Discover • Connect • Take Action Program & Event Guide Spring 2015 Plus, earn this cool patch! Join the fun and celebrate with friends! Feb. 27-Mar. 1, 2015 Find your Girl Scout Cookies at Wanda Jackson President and Chief Volunteer Officer Donna Ceravolo Executive Director/CEO Deborah Goldsmith Chief Operating Officer Joyce Wagner Chief Mission Delivery Officer Donna Rivera-Downey Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Jan R. Figueira MVP Director, Program Visual Concept Design by Judith Etienne Graphic Design and Production Coordinator Designed by PEREGRINE DESIGN Council Service Center and Shop Hours 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530 Tel 516.741.2550 Fax 516.741.2207 Regular Hours (September–June) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am–5:00pm Thursday 9:00am–8:00pm Saturday 10:00am–1:00pm Summer Hours (July and August) Monday–Friday 9:00am–5:00pm Holiday Closings: Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Friday, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Inventory and End of Year Holiday Follow Us on Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Inc., Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Agency, is a member of Long Island’s United Way, Five Towns Community Chest, United Community Fund of Great Neck and North New Hyde Park, Manhasset Community Fund, and The Community Chest of Port Washington. Girl Scouts of Nassau County turns today’s girls into tomorrow’s leaders… and it’s FUN, too! The Girl Scout Mission Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. The Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times And to live by the Girl Scout Law. The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to, respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. Girl Scout Misión Girl Scouts ayuda a las niñas a desarrollar el valor, la confianza en sí mismas y los principios para hacer del mundo un mejor lugar. La Promesa de Girl Scouts Por mi honor, yo trataré: De servir a Dios y a mi patria, ayudar a las personas en todo momento, y vivir conforme a la Ley de Girl Scouts. La Ley de Girl Scouts Yo me esforzaré por: Ser honrada y justa cordial y servicial, considerada y compasiva, valiente y fuerte, y responsable de lo que digo y hago, y por respetarme a mí misma y a los demás respetar la autoridad usar los recursos de manera prudente, hacer del mundo un lugar mejor, y ser hermana de cada una de las Girl Scouts. How to Use This Guide Placement Request Information In an effort to make it easier to find programs specifically tailored for your girls, programs are listed by program age level, then alphabetically. Who Can Participate in an Event or Program? 1 When you meet with your Troop, use Possibilities as a tool to help plan your year. 2 Find programs that match a Girl’s age level and indicate what activities are of interest to her. 3 Registered Girl Scouts can attend events with their Troop, or on their own, unless indicated otherwise. 4 5 Your Troop should develop a budget, incorporating dues, family partnership rebates, and goals for rebates earned in the Mags&Munchies and Cookie Programs. Please read the complete event description and registration instructions carefully at, as not all events are registered though GSNC e-Council. What Do These Icons Mean? You will find these symbols throughout the program guide to determine the Girl Scout grade levels and who can participate in a program. Daisy Grades K-1 Brownie Grades 2-3 Junior Grades 4-5 Cadette Grades 6-8 4 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Senior Grades 9-10 Ambassador Grades 11-12 Volunteer All/Adult Program opportunities in Possibilities are offered for registered Girl Scouts in Nassau County. All registered Girl Scouts can participate in level appropriate events and programs listed in this guide either as an individual, or as a member of a Troop. Registered Girl Scouts can attend any events with a nonregistered participant. Non-registered participants would need to include the $30 Girl Scout membership fee along with the program registration fee. Girl Scouts from other Councils may attend GSNC events for an additional $5 fee per girl (space permitting). Placement in programs/events/trainings is on a first-come, first-served basis. Individual Girls It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure proper adult supervision to all programs. GSNC will provide proper supervision for all GSNC run programs. Troops A Troop attends with chaperoning adults meeting ratio and Safety Activity Checkpoints. At drop off events, GSNC will provide appropriate supervision. A permission form will be needed for each girl. Tag-Alongs See individual program listings to determine if Tag-Alongs are permitted and if there is a Tag-Along fee associated with the program. How to Request Placement for GSNC Programs You are NOT “registered” until you receive a confirmation letter. Credit cards will NOT be charged unless placed in program. Online Visit, click on “Programs & Events” link located on the navigation bar. Click on “Register for Girl Scout Programs” and follow the instructions. By Mail Download Registration form at and mail with payment to: Attn: Program Placement Request Girl Scouts of Nassau County 110 Ring Road West Garden City, NY 11530 OR: Bring the completed form with payment to the GSNC Service Center. Please Note: We DO NOT accept Placement Requests by telephone. Payment Payment must be made at the time of registration. Fees may be paid with the following types of payment: Cash (With paper registrations turned in to Service Center only) Checks or Troop Checks (Payable to Girl Scouts of Nassau County) Credit Cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover) Cookie Credits (see below) Cookie Credits Earned by individual girls who sell 300 or more boxes of Cookies. Cookie Credits can be used for all GSNC Council activities listed in this book. To Redeem Cookie Credit Gift Cards Individuals may fill out the requested information on the Individual Girl Scout Program Registration Form. Or you may attach the Cookie Credit Redemption Form downloadable at with your program registration. If placement in a program does not occur your payment will be returned. Refunds Once placed, placement request fees are not refundable unless Girl Scouts of Nassau County cancels the program. Refunds are not available for no-shows, late arrivals or early departures. Unless specifically stated in the listing, patches or badges are not provided at the event/program. Confirmation Email/Letter Once you are placed in the event, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail or regular mail within 7 business days. Please wait for your confirmation to arrive before calling with questions. How to Register for Non-Council Programs Contact the person listed in the advertisement in order to arrange your program. Payment, refund, and registration procedures may differ for different providers. It is the Troop Leader’s responsibility to be aware of these policies. Please have an idea of the dates/times you prefer and of the number of girls/adults in your group when you call. Programs Financial Literacy By planning and participating in money-earning projects, girls build real-world skills that benefit their Troop, councils, communities, and most importantly, themselves Healthy Living SOCIAL The Healthy Living Initiatives bring a unique perspective to keeping girls healthy as girls define health in their own terms, placing as much emphasis on emotional and social well-being as physical health, nutrition and physical fitness. In addition to healthy eating and physical fitness, the Healthy Living Initiatives focus on increasing girls’ self-esteem and developing healthy relationships. These programs provide girls with the courage, confidence, and character to not only make the world a better place, but their own lives more healthful and balanced. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Girl Scouts introduces girls of every age to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) experiences relevant to everyday life. Whether they are discovering how a car’s engine runs, how to manage finances, building and programming robots or exploring careers in STEM fields, girls are fastforwarding into the future. SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 5 Table of Contents Programs (By GS Grade Levels) 6 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Page GSNC - GS Gardeners 8 Bailey Arboretum 27 Clark Botanic Garden 30 In Your Heart Lives a Rainbow 31 Long Island Children’s Museum 35 Mad Science of Long Island 25 Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site and Interpretive Center 37 GSNC - CAMP: Camp Blue Bay Spring Fling Weekend 18 GSNC - Invention Convetion 10 GSNC - Science in Action 10 GSNC - STEM Badges at Microsoft Store 10 GSNC - Theatri-Gals InterACT 11 Fantastic Tours & Travel 40 Femcho* 26 Oh My Girls! 