Tennessee Register - Diocese of Nashville

January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 1
January 30, 2015
| A Voice of Tennessee Catholic Life since 1937 | www.dioceseofnashville.com
Photo by Rick Musacchio
Taking respect for life message to the streets
Ryan Porterfield, left, a parishioner of the Church of the Nativity and a senior at Spring Hill High School, Alex White, a freshman at Pope John Paul II
High School in Hendersonville, walk in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., to mark the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision
in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion. Hundreds of thousands of people, many them high school and college students, traveled to the nation’s capital
to demonstrate their support for respect for life. Among the crowd were nearly 600 students and chaperones from the Diocese of Nashville, the largest
contingent from Middle Tennessee to ever attend the march. For more coverage of the March for Life, see pages 16-17.
Beehan ends 34-year career at Catholic Charities
Andy Telli
hen Eileen Beehan first went
to work for Catholic Charities
of Tennessee in 1980, she saw
the job as transitional, one she would
hold for several years while she figured
out what she really wanted to do.
Thirty-four years later, “here I am
transitioning into retirement,” Beehan
told friends and family who gathered at
a reception on Jan. 16 to celebrate her
years of service to the community.
Beehan’s retirement became official
on Jan. 9. For the last 23 years, she’s
been the director of the Social Services
Department at Catholic Charities overseeing programs addressing clinical
counseling, geriatric services, child
welfare services, school counseling,
immigration services, Hispanic Family
Services and community outreach related to basic needs.
From 1995 to 2003, she also served
as a member of the Metropolitan Nashville Council representing East Nash-
ville. During her term, she was heavily
involved in two events in her district
that have helped reshape the city: the
construction of LP Field as the home
of the Tennessee Titans, who moved
to Nashville from Houston, and the
1998 tornado that ripped through the
city and the recovery and rebuilding
efforts since.
Beehan, a parishioner at St. Patrick
Church in Nashville, is a life-long member of the Catholic community in Nashville. She attended Cathedral School
and St. Bernard Academy growing up.
“Education was obviously important”
in her family, Beehan said. “My grandmother who lived with us was from Ireland. She really valued what education
could give you.”
At the Catholic schools she attended,
both operated by the Sisters of Mercy,
“there was a love of learning. There
was a sense of the opportunities for
you there,” Beehan said. “The Mercy
nuns taught you very thoroughly, so
Continued on page 5
Catholic Schools Week coverage … pages 12-15, 18-20 | Composer writes Jazz Mass for Peace ... page 21
January 30, 2015
al Appeal fo
2 Tennessee Register
e of N ash
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n the
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January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 3
February 1 - 5
• National Catholic Bioethics Center Bishops’ Workshop, Dallas, Texas
February 6
• All Staff Meeting, New Catholic Pastoral Center, 12 p.m.
• Immaculate Conception School Carnivale, Riverview Inn, Clarksville, 6 p.m.
February 7
• JPII High School Masquerade Knight, Bluegrass Yacht and Country Club,
Hendersonville, 6 p.m.
February 8
• Installation Mass for Father James Panackal, St. Lawrence Church, Joelton, 9 a.m.
• Mass for World Marriage Day, Cathedral of the Incarnation, 2 p.m.
February 9
• St. Ambrose University Board Meeting, via Teleconference, 11:30 a.m.
February 10
• Tribunal, Catholic Center, 11 a.m.
• Camp Marymount Members’ Meeting, Catholic Center, 2 p.m.
Lawrenceburg celebrates
Catholic Schools Week
February 11 - 12
• Provincial Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky
February 13
• Filming for Father Ryan High School Anniversary Video, Father Ryan High School,
9 a.m.
February 14
• Mass for the St. Thomas Aquinas Theological & Catechetical Forum, Aquinas
College, 9 a.m.
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January 30, 2015 | Volume 78, Number 3
Publisher Most Rev. David R. Choby
Editor in Chief Rick Musacchio
Managing Editor Andy Telli
Staff Writer Theresa Laurence
Administrative Nancy Mattson
Production Debbie Lane
Advertising Byron Warner
The Catholic Center
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Lawrenceburg City Administrator Chris Shaffer presented a city
proclamation honoring Catholic Schools Week to the eighth grade
students at Sacred Heart School in Lawrenceburg. Shaffer’s daughter
Elizabeth is a second grade student at Sacred Heart, one of the oldest
schools in the Diocese of Nashville. Catholic schools across the diocese
celebrated the annual Catholic Schools Week with a variety of events and
activities Jan. 25 to Jan. 31.
Dominicans to host open house
as part of Year of Consecrated Life
s part of the celebration of the
Year of Consecrated Life, the
Domincan Sisters of St. Cecilia
will host an open house at their Motherhouse at 801 Dominican Drive in
Nashville 2-4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 8.
The Dominicans are joining religious
communities around the country that
are part of the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious in hosting the
first of its Days with Religious events
to give people the opportunity to take
tours of the communities and learn
more about religious life.
“We are excited to highlight this
unique opportunity to participate in the
Year of Consecrated Life,” said Sister
Marie Bernadette Thompson, O.P., the
Council Coordinator of CMSWR. “Religious houses around the country will
be opening their doors for everyone to
come and meet their ‘brothers and sisters’. We welcome all families, parishioners and those who are not part of
our Church, and all of our friends and
neighbors.” 
The Diocese of Nashville asks for your prayers for vocations, for our priests and for the
following deceased clergy of the Diocese of Nashville:
Rev. Joseph Edward Wesley
Januar y 30 1984
Rev. James Arthur Rudisill
Februar y 8, 2006
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick Mahony
Februar y 1, 1929
Rev. John A. Nolan
Februar y 9, 1928
Rev. Luzerne A. Schnupp
Februar y 1, 2003
Rev. John V. Cunningham
Februar y 9, 1940
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis Sullivan
Februar y 2, 1946
Rev. Barr y James Griffin, S.D.S.
Februar y 11, 2008
Rev. Joseph W. Julius
Februar y 3, 2006
Rev. Reginald Or ville Briscoe
Februar y 11, 2002
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas P. Duffy
Februar y 6, 1970
Most Rev. John P. Farrelly, D.D.
Februar y 12, 1921
Rev. William Fennelly
Februar y 6, 1866
Most Rev. William L. Adrian
Februar y 13, 1972
4 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
St. Philip Parish honors
retiring RCIA volunteers
Andy Telli
or the last 27 years, Mary Anderson has been shepherding new
converts into the Catholic Church
as the coordinator of
the RCIA program at
St. Philip Church in
Anderson appreciated the chance to accompany people on a
spiritual journey, not
only the candidates
but their sponsors as
well, she said. “It was
a great privilege to be
part of that.”
On Jan. 18, St. Philip honored Anderson and Barbara Pewitt, her co-worker
in ministry for the last 12 years, as they
retire from their positions.
“Together the two women poured
love and compassion into their ministry, guiding many souls to the fullness
of the truth in the Catholic Church,”
said Susan Skinner, the new Adult
RCIA and Faith Formation Coordinator
at St. Philip.
“The RCIA Ministry at St. Philip is a
vibrant, growing and Christ filled ministry that is forever grateful for those
who have answered the call to serve as
these two women did,” Skinner said.
Anderson became involved when St.
Philip’s late pastor, Father Edward Arnold, called for volunteers to start the
RCIA program in 1988.
“In 1988, it was not new, but it wasn’t
in a lot of parishes,” Anderson said of
RCIA. “I thought I could go to that meeting and see what that was all about.”
She ended up being a member of the
original RCIA team along with Jean
McRedmond, Susie Smith, Frank DeCoster, Toni Kirspel, Vince Kenny, Bob
Unger and Leo Haley.
“We spent a whole year in formation
… forming the team,” Anderson said.
“We were all newbies, none of us knew
anything about it.”
Before the Church reinstituted the
RCIA process after the Second Vatican
Council, most converts came into the
church after receiving private instruction about the faith from a priest. That
was what Anderson’s late husband,
Doug, had done.
“The (RCIA) process has been able
to do so much more than a priest could
do by themselves,” Anderson said.
“There’s no way they could handle 20
people or so with private instruction.”
Anderson has never served as a
teacher in the program. “I was the one
who kept the records and organized
the schedule,” she said. And after the
first year, the first team coordinator,
Jean McRedmond stepped down when
she moved, and Anderson took over.
One of Anderson’s gifts was creating a team environment, said Pewitt,
who joined the RCIA ministry first as
a catechist and later as coordinator of
the sponsors and coordinator of the
“I think that’s part of the reason the
program grew,” Pewitt said. “Under
Mary’s leadership it definitely was a
team effort. And I think the catechists
and the catechumens sensed that when
they walked into the classroom for the
first time.”
The program started small, Anderson
said, with six or seven people in the
first year. Over the years, it’s grown to
15 to 20 people each year. Anderson
said she left the size of the program in
the hands of the Holy Spirit. “Big or
small we had whoever He sent.”
Pewitt joined the program as a catechist after earning a master’s degree
in theology from St. Meinrad College
in Indiana, attending classes on weekends.
She started out as one of the teachers, called catechists. “For me, it was
very rewarding to
share my faith and
knowledge with others,” Pewitt said.
“I was thrilled to
have a credentialed
theologian on the
team,” Anderson
Over the years and
as the program grew,
Pewitt added more responsibilities,
coordinating both the sponsors and the
“She found the sponsors. She had
a real gift for that,” Anderson said of
Sometimes, people are reluctant to be
sponsors because they don’t think they
have enough knowledge about their
faith, Pewitt said. “We tried to reassure
them. The main role of the sponsor is
to be a friend of the person they are
The RCIA process is a learning
experience for everyone involved, Anderson said, including those entering
the church, their sponsors and their
“I think my faith has grown even further being involved in RCIA because
we all learn from each other,” Pewitt
said. “Not only was I teaching, but I
was also learning more about my faith
in listening.”
“That’s why I encourage people to be
sponsors,” Anderson said. “It’s a good
way to re-learn about your Catholic
Pewitt and Anderson also enjoyed
watching people make their faith journey.
“The highlight was the Easter Vigil,
watching everyone go through the sacraments” of initiation, Pewitt said, “just
thinking about how they’ve worked
through the process and where they’re
at when they reach the focus point at
the Easter Vigil.”
“I have such admiration for these
adults who make a choice … to change
from the church of their youth to the
Catholic Church,” Anderson said. “I
don’t know I would have the strength
to do that. One of my blessings is that I
was born into the faith.”
Anderson dedicated her involvement
in the RCIA program to her son Peter,
who died in a car accident. “I always
felt like I was doing it as a tribute to
him and in thanksgiving for him and
his life,” she said.
Although Anderson is stepping down
as the coordinator, “I do intend to stay
part of process … (helping) in whatever way I can,” she said. “I really loved
doing this.” 
2 Monday
† St. Joan de Lestonnac
GriefShare, 6:30 p.m., St. Philip, 113 Second Ave. S., Franklin. A scripture based
seminar and support group for people who
are grieving a death. Info: (615) 479-9504.
3 Tuesday
† St. Blaise
Refuge, 6:45 p.m., St. Edward, 188
Thompson Ln., Nashville. Join Fr. Nolte
and Fr. Reehil for praise, worship, adoration, and catechesis. Bring your bible,
notebook, and pen.
4 Wednesday
† St. Joan of Valois
Divorced, Separated or Widowed Support Group, 7 p.m., St. Stephen, 14544 Lebanon Rd., Old Hickory. Info: (615) 883-5351.
5 Thursday
† St. Agatha
Nashville. Children five and under not currently in Kindergarten are invited (accompanied by an adult). Info: (615) 833-5770.
GriefShare, 6:30 p.m., St. Philip, 113 Second Ave. S., Franklin. A scripture based
seminar and support group for people who
are grieving a death. Info: (615) 479-9504.
10 Tuesday
† St. Scholastica
Mass for Vocations, 7:15 a.m., Father
Ryan High School, 700 Norwood Dr., Nashville. Sponsored by Serra Club of Nashville.
Refuge, 6:45 p.m., St. Edward, 188
Thompson Ln., Nashville. Join Fr. Nolte
and Fr. Reehil for praise, worship, adoration, and catechesis. Bring your bible,
notebook, and pen.
11 Wednesday
† St. Paschal
Divorced, Separated or Widowed Support Group, 7 p.m., St. Stephen, 14544 Lebanon Rd., Old Hickory. Info: (615) 883-5351.
12 Thursday
† St. Buonfiglio Monaldo
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting for
Men, 12-1 p.m., St. Henry Parish Library,
6401 Harding Pike, Nashville. Info: noonthursday@gmail.com.
Serra Club of Williamson County Potluck Dinner with Speaker, 6 p.m., St.
Philip Church, 113 Second Ave. S., Franklin.
Catholics Returning Home, 7 p.m., St.
Stephen, 14544 Lebanon Rd., Old Hickor y. 90 minute session to welcome, update, and help returning Catholics transition back into to active Church life. Info:
marcecjj@yahoo.com or (630) 362-7150.
7 Saturday
† St. Moses
A Lenten Retreat Day at Mercy Convent.
Info/registration: Sr. Suzanne (615) 885-4041.
First Saturday Art Crawl, 6-9 p.m., St.
Mary Church, 330 5th Ave N., Nashville.
Cathedral Day School 80’s Party/Fundraiser, 6 p.m., Cathedral, Fleming Center, 2015 West End Ave., Nashville. Enjoy
food, drinks, a DJ, and prizes for the best
dressed 80’s couple. Info/tickets: (615) 5571307 or kdoyle@cathedralnashville.org.
8 Sunday
† St. Jerome Emiliani
St. Joseph School Open House, 12-2
p.m., 1225 Gallatin Pike S., Madison. Info:
(615) 865-1491.
St. John Vianney School Open House, 1
p.m. -4 p.m., 501 N. Water Ave., Gallatin. Info:
(615) 230-7048 or www.saintjohnvianney.org.
Word Marriage Day Mass with Bishop
Choby, 2 p.m., Cathedral, 2015 West End Ave.,
Nashville. Celebration of marriage 25/50 years.
St. Cecilia Motherhouse Open House,
2-4 p.m., 801 Dominican Dr., Nashville. All
are invited to visit the sisters at the Motherhouse and share the joy of their Dominican religious life.
Tridentine Liturgy, 4 p.m., St. Catherine,
3019 Cayce Lane, Columbia.
9 Monday
† St. Apollonia
Valentine Story Time, 10:30-11:30 a.m., St.
Edward School library, 190 Thompson Lane,
Nashville Catholic Business League
Prayer Breakfast, Cathedral, 2015 West
End Ave., Nashville. Mass begins at 7 a.m.
and the breakfast and program are from
7:30-8:30 a.m. in the Fleming Center. Info:
Stor y Time at Overbrook School Librar y, 10-11 a.m., 4210 Harding Pike,
Nashville. The event is for children 5 and
under, accompanied by an adult, and features stories, music, and snacks.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting for
Men, 12-1 p.m., St. Henry Parish Library,
6401 Harding Pike, Nashville. Info: noonthursday@gmail.com.
Jazz Mass for World Peace, 7 p.m.,
Holy Name Church, 521 Woodland St.,
Nashville. Info: www.marlenetachoir.com.
Catholics Returning Home, 7 p.m., St.
Stephen, 14544 Lebanon Rd., Old Hickor y. 90 minute session to welcome, update, and help returning Catholics transition back into to active Church life. Info:
marcecjj@yahoo.com or (630) 362-7150.
14 Saturday
† St. Valentine
Natural Family Planning Class (Creighton method), 9 a.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 709 Franklin St., Clarksville.
Info/registration: (931) 645-6275.
Catholic Underground, 7-10 p.m., St.
Mary Church, 330 5th Ave. N., Nashville.
Holy Hour, prayer, music, confessions,
and refreshments in the basement.
15 Sunday
† St. Walfrid
Tridentine Mass (The Extraordinar y
Form of the Mass), 1:30 p.m., Assumption Church, 1227 Seventh Ave. N., Nashville. Info: (615) 256-2729.
Seven Dolors of the BVM Fraternity of
the Secular Franciscan Order Meeting, 2 p.m., St. Philip Church, 113 Second
Ave. S., Franklin. Info: Deacon Simeon
Panagatos (615) 459-2045.
Visit www.dioceseofnashville.com
for regularly scheduled adorations.
January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 5
Beehan ends 34-year career at Catholic Charities
Continued from front page
you wanted to learn.”
Their Catholic faith was also at the
center of her family’s life, Beehan said.
She had an uncle who was a priest,
cousins who were nuns, “So there was
that environment you grow up in,” Beehan said. Like many Catholic families,
they prayed before every meal, said
the rosary on Fridays and attended
Mass together. “It’s always there,” she
said of her faith. “It’s just part of your
She also learned about service
from her family. Her father, Thomas
“Tricky” Beehan, who got his nickname as the captain of Father Ryan
High School’s 1927 state championship
basketball team, was a policeman who
had the reputation of being “light on
the cuffs,” interested in helping people
stay out of trouble in the first place,
Beehan said. “He really was a social
After high school, she attended St.
Mary’s College in South Bend, Ind.,
with the intent of majoring in biology.
But eventually she decided to switch
to sociology. During her senior year,
she had a field placement with Catholic
Social Services in South Bend.
“I learned everything,” said Beehan,
who was given real responsibilities in
the position. “I learned what a field
placement should be like, that you
should have a real experience.”
Photo by Andy Telli
Eileen Beehan, center, talks with Dot and Phil Ponder during a reception to
honor her after her retirement from Catholic Charities of Tennessee. Beehan
worked for Catholic Charities for 34 years, including the last 23 as director
of the Social Services Department.
When she returned to Nashville, she
went to work for the Metro Department of Public Welfare, first working
on adoptions and later in child protective services leading teams investigating whether a child needed to be
removed from their home.
After seven years, she moved to the
Luton Mental Health Center for a year.
