Newsletter - St. Marys United Methodist Church

The Newsletter of
Saint Marys United Methodist Church
January 28, 2015
“An Act of Grace”
At the new member gathering we held at the parsonage last week, one of the new members
noticed some things in the home related to the musical “Les Miserables.” I shared with her that
it was my all-time favorite Broadway musical. The story is powerful and the music is moving.
For those of you not familiar with the story it is set in France in the early 1800’s during a time
of rebellion. The story focuses on an investigator named Javert and his relentless manhunt of
Jean Valjean. Valjean spent 20 years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family. He
was released on parole, but broke his parole because of his inability to find work as a marked
man. He once again was forced to steal to survive.
Through an act of mercy Valjean is given a second opportunity at life. Still he is forced into
hiding to avoid being captured by Javert, a man who holds to the exact letter of the law. He is
determined to capture Valjean and return him to prison. After many years of guarded living,
Valjean has the opportunity for freedom when the French rebels capture Javert and plan to
execute him. But instead of allowing the rebels to kill Javert, Valjean comes up with a way to
give Javert his freedom and a second chance at life.
The story provides a wonderful example of how an act of grace leads to an act of grace. As the
people of God we should be mindful of this message in our relationships with one another. But
often it seems we have no tolerance for the mistakes others make; we are critical of little things
that only serve to tear down rather than build-up relationships; and we expect perfection from
everyone but ourselves.
We are a forgiven people. It is only through God’s grace and mercy that we can be in a right
relationship with him. Likewise, it is only possible to be in growing relationships with one
another through the grace we freely share in the spirit of Christian love and understanding.
I look forward to our time of worship this Sunday as we share together in Holy Communion,
and as together we remember the grace and forgiveness we have received through Jesus Christ
and are called to share with one another.
Blessings on you,
106 East Conyers Street, St. Marys, GA 31558
(912) 882-5505
Opportunities for the Week
Sunday, February 1st
8:30 A.M. Traditional Worship
9:30 A.M. 1st Sunday Fellowship
(Bailey Hall)
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Praise & Worship
3:00 P.M. Confirmation Classes Begin
4:00 P.M. Youth Choir
5:00 P.M. UMYF
The UMW will meet on Monday, February 2nd, at 6:30pm in
Bailey Hall. Our program will be given by Adel Hamilton, refreshments will be provided by Joan Seal, Cheryl Doster, and
Dottie Simpson. All women of the church are cordially invited
to attend. For info call Audrey Clark at 882-2125.
The Trustees will meet on Tuesday, February 3rd, at 7:00pm in
the Conference Room. Contact Tim Fitzgerald at 904-759-1513
for more info.
Monday, February 2nd
6:30 P.M. UMW Meeting (Bailey Hall)
Tuesday, February 3rd
7:00 A.M. High School Breakfast Club
6:30 P.M. Rock Bible Study (WECC)
7:00 P.M. Trustee Meeting (Conf. Rm.)
Wednesday, February 4th
6:45 A.M. Middle School Breakfast Club
5:15 P.M. Hand Bell Choir Practice
5:30 P.M. Children’s Choir Practice
6:15 P.M. Playhouse Kids/Clues Club
6:30 P.M. Chancel Choir Practice
Friday, February 6th
2015 Women’s Retreat (Epworth By the Sea)
Saturday, February 7th
4:30 P.M. Men’s Gathering
(James Thomason’s Backyard)
All men of the church are invited to a “Low Country Boil”
on Saturday, February 7th, at Coach James Thomason’s
backyard hideaway located at 330 Carleton Cemetery
Road, Kingsland. We will dump the pot around 5pm, so
plan to arrive around 4:30 or so. No program, just good
food and fellowship. For more information contact Jeff
Barker, Mike Brandon, Buddy McGhin or Pat Winn.
Many, many thanks to everyone for the cards, prayers, &
visitations I have received over the last couple months. It is
truly a blessing to be a part of such a caring Church Family.
