V O LU M E 7 , I SS U E 3 MEDINA COU NTY VETERANS’ SERVIC E OFFICE I N S ID E T H I S I S S U E : Medina County Veterans’ Newsletter Piston Powered Auotrama (cont) 2015, I-X Piston Powered Auto Rama; will Benefit The Greater Cleveland Fisher House We are looking forward to another huge turnout this year for the I-X Center’s annual Piston Powered Auto Rama this coming March 20th through 22nd, 2015. This year we are featuring the US Marine Corps 3/25th and Northeast Ohio Recruiters. All proceeds will benefit The Greater Cleveland Fisher House. A Fisher House, similar to a Ronald McDonald House, is for where military family members to stay free-of-charge while their injured or ill loved one undergoes treatment, procedures, operations, or rehabilitation. The Goal of the Greater Cleveland Fisher House Organization is to raise $3,000,000 locally with another $3,000,000 from National Fisher House for construction there are currently 62 houses in operation across the United States, Germany, and England). The new facility will be located one block north of the Louis Stokes VA Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio which is the second largest VA hospital in the United States. W IN TER 2 0 1 5 2 VA Medical CTR contact information 2 Service Officer Comments 3 My Trip to Medina County 4 Rolling Thunder Chili Cook-off 5 The Senior Section 6 pro7 VA News Release posed 8 Your Benefits Greater 9 Senior Section (cont) Cleve10 land Fisher House will be a County Coalition 16,500 square foot home with Calendar 11 18 to 21 suites to accommoID Cards are now available for date up to 42 people. The cost eligible Veterans at the Medina to build the house is $7 million. County Recorders Office. You The goal of the Greater Cleve- must bring an original DD 214 or Discharge and record it to land Fisher House is to raise receive your free ID card. half of the money through community fundraising. The Fisher House Foundation will then provide the remaining $3.5 million. Thus far they have raised $2.2 million of the $3m needed. Ground breaking is anticipated Recorders Office is located to take place in Spring/Summer The at in the County Administration of 2015. Building at. 144 N Broadway It won’t happen without the St #117 Medina, OH 44256 generosity of those who are How to Create willing to support our veterans and their families. Last year the Your myPay AcI-X Centers Rod and Piston Au- count a Temporary Password to Rama raised $75,000 and Request 1. Go to https://mypay.dfas.mil. this year’s event hopefully will 2. Click "Forgot or Need a Passbring the Greater Cleveland word?" 3. Enter your Social Security NumFisher House closer to their ber and click "Yes" button on the Continued on Page 2 bottom right. 4. Choose "mail to my address of record with Military Retired" and click "Send me a Password:'-ur if you have a valid email address in myPay, you can choose to have it emailed to you. Create a Permanent Password and Login ID V O LU M E 7 , I SS U E 2 PAGE 2 VA Medical Centers Inpatient and Outpatient Care is Available at the Following Hospitals Wade Park Center 10701 East Boulevard— Cleveland, OH 44106 Phone: (216) 791-3800—Fax: (216) 421-3217 For appointments or medication: (800) 379-8387 Parma Community Based Clinic 8787 Brookpark Rd.—Parma, OH 44134 Phone: (216) 739-7000 Akron Community Based Clinic 55 W. Waterloo—Akron, OH 44319-1116 Phone: (330) 724-7715 EMERGENCY ROOM CARE IS AVAILABLE AT WADE PARK 24 HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. If you have an emergency you may want to consider going to the local hospital Our office can provide transportation for veterans to the following VA Healthcare facilities Wade Park Hospital Monday through Friday Parma CBOC Monday through Friday Akron CBOC Monday through Thursday We ask that you make your appointments between the hours of 9:00 am and 12 noon. Our vans go to the Akron Clinic, Monday through Thursday and you should ask for an appointment between the hours of 9:00 am and 12 noon. (Tell them you are a van rider). Continued from Front Cover needed goal. Let’s give injured veterans and their families a place to heal. Help us reach our goal. The Greater Cleveland Fisher House… put a face on it. Put a family in it! So come on out to the IX Center, March 20th through the 22nd to see some fast cars and military displays as well as show support for our current military and their families. This year the I-X Piston Powered Auto-Rama, will, boast over one million square feet of pistonpowered vehicles including hot rods, customs, trucks, motorcycles, tractors, antique construction equipment, military