QCHP System Guidelines

Guidelines on using the Registration/Licensing
Electronic System
Guidelines on using the Registration/Licensing Electronic System
1. Applicant/practitioner
A. New Applicants (never been evaluated online or licensed before)
1. Login to (www.qchp.org.qa) click on Login to the Medical Licensing
Registration System.
(Kindly be advised that you can submit only through a PC or Laptop. I pads,
tablets or smart phones are not applicable).
2. Click on Sign up for New Applicant. Create an account by writing your email
address and password (Password should contains letters A-Z, numbers 0-9
and special characters!@#$ %^&*).
3. After submission, open your email and activate the account.
4. Login to the account you have created and click on apply for evaluation.
Make sure to fill all the information and upload all the related attachments
before submitting your application and print out the receipt for payment (if
5. Kindly follow below steps for online payment in your evaluation application
(if applicable)
6. After payment and submission, your request will show as (Not completed by
Employer) which means your authorized focal point should approve your
request via the institution account.
7. After submission (If you are exempted from payment), your request will show
(Employer Completing) which means your authorized focal point should
approve your request via the institution account.
8. Be sure to complete all the information required and upload all the related
B. Already registered practitioner:
1. Login to (www.qchp.org.qa) and click on Login to the Medical Licensing
Registration System.
2. Click on “Sign Up for Already Registered Practitioner”.
3. Create an account (that wasn’t used previously for login) and then apply for
whatever request you are allowed to e.g. renewal, change place of work, etc.
4. Complete and submit the application.
5. Pay the fees if applicable through the focal point.
6. Finally the (employer focal point) should approve the request through the
institution account.
7. In case you face any problem in registration, please send an email to our
technical support: qchphelpdesk@sch.gov.qa
2. Institution focal point or employer
To apply on behalf of a practitioner via the institution's account please do the following:
1. Login to (www.qchp.org.qa) and click on Login to the Medical Licensing
Registration System.
2. Enter the institution’s account & sign in.
3. Click on registering on behalf of an institution staff member.
4. Search for the required practitioner and click show requests.
5. Click “Create New Request”.
Choose the request you want to create.
Complete the online application, attach the required documents and submit.
Pay the fees if applicable.
Approve and submit the request (as en employer) online via the institution
How to get the employer's approval online
Login to the employer representative's account, check the request and attach any missing
documents (if any) by doing the following:
1. Open the employer landing page and click on "Complete application for Registration and
click on request number
2. Review the requirements on the practitioner’s application and ask him/her for any
missing documents.
3. Upload any missing documents. (If needed)
4. Once the application is complete, submit.
Afterwards, approve the request by doing the following:
1. Click “Registering on behalf of institution staff member”.
2. Search for the practitioner and click “Show requests”.
3. Click on the request that he/she is applying for.
4. Approve the request and submit.
Login Guidelines
To register onto the Registration/Licensing Electronic System – New
1) Visit the website - http://www.qchp.org.qa/en/Pages/default.aspx
2) Click “Login to Medical Licensing Registration system “
3) Click “Sign Up for New Applicant”
4) Enter all the mandatory details (indicates by *) and click “Sign Up” button
(Make sure the Email id is valid since you will need to activate it after the account has been
5) Please visit your E-Mail inbox "To Activate the Account ".
6) Registration has been completed now you can use the same user name password in step 3
To reset password:
1. Click "forgot password"
2. Enter QCHP login ID and Click "OK"
3. Please visit your E-Mail inbox "to Reset password"
* New password should contain letters, numbers and special character. E.g.
Note: If the unsuccessful login attempts reach 5 times. Please contact helpdesk:
To update an invalid email address with a valid one:
Create "Update Personal info" request through employer account.
Update with a valid email address.
On Approval of Request the new email id will be used as communication email and all
communications will be sent to the new email id.
Applicant/ Practitioner can go to the "forgot password" link and enter the log id and the
Reset Password link will be sent to the new email address.
How to find the QCHP login ID
10. Login to (www.qchp.org.qa) and click on Login to the Medical Licensing Registration
11. Enter the institution account email and password & sign in.
12. Click on registering on behalf of an institution staff member.
13. You will find the email address used for login in the "Login email" column.
E-License User Manual
QCHP Registration Officer will approve the licensing/renewal request and the practitioner
will instantly receive an email notification through the Registration/Licensing Electronic
System. To check your e-License, please follow the below steps:
1. Open www.qchp.org.qa
2. Click on Login to Medical Licensing Registration System
3. Sign In with your "Practitioner" Email ID and Password
4. Click On e-License
5. Your e-License will appear
6. To print your e-License, click on the print button
For employer focal points, you can check the e-License for practitioners in your institution
by doing the following steps:
1. Open www.qchp.org.qa
2. Click on Login to Medical Licensing Registration System
3. Sign In with your "Institution" Email ID and Password
4. Sign In with your "Institution" Email ID and Password
5. Click on registering on behalf of an institution staff member.
6. Search for the required practitioner and click on their license number.
7. The practitioner’s e-License will appear. To print it, click on the print button
E-Jaza User Manual
Practitioner Account
To check your Central Governmental Electronic Sick Leave System (e-Jaza ), please follow
the below steps:
1. Open www.qchp.org.qa
2. Click on Login to Medical Licensing Registration System
3. Sign In with your "Practitioner" Email ID and Password
4. Click On e-Jaza
5. Enter patient QID or Passport number and click on "Fetch Details". If the patient data
has been entered once on the system (by any facility), then patient details will be
displayed automatically
6. Fill “Leave Details”.
7. Click on e-jaza Print Preview (To make sure there are no errors. This report cannot be
used as an e-Jaza certificate)
8. Click on Submit. The e-Jaza will be downloaded to your computer
9. Print the e-Jaza, sign it and stamp it with your practitioner stamp and facility stamp.
E – Jaza Report
1. Click On "View all e-Jaza" and you will find all the e- Jazas issued.
 If you face any technical issues while issuing the e-Jaza, please send an email to our
technical support helpdesk: qchphelpdesk@sch.gov.qa
Employer Account
To check your Central Governmental Electronic Sick Leave System (e-Jaza ), please follow
the below steps:
1. Open www.qchp.org.qa
2. Click on Login to Medical Licensing Registration System
3. Sign In with your "Employer" Email ID and Password
4. Click on e-Jaza , enter practitioner’s license number and click on "Issue e-Jaza"
5. Enter patient QID or Passport number and click on "Fetch Details". If the patient data
has been entered once on the system (by any facility), then patient details will be
displayed automatically
6. Fill “Leave Details”.
7. Click on e-jaza Print Preview (To make sure there are no errors. This report cannot be
used as an e-Jaza certificate)
8. Click on Submit. The e-Jaza will be downloaded to your computer
9. Print the e-Jaza, sign it and stamp it with your practitioner stamp and facility stamp.
E – Jaza Report
1. Click On "View e-Jaza" and you will find all the e-Jazas issued by all practitioners in
your institution.
 If you face any technical issues while issuing the e-Jaza, please send an email to our
technical support helpdesk: qchphelpdesk@sch.gov.qa