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“I was assisting the administrator,
learning about billing systems, getting
grants and utilization rates.”
She knew some people who worked
at Catholic Charities. “They seemed
to have a sense of fulfillment because
they could do some of the work we see
as preventative rather than stepping in
after there had been a lot of harm or
hurt done,” she said.
In 1980, Beehan was hired as a
school counselor, a job she held for the
next 12 years, working with students
at several schools, including Christ the
King and Father Ryan.
“There was so much to like about
it,” she said of the job. “Working with
some of the families you could see people wanting to change and doing some
marvelous things.”
While working as a school counselor,
she also was involved in other programs, including international adoptions, overseeing the emergency assistance program, starting the Christmas
Wishes program, overseeing the North
Nashville Outreach program, and starting the Creating Hope by Assisting
Parents (CHAP) program to teach parenting schools.
Doing different things “helped me
to stay interested,” Beehan said. “I’m
very eclectic. I like variety. It helped
me to connect families, to see families
as a whole because I could see different points of contact where things
overlapped. It made me aware of many
In 1992, she was named director of
the social services department.
“She was a wonderful mentor and supervisor,” said Mary Hemminger, who
worked with and for Beehan from 1991
until she retired last summer. “She
saw the big picture of situations with
clients or helped us to see … we were
conduits of help but the clients were
responsible for their growth.”
Beehan “just took great joy in her
staff when they did something well
or they were deserving of an honor,”
Hemminger said. “She was always
happy to bestow honor where honor
was due, and we loved her for that.”
At the reception honoring Beehan,
Lisa McGovern, the counseling ser-
vices coordinator at Catholic Charities,
said, “She created an incredible environment and was encouraging. … She
has helped shepherd us to be much
better professionals than we would
have been otherwise.”
Beehan also has been involved in
local, state and national social service
organizations, agencies and committees, including Catholic Charities
U.S.A. She has received numerous
professional honors, including the
Jim Martin Award for Child Welfare
Services, the Ida B. Wells Tennessee
Freedom Fighter Award, and the Tennessee Alliance for Progress Badge of
Courage Award.
In 1995, Beehan dove into politics,
running for and winning a seat on the
Metro Council. During the campaign,
the Houston Oilers announced they
were moving to Nashville and the city
was going to build a stadium on the
river in her district. Under the Council’s rules, all the legislation concerning the stadium had to be introduced
by the representative of the district
where it was built, which put Beehan in
the middle of the effort.
There were many issues concerning the stadium, from the impact on
the neighborhood of the dump trucks
going to and from the construction site
to the stadium’s economic impact on
the neighborhood, Beehan said.
In selecting the architects and contractors for the project, Beehan worked
to make sure minority- and womenowned businesses were involved. She
also worked to make sure recycling
and reusing were part of the construction plans, which helped save 50,000
tons of waste from being landfilled, she
In 1998, the second major event of
her term in office occurred: a tornado
hit Nashville, damaging or destroying
3,000 homes in her district.
“You do have to react in an emergency mode,” Beehan said.
Her jobs at Catholic Charities, which
had an office in East Nashville at Holy
Name Church, and on the Metro Council, complemented each other while
she worked to help her district after
the tornado, Beehan said. “There was a
good overlap that allowed me to have a
good view and share information.”
Once the initial cleanup started progressing, Beehan’s focus shifted to
rebuilding East Nashville. People in
the community did not simply want to
rebuild the community as it had been,
but to go beyond that, Beehan said.
The community worked with the
American Institute of Architects to develop a plan to rebuild East Nashville.
“We took our time in looking at what
we wanted to do. We were very thorough,” Beehan said. “As a community
we set goals. And many of them have
been achieved.”
Today, East Nashville is one of the
city’s most thriving communities.
During her career at Catholic Charities, Beehan has seen the agency grow
as it has responded to the needs of the
“I’m very mindful that we represent
the (Diocese of Nashville),” she said.
“I’m very proud as a Catholic that
(Catholic Charities has ) been doing
the kinds of things we’ve been doing
for over 50 years.”
6 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Pope names 15 new cardinal electors, most from global South
Francis X. Rocca CNS
ATICAN CITY. Underscoring the
geographical diversity of his selections, Pope Francis named 15 cardinal electors “from 14 nations of every
continent, showing the inseparable link
between the church of Rome and the particular churches present in the world.”
In addition to 15 new electors, Pope
Francis named five new cardinals who
are over the age of 80 and, therefore,
ineligible to vote in a conclave. Popes
have used such nominations to honor
churchmen for their scholarship or
other contributions.
The pope announced the names Jan.
4, after praying the Angelus with a
crowd in St. Peter’s Square, and said he
would formally induct the men into the
College of Cardinals Feb. 14.
With the list, the pope continues a
movement he started with his first batch
of appointments a year ago, giving gradually more representation at the highest
levels of the church to poorer countries
in the global South. According to the
Vatican spokesman, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the new cardinals will
include the first in history from Cape
Verde, Tonga and Myanmar.
The Feb. 14 consistory will bring the
total number of cardinals under the
age of 80 to 125. Until they reach their
80th birthdays, cardinals are eligible to
vote in a conclave to elect a new pope.
Blessed Paul VI limited the number of
electors to 120, but later popes have occasionally exceeded that limit.
Three of the new cardinal electors hail
from Asia, three from Latin America,
two from Africa and two from Oceania.
Of the five Europeans on the list,
three lead dioceses in Italy and Spain
that have not traditionally had cardinals
as bishops – another sign of Pope Francis’ willingness to break precedent.
While giving red hats to the archbishops of Ancona-Osimo and Agrigento,
Italy, the pope will once again pass over
the leaders of Venice and Turin, both
historically more prestigious dioceses.
None of the new cardinals hails from
the U.S. or Canada. Father Lombardi
noted that the numbers of cardinals
from those countries have remained
stable since February 2014, when Pope
Francis elevated the archbishop of
Quebec. The U.S. currently has 11 cardinal electors and Canada 3.
The continuing geographic shift is
incremental in nature. With the new appointments, cardinals from Europe and
North America will make up 56.8 percent of those eligible to elect the next
pope, down from 60 percent on Jan. 4.
The shift reflects the pope’s emphasis
on Africa and Asia, where the church
is growing fastest, and on his native
region of Latin America, home to about
40 percent of the world’s Catholics.
A number of the selections also reflect Pope Francis’ emphasis on social
justice. The new Mexican cardinal
leads a diocese that has been hard hit
by the current wave of drug-related violence in his country.
And one of the Italian cardinalsdesignate, the archbishop of Agrigento
in Sicily, leads the Italian bishops’
commission on migration, an issue on
which Pope Francis has placed particu-
lar importance. In July 2013, the pope
visited the southern Mediterranean
island of Lampedusa, a major entry
point for undocumented immigrants to
Europe, and mourned the many who
had died attempting to cross the sea.
Only one of the new cardinals, the
head of the Vatican’s highest court, is
a member of the church’s central administration, the Roman Curia, which
currently accounts for about a quarter
of all cardinal electors.
Announcing the appointments, Pope
Francis noted that the ceremony to induct the new cardinals will follow a twoday meeting of the entire college, Feb. 12
and 13, “to reflect on guidelines and proposals for reform of the Roman Curia.”
The pope’s nine-member Council of
Cardinals is currently working on a
major reform of the Vatican bureaucracy, including a new apostolic constitution for the curia.
Pope Francis said he had chosen
to honor five retired bishops “distinguished for their pastoral charity in service to the Holy See and the church,”
representing “so many bishops who,
with the same pastoral solicitude, have
given testimony of love for Christ and
the people of God, whether in particular churches, the Roman Curia or the
diplomatic service of the Holy See.”
The five new honorary cardinals hail
from Argentina, Colombia, Germany,
Italy and Mozambique.
Here is the list of the new cardinals:
• French Archbishop Dominique
Mamberti, prefect of the Apostolic Signature, 62.
• Portuguese Patriarch Manuel Jose
asking forgiveness, but he never tires of
forgiving us.”
sonal support too, and we hope she is
doing well,” Bishop Tobin added.
The fetus was determined by the State
Medical Examiner’s Office to be a male
about 19 to 20 weeks old.
CSI mummy: Vatican
experts unravel mysteries
with forensic science
BEIRUT. Officials of a pontifical aid
agency said they saw much that needed
done in Lebanon – if they could get beyond
crisis mode.
Economically strapped Lebanon is now
hosting more than 1.5 million refugees –
mostly Syrians – putting a strain on the
country’s infrastructure and resources for
its existing population of around 4 million
“So much of our energy is a crisis intervention status, keeping people from starving, from freezing to death with these cold
spells, keeping people from getting very
sick and even dying from simple maladies
and physical problems that can develop
into something serious,” said Msgr. John
Kozar, president of Catholic Near East Welfare Association.
“But because of the uncertainty of the
(refugee) crises, we have to look at what
will be the next level of assistance,” he
said. “There’s housing issues, educational
issues, longer-term health issues, post-traumatic issues,” he said, adding that counseling is needed for children that have been
through “horrible” circumstances.
VATICAN CITY. Scientific advancements in imaging technology, genetics and nano research have allowed
museums to make new and surprising
discoveries about the tightly wrapped
mysteries of ancient mummies. The
Vatican Museums also have been
employing the latest state-of-the-art
laboratory tools and tests to find out
more about the ancient mummies in
its collections.
Fabio Morresi, an assistant at the
museums’ diagnostic laboratory, said
his job is “like being the CSI of the
Vatican Museums,” referring to the
hit TV show of crime scene investigators who scour every trace of evidence to solve mysteries.
While historical studies are important, museum research today “can’t
be done without laboratory analysis,”
said Alessia Amenta, Egyptologist and
curator of the museums’ Department
for the Antiquities of Egypt and the
Near East.
She and the museums’ laboratory
experts spoke at a news conference
Jan. 22, unveiling their latest discoveries. Amenta spearheaded the museums’ Mummy Project in 2007, using
the latest scientific techniques to
study and restore the nine mummies
in their collection. 
Macario do Nascimento Clemente of
Lisbon, 66.
• Ethiopian Archbishop Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel of Addis
Ababa, 66.
• New Zealand Archbishop John Dew
of Wellington, 66.
• Italian Archbishop Edoardo Menichelli of Ancona-Osimo, 75.
• Vietnamese Archbishop Pierre
Nguyen Van Nhon of Hanoi, 76.
• Mexican Archbishop Alberto Suarez
Inda of Morelia, who turns 76 Jan. 30.
• Myanmar Archbishop Charles Bo
of Yangon, 66.
• Thai Archbishop Francis Xavier
Kriengsak Kovithavanij of Bangkok, 65.
• Italian Archbishop Francesco Montenegro of Agrigento, 68.
• Uruguayan Archbishop Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet of Montevideo, 55.
• Spanish Archbishop Ricardo
Blazquez Perez of Valladolid, 72.
• Spanish-born Panamanian Bishop Jose
Luis Lacunza Maestrojuan of David, 70.
• Cape Verdean Bishop Arlindo
Gomes Furtado of Santiago de Cabo
Verde, 65.
• Tongan Bishop Soane Mafi, 53.
• Colombian Archbishop Jose de
Jesus Pimiento Rodriguez, retired, of
Manizales, who turns 96 Feb. 18.
• Italian Archbishop Luigi De Magistris, 88, retired pro-major penitentiary
at the Vatican.
• German Archbishop Karl-Joseph
Rauber, 80, a former nuncio.
• Argentine Archbishop Luis Hector
Villalba, retired, of Tucuman, 80.
• Mozambican Bishop Julio Duarte
Langa, retired, of Xai-Xai, 87. 
Catholic News Service
Pope: Confession is time
to encounter God,
it’s not a dry cleaners
VATICAN CITY. While people must
be honest and specific about their sins
when they go to confession, they will
miss the sacrament’s key grace if they
are “completely mechanical” about listing their sins, Pope Francis said.
Confession is not a time for judgment,
but for an encounter with the merciful
God who is always ready to forgive those
who seek pardon, the pope said Jan. 23
during Mass in the chapel of his residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae.
“So many times, confessions seem like
routine, a formality,” he said. “Blah, blah,
blah. Completely mechanical! Where is
the encounter” in that kind of confession,
the pope asked, “the encounter with the
Lord who reconciles, embraces you and
celebrates? That is our good God.”
According to Vatican Radio, Pope Francis said parents, priests and catechists
need to teach people how to “confess
well, because going to confession is not
like going to the dry cleaners to have a
stain removed. No! It is going to meet
the Father, who reconciles, forgives and
celebrates” the return of the sinner.
When considering the sacrament, he
said, the first thing to remember is that
“God always forgives. He never tires of
forgiving. We are the ones who tire of
Providence Diocese offers
to bury fetus found
at sewage treatment plant CNEWA officials look
at long-range needs
EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. The Diocese of Providence has offered to proof Lebanon’s refugees
vide a proper burial for a fetus found in
mid-January by a worker at a sewage
treatment plant in East Providence.
Providence Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
said he was heartbroken to hear the
news, and attributes the discovery of a
discarded unborn child to the culture of
today’s world. “Pope Francis has often
spoken about the throwaway culture
which we live in that affects so many
poor people and so many individuals,
including unborn children, and that’s
what we’re dealing with today,” the
bishop said Jan. 14. “So, the diocese has
come forward to offer a decent and dignified funeral and burial for this unborn
child. It’s certainly a decency and dignity this child deserves,” he said.
The burial was not expected to take
place for a while as the matter was still
under investigation by police.
The bishop also expressed his concern for the mother of the unborn baby,
whom he believes may have had a difficult personal situation to deal with,
prompting the fetus to be discarded in
the anonymous manner that it was. “We
want to offer her our prayers and per-
January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 7
Pope says Catholics must practice ‘responsible parenthood’
Francis X. Rocca CNS
FROM MANILA, Philippines.
Pope Francis stressed that,
despite church doctrine against contraception, Catholics fail to practice “responsible parenthood” when they have
too many children.
He also denounced the teaching of
“gender theory” in schools, likening
it to indoctrination of children by the
Nazis and fascists.
The pope made his remarks Jan. 19
in an hour-long news conference with
reporters accompanying him back to
Rome from a weeklong trip to Asia.
Pope Francis reaffirmed his rejection of population-control programs as
an example of ideological colonization
and his praise of Blessed Paul VI for
defending Catholic teaching against
But “this does not mean a Christian
must make children one after another,” the pope said, citing the case
of a woman who became pregnant an
eighth time after giving birth to seven
children via cesarean section.
“Does she want to leave seven orphans?” he said. “This is tempting God.”
“Some people think – excuse me for
saying this – that to be good Catholics
we have to be like rabbits,” Pope Francis said, yet church teaching provides
for “many licit ways” to limit reproduction.
Elaborating on comments he made
in Manila Jan. 16 about “ideological
colonization that tries to destroy the
family,” the pope offered a 20-year-old
example of an unnamed government
official, apparently in his native Argentina, who was offered a loan to build
schools for poor children on the condition she assign students a textbook on
CNS photo/Paul Haring
Pope Francis reacts to questions from Associated Press reporter Nicole
Winfield about the September U.S. papal visit during a news conference
aboard his flight from Manila, Philippines, to Rome Jan. 19.
“gender theory.”
Catholic leaders often use the term
“gender theory” to refer to ideas that
question or deny the God-given nature
of sex differences and the complementarity of man and woman as the basis of
the family.
Pope Francis said African bishops
attending the October 2014 Synod on
the Family had complained of similar
restrictions on funding for projects in
their countries.
“Why do I say ideological colonization? Because they use a people’s need
as an opportunity to come in and impose their will on children. But this is
nothing new. The dictatorships of the
last century did the same thing; they
came in with their doctrine. Think of
the Balilla. Think of the Hitler Youth,”
the pope said.
The Balilla was a youth organization
instituted by Italy’s fascist dictator,
Benito Mussolini.
One reporter asked the pope to
explain his controversial Jan. 15 statement, prompted by the recent killings
by Islamist terrorists at a Paris newspaper, that freedom of expression should
be limited by respect for religion and
that mockery of faith can be expected
to provoke violence.
“In theory, we can say what the Gospel says, that we should turn the other
cheek. In theory, we can say that we
have freedom of expression,” he said.
“But in practice, let’s stop a bit, because
we are human and we risk provoking
others. For this reason, freedom must
be accompanied by prudence. That’s
what I wanted to say.”
Asked about the limited response to
his calls on Muslim religious, political
and intellectual leaders to condemn
violence in the name of religion, Pope
Francis said “some of them have done
something, but we need to allow a little
time, because the situation is not easy
for them. I have hope, because there
are so many good people among them,
so many good people, so many good
leaders, and I am sure they will do it.”
Pope Francis explained his refusal to
meet with the Dalai Lama in December,
when the exiled Tibetan leader was in
Rome for a conference of Nobel Peace
Prize winners. He said Vatican protocol prevents the pope from “receiving
heads of state and people at that level
when they are taking part in an international meeting.”
Pope Francis denied his decision
was motivated by fear of the Chinese
government, which considers the Dalai
Lama an outlaw, and which has often
arrested Chinese Catholics who oppose
government control of the church. The
Vatican has not had diplomatic relations
with China since shortly after the country’s 1949 communist revolution, but
the pope said both sides treated each
other respectfully, and he reiterated his
openness to meet with Chinese leaders
in Beijing or Rome.
While addressing the weightiest topics, the pope once again displayed his
disarmingly frank and informal way of
speaking. During extended remarks on
the evil of government corruption, he
recalled being solicited for a bribe by
Argentine officials.
“At that moment, I thought about
what I would do: either I insult them
and give them a kick where the sun
doesn’t shine or I play the fool,” Pope
Francis said. “I played the fool.” 
114th Congress makes combating human trafficking top priority
Nate Madden CNS
leadership news conference
Jan. 27, Majority Leader Kevin
McCarthy of California announced a
list of bills to combat human trafficking
that he expected would pass the House
of Representatives soon.