34 Scrubz Body Scrub 24 GSNC - A Day in the Life of a News 12 Reporter and Camera Person 11 GSNC - Entrepreneurial Envoys 11 GSNC - CPR, AED, and First Aid Training for Girl Scouts ONLY 11 GSNC - CAMP: Camp Aide Training 18 GSNC - CAMP: Camp Blue Bay Work & Fun Weekend 18 GSNC - Designer Division, Stylish Subtraction, Fashionable Fractions 11 GSNC - GS Destinations 12 GSNC - Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day 11 GSNC - Survival Challenge 12 GSNC - Take Action for the Silver Award 12 Girlz Talk 29 GSNC - AWSM 13 GSNC - Save the Date – NSLIJ Career Exploration Opportunity 15 GSNC - Run an Activity Table at Girls Go the Distance Walkathon and Activity Fair 14 Programs (By GS Grade Levels) Page GSNC - Take Action for the Gold Award 14 GSNC - Under Gardeners Program 9 GSNC - CAMP: Counselor-in-Training (CIT) 18 GSNC - Build a Better Booth Sale (Cookies) 15 GSNC - Take Action for the Bronze Award (Leaders) 12 Adult GSNC - CAMP: Leaders Troop Camping 18 Adult GSNC - CAMP: Outdoor Training 20 GSNC - Girls Go the Distance Walkathon and Activity Fair 16 GSNC - CAMP: Summer Camp 2015 19 GSNC - CAMP: Summer Camp Open House & Information Nights 19 GSNC - Volunteer Resource Center (VRC) 17 Always Gracious - The Academy of Etiquette & Charm 33 Active Kidz 28 Busto’s Martial Arts 22 Chocolate Works 30 Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium 23 Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s 39 Freeport Water Taxi & Tours 24 Gingerbread & Giggles 26 I.FLY Trapeze 33 The Lanyard Ladies 38 The Long Island Parrot Society 38 Love Your Heart 34 Madame Tussauds New York 25 Maple Family Centers 28 The Mets 21 Old Westbury Gardens 32 Plaza Theatrical Productions, Inc. - Shows 36 Plaza Theatrical Productions, Inc. - Workshops 37 Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square 22 SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 7 GIRL SCOUTS OF NASSAU COUNTY PROGRAMS (Refer to page 4 & 5 for placement request instructions.) GS Gardeners Are your girls interested in learning how their food grows? Join us at The Farm at Oyster Bay for the sixth year of doing just that. Girls and adults learn to sow seeds, weed, do pest control, harvest, and collect seeds for the next year’s crop in this organically run garden. In the Girl Scout tradition of community service, all produce grown will be donated to a Food Pantry. This is a commitment for both the girls and Leaders to see the growing season from seed to harvest. The program starts in March with the Planning Meeting and ends in September at The Harvest Celebration. There are other special days planned for all GS Troops to meet each other and have some fun! You are expected to attend a minimum of 2 of these specially planned events. For the Growing Season: Each GS Troop picks 3 weeks to tend the garden, starting in June through September, so the girls see all aspects of the growing season. Girl Scouts’ days at The Farm are Tuesday, Thursdays, & Saturdays and you only have to come 2 times during your scheduled week. Leader(s) or supervising adult(s) and 2 girl representatives from the Troop MUST attend the Planning Meeting. The girls will bring back information to the Troop. At this meeting, days & times will be picked, rules will be made and you will be introduced to the garden manager, Amanda Roberts from The Farm at Oyster Bay. The two most important aspects of this wonderful program are communication and commitment; both are needed for a successful garden. Troops,individual Girl Scouts and interested adults March-September 2015 The Farm at Oyster Bay 510 Split Rock Rd., Syosset, NY 11791 Planning Meeting: Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:30pm-6:00pm Special Events: Arbor Day: Saturday, April 25, 2015 Dig It Day: Saturday, May 16, 2015 Weed-a-thons: Saturday, July 11 and August 22, 2015 Harvest Celebration: Saturday, September 19, 2015 All Saturday events: 10:00am-12:00noon $8 per registered Girl Scout, Leaders free, No Tag-Alongs or pets (Includes GS Gardeners Patch and rocker) Be prepared to make the commitment and get dirty! Old clothes and closed toe shoes are a must. Program Links: It’s Your Planet-Love It! Journeys - All GS Levels Patte Conway, or 516.741.2550 ext. 219 8 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Under Gardeners Program As an extension of the GS Gardeners, The Farm at Oyster Bay has offered an opportunity for GS Seniors & Ambassadors to earn their Community Service Award, as an Under Gardener. Each Girl Scout commits to 20 hours at The Farm where they learn all about gardening, assist when younger GS and other youth groups attend, and take the lead on planning and running special events. Each girl MUST attend the Under Gardeners training meeting and then sign up for dates via the “Under Gardeners’ Shutterfly” website. Girls will be invited to Shutterfly when they attend the training meeting. This program gives the girls the responsibility of communicating directly with the garden manager, Amanda Roberts, at The Farm. Nice bonus: if you are working on the Sow What Journey, this is a great opportunity to see how your food goes from seed to table. Troops or Individual Girl Scouts Commit to the Growing Season: March - September 2015 The Farm at Oyster Bay 510 Split Rock Rd., Syosset, NY 11791 Under Gardeners Training Meeting: Thursday, March 5, 2015 4:30pm-5:30pm Planning Meeting: Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:30pm-6:00pm Special Events: Arbor Day: Saturday, April 25, 2015 Dig It Day: Saturday, May 16, 2015 Weed-a-thons: Saturday, July 11 and August 22, 2015 Harvest Celebration: Saturday, September 19, 2015 All Saturday events: 10:00am-12:00noon $12 per registered Girl Scout (Includes GS Gardeners Patch, UG rocker and t-shirt) Leaders Free No Tag-Alongs Patte Conway, or 516.741.2550 ext. 219 SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 9 Invention Convention Friday, February 27, 2015 6:00pm–8:30pm Cradle of Aviation, 1 Davis Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530 $20 per registered Girl Scout (Includes Invention Convention Patch) Leaders Free No Tag-Alongs From the light bulb to the iPad, inventors are always coming up with great ways to solve problems. GSNC’s third annual Invention Convention will put your ideas to the test. Rotating through different stations, your problem solving skills will be used in new hands-on, interactive activities. Lisa Bordonaro-Lubrano, or 516.741.2550 ext. 253 computer, and add in title slides and rolling credits. Cadettes will end their session by premiering their mini movie on the big screen. Seniors and Ambassadors: Website Designer Seniors and Ambassadors will learn the ins and outs of being a website designer, focusing on copy, content, and layout. Girls will use a template or start from scratch to create their own blogs, vlogs, and photo boards to showcase their time as Girl Scouts. Keep an eye on Program Spotlight at for more of these programs happening in Spring 2015. Skill badges sold separately. Each session starts with a store tour and ends with the girls having a technologically inspired dance party! Thirty minute parent session included. Kimberly Genesi, or 516.741.2550 ext. 255 Science in Action Friday, March 20, 2015 Snow Date: Friday, April 17, 2015 Choose one session: 5:00pm-6:00pm or 6:00pm-7:00pm Hofstra University Berliner Hall, Room TBD, at the corner of California Avenue and Huntington Place $5 per registered Girl Scout (Includes National Chemistry Week Fun Patch) Enrollment is limited to 20 girls per session At this workshop you’ll do fun, hands-on chemistry experiments. See how cool science can be when you are the Scientist! Patty Donohue-Brown, or 516.741.2550 ext. 273 STEM Badges at Microsoft Store For date and time check Program Spotlight at Microsoft Store at Roosevelt Field Mall, 630 Old Country Road, Garden City, NY 11530 $5 per registered Girl Scout (Includes a Microsoft Fun Patch and certificate of completion) No Tag-Alongs Brownies: Computer Expert Brownies learn to easily navigate a computer using childfriendly software, practice internet safety, and browse the web on a cool scavenger hunt. Brownies will love learning to paint and draw through computer programs, creating their own beautiful keepsakes to take home. Juniors: Digital Photographer Juniors go beyond the world of selfies! They will learn how to take, edit, and share fantastic digital photographs like a professional, practicing those winning smiles for the camera and showing off their fabulous finished projects. Cadettes: Digital Movie Maker Cadettes begin earning this skill badge by brainstorming and storyboarding a short film with their team. The girls will each have a starring role in their movie, shoot and edit it on the 10 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Theatre