UNI 220: Academic Refresher - Get Homework Help at Homework

UNI 220: Academic Refresher
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UNI220: Academic Refresher is a one-credit hour course designed to assist students in creating strategies
for success in their academic lives. The course employs dynamic in-class activities, collaborative learning,
homework assignments, projects, and journal writing. The course is taught from an “organic perspective,”
which is student/content centered. Students are the most important contributors to the educational environment. To enable the students and the instructor to have frequent and meaningful interaction with each
other and with the group, class size is limited. You will receive a letter grade for UNI 220, but no +/- will be
granted. This course is offered by University College. For more information about the college, visit our website: https://uc.asu.edu/. If you have questions or concerns, please send your inquiry to sls@asu.edu. JAMES LEWIS:
E-mail: James.Lewis.1@asu.edu
• (Note: Please include the date and time your class meets in the subject heading of your email.) Office: UASB 127A
Office Hours: Blackboard
Required readings will be provided on Blackboard
A planner or personal calendar in paper form
An ASU e-mail account and reliable internet access
A 3-ring binder (1” to1-1/2”) for all your UNI 220 materials
Through their participation in this course, students will:
• Explore personal and academic strengths and barriers that impact success
• Identify and utilize university resources available to support success at ASU.
• Acquire and enhance academic skills necessary for success in the university.
• Discover ways to stay on course to meet academic goals.
Responsibility and choice/self-management
Self-assessment Academic success strategies
Mindset connections
Diagnosing barriers
Creating networks
Identifying patterns
Embracing change
UNI 220 Academic Refresher
UNI 220: Academic Refresher
• Participate throughout every class meeting.
• Discussion is not only encouraged but necessary to facilitate a fulfilling classroom experience. Your
active participation in classroom discussions is an integral part of your final grade. Attending class is
not the same thing as participating. Your participation grade will be determined by how well you lead
class discussions that benefit you and your classmates. • At times topics may be personal, some may be emotional. The following are guidelines that are to
be used in any discussion during the course.
• Each person has a right to her or his own opinion. • Each person has a right to be heard. (No side conversations)
• Each person has a right to be respected. Be aware of your own prejudices. • Each person has a right to privacy. No one is required to comment on a given topic and if a
person requests confidentiality, others agree to not repeat what was said.
• Because engagement with campus resources is also a critical part of academic success, students
are able to earn participation points for completing one or more of the following: • Attend the PASS program.
• Utilize a campus resource, provide proof of attendance, and complete the “Campus Resource Usage Form” found on the Blackboard. Examples of appropriate campus resources
would be the Writing Center, tutoring, Supplemental Instruction (SI), the Financial Aid office,
the Career Services office, etc. If you have questions about resources, please contact your
• Attend meetings with the Success Team Leaders or First-Year Success VIP2 Coaching. • For more information about Success Team Leaders and/or to make an appointment,
call (480) 965-9072. • For more information about First-Year Success VIP2 Coaching and/or to make an appointment, call (480) 965-3289.
• Turn in all out of class assignments prior to their deadline.
• No late assignments will be accepted; no exceptions. Plan ahead for last-minute emergencies, including printer and computer issues. • Most assignments will be turned in via Blackboard. These assignments are due at 11:59PM
the night before class meets.
• Entries must be turned in on time for credit
• If the assignment requires you to hand in a hard copy in class:
• All entries must be typed, double spaced, 12 point font, 1” margins, printed in black ink
• Complete all in-class exercises in full and to the best of your ability.
• All activities and exercises will be graded on both effort and accuracy.
• Attend class. • It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any missed information, assignments and handouts from
BlackBoard or from another student.
• Turn off and put away all electronic devices. • Unless otherwise instructed, you will not need any electronics for this course. All iPods, MP3 players, cell phones, mobile devices, and laptops should be turned off and put away before class begins. Students who choose to use electronics during class will be asked to leave and will be marked
absent for that class period.
• Regularly check email and Blackboard and participate fully in Facebook discussions. • Please note: The syllabus and course outline are subject to change. You will need to regularly check
your ASU email and/or Blackboard for updates and announcements.