“Human trafficking affects so many of
the vulnerable throughout the world,”
said McCarthy, so “we have 12 bills, bipartisan, Republicans and Democrats,
to protect the most vulnerable out
He said in the week ahead, the House
would be “strong on legislation.”
“There are unseen prisons in the
world that exist even in towns and cities
across our country,” said a statement issued by McCarthy’s office. “Though few
are aware of the severity of the problem,
human trafficking affects thousands of
people in America alone.
“This week, the House will pass
12 anti-human trafficking bills,” the
statement said, “to improve the tools
available to law enforcement, identify
and develop best practices to prevent
human trafficking, help victim survivors recover, train government employees on how to properly detect and respond to human trafficking and more.”
Rep. Chris Smith, R-New Jersey, a
senior member of the House Foreign
Affairs Committee, was the sponsor
of two of the 12 bills, both of which
passed unanimously Jan. 26.
One was the Human Trafficking
Prioritization Act, or H.R. 514, and
International Megan’s Law to Prevent
Demand for Child Sex Trafficking,
H.R. 515.
H.R. 514 aims to “prioritize the fight
against human trafficking within the
Department of State, according to
congressional intent in the Trafficking
Victims Protection Act of 2000 without
increasing the size of the federal government, and for other purposes,” according to the wording of the measure.
The 2000 law, said a statement released by Smith’s office, was the congressman’s “landmark law” because it
created the first comprehensive federal
law to address human trafficking, with
a significant focus on its international
H.R. 515 seeks to protect children
who may be at risk from roving convicted sexual predators seeking to go
abroad in search of victims.
“The bill is named for Megan Kanka,
a 7-year-old from Hamilton, New Jersey, in Smith’s district who was kidnapped, raped, and brutally murdered
in 1994,” the statement said. “Megan’s
assailant was a convicted, repeat sex
offender living across the street, unbeknownst to residents in the neighborhood.”
Public outrage over the murder, combined with “the hard work by Megan’s
loving parents,” Richard and Maureen
Kanka, led the New Jersey Legislature
to pass the original Megan’s Law requiring public notification of convicted
sex offenders living in a community.
Smith’s home state was the first in the
nation to have such a law.
According to Smith’s office, today
all 50 states and U.S. territories have a
Megan’s Law, “an important tool in preventing more children from becoming
Smith praised the new Congress
for putting “a high priority on human
trafficking,” adding that “protecting
children from violence and predatory
behavior are among the highest duties
and responsibilities of government.”
An internal Megan’s Law would “protect children from child sex tourism by
notifying destination countries when
convicted pedophiles plan to travel,”
Smith said.
According to statistics from the Congressional Research Service and the
Department of Homeland Security,
officials believe more than 20 million
women, children and men are victims of
human trafficking around the world and
roughly 175,000 are believed to be trafficked in the United States each year.
DHS research shows that human
trafficking is a “$32 billion per year industry, second only to drug trafficking
as the most profitable form of transnational crime.”
Congress’ focus on the trafficking
issue comes at a time when the Catholic Church has put a spotlight on the
global human trafficking crisis by
declaring the first International Day of
Prayer and Awareness against Human
Trafficking. It will take place Feb. 8,
the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave who eventually was freed
and became a Canossian nun.
The Pontifical Council for Migrants
and Travelers announced the observance Nov. 25.
On his flight back to Rome from
Strasbourg, France, the same day,
Pope Francis told reporters: “Slavery
is a reality inserted in the social fabric
today, and has been for some time:
slave labor, the trafficking of persons,
the sale of children – it’s a drama. Let’s
not close our eyes to this. Slavery is a
reality today, the exploitation of persons.” 
8 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Surprise papal meeting with former street kids features songs, hugs
Cindy Wooden CNS
ANILA, Philippines. Pope
Francis did not disappoint
hundreds of former street
children who were part of a massive
campaign to show him one of the
centers where they have found safety
and love.
Although it was not in his official
program, Pope Francis walked out of
Manila’s Immaculate Conception Cathedral after Mass Jan. 16 and across
the street to the Blessed Charles de
Foucauld Home for Girls, which is
run by the Tulay Ng Kabataan foundation.
Accompanied by Cardinal Luis
Antonio Tagle, a frequent guest, the
pope spent about half an hour with
some 320 boys and girls and young
adults from a number of TNK homes
in metropolitan Manila.
“It was a beautiful, beautiful encounter,” Cardinal Tagle told reporters later. “You could see the Holy
Father was in his element.”
The cardinal translated for the pope
as several of the children approached
and shared their stories, stories that
often included horrible experiences
of exploitation and abuse when they
CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters
Pope Francis is pictured with youths at a home for former street children in
Manila, Philippines, Jan. 16.
lived on the streets.
“You could see the attentiveness of
the pope,” he said. Getting emotional
himself, the cardinal said that, as he
listened, the pope’s “eyes were get-
ting cloudy and beginning to fill with
tears. You could see he was trying
to show his affection to the children,
but at the same time trying to fathom
these deep wounds and pain.”
When the children came up to
touch and to hug the pope, he said,
Pope Francis whispered to him that
it was clear they yearned for a loving
human touch, “the touch of a parent.”
The pope “assured the children
that they are loved by God, that God
is with them, and that they should
not forget that.”
In a text message reply to questions, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, said the
visit featured “songs, kisses and
hugs. And a blessing.”
“These children – the poorest
among the poor – are for sure the
most vulnerable victims of our society, but they remain masters of
joy, as one can see on their smiling
faces,” the foundation’s director,
39-year-old Father Matthieu Dauchez, told Pope Francis.
In a statement issued after the visit,
the center said that by taking the
time to meet “many children who
faced horrors of the street like begging, violence, drugs (and) prostitution,” Pope Francis demonstrated
“that he is the pope of the forgotten.”
“This is awesome,” the statement
quoted 10-year-old Alvin as saying.
“He gave me a huge warm hug!” 
Tears often are only correct response to suffering, pope tells youths
Cindy Wooden CNS
ANILA, Philippines. The
realities of life described
by young people, especially
the tearful question of a 12-year-old
girl about why God allows suffering,
led Pope Francis to set aside the first
text he had prepared for a meeting
Jan. 18 with the young people of the
“Certain realities in life can only
be seen through eyes cleansed by
tears,” the pope said Jan. 19 after listening to Glyzelle Palomar, who used
to live on the streets but now has a
home thanks to the foundation for
street children Pope Francis visited
in Manila Jan. 16.
Palomar spoke after Jun Chura – a
14-year-old rescued from the streets
by the same foundation – described
life on the streets as a struggle to
find enough to eat, to fight the temptation of drug use and glue sniffing,
and to avoid adults looking for the
young to exploit and abuse.
Covering her face with her hand as
she wept in front of the microphone,
Palomar asked the pope, “Why did
God let this happen to us?”
As some 30,000 young people
looked on at the University of Santo
Tomas, the pope kissed the top of
Palomar’s head and pulled her close
for a big hug, then embraced her and
Chura together.
He also listened to the testimony
of two other young men and their
questions: How do young people
discover God’s will for them? What is
love? How can young people become
agents of mercy and compassion?
The pope’s gathering with the
youths was emotional from the beginning. Opening the encounter, the
pope spoke about 27-year-old Kristel
Padasas, an employee of the U.S.
bishops’ Catholic Relief Services,
who died after being struck by a
speaker stand knocked down by the
wind Jan. 17 after the pope’s Mass in
She was “young, like yourselves,”
the pope told the youths, asking
them to join him in praying for her
and for her parents. “She was the
only daughter. Her mother is coming
from Hong Kong (and) her father
has come to Manila to wait,” he told
Pope Francis had received the
texts of the young people’s testimonies and questions in advance and
had begun rewriting his speech the
night before to ensure he responded
directly to what they planned to say,
said Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman. There
was not time to have the new text
translated, so Pope Francis, who
did not read from the text, asked
Msgr. Mark Miles from the Vatican
Secretariat of State to translate from
his Spanish. After more than half an
hour, he made a passing attempt to
return to the original text, but only
to emphasize the challenges the
youth face: the challenge of personal
integrity, of helping the poor and of
protecting the environment.
One of the first things he commented on talking to the youths was
the fact that Palomar was the only
female on the program.
“Sometimes we’re too ‘machista’
and don’t allow room for the woman,”
he said. “But the woman is able to
see things with a different eye than
men. Women are able to pose questions that we men are not able to
“Pay attention,” the pope told the
young people. Palomar was “the only
one who posed a question for which
there is no answer. And she wasn’t
able to express it in words but tears.”
“When the next pope comes to
Manila,” he told them, include “more
women” on the program.
Speaking directly to Palomar, he
told her, “You have expressed yourself so bravely.”
While it is impossible to explain
why God would allow children to suffer, he told the young people, “only
when we, too, can cry” can one approach a response.
“I invite each one of you here to
ask yourself, ‘Have I learned to weep
and cry when I see a child cast aside,
when I see someone with a drug
problem, when I see someone who
has suffered abuse?” the pope told
Being moved to tears out of compassion and in the face of the mystery of suffering is holy, he said. It
is not the same thing as crying to
manipulate or get something from
“Jesus in the Gospel cried, he
cried for his dead friend,” Lazarus,
“he cried in his heart for the family
that had lost its child, he cried in his
heart when he saw the old widow
having to bury her son, he was
moved to tears of compassion when
he saw the multitude of crowds without a pastor,” Pope Francis said.
“If you don’t learn how to cry you
cannot be good Christians,” he told
In the face of suffering like Palomar’s and Chura’s, he said, “our response must either be silence or the
word that is born of our tears.”
“Be courageous, do not be afraid to
cry,” the pope said.
Responding to the questions of
Leandro Santos II, a law student,
and Rikki Macolor, a recent graduate who, with his friends, designed a
solar-powered night light for typhoon
victims, Pope Francis focused on
love, compassion and the challenge
of not just helping the poor, but allowing oneself to learn from and be
evangelized by them.
“What is the most important subject that you have to learn in university, what is the most important
subject you learn in life?” the pope
asked. “To learn to love. This is the
challenge that life offers you.”
“True love is to love and allow yourself to be loved,” he said. “It is harder
to let yourself be loved than to love.”
Even when it comes to the life of
faith, he said, it seems easier to love
God than to really allow oneself to
be loved by him. But when one succeeds, he continued, God responds
with surprises.
“Don’t be like a computer, thinking
that we know everything,” the pope
Pope Francis thanked Macolor and
his friends for helping the poor victims of Typhoon Yolanda in 2013, but
he asked them, “Do you allow yourselves to receive?” Putting his finger
to his lips, the pope said he didn’t
want them to respond immediately,
but to ponder the other, essential
Christian part of being with the poor,
which is being willing to learn from
them and to accept their gifts.
“The Sadducees and doctors of the
law in the time of Jesus gave much to
the people, they gave them the law
and taught them, but they never allowed the people to give them something,” he said.
“Become a beggar,” the pope said.
“Learn how to beg,” to receive with
humility, “to be evangelized by the
poor. The persons we help, the poor,
the sick have so much to give us.”
Contributing to this story was Francis X. Rocca in Manila. 
January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 9
Philippine trip highlights pope’s tenacity, attention to details
Cindy Wooden CNS
ANILA, Philippines. New situations are opportunities to learn
new things, even about the
78-year-old Pope Francis.
After two days of watching the pope
tenaciously keep his appointments in the
Philippines despite pouring rain Jan. 1718, one lesson is that the papal wardrobe
needs to be expanded to include rain gear.
A white umbrella – the usual Vatican response to a drizzle – is not adequate. And
cancelling or moving an event indoors
– the usual Vatican response to a heavy
rain – is not acceptable to Pope Francis if
his appointment is with thousands or even
millions of predominantly poor people.
Then again, the clear yellow plastic poncho he donned over his chasuble for Mass
Jan. 17 in Tacloban and again Jan. 18 for
his ride in a converted jeepney popemobile Jan. 18 in Manila made him “one of
the people,” which they liked. On social
media, he was dubbed “ponchifex,” a play
on the formal Twitter title, “pontifex.”
Pope Francis, the grandson of Italian
immigrants, takes a typically Italian approach to weather: it requires protection.
On sunny days in St. Peter’s Square, he
urges – sometimes with an almost scolding look – parents to put hats on their
children. On cold days, he wears a long
white overcoat and asks parents of the
underdressed where their children’s coats
are. When a guard passes a baby to him
on a cold day, he often adjusts the child’s
CNS photo/Paul Haring
Pope Francis and Alberto Gasparri, papal trip planner, gesture as they talk during the pope’s arrival to celebrate
Mass with bishops, priests and members of religious orders in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in
Manila, Philippines, Jan. 16. Looking on is Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila.
coat or scarf to ensure proper bundling.
Much more importantly, Bishop Mylo
Vergara of Pasig, head of the media committee for Pope Francis’ visit, said the wet
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and stormy weather – which included the
approach of a category-two tropical storm
in Tacloban – taught people how seriously
Pope Francis takes his promises to the
poor and suffering.
Because the pilots flying him to Tacloban, the area devastated by Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, insisted he leave the area before 1 p.m., instead of the originally scheduled 5 p.m., he left Manila an hour early to
get there, “he abbreviated everything, but
he did all the events,” the bishop said.
“The pope is a pope of surprises, but
God also surprised him,” the bishop
said. The rain did not dampen the spirits
of the people, and the pope did not let
them down.
The Philippines trip also showed the energy the pope draws from crowds at mega
events, while simultaneously being able
to zoom in on micro details and bring the
crowd with him.
Some 30,000 exuberant youths congregated in the rain Jan. 18 at the University
of Santo Tomas. The pope gathered them
and drew them into prayers for the 27-yearold Catholic Relief Services worker, Kristel
Padasas, who died the day before after an
accident at the Tacloban Mass site.
Two other elements at the youth gathering did not escape the pope’s eye for
detail: first, the fact that of the four youths
chosen to address him, only one was female – a situation he said should be rectified the next time a pope visits.
And, second: tears. People get emotional when a pope is around. Many are
overcome with tears after even the most
fleeting moment with the pope. But the
tears shed by 12-year-old Glyzelle Palomar were different. The pope honored the
tears of the girl rescued from the streets
and then helped the 30,000 youths present reflect on the role of tears in response
to her suffering and the suffering of so
many innocents.
“Certain realities in life can only be seen
through eyes cleansed by tears,” the pope
told them. And the only worthy response
to questions about why God allows suffering is tears of compassion, he said.
Another thing people learned about
Pope Francis – something Cardinal Luis
Antonio Tagle of Manila said tipped him
off – was that if the pope insists on having nearby Msgr. Mark Miles, a native
of Gibraltar who works in the Secretariat
of State, that means he will set aside his
prepared text and speak from the heart, in
Spanish. Msgr. Miles translates the pope’s
words into English.
A smaller detail that the pope attended
to is connected to his respect for popular
piety, a respect born and nurtured in his
native Argentina. He shares the common people’s tangible Marian devotion,
which leads him to tenderly touch or kiss
images of her, but also reflects a sense
that Mary is “mama,” as he said at Santo
Tomas, and one can grab on to her skirt
when the going gets rough.
He blessed the statues of the Holy Child
Jesus people carried with them to Mass
in Manila Jan. 18, the Holy Child feast day
in the Philippines. The pope was given a
copy of the statue, which ended up being
his backseat driver as he toured the
crowds in the popemobile after Mass.
But he took care with an even smaller
detail. After Communion, large tapers and
tiny tea lights – whatever people brought
with them – were lit as Pope Francis told
the crowd: “Keep the flame of faith alive
in your hearts. Walk always as children
of the light. This is the mission of every
Christian: ‘lumina pandere,’ to spread the
light and to tell the world of God’s love.”
After a song, altar servers took the
pope’s taper from him, and he was handed
his crozier for the final blessing. But the
pope saw all the people still holding their
candles, so he asked his master of ceremonies to give back his candle.
“With his crozier in one hand, he used
the candle (in the other hand) to bless
the community, symbolizing the fire, the
light of God,” Cardinal Tagle said. “The
Holy Father is attentive to little details. He
notices a child, he notices something like
this; he sees the significance of a candle
having been lit and he incorporates it into
the whole ritual, which is a gift.” 
10 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Non-Catholics choose Catholic schools for values, not just academics
Katie Scott CNS
RLINGTON, Va. When Felicia
and Ethan Carr began searching
for a high school for their eldest
son, they wanted a school with a topnotch college preparatory program.
But the Carrs, who are Baptist,
sought something else as well.
“A lot of schools focus on the brain;
we wanted a school that also focused
on the heart,” said Felicia.
The search eventually led them to
Bishop O’Connell High School in Arlington where their son Christopher is
a junior and his brother, Nicholas, is a
The Carrs are not alone. Nationally,
one-fifth of Catholic secondary school
students are not Catholic, according to
the National Catholic Educational Association.
Families from different faiths choose
Catholic schools for reasons “beyond
class size and beyond the academics,”
said Virginia Colwell, principal of Paul
VI Catholic High School in Fairfax.
“They are looking for something more,
for a school that has their moral values and their beliefs. They want their
children to be exposed to values in the
classroom every day, not just at home.”
According to the Second Vatican
Council’s Declaration on Christian Education, the proper function of Catholic schools “is to create for the school
community a special atmosphere animated by the Gospel spirit of freedom
and charity.”
It is this Gospel spirit that cultivates
the value-focused environment that
appeals to non-Catholic parents, said
Joseph Vorbach, who is head of school
at Bishop O’Connell.
“Parents know that fundamentally
this is a program grounded in a value
system, and they find that very appealing,” he told the Arlington Catholic
Herald, the diocesan newspaper. “It
has to do with our mission that education is rooted in the life of Christ and
focused on the whole person. Even if
they are not Christian, they find that
Krista Price, mother of Sam and Rachel Price, who attend Bishop Ireton
High School in Alexandria, said her
family is Protestant but she “wanted the
kids to receive a solid education and
to avoid the pitfalls of public school.”