Thanks again,
Fay Lentz
Please continue to pray for …
Bill Spagna, William Lassiter, Virginia Lang, Frank Victory, Fay Lentz, Betty Woodward, Bob Deen, Betty Hart, Tommy Bean, Lynn
Goff, Carolyn Long, Eloise Thompson, George Turner, Faye Howard, Bob Manley, Richard Pippin
Extended Family and Friends
Barbara King (friend of Barbara Smith); Barry & Janice Farlett (friends of Misty Black); Allie Grobe (Shirley Peterson’s sister); Beverly
Bryson (Chris Thomas’ sister); Lois Hancock (Carolyn Asaro’s aunt); Freddie Pilgrim (Barbara Smith’s son); Gene Simpson (Amos & Dottie
Simpson’s son); Mary Carrig (Mary Sue Michael’s mother); Vickie Bielling (Nancy Boone’s friend); Lois Hall (Barbara Hall’s mother); Ann & Jim
Buskirk (former member); Winifred Boykin, Yolanda Mirarchi, Keith Smith, Myra Howard (relatives & friends of Dale & Karen Hoylman)
Coastal Assisted Living Residents
Bettye Howard
Senior Care Center Residents (St. Marys)
Betty Hart
Magnolia Manor Residents
Margaret Eddinger (SM), Wylidean Wynne (SSI)
Deployed & Injured Military Family & Friends
Joanna Bailey, Kyle Carpenter, Brandi Bryant
Bold indicates a new addition**
Names will be removed after two weeks unless otherwise requested.
Please call the Church Office at 882-5505 ext. 0 for any Pastoral concerns or needs. We also have a Pastoral concern line for after hours &
weekend emergencies. Call 882-5505 ext. 8, leave a message & your call will be returned as quickly as possible
Children’s Ministry
Wednesday Children’s Activities: Choir 5:30- 6:15pm (3 years – 6th grade); Playhouse Kids/Clue’s Club 6:15-7:00pm
(Playhouse kids: 3 years – 1st grade & Clue’s Club 2nd grade – 5th grade)
Vacation Bible School will be held June 15-19, 2015. This year’s theme will be “Everest”, which means we are on the
lookout for wintery items we could use to decorate.
As always if you having any suggestions or concerns feel free to contact me.
Tina 912-674-8839/912-576-8047
Youth Corner
This year's Confirmation Classes begins on Sunday, Feb. 1st at 3pm in the Sanctuary. If you are a parent of a student in grades five and
above who hasn't been through this United Methodist rite of passage and would like him/her to be a part of this year's Confirmation class,
you can let us know by using one of the following options. You can contact Jeremy Cole, director of youth ministries, at , fill out the form at or call the church office at 882-5505 ext. 3. Classes will culminate on
Sunday, May 24th, when each student will join the church during the morning service. Sunday Confirmation classes will last 1 hour.
The class schedule is as follows: 2/1 - Creation; 2/8 - Church; 2/15 - Sin and Redemption; 2/22 - Holy Spirit; 3/1 - Wesleyan Quadrilateral; 3/8 - Sacraments; 3/13 to 3/15 - Confirmation Retreat at Epworth by the Sea ($60 per person); 3/22 - Worship; 3/29 - Way of Salvation; 4/11 - Savannah Wesley Tour; 4/12 - Renounce, Reject, Repent; 4/19 - Accept and Confess; 4/26 - I Believe; 5/3 - Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, Witness; 5/24 - join the Church during morning service.
Outside of regularly scheduled events we have three things coming up:
 Sunday 2/1 at 5 pm we will have a Super Bowl Party until game ends! Invite your friends!
 Monday 2/2 Youth Committee Meeting at 6 pm in the Conference Room
 Saturday 2/7 Sidewalk Prophets concert at the Warehouse in Kingsland! Meet at the vans at 5:30pm. Cost of the concert is $20 and
bring money for food on the way.
Sunday 2/8 UMYF Lesson on James Son of Zebedee
><> Jeremy
Women's Retreat at Epworth by the Sea - February 6 - 8, 2015
Ladies of ALL AGES are invited to join us February 6-8 at Epworth By the Sea for the 2015 Women’s Retreat. We will be together with our friends at Kingsland UMC. Our featured speaker, Cindy Ricker, has a passion for encouraging women, and this is sure
to be an awesome weekend of fun and fellowship! This has always been a special time away from our families and gives us a time
to recharge spiritually and make new friends! Cost is $85.00 per person to stay in one of the cabins. Hotel rooms are available for
an additional cost. This price includes lodging for the entire weekend and all meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch.
Scholarships are available upon request for those in need. Contact Stacy Kiernan at 882-7508 or for
more information. To reserve your spot, simply pay the $85 lodging fee to SMUMC no later than February 1st. Please indicate
2015 Women’s Retreat in the memo line.
Wednesday Supper Sign-up Form for February 11th
Menu: Chicken Cordon Blue Pasta, Baby Carrots, French Bread,
Cake, Tea & Lemonade
(Hot Dogs are available for the kids!)
Total number of Adults & Children ($5.00 each)
Family Maximum (Immediate Family Members) is $20.00
Please get your info to us no later than Sunday, February 8th.
Simply fill in this form & drop it in Sunday’s Offering or call the Church
Office during regular hours.
