(DENG 21) ASSIGNMENT - 1, MAY - 2015. B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.M./B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part I — English Paper II — GENERAL ENGLISH Maximum : 20 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) a) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow : Always remember that regular and frequent practice is essential if you are to learn to write well. You learnt to write by writing. It is no good waiting until you have an inspiration before you write. Even with the most famous writers, inspiration is rare. b) i) What are essential for learning to write? ii) How do we learn to write? iii) Is inspiratier necessary for writing? iv) Are the most famous writers inspired lot? v) Write the antonym of ‘regular’. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow; choosing the right answer: Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels. I appeal as a human being to human beings; remember humanity, and forget that rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new paradise; if you cannot, nothing lies before you but universed death. i) We shall choose death if we cannot forget ....... I) Death. III) Quarrel. ii) Intelligent. III) Person. iv) Soul. IV) Rest. The author appeals to people as a ....... I) iii) II) II) Criminal. IV) Humanbeing ‘Paradise’ means I) Hall. II) Heaven. III) Life. IV) Death. Nothing lies before you but ....... I) Life. III) Humanity. II) Universal death. IV) Lies. V) 2) 3) 4) 6) I) Dismiss. II) Ignore. III) Remember. IV) Fail. Answer the following in not more than 100 words : a) What is the moral of the play ‘The Drunkard’? b) Justify the title of the essay “Man’s Peril”. c) Give a brief account of Gandhiji’s life in London. d) What are the things Helen Keller would see on the secondary? Answer the following in about 200 words : a) What are the factors that constitute a knowledge society? b) Sketch the character of Edward Middleton. c) Describe in your own words the actual shorting of the elephant. a) Answer the following in not more than 100 words : b) 5) The antonym of ‘forget’. i) Write an appreciation of the poem “Ode to the west wind”. ii) Bring out the patriotic feelings expressed in the poem, the gift of India”. iii) Sketch the character of Ulysses. Explain the following : i) And mark in every face I meet marks of weakness, marks of woe. ii) Good fences make good neighbours. iii) Lo ! I have flung to the East and West. Answer the following in about 200 words : a) Describe Emily Dicken Son’s imagery encounter with death. b) Browning’s ‘The Last Ride Together’ is a dramatic monologue. Discuss. c) Write an appreciation of the lyricism in the “Ode to Nightingale”. Answer the following in about 200 words : a) Narrate the story of ‘Lottery Ticket’ in your own words. b) Summarise in your own words the tragic circumstances that led to the death of Ha ‘Penny. c) Attempt an evaluation of the grain merchant’s character in ‘Diamond Rice’. ———————— (DENG 21) ASSIGNMENT - 2, MAY - 2015. B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.M./B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part I — English Paper II — GENERAL ENGLISH Maximum : 20 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Read the following passage and summarise it. Here, then, is the problem which I present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable : shall we put an end to the human race; or shall we renounce war? People will not face this after native because it is so difficult to abolish war. The abolition of war will demand distateful limitations of national sovereignty. But what perhaps impedes understanding of the situation more than anything else is that the term ‘man kind’ feels vagve and astract. 2) 3) 4) 5) Write essays on the following : a) Drug Addiction. b) Communal Harmony. c) environmental Pollution. Answer the following : a) Write a report to a news paper on your college anniversary. b) Give a report on an official function of the CM. Use the following idioms and phrases in sentences of your own. a) Get rid of. b) Bury the hatchet. c) Monkey-business. d) Bag and baggage. e) Call off. f) Call on. g) Cut down. h) Iron out. Answer the following : a) Write a letter to your friend inviting him to your village for Jatara. b) Write an imaginary dialouge between you and a clerk at the reservation counter. c) Write a letter to a Indo-American publishing house asking for CDs on spoken English. ———————— (DSAN 21 (NR)) ASSIGNMENT - 1, MAY - 2015. B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.M./B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part I — Sanskrit Paper II — DRAMA, CHAMPU, PROSE, HISTORY OF LITERATURE, ALANKARAS, TRANSLATION AND GRAMMAR Maximum : 20 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Answer the following questions. CÎma§{bI V Ÿ& a) ZmJmZÝX àW_m‘>onmÌ{MÌU§{dímXw`VŸ& Sketch the characters in the Nagananda act I. b) hf©dY©Zñ` ím¡b r_m{lË` {Z~ÝY_oH§$ {bI VŸ& Write an essay on the style of Harsha. c) YwVaï´ >ñ` {dbmn§{bI VŸ& Give an account of the lamentation of Dhritarashtra. d) H$W§gw Xm_m amOmA ^dV² How did sudama became a king. 2) a) H$W§{dídm{_Ì…~ø{f©Ëd§àmËndmZ²& How did Viswamitra became Brahmarshi. b) {^fOmo^¡fÁ`{_{V H$Wm`m…gma§{bI V Ÿ& Write the story of Bhishajo-Bhaishajyam. 