Parents Of Murdered Children, Inc. VALLEY OF THE SUN CHAPTER F “For the Families & Friends of those who have died by violence” P.O. Box 39603 Phoenix, AZ 85069-9603 (602) 254-8818 Chapter E-mail: * National Organization of Parents Of Murdered Children, Inc. (POMC) 100 E. 8th St., Ste 202, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513-721-5683) Fax (513-345-4489) Toll Free Number (888) 818-7662 Volume 21; No. 3 March 2012 MONTHLY MEETING LOCATIONS NEW LOCATION CRIME VICTIMS LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT Free legal aide to help assert victims' rights through Arizona Voice for Crime Victims @ (602) 258-1812, P.O. Box 875920, Tempe, AZ 85287-5920 or contact Keli Luther at or Mary Wallace at March 27, 2012 7pm SPEAKER/INFORMATION MEETING Grief support meetings EASTSIDE (4th TUESDAY of each month) March 13, 2012 7 PM Mountain View Lutheran Church (2nd Tuesday of the month) 11002 S. 48th Street, Phoenix PPSLA TRAINING ROOM (1/2 mile west of I-10 at 48th Street & Elliot) 8821 N. 7TH STREET Room 8 (south of Dunlap on East side of street) Facilitator: Mari Bailey Our meeting this month will feature representatives (602) 405-7401 from the Crime Lab, Kelley Merwin, Forensic Bilogy Supervisor and Judy Wolf, Assisant Lab Co-facilitator: Mark & Sandy LeGault Admininstrator. They will talk about their work, (480) 242-0038 evidence collection and how long it takes in reality to get results back. They will answer questions from our members. WESTSIDE March 27, 2012 7pm (4th TUESDAY of each month) Antioch Church of God in Christ 9600 West Peoria Avenue NW Corner just off Loop 101 Facilitator: Beckie Miller (623) 582-2406 Co-facilitator: Kathy Hernandez (623) 707-6825 1 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Cynthia Harvey 602-482-8329 Mail Memorial Page items for “The Journey”, by the 10th of the month prior to publication to: POMC Editor 1925 E. Vista Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85022 Payment for articles should be mailed to the P.O. Box address listed above. You can also email items to Be sure to place any article/picture in an attachment, otherwise it can’t be accessed properly (especially pictures) and may not be used. Also be sure to put POMC newsletter in the subject line of the email or it may be overlooked “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal.” Jim Gentry March 2, 2001 Kathryn Ann Koger March 7, 1973 Ruben Espindola March 16, 2008 Richard Dear, Jr. March 2, 2002 Sean Alexander Hardman March 10, 1997 Michael Christensen March 16, 1995 Rachel Dennis March 2, 2007 Cierra Marie Gonzales March 3, 2002 Jeffrey Coonan March 3, 1990 Scott Hazelip March 3, 1994 Susan Barber March 3, 2003 Robert Otis III March 4, 1998 George Perez March 5, 2002 Richard Capurso III March 5, 1995 Jason A. Alcorta March 6, 2005 Michael E. Gonzales March 7, 1996 Richard Murillo March 11, 2007 Devon J. Hinman Shackelford March 11, 2004 Ken Hicks March 12, 2002 Larry M. & John D. Heil March 12, 1991 Bryan Ring March 14, 2002 John Houge March 14, 2010 Michael Strode March 15, 2004 Alexander Cyrus Sunn March 15, 2008 Carl Beasley March 15, 1990 2 Esteban Jimenez March 16, 1999 Mike Anthony Stinnett March 17, 1974 Jon Brian Norris March 17, 1996 Pattrick Pennington March 17, 1997 Luis Alberto Valenzuela March 19, 2010 Christine Ann Wood March 19, 2006 Thomas A. Wallander March 19, 1992 Timothy Morrison March 20, 2000 Ryan Cunningham March 20, 2004 Continued. . . . . Nora Fielding March 20, 1994 Cynthia Bernal March 24, 2000 Isaiah Amari Vargas March 28, 2007 Marcus Dixon March 20, 2009 Teri Foster March 24, 2005 Nathan Lawrence March 30, 2002 Maurice Green March 21, 2007 Bartosz Pawel Kaluza March 24, 2006 Skye Moniqua Lee March 30, 2008 Arthur Lopez March 21, 1994 Delia Rivera March 25, 2007 Raymond R. Dorsey March 30, 1999 Armando P. Alvarez, Jr. March 22, 2006 John Flores March 26, 2001 Nathan Anaya March 31, 2004 Susan Marie Schmidt March 22, 1978 Melissa D. Baker March 26, 2004 Penelope Montesinos March 31, 2005 Michael Acuna March 23, 2003 Jalen Sims March 27, 2010 Issurah Jackson March 31, 2008 Joseph Barresi March 24, 1979 *Every effort is made to ensure accuracy on this page. Please call ASAP with changes. 3 VALLEY OF THE SUN CHAPTER NEWS TRIAL & JUDICIAL & ARREST UPDATES •The penalty phase of the sentencing of the killer of five-year old Joshua Eberle ended in a mistrial. Hearings will be held later in January to determine if the trial itself will be declared the same as there is an issue that may warrant it. Kris, Joshua’s mom, waited 7 years for this trial to begin and it has taken 6 months of enduring the trial to get to this point of possibly starting all over again. She is devastated and it is so unfair. She needs your prayers more than ever before. *This is still ongoing and awaiting judge’s decision on jury misconduct. “Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with each and every family member as they endure this necessary but difficult process.” IN LOVING MEMORY GIFT DONATIONS (THANK YOU!) (*All