young at heart Children’s Hospital Foundation of Richmond S U M M E R 2012 Dear Friends, I MISSION Children’s Hospital Foundation funds and advocates for pediatric initiatives that improve the status of health care and the quality of life for children in our region. y h SUMMER 2012 oung at eart Children’s ation Hospital Found of Richmond On the cover: Because of an inherited condition that prevents proper tooth development, 9-year-old Henry Bourgin recently received his third set of dentures thanks to dental services from Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s Dental Program. (Photo by Doug Buerlein) am delighted to share this issue of Young at Heart with you. As you read this issue, we are about to complete yet another successful fiscal year in support of the thousands of children we serve at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU. During this last quarter we have been able to assist the hospital in a number of ways including completing our pledge of $500,000 to the new pediatric perioperative center and assisting with funding support for a new neonatologist, Dr. Karen Hendricks-Muñoz, and a new pediatric surgeon, Dr. Patricia Children’s Hospital Foundation staff attended a Junior Board Ball Lange—both of whom began their work in painting workshop this spring (see page 10). Pictured (l-r), Stephanie Allan, Director of Special Events, and Chris Broughton-Spruill, President, February. The hospital continues to grow worked together on a canvas from Where the Wild Things Are. with the addition of new programs like the Comprehensive Pediatric Obesity Treatment Center, which will begin seeing patients this summer. Because of your continued support, we are able to provide funding for these programs and many others that, when combined, make Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU the region’s full-service children’s hospital. I often refer to the importance of community participation in our fundraising efforts and would like to ask you to make particular note of two very important events that are being planned for the near future. You will see information regarding Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ Anthem LemonAid on page 14 and the Children’s Hospital Foundation 4-Mile Walk/Run on page 15. We would very much appreciate your participation in one or both of these events. Both are designed with family fun in mind and will offer an opportunity for you to support our Foundation and learn more about the children we serve. Thank you for all you do, and please continue to keep Children’s Hospital Foundation in your hearts. Sincerely, CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION PRESIDENT Chris Broughton-Spruill DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL EVENTS Stephanie Allan DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Matthew E. K. Brady ACCOUNTING MANAGER Jodi Gibson Chris Broughton-Spruill President, Children’s Hospital Foundation 8 6 VOLUNTEER AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH COORDINATOR Lauren McDaneld WRITER/EDITOR, Young at Heart Alissa M. Poole CHILDREN’S MIRACLE NETWORK HOSPITALS DIRECTOR Rachel Bruni PROGRAM COORDINATOR Amy Dickstein Young at Heart is published by and in the interest of Children’s Hospital Foundation, 2924 Brook Road, Richmond, Virginia, 23220-1298, and is issued four times each year. For more information on articles appearing in Young at Heart, contact the Director of Public Relations at 804-249-8633 or at the above address. 13 Look for the della Robbia image throughout this magazine to learn how you can get involved with Children’s Hospital Foundation and make a difference in the lives of our children. For many years, the della Robbia has symbolized the compassionate care extended to so many through the hospital and supported by our Foundation. Children’s Stories TRAVELING MILES FOR SMILES A t least twice a year, Catherine Bourgin loads her three children, including 9-year-old Henry, into her family’s minivan for the two-hour trip to Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s (CHoR) dental clinic. Although Catherine, who lives in McLean, Va., has to coordinate Henry’s appointments at CHoR’s MCV Campus around I-95 traffic, she said “knowing I can get the best care for him makes the drive worth it.” When Henry was a year old, Catherine noticed his teeth were developing with pointed rather than the traditional straight edges. Because Henry also had fluffy, light hair, severe eczema and frequent respiratory problems, Catherine raised her concerns with Henry’s pediatrician. A few months later, after an appointment with a geneticist, Henry was diagnosed with ectodermal dysplasia, an inherited disorder that can involve abnormal development of the hair, nails, sweat glands, teeth and, in the most extreme cases, eyes, ears, fingers, toes and nerves. Henry’s ectodermal dysplasia presented itself through a lack of hair, sweat glands and teeth, leading Catherine and her husband, Frank, to search for a dentist to make dentures for their young son. (Henry’s eczema was attributed to allergies to a variety of foods including soy, peanuts, tree nuts and legumes.) “Teeth are needed for proper facial formation, speech and eating,” commented Catherine, who is a recessive carrier for ectodermal dysplasia and had her teeth repaired in her early 20s. “There are also social issues associated with not having teeth, which we didn’t want Henry to have to deal with.” —continued on page 4 young at h eart Henry Bourgin’s biannual trips to Richmond for dental check ups at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s dental clinic are often family affairs and include older brother, William (right), and younger sister, Charlotte. (Photo by Doug Buerlein) I SUMMER 2012 3 Miles for Smiles, continued from page 3 After being unable to find a local dentist to help Henry, Catherine was referred to CHoR’s Dental Program and Tegwyn Brickhouse, DDS, PhD, Chair, Pediatric Dentistry, Virginia Commonwealth University. Henry first saw Dr. Brickhouse on the MCV Campus in “Pediatric Dentistry@VCU,” one of CHoR’s dental programs. Henry, who has four natural teeth, received aesthetic white crowns for those teeth and his first set of dentures to replace his missing teeth when he was three years old. “When he got his dentures, he was so proud and so happy,” recalled Catherine, whose goal is for Henry to get permanent dental implants around age 20, a goal Dr. Brickhouse supports. “Children’s Hospital of Richmond’s doctors are very supportive,” Catherine said. “From the moment