Program: Theatri-Gals InterACT Friday, March 20, 2015 5:30pm Location TBD Individual Girls and Troops $8 per registered Girl Scout (includes portions of Theatri-Gals show(s), activity guide and patch (patch will be mailed after the program) No Tag-Alongs Are you a drama queen? Dramatic much?! Curious about acting? It’s your turn to step into the spotlight! The Theatri-Gals InterACT Program is an exciting and unique program experience that will include portions of a Theatri-Gals play, a Q&A with some cast members/ Director and participation in hands on drama workshops. Girls will take a part in improvisations, creative drama and role playing and will get the chance to perform for their fellow program participants. Theatri-Gals is a group of Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes who devise an original theater performance based around a theme that they choose together. Currently in its 6th year, the girls are working hard on creating their 2015 performance. The full Theatri-Gals performance will take place in April 2015. Should your Troop wish to purchase tickets to the performance, they are $7 per person. For further information about InterACT and Theatri-Gals please see Program Link: It’s Your Story, Tell It! Journeys Wear comfortable clothing and shoes Melanie Trainor-Gomez, or 516.741.2550 ext. 268 A Day in the Life of a News 12 Reporter and Camera Person Sunday, March 15, 2015 Juniors and Cadettes: 2:30pm-5:00pm Seniors and Ambassadors: 1:30pm-5:15pm Lynbrook Recreation Center 55 Wilbur Street, Lynbrook $10 per registered Girl Scout Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a reporter or camera person? Or how a news story is put together? Meet with a News 12 reporter and camera person and you’ll learn how reporters research stories, how news segments are produced, and what it takes to become a reporter or camera person. Seniors and Ambassadors are invited to arrive early, help work with younger girls, and hear the reporters’ presentation. Program link: aMUSE Journey for Juniors and MEdia Journey for Cadettes aMUSE and MEdia awards will not be earned during this program. Space is limited. To maximize space for girls who want to participate in this program, parents are asked to carpool and bring necessary adult coverage if possible. Girls are encouraged to submit questions for the reporter and camera person prior to the program. Questions can be submitted to Eliza Zipper, or 516.741.2550 ext. 254 Entrepreneurial Envoys Thursday, March 5, 2015 Thursday, June 4, 2015 7:00pm–8:00pm GSNC Service Center 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530 Free for registered Girl Scouts who have had Cookie sales of 300+ boxes (Includes a light snack) No Tag-Alongs Join the Entrepreneurial Envoys and become a member of the exclusive group of Girl Scouts who have excelled in using the *5 Skills* of the Cookie Program. The Entrepreneurial Envoys team up with our Girl Scout Council staff and volunteers to: select the girl rewards for both the Mags&Munchies • Help and Cookie Programs a sneak peek at new products and themes of • Get each program your successes and tips with other Girl Scouts and • Share adult volunteers. Fran McAllister, or 516.741.2550 ext. 249. CPR, AED, and First Aid Training for Girl Scouts ONLY CPR: Thursday, April 16, 2015 First Aid: Thursday, April 22, 2015 5:00pm–8:30pm DeMatteis Center 101 Northern Blvd., Greenvale, NY 11548 $25 per registered Girl Scout (Covers BOTH dates) Space is limited to 40 girls The DeMatteis Center has offered GSNC an opportunity for girls 12 to 18 years old to receive certification in CPR, AED and First Aid. Girl Scouts MUST attend both sessions to be fully certified with the American Heart Association in CPR, AED, and First Aid. Jan Figueira, or 516.741.2550 ext. 217 Designer Division, Stylish Subtraction, Fashionable Fractions Monday, July 27, 2015 to Friday, July 31, 2015 1:30pm–4:00pm GSNC Service Center 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530 $80 per registered Girl Scout entering 7th, 8th or 9th grade (Includes all program materials and expenses) Do you enjoy putting outfits together? Do you like decorating your room? Do you love shopping? Are you thinking about a career that might include these interests? If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then join GSNC this summer for five afternoons exploring the financial literacy and math skills vital to anyone interested in the apparel and home décor industry. Participants will cost, price and produce a holiday décor item, and discuss what it might take to create a company to sell their item. The program is expected to include a visit to a local mall. Program link: Skills learned in this session can be used toward the Entrepreneur Badge (Badge not included). Lucy Effron, or 516.741.2550 ext. 265 Save The Date Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day Thursday, February 26, 2015 The School of Engineering and Computing Science at The New York Institute of Technology invites you to their annual Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day! Join them to celebrate Engineering & Technology innovation through fun activities! Examples: NAO robots, 3D Printing, Coding Stations and drones Check the program section on website for further details. Patty Donohue-Brown, or 516.741.2550 ext. 273 SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 11 Survival Challenge Friday, May 8, 2015 6:00pm–8:30pm Bailey Arboretum 194 Bayville Road, Lattingtown, NY 11560 $18 per registered Girl Scout (Includes Survival Challenge Patch) Leaders Free No Tag-Alongs Your Passport to Travel Girls Explore the World Can you survive outdoors? Survival Challenge will test your old skill and teach new ones. Team will be asked to accomplish a specific tasks in a variety of situations. Stations will be manned by a guide to explain the scenario and work with teams when necessary. With new scenarios this year, your team will have to work together to survive the night. Lisa Bordonaro-Lubrano, or 516.741.2550 ext. 253 Take Action for the Silver Award Choose one session to attend: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 or Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Levittown Hall 201 Levittown Parkway, Hicksville, NY 11801 (Between Beech Lane and Blueberry Lane) Or Thursday, August 20, 2015 GSNC Service Center 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530 7:00pm-8:30pm (all dates) $10 per registered Girl Scout (Includes Take Action Patch and GSNC Tote Bag) $5 per adult No Tag-Alongs If you are planning to earn the Silver Award, this workshop is for you. Learn the award guidelines, participate in activities that show what it means to do a Take Action project, learn how to map your community, and discover how you can make the world a better place. Patte Conway, or 516.741.2550 ext. 219 Take Action for the Bronze Award Girl Scout destinations are travel experiences that range from two days to three weeks for Cadettes and older. You will meet remarkable girls, develop leadership skills, gain confidence, and enjoy valuable learning opportunities to take action. Visit the Girl Scout destinations,, for trip descriptions, applications, and current offerings. (Leaders and interested adults) Choose one session to attend: Thursday, January 29, 2015 Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Parkway, Hicksville, NY 11801 (Between Beech Lane and Blueberry Lane) Or Thursday, May 28, 2015 GSNC Service Center, 110 Ring Rd West, Garden City, NY 11530 7:00pm–8:30pm (all dates) $5 per adult What does it take for your Junior Troop to earn the Bronze Award? Come to this highly recommended seminar to learn the award guidelines, participate in activities that help you understand the difference between Community Service and Take Action projects, and your role as Leader. GSNC wants you to feel empowered to help guide your girls in earning the highest award for Girl Scout Juniors! Patte Conway, or 516.741.2550 ext. 219 12 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 WIN A SUMMER INTERNSHIP AT ONE OF THE NATION’S PREMIER MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTES! Have you wondered what it would be like to become a scientist? Would you enjoy working on discoveries that could help cure diseases? Advancing Women in Science and Medicine (AWSM), at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research invites Girl Scouts to discover the challenges and rewards of medical research. Attend this event and meet female students, scientists and physicians who will help you explore careers in science and medicine. Moms/Guardians of Participating Girl Scouts Who: 10th Grade only What: Girl Scouts and their moms/guardians will meet female graduate students, post-graduates, scientists, and physicians, to learn about careers in science and medicine and discuss