donations are tax deductible: Our chapter exists on the generosity of others and grants) If you would like to have your loved one’s name listed here each and every month like some are all you need do is contribute a small amount monthly to the chapter in their loving memory to do so). Some below do inkind contributions such as working in the POMC Office or donating the fax-line etc. Some give their restitution checks to POMC. ♥ Joe and Karen Acuna in very loving memory of their son, Michael Acuna. ♥ Cynthia Clark-Harvey in very loving memory of her daughter, Erica. ♥ Bill & Lois Baker in very loving memory of their daughter, Melissa Diane Baker. ♥ Don & Beckie Miller in very loving memory of their son, Brian Ray Miller. ♥ Carolee Holbrook in very loving memory of her son, Brett Holbrook. CORPORATE & OTHER DONATIONS THANK YOU! UNITED WAY (Note: the write in number to designate funds to our chapter through your employee contributions is 0772) You must use this number for designating any funds to go to our chapter. Our chapter name is not listed except by number. SPEAKER INFORMATION MEETING Our speaker this month featured Carrie Shubert, a psychic, medium, clairvoyant, teacher and more. Carrie has presented before in year’s past, and in fact a couple the Liu’s came whose son was killed 18 years ago simply because she was there and they went to her right afterwards and she was amazingly helpful to them then and while they have not attended meetings in many, many years (but do attend our Holiday Memorial, came for this meeting. The group was unusually small enough (for a psychic) due to Valentine’s Day, Centennial Day for Arizona, and or the inclement weather but that made it possible for Carrie to do one on one readings for each person there who wanted one instead of only a few that happened to connect easier. We so appreciate what Carrie did as we know to face a room full of survivors of a homicide victim is not easy and often overwhelming for those in her field. She was a real trooper and helped comfort a lot of members. She says one on one readings are the easiest way though and if interested go on her website SIBLING ON LINE SUPPORT Amanda Harris, a member of our chapter, has formed an on line Sibling Support venue. or phone her for more information at 623-866-3189. Amanda lost her brother Joshua to murder and understands the sibling grief in a way only siblings can. 4 FYI: SPANISH SPEAKING SURVIVORS MEETING Spanish Speaking support meetings. “Parents and Families of Murdered Children” not a part of POMC, have changed meeting locations. They now meet at 6201 North 35th Avenue, Suite B-4, Phoenix AZ 85017. For more information please call Jose Guzman at (602) 246-1335 (cell) or (602) 463-3932. Also Bajo Las Mismas Lagrimas “Under the Same Tears” meets every other Monday, Golden Gate Community Center, 6:00 p.m. at 39th Avenue and McDowell. Please call Mercedes Cazarez (602) 367-4009 or 623-444-0171. ►CHAPTER WINDOW DECALS AND BRACELETS FOR SALE◄ We have new white window decals in a beautiful circular design with our name, chapter web site, and logo with a sun surrounding a parent/child for sale. They are $10 and they are for the outside of your car window and last through weather and car washes or you can even put them on house windows ( I did). Also our Chapter Bracelets are black and red multi with “POMC” and “Always in our Hearts” (our loved ones) on them. These are only $3. To order, just send a note and payment to our PO Box 39603, Phoenix AZ 85069-9603. The window decals are better than bumper stickers, easier to remove when needed and come with instructions for attaching. MEMORIAL TEDDY BEARS FOR NATIONAL CONFERENCE IN AUGUST We are raffling off teddy bears at the National Conference this year in Phoenix. Please plan to donate one now. Buy a bear and dress it up in memory of your loved one in a way that reminds you of them, dancer, favorite sports team, hobby such as fishing or bowling etc. Sky is the limit and with on line choices and or Build-a-Bear stores you can find the perfect way to memorialize your loved one. Include a page describing them, what happened to them to go along with your bear. Bring your finished bear to any of the meetings before August and we will ensure them a good home and you are helping raise funds to offset the many conference expenses. Over the many years that POMC has had the teddy bears at their conferences I have seen many beautiful connections and ‘Angel” stories from the bears and who they go to and who they came from. Be sure and have your bears be a part of the comfort and healing that comes from our loved ones stories and the connections with others that defy anything normal. MESSAGES FROM MEMBERS AND OTHERS Dear Beckie: I am not able to attend this year’s auction – but please accept my donation of $60 so another family who may or not be able to afford the tickets may go. Thanks for all you do for us. Sincerely, Darcy Forst 5 messages from members cont'd POMC Members My family and I wish to thank the POMC members and their families