vehicles, and even airplanes. Last year’s show the new, bigger and better event received an overwhelming response from local enthusiasts, and the net result was a recordbreaking attendance count of more than 35,000 spectators'. This year’s event will have many more military vehicles as well as civilian hot rods, something for everyone. There will be booths set up there by many Veterans Organizations to include the Medina, Cuyahoga and Summit County’s Veterans Service Offices will be on sight to talk about your benefits. The Disabled American Veterans Chapter #72 from Medina County will also have its 1953 Korean War Army vehicle on display. Medina VFW #5137 is again one of the main sponsors of the event. Jack Forster encourages everyone to come out and enjoy some great camaraderie with family and friends. There is truly something for everyone at this event, no matter your age. See page 10, for this years prices and military discounts. Last year the leadership of the InternaƟonal ExposiƟon Center (I-X Center) really “revved it up” at recent the Piston Powered Auto-Rama Show with the presentaƟon of a $50,000 check to The Greater Cleveland Fisher House (GCFH) campaign. The show not only featured some 1,000 custom cars and hot rods, but it also featured a large military vehicle display which honored area veterans and service members. M ED IN A C O UN TY V ETERA N S ’ N EWSLETT ER PAGE 3 A Message From the County Veterans’ Well fall has come and gone and so has another joyous Holiday Season. I can’t believe we’re in 2015 already. I want to thank everyone for making the 2nd Annual Medina County Veterans Ball a huge success this year. My hat goes off to Dave Taylor and the Coalition for all the hard work and effort they have put into what has become a wonderful evening of camaraderie and fun. It was great to see so many Veterans say “hey I haven't seen you in years.” to old acquaintances. That’s really what the event is all about. Congratulations to Mr. Jerry Lemons who was selected as our very first Medina County Veteran of the year for 2014. Jerry along with Mr. Lou DeLoss were also among the 20 Ohioans who were inducted into the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame Class of 2014. The Christmas Season has come and gone and again the generosity of our entire community as well as the Veterans Organizations throughout the County never ceases to amaze me. Even with a recovering economy we still have several Veterans and Families in need and the donations we received to assist those in need were overwhelming. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Our “Tank the Truck” also received overwhelming amount of donation this year as we handed out more than 600 bottles of laundry detergent and toiletries to the needy with- in Medina County. A big thanks to the DAV Chapter #72 for sponsoring it again this year and all the organizations who donated. There have been several changes in the past few months within the VA and one of the big ones is the Veterans Choice Card. Although it is a great idea, I have to warn you . Make sure you get prior approval from the VA Medical center prior to using it, or you may be responsible for the bill you incur. Don’t forget the Homestead Exemption Program can save you tax dollars. There are changes to this program for the new year. One of the biggest changes is that if you have 100% service connected disability rating from the VA you may be eligible. . You must apply before the first Monday in June. Go to www.medinacountyauditor.org and click on “FORMS”. Or call Judy Rogers at the Auditor’s Office if you have questions, 330.725.9754. With winter in full swing please stay safe and we’ll see you in the spring. Veterans Service Officer Medina County, Ohio V O LU M E 7 , I SS U E 2 PAGE 4 IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS! CONTACT THEM: 901 Lafayette Rd. Medina, OH 44258 330.421.4816 FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTIONS will be held at the Community Center at the Medina County Fairgrounds, on the Third Thursday of each month. Feb 19 Mar 19 Apr 16 Any household or individual under the 200% of Federal Poverty Guideline is eligible! Anyone receiving benefits from Job and Family Services is under 200% of poverty. Food will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. Please bring your own bags My Trip to Medina, Ohio By: Ron Goben During our VSRA trip to Medina, Ohio we meet an outstanding man with a marvelous outlook on life. A man that I am honored to have met. A man that knows no strangers. While there are many surprising items, vehicles, equipment, parts, memorabilia