the rewards and challenges of biomedical research. Where: The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research 350 Community Drive, Manhasset, NY 11030 (Entrance #3) When: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 5:00pm-7:00pm Why: Girl Scouts in 11th grade are invited to apply for the 2014 AWSM/Girl Scouts Summer Internship Award. The recipient will receive a scholarship toward her education and gain hands-on summer research experience under the mentorship of an AWSM faculty member. Cost: $5 commitment fee per girl (No fee for attending adults) Contact: Patty Donohue-Brown, or 516.741.2550 ext. 273 11th Grade only SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 13 Run an Activity Table at the Take Action for the Gold Award Girls Go the Distance Walkathon and Activity Fair If you are planning to earn the Gold Award, this workshop is for you! Learn the guidelines for the award, what it means to do a Take Action project, important deadlines, the approval process, and what your interview will be like. You will also hear how to make a lasting impact on your community as you live the Girl Scout Law: To make the world a better place! Troops, individual Girl Scouts and interested adults Senior and Ambassador Girl Scout Troops are needed to run activity tables at Girls Go the Distance Walkathon and Activity Fair. The girls can create an activity that ties in with the Healthy Living Initiative or they can tie their activity to a Journey. Running a table at Girls Go the Distance Walkathon and Activity Fair can qualify for service hours! Sunday, April 26, 2015 Old Bethpage Village Restoration Free (There is no fee to host a table and Troops can apply for a $50 grant to help cover supply costs for approximately 800 guests) Choose one session to attend: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 or Monday, April 13, 2015 Levittown Hall 201 Levittown Parkway Hicksville, NY 11801 (Between Beech Lane and Blueberry Lane) Or Tuesday, August 18, 2015 GSNC Service Center 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530 7:00pm–8:30pm (all dates) $10 per registered Girl Scout (Includes Take Action Patch and GSNC Tote Bag) $5 per adult No Tag-Alongs For more information contact: Patte Conway or 516.741.2550 ext. 219 To register contact: Denise Voda, or 516.729.3368 with your table idea Go Gold at 14 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Build a Better Booth Sale (Troop Cookie or Mags&Munchies Manager or Troop Leader) Thursday, February 5, 2015 7:00pm–8:30pm GSNC Service Center, 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530 $5 per adult (Includes light refreshments and take home “tool-kit”) No Tag-Alongs Successful, experienced Girl Scout volunteers will be offering their tips and techniques on how to maximize your Cookie and Mags&Munchies proceeds by holding booth sales. We’ll cover everything from booth displays and donation boxes to girl’s sales pitches and smiles. Fran McAllister, or 516.741.2550 ext. 249 Save the Date CAREER EXPLORATION OPPORTUNITY 2015 (Check Program Spotlight for date and time.) A week of immersion into the varied career opportunities within a major medical system. See and hear from a variety of professionals – doctors, nurses, dietitians, psychologists, engineers, marketers, etc. – Participants will get an up-close view (think field trips) of the different jobs that are needed for Long Island’s largest employer and a national leader in health and wellness, to care for our community. SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 15 e c n a t s i D e Wa lkathon h t o G and Activit y Fair Girls S U N DAY, APR I L 2 6, 2 01 5 z O L D BE T H PAG E V IL L AG E R E STO R ATI ON CHECK-IN Begins 9:30am TWO MILE WALK Begins 10:30am ACTIVITY FAIR, FOOD AND FUN continue to 1:00pm ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Saturday, April 25, 2015 Set Up: 9:00am–1:00pm And/Or Sunday, April 26, 2015 Event day: 7:00am–2:30pm (rain or shine) Volunteers please contact: Lorna de Bellegarde at or 516.741.2550 ext. 207 Girls Go the Distance is an opportunity for families, friends, colleagues and the public to support Girl Scouts of Nassau County and its Healthy Living Initiatives. The event includes food, activity fair and Old Bethpage Village Restoration admission. Register online now: Girl Scout/Adult Walker $35 fee (must register as a Girl Scout Girl/Adult Walker online to receive the T-shirt and patch) Accompanying Adult or Tag-Along (non-Girl Scout child, 3 years and up) $10 fee (must register online) Register at: IMPORTANT: EXPRESS CHECK-IN is available when the walkers, accompanying adults and Tag-Alongs entering the Restoration have registered online and all sponsor donations have also been made online (no money or envelopes to turn in on the day of the walk). RAIN OR SHINE! z BE PREPARED FOR A DAY OF FUN! 16 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 GSNC Volunteer Resource Center (VRC) Visit the VRC at the Service Center where volunteers can get help planning their Troop meetings, Journeys, and ceremonies. Co-leaders can use the VRC to meet and plan. Volunteers can come in to meet with their MVP Specialists. Featuring - TROOP TIPS Troop Tips is a new workshop series that will cover a variety of topics designed to help Troop Leaders deliver the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Troop Tips meetings are 6-7:30 pm on selected Thursdays. Sign up for one or more sessions by emailing Katie Smith at Troop Tips Schedule: February 5 – Financial Literacy and Cookie Badges February 19 – aMUSE Journey March 5 – Field Trips March 19 – Amaze Journey April 2 – Mission Sisterhood Journey April 16 – Ceremonies Girl Scouts of Nassau County has developed Resource Boxes surrounding the themes of Outdoor Activities, Girl Scout History and GSNC Patch Programs to help Troop leaders with their meetings. These boxes contain materials and items for each topic, which will enhance the Girl Scout Troop meeting and the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Items Available for Loan Nature Box - contains binoculars, bug boxes, field Ceremonial Materials – Flags and Accessories Pick Your Journey Kit for Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Troops - each kit contains three Journeys and Adult Guides to help your Troop make an informed choice about which Journey they will take! Journey in a Weekend – Resource kits to help you complete the aMUSE Junior Journey, Amaze Cadette Journey, and Mission Sisterhood Senior Journey in a weekend. Journey in a Weekend Kits Compass Box - contains 10 compasses, maps & activities First Aid and Knives Box - contains 8 jackknives, 20 paperknives & First Aid kit. Knot Box - contains 20 cords, sample knots & activities Junior aMUSE Senior Mission Sisterhood Patch Programs and Badge Boxes Outdoor Boxes guides, flower presses, magnifiers, rulers & more! Outdoor Cooking Box - contains vagabond stove, chimney, and fire starters (buddy burner, egg crate, and trench candles) Asthma Awareness Patch Program Box “Caring for your Heart” Patch Program Box “Curiosity Box” Patch Program Box “Go Batty: Discovering Bats on LI” Patch Program Box “NY State of Mind” Badge Box Daisy Money Counts Leaf Brownie Meet My Customers Badge Have questions? Need assistance? Contact Katie Smith, MVP Volunteer Resource Specialist, at SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 17 GIRL SCOUTS OF NASSAU COUNTY CAMP Camp Blue Bay Spring Fling Weekend Camp Blue Bay Work & Fun Weekend April 17-19, 2015 $45 per person (Includes Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Sunday Breakfast) April 10-12, 2015 Open to Cadette, Senior or Ambassador Troops with appropriate coverage and Individual Adult Volunteers No camp training required $15 per person to cover the cost of meals and snacks (Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Sunday Breakfast Included) Calling all Brownies and Junior Troops interested in welcoming Spring Camp Blue Bay Style! It’s time to shake off those Winter blues, breathe the fresh brisk air and have some fun. An array of planned activities awaits you and your girls on Saturday: plant some seeds, take a walk on the beach to collect shells, make a Spring craft, learn a new game or two, and sing around the campfire while discovering the fun of camp. Troops can choose to arrive Friday night or Saturday morning. No training required for adults but we ask that you limit the number of adults to allow more girls to attend. Indoor space and tents will be assigned based on the number of people in your group. Troops will be expected to share sites. Interested in helping to improve and maintain our camp while enjoying the camp experience? Weekend projects to include clearing paths, spreading wood chips and more. Come for the day or stay for the weekend. Each group will be required to volunteer for