newsletter - First Christian Church

THURSDAY, January 29, 2015
(Disciples of Christ)
“Gifted to Serve”
First Christian Church
915 S. Maple
Harrison, AR 72601
Office: (870) 741-5757
Fax: (870) 741-2733
Office Hours:
8:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Friday
Dr. David Artman
Senior Minister
Cindy Adler
Youth Director
Kim Trublood
Children’s Ministries Director
Karon Pierce
Church Administrator
Kim Mouser
Music Coordin. & Choir Director
Board Officers
Jerry Pledger
Cova Hart
Vice Chairman
Cindy Ramsey
Board Secretary
Bill Grant
Mary Pledger
Financial Secretary
In This Issue …
 SGU.. .................................... pg. 1
 Serving Schedule.................. pg. 1
 From the Heart .................... pg. 2
 WNF Schedule ..................... pg. 2
 Team United ......................... pg. 2
 Kid Time ............................... pg. 2
 Birthdays & Anniversaries.. pg. 3
 Joys & Concerns.................. pg. 3
 Calendar............................... pg. 3
 2015 Theme Banner............. pg. 3
 O.C.C. .................................. pg. 4
 Week of Compassion ........... pg. 4
 Ozark Share & Care ............ pg. 4
 Bus Driver ............................ pg. 4
 Facts & Figures ................... pg. 4
The Sacred Romance
Ever since childhood, something or Someone has called us on a journey of the heart. It is a journey full of
intimacy, adventure, and beauty. Do you long to recover your heart? The Sacred Romance will help you
unearth your heart and reveal God as the author of a magnificent story—one in which you play an important
Instructor: Nate Jordan
Followers of Jesus
This New Testament Bible study will focus on men and women who choose to follow Jesus as recorded in
scripture. Each session will also include some information and discussion of one or more individuals who
have had a significant influence on Christianity since the time of Jesus and are not recorded in scripture.
Hopefully, we will be able to share, learn, laugh a little, and grow in our awareness of intentionally following Jesus.
Instructors: Charles & Jane Adair
Healthy Life Styles in 2015
During this session we will talk about how to change a lifestyle so you are living fully and mindfully in
2015. We'll talk about food to feed the body, thoughts to feed the mind and physically moving to make a
stronger body. We are what we eat, think and move! We'll also do a variety of short physical activities including yoga, core strength and breathing all very low impact for any level of experience.
Instructor: Holly Gillies
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Sewing/Craft Class
We'll be making items for OCC shoeboxes. The items will be set aside until our church and youth OCC
packing parties next fall. It won't be necessary to know how to sew in order to participate. The sewing projects will be very introductory. And we won't be confined to just sewing. We'll do some craft projects, too.
It will be a fun time of fellowship and a good way to grow spiritually through service.
Instructors: Beth Neel & Karen Stalnaker
Wednesday WNF meals starting at 5:30 pm
2/4/15 Hosts:
Fellowship The Journey & Mustard Seed Classes
9:00 1st Worship Service
Worship Leaders:
February 1, 2015
Matthew 11:28-30
Carlene Bilke
Jerry Jones & Jim Gray
Jim Gray & Shannon Blessing
Mark Martin, Janie Bass,
Addi Jones, Jeff Laur, Ginger Miller,
Beth Neel, Robin Seymore, Allen Thrasher
Terry Stambaugh &
Carey Stambaugh
Children’s Moment:
Monique Wilson
Children’s Church:
Kim Trublood
11:00 1st Worship Service
Harold & Carlene Bilke
Cindy Adler
Page 2
From The
I am pleased this week to be getting to go to Nashville for a
meeting of the “largest worshiping” Disciples congregations in the
country. Basically, this is a gathering open to the pastors of the
larger congregations in our denomination. We will be led in discussions about how our church might be more effective in our mission.
It is an honor for me to be included in this conference, and it
also speaks well of what we are doing here at First Christian in
Harrison. Apparently we are doing some things well!