and such within the several buildings he has, the real treasure is the man! Introduced to me as Carl Bilski it was soon explained that he is best known as "the Sandman". From his business to his hobby of truck pulling and wheel standing vehicles he is widely known - and loved! I found Mr. Bilski to be a humble, pure and gracious person. He was more than happy to show us around his compound and show his talents. And they are many! And while every turn found amazing sights and accomplishments, he continually mentioned other folks that had something to do with his projects. His mind always searching, exploring new ideas, or creating something from nothing, he still finds the time to be a genuine person. Though some may call him a 'character', I choose to call him real. His compassion for life and sharing beams from every sentence and action. He also has an unwavering commitment to our veterans and service personnel. In fact, every truck, car and display proudly displayed the 'In Honor of Our Veterans' logo. He even has a special area in his shop that has been set aside to only house items honoring some of our nation's finest! A true patriot as well as a veteran himself, he has not and will not ever forget! I was/am amazed and surprised. While everything I saw was fantastic and well surprising, it was and is the man that I find most amazing. A man with a warm heart and a great mind. He can and has engineered some very neat mechanical units. Including some young minds he has mentored. His unselfish sharing of his knowledge and wealth has definitely had a positive effect on many lives. His smile and soft voice was always assuring. His influence always present, though subdued. His enthusiasm for life is contagious and inspiring. His abilities never ending. He is the kind of man I aspire to be but fall way short. Though he is burdened with some health and medical issues in this portion of his life, he is not letting advancing age keep him from his love of mechanical and human involvement. A great surprise was the immediate friendship struck between him and I. A friendship that I am very honored to have made and will treasure forever. Though it should be of no surprise as he has never met a stranger. I am reassured that there is hope for our hobby, this country and the future as long as there are men like Mr. Bilski in it! M ED IN A C O UN TY V ETERA N S ’ N EWSLETT ER Just a little reminder to make the rest of your year go a little easier... February 14th is Valentines Day. PAGE 5 GOT FREEDOM? I wouldn't forget that if I were you! THANK A VET! Appointments will be available on Tuesdays at the Professional Building on 120 W. Washington St, Room 3‐C on the third floor. To schedule an appointment call (440) 845‐5023. V O LU M E 7 , I SS U E 2 PAGE 6 “PARADE REST” SENIOR SECTION Veterans and Their Benefits Edward Zackery Reprinted from January 2015 “Helping Hands” VA’s New “Choice Card” The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have one of the most noble and inspiring missions in Government. It is a privilege for them to serve our nations hero’s. The Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA), enacted less than 3-months ago, goes a long way toward enabling VA to meet the demand for Veterans health care in the shortterm. VA has put considerable focus and attention on ensuring the law is implemented seamlessly, without confusion, and without creating hardships for Veterans. This legislation provides authorities, funding, and other tools to better serve Veterans in the short-term. This should be a temporary measure to improve access while they a build capacity within the VA system to better serve those who rely on us for health care. From June 1 to September 30, 2014, VA completed more than 19 million Veteran appointments in their facilities and made nearly 1.1 million authorizations for Veterans to receive care in the private sector and other non-VA health facilities—a 46.6-percent increase over the same period in 2013. This was all done under existing programs prior to the passage of VACAA, and sets the stage for strengthening existing partnerships between VA and the private sector. The VA has much they can share with the private sector to benefit of Veterans. The VA has signed contracts with two private health care companies to help VA administer the Veterans Choice Program (Choice Program) under VACAA. Recipients will have to register as program participants through one of the health care contractors, who will issue a referral for care within five days. The Choice Program is a new, temporary benefit allowing some