at least one morning or afternoon shift on Saturday to help keep our camp clean and beautiful. The rest of the weekend is yours to enjoy as a Troop. $45 per person (Includes Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Sunday Breakfast). Visit for more information, instructions and to download a registration form. Interested? Go to for more information, instructions and to download a registration form. Camp Aide Training Girl Scouts entering 11 or 12 grade by September 2015 Camp Blue Bay, East Hampton $825 per registered Girl Scout $855 per Non-Girl Scout Saturday, March 14, 2015 Bus departs 8:00am Sunday, March 15, 2015 Bus returns approximately 2:00pm Bus departs from and returns to the Girl Scout Service Center Available to: Girls entering 8th grade and up by September, 2015 may volunteer at Summer Fun Day Camps at Wantagh Park Girls entering 9th grade and up by September, 2015 may volunteer at Camp Blue Bay sleep-away camp (East Hampton) or at Summer Fun Day Camp. Visit to download additional information, instructions and registration form. $75 per participant (includes training materials, transportation to Camp Blue Bay, camp fee and food.) • • Counselor-in-Training (CIT) This two-week Counselor-in-Training for Ambassador Girl Scouts will allow you to complete an outdoor leadership course, while observing and assisting counselors at camp. There will be time for training as well as an opportunity to work directly with younger campers. Participants will live in a tent unit and work together as part of the 2015 CIT Team. To be considered for this program, interested girls must complete the application process and have a personal interview. This training is limited to 12 participants. Contact Laura Bissett-Carr at or 631.604.2201 to request an application packet. If you enjoy the outdoors and like working with younger girls, consider becoming a Summer Camp Aide. During an overnight stay in a Troop House at Camp Blue Bay, you will participate in a leadership training designed to prepare you to work with younger girls. This training will consist of a variety of hands-on activities and role playing. After the successful completion of this training, you can apply to volunteer for one week at Summer Fun Day Camp at Wantagh Park or Camp Blue Bay. The cost of $200 to volunteer at Camp Blue Bay will include cost of transportation and all meals. Be sure to register quickly, training is limited to 24 participants. A confirmation, including packing list and additional information, will be mailed to you. Leaders - Would you like to learn “What it Takes” to go Troop Camping? Join us for an evening of pictures, stories and interactive discussions with a group of experienced Troop Campers. Our panel discussion topics will include: • Camp Blue Bay – All it has to offer • Progression in Girl Scouts - How to decide if your Troop is ready to camp • Training – What is needed to take a Troop camping • How to work with the girls to prepare them for the outdoor experience • Tips & Techniques from the experts Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 7:00pm-8:30pm Girl Scout Service Center 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530 Register at 18 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 GIRL SCOUTS OF NASSAU COUNTY CAMP Camp Information Nights Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Monday, February 9, 2015 Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:30pm-8:30pm Girl Scout Service Center, 110 Ring Road West, Garden City, NY 11530 Drop in meetings held at the Girl Scout Service Center will give you the opportunity to meet with representatives from both Summer Fun Day Camp at Wantagh and Camp Blue Bay to learn more about our summer camp programs. Parents bring along your daughter to learn about a typical day at camp and ask any questions you may have. Questions about our Summer Camp Programs? Contact Laura Bissett-Carr Manager, Program & Outdoor Services at Camp Blue Bay or 631.604.2201 Camp Blue Bay Open House Meet the Summer Camp Director! Saturday, May 2, 2015 or Sunday, May 3, 2015 10:00am–3:00pm Camp Blue Bay, 103 Flaggy Hole Rd, East Hampton, NY 11937 Register online at Enjoy a drive with your family to East Hampton and visit our beautiful Camp Blue Bay. Learn more about our facility and summer camp programs by taking part in a self-guided tour. Camp Director and volunteers will be available to answer any questions you may have. Arrange for a visit to Camp Blue Bay that works for you! Not everyone’s schedule will work for the Open House to meet the Camp Director, feel free to contact camp at or 631.604.2201 to arrange a date and time to take a self-guided tour of the facility at your convenience. The Summer Camp Lottery Date set for February 9, 2015 The 2015 Girl Scouts of Nassau County Camp Guide has been mailed to every household of a registered Girl Scout in Nassau County earlier this month. If you have not received your copy please visit our web site at or contact the Girl Scout Service Center to receive your copy. Please note: If your child would like to attend camp with a friend it is best to mail registration forms together in the same envelope. Be sure to check out our 2015 Camp Guide Initially there will be a large number of registrations, so we will once for our fee structure offering multiple-week again utilize the lottery system for the first batch of registrations. All discounts. Send your child to camp for two weeks and get a discount. Send your child registration envelopes received prior to the February 9, 2015 lottery for three or four weeks and get an date will be collected and held. A random drawing of those envelopes will take place on February 10, 2015. Registrations will be processed even bigger discount. and confirmations mailed to households beginning the week of March 2, 2015. All registrations arriving after the February 19, 2015 aughter an one d t th lottery date will be date-stamped and processed in date re o m have iscoun ies who order after the initial batch of registration envelopes sibling d il n m io a s F s – e t rs Discoun l have a $10 pe has been processed. Sibling p wil m a a l. c ir g g ps – For attendin each additional ay Cam d daycare D n u to F r d me nde applie e at Sum choose an exte ed off starting Daycar n p a d p c e ro d ts d n n e e Ext 0 pare er to b 5 p $ f m o a c e r m 0p . weekly fe h will allow you r than 5:3 te la ic h o n w ed up option or 2015 f p and pick m m a a 0 :3 C r at 8 Summe who has never r o f g n i 25 mp Return nd to ca ceive a $ ring a frie p before and re B – d n Frie mer cam Bring a SNC sum e camping. G d e d n atte of th t the end rebate a SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 19 GIRL SCOUTS OF NASSAU COUNTY CAMP Outdoor Training Trip Training What is a Girl Scout Trip and how do you get ready for it? The Trip Training course will prepare Leaders and trip coordinators to bring their Troops/Groups on any Girl Scout trip or activity. Participants will become familiar with GSUSA Safety Activity Checkpoints, GSNC Policies, Standards and Guidelines, budgeting, timing, transportation and other topics, so that the event is fun and safe for all. Please Note: Trip Training is a pre-requisite for Outdoor Camp Training Trip Training Outdoor Education February 10, 2015, 7:15pm-10:00pm March 16, 2015, 7:15pm-10:00pm Girl Scouts of Nassau County provides Outdoor Education courses to help Girl Scout volunteers prepare themselves to help girls enjoy outdoor experiences together. Training will introduce progression in the out-of-doors, review camp facilities and provide basic skills for outdoor program. Under the guidance of trained and enthusiastic adults, girls may take their first hike, build their first campfire and sleep under the stars for the first time. Two ways to participate: Option 1 (Two evening sessions and one overnight at camp) Register for: Trip Training, Overnight Pre-plan & Mandatory Overnight Individual classes must be taken in sequence Cost: Mandatory Overnight Training Fee to cover cost of food and program supplies is $20 per adult Daycare for your school-age children will be available during the Mandatory Overnight. All children attending will take part in a specially designed camp program during the day, while the adults participate in training. Parents and children will enjoy an evening program and overnight accommodations together. Cost per child is $15, and includes lunch and program fee. If you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, be sure to include the children’s names, ages and program fee with your registration form. Space for children is limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis. Outdoor Education Option 1 Overnight Pre-plan April 1, 2015, 7:00pm-10:00pm April 21, 2015, 7:00pm-10:00pm April 23, 2015, 7:00pm-10:00pm Mandatory Overnight May 2/3, 2015, 8:00am