The family was home-schooled through
eighth grade, so she felt a smaller
school would ease the transition. Most
importantly, though, “we wanted a
Christ-centered school,” she added.
“The Catholic faith element has been
a positive influence for our whole family,” Krista pointed out, noting that
questions raised in religion class topics often “motivate us to go back and
research what we believe.”
Sam, who has considered becoming
a minister, agrees with his mom and
said he’s been inspired by his Catholic
“Some (fellow students) want to go
into ministry, and whether it’s as a
missionary or a priest or a nun, I’ve
found that pretty cool that we are different denominations but all want to
serve God,” he said.
As Orthodox Christians, Maria and
Ruairi Murray decided to send their
son Patrick to Seton in Manassas, a
junior and senior high school affiliated
with the Arlington Diocese, for a number of reasons, including the school’s
academic rigor, its conservative feel
and Christian environment.
“It was important to us for him to see
... peers who are struggling to live the
Christian life, that it’s not just an ideal
but an everyday struggle, because it is
for each of us,” said Maria.
However, the Murrays ensure their
son understands the distinction be-
tween Catholicism and their own faith,
but the differences also deepen a family’s own Christian beliefs.
“As parents, we have great comfort
in knowing that our son is in an educational environment that will reinforce
much of what he learns ... in the Eastern Church,” said Ruairi. “With that
said, there are some key differences.
Being cognizant of these differences
and why they exist is something that
we have and will continue to make Patrick aware of.”
Myles Sherman, who is Baptist, and
a sophomore at St. John Paul the Great
Catholic High School in Dumfries,
believes the effects of his high school
experience will have impacts beyond
the classroom.
For starters, he said he has learned
to “deal with people who have different views.”
There are some challenges for nonCatholics, though.
Krista Price said it was “a little awkward at times” for her son when Catholic students went to confession or the
students went to Mass.
But students and parents are quick
to say they’ve felt welcomed.
At Catholic high schools in the Arlington Diocese, students are required
to take religion courses and participate in faith-based activities, such as
schoolwide Masses and prayers. Of
course, non-Catholic students don’t
partake in the Eucharist or confession,
but in every other way “they are part
of the spiritual life of the school,” said
The students also enhance their
Catholic peers’ academic and spiritual
formation, bringing to the classroom
their diverse backgrounds and spiritual practices, said Colwell.
Father Edward J. Bresnahan, chaplain at Bishop Ireton High School in
Alexandria, said non-Catholics can “elevate the dialogue in religion classes”
because they have less knowledge of
Catholicism than cradle Catholics and
often ask more questions.
“Our basic premise is that all are welcome,” said Sister Karl Ann Homberg,
a Sister of St. Joseph, who is assistant
superintendent of Arlington Catholic
It is not the schools’ mission to
convert non-Catholics, but rather to
evangelize in the sense of animating
the Gospel through words and actions.
Some students may be drawn to the
Catholic Church, she said, but for others it is an opportunity to awaken and
deepen their own beliefs.
“When students are exposed to good
role models, to faculty and students
who are actively living the faith, their
own faith and beliefs can be revitalized,” she added.
Scott is a reporter for the Arlington
Catholic Herald, newspaper of the Diocese of Arlington. 
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January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 11
Christ the King to host lecture series on Paul VI
he adult formation program at
Christ the King Church will host a
series of talks on Blessed Paul VI
from Sunday, Feb. 1, through Sunday,
March 1.
In October 2014, Pope Francis beatified
Pope Paul VI and cited Pope Paul’s encyclical, “On Proclaiming the Gospel,” as “the
greatest pastoral document written to date.”
Leading the church from 1963 to 1978,
Pope Paul reconvened the Second Vatican
Council, presided over the final three of
its four sessions and oversaw the promulgation of all of the council’s documents.
He also led the process of implementing
the council’s reforms.
Pope Paul called for a more missionary church that would be open to the
world and one that would dialogue with
other Christians, other believers, and
with nonbelievers, too. He championed
the church’s social justice teachings and
sought to embed those concepts as foundation stones of Catholic doctrine.
The sessions will be held 9:45-10:45
a.m. Sundays in the Celebration Room at
Christ the King. The sessions will include:
• “Blessed Paul VI and the Murder of
Aldo Moro: The Relatioinship of Religion
and Politics,” Feb. 1.
This session will introduce the series
on Blessed Pope Paul VI generally, and
through an in depth narrative of an instructive event in Pope Paul’s life that
chilled and changed the world.
Often likened to the Kennedy assassination with its endless conspiracy theories,
the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro
in 1978 periodically surfaces on the international media scene, with implications
for world politics and the Church.
The presenter will be Paul Dokecki,
Ph.D., a Christ the King parishioner and
Professor Emeritus with the Department
of Human and Organizational Development at Vanderbilt University.
• “Paul VI and Vatican II: Bringing the
Council to Completion,” Feb. 8.
This session will cover Giovanni Battista Montini’s involvement as Archbishop of Milan with the preparation for
Vatican II and its first session. It will then
move through his election to the papacy
and his contributions to the work of the
next three sessions of the council. Attention will also be directed to his actions as
pope that affected the work and success
of the council.
The presenter will be Patout Burns,
Ph.D., now retired, a Christ the King
parishioner who held the first Edward
A. Mulloy Chair of Catholic Studies at
Vanderbilt Divinity School.
• “The Enduring Legacy of Paul VI on
Sexuality, Marriage and Procreation: ‘Humane Vitae,’ Then and Now,” Feb. 15.
We will examine how Paul VI’s teaching,
“Humane Vitae,” was developed, what did
it proclaim, who was involved in its development, why it was and remains central to
the Church’s understanding of sexuality,
marriage and procreation. We will also
explore responses to its release as well
as how the teachings continue to develop
even to this day.
The presenter will be Christine Caron
Gephardt, Ph.D., a former principal of
Christ the King School and now director of The Gender Relations Center and
co-chair of the Committee for Sexual
Assault Prevention at the University of
Notre Dame.
• Viewing of the film “Paul VI: The
Pope in the Tempest,” with reflections
by Father Dexter Brewer, Christ the
King pastor, Feb. 2.
The film covers 50 years of history
that changed the Catholic Church and
the world. It is a story that draws emotion and lessons from history itself, dramatically mixing stunning reconstructions and real film footage.
• Finish viewing “Paul VI: The Pope
in the Tempest,” with reflections by presenters of the previous sessions of the
series, March 1.
St. Philip Learning Center
pre-school to host gala
he St. Philip Learning Center
pre-school program will host the
Cowboys and Cupcakes Gala on
Thursday, April 30, featuring a concert
by country music artist Clay Walker.
St. Philip Learning Center opened its
doors in the fall of 2012 to 21 families
who were searching for a peaceful,
nurturing preschool for their young
children. After a tremendously successful first two years, the Learning Center
is larger than ever in its third year.
The school now serves more than 50
students, with hopes of being able to
accommodate as many students as is
necessary in the years to come.
St Philip Learning Center is a morning preschool ministry for children
ages 3-5. The Montessori method of
early childhood education is used,
creating a hands-on experience for the
The Learning Center features a small
student-teacher ratio, affordable tuition,
flexible schedule and caring teachers.
As the St. Philip Learning Center
strives to continue enriching its curriculum and expanding its reach, it must
also keep in mind the commitment to
keeping tuition affordable. Proceeds
from the gala will be used to make improvements to the facility and purchase
materials for the program.
The gala will be held at St. Philip
Church in downtown Franklin with a
VIP Meet & Greet Reception at 6:30
p.m. and an auction and concert at 7
Tickets cost $35 and includes the
silent and live auctions, hors d’oeuvres,
two drink tickets, and the Clay Walker
A VIP ticket costs $50 and includes
the auction and concert, hors d’oeuvres
and drinks as well as the meet and
greet reception and a Red Carpet photo
with Walker.
For more information or to buy tickets, visit www.stphilipfranklin.com/
cowboys. 
1225 Gallatin Rd., S., Madison, TN 37115
(615) 865-1491
MBA to perform play
about Archbishop Romero
he Montgomery Bell Academy
Theater Department will perform an encore performance of
its award-winning production of The
Fifth Sun, which tells the true story
of Archbishop Oscar Romero of San
Salvador, who was assassinated while
celebrating Mass.
The play, written by Nicholas
Patricca, will be performed at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, March 3, in the Paschall Theater on MBA’s campus at 4001 Harding Road, Nashville. The production is
open to the public.
The play presents the story of the
people and the forces that transformed
an ordinary man into a courageous
leader. It combines elements of ancient tomb rituals, Mayan temple dramas, and medieval morality plays into
a contemporary structure in which
the audience witnesses a human being
ultimately embody the moral voice and
vision of his people.
Making this play even more relevant
for 2015 is the fact that on Jan. 8 a
panel of theologians advising the Vatican’s Congregation for Saints’ Causes
voted unanimously to recommend
that Archbishop Romero be named a
martyr of the Roman Catholic Church,
thus paving the way for Romero’s
beatification and possible sainthood
at some time in the future. The panel
stated that Romero was killed “in hatred for the faith.”
Patricca was at MBA last September
as the school’s artist-in-residence. On
Oct. 24, 2014, MBA’s production of
Patricca’s play competed at the Tennessee Theater Association’s state
one-act-play competition, held at
Maryville College. As a result, the play
will be representing Tennessee at the
Southeastern Theater Convention’s
annual conference in March.
The encore performance will precede the troupe’s traveling to Chattanooga for the SETC competition,
where the show will be competing
against winners from 10 Southeastern
Several Catholics are involved in
the production, including the director
Rick Seay, set designer Gregg Colson
and cast member Alec Giammalvo, a
parishioner at Holy Family Church in
The admission price of $5 will be
used to help defray costs for the trip.
For more information, call the school
at (615) 298-5514. 
12 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Private piano concert honors
longtime St. Cecilia supporters
Theresa Laurence
ancy Peterson Hearn, an accomplished businesswoman, mother
of six, and member of the St. Cecilia Class of 1951, says much of her success can be traced back to “those sweet
Sisters” of the Dominican campus.
As a student at St. Cecilia Academy,
then located at the Motherhouse, Hearn
learned the value of a fine arts education
through piano lessons, playing the alto
sax in the school marching band, and
making her stage debut in the school talent show.
“All of this background enabled me to
be successful,” said Hearn, who did not
graduate from college. “I owe those Dominicans a lot. … They are fine teachers.”
When Hearn and her husband Billy
Ray Hearn learned about St. Cecilia’s
capital campaign and plans to expand its
fine arts facilities, they wanted to contribute to the cause as a way to give back.
To thank the Hearns for their gift and
their role in encouraging others to support the “Beauty Within” capital campaign, St. Cecilia honored them as the
first inductees into The Estonia Grand Society. As a gift of thanks, they were treated
to a private piano concert on Jan. 14, featuring three-time Grammy Award winning
Christian musician Michael W. Smith.
Mr. Hearn is the founder of EMI
Christian Music Group, and considered
a pioneer in the music industry, having
started not only some of the first music
labels to produce contemporary Christian music, but also giving shape to the
genre itself.
The Jan. 14 musical event began with
a reception at the Dominican Campus
White House; guests included close family friends of the Hearns. The reception
was followed by a private piano performance by Smith in the choir room at St.
Cecilia. He played instrumental songs
requested by Mr. Hearn on St. Cecilia’s new 9-foot Estonia Concert Grand
Piano, a gift of Cal Turner Jr.
As St. Cecilia continues to raise funds
for the “Beauty Within” capital campaign, the Dominican Sisters instituted
the Estonia Grand Society concert series
to honor those who have supported the
arts in Nashville and the fine arts program at St. Cecilia. The Society is a tribute to the honorees, and the inductions
feature a musical artist who is invited to
perform for a close circle of friends.
Mrs. Hearn is the chairman of the
board of Peterson Tool Company, a
worldwide leader in cutting tool technology. She began her career in the
male-dominated precision machine
parts industry in the early 1970s, after
her first husband, John Peterson, who
founded the company, died at age 45.
She assumed the leadership of the company, only telling customers about Mr.
Peterson’s untimely death six months
later – after she demonstrated her ability to successfully run the company in
her husband’s absence. She went on
to oversee significant growth in the
company, and has received numerous
awards for her trailblazing achievements
for women in the workplace.
She gradually stepped away from dayto-day duties after she married Hearn
in 2009; her daughter Diane Peterson
Edwards now serves as chief executive
officer of the company.
While Mrs. Hearn didn’t pursue a career in the arts, she said her experience
getting up on stage in the St. Cecilia talent show, and eventually winning the citywide talent show and a prize of $500, gave
her the confidence to speak and perform
in front of others. “I have to be on stage
a lot because of my business,” she said.
“The arts carried me through a lot.”
St. Cecilia recently launched its
“Beauty Within” capital campaign with a
goal of raising $4 million to expand and
renovate its existing fine arts facilities.
The school is planning to build a stateof-the-art 12,000 square-foot complex
that will offer ample space and amenities for the study of the visual and performing arts.
Plans for a new fine arts wing include:
a dance studio, two visual arts studios,
art gallery space, a drama studio, three
music practice rooms for chamber
ensemble, storage and office space,
renovation of the current chorus room,
and installation of new fire prevention
sprinkler system.
While St. Cecilia enjoys an excellent
reputation for its fine arts programming,
it currently lacks adequate facilities
to nurture its students’ talents. As the
campaign’s press materials state: “For
over 150 years, St. Cecilia Academy has
given our students many opportunities
to explore the arts through an ever-expanding curriculum. As a result, we now
need to provide a facility compatible
with the Academy’s high standards.”
More information is available at www.
stcecilia.edu. 
Mardi Gras gala to benefit
School of Good Shepherd
he School of the Good Shepherd in Decherd will host its
28th Mardi Gras Fundraiser
on Saturday, Feb. 14, at Monterey
Attendees will enjoy an evening
full of excitement with the doors
opening at 6 p.m., and the last
dance at 11:30 p.m. All will enjoy a
full buffet providing delectable appetizers, entrées and sweets.
Once again all those attending can
bid on a wide selection of silent auc-
tion items and some terrific “Not so
Live - Live” auction items. Guests
will be able to purchase items this
year using their credit card.
A cash bar will be available serving premium liquor.
Back by popular demand will be
the Respectables Band from Nashville.
Tickets are $45 each. Tickets may
be purchased at the school. For
more information, call (931) 9675673. 
Saint Ann celebrates our
5105 Charlotte Ave. Nashville, TN 37209
January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 13
Photo by Rick Musacchio
Bishop David Choby celebrated the annual all schools Mass at Cathedral of the Incarnation during Catholic Schools
Week on Wednesday, Jan. 28. Here, he accepts the offertory gifts from representatives of three schools in the Diocese of
Nashville: William Spence, left, from St. Patrick School in McEwen, Olivia Gass from the School of the Good Shepherd
in Decherd, and Karina Swauger from St. John Vianney School in Gallatin. National Catholic Schools Week is the annual
celebration of Catholic education in the United States. This year it ran from January 25 – 31, and the theme was “Catholic
Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” For more photos, go to www.dioceseofnashville.com.
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14 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
C.J. Martin returning to St. Joseph as new principal
Andy Telli
o find a leader to take St. Joseph School into the future, the
school has reached back to its
C.J. Martin, who was a middle
school teacher and assistant principal
at the Madison school before he left
to become the principal of a Catholic school in Georgia, will return to
Nashville to become St. Joseph’s
principal beginning with the next
school year.
“This has always felt like my
home,” said Martin, who taught at St.
Joseph from the fall of 2006 to 2010.
“I loved teaching and coaching here
and the relationships I had with mentor principals and mentor teachers
here. I learned a great deal. …
“It really feels like an opportunity
to come home,” he said of his new
For the last five years, Martin has
served as principal of St. Joseph
Catholic Parochial School in Athens,
Ga., in the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
“It’s a pre-K through eighth grade
school, very similar to here,” Martin
He will complete the school year in
Athens before moving back to Nashville and taking over as principal on
July 1.
The position at St. Joseph became
Tennessee Register file photo by Andy Telli
C.J. Martin leads his eighth grade history class in 2009 at St. Joseph School
in Madison. Martin, who was a middle school teacher and assistant principal
at the Madison school before he left to become the principal of a Catholic
school in Georgia, will return to Nashville to become St. Joseph’s principal
beginning with the next school year.
open when Sister Maria Goretti,
O.P., had to resign last summer and
the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia,
who have provided a principal for
the school throughout its more than
60-year history, didn’t have a sister
available to replace her. Jackie Sul-
lenbarger has served as interim principal this school year.
Father Tomy Jospeh, M.S.F.S., the
pastor of St. Joseph, and the search
committee decided to hire a lay principal.
“We were looking for the right
leader and the search committee felt
we got the right leader,” in hiring
Martin, Father Tomy said. “We’re
confident he will be able to take St.
Joseph in the right direction.”
The committee wanted someone in
the position who had experience as a
principal, Father Tomy said.
“His experience at St. Joseph
will help,” Father Tomy said, but
“the school he was working in as a
teacher is not the same school he
will be leading.”
Boosting the school’s enrollment
will be one of Martin’s main priorities, Father Tomy said. “Most of our
kids live in Sumner County. Sumner
County has good public schools that
are free. His challenge will be in
making people understand there’s
greater value in and the importance
of a Catholic education,” he said.
“In a secular society that can be difficult.”
Martin knows increasing enrollment will be a challenge. “The challenge is showing everybody the
value that St. Joseph offers, demonstrating the high standard of academics … and the values that are taught
by a caring and involved faculty in a
family environment,” he said.
Martin said he will have to work
with St. Joseph and several other
parishes from which St. Joseph
Continued on next page
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Continued from previous page
draws students, particularly Our
Lady of the Lake in Hendersonville.