I met her, Dr. Brickhouse gave me the sense she was willing to work with me and plan long-term for Henry’s care.” Catherine also said she appreciated the environment of an academic health center that encourages learning, teaching and progressive treatment. “I didn’t have to explain ectodermal dysplasia to them,” she recalled. “Children’s Hospital is a pediatric center. It’s cutting-edge, very dynamic and very positive.” Pediatric Dental Services CHoR’s Department of Pediatric Dentistry specializes in providing dental care to children with special needs and otherwise healthy children from birth to age 18. Seven pediatric dentists treat children at both CHoR’s MCV and Brook Road Campuses and work with the VCU School of Dentistry’s Advanced Education in Pediatric Dentistry residency program at VCU to train future pediatric dental specialists. With approximately 15,000 visits per year for both clinics, the department focuses on diagnosis, education and intervention and provides preventative and restorative care in an environment designed specifically for children. The lobbies and exam areas on both campuses feature child-friendly ocean or jungle themes, televisions tuned to children’s programming and bright, comfortable, modern spaces. “What is really unique is that we are the only pediatric dental treatment center in the midAtlantic certified by the National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED) to treat children with ectodermal dysplasia,” said Dr. Brickhouse, who is currently following seven children from 4 Nine-year-old Henry Bourgin is a talented artist who has had multiple drawings and paintings featured in local art shows near his home in Fairfax County, Va. (Photo by Doug Buerlein) across Virginia with the condition. “Henry’s smile has blossomed with his new front teeth and dentures,” Dr. Brickhouse recalled. “He used to be quiet and shy but is now quite talkative and loves to share his latest stories and interesting toys.” New Adventures A third grader in Fairfax County, Henry loves football, video games, legos, swimming and Cub Scouts. He enjoys playing with his 11-yearold brother, William, and 4-year-old sister, Charlotte, as well as the hamster he got for his ninth birthday. He is also a talented artist and has had some of his drawings featured in community art shows over the years. Although Henry has to take precautions like staying out of the sun and maintaining a cooler body temperature because he lacks sweat glands, Catherine said she “doesn’t want ectodermal dysplasia to define him.” Catherine has become Henry’s biggest advocate as she educates students and teachers at his school, talks with insurance companies and shares her knowledge with other families dealing with a new diagnosis. “For all the unexpected challenges he brings to me,” Catherine said, “I’ve learned a lot and try to make it all into an adventure as to how to work out obstacles.” Now on his third set of dentures, Henry will continue to require new sets, and more frequent trips to Richmond, as he grows. In addition to the clinical care provided by Dr. Brickhouse and her team, Catherine emphasized the importance and skill of John Cziglan, the lab technician who makes the dentures, and the team members like Ilean Eddleton who take care of insurance claims. “Many patients with ectodermal dysplasia don’t get proper dental care because they don’t have insurance, can’t afford the difference or don’t know how to fight,” said Catherine, who has spent hours on the phone with insurance companies over the years. “You need someone who is accurate and willing to fight for you. Children’s Hospital provides that.” As Henry gets older, he may also require more specialized dental care to prepare his mouth for permanent dental implants. Whether Dr. Brickhouse provides that care or refers Henry to a specialist, Catherine said she trusts Dr. Brickhouse’s professional opinion. Most importantly, she knows her son is comfortable with his care. “Dr. Brickhouse is willing to work with you and is honest about her assessment,” Catherine said. “I feel hopeful with Dr. Brickhouse and her team during each step of Henry’s treatment and know at the right time in Henry’s life, we will tackle the next thing.” Children’s Stories Giving the Gift of Life “L ightning McQueen can go fast,” said 4-year-old Harold Parker IV in reference to a character from his favorite movie, Cars. As he ran around his living room one evening this spring, it was hard to believe that four months earlier he was in Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s (CHoR) Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, recovering from a liver transplant. Less than a month after her son’s April 2008 birth, Michele Parker noticed the whites of Harold’s eyes weren’t as clear as they should be. Harold’s pediatrician ordered blood tests, and Harold was diagnosed with biliary atresia, a congenital condition where the bile ducts do not develop normally. Because bile ducts help remove waste from the liver and carry salts to help the small intestine break down fat, blocked or missing bile ducts can lead to deadly liver damage if left untreated. Harold, or “P” as he is nicknamed by his parents, Michele and Harold III, was admitted to the acute care unit at CHoR’s MCV Campus and had surgery to remove his gall bladder and attach his small intestine to his liver. The goal was to allow Harold’s liver to drain directly to the small intestine, bypassing the missing bile ducts and gall bladder. “Three weeks after his surgery, doctors deemed it unsuccessful,” recalled Michele. “They thought Harold would need a liver transplant by eight months. Miraculously he did better with more time.” Harold continued to grow and meet most developmental milestones and quickly passed the eight-month transplant mark. (Because of his enlarged liver, Harold developed a distended belly, which prevented him from walking until 20 months.) Although he was admitted to the hospital anytime he had a fever, Harold didn’t get sick as often as doctors expected, coming to the hospital approximately every six months for nearly three years. By September 2011, after three hospital admissions in seven months, doctors suggested the Parkers consider a transplant. Because the liver is one of the few organs that regenerates itself, Michele and Harold III were tested to see if they could be their son’s donor. (See page 9 for information about living donor transplants.) Amazingly both parents were perfect matches, but because of the level of care required after a transplant, Harold III chose