2nd Annual FOCUS... The Pediatric and Neonatal Care Conference October 16 - 17, 2014 l Richmond Marriott 500 East Broad Street l Richmond, VA 23219 l (804) 643-3400 CONFERENCE INFORMATION THURSDAY l OCTOBER 16, 2014 l 1 to 5 p.m. Optional half-day program This half day pre-conference program will cover clinical pharmacology associated with the pediatric population, presented by medical and pharmacy faculty. The program is intended for nurses and allied health professionals caring for children, and may also be suitable for pharmacists. Faculty Beth Marshall, MD Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Clifton Lee, MD, FAAP, FHM Associate Professor and Chief, Hospital Medicine Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Christina Whitehill, PharmD Clinical Pharmacist Henrico Doctors’ Hospital-Forest, Richmond, VA FRIDAY l OCTOBER, 17, 2014 l 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Full-day Program The 2nd Annual FOCUS...Pediatric and Neonatal Care Conference will address health topics and issues in children and adolescents to help advance the today’s pediatric environment. Pediatric interprofessional experts will use best evidence to present trends and discuss current issues that impact children’s health. The goal of this day is to help strengthen your practice of caring for this special patient population. Join us for FOCUS 2014 to mingle with colleagues and conference faculty, share innovative ideas, and meet enthusiastic nurses from around the MidAtlantic region. Target Audience This conference is primarily intended for pediatric and neonatal nurses who practice in acute care, critical care and trauma/emergency settings. Additional health care professionals who work with children and adolescents also may find the conference of relevance to their practice. Continuing Education Nursing Participants: Topics The use of intravenous immunoglobulin in immune disorders, uses and effects of asthma medications, and the use of surfactant in the premature newborn. VCU Medical Center is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Virginia Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. The sessions will be followed by a wine and cheese social. Maximum Nursing Contact Hours Provided: 5.7 Continuing Education Nursing Participants: Other Participants: VCU Medical Center is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Virginia Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Nursing Pharmacologic Contact Hours Provided: 3.8 Register online: chrichmond.org/FOCUS This continuing education activity meets the criteria of Virginia Commonwealth University and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. 0.5 CEUs* will be awarded and recorded with the University. (*1 hour of instruction = 0.1 CEU. Fractions of 1 hour cannot be used in calculation of CEU.) Americans with Disabilities Act VCU Medical Center is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, ethnic origin or disability. If special accommodation is needed, please contact us at (804) 828-0418. Every attempt will be made to facilitate your participation in this educational event. 1 2nd Annual FOCUS... Pediatric and Neonatal Care Conference Accommodations and Parking FOCUS attendees will receive a special discounted rate of $114 (single) per night at the Richmond Marriott for check-in on October 16, 2014. Reservations must be made by 5 p.m. on September 25, 2014. Call (800) 228-9290 or (804) 643-3400 directly to make your reservation. Let the reservations department know you are with the VCU Health System – Pediatric Conference. Attendees should park in the 5th and Marshall Street Parking Deck behind the Marriott. Parking fees will only be waived for this designated parking deck. Further information will be included with your confirmation letter. Registration Registration fee includes program materials, continuing education certificate, break Victoria Kuester, MD Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU David Lanning, MD, PhD Surgeon-in-Chief Associate Professor, Surgery Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Clifton Lee, MD, FAAP, FHM Associate Professor and Chief, Hospital Medicine Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU refreshments, lunch and parking. Minimum and maximum conference attendance numbers have been established and we reserve the right to substitute speakers/ topics, or cancel if necessary. See rates on page 3. Megan Lo, MD Assistant Professor, Nephrology Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Cancellation Policy A full refund minus the $15 processing fee will be provided for written cancellations postmarked by October 2, 2014. No refunds will be issued for cancellations postmarked after this date. Beth Marshall, MD Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Questions CEforNursing@mcvh-vcu.edu l (804) 828-0418 Faculty Maria Asi-Bautista, MD, FAAP, FCCP Associate Director, Pediatric