“I want to be visible and make sure
the work our students and teachers
are accomplishing are out in the
public eye.”
Martin grew up in Middletown,
Ohio, which is located between Cincinnati and Dayton, and attended
Catholic schools through high
school. His father was a teacher,
coach and administrator at a Catholic
high school.
While a student at Ohio University
in Athens, Ohio, “I had an opportunity to coach high school football,”
Martin said. “I fell in love with working with the kids.”
After graduating from college, he
taught at a school in Middletown
for a year and then moved to St. Joseph, where he was a middle school
history and literature, the school
athletic director and football coach,
winning a parochial league championship.
Several of the teachers he worked
with at St. Joseph are still there, Martin said, including Toni Saunders,
one of the middle school teachers at
St. Joseph. “She was a great mentor
teacher,” Martin said. “The biggest
thing I learned from her, she is always challenging her students.”
During his last year at St. Joseph,
Martin served as the school’s assistant principal, working with then
principal Sister Mary John, O.P. Mar-
Tennessee Register 15
tin called her “a wonderful mentor to
me, both professionally and personally.”
Sister Mary John encouraged Martin to apply for the Mary Ann Remick
Leadership Program through the
Alliance for Catholic Education at the
University of Notre Dame. The program is designed to prepare leaders
for Catholic schools.
Students in the three-year program
take courses on the Notre Dame
campus for six to eight weeks each
summer and take two courses per
semester online during the school
“The program starts off with a
plethora of information about how to
be the best spiritual, academic and
community leader you can be,” Martin said. “With those three things,
the other things fall into place.”
“What we learned at Notre Dame
is directly applicable … to your everyday vocation” as a Catholic school
principal, Martin said.
When he left Nashville to become
the principal at the school in Athens,
Ga., “it was an opportunity to grow
professionally and personally,” Martin said.
In his five years there, Martin said,
“I have learned a lot about working
with a strong faculty. I’ve learned a
lot about developing and fostering
relationships with businesses and
individuals in the community for the
sake of the school. I’ve learned a lot
about development and the relationships that go with development. I’ve
St. Joseph School to host
open house on Sunday, Feb. 8
t. Joseph School will host an
open house from Noon to 2
p.m. Sunday, Feb. 8, for prospective students and their families.
The school’s new principal, C.J.
Martin, who will assume his new
duties on July 1, will be on hand for
the open house to talk to parents
and students.
St. Joseph is accredited by the
Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools and offers a diversified
curriculum as well as a variety of extra-curricular activities for students.
learned a lot about budgeting and
finance for schools.”
One of his biggest challenges in
Athens was shepherding the community through the process of building
a new facility and moving the school
to a new location, Martin said. He
had to keep the community informed
throughout the capital campaign
and the design, build and relocation
“It was a challenge,” he said. “It was
by far our biggest success as well.”
After he takes over at St. Joseph,
Martin hopes to build close relationships with the city’s three Catholic
A before- and after-school care program and bus service are available.
“At St. Joseph, our goal is to prepare students in grade pre-K-eighth
grade for a bright future with an
educational program rich in academic excellence, traditional Catholic values and a loving, nurturing
environment,” school officials said
in a statement.
St. Joseph is located at 1225 Gallatin Road in Madison. For more information or to set up a private tour
call (615) 865-1491. 
high schools “to make sure our
students are coming out strong and
ready to handle the coursework”
at the high school level. The high
schools often have resources that
elementary schools don’t have that
they can share, Martin said.
His experience working with a
strong and talented faculty at the
Georgia school “is going to translate
well to this very talented faculty” at
St. Joseph, Martin said.
“The biggest strength that I will
bring (is) I’m able to stay back and
see what’s good for … all the kids in
our care,” he said. 
16 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Photos by Rick Musacchio
St. Cecilia Academy sophomores Emily Vick, above left, and Grace
Heller pray the rosary before Mass at the D.C. Armory during their trip
to Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life. In photo above right,
dozens of priests hear confessions from March for Life participants at
the D.C. Armory. Father Ryan High School student Daniel Hayes takes a
picture of, from left: Taryn Richter, Janet Lytle, Reilly Cordell and Morgan
Thomson. About 600 youth and leaders from the Diocese of Nashville
traveled to take part in the annual March for Life.
January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 17
March for Life
draws large
from diocese
Andy Telli
In photo at left, the youth and their chaperones from the Dioceses of Nashville and Knoxville pose
on the front steps of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception after morning
Mass on Friday, Jan. 23. The group from Nashville is on the left two sections of the steps and the
group from Knoxville is on the right. They were in Washington, D.C. to take part in the March for
Life held annually on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court which
legalized abortion. Above, a participant in the 42nd annual march, held January 22, waves a Vatican
flag near the steps of the Supreme Court. For more photos, go to www.dioceseofnashville.com.
early 600 high school and college
students, seminarians and chaperones from the Diocese of Nashville made the long trek to Washington,
D.C., to stand up for their belief in the
sanctity of all life at the March for Life,
held Jan. 22.
It was the largest contingent ever from
the diocese to participate in the march,
which marks the anniversary of the 1973
U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v.
Wade that legalized abortion, said Bill
Staley, director of youth ministry for the
Diocese of Nashville.
The diocesan Catholic Youth Office
brought 102 students from across the
diocese, Staley said. The group included
large groups from St. Philip Church in
Franklin and St. Rose of Lima Church in
Murfreesboro, as well as smaller groups
from Sacred Heart Church in Lawrenceburg, Our Lady of the Lake Church in
Hendersonville and St. John Vianney
Church in Gallatin.
Each of the three Catholic high schools
in the Nashville area – Father Ryan, Pope
John Paul II and St. Cecilia Academy –
sent groups of students, as did Aquinas
College and University Catholic, the campus ministry at Vanderbilt University. SevContinued on page 25
Philip Clark, left, leads a pro-life
cheer during the March for Life.
About 600 youth and leaders from
the Diocese of Nashville traveled to
Washington, D.C. to take part in the
annual march. Paul Dana, below
left, and Thorn Schoch from the
Knights of Columbus Council 9132
at Our Lady of the Lake Parish in
Hendersonville, hold a banner at the
march. Schoch is grand knight of the
council and Dana is the chancellor.
18 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
JPII seniors give sick girl her dream bedroom
Andy Telli
lendi Sajqui and her daughter Cindy
Itzep stepped into their newly decorated bedroom and could only cry.
“It’s beautiful,” said Cindy, a 13-year-old
eighth grader at Wright Middle School in
Nashville who has been diagnosed with nymphoblastic leukemia. “It’s better than before.”
A group of seniors from Pope John Paul II
High School in Hendersonville, working with
the Special Spaces organization, had redecorated the bedroom for the mother and daughter as part of their senior service project.
“The experience was awesome,” said JPII
senior Christina Yi, who lent her artistic talent to help decorate Cindy’s bedroom. “It’s
awesome to know you can help others by
doing something you love.”
Each year, the JPII seniors take on a service project, explained Jackie Beals, the
former foreign languages department chair
and senior service project coordinator who
oversaw the work on Cindy’s bedroom before she moved out of state in December.
This year, senior Grace Wood suggested
working with Special Spaces after helping
her great-aunt, Anne Strunk, who is a coordinator for Special Spaces in Chattanooga.
Special Spaces is a non-profit organization
that creates dream bedrooms for children
with life-threatening illnesses. “Our premise is these children spend an enormous
amount of time in their bedrooms” and they
need a space of peace and comfort, said
Strunk, who helped the group from JPII
Continued on page 27
50th Anniversary of
Father Ryan vs. Pearl
Cindy Itzep and her mother Glendi Sajqui get a first look at their new bedroom, which received a complete
makeover from Pope John Paul II High School seniors as part of their senior service project. The students
raised the money and did all the work to give Itzep, who has leukemia, a dream bedroom makeover.
The Most Reverend David R. Choby,
Class of 1965, Bishop of Nashville
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January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 19
Father Ryan launches major technology initiative
Theresa Laurence
hen Andy Cupit walks the halls
of Father Ryan High School,
he often gets summoned into
a classroom and quickly peppered with
questions: How do I access OneNote?
How do I connect to the Wifi again?
How do I open this PDF file?
These are not questions that Cupit
or any of his Father Ryan colleagues
would have been asking in their high
school classrooms, but it’s becoming
more and more the norm today.
Cupit, a math teacher and technology
integration specialist at Father Ryan,
took on the latter role last summer
to help the school launch its new 2:1
Technology Initiative.
This new initiative, which requires
students to bring their personal laptops
to class every day, will prepare them to
be good “digital citizens,” Cupit said,
adaptable to changing technology and
ready to succeed in college and the
The 2:1 program is designed to increase student engagement and create
opportunities for collaboration among
the Father Ryan community and give
students more opportunities to access educational resources beyond
the classroom, all while reducing the
school’s paper needs for workbooks
and hardbound texts.
Father Ryan administrators are quick
to point out that they are not imple-
Photo by Theresa Laurence
Andy Cupit, the technology integration specialist at Father Ryan High
School, assists freshman Reed Robinson as he uses his laptop in Mary Alice
McWatters’ freshman honors biology class. Father Ryan recently launched a
major technology initiative that requires students to bring laptops to school
every day, in order to increase learning opportunities, improve campus
communication, and decrease reliance on paper.
menting more technology at school
simply for the sake of technology, but
because it enhances teaching, learning,
and acquiring essential life skills. “The
world is very much technology driven,
and we want to make sure students
have the skills to embrace that,” said
Sarah Hayes, vice principal and academic dean at Father Ryan.
Now that freshmen, sophomores and
juniors are using laptops at school on a
daily basis, they no longer have to rely
on one textbook as a source of information. The laptops “make classroom
learning much more student driven”
and interactive, Hayes said.
In history classes, for example, students no longer have to rely only on
lectures and still photos in a textbook
of the Vietnam War, but can now access
archived news clips of the war from
their desks.
It just makes sense to increase the use
of technology in the classroom, because,
Hayes said, “if you have a tool that exponentially increases student learning, it
would be foolish not to use it.”
While there have been some minor
growing pains as the Father Ryan community adjusts to the new technology,
Hayes said that overall, she has been
“shocked” at how smoothly the launch
has gone.
Hayes, Cupit and their fellow Father
Ryan faculty members spent almost
two full years planning the 2:1 Technology Initiative rollout. This included
professional development for teachers,
a number of advance notices to parents
and students, and a significant technology infrastructure update on Father
Ryan’s campus to handle the increased
demand for power and internet access.
Then, when it was time for students
to begin bringing their laptops to
school in early January, administrators opted to stagger the days each
class would bring them to help work
out some of the kinks. When issues do
come up, students can wait for Cupit
to come around, or they can take their
laptop to the library’s new “Knowledge
Bar” where they can get one-on-one
help from an IT or media specialist.
“It’s been a transition, but it’s great,”
said Father Ryan biology teacher Mary
Continued on page 27
2015 St. Thomas Aquinas Forum
Proclaiming and Living the
Gospel of the Family
February 13–14, 2015 at Aquinas College
Presented by the Aquinas College Office of Catechetics
Helen Alvaré, J.D.
Law Professor and consultor to the
Pontifical Council for the Laity
John Garvey, J.D.
President of the Catholic University
of America
Monsignor Albin J. Grous
Pastor and Former Official for the
Congregation for Catholic Education
Richard Bulzacchelli, S.T.D.
Associate Professor of Theology at
Aquinas College
No admission charge;
light refreshments
Story Time will take place in
the Overbrook Library.
Children must be accompanied
by an adult.
Sister Terese Auer, O.P.
Chair of Bioethics at John
Paul the Great High School
Katrina Zeno
Coordinator of the JP II Resource Center
for Theology of the Body and Culture
(Not intended for students currently in kindergarten)
To register, please visit:
4210 Harding Pike Nashville, TN 37205 615.292.5134 www.overbrook.edu
4210 Harding Pike, Nashville, TN 37205 — 615-297-7545 — www.aquinascollege.edu
20 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Fundraising campaign keeps St. Bernard expansion plans on track
Theresa Laurence
hen Chuck Sabo became the
Head of School at St. Bernard
Academy in 2006, the school,
even though it was one of the oldest in
Nashville, was still somewhat of a “best
kept secret” among the city’s educational options.
Today, however, St. Bernard is bursting at the seams and ready to expand.
“We’ve just about maximized our
creativity in terms of student learning
spaces,” Sabo said. Larger classrooms
have been split in two, underutilized
space behind the stage has been turned
into classrooms, and some front offices
have been re-purposed for tutoring and
counseling space.
To better accommodate its 340 students in pre-kindergarten through
eighth grade, St. Bernard is preparing
to break ground on an 18,000-squarefoot expansion and renovation project.
Included in the plans are seven new
classrooms, a large, multi-purpose
room for assemblies and Masses, a
student support center and updates to
space for fine arts, administration and
after-care services.
The $3.2 million expansion of St.
Bernard’s historic campus will enable
SBA to keep class sizes small, around
12 students each. That ensures a lot of
one-on-one interaction between teachers and students, a hallmark of St. Bernard. “The classrooms are the priority
that drive the boat,” Sabo said.
The expansion will also enable St.
Bernard to step up its music and arts
programs and host larger diocesanwide meetings and events, Sabo said.
Some other key elements of the expansion, which is the second one since
this Hillsboro Village campus opened
in 1960, include:
• Moving the administrative offices
and shifting the front entrance of the
school to from 24th Avenue South to
Bernard Street.
• Adding a new student support center, which will feature rooms dedicated
to tutoring, guidance and counseling.
• Incorporating the latest technology
into new classrooms, designing them
to be flexible enough for group study,
independent reading, and interactive
The expansion will also help ease demand on the school’s gym, which is the
only large space in the building, and is
constantly overbooked, Sabo said. “I
think we have 17 teams vying for practice time,” Sabo said.
The school’s after care program,
which serves about half of the student
body, will also have more breathing
room with the addition of the large,
multi-purpose space.
This architectural rendering of the St. Bernard Academy campus shows the new entrance of the school, which will
be moved from 24th Avenue South to Bernard Street. The $3.2 million expansion project will include an additional
18,000 square feet of classroom, multi-purpose and office space. The project is scheduled to start this summer and
be completed in the fall of 2016, when the school marks its 150th anniversary.
St. Bernard has experienced an enrollment boom in recent years, growing
from 225 students in 2006 to 340 this
year. This has corresponded with the
city’s growth as a whole. “As more new
families are moving to Nashville, St.
Bernard comes up among the leaders,”
Sabo said. The school has worked hard
to raise its profile in recent years, and
the efforts have paid off; SBA is a “best
kept secret” no more.
A lot of that is thanks to positive word
of mouth publicity, especially among
the Vanderbilt University community.
“We have a strong network connection
with Vandy,” Sabo said, which is the
largest private employer in Nashville.
About half of the SBA student body has
a parent affiliated with the university,
located just a few blocks away.
St. Bernard’s expansion is funded
in large part by the school’s recently
completed Building Our Future capital
campaign. The campaign exceeded its
goal, raising more than $1.4 million
from the St. Bernard community over
the past year.
“We started the campaign with a large
goal in mind, both in terms of the project and the dollars, and the response of
our families, faculty and staff, alumni
and friends has exceeded our expectations,” said Sabo.
Even with the expansion plans, Sabo
said, there are no plans to expand the
enrollment cap beyond 350 students.
“People like the intimacy of the school,”
he said. “That’s one of the things that’s
special about St. Bernard.”
Architectural design plans for the
Catholic Charities makes
annual report available
he new annual report for Catholic Charities of Tennessee’s
2013-14 fiscal year is now available for the public to view online.
The report includes financial information about the many services
provided by Catholic Charities in
Middle Tennessee.
An electronic copy of the report is
available at http://bit.ly/14R9wfR.
To receive a printed copy of the
report call Mark Barry at (615)
760-1028 or e-mail him at mbarry@
cctenn.org. 
St. Bernard expansion, which were
recently revealed to the public for the
first time, were completed by Nashvillebased Bauer-Askew Architects.
The project is set to break ground
this summer and be completed by the
fall of 2016, as the school begins its
150th anniversary celebration.
St. Bernard Academy is a Catholic,
independent co-educational elementary school serving more than 340 students from pre-kindergarten to eighth
grade. It was founded in 1866 by the
Sisters of Mercy; since 1988 it has
operated as an independent Catholic
school in the Mercy tradition. More
information is available at www.stbernard.org 
January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 21
Jazz Mass for World Peace to premiere at Holy Name Church
Ned Andrew Solomon
fter being bombarded with news
of violence around the world,
Marlène Tachoir, a renowned jazz
musician, recording artist and composer,
responded with two pillars in her life: her
music and her Catholic faith.
Tachoir has composed a “Jazz Mass for
World Peace,” which will be performed
for the first time on Thursday, Feb. 12,
at Holy Name Church in East Nashville,
where she is a parishioner.
“I was inspired to combine my love of
jazz music, my knowledge as a church
musician, and my belief in prayers to
compose this Jazz Mass for World Peace.”
Although she is currently the music
director for the Sunday liturgy at Holy
Name and has led choirs at Holy Name
and Our Lady of the Lake Church for
more than 25 years, the Jazz Mass represents her first major religious work.
“Church music ministry is something
I have been involved with all of my life,”
said Tachoir. “It is part of my DNA.”
Tachoir heralds from a large family
of musicians in the Saguenay Region of
Quebec. She began playing piano at a
very young age, and at age 13 entered
the Quebec Conservatory of Music, majoring in organ.
“During that same time, I began playing with my father’s swing society band
where improvisation was a key component,” said Tachoir. “Classical and jazz influences have always been part of my life.”
Besides studying organ and piano at the
Marlene Tachoir, left, recently composed a Jazz Mass for World Peace, which
will premiere at Holy Name Church on Thursday, Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. She and
her husband Jerry Tachoir, right, a renowned vibraphonist, are seasoned
jazz musicians and lead the Holy Name Church choir.