to be the donor for his son. “When we checked in to the hospital before the surgery, P knew what was happening,” remembered Harold III. “He said, ‘hey dad, I’m going to get a piece of your liver.’” Although Harold IV showed early signs of rejection after the Nov. 14 surgery, his blood work is now that of a healthy 4-year-old. He returns to CHoR for blood tests every two weeks and will continue to take medication to help prevent rejection of his new liver. He is growing young at h eart I SUMMER 2012 After receiving a liver transplant using a portion of his father’s liver last fall, Harold Parker IV has a lot more energy to play with his parents, Michele and Harold III, and his sister, Elise, at their Chesterfield County home. (Photo by Doug Buerlein) physically and has started eating meat, something he used to avoid. “His energy level is through the roof,” said Harold III. “He turned that corner [after showing signs of early rejection]. It’s like he never looked back.” Now the boy who tired easily before surgery rarely stops moving. He loves to eat cheetos, watch the Dallas Cowboys and play with his 5-year-old sister, Elise, in their Chesterfield County home. He also talks energetically about his Spiderman bedroom and how he plans to celebrate his next birthday. When describing the opportunity to donate a portion of his liver to his son, Harold III said he had no regrets. “I felt it was my responsibility as a father to see that my son was ensured a good quality of life. When I look in his eyes that are no longer yellow, words cannot describe how happy I am to see him doing well.” 5 Giving Back Continuing a Tradition of Giving W hen Wells Fargo and Wachovia merged last summer, the San Francisco-based financial services company brought its history of helping the community to the East Coast. Through Wells Fargo’s Greater Virginia volunteer chapter, which includes company locations from Fredericksburg to Virginia Beach, Wells Fargo has provided donations of time and dollars to Children’s Hospital Foundation. One of 66 company-wide volunteer chapters, the Greater Virginia chapter includes 2,800 employees from all lines of business. “One of our focus areas is health and human services,” said Corliss Archer, Vice President, Community Affairs Officer – Greater Virginia Wells Fargo. “Children’s Hospital Foundation and Children’s Hospital of Richmond are the perfect fit.” Since 2010, Wells Fargo has donated more than $15,500 to Children’s Hospital Foundation through sponsorships of the 10K race and the Junior Board of Children’s Hospital Foundation’s annual Ball. Employees have also organized teams for the Foundation’s annual Bowl-A-Thon. Donated funds have supported new technology and equipment on the hospital’s Transitional Care Unit and uncompensated care. “Children’s Hospital of Richmond does so many wonderful things to improve the quality of life for children,” Corliss remarked. “Wells Fargo believes in the hospital’s mission of providing care without regard to ability to pay.” In February, Wells Fargo donated $5,350 through a partnership with the University of Richmond (UR) Athletic Department. For every three-point Wells Fargo representatives Jason Wiles (left), Vice President and District Manager, and Joseph Manfredi, Senior Vice President and Regional Brokerage Manager for Central Virginia, presented a check for $5,350 to Chris Broughton-Spruill, President, Children’s Hospital Foundation, at the Robins Center in February. The donation represented Wells Fargo’s partnership with the University of Richmond Athletic Department during the 2011-2012 basketball season. shot made by a UR player during the basketball season, Wells Fargo donated $50. The company then asked UR students to select a charity beneficiary. Students “overwhelmingly selected Children’s Hospital Foundation,” Corliss said. Through its Community Support Campaign, Wells Fargo employees can also designate company dollars to donate to schools or non-profit organizations with which they have personal connections. In 2011, Wells Fargo’s 9,000 Virginia employees contributed $1.2 million and provided 32,650 volunteer hours to local organizations. Wells Fargo employees also designate millions of dollars to local United Way campaigns annually. “It’s important to Wells Fargo to give back to communities,” Corliss said. “I’m proud to be a team member at Wells Fargo and proud of what we do in the community.” St. Bridget’s Students Recognized for 10 Years of Helping Children Beth Ouellette still remembers her first visit to Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) 10 years ago. With students from the Student Council and a community service class at St. Bridget School, Beth toured CHoR’s Brook Road Campus and met many of the children served by the hospital’s Transitional Care Unit. “The students came back to school and shared what we saw,” said Beth, who teaches eighth grade and serves as the school’s Wishing Well program sponsor. In February 2002, St. Bridget’s students participated in their first Wishing Well project, a coin collection program sponsored by the Senior Board of Children’s Hospital Foundation. Coin canisters were placed in the school’s kindergarten through eighth grade classrooms, and students were encouraged to donate spare change during the two-week program. Students who donated at least one dollar also earned a spirit day where they did not have to wear uniforms to school. Every February since then, St. Bridget’s students, who sponsor a community service project each month, have participated in the Wishing Well program, collecting a total of nearly $7,000. While some students have personal experiences with the hospital, most participate because of the stories their teachers share from Children’s Hospital Foundation’s web site and the discussions they have with older students who have visited the hospital. One student even signed up for the hospital’s summer junior volunteer program after reading the patient stories. 