Saturday through 1:00pm Sunday Option 2 All in One Training May 15-17, 2015, 6:00pm Friday through 1:00pm Sunday Option 2 (All in one weekend Friday through Sunday at Camp) Register for: All in One Camp Training Please note this course will include Trip Training, Overnight Pre-plan and Mandatory Overnight cost is $25 per person. Daycare is not available during this weekend. Camp Update Camp guidelines, procedures and program change. Your camping skills must be updated every three years to enable you to take girls camping. The Camp Update course will review skills, provide up-to-date information on camp materials used, ecology and environmental guidelines. (Required every three years to keep certification current.) Register online now at 20 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Camp Update March 3, 2015, 7:30pm-9:00pm May 5, 2015, 7:30pm-9:00pm S A S T U O C S L IR G E H T H IT W CELEBRATE ! S IN L R A M I M IA M E H T N O THE METS TAKE 10 pm Saturday, April 18 • 7: • Sit with fellow troop members, family, • Order includes a special New York Mets and friends in select areas and take Scout Patch for everyone in the group! advantage of the special savings through this online offer! • Have your troop’s name displayed on the scoreboard during the game and • Be sure to stay for the Spectacular the Group Leader will receive four complimentary tickets to another game Postgame Fireworks Display! when you book a group of 15 or more! ts e k c ti e s a h rc u p to ts u o c ls Visit SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 21 Fitness/Self Defense Martial Arts have been around for thousands of years. Practicing Martial Arts has helped children and adults with physical fitness and self defense. School teachers and doctors recommend practicing Martial Arts for the structure and discipline that it offers. Martial Arts is a sport, but unlike other activities in which you have a single stand out player everyone can achieve the same status. It is about individual growth. At Busto’s we pride ourselves being a part of the community. We offer classes for ages 2-adult. We can structure self defense, anti bullying and confidence building classes year-round. Classes can be a single class for a badge or multi-sessions. Tigers - A specialized, fun filled and fast paced learning program created for children 5-7 years of age. They will learn the basics of Karate while building selfesteem and learning teamwork in a safe environment. Dragons - A program developed for children 8-12 years of age teaching them practical self-defense while building a foundation for adulthood in and out of Karate by learning self-worth, discipline and respect. Teens - Specialized for our older students, our Teen program starts at age 13 and provides a challenging, energetic approach to the field of Martial Arts. Students work on their techniques both on their own and with their peers. The content is age appropriate and provides a source of knowledge of our specific style of karate as well as physical fitness and self-defense. Busto’s Martial Arts 490 Old Bethpage Road Plainview, NY 11803 $8.00 per registered Girl Scout (Troops, Individual Girls and Tag-Alongs) $10.00 per Adults $50.00 deposit required Minimum 10/Maximum 50 For more information contact: Shihan John Busto at 516.822.4785 22 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 %QNF5RTKPI*CTDQT (KUJ*CVEJGT[#SWCTKWO 7DNHDMRXUQH\WKURXJKWKH +DWFKHU\$TXDULXP 6HDVRQDOKDQGVRQSURJUDPVIRU -XQLRUVWKURXJK$PEDVVDGRUV 'DLV\*LUO6FRXWV )ORZHUV6WRULHV &KHHUVIRU$QLPDOV KRXUIRUXSWRSHRSOHSHUDGGLWLRQDOSHUVRQ 3RQG/LIH )UHVKZDWHU(FRORJ\ KRXUVIRUXSWRSHRSOHSHUDGGLWLRQDOSHUVRQ %URZQLH*LUO6FRXWV :2::RQGHUVRI:DWHU -XQLRU*LUO6FRXWV *HW0RYLQJ 3URJUDPVIRUDOO*LUO6FRXWV ,)LVK1< &DGHWWH*LUO6FRXWV %UHDWKH òKRXUVIRUXSWRSHRSOHSHUDGGLWLRQDOSHUVRQ SPRUSPVWDUWWLPHVDYDLODEOH 1RZHHNHQGSURJUDPV-XQHWKURXJK$XJXVW $OOSURJUDPVKRXU IRUXSWRSHRSOHSHUDGGLWLRQDOSHUVRQ $GGLWLRQDOPLQXWHDFWLYLWLHVDYDLODEOHIRUWKHVHSURJUDPV +DWFKHU\$TXDULXP7RXU KRXUIRUXSWRSHRSOHSHUDGGLWLRQDOSHUVRQ $GGLWLRQDO2SSRUWXQLWLHV *URXS5DWH $JURXSUDWHLVDYDLODEOHIRUVFRXWJURXSVWKDWZLVK WRYLVLWXVEXWGRQRWZDQWDJXLGHGSURJUDP 0XVWEHVFKHGXOHGLQDGYDQFHSHUSHUVRQ )RUDPLQLPXPRISHRSOH 7DNHD+LNH &RRUGLQDWH\RXUYLVLWZLWKDKLNHWKURXJKWKH QHLJKERULQJ6W-RKQ¶V3RQG3UHVHUYH 9LVLWRXUZHEVLWHIRU PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 6FKHGXOLQJ &RQWDFW.ULVV\DWILVKHGXFDWRU#FVKIKDRUJRU8QOHVVRWKHUZLVHQRWHGSURJUDPVFDQEHVFKHGXOHG GD\VDZHHNZLWKDQHDUOLHVWVWDUWWLPHRIDP$OOSURJUDPVPXVWEHFRPSOHWHGE\SP 5RXWH$&ROG6SULQJ+DUERU1<SKRQH HPDLOILVKHGXFDWRU#FVKIKDRUJZHEVLWHZZZFVKIKDRUJ SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 23 SOCIAL 24 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Mad Science of Long Island Bring Fun Science to Your Troop Meeting! Mad Science aims to spark the imagination and curiosity of children by providing fun, entertaining and educational activities that instill a clear understanding of what science really is and how it affects the world around us. Mad Science programs encourage informal learning through hands-on experiences. They are fun explorations into science and technology, and include a lot of fascinating equipment, supplies and take-home materials. PROGRAM LINKS: Mad Science programs are correlated to meet your new science requirements. Call for an appointment Will come and bring everything to your Troop meeting $190.00 per workshop Up to 20 participants For more information contact: 516.620.6768 ext.114 SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 25 Guaranteed Giggles Laugh & Learn Gingerbread & Giggles has the sweetest badge program ever! Scouts from K-12 earn a Financial Literacy badge plus make and take home an edible art masterpiece. This unique program includes: Parents and Tag-Alongs 30 minutes of dance/fitness, 30 minutes of girl-talk, and a lifetime of confidence! FREE FEMCHO* GIVEAWAYS! All returning troops receive a 10% discount! Do you want to feel fit, healthy, and confident? Then this program is for you! Move, dance, and sweat to your favorite music. During facilitated girl-talk, the girls engage in peer appropriate discussions, exchange honest compliments, and embrace their own originality while respecting the uniqueness of others. • Age-appropriate badge activity & discussion regarding the sweet business of Gingerbread & Giggles • Edible Art project with seasonal options from chocolate houses to cookies, cupcakes & more! • All project supplies • Set up & clean up at your meeting location Troop leaders can relax — we handle it all! Let’s Plan a Great Meeting Together 516.506.3083 Girls can earn petals and badges while having fun, bonding, and gaining self-respect. Choose from the following programs, lead by certified femcho* professionals who create a friendly and nurturing environment: ORIGINAL: Confidence LEADERSHIP: What you need to lead FRIENDSHIP FIRST: Anti-bullying ATHLETIC: Compassionate Competition HEALTHY CHOICES: You are what you eat SUCCESS: For girls at risk Contact Tina or Claudine at 516.338.7701 or email to schedule, or register online at $15 per girl $150 minimum per class ($100 deposit required) Visit us at Like us on Facebook Badge Program for K-12 26 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 all the fun, none of the fuss SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 27 What’s better than girl scout cookies? Nothing. But a day at ACTIVE KIDZ comes pretty close. Check out our 20,000 square ft. facility with: • Laser tag for up to 40 people! • Arcade room • Inflatable room • New interactive iplay floor & dance room • Rock climbing • Indoor playground Earn your next badge at Active Kidz! 28 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 A DAY OF THE CEDARMORE CORPORATION CRITICAL CONVERSATIONS YOUTH EMPOWERMENT SERIES FEATURED TOPICS INCLUDE: Self Esteem and Fashion & Finance CULTURALLY RELEVANT EMPOWERMENT Anti-Bullying Health & Beauty College Preparedness FOR GIRLS Career Exploration REGISTRATION: Age-Appropriate Sessions for Girls Ages: 11-14, 15-18+ $25 PER PERSON Relevant Workshops for Mothers, Mentors,& Gardians Interactive Workshops Dynamic Keynoters Musical Performances Engaging “Girlz Talk” Town Hall SPECIAL FEATURES: Health, Wellness, and Beauty Pavilion Mentoring Match-up SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Check-in begins at 8:00 AM) HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY The Mack Student Center 1000 Hempstead Turnpike (North Campus) Uniondale, NY CO-SPONSORS (Includes access to all sessions, continental breakfast, lunch, and gift bag) TO REGISTER VISIT: Phone: (516) 378-3415 Email: Registered Girl Scouts can sign-up for this event at under Programs & Events. TAG-A-Longs welcomed. Visit us on Facebook: CedarmoreGirlzTalk The Cedarmore Corporation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Freeport, NY. à «ÊÀ>Ê"°Ê7 Ìi]ÊÕ`iÀÊEÊ "ÊUÊÀðÊ,LiÀÌ>Ê