Quebec Conservatory, Tachoir graduated
Summa Cum Laude in arranging and composition from the Berklee College of Music
in Boston. As a composer, she was the
winner of the first GMN.com International
Jazz Composition Contest in 2000, and is a
two-time winner of the International Jazz
Composition Contest in Monaco.
She has contributed her original music
Saluting our donors for contributing more
than $1.4 million for St. Bernard Academy’s
Building Our Future campaign.
to eight recordings, many featuring her
husband, Jerry Tachoir, an internationally renowned vibraphonist, mallet instrumentalist and music clinic instructor. As
a member of the group Tachoir, Marlène
has performed in concert with drummer
Alan Dawson and recorded with former
Pat Metheny Group member, Danny Gottlieb, and drummer Chester Thompson.
She has appeared at most of the major
jazz festivals throughout the U.S., Canada
and Europe, including the Northsea
Jazz festival in Holland, the prestigious
Montreux Jazz festival in Switzerland and
the Montreal Jazz festival in Canada.
With her husband, Tachoir has conducted numerous outreach and educational music programs at schools in
Tennessee, and throughout the United
States and Canada. She has also written
two books: “Solo Vibraphone Collection”
and the soon-to-be published, “Creative
Studies for Keyboard Voicings.”
The Jazz Mass for World Peace grew
out of a recent trip back home to Quebec,
which the Tachoir family does every
few years. “This time was extra special
– great weather, a trek up a mountain to
a giant cross overlooking the majestic
Saguenay Fjord,” recalled Tachoir. “It had
the feel of a pilgrimage. I even got to play
organ and piano in a large church with
my daughter singing and sister playing
trumpet for a nephew’s wedding. Everything about that week was magical.”
The magic ended abruptly when they
returned to the states and were bombarded by a news media saturated with
stories of brutal violence and conflicts
throughout the world.
“As a musician, I felt compelled to do
something,” Tachoir said.
Once she had the concept she was positively driven to complete it. With a strong
desire to have every component of the
composition “enhance praying for peace,”
she infused it with uplifting music and lyrics, liturgical readings and prayers.
“I was also mindful of the assembly
participating in the singing,” explained
Tachoir. “First, I started working on the
‘Glory to God,’ and it came surprisingly
easy. The rest of the Mass parts took
about 10 days to complete. After that came
the Litany of Peace and remaining pieces.”
Although the resulting composition has
strong contemporary jazz influences, Tachoir believes it is, at its core, reverential.
She is quick to clarify that it is not a jazz
concert, but a “Mass presented in a very
creative musical setting.”
Currently self-published, Tachoir hopes
the Jazz Mass will extend its optimistic
message to churches and schools in the
area, and possibly beyond.
“The creation of the Jazz Mass made
me realize the importance of music for
a purpose,” said Tachoir, “to enhance a
liturgy to pray for world peace.”
The Jazz Mass will take place at 7 p.m.,
Feb. 12, with Holy Name Pastor Father
Edwidge Carré as the celebrant. Accompanying Tachoir will be Connye Florance
and Marlène’s daughter, Erica Tachoir,
on vocals; her husband on vibraphone;
Sam Levine on sax and flute; Roy Vogt
on bass; and Rich Adams on drums. The
event is open to the public. There will be
a “free will offering” during Mass to help
with some of the production expenses.
For those who would like to become
a sponsor of the project, a $50 donation
would place the name of an individual or
business in the program for the evening.
Those who give a $100 donation will also
receive a copy of the video of the Jazz
Mass for World Peace. Checks should
be made out to Holy Name Church with
“Jazz Mass for World Peace” written in
the memo line, and sent to Holy Name
Church, 521 Woodland St., Nashville
Tenn. 37206. For more information, call
(615) 254-8847. 
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22 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Faith guides consideration of Governor Haslam’s Insure Tennessee proposal
ov. Bill Haslam has called
upon people of good will
to support his plan to
meet the medical needs of more
than 200,000 of our fellow Tennesseans. His plan, called Insure
Tennessee, will use funds set
aside by the federal government
for our state, and contributions
by Tennessee’s hospitals, to provide health coverage to individuals who are now uninsured.
For Catholics, as for our neighbors from other religious traditions, his call resonates strongly
with the compassionate teachings of our faith. His plan fully
deserves serious consideration.
Our duty to care for our
brothers and sisters is never
more compelling than when
they are sick or injured. To
teach us compassion, Christ
chose the parable of the Good
Samaritan, who not only per-
sonally cared for an injured
traveler, but who paid others to
care for him as well. The parable warned us not to be like
others who ignored the person
in need, assuming that someone else would care for him.
Our uninsured neighbors
have great needs. Even if they
are in good health, they carry
the burden of knowing that a
single accident or injury can
force them into bankruptcy,
destroying their dreams for
their families. They go without
preventive care. When they get
sick, they wait until their condition worsens before seeking
treatment. Many have untreated
chronic illnesses that threaten
their ability to work and earn a
living for their families.
Like the traveler whom the
Good Samaritan helped, the
uninsured are right before our
eyes, and we dare not turn
away. Most are working at low
wage jobs. They include the
people we see every day on the
street, in our houses of wor-
State of Tennessee photo by Jed DeKalb
Gov. Bill Haslam at a press conference in December
announced plans to expand health insurance coverage to
some of the most low-income Tennessee residents. Bishop
Choby and Saint Thomas Health officials, who were on hand
for the announcement, praised the plan to expand health
care coverage to the poor and vulnerable.
ship, and at the grocery store.
They are typically employed in
the hospitality industry, in food
service, as child care workers
and in construction. They are
struggling young musicians and
college students. Many work in
health industries in which they
care for others. Some find themselves unable to work full time
due to the cumulative physical
effects of decades of heavy
manual labor, yet they cannot
get Medicare until they are 65.
The Church’s teachings on
the sanctity of all human life
and the importance of fairness
to workers guide Catholics’
response to Gov. Haslam’s call.
American bishops have repeatedly expressed the principle
that decent health care is not
a privilege, but a right and a
requirement to protect the life
and dignity of every person.
Pope John Paul II included access to healthcare in a list of
those necessities of life that all
workers should receive.
These are Catholic teachings,
but they are also Tennessee
values: concern for fairness, for
our neighbors, and for our community. Gov. Haslam has taken
a significant step forward with
his proposal to expand the availability of healthcare. We urge
legislators to fulfill their responsibility as the elected representatives of the people of Tennessee to offer access to healthcare
as broadly as possible. 
Catholic schools can help whole family grow in faith
Andres Montana
aving worked in Catholic schools for many
years now, I’ve often
heard and repeated the statement, “Let’s remember, parents, that you are the primary
educators of your children.”
While I firmly believe that
parents can’t just drop their
kids off at the front door of
the school and expect them to
walk out a well-educated saint,
I also know that a Catholic
school must often take the lead
in promoting the education
and the evangelization of the
families it serves.
The Catholic school is meant
to be a place of communion
where not only the young
people we serve can encounter
the person of Jesus Christ, but
so can their parents.
Catholic schools exist for the
purpose of educating the whole
family in the ways of Jesus
Christ. On the spiritual as well
as the academic level, parental
involvement is key in a child’s
education and formation.
I’m blessed to work at St.
Cecilia Academy, where we
try mightily to fulfill our responsibility to educate and
evangelize the family, whether
it’s through our Year of the
Family Lecture Series that is
open to the public or through
our moms’ and dads’ groups
that provide parents a forum
to learn more about their faith
and the art of parenting.
Joe Farris of Lifeteen Missions talks with the Dominican Dads’ group at St. Cecilia Academy.
Groups like the Dominican Dads support parents in their role as their children’s primary
teachers of the Catholic faith.
Our Dominican Dads group
is currently studying a series
of books called “Joseph’s Way:
The Call to Fatherly Greatness” by Devin Schadt, which I
highly recommend.
It’s inspiring to see our
fathers making small but
profound changes in order to
better educate their children
in the faith. One father is now
saying a decade of the rosary
with his kids on the way to
school because he knows the
profound effect a visibly praying father has on his children.
Another father has started
showing more affection to his
teen-age daughter because he
knows this makes her feel secure and loved and also keeps
her from seeking the wrong
kind of affection elsewhere.
Through their involvement
in the Catholic school, these
fathers are waking up to their
role as dads, taking responsibility, and getting involved in
ways that will make a lifelong
impact on their relationship
with their family.
One of my favorite homilies
by Pope Francis urges us to “be
faithful to the Spirit, to proclaim
Jesus with our lives, through
our witness and our words. …
When we do this, the church
becomes a mother church that
produces children. … But when
we do not, the church is not the
mother, but the babysitter, that
takes care of the baby – to put
the baby to sleep. It is a church
dormant. Let us reflect on our
baptism, on the responsibility
of our baptism.”
Nestled in the heart of the
Church, Catholic schools
are meant to assist families
in becoming true parents by
awakening us to the responsibility of our baptism, very
often through the example of
the children who teach us the
important lessons of life.
A few years ago I witnessed
how a 7-year-old girl reevangelized her entire family.
Columns and letters to
the editor represent the
views of authors alone.
No viewpoint expressed
necessarily reflects any position of the publisher, of
any Tennessee Register staff
member, or of the Diocese
of Nashville.
Intrigued by the Mass and Holy
Communion after learning
about it in her religion class at
school, she would come home
to her parents and beg, “Can
we go to morning Mass?” Her
insistence got the family started
on this new routine that soon
changed the whole family’s life.
This is a little girl whose childlike witness was responsible for
waking up her family.
The Catholic school is the
privileged place where young
people and adults alike can
awaken from the slumber of
ignorance and indifference
and come alive to the reality
of Jesus Christ in our lives.
“Awake, O sleeper, arise from
the dead, and Christ will give
you light” (Ephesians 5:14).
Andres Montana, M.Ed. is a
husband and father of eight and
serves St. Cecilia Academy as
the Dean of Students. He has
been involved with Catholic
education as an administrator
and religion teacher for nearly
20 years. 
The Tennessee Register is published by the
Diocese of Nashville and
welcomes your comments
and opinions.
Please clearly mark letters
to the editor and send to:
Tennessee Register
2400 21st Ave. S., Nashville, TN 37212-5302
You may fax your letters
or comments to the Register at (615) 783-0285. By
e-mail: tnregister@ dioceseofnashville.com.
Tennessee Register 23
January 30, 2015
We need Jesus to overcome our problems in life
Msgr. Owen F. Campion
Book of Job is the
source of the first reading for the weekend of Feb.
8. This book furnishes few
details about the identity of
Job. It is nonetheless one of
the great literary works in the
Old Testament since it so remarkably captures the struggle experienced by many
believers as they try to match
their faith in the merciful God
to problems in their lives.
Scholars disagree as to
when this book was written.
A misreading of Job has led
to a phrase that has gone into
English common speech. It is
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Job 7:1-4, 6-7
1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Mark 1:29-39
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46
1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Mark 1:40-45
a reference to the “patience of
Job.” Clear in many places in
this book is the fact that Job
was not always so patient with
In this weekend’s reading,
Job vents his impatience. He
asks if life on earth is not
in reality drudgery. Each
human being, Job writes, is a
slave. Personally, Job says he
has been assigned “months
of misery.” “I shall not see
happiness again,” he writes
St. Paul’s First Letter to the
Corinthians provides the second reading.
The same source has given
earlier weekend liturgies this
winter their second readings.
In this passage from First
Corinthians, Paul insists that
he was free to accept the call
to be an Apostle or to spurn
the call. He chose to accept
the call.
He evangelizes. He proclaims the Good News. He
explains the identity, and
mission, of Jesus. Paul’s own
Christianity compels him to
evangelize. It is an act of service, and of love, given people
who otherwise would not
know Jesus. People’s needs in
this regard are so great that
Paul’s obligation, correspondingly intense, makes him the
people’s slave.
For its final reading, the
Church offers us a selection
from St. Mark’s Gospel. It is
the story of the Lord’s curing
Then, alone, Jesus went to
a distant place to pray. Since
there are no deserts in the
vicinity of Capernaum, Jesus
must have gone some distance, or at least to a barren
place. Simon and the others
pursue Jesus, longing to be
near the Lord, needing the
When at last they find Jesus,
the Lord reminds them that
the messianic role is to reach
all people.
“Healing Peter’s mother-in-law” by John Bridges, 19th
of Peter’s mother-in-law. Matthew and Luke have their versions of the same story.
The story is clear. Merely
by touching her hand, Jesus
cured the woman. She was so
fully cured, in fact, that she
immediately rose from her
sickbed and began to wait on
Jesus and the disciples. She
was healthy again, but she
used her health to care for
others. For all Christians, the
impulse to serve others is
true health.
While the cure is extraordinary, Mark does not make the
fortunate mother-in-law the
centerpiece of this reading.
Rather, Jesus is the focus of
the story. Christians have remembered the miracle long.
Indeed, archeologists have
found traces of this motherin-law’s house in Capernaum.
They confirmed their discovery by the fact that ancient
Christian inscriptions were
found on the walls.
As the story continues,
Jesus heals the sick and
drives demons away. He
ordered the demons not to
speak, and they obeyed.
The Church continues to introduce us to Jesus, a process
begun weeks ago at Christmas and underscored in the
lessons of the Feast of the
Epiphany and in those of the
Feast of the Lord’s Baptism.
Jesus is Lord, the Son of
God, with all the power thus
implied. His role is to bring
to humanity God’s mercy and
The condition of Peter’s
mother-in-law, and the anxiousness with which Peter
and the others search for
Jesus, tell us about ourselves.
Conditions occur in our lives,
as overwhelming as those
faced by Job or Peter. We are
powerless to overcome them.
Jesus overcomes them. We
need the Lord.
Msgr. Owen Campion, former editor of the Tennessee
Register, is associate publisher
of Our Sunday Visitor.
After letting friend slip away, only tears are left
Mary Margaret Lambert
ur high school graduation class was small;
just 25 girls at a private
Catholic academy. Although
small in number, we were
diverse in appearance, talents
and personalities. Our uniforms were identical in various
sizes, but that was where our
similarities ceased.
As teenagers in the ’50s, we
enjoyed our music, dancing,
dating, and slumber parties,
and most of us just tolerated
school. We didn’t realize at the
time how fortunate we were.
The nuns that taught us in
class re-enforced the ideals
and principles that our parents
had instilled in us from the
cradle. We were told that we
represented our school, our
families and our faith whenever we appeared in public,
and we all know that we had
better act like ladies or deal
with dire consequences.
Our teachers were surely the
originators of zero tolerance.
One misstep and it was all
over. If you messed up and got
into trouble at school, you got
doubly disciplined when your
parents heard about it.
Among the class members,
some were more popular than
others, some were shy, and
others outgoing. We were
blondes, brunettes and a feisty
redhead, predominantly sporting the ponytailed fashion of
our day, but with a few pixie
cuts and short hair interspersed. In this pre-contact
lens era, some wore glasses
while I was the lone “metal
mouth” who needed braces,
much to my disdain.
Our homes were in various
parts of the city, and some traveled a great distance to school.
A few lucky ones got their
own cars when we turned 16,
while the rest of us rode the
bus, bummed a ride, walked,
or depended on our parents to
drive us to and from weekday
After we graduated and went
our separate ways, promising to stay in touch with one
another, we took different
paths in life. While a few mar-
ried and started families, one
entered the convent, others
went to work full time, and college life beckoned for several
of us. Career opportunities
for women were not as available or accessible as they are
now, consequently not all who
started college remained to
Among our group, there
was one quiet, studious girl
who made excellent grades
and never caused any trouble.
She was short in stature, with
long naturally curly hair that
I envied. Never one to call attention to herself, she obeyed
all the rules, and if she ever
missed one day of school, I
cannot recall when it might
have been. If they had given a
perfect attendance award, she
surely would have gotten it.
The years passed. We each
got involved in our own hectic
lives of families, schedules,
jobs, housekeeping, and the
fast pace of daily life. When
we had class re-unions, we
would vow to never let another
year pass without contacting
one another, but somehow we
would all go back into our own
routines, and wonder aloud
where the time went when we
next gathered.
A couple of years ago, this
quiet studious girl came once
more to our reunion and
shared with us that she was
battling cancer. We were concerned about her and offered
her our support, love and
prayers. I compiled an updated
contact list for everyone, and
e-mailed her from time to time
to see how she was getting
along. Rounds of radiation,
chemotherapy and treatment
for the cancer took its toll on
her physically.
Each day, as I remembered
her in my prayers, I would tell
myself that I would pick up
the phone and give her a call
just to see how she was. My
good intentions never materialized, and an e-mail to her just
before this Christmas went
unanswered. Thanks to modern communication methods, I
googled her and was shocked
when her out of state obituary
came up. She had died in the
summer, survived by her husband, four children and three
Tears of sorrow and regret
cannot erase the terrible guilt
I feel for not making the extra
effort to reach out to Loretta
during her final struggle. My
prayer is that she somehow
knew how important she was,
and what an inspiration she
was by her gentle and unassuming manner.
Mary Margaret Lambert
The sad news came just the
other day
That a dear old friend had
passed away.
I’d been meaning to visit, or
perhaps just call,
But I’ve been so busy with
the kids and all.
Now as I prepare to pay my
final respects,
I feel sad inside, and awfully
Because of unspoken words I
shall now never speak,
And I feel tears of remorse
steam down my cheek.
Why didn’t I just say “I love
you my friend”
Before this precious life
came to an end?
Copyright © 2014 Mary Margaret Lambert 
24 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Catechist, music minister explores Scripture in his songs
Briana Grzybowski
s a well-known rock musician
in New Orleans, Scott Goudeau
was playing guitar for the likes of
Harry Connick Jr., Bernadette Peters
and Englebert Humperdink. But God
called him to follow a different path.
Now, Goudeau is creating music to immerse his listeners in Scripture and in
the Catholic Church’s teachings.