The conference runs from Tuesday to Thursday. I will be
back in Harrison on Friday, and I will be in church on Sunday. I
will miss the kick-off of Spiritual Growth University, but I am encouraged about the classes that are going to be offered.
We will continue Sunday on our theme for 2015: “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.” It’s a pretty basic concept, but I think in its
simplicity there is much that is profound. If you want to look
ahead to this Sunday’s sermon then you may want to ponder over
Jesus’ words found in the 11th chapter of Matthew, “Come to me,
all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble
in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy
and my burden is light.”
In Sunday school, the youth are learning about David. I am using a
Beth Moore study as a guide for this study. First, we are discussing
Samuel who has a big part in David’s early life. In the study of
Samuel, we see the important role his mother, Hannah, has in the
story. Hannah’s faith is the only reason Samuel exists. She was unable to have children, but wanted one so bad. She would go to the
temple to pray telling God that if He gave her a son she would dedicate his life to Him. Think how different the story of David would
be if it wasn’t for the faith of Hannah. It goes to show that God has
a purpose for everyone no matter who you are or what you’ve done.
Snoasis 2015 for 9th-12th graders
February 20th-22nd
Hot Springs, AR
January 23rd
February 13th
– Color’s Day
February 15th
– Youth Lunch
February 18
Onward and Upward!
Your Pastor, Dr. D.
February 20-22
February 25
March 4
February 4th:
Journey/Mustard Seed
April 1st:
No SGU or Meal (Holy Week)
February 11th:
Fountain of Life/Seekers
April 8th:
Fountain of Life/Seekers
February 18th:
Ash Wednesday Service
April 15th: Open Door
February 25 :
March 4 :
Journey/Mustard Seed
April 22nd:
April 29th:
Journey/Mustard Seed
May 6th: Open Door
March 11 :
Fountain of Life/Seekers
March 18th: Open Door
March 25 :
No SGU or Meal (spring break)
May 13th:
May 20th:
Slide into Summer Fish Fry
March 8th
– Ash Wednesday
– Snoasis
– Pastors Class Starts @ 5pm
– How to Life: a student led youth rally
– Wild Game Dinner
In Him,
We kick off SGU Wednesday, January 28th. I hope everyone had a
great holiday season, and I'm glad
that our midweek fellowship is
getting back in swing. We have
several new opportunities in the
classes that are being offered.
There really is something for everyone, and I think we'll all enjoy
jumping in.
In Him,
Kim Trublood
Page 3
Feb 2 --- Emilee Akins, Will Davis,
James Melton, Nelson Stalnaker
Feb 4 --- Lee Ivaska, Asriel Ward
Feb 5 --- Allison Satterfield
Feb 6 --- Rebecca McFarland, Austin Roberts
Among Our Own
New Concern: B.J. Hankins & Charmagne Leger
Continue to Pray for: Barbara Feber, Lee Ivaska, & Verna Martin
Prayer Outreach
(Our Extended Church Family)
New Concern: Lacey Methvin—complications with pregnancy
(friend of Ashley Hoppis)
Continue to Pray for: Hailey Mills Albers—brain tumor (friend of
Danny & Tammy Roth), Susie Clark—fractured rib (mother of Paula Rogers), Destiny Davis—leukemia (daughter of friend of Wanda
McCutcheon), Crystal Kieloch—home burned (friend of Roger Williams), Katy Moore—hospitalized (mother of Tammie Roth), & Ken
Shaddox—health issues (son of Jeanette Shaddox)
Prayer concerns will be posted for one month. Please call the church at 741-5757 to extend
(long term concern) or resubmit names if the prayer concern continues.
Thank you.