6 Seventh and eighth grade representatives from St. Bridget’s Student Council proudly displayed their 10-year Wishing Well plaque in March. Stephanie Allan (far left), Director of Special Events, Children’s Hospital Foundation, shared the moment with Beth Ouellette (second from left) and Charlene Bechely, Assistant Principal. “We like the Wishing Well program,” commented Beth, “because it’s about kids helping kids in the community. I like to remind students that many of the things we take for granted, like going to the dentist, are difficult for some children who need to be sedated just to have their teeth cleaned. Our students learn that some kids are not as fortunate as we are.” For information about how your school or organization can participate in the Wishing Well project, contact Stephanie Allan at or 804-228-5827. MAKING MIRACLES Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals works in Central Virginia with Children’s Hospital Foundation to support Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR). Buy a Miracle Balloon and Help Our Partners Help Local Kids Dairy Queen - June 1 - July 26 Food Lion - June 6 - 26 Love’s Travel Stops - August 26 - September 30 Find Our Champion at Food Lion Beginning June 6, Food Lion stores will exclusively carry specially-designed Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, PopTarts and Cheez-It boxes. Kellogg’s will donate $1 (up to $50,000) to CMN Hospitals for every four boxes sold. The specially-designed packages highlight five patients, including Kyla Roerty, a CHoR patient and CMN Hospitals’ 2012 Virginia Champion. Food Lion’s fundraising campaign runs from June 6 to 26. To learn more about the Champions Program, visit Panera Continues Support This spring, representatives from Panera Bread Café presented a check for $13,405 to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, representing proceeds from the company’s Operation Doughnation Campaign. Pictured holding the check are (l-r) Kyla Roerty, a Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU patient; Rachel Bruni, Director of CMN Hospitals in Richmond; and Tony Venafro, Site Manager, Panera Bread Café, Colonial Heights. young at h eart I SUMMER 2012 Rachel Bruni (center), Director of CMN Hospitals in Richmond, accepted a check for $10,000 from members of MACS’ executive leadership team, Derek Gaskins and Lynn Lambrecht, on behalf of MACS and the BP Fueling Communities program. MACS Presents $10,000 Gift to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals In March, Mid-Atlantic Convenience Stores (MACS), one of the largest convenience store networks and fuel distributors in the Richmond area, presented CMN Hospitals with a $10,000 donation raised through the BP Fueling Communities program, a philanthropic program created to help local BP business owners identify needs in their communities and help meet them. “We’ve learned so much about the work CMN does in Richmond, from providing vital equipment for Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU to funding educational support groups for patients and their families,” said Lynn Lambrecht, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, MACS. “The organization is an essential source of strength in our city.” Thanks to our Donors Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals recently received the following donations, raised through the sale of CMN Hospitals Miracle Balloon icons and from other events: • Ace Hardware - $29,082 • Wawa - $6,850 • Enterprise Car Sales Foundation - $5,000 • American Legion - $1,800 • Country Style Dancers - $1,600 • Chico’s FAS, Inc. - $1,509 7 Reasons for Giving KIDS COME FIRST Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) offers the widest range of pediatric services in our region and is Central Virginia’s full-service children’s hospital. Children’s Hospital Foundation supports the programs and initiatives of CHoR and the 50,000 children and families it serves each year. Hospital Representatives Tell Legislators “Kids Come First” N early 50 legislators and administrative staff attended the ninth annual Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) Legislative Reception on Jan. 12 at the General Assembly building. Members of the CHoR Advocacy Committee partnered with the hospital’s leadership team, Virginia Treatment Center for Children and students from the VCU School of Social Work to promote this year’s “Kids Come First” message and encourage lawmakers to prioritize funding for children’s education and health care. Also in attendance were hospital patient Kyla Roerty and her parents, Gerry and Julee, who shared their experiences accessing CHoR’s specialized care and discussed why all children need children’s hospitals. Each year, this event provides the opportunity for the hospital to focus on educating legislators and their staff members. “To help tell the story of children’s health care, you need to put a face on what children’s health care really is,” remarked Kendall Lee, Associate Director of Government Relations, VCU. “It is rewarding to be able to discuss how Children’s Hospital of Richmond benefits its patients and the community—or one family like the Roerty family—through the services it delivers.” Kendall also explained, “Continued investment in good health and good prevention is extremely helpful in improving quality of life for kids as well as lessening the cost of health care to everyone.” Nine-year-old Kyla Roerty, a patient at CHoR, visited with Delegate Betsy Carr of the 69th District and other legislators at CHoR’s ninth annual Legislative Reception earlier this year. Dental Outreach Program Celebrates Fifth Year Funded by a donation from Kohl’s Department Stores, the dental outreach program coordinated through a partnership between Children’s Hospital Foundation and the Virginia Department of Health – Dental Division reached nearly 13,000 Head Start, kindergarten and first grade students in the counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Prince George and the cities of Colonial Heights, Hopewell, Richmond and Petersburg during the 2011-2012 school year. “This year’s program was a great success,” said Lauren McDaneld, Volunteer & Community Outreach Coordinator, Children’s Hospital Foundation. “We educated more children than ever before about the importance of dental hygiene. We’re excited to reach even more children during next year’s program.” In addition to distributing dental supplies to more than 550 classes, Foundation staff provided in-school instruction during February’s National Dental Health Month to students at a number of Richmond City schools, including George Mason Elementary, Ginter Park Elementary, Overby-Sheppard Elementary, William Fox Elementary and Woodville Elementary. The 60-minute presentation was designed to meet the Virginia Standards of Learning health requirement and focused on the importance of dental health and hygiene. 