for the many letters/signatures that were sent on our behalf to the Arizona Executive Clemency Board. The Phase I hearing for one of Brett’s murderers (Leo Jones) was held yesterday. After hearing from his mother and from our family, the Board decided Mr. Jones was not eligible to advance to Phase II. We believe the Board’s decision was not only based on our family’s presentation, but also the number of signed petitions that were sent to them. By having this type of “backing” for victims and their families, the murderers are kept in jail/prison to serve their full sentences. Carolee Holbrook & Family NATIONAL POMC INFORMATION ☺ CINCINNATI OHIO OFFICE☺ We have received a request from Barry Kluger to help him to with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Currently the FMLA permits workers, in companies with 50 or more employees, to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to help care for a sick immediate family member. Surprisingly, the FMLA does not cover the death of a child. Barry is asking you to join him in supporting a proposed amendment for FMLA that would allow unpaid leave time of up to 12 weeks for families who have had a child die/murdered. They are also hoping to get the current FMLA wording, that defines a child as being 18 years or under, changed too. You can help by going to the website to sign the petition. After you sign the petition, you will be given the option to send an email to your representatives in Congress to support this change to FMLA. The Oklahoma Senator, Brooks Douglass, will be commemorating 2012 National Crime Victim’s Rights Week with the new edition of “Heaven’s Rain,” a major motion picture that tells his impossible true story as a survivor, and his rise from victim to voice for grace. “Heaven’s Rain” has been featured in Newsweek, People Magazine and a Dateline NBC special. You can view the film’s trailer at You can watch the Heaven’s Rain World Broadcast Premiere on GMC Network Sunday, April 22 at 8pm. EST. We have applied to the Office for Victims Of Crime for scholarships for the 2012 Conference. If we receive them, it will be for the hotel only. We are not allowed to give scholarships for registration because it includes food which the government does not allow anymore. We are deeply saddened to inform you that George Ginty died Friday, February 10th. George is the husband of June Ginty, a member of the National Board of Trustees and a Co-leader of the Long Island New York Chapter. If you would like to make a donation in George’s memory, June has requested them to go to the POMC National Office. Tim Jeffries, from the National Board of Trustees, has stepped down from the Board. We thank him for his dedication to the POMC members. Congratulations to Yolanda Wallace of Illinois, who received the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award for Community Empowerment in Peoria, Illinois. : • AUTO DONATIONS We are encouraging all chapters and contact persons to get involved with POMC Debit Authorization. You can now donate to NATIONAL POMC by setting up an automatic withdrawal from your bank account to National. Contact National for a debit authorization form. This is a fast and easy way to make a donation to National to help us help others. Your donation is withdrawn at the same time of the month each month and no amount is too small. We appreciate your help during these difficult economic times. 6 ● PAROLE BLOCK PROGRAM: To date this program had kept more than 1257 prisoners who committed murders from being released early. Parole Block was begun in 1990 and all members across the United States whose loved one’s killer is up for early release/parole consideration can file a petition with National that is sent nationwide for signatures protesting their release. TOPIC FORUM: POMC has a “Topic Forum” on its web site. It provides a place where survivors all over the U.S. can communicate with each other. It’s a good place to suggest to those who aren’t able to attend monthly grief support meetings to utilize the support. Please let your members know that it is there for additional support so that they can tell their other family members, co-workers and friends who may be in states where we have no POMC chapters. SECOND OPINION SERVICES: A program that provides second opinions on unsolved or complicated cases by a national board comprised solely of experts in the medical, law enforcement and investigative fields. MURDER IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT (MINE) PROGRAM: Through this program, POMC raises public awareness to the insensitivity of murder as entertainment through toys, games, murder mystery weekends, drive by shooting fashions, serial killer trading cards and anything that glamorizes violence. BIG TURN OFF: This is an annual event, each January, in which citizens are asked to turn of their televisions for one evening during prime time hours to protest the violence on television. MURDER WALL: (A traveling tribute honoring the memories of murder victims). A photo album is also