Critical Care Chippenham Medical Center, Richmond, VA Martin Buxton, MD, LFAACP, DLFAPA Chief of Psychiatry CJW Medical Center, Richmond, VA Kerri Carter, MD, FAAP Assistant Professor, Cardiology Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Sharon Cone, PhD, RNC, NNP-BC Nurse Manager, Newborn Intensive Care Unit Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Jenny Fox, MD Assistant Professor, Neonatal Medicine Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Tim Jeter, BSN, RN, NRP, EMT Coronary ICU VCU Medical Center Kathy Marshall, RRT-NPS Respiratory Therapist and ECMO Technician Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Jimmy McConnell, RN, RRT Respiratory Therapist and ECMO Technician Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Barbara Reyna, PhD, RN, NNP-BC Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Kimberly Ritenour, MS, RN, CPNP Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Feeding Program Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Kelley Rumsey, MS, RN, CEN, ACNP-BC, PNP-BC Program Coordinator, Children’s Trauma Center Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Karen Schmidt, RD, CSP Registered Dietitian, Clinical Nutrition and Gastroenterology Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU Christina Whitehill, PharmD Clinical Pharmacist Henrico Doctors’ Hospital-Forest, Richmond, VA 2 2nd Annual FOCUS... Pediatric and Neonatal Care Conference FRIDAY l OCTOBER, 17 2014 l 8 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. PROGRAM SCHEDULE 8 a.m. Welcome and Introductions Becky Coviello, BS, RN 8:15 Alarm Fatigue Sharon Cone, PhD, RNC, NNP-BC 10 Respiratory-Across the Lifespan Kathy Marshall, RRT-NPS 10:15 Break - Networking with exhibitors and poster presenters 10:45 Breakout Session 1 (Select one session.) Visa MasterCard Attendee Information 11:45 Lunch - Networking with exhibitors and poster presenters Martin Buxton, MD Megan Lo, MD Jimmy McConnel, RN, RRT Kelley Rumsey 1:15 p.m. Breakout Session 2 (Select one session.) AP Obesity David Lanning, MD CC Heart Defects Kerri Carter, MD NC Silent Aspiration Barbara Reyna, PhD, NNP-BC Kimberly Ritenour, MS, RN, CPNP ET Orthopaedic Injuries Victoria Kuester, MD Breakout Session 3 (Select one session.) AP CC NC ET 3:15 Break 3:30 Parent Panel: The Families’ Perspective Sherry Feeney and Joy Goodman 4:15 Close and Evaluations Celiac Disease DKA Glucose Protocol Burn Care Check one Exp. date_______ Signature__________________________ AP CC NC ET 2:15 Mail credit card information Card #_________________________________________ Substance Abuse in Adolescents Renal Failure ECMO Traumatic Brain Injury Mail check payable to Education & Professional Development Karen Schmidt, RD, CSP Maria Asi-Bautista, MD Jenny Fox, MD Tim Jeter, BS, RN, NRP, EMT REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT Registration and payment must be received no later than October 2, 2014. Registration fee is non-refundable after deadline. Register and Pay Online at chrichmond.org/FOCUS Note: Non-VCU participants will need to setup an online user ID and password before registering and paying online via credit card. Register and Pay Via Mail If you prefer not to register online, please complete the following form and mail it along with payment to our Baltimore processing center: VCU Health System l P.O. Box 759350 l Baltimore, MD 21275-9350 Name____________________________________________ Address___________________________________________ Credentials (RN, BSN, etc.) _______________________________________________ City State Zip Employer__________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ Email____________________________________________ Registration Fees *Fee waivers are only available for employees of VCU Health System and its affiliates, as well as HCA-CJW/Spotsylvania/HDH-Forest. NOTE: Nurse manager/ director approval is required to receive a fee waiver. Otherwise, individuals from the above organization must self-pay. Fee Waiver: *VCUHS and affiliates; *HCA-CJW/Spotsylvania/HDH-Forest Self-Pay (organizations above) Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 16 & 17 $65 $95 $150 $65 $95 $150 EARLY BIRD RATE - Until September 9, 2014 Community participants $65 $95 $150 REGULAR RATE - After September 9, 2014 Community participants $85 $115 $190 POSTER PRESENTERS Accepted poster presenters $75 N/A Breakout Session Selections Please make one selection for each of the breakout sessions. Breakout session 1 AP: Substance Abuse in Adolescents CC: Renal Failure NN: ECMO ET: Traumatic Brain Injury Breakout session 3 AP: Celiac Disease CC: DKA NC: Glucose Protocol ET: Burn Care Breakout session 2 AP: Obesity in Children CC: Heart Defects NC: Silent Aspiration ET: Orthopaedic Injuries BREAKOUT SESSION KEY AP Acute Pediatrics CC Critical Care NC Neonatal Care ET Emergency/Trauma
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