Veterans to receive health care in their communities rather than waiting for a VA appointment or traveling to a VA facility. It does not affect your existing VA health care or any other VA benefit you may be receiving. They have begun implementing this benefit on November 5, 2014 as required by law. A call center is now operational to answer your questions and verify your eligibility for this program. Veterans can check their eligibility for the program by calling 1-866606-8198 or visiting http://www.va.gov/opa/choicea ct . As part of this new program, the VA is issuing a Veterans Choice Card to every Veteran who is potentially eligible for the new, temporary health benefit. The Choice Card allows Veterans to elect to receive care outside of VA when they qualify for the new program based on the distance of their residence from a VA care facility, or when wait times for VA health care exceed the standards established in law. The Choice Card does not replace the identification card you already use to access other VA benefits; please do not throw away that identification card. The Choice Card will be issued in three phases. The first group of Choice Cards along with a letter explaining eligibility for this program is currently being sent to Veterans who may live more than 40 miles from a VA facility. Continued on Page 9 This program is designed to educate disabled veterans and their families on specific veterans' benefits and services. This outreach program generates considerable claims work on behalf of veterans and their families. NSOs, often aided by Department and Chapter Service Officers, travel to communities across the country to counsel and assist veterans with development of evidence, completion of required applications and prosecution of claims for veterans benefits administered under federal, state and local laws. M ED IN A C O UN TY V ETERA N S ’ N EWSLETT ER PAGE 7 VA Implements National Hypoglycemic Safety Initiative Empowering Veterans to Personalize their Diabetes Care As part of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) ongoing effort to improve Veterans’ access to healthcare, VA is announcing the launch of a national Hypoglycemic Safety Initiative (HSI) to encourage diabetic Veterans receiving VA care to seek support to lower the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). The new initiative will enable Veterans living with diabetes to work more closely with their VA clinicians to personalize health care goals and improve self-management of the disease. “The Hypoglycemic Safety Initiative is designed to enable Veterans and their families, partners and caregivers to create a personal plan for blood sugar management based upon the Veteran’s unique health goals,” said Dr. Carolyn Clancy, Interim Under Secretary for Health. “Our objective is to change how diabetes is managed in VA and the United States, and to help patients improve their personal well-being, not just manage their numbers.” Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases among older Americans, with one in four Veterans suffering from the disease. Recent clinical studies indicate that when diet, exercise and stress reduction are not successful, the benefits of achieving intensive blood sugar control with medication are less effective. This is especially true for hypoglycemic agents (pills or insulin) used for those patients who have had diabetes for many years and those who have additional serious health conditions. HSI’s key elements emphasize shared decision-making and universal health literacy to ensure Veterans understand the health information provided by their VA health care team. This includes the “teach back method” where Veterans and their caregivers are asked questions to be certain they understand and can act on key elements of self-management, including diet, exercise, glucose monitoring, managing medications, and insulin injections. The focus of the HSI is to help raise awareness among patients who may be at risk. “Hypoglycemia has only recently been prioritized as a national public health issue, but Federal agencies are taking a leadership role in addressing the problem. We are proud to note the collaboration of VA with Department of Health and Human Services in aggressively addressing this problem,” Dr. Clancy added. For more information about VA health care, please visit http://www.va.gov/health/. PAGE 8 County benefits throughout Ohio are benefits provided by the county in which you reside. They are provided by the County and are specific to those Veterans living within it. They are not the same from county to county. V O