His latest Christian album, “All Things
New,” was released in November 2014.
An aficionado of many musical styles
and a traveling musician since he was
15, Goudeau spent the next few decades
of his life chasing stardom throughout
South Louisiana and New Orleans. As
a secular artist, he played alongside
the Celestial Spring Jazz Quintet, the
New Orleans Symphony Summer Pops
Orchestra, and under bandleader Dick
Stabile at the Fairmont Hotel in New
“I had a good career in the secular
music world,” Goudeau said. “I was
well-known in the Louisiana music
scene. I was playing for Allen Touissant
and other famous local musicians. I was
writing music. I had my own band. I was
a producer. I was doing audio engineering. And I felt God calling me to step
away from all of it. I talked to my family
about it and they supported me. I didn’t
play or do anything related to music for
about 6 months.”
The next time he played again, he
was helping to lead music for Mass at
St. Margaret Mary Church in Slidell,
Musician Scott Goudeau left behind a successful career in the secular world
to focus on Scripture-based music. He is now the music director and RCIA
director at St. Stephen Catholic Community in Old Hickory, and has a new
album out, “All Things New,” that he will promote by leading local parish
missions this winter.
Since then, he has moved to Nashville
and played alongside Catholic artists
Greg Walton, Joe Hand and Delores
Park. He has also made several appearances on EWTN and was a featured
presenter at New Zealand’s Eucharistic
Honorees at the Catholic Media Productions gala were: (standing, L-R) Dr. Richard Shriver, Deacon Dan Pyles,
Dr. Beth Woodard, Mary Jane Rich; (sitting) Kathleen Catasus, Debbie Lane, Father Steve Wolf, John Hupka
who accepted the award for his father Steve Hupka, Bishop David Choby, Andy Telli and Ken Tucker.
Catholic Media Productions honors supporters
for efforts in ecumenical evangelization
he Catholic Media Productions
board of directors, friends and
supporters gathered on Dec.
11, 2014, at St. Ann Church for the
organization’s annual gala.
Catholic Media Productions, the
local producer of the radio and television show “We Believe,” is an organization dedicated to presenting the
basic teachings of the Catholic faith
in an ecumenical manner.
During the gathering, recognition
was given to contributors through
special awards. Bishop David Choby,
who participates in this event each
year, presented the awards to
11 supporters of Catholic Media
Productions, including a Lifetime
Achievement Award for Steve Hupka
for his past contributions and continued support.
Receiving certificates of special
recognition were: Mary Jane Rich,
Dr. Beth Woodard, Deacon Dan
Pyles, Dr. Richard Shriver, and
Angie Bosio. Receiving the Our Lady
of Radio and TV award were: Ken
Tucker, Kathleen Catasus, Debbie
Lane, Andy Telli and Father Steve
“We Believe” can be heard in the
Nashville area at 9:30 a.m. Saturdays
on WNQM-1300 AM. 
Congress in 2004.
He is currently the music director and
RCIA director at St. Stephen Church in
Old Hickory, and is pursuing catechetical certification from the Franciscan
University of Steubenville in Ohio and
from the Diocese of Nashville. He will
earn his certifications in 2016.
“I wear two different hats at St. Stephen’s, but my two jobs there are related
in a way. As an RCIA instructor, I’m trying to teach people about the faith. And
as the music director preparing for the
liturgy, I’m trying to connect the music
for Mass to Scripture,” Goudeau said.
“So I hope that the music I write teaches
others about Catholicism, and that I can
use it to hand on the faith to others in a
clear and succinct way.”
In recording “All Things New,” he
hoped to do just that.
“Some of my fellow parishioners
encouraged me to record this album,”
Goudeau said. “The title of it comes
from a verse in the Book of Isaiah,
Chapter 43, where God says He will
make all things new. It’s not a concept
album with a unifying theme, but all my
music is rooted in Scripture and consistency in Church teaching. The most
important thing I hope to convey is that
my songs are true to the faith.”
To promote “All Things New,”
Goudeau will be doing a series of parish
missions across Nashville, beginning in
“Of course, I’ll do concerts at these
events, but I really want the main focus
to be on Scripture,” he said. “The music
speaks for itself, and I am called to
teach others about the faith. Overall, I
really just want my music to bring the
Gospel message correctly.”
Goudeau will lead a parish mission at
St. Stephen on Saturday, Feb. 21, the
first weekend of Lent. He also will be
having a meet-and-greet at St. Mary’s
bookstore in Nashville on Saturday,
Feb. 28. He hopes to have a good-sized
turnout at both events.
“All Things New” can be purchased at St. Mary’s, on iTunes, on
Amazon.com, and on his website
www.scottgodeaumusic.com. It can also
be downloaded via Spotify. 
Joey Mason
615.573.1214 • 615.712.9521 office
479 Myatt Dr. • Madison, TN 37115
January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 25
March for Life draws large contingent from diocese
Continued from page 17
eral of the seminarians for the Diocese of
Nashville who are studying at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus,
Ohio, also were on hand to march with
the contingent from Middle Tennessee.
The contingent from the diocese was the
largest ever to go to the march, Staley said.
The March for Life has become an
event dominated by young people, with
high schools and colleges from around
the country sending groups of students
to participate.
Attending the march is important for
young people, “because they get to be a
voice for the voiceless,” Staley said. “But
also their hearts are impacted with the
pro-life movement. It’s popular with the
teens, because it is their generation, their
peers who are faced with the temptation
or the pressure to get an abortion.”
“The teens see themselves being activists in a peaceful way for something so
important and so much bigger than themselves,” Staley said.
“Being in an environment with so many
youths and Catholic youths who all believe in something I believe in, it was very
empowering,” said Grace Roushdi, a junior at St. Cecilia and a parishioner at St.
Henry Church in Nashville. “It was great
to see all your peers working for a cause
greater than yourself.”
“It’s crazy to see all those people standing up for one central cause,” said JPII junior Christopher Stinnett, a parishioner at
Our Lady of the Lake who made his second trip the march. “It was an eye-opener.
… It’s important that we try to get our
message across to everyone.”
For Corey Maynord, a senior at Aquinas College who made his fourth trip to
the march this year, the urge to speak for
those who can’t speak for themselves has
a personal element.
Several years ago, he said, he found out
he had a little brother who was aborted.
His participation in the march is a chance
for him to be a voice for all the people
who have lost the chance to be a big
brother because of an abortion, he said.
Earlier generations seem to have been
more focused on themselves, Maynord
said, but “my generation is returning to
that thought that we really are a community of people, that preservation of life is
Photo by Rick Musacchio
Charlsi Jayne Patterson, a sophomore at Pope John Paul II High School, uses her phone to take a selfie with a
picture of Jesus that was being passed around the crowd at the March for Life. About 600 youth and leaders from
the Diocese of Nashville traveled to Washington, D.C. to take part in the annual march.
really an issue to come together about.”
One of the greatest benefits of participating in the march, said Maynord, is
seeing your prayers in action. “When you
go and walk with thousands of people you
really get a sense of what it means to be
on the pilgrimage for life.”
Katherine Telford, a senior at the University of the South at Sewanee, made
her first trip to the March this year. She
helped start a pro-life organization on
campus this year, and the pro-life point
of view is a minority opinion on campus,
Telford said.
But at the march, she was surrounded
by as many as 500,000 people who believe
as she does.
“You can see pictures of how many people are there … but it’s so mind blowing to
see how huge it is,” said Telford, who attends Good Shepherd Church in Decherd.
To see so many young people in the crowd
“was really encouraging,” she added.
Kristen Hobbs, a senior at Father Ryan
and a parishioner at St. Edward Church
in Nashville, also made her first trip to
the March this year.
“It was the most amazing thing I’ve
ever seen. There were so many other
people there,” Hobbs said. The march
itself took several hours, she said, but “it
didn’t seem long because you were surrounded by people who believe like you
did. It was spiritual.”
Annette Whitaker, a junior at JPII, made
her second trip to the march this year.
“When I came to JPII, I did not really
know much about abortion and the sanctity of life and how sacred that is,” said
Whitaker, who is not Catholic. But she’s
learned a lot about the issue in theology
classes, especially this year when the
class is focused on social justice issues.
“I definitely think our generation
is raising more awareness” of the issues surrounding respect for life, said
Whitaker, “especially when you’re at the
march and look around and everybody
else is our age.”
Roushdi is optimistic the culture will
change the way it thinks about abortion.
“It’s only going to get better. My generation can make a huge difference and actually make some changes,” she said.
Participating in the March for Life can
change people’s attitudes, Staley said.
“The transformation definitely takes
place,” Staley said. “A lot of teens go
because they hear its cool. But to be in
the march and see seminarians praying
the rosary on your right and a woman on
your left carrying a sign that says ‘I am
a product of a rape conception and I love
my life,’ their hearts are transformed.
Their understanding of why life is so important is totally changed.
“I think it’s something that surprises
them,” Staley added. “It’s not something
they planned for.” 
March shows youth, growth and energy of pro-life movement
Nate Madden CNS
ASHINGTON. At this year’s
March for Life Jan. 22, the
things to notice about the
crowd in attendance were its youth, its
growth and the sense that these young
people are bringing about a cultural
Groups from all over the United
States came in droves and the majority
of people in those groups were young,
energetic, bright-eyed and hopeful.
At a coffee and doughnuts breakfast
at St. Peter’s Church on Capitol Hill,
offered in the parish hall below and
filled with March for Life pilgrims, one
group that stood out was the one from
St. Agnes Church in Hillsboro, Illinois.
According to the group’s leaders,
not only had the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois, had to add an extra bus
this year to transport its delegation,
the delegation itself was heavily composed of the parish’s youth.
“The kids are aware of the truth of
the life issue,” said Angie Mizera, a
group leader. “The lies created by the
opposition have been proven false
over and over again, and thanks to the
technology and transparency resulting
from it, the truth has been made apparent to this generation.”
Accompanied by banners, balloons and drums, Crusaders for Life
brought in youth and adults from all
over the Detroit metro area. One of
the marchers with them, Joe Jaczkowski of SS. Cyril and Methodius
Parish in Sterling Heights, Michigan,
stated, “I’ve been coming for the past
eight years and it’s been amazing to
see how its grown. ... For every one
more adult you see come, you see five
more teenagers.”
Before the march, Ashley Accardo,
a 16-year-old from the Archdiocese of
New Orleans, told Catholic News Service that pro-life youth are important
because “we are the nation’s future
... and since we don’t have as many
in our generation as we should, we
must defend those who cannot defend
themselves.” She added that the prolife movement “isn’t about hate or control, but about creating a dialogue of
compassion and understanding.”
When asked about his perspective
on the youth of the movement, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville,
Kentucky, the president of the U.S.
bishops’ conference, told CNS: “I have
come to the march for years, regardless of who came or what it was like,
but now I come not only to march,
but also to see so many young people
doing the same.”
In a statement from the congressional delegation issued for the Roe
anniversary, U.S. Rep. Chris Smith,
R-New Jersey, said, “Tom Brokaw
wrote about the greatest generation,
and the WWII generation was indeed
great, but yours will be the pro-life
In an interview with CNS, former U.S.
senator and presidential candidate Rick
Santorum said that “the thing to notice
about this march is that it’s young, it’s
energetic and it is disproportionately
women, which is not something the
media would ever portray (about) the
pro-life movement, but it is.
“And that’s encouraging,” he said.
“It’s really encouraging to see this
kind of dedication every year. I think
it’s growing and the energy is definitely palpable.” 
26 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Polls reveal declining support for abortion in U.S.
Nate Madden CNS
ASHINGTON. A Jan. 21 report
from the National Right to
Life Committee and new poll
results show that abortion is increasingly unpopular in the United States,
but also that the number of abortions
performed in the United States is at its
lowest point since 1975.
The day after the State of the Union
Address, the right-to-life organization
held a news conference on its second
annual “The State of Abortion in the
United States” report.
The report showed that the number
abortions in the United States, currently at 1.06 million per year, is at its
lowest point since 1975, when the number was 1.03 million and is also down
from the 1.6 million high seen in 1990.
A new Knights of Columbus-Marist
poll shows 84 percent of Americans
want significant restrictions on abortion and would limit it to, at most, the
first three months of pregnancy.
At the National Right to Life news conference, Carol Tobias, the organization’s
president, was asked about President
Barack Obama’s claim in the State of the
Union address that the drop is a result
of actions taken by his administration.
She said “the president is on record
supporting abortion at any time, for
any reason; he is not for any limit or restriction on abortion, but naturally, he
is going to put that statistic in the best
light he possibly can.”
Tobias believes that the decline in
the abortion rate is rather the result of
pro-life activism in public discourse and
popular culture because “yes, the numbers are going down, but the rates and
ratios are also going down, and that’s
due to the pro-life movement keeping
this issue alive in the public debate.”
“Pro-life education and legislation
are helping to make an impact on our
culture and in the lives of women with
unborn children,” she continued, and
as a result “many women have shown
that they want their babies to live.”
Randall O’Bannon, National Right
to Life’s director of education and
research, added that “though the numbers on the whole are going down,
there is one group that has remained
steady and that group is Planned Parenthood.” The group, which “performs
one in three abortions in the United
States,” has repeatedly “turned opposition into fundraising fodder” to expand
its “taxpayer-subsidized abortion empire.”
“That,” argued O’Bannon, “is why
they spend millions on elections.”
In its report for fiscal year 2013,
Planned Parenthood said it had received $540.6 million provided by
taxpayer-funded government health
services grants including Title X family
planning funds for low-income people.
Federal regulations require abortion
services be kept separate from Title
X-funded family planning services, but
critics of Planned Parenthood say that
receiving funding for non-abortion services frees up its resources for providing abortions.
The National Right to Life panel –
composed of Tobias, O’Bannon, legislative director Douglas Johnson, director
of state legislation Mary Spaulding
Balch and executive director David
O’Steen – also addressed claims made
by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists that were
raised in opposition to the Pain-Capable
Unborn Child Protection Act.
The physicians’ group said that abortions done after the proposed 20-week
abortion ban are “rare” and the results
of “acute medical conditions.” According to Johnson, such assertions are
“the same mythology that came from
special interests during the partial-birth
abortion debates” and “attempt(ing) to
resurrect a baseless claim.”
House members had planned to
put the measure up for a vote Jan. 22,
the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme
Court’s Roe V. Wade decision legalizing abortion virtually on demand. But
in a last-minute decision lawmakers
decided to postpone action on it, indicating they would not have had enough
votes for passage.
The bill would prohibit abortion after
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20 weeks – when an unborn baby can
feel pain – unless the life of the mother
is in danger. There also is an exception
for cases of rape, but it would require a
woman to get the abortion after reporting the rape to law enforcement. That
provision brought opposition from a
group of women and other GOP leaders in the House.
Not only is the number of abortions
declining in the United States, but it is
publicly unpopular, according to a recent Knights of Columbus/Marist-poll.
A press release issued by the Knights
said the poll showed that 84 percent
of Americans “want significant restrictions on abortions” and that “60 percent
of Americans say abortion is morally
In addition, the poll found that 64
percent believe the abortion rate in the
United States is higher than it should be,
that 78 percent support parental notification, 68 percent oppose taxpayer funding and nearly 60 percent of Americans
support legislation that would “permit
medical professionals and organizations
to refuse to provide abortions or refer
patients for abortions,” which are also
known as “conscience protection laws.”
“In light of the ongoing controversy
over the HHS (Health and Human
Services) contraception, sterilization
and abortifacient mandate,” the release
said, “it is notable that 70 percent of
Americans also support religious lib-
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It noted this was the same percentage
of Americans who self-identify as “prochoice.”
For the poll, 2,079 adults were surveyed by phone between Jan. 7 and
Jan. 13. The Marist Poll conducted the
survey, which was sponsored by the
Knights of Columbus. The margin of
error was plus or minus 2.1 percentage
In addition, results of a Pew Research
Center poll released Jan. 22 showed
that 51 percent of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most
cases, compared to 43 percent who say
it should be illegal all or most of the
time. But when asked about the morality of abortion only 15 percent of Americans view abortion as being “morally
acceptable,” while 49 percent currently
believe that it is morally wrong.
Sixty-four percent of Hispanics Catholics think abortion is morally wrong,
compared to 53 percent of white Catholics, according to the Pew results.
The poll also showed a growing regional divide when it comes to views on
life and abortion; the percentage difference between people in New England
(75 percent) and the South (40 percent)
– the two most disparate groups – who
think it should be illegal in all/most
cases has nearly doubled since the mid1990s. 
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January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 27
JPII seniors give sick girl her dream bedroom
Continued from page 18
organize their project.
The JPII students asked Vanderbilt
Children’s Hospital to refer a patient that
they could help, Beals said. Cindy had
first been diagnosed with leukemia in
2010. It had gone into remission, but returned last year, Beals said.
“We decided to go with the teenager,”
she said, close in age to the JPII students.
The first step is the interview to find
out what the child wants in their dream
bedroom, Strunk said. “We’ve done Frozen. We’ve done a Dungeon and Dragons.
We’ve done several Disney characters,”
she said. Not all the children want a
themed room, “some just want the cool
teenager’s room,” Strunk said.
“We make that dream happen,” she
said. “We give them a space that’s all their
own and they can feel comfortable there.”
During the interview, Cindy, who had
just gone through a tough session of
chemotherapy, told Beals and Strunk she
liked violets, pinks and purples and Hello
Kitty. She and her mother also said they
needed two beds and would like a desk,
chair, a dresser and and a mirror.
The challenge was how to fit everything
in the 11-foot-by13-foot bedroom mother
and daughter shared, Beals said.
“I love to do redo old homes,” Beals
said. “Together we started brainstorming.
… We repurposed the room.”
Pope John Paul II seniors, including Cathleen Humm and Alyssa Wyman,
above, participated in a service project to make over the bedroom of a
13-year-old girl with leukemia. The seniors raised the money and donated
their time and artistic talents to complete the project.
