Arizona State University Business Statistics ECN 211 – Spring 2015 Instructor: Brian Goegan Email: Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 1 – 4 pm and by appointment Office Location: CPCOM 460B Tutoring Services: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm in BA 211 In this course we will review the basic statistical methods used in business and economics. Our aim is to improve ourselves with a greater understanding of statistics, and how they can be used. Our journey will take us through the topics of probability theory, population and sample distributions, hypothesis testing, and regression modeling. While a good understanding of statistics is its own reward, it is also useful throughout the business world and the many sciences. Optional Textbook Lectures will conform to the content and conventions in Business Statistics, 2nd edition, by Robert A. Donnelly. While this book is not required, it is recommended as a study tool. Required Software Microsoft Excel (Office 2010 or later). Excel 2013 can be accessed for free through the W.P. Carey School’s Citrix Cloud ( Alternatively you can obtain a free subscription to Office 365, which includes the latest version of Excel for your platform. Assignments There are ten total assignments which will be administered through the course Blackboard site. Each will be worth 50 points. Quizzes There will be twelve in-class quizzes each worth 20 points. The dates of these quizzes will be random, and there will not be an opportunity to make them up (except in cases mentioned below), so regular attendance is encouraged. Exams There are three exams, including a final exam, each worth 100 points. The exams are tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, February 18th and Wednesday, April 1st. The final exam will be held on Wednesday, May 6th at 12:10 PM. Grading Including quizzes, assignments, and exams, there are 1040 points available in the class. Letter grades will be allocated as follows: A+ A B+ B C+ C D E 970 – 1040 points 900 – 969 points 870 – 899 points 800 – 869 points 770 – 799 points 700 – 769 points 600 – 699 points 0 – 599 points Course Outline Week Dates Topics 1 1/12, 1/14 Introduction 2 1/19, 1/21 Descriptive Statistics 3 1/26, 1/28 Variance 4 2/2, 2/4 Probability 5 2/9, 2/11 Probability Distributions 6 2/16, 2/18 Review and Exam 1 7 2/23, 2/25 Sampling 8 3/2, 3/4 Hypothesis Testing 9 3/9, 3/11 Spring Break 10 3/16, 3/18 Hypothesis Testing 11 3/23, 3/25 Sample Testing 12 3/30, 4/1 Review and Exam 2 13 4/6, 4/8 Simple Regression 14 4/13, 4/15 Multiple Regression 15 4/20, 4/22 Forecasting 16 4/27, 4/29 Additional Topics 17 5/4, 5/6 Final Exam W.P. Carey Learning Objectives The Undergraduate Program of the W.P. Carey School of Business has established the following learning goals for its graduates: 1. Critical Thinking 2. Communication 3. Discipline Specific Knowledge 4. Ethical Awareness and Reasoning 5. Global Awareness Items in bold have significant coverage in this course, though it should be noted that your instructor does not believe this course can be so conveniently mapped to a checklist of ambiguous terms. Policies Make-Up Exams, Quizzes, and Assignments There will not be any make-up exams, quizzes, or assignments except in cases where the student could not complete the work due to university-sanctioned activities (ACD 304-02) or official religious observances/practices for which work is not allowed (ACD 304-04). Absence Policies Regular attendance is strongly recommended, but not required. Accommodations will be made for students who miss class related to university-sanctioned activities (ACD 304-02) or for official religious observances/practices for which work is not allowed (ACD 304-04). Please contact the instructor if you would like to make such accommodations. Classroom Policies Respect your fellow students. Refrain from disruptive behavior, and please silence your cell phones and other electronic devices. Threatening behavior will be handled per the Student Services Manual (SSM 10402). Tutoring The W.P. Carey School of Business offers free tutoring for this class. More information can be found here: Academic Integrity ASU Academic Integrity Policy: ASU Provost Academic Integrity site: W. P. Carey Academic Integrity site: Honor Code: Students with Disabilities For disability accommodations, please register with the Disability Resource Center and submit the appropriate documentation. For more information, visit Information in this syllabus, except for grading and absence policies, is subject to change.
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