8 Behind the Scenes: Living Donor Liver Transplant Program L ast November, then 3-year-old Harold Parker IV became the third child in Virginia in 2011 to receive a living donor liver transplant (see page 5). Living donor liver transplants are possible because the liver is made up of segments and is one of the only organs that can regenerate and grow back to almost 100 percent of its size and function. Prior to being approved for the organ donation, the living donor must undergo a blood test to determine blood type compatibility with the recipient. A full medical history review and physical examination follows, and the donor also meets with transplant psychologists to further discuss the decision. During living donor liver transplantation at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU, the donor and recipient each have a dedicated surgical team and are in adjacent operating rooms. Once the portion of the donor’s liver is removed, the partial organ is placed immediately into the recipient. The surgery for both the donor and recipient takes about 10 to 12 hours, followed by a 10 to 14-day hospital stay. The liver grows back in approximately two to four weeks, providing both the donor and the recipient with a full size liver. According to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, a part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 59 pediatric living donor liver transplants were conducted in the U.S. in 2011. Of the three transplants performed in Virginia, all involved a parent as a donor. CHoR Clinics Expand in Community Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) now offers expanded services in a multi-specialty clinic at Bremo Road (North Building, 5855 Bremo Road, Suite 703). Services include allergy, cardiology, hematology/oncology and nephrology. For more information, call 804-628-7337. young at h eart I SUMMER 2012 Dr. David Lanning (second from left), pictured with the Tapia family and Dominican Republic president Leonel Fernandez Reyna, was honored during a ceremony at the Dominican National Palace this spring. CHoR Physician Honored for Treatment of Conjoined Twins David A. Lanning, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Surgery, VCU Department of Surgery, and Surgeon-in-Chief, Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR), traveled to the Dominican Republic in April to accept the country’s highest civilian honor for his efforts to surgically separate conjoined twins during a 22-hour surgery at CHoR last fall. Dominican Republic president Leonel Fernandez Reyna presented the Order of Christopher Columbus rank of Knight, an honor usually reserved for Dominican citizens or military, at a ceremony at the National Palace. Only a handful of non-civilian foreign-born individuals have received the award, which honors distinguished service to the country or humanity, since it was established in 1937. Two-year-old twins Maria and Teresa Tapia and their family also attended the ceremony. The girls, who had been joined at the abdomen and shared several organs, were treated by a variety of specialists during their time at CHoR. Dr. Lanning said he accepted the award on behalf of all the individuals who contributed to the girls’ success. Welcome Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) is committed to recruiting and retaining nationallyrecognized clinicians, outstanding educators and innovative researchers. Please join us in welcoming these physicians to the CHoR team: Patricia A. Lange, MD Associate Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatric Surgery Jose L. Muñoz, MD Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases 9 Community Guests Will Feel Like Kids Again at Annual Ball Children’s “Martha and I have a Hospital real passion for children Foundation’s and the hospital,” said 49th annual Ball will Cameron, whose teenage take guests through daughter was a Children’s the looking glass, into a Feeding Program patient royal castle, through a as a toddler, “and we fairy garden and to other wanted our theme to imaginative venues as reflect that.” part of this year’s theme, A white tent featuring “Through the Eyes of strategically-placed a Child.” Organized by lights and wide use the Foundation’s Junior of blues, greens and Board, the Ball will corals will take guests transform the Country under the sea while Decorations Co-Chair, Kristen Goode (seated), Ball Co-Chair, Martha Bowden (middle), and local artist, Liz Kellinger, painted the old fashioned carousel scene during the Junior Board’s Ball decorating workshop in Club of Virginia into rope ladders and other March. Behind them is one of the decorations for The Nutcracker room. (Photo by Doug Buerlein) visions of childhood props will transform fantasy during the Nov. 2 event. one of the club’s dining rooms into a two-story treehouse. Images of the Planning for this year’s event began last fall with the theme selection. children who benefit from hospital programs will be displayed on the transformed porch playground, and Children’s Hospital Foundation’s The Junior Board’s 50 members were then divided into 11 committees della Robbia symbol will be featured in a stained glass window being to handle everything from corporate and ad sponsorships to public designed for the castle area. relations and reservations. “Everyone chips in and does what she can,” said Martha Bowden, This year’s Presenting Ball Sponsor is Davenport & Company LLC. who is co-chairing the Ball with Cameron Cummings. “Our board Corporate sponsors as of April are Alterra Specialty; Ampa Events; Car members share a passion for wanting to help children.” Pool, LLC; Cellular Sales, Verizon Wireless Premium Retailer; circle S studio, Strategic Branding & Design; LeClairRyan; Kinloch Development With the guidance of the Ball’s Decorations Co-Chairs, Kristen Company; Luck Stone; NewMarket Corporation; Owens & Minor, Inc.; Goode and Kate Houck, each room, walkway and terrace at the Country VCU Health System; and Worth Higgins & Associates. Club of Virginia will showcase a different childhood theme. Local artist, Liz Kellinger, created design outlines, and in March, Junior Proceeds from the 2012 Ball will benefit the establishment of the Board members began painting wall scenes including an old fashioned Pediatric Obesity Treatment Center at Children’s Hospital of Richmond’s carousel, characters from The Nutcracker ballet, and images from Center for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. For ticket or the book, Where the Wild Things Are, to decorate various areas of the sponsorship information, visit or call club. Rooms will have different color schemes, and some will feature 804-228-5814. The Ball will also be cardboard cutouts of wild things, shields, beach balls and sand castles, promoted through