available with each plaque. Currently, the cost is $75 to add your loved ones names to the Walnut Plaques that comprise the Murder Wall. You have two pages for the photo album to add information, poetry or pictures. SILENCED VOICES: A program begun in January 2002 which advocates for the vigorous investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the murder of abused children. The first case was that of Brandi Conley. POMC was instrumental in bringing charges against her parents. ●SURVIVORS NEWSLETTER is available through National for only $10 per year. It is a wonderful way to stay connected, keep informed about POMC nationally and also to SUPPORT national financially. Please order using the form below. . . NATIONAL POMC SURVIVORS NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION FORM Please find enclosed $10.00 for my annual subscription (three issues) for the Survivors Newsletter. Please consider adding an extra subscription fee to help defray the cost for someone who cannot afford it. Enclosed is my Name:____________________________ _____Check _____Money Order In the amount of $_______for Address:__________________________ _______year (s) subscription. City:_____________________________ State/Zip:_________________________ Please charge $___________for ____year(s) subscription to my: ____Visa ____Master Card Phone: ( )______________________ Mail to: POMC, Inc. 100 E. Eighth St., B-41 Cincinnati, OH 45202 Card Number:_________________________ Expiration Date:_______________________ ____I have enclosed an extra subscription fee to defray the cost for someone who cannot afford a Survivors Newsletter subscription. 7 Have You Written A Poem? And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud Was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. (author unknown) I’m often asked by readers of this newsletter to share poetry, that is poetry written by members of POMC or parents who, like us, have lost child. So it’s January, and as I write this column, it’s a dark, gray day, quite cold, light snow flurries, rather bleak actually. But oh what a day to curl up and read stories from the eyes of the heart. A pot of tea, a warm quilt, a cozy sofa and books all ‘round. Embracing grief through poetry. I never knew there were so many poems written by grievers; in fact, for centuries grief has given word to the poets. Poetry as you know is an art form, the creativity is endless. Have you ever written a poem? Every person is some kind of artist; we create with the stuff of each moment. The heart sings of poetry. Think of your child, think of love, think of beauty. Even if you don’t think you can write your heart knows it can! Andrea Gambill, an editor for Bereavement Magazine, mentions that “Wonderful poetry is like fastening the soul to a helium balloon – free to soar and find release; free to discover new and more glorious horizons. Poems represent thoughts eloquently garbed in creative imagination.” Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D., Center for Loss and Life Transition, shares that “…language, in all its various forms, can be extremely healing for the bereaved. Poetry in particular seems to hold healing powers. Its rhythm soothes; its brevity condenses a universe of insight into just a few words.” The great 19th century English poet, Matthew Arnold, said that “genuine poetry is conceived and composed in the soul.” No poetry springs from deeper in the soul than that born of grief. It is genuine. So that all said, let’s share some poetry. Just listen to these words, listen with your heart. Close your eyes, feel with your imagination, record the words in your own voice and play them back, have someone read to you, actually experience the poems. And I would hope that you may take pen in hand and create some of your own. I would sure like to read it! It is in the linking of our heart talk together that we find peace. By Barb Kaptanian (Front Range Chapter/Colorado) 8 Unforgotten Dreams By Peggy Kocision Albuquerque, New Mexico Unfulfilled dreams lie forgotten, broken, crushed by circumstances that heedlessly, carelessly, shattered my life and my heart How I wish I could still the wistful yearning for those unrealized dreams, the promises I made to myself That once held the gleam and sparkle of expectation and glistened so hopefully in the sunlight Somehow, it just does not seem fair that they now lie scattered, cruelly torn into a thousand pieces How sad it is to know that any effort to recapture and re-assemble them would be futile I must dream new dreams, make new promises, see new visions, cherish new hopes But, somehow, they are not as sweet as the old ones. Quotes You can kiss your family and friends good-by and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you. ------Frederick Buechner, Telling the Truth Growth means change and change involves risks, stepping from the known to the unknown. ----Author Unknown 9 My Wish For You On This Valentine’s Day -by Sandy Fox May love catch you by the throat and force your lips to break into a smile. May the files of logic be corrupted in your brain by a bug called LOVE May you unleash a storm of affection on your loved ones. May chocolates, candies and lovely treats bombard your family members, friends and dear ones. May you always have wonderful memories of your child (spouse, loved one) who could not be with you physically on this day but will always be with you in your heart. 