LU M E 7 , I SS U E 2 State benefits are provided by the State of Ohio and are available to ail Veterans that are state residents. Federal benefits come from the Federal Government and apply equally to all Veterans across the country. Our office is trained to assist you in applying for and pursuing any benefit from Medina County, the State of Ohio or the Federal Government. Y o u r B e n e f i t s TRANSPORTAION Veterans Bonus Program - Bonus Facts BURIAL Our office can provide transportation for veterans to the following VA Healthcare facilities: VAMC - Wade Park Hospital; Cleveland, Ohio - Monday through Friday VAMC - Parma CBOC - Monday through Friday VAMC - Akron CBOC - Monday through Thursday Our regularly scheduled runs go to Wade Park and Parma Monday through Friday. We ask that you make your appointments between the hours of 9:00 am and 12 noon. Our vans go to the Akron Clinic, Monday through Thursday and you should ask for an appointment between the hours of 9:00 am and 12 noon. (Tell them you are a van rider). The vans leave promptly from our office at 8:00 am. If you need transportation to our office call the Medina County Public Transit at 330.723.9670 to schedule a ride to our office. We will pay your fair to and from our office. In some cases, you will not be able to schedule your appointments to coincide with our regular schedule. In those cases, we will attempt to accommodate you, but we cannot guarantee that transportation will be available in every case. There is no charge for this service. However, by using the van service, you are not eligible to receive travel pay from the VA. Eligible Veterans are encouraged to begin the process by completing the online bonus application. Veterans will see that most of their questions probably are answered in the short application process. They will quickly learn what information is required and what documentation is needed to support their bonus application. Applications are available at www.veteransbonus.ohio.gov, or at any of Ohio’s 88 County Veterans Services Offices. Or call 1 - 877 - OHIO VET to receive a handwritten application. In most cases, applying on-line is the simplest and fastest option. Reimbursement of Burial Expenses – A burial allowance may be paid to help offset expenses of the Veteran’s funeral and burial. The allowance is payable for Veterans who: died of a service-connected disability, or were in receipt of compensation of pension, or retired pay in lieu thereof, or died in a VA facility. Plot Allowance – If not buried in a national cemetery, a plot allowance may be payable for Veterans who: were discharged for disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, or were in receipt of compensation or pension, or retired pay in lieu thereof, or died in a VA facility. National Cemetery – Most Veterans, their spouses, and dependent children are eligible for burial in one of VA’s National Cemeteries at no cost to the family. Many states have Veterans cemeteries, built with VA grants,with similar benefits. Headstone or Marker – VA provides a headstone or marker for Veterans buried in any cemetery worldwide. Flag – An American flag is provided to drape the casket or accompany the urn of an eligible Veteran. The flag is presented to the Veteran’s next of kin upon burial. Presidential Memorial Certificates – Family and other loved ones may request these personalized certificates. 1 To apply for the bonus Veterans go to www.veteransbonus.ohio.gov and complete the online application form. Please note an application is not complete until it is printed, signed and mailed along with required supporting documentation through the U.S. Postal Service. The signed application must be signed in the presence of a Notary Public "notarized" or witnessed by an Ohio Clerk of Courts "acknowledged" and mailed to: Ohio Veterans Bonus P.O. Box 373Sandusky, OH 44871 If this is the first time you have received this newsletter and would like to continue receiving it call or email us so that we keep you on our mailing list. You can always go to our website and sign up for the Eedition in full color with interactive web links. M ED IN A C O UN TY V ETERA N S ’ N EWSLETT ER PAGE 9 Message: Brunswick American Legion is changing their mee ng loca on and me. See details below. Please update our newsle er. New Mee ng Details: Post: Brunswick America Legion Post #234 Loca on: FOP Lodge 716 West 130th St Brunswick, OH 44212 Date: 1st Thursday of each month Time: 2:00 PM The second group of Choice Cards and letters will be sent shortly thereafter to those Veterans who are currently waiting for an appointment