social media channels, thanks to donations from Richmond Corrugated Box. Facebook and Twitter. Local Businesses Sponsor Foundation Icon Sales Stop by Bobalicious in Chesterfield Towne Center’s food court or Baskin Robbins on Forest Hill Avenue through June 30, and support Children’s Hospital Foundation by purchasing a Foundation icon for $1. Enjoy a sweet treat and help the many patients supported by the Foundation. For more information about how your business or organization can sponsor an icon fundraiser, contact Stephanie Allan at 804-228-5827 or 10 FOR OUR CHILDREN Local Celebrities Put on their Dancing Shoes for Kids E ight local celebrities added “dancer” to their resumes this spring as part of the second annual Dancing with the Richmond Stars event to benefit Children’s Hospital Foundation. Organized by the MCV Hospitals Auxiliary and presented by C&C Electrical Services, Inc., the March 16 event raised $72,000 for Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s (CHoR) Child Protection Team, which provides care for children who are victims of abuse and neglect. The Child Protection Team, the only source to treat abused and neglected children in the Greater Metro Richmond area, operates out of the hospital’s Pediatric Emergency Room on CHoR’s MCV Campus. The team receives referrals from pediatricians throughout central Virginia and provides them with a resource that can be accessed 24 hours a day and seven days a week for immediate evaluation. The specialized team also runs an outpatient clinic in the facility, offering appointments for medical examinations for suspected cases of abuse and neglect. “The MCV Hospitals Auxiliary was looking for a new event,” said Karen Shudtz, event co-chair, of the decision to host the first Dancing with the Richmond Stars in 2011, “and it seemed an appropriate time to join forces with Children’s Hospital Foundation to raise funds for children. We are so pleased to play a part in benefiting and celebrating all of the important work being done at Children’s Hospital of Richmond.” After the success of last year’s program, the 15-person auxiliary board planning committee, led by Karen and her co-chair, Charlotte Roberts, was excited to continue the event in 2012. Celebrities and their professional dance partners from Rigby’s Jig Dance Studio began rehearsing in January and practiced for at least 15-20 hours before the live performance. Andrew Freiden, NBC12 meteorologist, also donated his time to serve as the event’s emcee. Each dancer was awarded special recognition like Fanciest Footwork and Most Entertaining, but top honors went to Leslie Wyatt, RN, MS, Vice President of Children’s Services and Executive Director of CHoR, for her Members of the Dancing with the Richmond Stars event committee presented a check for $72,000 to representatives from VCU Health System, Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) and Children’s Hospital Foundation in April. Pictured left to right are Maria Curran, Vice President of Human Resources, VCU Health System; Penny Stygar, Event Committee Member; Judy Collins, Event Committee Member; Eleanor Goode, Chairman, Children’s Hospital Foundation; Dr. Robin Foster, Director of Pediatric Emergency Services, CHoR; Susan Richards, RN, Nurse Manager, Pediatric Emergency Department, CHoR; Aynsley Perkins, Child Protection Team Coordinator, CHoR; Mary Vetrovec, Event Committee Member; Diana Best, Treasurer, MCV Hospitals Auxiliary; Karen Shudtz, Event Co-Chair; Charlotte Roberts, Event CoChair; and Jo Ann Barton, President, MCV Hospitals Auxiliary. spirited East Coast Swing. A People’s Choice award, given to Coleman “Coley” Wortham, III, Chairman & CEO, Davenport & Company LLC, was added this year in memory of 2011 celebrity dancer, Russ Palmore, who unexpectedly passed away a few weeks after last year’s show. Other celebrity dancers were Heidi W. Abbott, Counsel, Hunton & Williams; Lou Gambill, Co-owner, Fraîche on the Avenues; Reggie Gordon, CEO, American Red Cross, Virginia Capital Region; Martin Rubenstein, Owner, Martin Interior Design; Kat Simons, DJ, Lite 98; and Dianne Harris Wright, Board Member, Massey Cancer Center & MCV Foundation. Bowlers Battle for Fundraising Championship Children’s Hospital Foundation’s 18th Annual Bowl-A-Thon and 5th Annual Battle of the Banks brought together more than 100 competitors to raise $10,800 for the Foundation. The event was supported by strike sponsors U.S. Bank, Union First Market Bank and VCU Center for Sport Leadership. “For years, one of my favorite events has been the Children’s Hospital Foundation Bowl-A-Thon,” said Danise Harmon, Business Manager, Center for Sport Leadership. “In the past, I’ve solicited donations personally, but this year the Center for Sport Leadership was able to come on as an official sponsor. We are excited to provide financial support to continue Children’s Hospital Foundation’s mission of caring for children.” Top additional fundraisers included Elaine Arens, Hill Phoenix, $1,493; Ben Edgell, Union First Market Bank, $905; and Liane Cramer, Cramer Landscaping, $495. The top scoring team in the Bowl-A-Thon was Direct Mail Solutions with 2,250 pins, and the top team in the Battle of the Banks segment was Union First Market Bank with 1,990 pins. young at h eart I SUMMER 2012 Pictured (l-r), Danise Harmon bowled with Center for Sport Leadership students Brittany Usera, Amanda Friday, and Dana Slater. Danise’s daughter, Daricka (not pictured), rounded out the team. 11 With Our Thanks Children’s Hospital Foundation recently received gifts from the following: • Right Hand Foundation - $10,000 • Colonial Hog Chapter #1381 - $5,979 • Direct Mail Solutions - $2,500 from the River City Kids Campaign • Fraternal Order of Eagles – Grand Aerie - $2,000 • Thomas & Betts Power Solutions - $1,552 • Saint Andrews Society of Richmond - $1,350 • Giving Tree School - $1,025 • Patient First Corporation - $1,000 Children’s Hospital Foundation recently received the following estate gifts: • Ms. Margaret H. Ostergard - $10,000 • Ms. Ethel C. Kelly - $10,000 • Mrs. Eileen T. Honkala - $1,000 In Memoriam Children’s Hospital Foundation wishes to acknowledge with great sadness and gratitude the passing of Roderick Bell Mathews on April 27, 2012 after a courageous battle with cancer. Rod was a long-time friend of Children’s Hospital, and he served as a member and president of the hospital’s Board of Trustees for many years. In 2006 Rod became a member of the Board of Directors of Children’s Hospital Foundation where he continued to serve until his death. He will