The Laker - Shell Lake

The Laker
January 30, 2015
Exceeding Expectations, It’s the Laker way!
Make It Monday
Laker Way Winners
Starting on Monday, Feb 2…YOU can be a part
of something so COOL that has NEVER BEEN
DONE BEFORE! Mary Dosch & Shell Lake
Community Ed invite you to participate in the
debut of Make It Monday! Make It Monday is a
weekly gathering of like-minded individuals that
will contribute to a community project! Come
once, come weekly, bring your friends or come
alone. Young, old, artist or not—you are invited
to join us for an intergenerational experience that
will contribute to an iconic piece of art
downtown Shell Lake. Make It Monday! will
meet every Monday, 6:00-8:00 pm at the Shell
Lake Arts Center, lower level. The inspiration
for the first project is the 15x5ft mosaic mural
Morgan Hoffman, Emily Swan,
hanging in the Shell Lake Post Office. Under the
Kaylee Keenan, and Jack Brunberg
guidance of local artist, Mary Dosch, Brickyard
Hockey Fan Bus
Pottery, Shell Lake students created a ceramic
5, a Shell Lake fan bus is
tiled mural showcasing the many seasons of the
Barron for a Hockey
City of Shell Lake. Onlookers with envy, look no
gamewith the Northwest Icemen playing River
further! In true form of the Shell Lake
Falls at Barron. Cost will be $6 per person and
this will cover ride and admission price. Sign up
school/community/family partnerships, now
with Amanda in the 7-12 office. The bus will
YOU can play, too! The Shell Lake city hall will
leave at 5:30 p.m. for a 7:00 game if we get
showcase an exterior mosaic mural created by the
enough people signed up!
hearts and hands of participating community
Drivers Ed
members. While the size will be smaller, our goal
Education program will be
is to have twice as many hands involved in the
held the following days during the summer of
masterpiece. Do you have a design idea to
2015: June 15 – 19, June 22 – 26, June 29 - July
contribute? Come and share your ideas at the
3, July 6, 7, 8 (make-up days). There will be two
first Make It Monday! Feb 2.
sections again this summer: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00
a.m. and 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We can enroll a
The Shell Lake Kindergarten
classes read the book “Snowballs”
section. Students may begin to enroll during the
by Lois Ehlert during their library
week of January 19. Older students, those
time. This book gave some very
already 15 1/2 or older, will be given priority
creative ideas on items you can use
during this registration period. The current fee
to build really cool looking snow
is $275.00 per student (subject to change), and
people. After reading this book the students
includes the 6 hours of driving, and 6 hours of
decided to make their own snowman right in the
observation in order to fulfill the state
library. Check it out on the primary library
requirements. The driving is done either before
website: Go to the school district website
or after school once the student has earned their click on K-2
permit. Students must attend every day for all 15
Library/Media Center on the left menu. The
days of the summer classes. If students miss any
pictures will be on the main page as a slide show.
of the days (maximum of three days absences are
allowed), they must make up their time
during July 6, 7, and 8. Failure to attend 15 class
periods will result in the student being required
to retake the class the following summer or
elsewhere. There are no exceptions, as the State
of Wisconsin requires this. Students must be
in attendance for the 15 days, to get their
driver’s license. If you have any questions
please call Mr. Forsythe at 468-7814 ext 1123.
Open Enrollment
Wisconsin’s public school open enrollment
application period runs from Feb. 2 to April 30
for the 2015-16 school year, allowing parents an
opportunity to send their children to any public
school district in the state. Under the full-time
public school open enrollment program, parents
may apply during the three-month application
period to the school district they wish their
children to attend. Reimbursement of a portion
of transportation costs is available for families
whose children are eligible for free or reducedprice school meals based on federal income
guidelines. The Department of Public Instruction
provides the following guidance for parents who
wish to apply for open enrollment.
• Parents are urged to apply online directly from
website The online application will
be available from midnight Feb. 2 until 4 p.m. on
April 30.
• Paper applications can be obtained from the
DPI or any public school district. Paper
application forms must be received by the
nonresident school district no earlier than Feb. 2
Mon., Feb. 2
Mini Cinnamon
Mac’n cheese &
corn dog
Tues., Feb. 3
Pancakes &
Oat Chocolate
Chip Bar
and no later than 4 p.m. on April 30. A postmark
for paper forms will not meet the requirement.
• Parents may submit applications to up to three
nonresident school districts for each child during
the open enrollment application period.
• Forms must be filled out completely and
accurately. Contact the local school district office
or the DPI if assistance is needed in completing
the application.
• Parents may request enrollment in a specific
school or program in the nonresident school
district; however, enrollment in the requested
school or program is subject to space and other
limitations and is not guaranteed.
• Most students who attended a nonresident
school district under open enrollment last year
are not required to reapply for the 2015-16
school year. However, if the student will be
entering middle school, junior high school, or
high school in the 2015-16 school year, parents
should call the nonresident school district to find
out if reapplication will be required.
• Parents may apply for their children to attend 4year-old kindergarten under open enrollment
only if the resident school district also offers a 4year-old kindergarten program for which the
child is eligible. To assist parents in submitting
open enrollment applications, a directory of
public school districts is available on the DPI
website at More
information is available from local school
districts or from an open enrollment consultant at
information about open enrollment may be found
Wed., Feb. 4
Cereal & toast
Thurs., Feb. 5
French toast
Hot ham n’
cheese with soup
Fri., Feb. 6
Cheddar omelet
& toast
Apple Stick
Chicken strip wrap