The group decided to replace the bunk
beds Cindy and her mother were using
with an L-shaped platform bed, Beals said.
Mary Nell Veazey, the mother of senior
Anna Veazey, found a desk online that the
students sanded and repainted. “It turned
out as an amazing find for $100 on craigslist List,” Beals said.
“There was no way a desk was going to
fit in that room,” said Beals. She found a
solution online with a desk that hangs on
the wall. You fold it down when you need
to use it and fold it back up when you are
done, she explained.
On Saturday, Dec. 6, Sajqui and her
daughter spent the day visiting friends
while a group of about 20 JPII students
and adults went to work remaking the
bedroom, top to bottom.
Beals turned the responsibility for
painting and decorating the room to
some of JPII’s art students, including Yi,
a parishioner at the Church of the Korean
Martyrs in Donelson.
“We had agreed on doing a paisley
design,” said Yi, which matched the blankets and comforters the group had purchased for the room. The students used
a stencil to paint the paisley outlines and
then painted by hand the designs inside,
“so each one was different.”
Special Spaces requires that a licensed
contractor be on hand during the project
to oversee any construction work. John
and Jeff Cook, employees of Botsko Builders, owned by Mark and Jennifer Botsko,
parishioners at Our Lady of the Lake
Church and the parents of a JPII senior
served as coordinators for the project.
“The kids did the bulk of the work but
(the Cooks) were great at mentoring
and doing some of the more complicated
work,” Beals said.
The project cost about $2,500 and the
JPII students raised enough money to do
two more bedrooms. They are planning
to do them this spring, Beals said.
When Sajqui and Cindy returned to
their apartment and got their first look
at their new bedroom, they were speechless, Sajqui said. “It’s beautiful. We love
the room.”
“Cindy immediately went to Anne and
gave her a big hug and then came to me
and gave me a big hug,” Beals said. “It
was precious.”
Cindy “was super happy,” Yi said. “Everybody was tearing up and smiling. Her
mom was really emotional.”
“The mother said, ‘We’ve never had a
room like this before,’” Strunk said. “There
wasn’t a dry eye in the house. … You definitely could feel God’s touch there.”
“It made me feel very good about how
I was able to use my artistic abilities to
help someone else and help her face her
illness in a comfortable space,” Yi added.
“My favorite part was spending my last
few weeks with students who want to
make a difference and give back,” Beals
said. “It was a humbling experience. …
“Not once did the kids say, ‘Man this was
hard work.’ Not once did they complain,”
Beals said. “I think they represented our
school extremely well,” she said of the students who worked on the project.
“It was the epitome of what service
and giving back was really about,”
Beals said. 
Father Ryan launches major technology initiative
Continued from page 19
Alice McWatters, who has taught at Father
Ryan for 22 years. “Once they get comfortable with it, they just fly.”
McWatters, who does not miss the days
of fiddling with an overhead projector
in the front of the classroom, is excited
about the increased access to information
that the new technology initiative will
give her students. Now, her freshman
honors biology class can remain in their
classroom and view, for example, detailed
microscopic images of mitosis on their
own laptops at their desks. Or they can
bookmark a YouTube video that shows a
dissection and view it again later if they
need help with a homework assignment.
Then the teacher can send her students
an electronic quiz on the material the
next day.
Every Father Ryan student (with the exception of the senior class) was responsible
for purchasing their own laptop that meets
standards pre-determined by Father Ryan
administrators. The campus operates on a
Microsoft platform, and students frequently
use Microsoft Word, OneNote and Office
365 programs. They also use the learning
management system Schoology, through
which teachers can send assignments, quizzes and tests. Students can store their data
in “the Cloud” and access it from anywhere.
While on campus, each student can log on
the school’s secure Wifi network with their
name and ID number, which also enables
their account to be monitored. Filtering software is installed on the Father Ryan’s campus
network, and administrators provided parents
with information to purchase additional parental control software if they choose.
“We accept that monitoring laptops is not
foolproof,” said Hayes, but the school has
taken many steps to ensure that students
are using their devices appropriately.
Having students be responsible for their
own laptops, and the content on them, is
moving them one step closer to operating
self-sufficiently in a college setting and
on the job. With more college courses offered entirely online these days, the more
familiar students are with operating in the
digital world, the better.
“This prepares them to be independent,”
said Cupit. And for some students, that
might be the most valuable lesson of all.
Ryan to host free workshop on
Microsoft solutions in the classroom
ather Ryan High School has
been selected to host a regional workshop on Microsoft
solutions in the classroom on Thursday, February 19, from 8 a.m. to 4
p.m. The event, called Teacher Academies, is open to all educators and
school administrators in the area. It
is sponsored by Microsoft and presented by Eduscape Learning.
Participants will have an opportunity to choose from 12 topics
that support teaching and learning
in the classroom using Microsoft
tools, including Windows 8, OneNote and Office 365. Workshops
will be aligned to Common Core
standards and state curriculum
standards, and include hands-on
activities that leverage the value of
Microsoft applications.
Registration for the workshop is free
for teachers and school administra-
tors. Participants are asked to bring
their own devices for instruction.
Each participant will receive the
Microsoft Innovative Educator
Certificate for Professional Development Participation, workshop
resources for all sessions, and a
chance to participate in the onsite
The Teacher Academies workshop comes only a few weeks after
Father Ryan launched its newest
program, the 2:1 Technology Initiative. Designed to both facilitate and
enhance the educational experience
at Father Ryan while reducing the
school’s paper needs in workbooks
and hardbound texts, the initiative
was a school-wide switch to a Microsoft Windows-exclusive program.
For more information on the
workshop and to register, visit
28 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
SBA students
or the second year in a row, the
eighth grade class at St. Bernard
Academy in Nashville has partnered with Kids Connect, an initiative of
World Connect that uses the organization’s international development work
as a platform for student learning and
Kids Connect promotes global awareness in young Americans, enhances
cross-cultural communication and understanding, and inspires kids and teens
to become directly involved in international, philanthropic, and community
service work.
The St. Bernard students have chosen to support Declaro Mis Derechos,
a project that helps Haitians in the
Dominican Republic obtain proper
citizenship, enabling them better opportunities for employment, education and
health care.
For their first fund-raiser, St. Bernard
raised $370.82 by collecting donations
from students, who in turn were allowed
to attend school out of uniform for a day.
The class is planning more fundraisers, including a bake sale.
SCA student’s
work earns
top award
in art exhibit
“Birds in Flight,” a batik silk
scarf by St. Cecilia Academy
sophomore Katie Corkum has
been selected as the Best in
Mixed Media in the Tennessee
Art Education Association’s
recent juried regional student
art exhibition. The piece will
be included in the Best of the
Best student art exhibit, along
with student work from across
Tennessee, this summer
as part of the Tennessee
Arts Academy at Belmont
University in Nashville.
St. Ann School, 3K-8th Grade, Decatur, Ala.
A dynamic, Christ-centered leader is needed to serve as principal at St. Ann School
(www.saintanndecatur.org) in Decatur, AL. The ideal candidate will be skilled in
curriculum/instruction, sound leadership, management, and finance. A Master’s
degree in Education (or related field), Alabama administrator certification, teaching
experience, administrative experience, and demonstrated leadership ability are
preferred. The new principal is expected to bring energy and enthusiasm to growing
enrollment and create a welcoming environment for current and prospective families.
Candidate must be a practicing Roman Catholic. Fluency in Spanish is a plus.
Interested and qualified candidates should submit (1) letter of introduction, addressing
the requirements/skills listed above; (2) resume; (3) names, addresses, telephone numbers,
and email addresses of five professional references; and (4) statement addressing the value
of today’s Catholic elementary school, including its unique Catholic identity, to:
Annunciation of the Lord Catholic Church, Principal Search Committee
3910 Spring Avenue, Decatur, AL 35603
parish@annunlord.com or fax to (256) 353-8994
St. Rose students win Geography Bee
St. Rose of Lima School in Murfreesboro recently held its National
Geographic Bee. This year’s winner was Danny Farone and the runnerup was Ezra Dillard. Teacher Julie Menke is the faculty sponsor for the
bee at St. Rose.
Pope John Paul II High School, Hendersonville, Tenn.
Pope John Paul II High School seeks a full-time Annual Fund Coordinator to
plan and execute the annual fund appeal and coordinate all associated events. This
experienced individual will oversee all aspects of the Annual Fund: coordinate assigned
school events, assist the database manager in compiling and maintaining constituent
data, devise an annual fund calendar, plan and implement multiple direct mail appeals
and personal solicitation letters, conduct one to one donor solicitations, meet yearly
annual fund targets including solicitation of gifts and developing innovative strategies
for growing the annual fund, and work in collaboration with other staff responsible
for oversight of various constituency groups such as alumni and major donors.
The Annual Fund Officer will report directly to the Dean of Admissions and
Advancement. The right candidate will be a team player as well as self motivated and
desire to implement healthy institutional processes and procedures that, overtime, lead to
donor base growth and loyalty. The qualified candidate must have proven communication
skills with an ability to write and speak on behalf of JPII and its leadership. The ideal
candidate will have 3-5 years experience in marketing and/or advancement and possess a
resume indicating ever-increasing responsibility within the organization.
Applicants should send a letter of intent and resume, including three references
(two professional and one personal) to Michelle Barber, Dean of Admissions and
Advancement, at Michelle.Barber@jp2hs.org. In addition, applicants are asked to
write a one page answer on the topic of “The Role of Advancement in a Catholic
High School.” No phone inquiries, please. Resumes will be reviewed; finalists will be
asked for interviews before a decision is made.
This is a full time position that will begin in February/March of 2015. Pay will be
commensurate with experience, with full benefits.
January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 29
Lee scores 1,000th career point for SCA
unior Diane Lee scored her
1,000th point on the basketball
court during a 40-21 victory
against Webb Bell Buckle on Tuesday, Jan. 27.
Lee is a co-captain and leader on
the varsity basketball team.
She is only the sixth St. Cecilia
player to score 1,000 points in their
career and the first to reach that milestone during her junior year.
“Diane is one of those special
players with whom a coach, and a
program, is only very rarely blessed
with,” said head coach Andres Montana. “It is always a pleasure to watch
her play especially because of the variety of ways in which she can score
Old Timers’
Baseball awards
off the dribble, off the catch, in the
post, on the fast break.
“Diane has terrific hands, as they
say, and she creates so much offense
for us through her defense, rebounding, and passing in addition to putting the ball in the basket herself,”
Montana said. “However, I’m actually
most excited about how she is becoming a complete player whom we
can count on for her best effort every
single possession of every single
game.” 
St. Cecilia Academy junior Diane
Lee scored her 1,000th career
point for the Scarabs in a recent
win over Webb Bell Buckle.
JPII bowler finishes eighth in state tournament
From staff reports
ope John Paul II High School sophomore Carlee Campbell finished in
eighth place in the Division II Girls
Bowling Individual State Championships, held Jan. 22-23 in Smyrna.
Campbell finished with a combined
score of 588 in four games rolled in the
semifinal round. The top six bowlers
advanced to the final round and Campbell was 10 pins behind the sixth place
Also competing in the individual tournament for JPII was senior Anna Reding,
who finished in 15th place in the semifi-
nal round with a four-game score of 537.
Father Ryan High School had four
bowlers competing in the girls individual
tournament. They were: senior Lacey
Dumas, 10th place, with a score of 560;
junior Jennifer Holt, 12th, 553; junior
Jennifer Nguyen, 18th, 485; and senior
Brittany Butler, 23rd, 451.
In the girls team state championship,
JPII was knocked out in the first round
by Girls Preparatory School of Chattanooga, 15-12.
In the team competition, six bowlers
from each team are paired up. A team
scores one point for each individual
game won, two points for each team
Brentwood Cleaning
game won and three points for having
the highest total pinfall for the match.
GPS swept the first game 6-0 and with
the two points for the team win, took an
early 8-0 lead. But the Lady Knights battled back winning the next two games 6-2,
leaving the two teams tied at 12 points
each. The match was decided by the total
pinfall, which GPS won 2,529 to 2,436.
JPII was led by Reding, who rolled a
491 three game series. Campbell had the
high game score for JPII with a 199 and
rolled a three game series of 475.
The other JPII bowlers were: Alyssa
Wyman, 453; Ally Johnson, 366; Olivia
Zimmer, 344; Leah Mariscotes, 191 in
two games; and Sarah Gould, 110 in one
JPII’s girls team entered the state tournament with 15-1 record.
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ope John Paul II High
School seniors Jacob Telli,
left, and
Dalton Smith
were among
15 winners of
a $2,000 college scholarship from the
Nashville Old
Timers Baseball Association.
The scholarships were
during the
Old Timers’
77th Annual
Banquet held
Thursday, Jan.
22, at the Marriott Nashville
Airport Hotel.
Former Atlanta Braves star Dale Murphy
was the guest speaker. Thomas
Zazzaro, a parishioner at Our
Lady of the Lake Church in Hendersonville and a sophomore at
Station Camp High School, was
honored as the 2014 Summer
League Most Valuable Player in
the 15U division. 
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30 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
Photos by Rick Musacchio
Bishop David Choby consecrated the new marble altar at the Cathedral of the Incarnation during the 12:10 Mass on Monday, Jan. 19. About 60 priests and
30 deacons attended the Mass. For more photos, go to www.dioceseofnashville.com.
Bishop Choby blesses, dedicates new altar for Cathedral
From staff reports
ishop David Choby blessed
and dedicated a new marble
altar at the Cathedral of the
Incarnation during the midday Mass
on Monday, Jan. 19, to celebrate both
the history of the Diocese of Nashville and the relationship between its
people and God that is found in the
“It’s always important to mark the
occasions in which the church celebrates significant moments in its life,”
Bishop Choby said. “This year marks
the 100th anniversary of the dedication of our Cathedral in Nashville. We
began the year-long observance of
this centenary with the ordination of
10 men to the priesthood.”
But the new altar is more than a historical marker.
“The aspect of the altar which I
appreciate the most is the way it
represents the communion that is in
our relationship with the Lord as it
is present in the Eucharist,” Bishop
Choby said.
About 60 priests and 30 deacons
participated in the Mass for the dedication of the altar.
When the Cathedral of the Incarnation was originally under construction
from 1910-1914, Nashville Bishop
Thomas Byrne envisioned an altar
finished in fine Italian marble. However, at that time, the start of World
War I in Europe, there was no way to
import the marble.
So the dedication of the new altar,
along with other improvements to the
sanctuary in the Cathedral, completes
Bishop Byrne’s vision.
The new marble altar replaced the
old wooden and plaster one. Along
with the altar, a new marble pulpit and
cathedra (the chair that the bishop
sits on) have been installed. To conform with current Catholic cathedral
design standards, the cathedra was
moved to the left side of the altar (as
viewed from the pews), and the pulpit
was moved to the right.
In the Catholic Church, the cathedral is the home church of the diocese’s presiding bishop and his center
of operation. Though the Cathedral of
the Incarnation also is home to a parish, it also is a church that belongs to
and is used by the whole diocese.
Throughout the year, the Cathedral
plays host to a variety of diocesanwide sacramental and social events
like priestly ordinations, and the annual all-schools Mass during Catholic
Schools Week and the Chrism Mass
during Holy Week.
“In the course of the past several
years, it’s been observed that the appointments at the Cathedral could be
improved, especially in regards to the
size of the altar and its use in celebrations involving a great number of
priests and a great number of people,”
Bishop Choby said. “The altar was not
large enough for the placement of all
the chalices and placements we need
to use.
“So the new altar meets the practical needs for a larger altar plus the
opportunity it presents to mark the
100th anniversary of the dedication of
the Cathedral itself,” Bishop Choby
Because the Cathedral is the
“mother church” of the diocese,
Bishop Choby asked each parish to
contribute to the cost of the altar and
other renovations to the sanctuary.
While Cathedral parishioners were
not responsible for covering the cost
of the new marble instillations, the
parish will be responsible for maintaining maintain it.
Bishop William Adrian oversaw the
Continued on next page
Martin Rambusch, left,
and his brother, Kevin
Rambusch, with the
architectural firm that
handled the design and
installation of the new altar
at the cathedral, attended
the dedication Mass on
Jan. 19.
January 30, 2015
Tennessee Register 31
Bishop David Choby speaks
to the congregation from the
new cathedra, or bishop’s
chair, that was part of the
recently completed altar
renovations at Cathedral
of the Incarnation. This
was the most significant
update to the sanctuary of
the cathedral since a major
renovation took place in
1987. Bishop Choby, below,
surrounded by priests and
deacons of the Diocese
of Nashville, celebrated a
Mass to dedicate the new
altar at the cathedral on
Jan. 19. The new marble
altar, cathedra and pulpit
completes Bishop Thomas
Byrne’s original vision for
church, which was built and
dedicated 100 years ago.
first major renovation of the Cathedral in 1937, which included needed
repairs, new lighting and better
weatherproofing. At that time, the Angelus prayer was also inscribed on the
upper walls under the windows.
The marble for the new altar,
blessed and dedicated by Bishop
Choby, came from the same quarry
in Carrara, Italy, as the marble for the
altar Bishop Adrian had designed and
built for the Cathedral in the 1930s,
Sat., Feb. 28, 2015
6:30-10 p.m.
Musician’s Hall of Fame and Museum
Nashville, TN
All proceeds will benefit Aquinas College by providing scholarships to students
Bishop Choby said.
Fifty more years would pass before
another major renovation was undertaken in 1987. This included moving
the tabernacle to the new Eucharistic
chapel and adding a baptismal pool in
the back of the church, among other
A crew from the New Jersey-based
Giovannetti Marble and Granite
installed the new altar, pulpit and
32 Tennessee Register
January 30, 2015
a seNse OF PuRPOse
The St. Cecilia girl studies, plays and prays
in an environment that inspires her to an
abiding sense of purpose.
4210 Harding Pike
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