UNI 220: Academic Refresher
UNI 220: Academic Refresher
• Join the Facebook Group
• Students are required to join the course Facebook Group Page. • It is a private group, so only members will be able to read posts and comments. • Also, members of the group will not be able to see each other's Facebook info, wall posts, etc.
unless a “friend request” is accepted. • First and foremost, this is a social space, but it’s also a great class resource. • Students will often be able to answer your questions more quickly than I will, so use this
group to socialize and ask general or specific questions relating to homework or lecture
• Read and understand this entire syllabus. • Students will be held responsible for knowing the information contained in this syllabus whether they
have read it or not.
Because much of the learning in UNI 220 takes place via classroom activities and group interaction, attendance is taken at the beginning of every class and is an integral part of your UNI 220 grade. If you are not
on time to class, you may be marked absent. Consistent with University standards, more than TWO absences may result in an ‘E’ (failing the course) on your transcript. If you are not present when your
name is called, you will be marked absent. If you arrive after the roll has been called, speak to your instructor after class and ask to be recorded tardy – otherwise, you will be recorded absent for the day. There are
no excuses; medical issues, family issues, athletic events etc.
At some point, if you choose to discontinue the course, you must drop the course officially. The instructor will not drop you. If your name appears on the roster at the end of the
semester, but you have stopped coming to class, you will receive a grade that reflects all
missed work.
You will keep all notes, invention work, homework, drafts, handouts, your journal, and anything else you
produce for this class in a three-ring binder. This binder, along with a reflective essay, will help demonstrate
your understanding of the material, ability to apply material, and active engagement in your own learning
process. Keep everything you produce throughout the semester for this course.
• All entries must be submitted on Blackboard
• Answer all questions/prompts thoroughly and thoughtfully.
• Copy the directions (the bold part) for each journal prompt.
• Be honest with yourself
• Be spontaneous and creative
• Most importantly, DIG DEEP* and expand on your ideas
• *DIG DEEP refers to expanding and clarifying your ideas rather than simply “skimming the surface.” It does not require you to divulge any ideas you are not comfortable sharing.
• Entries must be turned in on time for credit
• In order to pass this class, you must have all journal entries completed and printed for your portfolio on the day it is due__________.
Additional work will be required outside of class. These assignments are due at the beginning of the assigned due date, no exceptions. Please plan ahead for any last minute emergencies (i.e. printer and computer issues). Late work will not be accepted, no exceptions. UNI 220: Academic Refresher
UNI 220: Academic Refresher
The Arizona Board of Regents, the governing board for ASU, NAU, and the U of A, has a policy for how
much time students should invest in their courses: “At least 15 contact hours of recitation, lecture, discussion, testing or evaluation, seminar, or colloquium, as well as a minimum of 30 hours of student homework
is required for each unit of credit” (http://azregents.asu.edu/rrc/Policy%20Manual/2-224-Academic%20Credit.pdf). Therefore, in a 1-credit course, students should expect to invest 15 hours in class meetings (or
the online equivalent), as well as 30 hours doing homework and assignments—a total of 45 hours in any
given session (A, B, or C). In this course and in other courses in your degree program, your faculty are
committed to this standard because it promotes the breadth and depth of learning required in a first-rate
university education. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY:
You are expected to uphold the principles of academic integrity in all the work you do in this course. Students who engage in academic dishonesty (i.e. cheating, plagiarism, etc.) will be withdrawn from the
course and receive a failing grade. Plagiarism (the use of other people's ideas or words without attribution)
whether intentional or not, is immediate grounds for failure. Academic integrity is expected of every individual in the University. Students are responsible for all policies
included in the college and student handbook, as well as this syllabus. See http://www.asu.edu/vpsa/studentlife/ for more information. Academic Integrity – It Matters!
If you need academic accommodations or special consideration of any kind to get the most out of this
class, please let me know at the beginning of the course. If you have a disability and need a reasonable
accommodation for equal access to education at ASU, please call Disability Resources for Students. Downtown Phoenix University Center building, Suite 160
Phone: 602.496.4321
E-mail: DRCDowntown@asu.edu
Polytechnic Sutton Hall - Suite 240
Phone: 480.727.1039
E-mail: DRCPoly@asu.edu Tempe Campus
Matthews Center building, 1st floor
Phone: 480.965.1234
E-mail: DRCTempe@asu.edu
West campus
University Center Building, Room 130
E-mail: DRCWest@asu.edu UNI 220: Academic Refresher
UNI 220: Academic Refresher
Quizzes, Homework
Group Project
COURSE OF THE SEMESTER. --If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to the live the
life of which he imagines, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
--Henry David Thoreau
UNI 220: Academic Refresher