for
special church projects. The
principle of the gift is never
spent and continues
Chris Boland Medical
Expenses Fund
Don’t forget to continue to
support Chris Boland with his
medical expenses as he has
no health insurance. If you
would like to help, please
make check payable to Mt
Pisgah UMC and note on the
memo line that it is for the
Boland Medical Fund and give
to Dee Earl. If you have any
questions, please feel free to
contact us at the church
Good News/Bad News
The good news for Mt. Pisgah
Church is that we continue to
grow and are reaching more
people. The bad news (it’s not
really that bad) is that we are
running out of parking space.
We ask anyone who can to
park in the Lewis Center lot
behind the church.
Grace and peace be upon you.
Thank you for your important,
generous work supporting
Page 7
February Birthdays and Anniversaries
Delmas and Ruby Cobb
Mike and Beth Barnwell
Larry Vance
Bill Womack
Page 8
Matt Comer
Linda Satterfield
Thad McLaurin
Chris Poer
Chris Reece
Betty Collins
Libby Fox
Bill Butler
Ann Cannell
Paula Scifres
Lee Bishop
Margaret Carver
Nancy Pierron
Kelly Lewis
Jimmy Klinefelter
Joy Horton
Alan Sharp
Kacee Reynolds
Chuck Hundley
Kay Bailey
Gloria Campbell
Stephanie Hathcock
Aaron Johnson
Donna Miller
Nick Wagner
Eddie Brame
Susan Carrera
Sina Pipkin
Chris Sharp
Van Gunter
Wade Falls
Kristen Lund
Harriet Roland
John Beard, III
Mike Vaughn
Domini Castellino
Gail Breshears
Mark Surratt
Andrew Bellenkes
Denise Hash
Hayes Simmons
Shelia Klinefelter
Christine Jehu-Appiah
Debbie Mullis
Meredith Cohoon
Kevin Gunter
Chloe Swanson
Rick Smith
Innocent Justice
Joni Riffey
Tom Hamel
Sandra Wegner
Bill Edwards
Ann Schwabeland
Katie Kading
David Tursky
John Covert
Daisey Harris
Claire Pegram
Alex Holmes
Ruth Daniels
Dianne Vance
Chris Boland
Donna Tyner
Sharon Comer
Janet McNairy
Diane Carter
Evan Stream
Tim Stream
February Calendar
Sunday, February 1
Worship Service—8:30am
Sunday School—9:45am
The Mount—9:45am
NEW Sunday School Class—11am
Sunday School—10:55am
Café Java—11am
Youth Sunday School—11am
Worship Service—11am
Small Group Ministries—3:30pm
Financial Peace—4pm
Small Group Ministries—7pm
Monday, February 2
Praise Band Rehearsal—6pm
Girl Scouts—6pm
Boy Scouts—6pm
Mission Team Meeting—6pm
Tuesday, February 3
Prayer Group—7:30am
Journey to Hope—11am
Cub Scouts—6pm
Girl Scouts—6:30pm
UMW Executive Meeting—7pm
Wednesday, February 4
Staff Prayer Time—9am
Worship Planning—9:30am
Community Choir—10:30am
Children’s Bible Study—5:30pm
Children’s Choir—5:30pm
Venture Crew—7pm
The Mount—7pm
Thursday, February 5
Men’s Prayer Group—6:30am
THUMBS UP—9:15am
UMW Circle #4—4pm
Boy Scouts—6pm
Handbell Rehearsal—6pm
Choir Rehearsal—7:15pm
Sunday School—10:55am
Café Java—11am
Youth Sunday School—11am
Worship Service—11am
Small Group Ministries—3:30pm
Financial Peace—4pm
Small Group Ministries—7pm
Monday, February 9
Praise Band Rehearsal—6pm
Girl Scouts—6pm
UMW Circle #1—7pm
Tuesday, February 10
Prayer Group—7:30am
UMW Circle #2—11:30am
Prayer Shawl Ministry—2pm
Cub Scouts—6pm
UMW Circle #6—6:30pm
Girl Scouts—6:30pm
Wednesday, February 11
Staff Prayer Time—9am
Staff Meeting—9:30pm
Community Choir—10:30am
UMW Circle #5—2pm
Children’s Bible Study—5:30pm
Children’s Choir—5:30pm
Venture Crew—7pm
The Mount—7pm
Thursday, February 12
Men’s Prayer Group—6:30am
Teacher Luncheon—8am
THUMBS UP—9:15am
Small Group Ministries—9:15am
Boy Scouts—6pm
Handbell Rehearsal—6pm
Choir Rehearsal—7:15pm
Friday, February 13
ALPHA Retreat—8am
Friday, February 6
Saturday, February 7
Youth Snow Tubing—8am
Sunday, February 8
Worship Service—8:30am
Sunday School—9:45am
The Mount—9:45am
NEW Sunday School Class—11am
Saturday, February 14
ALPHA Retreat—8am
Small Group Ministries—9am
Winter Jam—4:30pm
Sunday, February 15
Worship Service—8:30am
Sunday School—9:45am
The Mount—9:45am
NEW Sunday School Class—11am
Sunday School—10:55am
Café Java—11am
Youth Sunday School—11am
Worship Service—11am
Chili Lunch/Cake Auction—12pm
Small Group Ministries—3:30pm
Financial Peace—4pm
Small Group Ministries—7pm
Monday, February 16
Weekday School Closed—9am
Praise Band Rehearsal—6pm
Girl Scouts—6pm
Tuesday, February 17
UMM Prayer Breakfast—6am
Prayer Group—7:30am
Journey to Hope—11am
Trustee’s Meeting—5:30pm
Cub Scouts—6pm
Girl Scouts—6:30pm
Wednesday, February 18
Staff Prayer Time—9am
Community Choir—10:30am
Children’s Choir—5:30pm
Children’s Bible Study—5:30pm
Venture Crew—7pm
The Mount—7pm
Ash Wednesday—7pm
Thursday, February 19
Men’s Prayer Group—6:30am
THUMBS UP—9:15am
Small Group Ministries—9:15am
Boy Scouts—6pm
Handbell Rehearsal—6pm
Choir Rehearsal—7:15pm
Friday, February 20
Saturday, February 21
Page 9
February Calendar Cont.