long be remembered for his great concern for the welfare of the children of our community. Through his selfless generosity he has touched the lives of thousands of children and continued to make their lives better. Everyone in the Children’s Hospital Foundation family will miss Rod for his ability to lead, his passion for bringing fairness to any situation, his compassion for others and his “spectacular” outlook on life. Play Ball Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU patient Tyler Graves, who was featured in the Summer 2011 issue of Young at Heart, recently achieved one of the main goals he set after finishing treatment for a malignant brain tumor — getting back on the baseball field. Now 13 years old, Tyler returned to school full time in September 2011 and played his first baseball game post-treatment in April, as pitcher and infielder for the Stafford Baseball League 14U Babe Ruth Prep League. As a national philanthropy of Kappa Delta Sorority, Children’s Hospital Foundation has been the beneficiary of the organization’s generous support for 114 years. The Foundation recently received gifts from the following alumnae and collegiate chapters: • Epsilon Pi, Virginia Tech - $6,758 • Beta Zeta, University of South Carolina - $500 • Greater Atlanta Alumnae of Kappa Delta - $371 • Bartlesville, Oklahoma Kappa Delta Alumnae - $200 • Delta Omicron, Eastern Kentucky University - $100 • West Suburban Alumnae of Kappa Delta - $75 Spring Break Memories Residents of the Transitional Care Unit (TCU) at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU went on a fishing trip to Harrison Lake as part of the unit’s annual spring break camp April 9-13. Bass Pro Shops donated 12 fishing poles and tackle for the children to use on the trip and also provided Bass Pro Shops hats to keep them protected from the sun. In addition to supporting this outing, Bass Pro Shops sponsored a Bass Fishing Tournament on April 1, which raised $1,000 for Children’s Hospital Foundation. 12 1 Snapshots 1 Representatives from Sweet Frog and its mascot visited patients, including 8-year-old Lydia Crouch, in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) this spring. The frozen yogurt chain made a $1,500 donation to Children’s Hospital Foundation, which will be used to benefit the Child Life Department. The mascot also delivered t-shirts, hats, and gift cards to children at the hospital during the visit. 4 4 More than 1,300 stuffed bunnies arrived at CHoR’s Brook Road Campus in style 2 on March 31 during the 16th Annual Bunny Run, sponsored by the Corvette Club of Richmond. Cecile Custer, who organized the event, explained, “The Bunny Run is important to me because I was hospitalized several times during my childhood, so I know the first-hand impact something as simple as a fuzzy bunny can have on a sick child.” Cecile (center) and other members of the Corvette Club visited patients, including Iceis, 9, and Kyle, 12, during the afternoon activity. 5 Ruth Sangiuliano, Hospital Education Program (HEP), held up the magic mirror for Jerziah Moore, 15, who played the Beast in a performance of Beauty and the Beast performed in April by 30 children from CHoR’s Transitional Care Unit. Organized by the HEP, the musical program featured elaboratelydecorated sets created by the children with help from HEP and Recreation Therapy staff. 5 2 Spirit Halloween Stores raised $28,490 for the Child Life Department at CHoR’s MCV Campus through in-store fundraisers last fall. Patients were also treated to a party with costumes and pumpkin painting by Spirit staff in October. Pictured (l-r) are Leslie Wendorf, Mid-Atlantic Zone Manager, Spirit Halloween; Tom Howell, Director of Stores, Spirit Halloween; Liz Smith, RN, PICU Nurse Manager, CHoR; Ray Smith, Special Project District Manager, Spirit Halloween; Heather Kinney, CCLS, Senior Child Life Specialist, CHoR; Siri Bream, CCLS, Child Life Specialist, CHoR; Stephanie Allan, Director of Special Events, Children’s Hospital Foundation; and Jeniece Roane, RN, MS, Nursing Director, Women’s and Children’s Health, CHoR. 3 3 Members of the Senior Board Gift Shop Committee presented a check for $10,000 in February to benefit the Transitional Care Unit and Children’s Feeding Program at CHoR’s Brook Road Campus. Pictured (l-r) are Brenda Campbell; Maureen Dillard; Chris Broughton-Spruill, President, Children’s Hospital Foundation; Nancy Jaffe; Susan Terry, Gift Shop Chairman; June Tuttle; Polly Wrinkle; Eleanor Hall; and Betty Spiers. young at h eart I SUMMER 2012 6 6 Guests at Children’s Hospital Foundation’s Health & Safety Day learned about water safety from the Richmond YMCA as part of the morning’s activities on April 17. More than 800 children ages 4-7 attended the annual event held on the front lawn of CHoR’s Brook Road Campus and sponsored by Food Lion. The event was supported by 30 community partners, including the Richmond Police, Bomb Squad, Department of Fire and Emergency Services, American Red Cross, Commonwealth Dermatology, and others. 13 Family Fun & More calendarof events Visit for the most up-to-date event information. All events benefit Children’s Hospital Foundation. FRIDAY, JULY 20 – SUNDAY, JULY 22 How can a lemonade stand raise $726,000? By selling one cup at a time! Over the past 10 years, Anthem LemonAid has raised over $726,000 for childhood cancer treatment and research in Central Virginia. All monies raised support Hematology/Oncology services at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR). This year, proceeds will benefit the Bone Marrow Transplant program, which serves children with various forms of blood cancer, such as leukemia. Each registered participant receives a free LemonAid kit complete with lemonade, cups, a pitcher, balloons, stickers and signage to help decorate the stand. We provide the supplies; you pick the spot to set up your stand. Elephant Auto Insurance will also donate $10 to a designated online LemonAid stand of your choice when you complete a free Elephant Auto quote online. Children, families, friends, and businesses are invited to set up lemonade stands and be part of the miracle that helps “put the squeeze” on childhood cancer. To register, visit or call 804-228-5934. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 Food Lion’s Tour de Lions Register for a 5, 35, 65 or 100-mile ride to raise funds for Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s (CHoR) Pediatric Emergency Room. Refreshing rest stops, SAG cycling assistance, maps and cue sheets will be provided. Starts and finishes at CHoR’s Brook Road Campus, 2924 Brook Road, Richmond. Join a team or register as an individual by Aug. 17 at 5 p.m. Registration is available at Registration is $20 for adults and $10 for children under the age of 18, with additional fundraising strongly encouraged as part of participation. 