College Students
Gregory Bacon
Aaron Bass
Katie Blessing
Clay Carr
Sarah Carr
Jacob Clary
Eric Crawford
Shelby Edwards
Eden Garrett
Joel Hartlerode
Sarah Hartlerode
Tatum Holt
Summer Laffoon
Jacob Langston
Jillian Langston
Taylor Leger
Jennifer Ludbrook
Kindall Martin
Scott Mayo
Heather McKay
Elizabeth Melton
Addie Milam
Zac Mouser
Austin Price
Hunter Rogers
Sarah Stambaugh
Jenny Thompson
Jacob Weidenfeller
Emily Wohlgemuth
Jake Woolston
Dalton Young
Tia Young
Nursing Homes & Shut-ins
Highlands of Harrison at Orendorff; 115 Orendorff
– Modean Martens - Room 107
Highlands of Harrison at Tims; 202 Tims
– Sharon Kekaha- Room 58
Hillcrest Nursing Home; 1111 Maplewood Rd.
– Roger Collier - Room 10 Crestview
– Ruby DeWoody- Room 306 Summit
– W.H. McCutcheon - Room 26 Crestview
Maple Esplanade; 1400 Old Bergman Rd.
– Sue Barrett - Room 310
– Betty Gray McFarland - Room 312
Newton County Nursing Home; 610 E. Court St.; Jasper; 72641
– Mary Sue Moore
If you have the opportunity,
Cloteen Cowan (501) 400-3599
please go by and visit or
8700 Riley Drive
send a card to our members
Woodland Heights
Apt. #116
who are shut-in or in
Little Rock, AR 72205
nursing homes.
B.J. Hankins
Hickory Heights Health &
Chenal Heights Dr.
Little Rock, AR 72223
Belva Holman
1732 Ridgeview Dr.
Springdale, AR 72762
Logan Cook
Jeremy Hayes
Justin Hayes
Tony Richardson
Weekly Calendar of Events
Sunday, February 1
9:00 AM — 1st Worship Service
10:00 AM — Sunday School
11:00 AM — 2nd Worship Service
Monday, February 2
5:30 PM — Band Practice
Tuesday, February 3
11:30 AM — Study with Dr. D.
Wednesday, February 4
6:30 AM — Disciples Men
5:30 PM — WNF meal
6:00 PM — SGU Classes
6:00 PM — Choir Practice
Sunday, February 8
9:00 AM — 1st Worship Service
10:00 AM — Sunday School
11:00 AM — 2nd Worship Service
Travis Weidenfeller
(Disciples of Christ)
U.S. Postage Paid
Harrison, AR 72601
915 South Maple
Harrison, AR 72601
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“Gifted to Serve”
Have you remembered your church in your
will, trust or Permanent Endowment Fund?
Great River Region website:
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Page 4
If you would like to receive your newsletter by email instead of postal service please
email the church office and let Karon know
Included in the email notifying us that our boxes had gone to Mexico were
several stories. Below is a second impact story from Mexico.
A local volunteer reported: “Dalila, an 8-year-old girl, was diagnosed with a
cancerous tumor on her left eye. The doctors told her parents about the need for
surgery to stop the tumor and reduce the effects of this illness. The girl was invited to a shoebox distribution by a boy from the church. She attended with her
parents and listened to God’s Word. All of them responded to the calling to receive Christ in their hearts. We prayed for the girl, asking God to heal her. When
the parents took the girl to the specialist to perform the studies necessaries before
the surgery, the tumor had disappeared and nobody knew what had happened.
The parents said it was a miracle from God. We give all the Glory to Jesus!”
Shoeboxes carry miracles from the heart of God! "The Gospel is the power
unto salvation" (Romans 1:16). This is the power of the shoebox! Thank you for
your support of OCC, Operation Christmas Child!
FEBRUARY—Chicken Noodle Soup
Help children in need
Bus Driver for
February: Charles Adair 741-5961
If you need a ride to any of the church services, please give the driver a call.
Attendance and Offering Report
Sunday, January 25th:
9:00 AM 1st Worship Service:
11:00 AM 2nd Worship Service:
Total Worship - All Services:
10:00 AM Sunday School:
General Offering:
Total Worship 2014 Average
Total Worship 2015 Average (Year to Date)
Sunday School 2014 Average
Sunday School 2015 Average (Year to Date) 111
General Offering 2015 Average (year to Date) $12,462.65
2015 Weekly Budget Needs: