EDUCATION DAY ~ MARCH 14, 2015 Session Topics Session I (7:00 – 8:00) Amy Sikora-‐Trapp Amy will be providing/soliciting short-‐form briefs and I will be demonstrating a number of my most versatile and highly suggested writer command briefs that will enable you to make corrections, capitalize, and punctuate in your transcript without having to take your hands off the machine. Session II (8:00 – 9:00) Christopher “Chris” Vidler, CFP®, CLU® You will see why a sound investment strategy starts with your end goals in mind; and why risk and reward are an unavoidable part of investing. You will learn the components of a balanced, diversified investment program. Also discussed is why discipline is crucial to investment success; and, you’ll learn how you can build momentum in your investment plan. Plus retirement vehicles for 1099 employees Session III (9:00 – 10:00) Kathy Zebert Kathy will discuss the appropriateness, necessity, and timing of interrupting the record and will share tips on how to accomplish this daunting task without upsetting the flow or momentum of the proceedings. You'll also learn effective tactics and techniques for handling attorneys/judges who don't want to be interrupted. Session IV (10:30 – 11:30) L. Steve Emmert, Esq. Steve’s presentation will address the meaning and importance of certification for court reporters in Virginia, why the Boyd-‐Graves committee recommends that court reporting in Virginia be regulated. Session V (11:30 – 12:30) Louise Jefferson Louise will provide insight into utilizing proper body mechanics, good ergonomic setup, and effective exercises to prevent injury and/or re-‐injury, enhancing your productivity and keeping medical expenses at bay. Session VII (2:00 – 3:00) Tristana Trani Tristana will discuss the different social media sites and discuss marketing strategies to professionally reach a target audience. Session VIII (3:00 – 4:00) Austin White The Virginia Fusion Center is the hub of information exchange for the Commonwealth’s efforts to mitigate criminal and terrorist activity. This presentation will allow for an understanding of the VFC, the role of the public and the first responder and give the audience a sense of the threats and issues facing us all today. Session IX (4:30 – 5:30) Sue Terry Sue will navigate us through Windows 8 and Internet search techniques for court reporters, plus share realtime tips Breakout Session (11:30 – 12:30) Don Scott Don will present on "Dragon NaturallySpeaking," voice to speech recognition software. Breakout Sessions Michele Eddy (11:30 – 12:30): Michele will present on how our computer's setup is essential to our software running well. She'll discuss the device manager, wallpaper, virus protection, firewalls, etc., and how these affect your software. (2:00 – 3:00): The latest and greatest features of Eclipse. Are you using it to its fullest? Let me show you how. Bring your laptop. Breakout Session (2:00 – 3:00) Dave Stanley Dave will present on Version 16 highlights and Catalyst easy editing tips Speakers AMY SIKORA-‐TRAPP BRIEFS AT BREAKFAST CHRISTOPHER “CHRIS” VIDLER, CFP®, CLU® FINANCIAL ADVISOR Choose an item. Choose an item. L. STEVE EMMERT, ESQ. KATHY ZEBERT, RPR, CCR, BS, A DR KEYNOTE SPEAKER: CERTIFICATION TO INTERRUPT OR NOT TO INTERRUPT Choose an item. Choose an item. TRISTANA NESVIG TRANI LOUISE JEFFERSON, MS, PT SOCIAL MEDIA PHYSICAL T HERAPY Choose an item. Choose an item. SPECIAL AGENT AUSTIN C. WHITE COUNTERTERRORISM AND CRIME CPREVENTION hoose an item. SUE TERRY WINDOWS 8 & SEARCH TECHNIQUES Choose an item. BREAK-OUT SESSIONS DONALD SCOTT Dragon Naturally Speaking Choose an item. MICHELE EDDY Computer Knowledge is Essential, All About Eclipse Choose an item. Choose an item. DAVID STANLEY Case Catalyst Version 16
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