Sunday, February 22
Worship Service—8:30am
Sunday School—9:45am
The Mount—9:45am
NEW Sunday School Class—11am
Sunday School—10:55am
Café Java—11am
Youth Sunday School—11am
Worship Service—11am
Financial Peace—4pm
Small Group Ministries—7pm
Monday, February 23
UMM Dinner—5:30pm
Girl Scouts—6pm
Tuesday, February 24
Morning Prayer Group—7:30am
Cub Scouts—6pm
Girl Scouts—6:30pm
Wednesday, February 25
Staff Prayer Time—9am
Staff Meeting—9:30am
Community Chorus—10:30am
Children’s Choir—5:30pm
Children’s Bible Study—5:30pm
Venture Crew—7pm
The Mount—7pm
Thursday, February 26
Weekday School Registration—9am
THUMBS UP—9:15am
Small Group Ministries—9:15am
Boy Scouts—6pm
Handbell Rehearsal—6pm
Choir Rehearsal—7:15pm
Friday, February 27
Weekday School Closed—9am
Saturday, February 28
UMM Pancake Breakfast—8am
Emergency Meals Guidelines
Prepare meal for the family in case of death of:
Member of church
Husband or wife of church member
Child or stepchild of church member
Parent or step-parent of church member
Relative living in home
If a meal is desired, it may be taken to the home. Should the family wish to have a meal to include
the immediate family in the church Fellowship Hall (provided it is available) one Emergency Meal
team will be called. Two Emergency Meal teams will provide a meal to serve up to 50.
Our church contact person will be LuAnn Christy. (If not available, Pam Inman will contact the family.) She will call the family when the church is notified of a death. After she is informed as to what
the family desires, she will contact the team leader and the team leader will take over. Team leaders and members are asked NOT to contact the family.
When the next death occurs, LuAnn will contact the family, offer sympathy and then let them know
that the church would be happy to provide a meal for the family. If so, when, where and how many?
If they ask about a reception, she will let them know names of caterers they could hire. They do not
decorate tables or serve, only provide food for the reception. If a meal is requested, LuAnn will
contact the next team leader after she has spoken with the family and is aware of what they need.
We want to avoid skipping teams. If you have a special request to serve a family, then you must
also serve in the numerical order your team was originally scheduled.
Serve joyfully!!
Page 10
Camp GuilRock’s Second Annual
Cardboard Boat Regatta
May 2, 2015
Registration Form
Name/Organization: ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number:______________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Boat:_________________________________________________________________________________________
First Mate:____________________________________________________________________________________________
Crew Members:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Are you celebrating anything or have any announcements for today?_________________________
A registration fee of $100 is due at time of registration to confirm your spot in the regatta. Fees include ten large sheets of
cardboard. Please make checks out to “Camp GuilRock” and submit your check along with your registration form. Payment
and registration form is due MARCH 15. You may submit forms in person or mail it directly to the camp at 531 Beville Road
Reidsville, NC 27320.
Camp GuilRock’s Second Annual
Cardboard Boat Regatta
May 2, 2015
Sponsorship Form
Name/Organization: ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number:______________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Sponsorship Levels:
_____ $25
_____We choose to make our level$__________
I give Camp GuilRock full consent to use any logo or imagery of my company/organization during the
Regatta event.
We thank you very much for choosing to sponsor Camp GuilRock at this year’s annual Cardboard Boat
Regatta. Please submit a physical picture or scanned image with this form to have your logo on the
back of our t-shirt. Logos placement and size will be based on donation. Larger levels will be listed in
large print at the top of the shirt with placement leading down the bottom in small print on smaller
levels. Sponsorship form and payment is due MARCH 15. You may submit forms in person or mail it
directly to the camp at 531 Beville Road Reidsville, NC 27320 or email directly to Payment is required for logo to be printed on t-shirts.