2015 NSPMA Conference Program Embassy Suites Hotel Kingston Plantation Myrtle Beach SC February 22nd through 25th “Celebrating 20 Years of Professionalism” “Remembering Junior Gilbert” Sunday February 22, 2015 8:30-3:00 Golf Outing (Separate Registration Required) Proceeds benefit NSPMA Scholarship Trust Cost $80.00 Arcadian Shores Golf Course 2:00-4:00 Spouse/Guest Gift Exchange-Night Watch (2nd floor) 3:00-5:00 Early Registration/Set up for Vendors Somerset Vendor Hall Kensington (D,E,F,G) 2:45-3:30 Breakout #1“Climbing the Ladder”- Vince Sodano, Past PresidentHampton 3:45-4:30 Breakout #2“School Security: Solutions and Lessons Learned”, Kim Keener Board Member- Hampton 5:30NSPMA Board Meeting 5:30-7:30 Networking Reception with Vendors-Lobby Bar (Open to all-free for hotel guests) ENJOY MYRTLE BEACH (on your own) Monday February 23, 2015 6:30-8:00 Free Breakfast for Hotel Guests-Hotel Restaurant 9:00 Registration-Attendees/Vendors Somerset 9:00 Spouse/Guest Program-Night Watch (2nd floor) 8:00-9:30 GENERAL SESSION #1- Spouses/Guests Welcome Windsor “A&B” Welcome-James Martin, President Invocation-Maurice Henry, Past-President Presentation of Colors – Myrtle Beach High School NJROTC Pledge of Allegiance- Led by all Veterans Present National Anthem- Gary Griesser Special Recognition and Introduction of Special Guests Introduction of States- Dr. John Bailey President Elect Nomination of Candidates-Ed Depew Keynote Speaker-Gary Griesser 9:30-4:00 Spouse/Guest Program-Trip to Charleston-Meet in Hotel Lobby 9:30-10:45 Superintendent’s Panel Discussion, “Perspective from My View” Burke Royster-Greenville County Schools-SC, Dr. Rick Maxey-Horry County Schools-SC, Mike Mertens-Superintendent Greenbrier School District Arkansas-Retired, Delisa Clark-SC DOE Windsor “A” and “B” Facilitator Art Bode, Past President 11:00-11:45 Breakout #3 “Green Schools”- Dr. Marable Windsor “C” Breakout #4 “Industry Trends”-Scott Hogdin Hampton 11:45-1:00 LUNCH AND LEARN: MP Global & Hoffman and HoffmanKensington “A” and “B” 1:00-3:00 Vendor Trade Show- Kensington (D,E,F,G) 3:00-3:45 3:45-4:30 4:30-5:15 4:30-5:15 5:30-7:30 Door Prizes (Must be present to win) Breakout #5 ”The effects of adverse school building conditions on student achievement, behavior and attitude and energy based school division projects that generate revenue for money strapped divisions”-Dr John. Bailey- Windsor “C” Breakout #6 “Current Trends/Updates in Purchasing & Supply Management”-Hampton Nathan Barber Breakout #7“Current Trends/Updates in Purchasing & Supply Management Continues” - Hampton Nathan Barber Breakout #8 “Selecting the right LED for your energy efficient lighting retrofit” Bill Faller Somerset Breakout #9-“Healthy Materials, Healthy Buildings”-Wanda Dunaway Hampton Breakout #10 “Facility Asset Saving Strategy”-Philip Harper Somerset Past Presidents Meeting, Maurice Henry Presiding Night Watch (2nd floor) Networking Reception with Vendors- Lobby Bar (Open to all—free for hotel guests) ENJOY Myrtle Beach (on your own) Tuesday February 24, 2015 6:30-8:00 Free Breakfast for Hotel Guests-Restaurant 7:30-9:00 Registration-Somerset 8:00-9:30 General Session #2-Windsor “A” & “B” Elections-Ed Depew Past Presidents Report-Maurice Henry Committee Reports “Crisis Management”- Scott Carpenter 9:30-4:00 Spouse/Guest Program-Trip to Georgetown-Meet in Hotel Lobby 9:30-10:15 Breakout #11- “Benefits of Variable Refrigerant Flow “VRF” for Schools”- Kevin Miller Windsor “A” Breakout #12- “Designing for Better Air Movement in Schools” Adam Endorf Windsor “C” 10:15-10:30 Break- Windsor Lobby 10:30-11:15 Breakout #13 Indoor Air Quality Guidelines for School Building Upgrades- Kudret Utebay, Working in Support of the EPA. Somerset Breakout #14- “Emerging Design Trends” Jonathan Stanley Windsor “C” 11:30-12:45 LUNCH AND LEARN- Transworld Inc. Electric & Bluefin, LLC Kensington “A” & “B” 12:45-2:30 Vendor Trade Show (Door Prizes, Must be present to win)Kensington (D,E,F,G) 2:30-3:45 Facility Directors Panel Discussion- Jim Saisa CT, Kim Keener NJ, John Bailey, VA and Ron Kramps SC, Dicky McCuen SC Windsor “A” & “B” 3:45-430 “Active Shooter/Tornado Shelters” Jeff Carson-Hampton 4:30-5:15 Breakout #15 “Facility Staff Training, How a Certification Program for General Maintenance Benefits Your District” Dr. Steve Griebe Somerset 5:15-6:15 6:30 Breakout #16-“Speaking Their Language”-Art Bode-Past PresidentHampton Silent Auction begins/Partner Meet and Greet-Night Watch (2nd floor) NSPMA BANQUET Windsor “A” & “B” PrayerScholarship Award Recipients-Kim Keener Association Awards-James Martin (Past Presidents and Lifetime members) Silent Auction Concludes “Tribute to Junior Gilbert”, Past President-John Noel, Art Bode, Jim Vicar State Door Prizes Installation of Incoming President Closing Prayer-Jim Vicar Wednesday February 25, 2015 6:30-8:00 8:00 Free Breakfast for Hotel Guests Executive Board- Conference wrap up- Somerset
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