14 MARK YOUR CALENDAR Cars for Kids June 1 to 30 Purchase a car from Enterprise Car Sales in June and finance through a participating credit union. For each qualifying sale, $250 will be donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. 8605 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond. Mosaic Community Give Back Wednesday, June 13 Mosaic Café and Catering will host a “Give Back” night where 13% of the pre-tax receipts from dinner sales will be given to CHF (excludes alcohol sales). Individuals attending on behalf of CHF simply need to let the hostess know they are part of the fundraiser. 5 to 9 p.m. 6229 River Road, Richmond. Panera Bread Café Cookie Sales July 16-30 Purchase a flower cookie from any Richmond-area Panera Bread Café, and 25 cents will be donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals for every cookie sold. Rod Run Car Show Saturday, July 21 Join us for the 27th Annual Early Bird Rod Run Car Show, presented by Virginia Street Rods. This event is open to pre-1983 domestic and import cars and trucks only. General admission is $3 (free for children under 12). 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Victory Tabernacle Church, 11700 Genito Road, Midlothian. For more information, visit SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Dairy Queen’s Miracle Treat Day Thursday, July 26 Enjoy a Blizzard from a local participating Dairy Queen, and at least $1 per Blizzard will be donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Place your office orders the day before so you don’t miss this tasty treat. Visit for a list of participating stores. Richmond Chapter of Credit Unions Golf Tournament Monday, July 30 4-person Captain’s Choice format. Registration is $420/ team or $105/person and includes green fees, cart and lunch. 9 a.m. shotgun start. Richmond Country Club, 12950 Patterson Avenue, Richmond. To register or learn more, contact Stars on the Water Friday, August 17 – Sunday, August 19 Jimmy Buffett fans, tropically-minded Virginians, and just plain fun folks should mark their calendars for the 18th Annual Stars on the Water weekend party, presented by the Parrot Head Club of Richmond. Features tropical rock entertainment, games, and great raffle and auction prizes. Sheraton Park South, Richmond. Belle Couture Fashion Show Saturday, August 25 Join us for “Because You Loved Me,” a charity fashion show presented by Belle Couture Image and featuring a silent auction, mime performance, vendors, hors d’oeuvres, and much more. Tickets are $50. 7 p.m. Glen Allen Cultural Arts Center, 2880 Mountain Road, Glen Allen. Aireco Foolish Open Golf Tournament Thursday, September 20 Register your foursome (or sign up as an individual) for this captain’s choice tournament where the golfer with the highest score is the winner. $600 registration fee includes golf for four, acknowledgement of your company or name on a “Miracle Sponsor” sign and lunch after the event. 9 a.m. tee off. The Crossings Golf Club, 800 Virginia Center Parkway, Glen Allen. Contact Nancy McDaniel at 804-359-2468. young at h eart I SUMMER 2012 Mark your calendar for our 10th anniversary event, featuring a new race format perfect for the whole family. Walkers and runners of all ages are invited to participate in our 4-mile course, while the Superkid Adventure obstacle course provides a special opportunity and challenge for children between the ages of 5 and 10. A post-race breakfast, kids’ activities, decorated stroller contest, music and more will immediately follow the race. Start times are 8:30 a.m. for the Superkid Adventure obstacle course and 9:00 a.m. for the 4-Mile Walk/Run. Registration for the Superkid Adventure obstacle course is $10 on or before September 7 or $15 after. For the 4-Mile Walk/Run, registration is $25 before September 7 or $35 after. Race course begins and ends at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU, Brook Road Campus, 2924 Brook Road, Richmond. Register online today at Contact 804-228-5827 or for more information, including sponsorship opportunities. save the date Extra Life Tournament Saturday, October 20 Play Angry Birds on your iPhone, Farmville on Facebook or the latest PS3 game—it all counts in this 24-hour gaming marathon benefiting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Ask friends and family to support you for as little as $1/hour and raise funds to help kids. Torch Relay Wednesday, October 31 Celebrate Halloween with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Enjoy a 5K walk beginning and ending on the front lawn of Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s Brook Road Campus, 2924 Brook Road, Richmond. Come in your best costume to win great prizes. Registration is $30 for adults and $5 for children ages 3-12, with additional fundraising encouraged. 50s Sock Hop Saturday, October 27 Event rescheduled from June. Join us for a traditional “sock hop” featuring food, cocktails, vintage music and other entertainment. Richmond International Raceway, Old Dominion Building, 600 East Laburnum Avenue, Richmond. 15 CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 2924 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23220-1298 804-228-5814 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID RICHMOND, VA PERMIT 1146 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Making Life a Little Sweeter Children’s Hospital Foundation supports the children and families at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU, our region’s full-service children’s hospital. Last year alone, more than 50,000 children received care at the hospital. As we near the end of our fiscal year on June 30, please consider making a donation that will help ensure that these children continue to have access to world-class pediatric health care close to home, right here in Central Virginia. Please give our children the support they deserve. Harold Parker IV’s energy level has taken off since receiving a liver transplant at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU last fall. The 4-year-old loves toy cars, the Dallas Cowboys, Spiderman and playing with his 5-year-old sister and has big plans for his next birthday celebration. Read more about Harold on page 5.
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