longer than 30days from their preferred date or the date determined to be medically necessary by their physician. The third and final group of Choice Cards and letters will be sent between December 2014 and January 2015 to the remainder of all Veterans enrolled for VA health care who may be eligible for the Choice Program in the future. The VA is continuing to work with their partners—Congress, Veterans Service Organizations, and others—to get the information about this health program Continued from Senior Section Page 6 out to Veterans in as many ways as possible. Please visit our Web site at www.va.gov/opa/choiceact where they have provided helpful information on Choice Program eligibility. The VA continues to work with its stakeholder to keep veterans informed as they improve the delivery of high-quality, timely care. One thing to remember is the VA provides some of the best health care in the world to our veterans. It is the largest provider of health care in the world, that is not to say there are not problems. Addressing these problems and ensuring our veterans get the service they deserve is what is important. The private sector in no way could ever replace the VA Health Care System nor should we want it to. If you have questions about the VA “Choice Card” please feel free to contact our office. If you have, any questions about veteran’s benefits contact the Medina County Veterans’ Service Office at 330-722-9368 or email us at veterans@medinacountyveterans.org or catch us on the web at http://www.medinacountyveterans serviceoffice.org/ PAGE 10 V O LU M E 7 , I SS U E 2 News from the: Medina County Veterans Coalition The Joint Veterans Coalition of Medina County will begin its 2015 bimonthly meetings on Saturday, February 21 at the Medina County Veterans Memorial Hall on 620 North Broadway in Me- dina. The meeting will be from 11AM to 1PM and is sponsored by American legion Post 234. Medina County Veterans organizations meet to share experiences and best practices so we all grow stronger as organizations. All county Veterans are invited to attend. Set your calendars now for the third annual Medina County All-Veterans Banquet on October 3 at Williams on the Lake. For more information contact Dave Taylor at 330-321-3370. Fundraising to modernize the Medina County Veterans Hall continues into 2015. In 2014 $290,000 was raised. The goal is to modernize the Hall so more Veterans organizations can use it and we can expand the activi- ties at the Hall. We will continue fundraising until the summer of 2015. If you can make a taxfree donation please consider doing so or if you know a business owner who can make a generous donation please let us know. For more information contact: David Taylor (330-3213370) or dave.taylor@zoominternet.net or www.medinavethall.com. Rod and Piston Show: MILITARY DISCOUNT WITH VALID MILITARY ID: Limit 6 tickets: At I-X Center Box Office only. General Admission at Show $13 Kids 7-12 at Show $5 Kids 6 and Under FREE Eligible member or spouse (but not both) may purchase up to 6 tickets, provided one is used by the purchasing member/spouse. Tickets are available to active and retired U.S. military personnel (including active and retired members of the United States Coast Guard, National Guard and Reservists) or their spouses. Must show Current, Retired or Dependent Military ID to receive discount. Veterans must show DD214. ALL PRICES SUBJECT TTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. M ED IN A C O UN TY V ETERA N S ’ N EWSLETT ER PAGE 11 Medina County Veterans Organizations Meeting Times and Places Organization Post # Address American Legion Post #234 FOP 716 West 130th St American Legion Post #523 120 Bank Street, Lodi American Legion American Legion American Legion AMVETS Blue Star Mothers of Medina County Disabled American Veterans Forty et Eight Korean War Veterans Association MARINE Corps League Medina County Veterans Coalition Post #202 Post #608 Post #170 Post #1990 Rolling Thunder Veterans of Foreign Wars Veterans of Foreign Wars Veterans of Foreign Wars Veterans of Foreign Wars Veterans of Foreign Wars Veterans of Foreign Wars Vietnam Veterans of America Meeting Times 620 N. Broadway St. North Main St 129 Main Street 620 N. Broadway Street 2:00 PM - First Thursday of each month 7:00 PM - Second Thursdays of each Lodi, OH month Medina, OH 7:15 PM - Fourth Monday of each month Spencer, OH 8:00 PM - First Monday of each month Wadsworth, OH 7:00 PM - Second Monday of each month Medina, OH 7:30 PM - Third Wednesday of each month 1439 S. Carpenter Road Brunswick, OH 6:30 PM - Third Tuesday of each