Ü>À`]Ê>À`Ê >À«iÀà SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 29 Clark Botanic Garden Programs at Clark Botanic Garden: Bees and Butterflies / Pollinators Terrariums / Water Cycle Life of a Plant / Seeds Bats/Bat Workshop All programs include a take home hands on project See the Clark Botanic Garden website for more information. Click on education k-5. Please call Glenn Aldridge for more information and to schedule a date for your troop(s); or e-mail Glenn at Cost of the program is $150.00 per class (up to 25 children). This includes the class, the project and a tour of Clark Garden. Call for an appointment Clark Botanic Garden 193 I.U. Willets Road Albertson, NY 11507 $150.00 per class up to 25 girls Troops Tag-Alongs For more information contact: Glenn Aldridge 516.816.5315 30 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 “In Your Heart Lives A Rainbow” An exciting, uplifting interactive show! Karen Seader, The Lady of the Rainbow, creates an enchanting, multi-cultural experience that encourages kindness, respect, sharing, appreciation, and being the best you can be. Using original songs and stories, Karen engages the girls with colorful props, movement, dance, musical instruments and dazzling lights. Program Links: Girl Scout Daisies can earn – Any of the Petals you choose; Daisy Flower Garden and 3 Cheers For Animals Journeys. Girl Scout Brownies can earn – “Hear a Story” Journey Badge from A World of Girls, “Loving Water” Badge from Wow! Wonders of Water, “My Best Self”, “Making Friends”, and “Dancer” Skill Building Badges, from The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting for Brownies. Call to schedule Will come to your Troop meeting $10.00 per participant Minimum 10 For more information contact: Karen Seader at 516.483.1899 or Looking for a fun way to keep your troop active? Long Beach Tennis Center is more than just tennis. Through a partnership with Cure Mommy’s Breast Cancer, come experience fun multi-sport activities, carnivals, crafts and parties. All events geared specifically to the age and ability of your troop. Events scheduled at your convenience. All events work towards a patch. Call or email to schedule Long Beach Tennis Center 899 Monroe Blvd Long Beach, NY 11561 Contact Long Beach Tennis Center at 516.432.6060 Work on components of It’s Your StoryTell It! through physical activities on the tennis court Cost: Call for more information. Pricing begins at $12 per scout Call/Email: Lori D'Antonio 516.432.6060 or email Tag-Alongs OK Deposit required Wear sneakers and comfortable clothing Fun patch provided Call us for schedule of special events for individuals or troops! Seniors & Ambassadors Looking for volunteer opportunities? Learn how to work on physical activities with children. Once trained, assist in event planning and volunteer at our ongoing special events. Karen Seader has been a children’s entertainer for more than 20 years. She has worked with as many as 50,000 children in over 3,000 shows performed at schools, libraries, camps, organizations, parties, and community events. Cure Mommy’s Breast Cancer - CMBC is a not for profit 501©(3) corp. that provides financial assistance to those in need while suffering the burdens of breast cancer. SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 31 32 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Flying Trapeze We offer workshops on Table Etiquette, Social Etiquette and Image and Style. The girls learn the art of dining and entertaining with confidence and gracefulness. Our workshops are age appropriate as well as interactive and fun. Your troop learns proper social skills while reaching their goals of completing their badge requirements. We travel to your meeting place Our workshops are 1 hour $25.00 per registered Girl Scout $20.00 per girl if sign up for two workshops $25.00 per Tag-Along $25.00 per Adults (parents) Free for Troop Leader For more information contact: Arely Mendoza-Cantos at 516-593-3817 or e-mail Ages 4 years and up – Troops and individuals Flying Trapeze has become the newest and most exciting experience on Long Island. This activity gives participants of all ages a chance to learn something new, challenge themselves, and explore and discover hidden talents. I.FLY unlocks skills and builds confidence in a unique way. Sign up alone or bring the whole Troop. When booked as a group, each “Flyer” will receive a complimentary I.FLY Activity Patch. It’s safe, enjoyable, and the most fun your Troop will have all year. It’s time to stop wondering and start flying! 1.5 hours of flying trapeze for up to 14 participants April–October (See schedule online. Hours vary based on season) I.FLY@Eisenhower Park (April-October) 1899 Hempstead Tpk, East Meadow, NY 11554 In front of the Nassau County Aquatic Center I.FLY@Long Beach (May-August) 45 Riverside Blvd. Long Beach, NY 11561 at the Boardwalk on Riverside Blvd. (see LOCATION page for specific location and directions) $40 per participant WEEKDAYS and $50 WEEKENDS when booked as a group at our Eisenhower Park location. (Long Beach pricing may vary.) Contact Anthony or Marco at or call 516.640.6995 or 516.640.1579 for more info and to book. SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 33 Love Your Heart Did you know that heart disease is a serious women’s health issue that starts with lifestyle habits developed early in life? The North ShoreLIJ Health System and the American Heart Association have joined together to teach girls about heart healthy living. This fun and interactive class is taught by Registered Nurses specializing in cardiology, and explains the basic anatomy and function of the heart. A special emphasis will be placed on healthy practices, including exercise activities, healthy food choices and not smoking. Girls will receive educational handouts and see models of the heart for a hands-on learning experience. Each girl will leave the class feeling empowered to take charge of her heart health. Monday, March 16, 2015 North Shore University Hospital – Rust Auditorium 300 Community Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 5:30pm to 7:00pm FREE (Pre-registration is required) Design Your Own Private After School Get Togethers Natural Gourmet Cooking/Baking Classes, Fun Fitness, Healthy Spa Programs Self Protection, Body Image, Social Media Awareness And More. . .) Oh My Girls A variety of badge building activities Weekday and Weekend Availability Oh My Girls! The First Ever Cooking, Fitness and Health Club for Girls 140 Jericho Turnpike Syosset, NY 11791 For more information contact: Sarah Siemers 516.562.8410 Check out to view our different program options This program counts towards the educational activities portion of the “Heart Healthy” patch requirements. For more information contact: Call or email 516.802.5800 34 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Character Building Workshops (Friendship, SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 35 Live Children’s Musical Theatre Plaza Theatrical Productions, Inc. at 4 1 20 5 201 THE SHOWPLACE at the Bellmore Movies 3HWWLW$YHQXH%HOOPRUH1< BI R T PAR HDAY WE TIES LCO ME ! COME IN HALLOWEEN COSTUME! OCT. 25 & NOV. 1, 2014 JR DEC. 6, 13, 20, 27, 28*,30 & 31 NOVEMBER 15, 22, 23*, & 29, 2014 Frosty the Snowman Scrooge DEC. 7* & 14*, 2014 JAN. 3 & 4, 2015 JAN. 10, 11*, 17, 19, 24 & 31, 2015 FEB. 7, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22* & 28, 2015 The Wizard of Oz MARCH 7, 14, 21, 22* & 28, 2015 APR. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12*, 2015 All Saturday & Weekday Performances at 11:00AM * Sunday Performances at 1:00PM ALL SEATS $10.00 Refreshments Available for Purchase Meet the Cast After Each Show! BOX OFFICE: (516) 599-6870 36 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site and Interpretive Center The Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site and Interpretive Center offers modern day visitors the opportunity to step back in time to the 1800s and ultimately encounter the life and art of the most powerful poet in world literature, America’s own Walt Whitman. The Birthplace offers exciting Youth Programs that attract many Girl Scouts each year, such as: Make A Cornhusk Figure Wherever corn was grown as a crop, children in both Native American and Colonial American families used husks to fashion dolls. With a knowledgeable interpreter, fashion your own cornhusk figure—either boy or girl. Learn the legend of the cornhusk figure—why did it not have a face? VICTORIAN TEA PARTY Join the party! This fun and informative program includes roleplaying while teaching social skills, self-esteem and confidence. Children learn dining manners during their snack of iced tea or apple juice and sandwich or munchkins. They also practice table setting, proper telephone manners and introductions. All make their own place