10 Memorial Wall Order Form Please add my loved one’s name to the “Valley of the Sun Memorial Wall in their Memories.” Each Nameplate is $10. Our wall is displayed at many special events across the valley such as the Victims’ Rights Vigil at the State Capitol. NAME__________________________________ Age:___________ Murder date: _____________ Picture Board ___Check here if sending picture for the picture board (no cost). Picture Buttons ___Please make #____picture buttons of my loved one. (Enclose photo) Each button is 2¼”, and costs $5. ** Send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope if you want your photo returned. *Make all checks out to POMC …. *Mail to P.O. Box 39603 Phoenix AZ 85069-9603 ___MasterCard ___Visa ___Discover Card CC#_________________________________ Expiration Date:____________ THANKS FOR CARING To The PPSLA for donating our Speaker meeting room; to Cross Point Christian & Mountain View Lutheran Churches for the Support Group meeting rooms; to The Department of Public Safety VOCA for the grant for our newsletter & everyone who has donated gifts of their time, talents and energy to our chapter activities. With your help we are able to continue the outreach that is needed by our community. THE VALLEY OF THE SUN BOARD OF DIRECTORS Beckie Miller, Chapter-Leader ..............(623) 582-2406 Sue Osolin, Co-Leader .........................(602) 938-4593 Cynthia Clark-Harvey, Co-Leader…….(602) 482-8329 Don Miller, Treasurer ...........................(623) 582-2406 Mari Bailey, Secretary………………….(602)-405-7401 Kathy Hernandez-Schofield .................(623) 707-6825 Tim Osolin ............................................(602) 938-4593 Mark LeGault……………………………(480) 242-0038 Sandy LeGault…………………………..(480) 242-0038 Angie Saucedo....................................(480) 209-8465 Amanda Harris.....................................(623) 866-3189 “The Journey” Memorial Order Form (newsletter) Please reserve: □ ¼ page (donation $10) □ ½ page (donation $20) □ Full page (donation $40) Month you wish memorial to appear in:__________________ Loved One’s Name__________________________________ Date of Birth _______________Date of Death____________ YOUR Name______________________________________ YOUR Phone Number_______________________________ A quarter page will hold either a picture OR a brief message; a half page will hold a picture and short poem OR message, depending on space. If a photo is included, please provide identification of the person on the back. If you wish the photo to be returned include a self-addressed stamped envelope, big enough for the picture to fit in. Unless otherwise specified, location, size and structure of the text and picture will be at editor’s discretion and space permitting. *Return this form with your material for The Journey by the 10th of the month preceding the issue you wish it to appear in. *A donation for the memorial page can be made either by filling out the credit card information below or sending a check with the memorial information in care of: Cynthia Harvey, Newsletter Editor 1925 E. Vista Dr. Phoenix, Az 85022 ____MasterCard ____ Visa ____ Discover Card CC# ______________________________________ Expiration Date: _________________ CONTACT NUMBERS POMC (after hrs V/M) ..................... ..(602) 254-8818 CRISIS LINE/MOBILE CRISIS TEAM Empact Crisis Line ......................... …..(480) 784-1500 OTHER HELP LINES Teen Lifeline .................................. …..(602) 248-8336 GrandCare (Grandparents help line)…..(602) 274-5022 Chapter E-mail……………………. Crime Victims Legal Assistance Project (480) 965-5640 Maricopa County Attorney, Victim Services Advocates (602) 506-8522 Crime Victim Compensation (602) 506-4955 11 Parents Of Murdered Children, Inc., is a self-help organization dedicated to the aftermath of murder. The success of its mission depends upon the participation of the families and friends of those lost to murder. POMC number (602) 254-8818 WHY WE ARE HERE: MISSION STATEMENT: “POMC makes the difference through ongoing emotional support, education, prevention, advocacy, and awareness.” VISION STATEMENT: “To provide support and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims while working to create a world free of murder.” This project is supported by Grant No. 2010-VA-GX-0064 from the US Department of Justice - Office for Victims of Crime. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US DOJ or the Arizona Department of Public Safety. Return Address PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN, INC. VALLEY OF THE SUN CHAPTER P.O. Box 39603 Phoenix AZ 85069-9603 (602) 254-8818
© Copyright 2025