3) Explain the following with reference to the context: ggÝX^ªì`m»`mVŸ& 4) a) H$Xm{MV² Ðï´>_Zhm}@`§ órOZmo ^d{V & b) O^mVa§ àdhU{Xd ~ÝYw`m}& c) ^mo d`ñ` ! Cndí`_mģ Vo {n«`§ {ZdoX`{V & d) A Ý`ñ`m _{n OmË`m§ Ëd_od OZZr^d& e) qH$ H$V©ì`_Vm_yT>m… Vo J«m_rUm…Ÿ& f) gd©Xm ñdgwI {MÝV¡d `wî_mH$_²Ÿ& g) jmÌmÎmoOg… na§~«m÷_od _hmo _hr`…& h) bo^o {Ìe‘… J_Zo à{Vð>m_²$ Translate the following sentences into Telugu or English. dmŠ`m{Z A mB½b ^mf`mA WdmVob wJw^mf`mA ZwdmX§Hw$ê$V Ÿ& a) OZZr OÝ_ ^y{_íM ñdJm©X{n Jar`gr b) H¥{fVmoZmpñV Xw{^©j _² c) A mamo½`§^mñH am {XÀNoV²Ÿ& d) {dÚmXXm{V {dZ`_² e) Z _mVw…naX¡dV_² f) H¥îU§dÝXo OJ×xê _² g) g§ñH¥V§Zm_ X¡dr dmH ² h) do‘Qo e g_moXodmoZ ^{dî`{V & ———————— (DSAN 21 (NR)) ASSIGNMENT - 2, MAY - 2015. B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.M./B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part I — Sanskrit Paper II — DRAMA, CHAMPU, PROSE, HISTORY OF LITERATURE, ALANKARAS, TRANSLATION AND GRAMMAR Maximum : 20 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Write a brief note on the following: bKwQ>rH$m§{bI V Ÿ& 2) a) nüVÝV_² b) ~mU^Å>… c) _mK… d) ím‘amMm`©… Define and illustrate the Alankaras: A bŠS>mH$`mo…bjUmoXmhaUo{bI VŸ& 3) a) A ZÝd`… b) XrnH _² c) CëcoI : d) CËàoj m Write the forms of the following sabdas in the given case. {Z{X©îQ>{d^{ŠVfwê$nm{U {bI «VŸ& a) Ob_wM²- V¥ Vr`m b) _Zg²- àW_m c) `wî_V²- àW_m d) A ñ_V²- fîR>r 4) e) VV²- MVwWu f) qH$- gá_r g) {dÛg²- {ÛVr`m h) amOZ²- MVwWu Write the forms of the following adding the given terminations. VÌËn«Ë``mZ²`moO{`Ëdmê$nm{U {bI V Ÿ& a) {bI ²+ Vw_wZ² b) ^wO²+ Vì` c) nR²>+ ݸ m d) Xm+ Vw_wZ² e) Zr+º f) ^y+ ímmZM² g) J_y- ímÌy h) à-Z_y- ë`ny —————— (DBHM 21) ASSIGNMENT - 1, MAY - 2015. B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part II — Hotel Management Paper - I : QUANTITY AND ADVANCED CULINARY PREPARATION Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) How is menu planned for school children? 2) What are the practical difficulties involved in indenting? 3) Describe the methodology of preparing tandoor items. 4) State the enlinary terms in Andhra cuisine. 5) Bring out the history of Gujarathi cuisine. ______ (DBHM 21) ASSIGNMENT - 2, MAY - 2015. B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part II — Hotel Management Paper - I : QUANTITY AND ADVANCED CULINARY PREPARATION Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Explain the problems faced in cooking. 2) Discuss different types of fuels used in cooking. 3) What are the advantages of centralized cooking? 4) Enumerate the precautions that should be taken in Reheating? 5) Elucidate the considerations in the storage of meat for recycling. ______ (DBHM 22) ASSIGNMENT - 1, MAY - 2015. B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part II — Hotel Management Paper - II : SPECIALISED FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Explain the process of servicing non-alcoholic beverages 2) What is the golden rule of tea making? 3) Describe the process of manufacturing whisky 4) Enumerate the storage and method of service of beer 5) State the considerations in the layout of bar ______ (DBHM 22) ASSIGNMENT - 2, MAY - 2015. B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part II — Hotel Management Paper - II : SPECIALISED FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Classify cocktails and state their method of making 2) Enumerate the history of manufacture of wine 3) Elucidate the equipment needed for service of wine 4) What are the points that should be kept in mind in the service of queridon? 5) Enumerate the duties and responsibilities of ban feet staff. ______ (DBHM 23) ASSIGNMENT - 1, MAY - 2015. B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part II — Hotel Management Paper - III : HOTEL LAW & HRM Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Explain the tests employed in the selection of employees. 2) How do you evaluate the effectiveness of a training programme? 3) Enumerate the essentials of grievance redressal mechanism. 4) Elucidate the objects and significance of personnel records. 5) Describe the liability of employer in the case of partial disablement. ______ (DBHM 23) ASSIGNMENT - 2, MAY - 2015. B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part II — Hotel Management Paper - III : HOTEL LAW & HRM Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) State the machinery available to prevent and settle industrial disputes. 2) Explain the scope of shops and Establishments Act with regard to hotels. 3) Evaluate the standards prescribed for food control. 4) Bring out the process of HRP 5) Elucidate the techniques of organizing job analysis. ______ (DBHM 24) ASSIGNMENT - 1, MAY - 2015. B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part II — Hotel Management Paper - IV : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Explain the nature and significance of accounting. 2) Bring out different kinds of books maintained in accounting. 3) How do you prepare Tri columnary cash book? 4) What are the methods employed to provide depreciation? 5) State the nature and scope of financial management. ______ (DBHM 24) ASSIGNMENT - 2, MAY - 2015. B.H.M. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Examination at the end of Second Year) Part II — Hotel Management Paper - IV : ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) What are the sources of working capital? 2) Describe the methods employed to evaluate investment proposals. 3) Define working. State its importance. 4) Discuss the relationship between accounting and finance. 5) What are the principles followed while preparing income statement? ______
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