The following dates are available for those wishing to
honor a special person or their memory by providing
altar flowers in 2015. There are many ways for you to
sign up - send an email to,
call Tricia at 882-5505 ext. 0, stop by the office, or
simply circle the date below, write your name on this
slip and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday!
February 8 April 19 May 3, 24 June 14, 28
July 5, 12, 19
August 9, 16, 23
September 13, 20, 27
October 4, 11, 18
November 1, 8, 15
December 13
Want a special place to celebrate Valentine’s Day? The Youth will be holding a plated, full
service spaghetti dinner with salad, and dessert to benefit the summer mission trip on Saturday,
February 14th in Bailey Hall at 6pm. Cost for singles is $8 and $15 for couples. Please register
online at or contact Darla Winn at or
Tina Bense at . Thank you for your support!
A prayer garden will be created behind the church office. We need two or three green thumbs to
volunteer to help. Please call Tricia Smith at 882-4152 or email at Thank you.
Happy Apple Pre-Registration for 2015-2016
Tom Jones
Senior Pastor
Tina Bense
Director of Children’s Ministries
Jeremy Cole
Director of Youth Ministries
Tricia Perrine
Church Secretary
Sandra Nihiser
Financial Secretary
Dara Davis
Director of Music Ministries
Ginna E. Stein
Director Happy Apple Academy
Church Office Hours:
Mon., Wed., & Thur. = 8:00am-3:00pm
Tue. = 8:00am-2:30pm
Fri. = 8:00am-Noon
Helping Hands Ministry/Food Pantry Hours:
Mon. thru Thurs. = 9:00am - 11:45am
Fri. = Closed
Happy Apple Academy will begin pre-registering for the next
school year February 12 & 13. Students presently enrolled, siblings,
and members of St. Marys United Methodist Church may pick up
registration forms at Happy Apple or the Church Office.
Open Registration will be on March 5th from 8am - 1pm in Bailey Hall.
Call 912-882-3727 for more information.
The Finance Committee will meet on Monday, February 9th at 6:00pm in
the conference room. Contact Jim Lomis at 510-0688 for more info.
The Church Council will meet on Monday, February 9th , at 7:00pm in
Bailey Hall. All members of the church are invited to attend. Contact Pat
Winn at 674-5449 more info.
The Church Office & Helping Hands Ministry will be closed on
Monday, February 16th, in recognition of Presidents’ Day.
Stewardship of Presence
January 18
8:30 am
11:00 am
Worship Total
Sunday School
January 25
Our Church Secretary, Tricia, will be out
of the office beginning January 30th & will
return on February 9th. If you need assistance during this time, please contact
Sandra at 882-5505 ext 1.
Did You Know …
...your SMUMC Family Resource Center’s card catalog can be accessed on
the computer just the same as at your public library? Just follow the simple
instructions posted on the bulletin board above the computer. Come check
out your church library. If you have any questions contact Kathryn Wyler at or call or text 330-546-6955.
If you have information that you would like in the next newsletter, please send it to
no later than Noon on Monday, February 9th.
St. Marys United Methodist Church
106 East Conyers Street
St. Marys, Georgia 31558
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
St. Marys, GA
Look up at the sky and consider: Who created these? The one who brings out their attendants one by one,
summoning each of them by name. Because of God’s great strength and mighty power, not one is missing.
Isaiah 40:26
Those Who Serve in Special Ways
February 1, 2015
Altar Flowers:
Helping Hands Ministry
Children’s Church:
Tina Bense
8:30 Acolytes:
Temperance Spencer
11:00 Acolytes:
Kaitlyn Boyd
8:30 Greeters:
Tom & Sheila Headlee
11:00 Greeters:
Carolyn Kacedon &
Mary Sue Michael
Head Offering Counter: Paul Lentz
Offering Counter:
Julie McCullough
Sound System:
Roy Bauers/Tim Duddleston
8:30 Head Usher:
Jeff Barker
8:30 Usher:
David Franklin
11:00 Head Usher:
Tim Fitzgerald
11:00 Usher:
Chip Hollis
February 8, 2015
Altar Flowers:
Children’s Church:
Tina Bense
8:30 Acolytes:
Evan & Ayden Wills
11:00 Acolytes:
Mikayla Boyd
8:30 Greeters:
Pat Green & Diane Isernhagen
11:00 Greeters:
Gary & JoAnne Running
Head Offering Counter: Paul Lentz
Offering Counter:
Donna Franklin
Sound System:
Roy Bauers/Tim Duddleston
8:30 Head Usher:
Jeff Barker
8:30 Usher:
Don Hanner
11:00 Head Usher:
Tim Fitzgerald
11:00 Usher:
Richard Anderson