month Medina, OH Valley City, OH Rocky River, OH Medina, OH 7:00 PM - Second Tuesday of each month 9:00 AM - Second Saturday of each month 1:00 PM - Fourth Tuesday of each month 7:00 PM - Third Tuesday of each month Medina, OH 44258 mcwomilitary@yahoo.com Medina, OH Brunswick, OH 2-4:00 PM - Second Sunday of each month 7:00 PM - Second Monday of each month Spencer, OH, 8:00 PM - Second Tuesday of each month Medina, OH Seville, OH Valley City, OH Wadsworth, OH 7:00 PM - First Tuesday of each month 8:30 PM - Third Thursday of each month 7:00 PM - Second Monday of each month 8:00 PM - First Tuesday of each month 7:00 PM - First Wednesday of each month (no meeting in July) Chapter #72 620 N. Broadway Street Voiture #601 Coppertop 5740 Center Chapter #69 590 N. Rocky River Dr. DET #569 3916 Pearl Rd Medina County Women of the Military City, State PO Box 1812, Chapter #8 3916 Pearl Rd. Post #9520 1439 S. Carpenter Road 6299 Avon Lake Rd., Post #6892 Chatham Twp. Post #5137 3916 Pearl Rd Post #8753 39 F Main St. Post #5563 6731 Center Rd. Post #1089 121 Main Street Chapter 620 N. Broadway #385 Brunswick, OH Medina, Ohio *** If the information above is not correct please contact our office so that we may update it. Dates to Remember FEBUARY MARCH Feb 14—Valentines Day Feb 12—Veterans Service Commission Meeting Mar 8—Daylight Savings Time Begins Mar 12—Veterans Service Commission Meeting Mar 17—St. Patty’s Day Mar 20-21—Rod Piston Show, IX Center Feb 16—Presidents Day Feb 17—FAT TUESDAY Feb 18—Ash Wednesday Feb 23—Flag Raised on Iwo Jima APRIL Apr 5—Easter Sunday Apr 6—Persian Gulf War Ends Apr 9—Veterans Service Commission Meeting Apr 10—Opening Day Cleveland Indians Apr 15—Tax Day Veterans Service Office Closed on: Veterans Service Office Closed on: Feb 16—Presidents Day Apr 3—Good Friday Would you like to receive a replacement set of your medals and decorations, or awards you may have earned but never received? Contact our office for information on how to receive the awards you earned. Medina County Veterans’ Service Office Out-Reach Program - Wadsworth The Medina County Veterans’ Service Office provides an outreach center in Wadsworth the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, at the Center for Older Adults in Wadsworth Become a Member Today! Medina County Veterans’ Newsletter Medina County Veterans’ Service Office Our Mission 2. Our Pledge This newsletter is provided as a courtesy only. The Medina County Veterans’ Commission does not endorse the content of these newsletters or of other organizations' policies or products. The information provided here is for your personal use only and is in some cases reprinted for the sole purpose of the Veterans’ of Medina County. When you come into the County Veterans Service Office you will be assisted by one of our knowledgeable associates. The people that work in the Medina County Veterans Service Office have a compassionate understanding of the problems which confront veterans, widows, widowers, and their families. We provide two basic services: 1. Temporary emergency financial aid and assistance to eligible veterans and family mem- bers who have demonstrated a need as set fourth by the commission. 2. Assist veterans, family members and survivors when applying to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for benefits. Our assistance includes but is not limited to: Financial Assistance: a. Rent and mortgage payments b. Utilities: Gas, Electric and Water c. Food and personal Hygiene items d. Medical e. f. Transportation to and from VA Medical Centers in Cleveland, Parma and Akron, Ohio Grave markers and flags Service Assistance: a. Preparations of forms and paperwork b. Documentation of claims and pertinent data c. Proper submission of claims to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs thru a service organization d. Submission for awards decorations and medals e. Notary Public & DD 214 Certification Our services are FREE of charge! Contact the Medina County Veterans’ Service Office 210 Northland Dr. - Medina, Ohio 44256 Call: 330.722.9368 FAX: 330.722.9378 E-mail: veterans@medinacountyveterans.org Office Hours: Monday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday 8:00 AM 4:00 PM - Tuesday 10:00 - 4:00 (Closed Noon – 1:00 PM for Lunch) Medina County Veterans’ Service Office 210 Northland Dr. Medina, Ohio 44256 Your Address Could Be Here! Your Newest Edition of The Medina County Veterans’ Newsletter Would you rather receive this in you email in-box? Go to our website at: medinacountyveterans.org and register today!
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