card. POETRY DAZE Meet a published poet! Discuss how a poet finds inspiration to write a poem. Using their imagination and creativity, each participant will be encouraged to write a poem and share it with the group. All have fun while building awareness of language and enhancing comprehension skills. Call to schedule Walt Whitman Birthplace 246 Old Walt Whitman Rd. Huntington Station, NY 11746 $9.00 per participant Leaders free $25.00 deposit required Minimum fee $100.00 Carolyn Diglio, Education Coordinator 631.427.5240 ext. 113, SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 37 38 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Farm Education Trips Open Year Round Crossroads Farm at Grossmann’s 480 Hempstead Avenue, Malverne, NY 11565 $7.50 per registered Girl Scout (Troops and Individual Girls) 2 Leaders are free $5 Tag-Alongs Minimum 5/Maximum 25 Girls Crossroads Farm welcomes Girl Scouts, Leaders and families for a tour of the last farm on the south shore of Nassau County. Visits include a tour, a walk to see the animals, and a hands-on activity. A Series of visits is possible with varied lessons and projects from learning about the bees, to local food, composting and gardening. All activities are farm-based, seasonal and age-appropriate. Scouts may work on the “Journeys “ and complete the Sow What Journey with a project or community service at the farm. We hope to open our Four Seasons Educational Center for winter learning,work and fun.” To schedule visits: Contact or 516.481.7900 SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 39 Fantastic Tour Presents: GIRL SCOUTS AT WALT DISNEY WORLD® RESORT Thursday, May 28, 2015 through Saturday, May 30, 2015 This is the only time of the year in which Girl Scouts traveling to Walt Disney World® Resort as a small group or a larger troop can participate in one of the educational workshops offered at Walt Disney World® Resort. Most programs are open to Girl Scout Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador. MouseQuest Explore Magic Kingdom® Park while competing against the clock – and rival teams to find clues, earn tokens and complete tasks. Discovering the American Spirit From the Wild West to the Declaration of Independence, girls are transported back in time to experience American History through the stores and attractions in Liberty Square and Frontierland®. Exploring Careers in the Marine Sciences Meet our marine biology professionals for a discussion on various marine careers and the education and experience it takes to succeed, in the field. Introduction to Global Citizenship Discover how technology, communication and commerce have bridged cultural gaps around the world as you navigate the international pavilions of Epcot® World Showcases. Your “Disney Girls Unite” Adventure includes Round Trip Airfare, Disney’s Magical Express to and from Orlando Airport, 2 night accommodations at Disney All-Star Sports Resort, 2 breakfast vouchers at hotel, 2 lunch vouchers, 1 dinner voucher, 2 day Disney Starter ticket (Epcot® and Magic Kingdom® Park) 2 Disney Youth Education Series programs (Introduction Global Citizenship OR Careers in Marine Sciences and Discovering the American Spirit OR MouseQuest) For more information contact Jeanne Zabudoski at 631-462-6262 x 119 or email jeanne@fantastic tours. 40 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Troop Program Registration Form Fill out a separate form for each activity. Registration forms may be photocopied or downloaded from Registration can also be submitted online at (credit card required for payment). Name of Program/Event Date(s) Time(s) If Applicable: 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Troop Number Level/Age Name of Adult in Charge Address Town/State/Zip Daytime Phone Email Address Cost Per Girl $ ___________________________ x # of Girls ___________________________ = $ __________________________ Cost Per Adult $ __________________________ x # of Adults __________________________ = $ __________________________ To use Cookie Credits for payment, fill out the appropriate boxes on the Individual Girl Scout form. Please attach this form to the Troop form before submission. Total Amount Enclosed $ ____________________________ Make check payable to Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Inc. *Limited Financial Assistance Available* Please note adult coverage per Activity Checkpoints. Go to and click on Safety Activity Checkpoints. ABSOLUTELY NO TAG-ALONGS – unless event states otherwise. Leaders/Advisors: Please discuss the plan with your girls before registering them for trips and events. Do not assume that your entire Troop will attend. Since we cannot refund fees for girls who do not attend, please only register and pay for those girls who are interested and available. This will prevent numerous no-shows and will allow us to serve more girls with our programs. A confirmation will be sent to you. P Please check here if you would prefer confirmation by Email. Applications that are incomplete or that do not have the correct payment attached cannot be processed and will be returned to the Troop Leader. Council reserves the right to change or cancel any program based on the number of registrations received, space limitations, or weather. Applicants will be notified of any change. Para mas información o si tiene cualquier pregunta por favor llame al 516.741.2550 ext.*106. Return Program registration form and payment to: Program Services Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Inc. 110 Ring Road West Garden City, NY 11530 SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES | 41 Individual Girl Scout Program Registration Form Fill out a separate form for each activity. Registration forms may be photocopied, or downloaded from Registration can also be submitted online at (credit card required for payment). Girls can attend with a non-registered Girl Scout friend, provided she includes the $30 member registration fee (includes $15 council service fee) with her program registration fee. Name of Program/Event Date(s) Time(s) If Applicable: 2nd Choice 3rd Choice PGirl PAdult Name of Attendee Troop Number Date of Birth (girl’s) Address Town/State/Zip Daytime Phone Email Address P I would like to use Cookie Credits as payment. Cookie Credit card# Signature _________________________________________________________________ Total Amount Enclosed $ ____________________________ Make check payable to Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Inc. *Limited Financial Assistance Available* If you are not currently registered as a Girl Scout, please check here P and enclose an additional $30 fee*. Please visit our website at to see the other exciting opportunities for Girl Scouts. We hope you decide to fully participate in Girl Scouts of Nassau County. A confirmation will be sent to you. P Please check here if you would prefer confirmation by Email. Council reserves the right to change or cancel any program based on the number of registrations received, space limitations, or weather. Applicants will be notified of any change. Para mas información o si tiene cualquier pregunta por favor llame al 516.741.2550 ext.*106. Return Program registration form and payment to: Program Services Girl Scouts of Nassau County, Inc. 110 Ring Road West Garden City, NY 11530 42 | POSSIBILITIES SPRING 2015 Grab your favorite Girl Scout Cookie and enter the #onemorebite photo challenge! Submit your photo for a chance to win a year’s supply of your favorite Girl Scout Cookie. To participate, entrants must: • Follow @Girlscouts on Instagram. • Upload a creative photo of/with a Girl Scout Cookie to Instagram using the #OneMoreBite hashtag. Keep up with Girl Scout Cookies at Girl Scouts of Nassau County 110 Ring Road West Garden City, NY 11530 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Garden City, NY Permit No. 28 Bridging Kits New this year, we have Bridging kits with everything you need for your Girl Scouts to bridge to the next level. Stop in the GSNC Shop and pre-order yours today. Bridge to Girl Scout Brownie $6.75 per girl • Bridging Award • Bridging Certificate • Membership Star and Disc • 1 Brownie Fun Patch • Brownie Membership Pin Bridge to Girl Scout Junior $8.25 per girl • Bridging Award • Brownie Wings • Bridging Certificate • Membership Star and Disc • 1 Junior Fun Patch • Girl Scout Membership Pin Bridge to Girl Scout Cadette $5.25 per girl • Bridging Award • Bridging Certificate • Membership Star and Disc • 1 Cadette Fun Patch Bridge to Girl Scout Senior $5.25 per girl • Bridging Award • Bridging Certificate • Membership Star and Disc • 1 Senior Fun Patch Bridge to Girl Scout Ambassador $5.25 per girl • Bridging Award • Bridging Certificate • Membership Star and Disc • 1 Ambassador Fun Patch Visit our GSNC Online Store at
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